Join us for Christmas Eve Services

Colby United Methodist Church
950 S. Franklin, PO Box 625, Colby, KS 67701 (785) 460-2761
Volume 21 Issue 12
E-mail address:
Kim Barnett, Editor
Join us for Christmas
Eve Services
December 24, 2014
6:30 & 11:00 p.m.
December 2014
Advent Soup & Scripture
Wednesdays During Advent
12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m.
All are welcome to join us for delicious, warm soup and an
Advent message! We will meet in Fellowship Hall and
begin shortly after 12:00 noon and will finish up a little
before 1:00 for those who need to return to work! If you
would be interested in bringing a soup, vegetable tray, or a
dessert please contact the church office.
In the spirit of giving, please consider donating to the ministry of Puddle
Duck Preschool. Choose card(s) from the tree in the church narthex.
Purchased items may be placed (unwrapped) under the tree and monetary
donations taken to the church office. Thank you for making a difference
in a child’s life. Happy Holidays!! (Please return donations by December 25.)
Colby United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
Potluck Meal & Sharing Fellowship
December 25th @ 12:00 p.m.
-Bring your favorite Christmas dish to shareAnd your favorite board or card game to play.
Invite others to join us on this special day!
Rides available upon request, 460-2761 or Jo Cheney 462-2082
Join us
7 !!
Christmas Angels
Again this year, the church’s Christmas tree will be decorated with angel
ornaments. The angels may be given in memory or in honor of someone special
to you. The cost will be $10.00. If you purchased an angel last year, it will be
hung on the tree again this year and listed in the bulletin insert. You do not
need to purchase another angel in memory/honor of the same person unless you
wish to. If you do not remember what you purchased last year, there are
programs available from last year located on the tables in the narthex. The “in
memory of” or “in honor of” names will be printed on the bottom of the
Simply fill out the form below and bring by the church office no later than
Monday, December 15. We will begin hanging angels on the tree Sunday,
November 30. The list of names will be published in the December 21, 2014
Number of Angels: ___________
In Memory of:
In Honor of:
Given by:
To order, please
contact Brittney
com or 785-4218466.
CUMC Education Partnership
The CUMC Education Partnership is a new mission of our church whose goal is to strengthen the bond
between our congregation and the public school system. This November has brought many opportunities to
help our local schools.
On Election Day, many CUMC volunteers spent time at Colby Grade School and helped students exercise their
civic right to vote. Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade learned about the election process and voted
for their choice for Governor. The older students also voted for the Senate race. The Education Partnership
had church volunteers present all day and also provided voting stickers and patriotic bracelets for all the
students. Many thanks to Millie and Wayne Horlacher, Carolyn May, Vicki Brown, Becky Williams and Bill
Gepford and Melissa Gepford who helped with this event.
Late November brought more opportunities to serve. Many people donated snacks so we were able to deliver
treats to teachers throughout the entire district in honor of American Education Week. Thank you to Lisa
Wilson, Joyce Hansen, Beverly Eicher, Jan Wolf, Sheryl Brenn, Janiece Dowell and Jerri Shuman for providing
We also had a large number of volunteers who donated their time to help make pumpkin pies with all the
students in the After School Program. The kids had a great time! Many thanks to the following people who
volunteered their time to bake with our students: Peg Tole, Margaret Stanley, Jo Cheney, Lindsay Frahm, Bill
Gepford, Melissa Gepford, Carolyn May, Cathy Harrison, Julie King, Lisa Wilson, Amie Kendrick, Diann Gerstner,
Becky Williams and Virginia Jensen.
We are so thankful for everyone who is helping with this new mission of our church. If you would like more
information about the CUMC Education Partnership, please contact Bill Gepford or Trish Starbuck.
December 7, 2014
Sunday of Advent
Holy Communion
Message: The Holy That Is Here
Scripture: Mark 1:1-8
Liturgist: Wayne Horlacher
Dale & Carol Thiel (8:30)
Joy Davis (11:00)
Ushers: Bill & Janiece Dowell, Jo Cheney
Acolytes: Madison Schroeder (8:30)
Jullian Hastings (11:00)
December 14, 2014
3rd Sunday of Advent
Message: Radical Obedience
Scripture: Matthew 1:18-24
Liturgist: Jerri Shuman
Bill & Janiece Dowell (8:30)
Search for Life Class (11:00)
Ushers: Randy & Lisa Wilson, Don &
Cathy Harrison, Jeanene Brown
Acolytes: Anna Starbuck (8:30)
Coleman Liudahl (11:00)
December 21, 2014
4th Sunday of Advent
Message: The Physical That Is Spiritual
Scripture: John 1:14
Liturgist: Nancy LePell
Joe & Marlene Friesen (8:30)
Paul Steele (11:00)
Ushers: Larry & Patty Dible, Jared & Karla
Haggard, Kevin Johnson
Acolytes: Brody McGreer (8:30)
Janessa Cheney (11:00)
December 24, 2015
Christmas Eve
6:30 pm & 11:00 p.m.
Carols, Candles, & Communion
December 28, 2014
5th Sunday of Advent
Message: Shepherds & Angels
Scripture: Luke 2:8-20
Liturgist: Doug Ketchum
Jeanne Sheen (8:30)
Wayne Horlacher (11:00)
Ushers: Darryl & Donna Henry, Virgil &
Linda Jones, Marvin Cloe
Acolytes: Avery Seiwert (8:30)
Landon Bradley (11:00)
Joys We’ve Shared….
Congratulations to grandparents, Linda &
Tuffy Taylor on the arrival of their new
granddaughter, Palmer Kay Wilkins! Palmer
was born on October 17th in Cozad, NE to Bill
& Heather Wilkins.
In November, we celebrated the baptisms of
KcAnna & Kaleb Keiswetter. We also received
their father, Troy Keiswetter into Colby UMC
We celebrated the baptisms of Braiden &
Hunter Flax in November. Parents, Jeffrey &
Sabrina became members of CUMC.
Congratulations to Michaela Space & Brady
Colson on the arrival of baby boy, Jace
Charles! Jace was born on November 5!
November 2014
# Of Envelopes Given to Through November 30th
Total Pledge Offering Given Through November 30th
Total Non-Pledge Offering Through November 30th
Total Offerings Through November 30th
Year To Date Income as of November 30th
Year To Date Budget Expenses as November 30th
$ 383,486.68
$ 387,419.15
Income less Expenses
Helping Hands Collection (January – November) = $8,368.06
Hepling Hands Disbursed (January – November) = $6,877.30
Dillons Gift Card Fundraiser (January – October) = 3,529.25
December 7
December 14
December 21
December 28
Wayne & Millie Horlacher
Bill & Janiece Dowell
Scott Barnum
Joyce Hansen
Nursing Homes
December 7
December 14
December 21
December 28
Kathy Calliham
Sandy Harper
Carolyn May & Kimberly
If you are interested in becoming part of
the Visitation Team, or would like more
information, you may contact Jo Cheney
at 462-2082.
CUMC Staff
Senior Pastor: James Mardock
Cell phone: 785-443-1282
Associate Pastor: Bill Gepford
Cell phone: 913-284-9667
Administrative Assistant: Kim Barnett
Treasurer: Carrie Bredemeier
Interior Custodian: Poppy Dean
Minister of Congregational Care: Jo Cheney
Christian Ed Director: Melissa Gepford
Exterior Custodian: Alan Sager
Music Coordinator: Pat Ziegelmeier
Choir Director: Philip Shuman
Preschool Director: Amy Jennings
Nursery Coordinator: Julie King
Summer Youth Directors: Trish Starbuck &
Melissa Gepford
Contact the church office:
Phone: 460-2761
Those we have been
praying for…
Family of Betty Brenn
Family of Jim Kriss
Family of Mary Susan Blume
Family of Bud Goeken
Linda Brown
Shad Sanders
Tatum Mackley
Dave Rudy
Rita Beckman
John Hanna
Scott Anderson
Faye Goeken
Clinton Brown
Harlan Hagler
Eva Keck
Mary McNutt
Danny Reardon
Janice Linville
Cynthia Henningsen
Larry Brenn
Melissa Brown
Glovine Golemboski
Doug Finley
David Chick
Nancy Sanders
Doris Johnson
Frank Skiles
Roger Hale
Susan Ingraham
Sharon Ketchum
Jane & Tom Bandy
George Favor
Esther Tweed
Sgt Lee Roselin
Scott & Cassie (Brown) Anderson are
staying in an apartment in Houston while
Scott is undergoing Radiation Therapy at
MD Anderson. If you would like to send a
card, you may send it to:
Three Herman Museum Circle
Houston, TX 77004
Open Hearts, Working Hands
The Missions committee is looking for volunteers to help out individuals/families in our community
that need assistance with small projects. We would like to compile a list of interested volunteers
to be on-call for these type of small maintenance jobs. Some examples of small projects include
simple yard work, washing windows, etc. If you are interested in volunteering, you may contact
Wayne Horlacher at 462-3104 or the church office at 460-2761.
Mexican American Ministries
Looking for a ministry to partake in??? We are in need of someone with a trailer to take a load of
items that have been donated to Mexican-American Ministries down to Garden City. This time of
year, Mexican-American Ministries is in need of donations. We have many donated items; we just
need to get them transported there! If you may be able to help us out, please contact the church
The annual Senior Youth Thanksgiving dinner last Sunday was a wonderful day of gratitude and
fellowship. Due to the generosity of so many, the youth are blessed to donate approximately
$1600.00 to our Missions and Ministry fund.
I can’t begin to mention everyone who took time to make the day a success, but I have to
particularly thank Tonya Sager for her hours and hours of effort as well as those of you donating
food and money. The youth along with their parents were amazing! Your time and energy made
the day possible - always know you really made a difference and we couldn’t have done it without
Last but not least, thank you to those who joined us for dinner and fellowship - may each of you
be blessed in your giving throughout this season of gratitude. I continue to be inspired by what
happens when we all come together in His name!
Lisa Wilson
Genesis-Thomas County Needs Your Help!
Come share the joy of Christmas. Genesis-Thomas County, Inc. invites you to help fill Christmas
Food Baskets for lower income individuals and families from Thomas County at 7:00 p.m. Friday,
December 12, at the Thomas County 4-H Building in Colby.
Divorce Recovery for Women
A new session will begin on January 12. The sessions will run from 6:45-8:15
p.m. at Sunflower Bank of Colby (downstairs). If you would like more
information or to register, contact Lynette at 785-675-8606.
A Word from Your President
Merry Christmas!! December is here ready or not!
November brought our usual meetings and activities. We were able to finish up all of
the leftover activities to tie up the October District Meeting. Then, we went straight
ahead to planning the homes Tour, Christmas Luncheon, and other business needing
our attention.
We are so happy for the families who have decided to share their decorated homes
with us for this year’s Homes Tour! A special thank you to each of you!
Sandy & Melany Wilks: 285 N. Garfield
Drew & Julie Barnes: 1809 Harvey Court
Stand & Maradith Molstad: 1045 Villa Vista
Teri Cloe: 230 S. Grant.
You may purchase tickets for the Homes Tour from any UMW member, the church
office, or at any of the homes during the tour. Prayers are offered for perfect
weather, but of course we will accept what comes. The tour is scheduled for Sunday,
December 7 from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
We are looking forward to our Christmas Luncheon on Thursday, December 4 at
11:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. There will be a program followed by a Christmas Song
Fest. Come and join us! Contact the church office if you plan to attend.
We wish you all a blessed Holiday Season and hope to see you at the many activities
of the community and church.
Janiece Dowell, Colby UMW President
A UMW Thomas County afghan makes a wonderful gift for any occasion. The price
is only $25 each. Does your college student have a favorite school? We have college
afghans for only $40 or a baby afghan with the school of your choice for $30.
Afghans can be purchased in the church office.
Radio Broadcast Sponsors:
Thank you to the following
people for sponsoring the radio
broadcasts during the month of
Sponsors for November were:
November 2 William L. White, MD
November 9 Green Acres Lawn Care
November 16 John & Shirley Barnum
November 23 Morrison Family
November 30 Maxine Jones
Sponsors for December are:
December 7 William L. White, MD
December 14 Jim Malcolm
December 21 No sponsor
December 28 No sponsor
If you would like to sponsor a radio
broadcast, call the church office at 460-2761
and we will get you on the calendar!
“Stop by and visit.
We’d love to see you!!”
Listed below are members of our church
family who are residents in area nursing
homes. They would love to visit with you.
Stop by and see them!
Prairie Senior Living Complex
Nadine Kammer
Glenda Albright
Louise Schwanke
Letha Bachman
Tom Bandy
Lloyd White
Lucille White
Fairview Estates
Grace Cheney
Peggy Frahm
Verna Wiens
Margaret Chick
John Barnum
Shirley Barnum
Doreen Mendenhall
Clinton Brown
Deseret Care Center
Glovine Golemboski
Delores Peter
Thelma Shalz
Jean Snyder
Richard Mann
Genesis is the
FIRST Sunday of
the month.
However, donations are welcome at any
time. Any item is welcome as long as it has
not been opened or partially used. Federal
law prohibits our dispensing such items.
The following are items that Genesis
considers staple goods. These are items
that they expect to have on hand for
those that need it each month:
Vegetables, beans, tomato sauce or
tomatoes, soup, Ramen Noodles, canned
fish or meat, frozen meat, Hamburger
Helper/Tuna Helper, Macaroni & Cheese,
pasta/noodles, spaghetti sauce, jelly,
peanut butter, Jell-O or pudding, cereal,
toilet paper.
The following items may be available:
bread, cake mixes or muffin mixes, canned
fruit, dry milk, popcorn, potato mixes, and
Monetary donations are also always
welcome. You may write your check out to
CUMC and write “Genesis” on the memo
line. The church will forward your giving
to Genesis, and the donation will be shown
on your giving statement. If you would
prefer to send money directly to Genesis,
you may make the check payable to
Genesis and mail it to:
Genesis, P.O. Box 214, Colby, KS 67701
May you be blessed in your giving.