Admission to Full-time Bachelor’s Degree Programmes 2015-16 for International Applicants Upon completion of this application form, please send it to us together with copies of your transcripts / certificates of examination results via email [] or fax [(852) 2333 9974]. If you intend to have your application considered in the “Normal Consideration” round, please settle the application fee (HK$450) and send the bank draft to our Office (12/F Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Hong Kong) on or before 16 January 2015; otherwise, your application will be processed in the subsequent round. Please purchase a bank draft in Hong Kong currency in favour of “The Hong Kong Polytechnic University” and mark your full name at the back of the bank draft. Failure to settle the application fee may result in your application being rejected. Should you have any questions on your application, please contact the International Affairs Office at Personal Information Name in English: __________________________________________ _____________________________________ Surname Name in Chinese (if applicable): Gender: ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Nationality: Other Name ________________________________ Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): Passport No.: ___________________________ _________________________________________ Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Country/ City: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone No.: (Country code + Area code + Phone number): Home: (________)______________________________________________________________________________________ Mobile: (________)_____________________________________________________________________________________ Personal Homepage URL (if applicable): ____________________________________________________________________ Disability (if applicable): _________________________________________________________________________________ Programme Choices* * Please refer to the attached list of programmes (Table 1) inviting applications and put down the programme titles and codes below. Some programmes do not consider second-choice applications. For details on the programmes, please refer to the Study@PolyU website ( 1st Choice: (Programme Code: ) 2nd Choice: (Programme Code: ) 1 Education 1. You should attach transcripts and all relevant documents in support of your qualifications. The qualification / examination details you provided in this application must tally with the information shown in your transcripts / certificates. 2. If you attain a better result later, please send us a copy of the transcript / supporting document for verification. I. High School Qualifications Country of Study Medium (Language) of Instruction Programme Duration (Years) Name of High School Qualification Title e.g. High school diploma Curriculum Country (Please refer to the attached list of curriculum countries [Table 2]) Curriculum (Please refer to the attached list of curriculum details [Table 3]) Programme Description (If it is not in English, please append an English description in bracket after the "Programme description" and attach the officially translated document in English.) Status Qualification Details Graduated (with award) Year of award (MM/YYYY): Cumulative GPA / average mark: out of Final Year Student (pending this year’s final result) I will update result by (MM/YYYY): Cumulative GPA / average mark: out of Completed / Withdrawn* Year of study completed / withdrawal* (MM/YYYY): Number of year(s) studied: Cumulative GPA / average mark: out of *Please delete where appropriate (If you have chosen “others” in any of the above fields or there is additional information that supports your application, please provide the details here.) 2 II. Post-secondary Qualifications Country of Study Institution Name Level of Award (Please refer to the attached list of Level of Awards [Table 4]) Name of Programme/ Award Programme Duration (Years) Medium (Language) of Instruction Broad Discipline (Please refer to the attached list of Broad Disciplines [Table 5]) Status Graduated (with award) Year of award (MM/YYYY): Cumulative GPA / average mark: out of Final Year Student (pending this year’s final result) I will update result by (MM/YYYY): Cumulative GPA / average mark: out of Completed / Withdrawn* Year of study completed / withdrawal* (MM/YYYY): Number of year(s) studied: Cumulative GPA / average mark: out of *Please delete where appropriate III. Other Examinations Please provide details of the examination(s) taken or will be taking, if any, in the relevant sections below. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Status Completed Exam year (MM/YYYY): Overall Score: Critical Reading: Math: Writing: Multiple Choice: Essay: Examination result not yet announced I will update result by (MM/YYYY): 3 Advanced Placement (AP) Status Completed Exam year (MM/YYYY): Subject 1: (Score: Subject 2: (Score: Subject 3: (Score: Subject 4: (Score: Subject 5: (Score: Examination result not yet announced I will update result by (MM/YYYY): ) ) ) ) ) IV. English Examinations Please select one of the following English examinations you have taken or will be taking and you are allowed to fill in the result of only one sitting for the same examination. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Status Completed Exam year (MM/YYYY): Overall Band Score: Listening: Writing: Reading: Speaking: Examination result not yet announced I will update result by (MM/YYYY): Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Status Internet-based Test Completed Exam year (MM/YYYY): Total Score: Listening: Writing: Reading: Speaking: Examination result not yet announced I will update result by (MM/YYYY): 4 Paper-based Test Completed Exam year (MM/YYYY): Total Score: Listening: Writing: Reading: Test of Written English: Examination result not yet announced I will update result by (MM/YYYY): Application for Entry Scholarship The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) welcomes applications from outstanding students from around the world and recognizes their academic or non-academic achievements by granting them entry scholarships in various amounts. If you have outstanding performance either academically or non-academically and would like to be considered for an entry scholarship, please fill in the following and send the completed form to us for assessing your eligibility for scholarship. Name of Applicant (surname first):__________________________________________________________ Supporting Information Please provide below (or in a separate sheet, if necessary) any useful information which supports your application for an entry scholarship from PolyU. This application for entry scholarship will not be processed if you do not enter anything below. Declaration I declare that the information given in support of this application is true and complete. I understand that provision of false information or any misrepresentation will lead to disqualification of my application for scholarship, as well as my application for admission to PolyU. Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Notes University entry scholarships are awarded only to outstanding applicants who have submitted an application for entry scholarship. Selection for award is based on academic/non-academic achievements and the interview performance of the applicant. Applicants may be required to submit additional information. You will be informed of the result of this application if and when you are offered admission to the University. 5 Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS) 1. The information collected from you will be used for the following purposes:During application for admission a. Your data will be used for managing your application account and processing your application with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). b. It is mandatory for you to provide your personal data in this application form. In the event that you do not provide such personal data, we will not be able to further process your application. c. Your name and personal identification number (e.g. Hong Kong ID number, Mainland ID number or Passport number) will be used by PolyU to identify multiple applications and extract records of your previous studies at PolyU; and by relevant institutions/organizations to provide PolyU with information about your studies/qualifications. d. Your email address and telephone number will be used by PolyU to send you email/SMS for important information concerning your application (including shortlist for interview/test and/or admission offer). e. Your information provided in this application form may be used for statistical and research purposes (where all personal identifiers such as name, HKID number, address, email address and telephone number will be deleted). f. The information you provide in this application form will be encrypted (a secure means of transmission) when it is transferred electronically to PolyU. g. All application data (including the hard and soft copy of your supporting documents), except for those who have been admitted and registered as PolyU students, will be discarded by PolyU after the completion of the admissions exercise. During study h. Upon admission, your data together with the photo image (collected at the time of registration) will be transferred to the Student Record System of PolyU. i. These will be used in activities and services provided by units of the University in support of your study at PolyU including those conducted by the student organisations and your application for student residence. j. Your data may be transferred to parties outside PolyU for processing student visa (for non-local students) and/or any other activities related to your study (such as placement, field trips, internship, exchange programme, Service Learning & Work Integrated Education arrangements and training). Upon Graduation k. Your contact information will be used for maintaining on-going communication with you after your graduation, including the delivery of announcement and other information, such as activities, education programmes, benefits and services. 2. You may request access to your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap. 486 and you can make such request(s) to the Academic Secretariat. For correction of your personal data, you may update certain items directly via the relevant online platform (i.e. eAdmission for applicants or eStudent for registered students). For items which cannot be updated online, please make a request to the Academic Secretariat. 3. You may refer to this link for the PolyU Privacy Statement. 6 I declare that the information given in support of this application is accurate and complete, and understand that any misrepresentation will lead to disqualification of my application for admission to and resultant registration with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). I confirm that I have read and understood the "Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)" of PolyU. Signature: _________________________________ Date: ____________________________ 7 Table 1: Full-time Bachelor’s Degree Programmes Inviting Applications 2015-16 Programme Title Programme Code Accountancy Accounting and Finance Applied Biology with Biotechnology@ Biomedical Engineering*^ Building Engineering and Management Building Services Engineering Chemical Technology@ Civil Engineering Computing (Broad Discipline)* Design@# Electrical Engineering Electronic and Information Engineering Engineering Physics Enterprise Engineering with Management Environment and Sustainable Development Fashion and Textiles Financial Services Food Safety and Technology@ Geomatics Global Supply Chain Management Hotel and Tourism Management (Broad Discipline) Industrial and Systems Engineering International Shipping and Transport Logistics Internet and Multimedia Technologies Investment Science@* Language, Culture and Communication (Broad Discipline) Logistics Engineering and Management Management Marketing Mechanical Engineering Medical Laboratory Science@*^ Mental Health Nursing@ Nursing @ Occupational Therapy@* Optometry@* Physiotherapy@* Product Analysis and Engineering Design@ Product Engineering with Marketing Property Management@ Radiography@*^ Social Policy and Administration@* Social Work@* Surveying Transportation Systems Engineering @ These programmes do not consider second-choice applications * Personal statement required # Portfolio required ^ Employer's recommendation, if applicable 8 JS3911 JS3466 JS3923 JS3600 JS3791 JS3753 JS3997 JS3739 JS3868 JS3569 JS3715 JS3703 JS3985 JS3521 JS3375 JS3492 JS3595 JS3349 JS3727 JS3533 JS3296 JS3698 JS3674 JS3519 JS3363 JS3480 JS3454 JS3583 JS3894 JS3686 JS3478 JS3337 JS3648 JS3624 JS3650 JS3636 JS3428 JS3404 JS3442 JS3612 JS3545 JS3662 JS3789 JS3351 Table 2: List of Curriculum Countries Table 3: List of Curriculum Details Country Curriculum Country Qualifications Australia Senior secondary certificate of education; and - an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), a Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER), or Universities Admission Index (UAI) of 80; or - an Overall Position (OP) Band between 1 and 10 Canada Austria Reifeprüfung / Matura Denmark Bangladesh Higher Secondary Certificate For Ontario: High School Diploma with an average of 70% in six Grade 12 U or M courses Australia Austria Bangladesh Egypt Finland France Germany India Canada Indonesia For Quebec: Diplôme d’Etudes Collègiales (DEC) with an average of 70 marks New Zealand Egypt For other provinces: Provincial High School Diploma with an average of 70% or Grade B in five Grade 12 subjects An average of 7 (in the scaling system since 2007) in any one of the following:- Studentereksamen - Hojere Forberedelseseksamen (HF) - Hojere Handelseksamen (HHX) - Hojere Teknisk Eksamen (HTX) (English language requirement is waived for those attaining a score of 7 in Level A English in these examinations.) Thanaweya A'ama or Al Azhar Norway Finland Ylioppilastutkinto / Studentexamen Pakistan France Baccalauréat Philippines Germany Abitur An average of 75% in five subjects in any of the following awarded by CBSE, CISCE or the National Institute of Open Schooling upon completion of standard XII:- Indian School Certificate - Intermediate Certificate - Higher School Certificate - Higher Secondary Certificate - All India Senior School Certificate - Pre-University Course Completion of SMA Ujian Sekolah; and completion of SMA Ujian Nasional Honours passes (B3 and above) in five higher level subjects in the Leaving Certificate Ireland Italy Japan Korea (South) Malaysia Mexico Denmark Myanmar Netherlands Singapore South Africa Sri Lanka Sweden India Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey Indonesia United Kingdom United States of America Ireland Vietnam Italy Diploma di Esame di Stato Others Japan Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho Korea (South) Senior Secondary School Certificate of Graduation 9 Malaysia Mexico - Passes in 3 subjects in Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM), other than the language subjects; or - Passes in 5 subjects in the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) (not including English) (English language requirement is waived for those attaining C in SPM English, B3 in UEC English or Band 4 in Malaysian University English Test.) Bachillerato Myanmar Satisfactory completion of at least two years of study of a degree programme at a recognised university Netherlands Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) Diploma New Zealand National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skole (English language requirement is waived for those attaining 4 in English in the Vitnemål.) Norway Pakistan Higher Secondary School Certificate Philippines Satisfactory completion of at least two years of study of a degree programme at a recognised university Singapore South Africa Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey United Kingdom - Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level, or equivalent, with passes in 3 H2, OR 2 H2 and 2 H1, subjects; or - Diploma from Ngee Ann, Nanyang, Republic, Singapore, or Temasek Polytechnic National Senior Certificate Sri Lanka Advanced Level, or equivalent, with passes in 3 AL, OR 2 AL and 2 AS, subjects Fullstandigt Slutbetyg (English language requirement is waived for those attaining VG/MVG in English in the Slutbetyg.) Maturité / Miturität / Maturità General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) [應屆台灣學科能力測 驗成績(學測)] (English language requirement is waived for those attaining the top percentile (頂標) in English in GSAT or getting a pass at High Intermediate level in General English Proficiency Test.) Mathayom Suksa 6 Genel Lise Diplomasi or Devlet Teknik Lise Diplomasi - GCE Advanced Level or International Advanced Level with passes in 3 AL, OR 2 AL and 2 AS, subjects - Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education (AVCE) - Advanced General National Vocational Qualification (Advanced GNVQ) - 5 passes in Scottish Highers - BTEC National Diploma / BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma, BTEC National Certificate / BTEC Level 3 Diploma, BTEC Higher National Certificate / BTEC Higher National Diploma - Cambridge Pre-U Diploma or passes in 3 Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subjects 10 United States of America A High School (Graduation) Diploma and any one of the following:- a combined score of 1650 in the SAT Reasoning Test, with a sub-score of 8 on essay writing - an American College Test (ACT) composite score of 23 - grade 3 in two Advanced Placement (AP) subjects Vietnam Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Phổ Thông Trung Học Others Please provide further information in “Qualification Details” 11 Table 4: List of Level of Awards Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Doctorate degree Advanced Certificate Advanced Diploma Advanced Higher Diploma Advanced Professional Diploma Associate Degree Associate Diploma Associateship Certificate Certificate of Competence Certificate of proficiency Da Zhuan Wen Ping (內地大專文憑) Diploma Endorsement Certificate Endorsement to the Higher Certificate Endorsement Units Executive Diploma Foundation Programme (for Degree) Full European General Education Graduate Diploma Higher Certificate Higher Diploma Higher National Diploma Honours Diploma Ordinary Certificate Ordinary National Diploma/BTEC Post-experience Certificate Post-experience Diploma Post-registration Certificate Post-registration Diploma Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Diploma Pre-associate Degree Professional Development Diploma Professional Diploma Teacher Certificate Others Table 5: List of Broad Disciplines Accounting / Auditing Administration Architecture / Building Banking / Finance Biomedical Science Business Chinese Medicine Clothing and Textile Computing / I.T. Design Engineering Health Care Hotel / Catering Insurance Language Legal Logistics & Transport Management Marketing Mathematics Medical Laboratory Nursing Optometry Rehabilitation Science Science Social Work Others 12
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