Our All Volunteer Board of Directors TOM SHAMBO President GENE WITTMANN Vice President KREG BECK Treasurer Sunflower Community Association,, Inc. 9401 N. Sunflower Park Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743 December 2014 Volume 17, Issue 12 WELCOME TO OUR NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014-2015 Gene Wittmann, Tom Shambo, Frank Horsfall, Kreg Beck Julie Agozzino, and Bonnie Scott (Not pictured Tom Besterfeldt) JULIE AGOZZINO Secretary Directors TOM BESTERFELDT FRANK HORSFALL BONNIE SCOTT VILLAGE CENTER 520-572-9780 Fax: 520-572-8724 General Manager, Ext. 18 Melissa Low Front Desk, Ext. 10 Bookkeeper, Ext. 17 *Website Address Sunflowerliving.com What’s Inside Board Message…………….…..7 Topics of Special Interest….......8 Upcoming Events……………...8 Committee Reports……… ….11 Special Events... ………….......11 Cuisine Events………….….....13 Cards & Games ....................... 14 Activities & Clubs .................. 16 Health & Safety ...................... 21 Community News ................... 22 Classifieds………………….…22 Special Interest & Contacts…..23 ANNUAL MEETING 2014 ELECTED BOARD MEMBERS Frank Horsfall, Tom Shambo, Julie Agozzino, Tom Besterfeldt, and Kreg Beck We have been On The Road Again For You! Enjoy a musical, sporting event, Gourmet dining, a cruise, the Barrett Car Auction with us or The Arabian Horse Show Find out more about our monthly affordable day tours from Tucson: ontheroadagainforyou.com Call: Fran 520-490-3709 / Sharon 520-299-8345 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SALES ● INSTALLATION ● SERVICE Cochran Heating & Air Conditioning Discount for Sunflower Residents “Expert Personalized Service” Call for a FREE ESTIMATE 631-9718 “Time for Furnace Service” N. Silverbell Rd. THE UPS7850 STORE $2 off UPS shipping (Limit 3 packages) Coupon is good through December 31, 2014. Hours: M-F 8am - 6 pm Sat. 9 am - 5 pm Sun. Closed 520.744.1999 Tel 520.744.4687 Fax Email: store3350@theupssto re.com Website: www.theupsstorelocal .com/3350 (At Cortaro & Silverbell in the Frys Shopping Center) Shipping & Packing Copying Services Freight Services Mailbox Services Shredding Services U.S. Mail Services Scanning, Emailing Notary Services Special copy discounts for all Sunflower clubs! Free (a $200 value) EXAM & X-RAYS FOR NEW PATIENTS Expires December 31,2014 Dentist Owned. Patient Centered. Dr. Kevin Mortenson, DMD Call for an appointment 520-812-7484 $49 (a $74 value) CLEANING FOR NEW PATIENTS Expires December 31,2014 www.MaranaTeeth.com • 8651 N Silverbell Rd Suite #103 Tucson, AZ 85743 • Southwest corner next to Canyon Community Bank The Association provides this publication for informational purposes only. Sunflower does not guarantee or promote any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility for the statements made in this publication. Information regarding advertising rates, deadlines, and policy information may be obtained by contacting the Village Center Front Desk at Phone: (520) 572-9780 ● Fax: (520) 572-8724 Published monthly by Staff & Volunteers of Sunflower Community Association, Inc. 9401 N. Sunflower Park Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743 SUNFLOWER VILLAGE CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION Monday – Wednesday - Friday 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Tuesday – Thursday - Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Fitness Center and Swimming Pool are accessible Before and After Village Center Hours of Operation with Resident Proximity Card only, from 5:00 a.m. until Village Center opens and from Village Center closing until 11:00 p.m. daily. SUN CATCHER ADVERTISING RATES All Advertisements Printed in the Sun Catcher Are Located On Our Website OUTSIDE BACK COVER The following ads must run for 3 months with NO changes 1 /8 page $170.00 3 months 1 /4 page $320.00 3 months 1 /2 page $490.00 3 months 1 & 2 PAGES INSIDE FRONT AND BACK COVERS The following ads must run for 3 months with NO changes 1 /8 page $140.00 3 months 1 /4 page $264.00 3 months 1 /2 page $404.00 3 months AD If any changes are made in an ad on the 3-Month Rate, a Flat Charge of $15.00 will be applied for each change. This charge applies to all ads. 1-Month 3-Months 1 /8 page $45.00 $122.00 1 /4 page $85.00 $230.00 1 /2 page $130.00 $351.00 Full Page $235.00 $635.00 FLYER $75.00 – 700 May thru Dec.,900 Jan. thru April, Inserts one or two sided, prepared in bulk must be delivered to the Village Center by the 20th of the month. CLASSIFIED ADS COLUMN LINE (3/12” LINE) NEW TIME ROMAN 12PT. AVG. 40 CHARACTERS AND OR SPACES PER LINE MEMBER RATE: $3.00 PER LINE / NON-MEMBER RATE: $7.00 PER LINE DEADLINES AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS All data and payment must be received at the Sunflower Village Center by the 12 th of the month. Ads should be prepared on a disc, or submitted by email to sunfloweraz3@comcast.net. (note change in email address for advertising only). Ad should be submitted with a hard copy and full payment to Sunflower Community Association, Inc. 9401 N. Sunflower Park Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743 (520- 572-9780) DISCLAIMER: The acceptance of an ad or flyer by the Association does not constitute approval or endorsement by the Sunflower Community Association, Inc. and the Association reserves the right to refuse any material that is deemed to be inappropriate. The terms, conditions and rates charged are subject to change at any time without notice. All signed contracts will, of course, be honored. SUN CATCHER DEADLINE Just a reminder to everyone who submits articles for the Sun Catcher: the deadline is the 12 th of the month. This deadline was arrived at to insure that all homeowners receive the publication in a timely manner. This allows residents to plan and participate in the next month’s activities. Ideally articles would be submitted as a Word Document attachment to an email. If you aren’t able to submit it in that format, you can also submit it on a disk. Please keep the article to 250 words or less. Please email all articles to sunfloweraz2@comcast.net Thank you for your cooperation BOARD MESSAGE By Tom Shambo On behalf of the entire Sunflower Community Association Board of Directors, we want to thank the members of the community for their participation in the election process. We also would like to thank Faith and the members of the Election Committee for their many hours of work to assure the election process went smoothly. It is exciting to have this opportunity to serve our community and to be a part of a great team of board members. I look forward to working with our General Manager and her team to move Sunflower forward in the upcoming years. As I and the new members of our board learn our new positions, remember we are here to serve you, the members of our community. I wish everyone and their families a Happy Thanksgiving and best wishes through the upcoming holiday season. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT By Melissa Low Happy Holiday Season to all! We had an excellent turn out for the Annual Members Meeting held November 5th. About 100 residents showed up to see and hear a presentation by Marana Police Chief Terry Rozema on the new police facility that is being proposed. Julie Agozzino, Kreg Beck, Tom Besterfeldt, Frank Horsfall and Tom Shambo were elected to the Board of Directors joining Bonnie Scott and Gene Wittmann who are completing the second year of their term. The new members were sworn in to office and outgoing members Gloria Harris, Carl Moulton, Russ Beyers and Bill Mc Crone were thanked for their service. The busy year was summarized and the numerous accomplishments noted. Some of them were: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Irrigation replacement – Twin Peaks from Coachline to Silverbell Decorative Landscape Rock – Twin Peaks from Coachline to Silverbell New telephone system New microphones Solid door to replace gate on exterior storage room Pool area deck re-coated Tennis courts resurfaced Spa resurfaced Spa filter replaced New flooring in Fiesta Room, Kitchen and Craft Room New carpet in Billiards Room, Computer Room and offices Billiards tables re-covered Parking lot resurfaced Pool water line tile cleaned Marana Police Department Lobby furniture and Fitness Room bench re-upholstered Chief Terry Rozema Three pool area Ramada covers replaced (pictured on the right) Printing of Sun Catcher and Resident Directories in-house Policy Manual revisions Bocce courts repaired Page 7 TOPICS OF SPECIAL INTEREST SOME UPCOMING EVENTS Sunflower Chorale Holiday Concerts—Thursday, December 4 and Friday, December 5 at 4:30 p.m. Free admission Dance Club Party—Saturday, December 6 at 6:30 p.m. Bingo—Tuesday, December 9 at 6:30 p.m. Board Meeting—Wednesday, December 10 at 10:00 a.m. December Potluck—Thursday, December 11—Social 5:30 p.m. Dinner 6:00 p.m. Board Study Session—Date to be determined Gatekeepers Chorale Concert -Nibblers & Noshers —Tuesday, December 16 at 6:30 p.m.-All are welcome Karaoke—Thursday, December 18 with Marty Freese at 6:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 CHRISTMAS EVE CENTER OPEN FROM 7:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25. CHRISTMAS DAY, CENTER CLOSED WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, NEW YEAR’S EVE CENTER OPEN 7:00 A.M. TO 2 P.M. REOPENS AT 8:00 P.M. For NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 NEW YEAR’S DAY. CENTER OPEN FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M. Resales Calendar year 2014 2013 2012 2011 Monthly YTD October –3 46 72 54 56 SUNFLOWERLIVING WEBSITE A place for posting upcoming club and group events has now been added to the Announcements page on the Sunflowerliving website (What’s New> Announcements). Clubs and groups are encouraged to send their information to webteam@sunflowerliving.com and it will be posted on that page. Page 8 DANCE DANCE DANCE By Phyllis Bowcott The Dance Committee presents: Dick Smith’s “Class of 59” When: Saturday, December 6th, 2014 Time: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Where: Fiesta Room No sign up necessary, Great fun and holiday cheer are guaranteed, so come engage in conversation, dance & enjoy the good music for the evening. $5.00 donation appreciated Bring your own munchies and beverage of choice. NOT TO BE MISSED MUSICAL PROGRAM By Anne Lowe Everyone Welcome! On Tuesday, December 16 at 6:30 p.m., prepare to be so moved when you hear the Gatekeepers in concert. From the Ironwood Hills Church in Tucson, they are a group of musicians and singers. The chorale consists of 15 members, 5 men and 10 women. The musicians include bass and lead guitar, drummer, piano, keyboard and harp. Their voices will thrill you as they perform seasonal music, plus songs about their love of Israel. They will fill the Fiesta Room with joyous sound. Join the Sunflower Nibblers and Noshers group for this extraordinary program. Naturally, everyone is welcome! Refreshments, too! NEW YEAR’S EVE GALA By Phyllis Bowcott New Year’s Eve Celebration Please plan to join the fun and dancing. st WHEN: Wednesday, December 31 , 2014 WHERE: Fiesta Room TIME: 8 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT COST: $10.00 Ticket sales dates are Friday, December 12th, 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, December 13th, if necessary, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. ENTERTAINMENT PROVIDED BY: Dick Smith’s “Class of 59” Band Marty Freese will also bring some fun. There will be NO Library seating –Fiesta Room only Light munchies and soft drinks will be provided. We know you will have a great time! Any questions, call Phyllis Bowcott 572-1876 Or Sharon Schafle 744-0685 HOLIDAY CHORALE CONCERT By Dawn Calkins, Director It's that time again. The Sunflower Chorale is pleased to announce its annual holiday concerts to be held on December 4th and 5th in the Fiesta Room at 4:30 p.m. We have planned what we hope will be a joyous musical celebration for your pleasure. This concert is free, as are all of our concerts, but we gratefully accept all monetary donations toward purchase of music for future concerts. We hope to see you all there. ATTENTION NEW RESIDENTS! By Welcoming Committee If you're a new resident to Sunflower in the past year, please mark your calendars for a Wine/Cheese Reception to be held on Saturday, January 24, 2015, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Village Center, Fiesta Room. You'll have an opportunity to mingle with fellow residents, board members and the General Manager. A formal invitation will be sent to you in early January. CHRISTMAS KARAOKE Thursday, December 18th 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. It's that time of year again when we sing our favorite Holiday songs. Come and join Host Marty Freese, as we enjoy that holiday spirit. Refreshments are welcomed NOTARY SERVICE AVAILABLE By Melissa Low Our bookkeeper, Linda Parent, is commissioned to perform notary services for our Sunflower residents. Please feel free to contact her directly at 572-9780 ext. 17 to set up an appointment. There is no charge for Sunflower residents; appointments required. Please remember to bring your government issued identification (drivers license, passport, state ID, etc.) Do not sign your document before your appointment; your signature must be verified in front of the notary. Linda cannot notarize anything that has been signed before the visit. No exceptions. Page 9 DONATIONS FOR THE TROOPS By Don Seymour The Sunflower Veterans Club is continuing a project to provide support to military troops serving in Afghanistan and in remote outposts. (See www.anysoldier.com) A box is set up in the Village Center lobby until the first week in December accepting donated items. The Veterans Club will arrange packaging and shipping. Cash donations will be accepted by the Veterans Club Treasurer. WHAT TO DONATE? Snacks and Food items, Dry, Canned or Packaged * Beef jerky, canned or dried Tuna, Salmon, dried fruit * Energy Bars (Very popular for troops on patrol.) * Trail Mix, Nut mixes * Potato Chips, corn chips (in containers, like Pringles) * Hard candy, gum (No chocolate, it melts!) * Pretzels, crackers * Microwaveable meals, popcorn, Ramen noodles * Dry Flavor packets for water bottles * Instant Coffee or Tea Hygiene and Comfort Items * Soap, shampoo, travel size toothpaste & brushes, deodorant, razors, detergent pods * Female hygiene items, pearls, etc. * Baby wipes (They use these a lot!) * Magazines, books, crossword puzzles, Sudoku, playing cards * Batteries * Pens, paper, miscellaneous writing supplies * Sheets (bunk size), pillow cases * Socks * Sun screen * Phone Cards * Used or New DVD movies or music CDs are much appreciated PLEASE DO NOT DONATE THESE ITEMS: * Alcohol * Pork Products * X Rated material * Religious items Page 10 U.S. MARINE CORPS RESERVE TOYS FOR TOTS PROGRAM By Walter Calmese The mission of the Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys to distribute to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted. These new toys give a message of hope to needy youngsters and encourage them to grow into responsible, productive, patriotic citizens and community leaders. Please place new, unwrapped toys in the collection box in the lobby of the Village Center for children from ages 1 to 17. The collection drive started November 14th and ends on Monday, December 22nd so keep the kids in mind while you’re shopping for gifts for your own grandkids. You may also leave monetary (cash/check) donations with the front desk staff. Receipts are available upon request at the front desk. Help brighten the season for the less fortunate children of our community. If you have any questions, call Walter Calmese, MSgt. USMC Ret., at 904-8710. VETERANS’S DAY COMMITTEE REPORTS ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE By Tom Vana The semi-annual community review was completed by November 12. We are happy to report that we will be sending out 24 less “Friendly Reminder” letters than in the Spring. Hopefully this will be a continuing trend. Weeds, empty pots and various “artifacts” headed the list. As a reminder, each property owner, as a good neighbor, is responsible for preventing encroachment of his trees, shrubs etc. growing onto or over a neighboring property or into a common or public area. We would again like to emphasize that house numbers are of little value in an emergency if they are faded and illegible. A few minutes with a little black paint and small brush will remedy the situation. FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING By Shirley Bailey, Finance Chair The Finance Committee meets each month in the Craft Room. As a committee, we review the monthly expenses and HOA income from the Sunflower financials, plus any new contract bids for work or projects over $1,500. Our job is to do an analysis of past expenditures, trends on current maintenance costs, and review new projects/replacements paid out of our Sunflower Reserve Fund. In 2014, $120,000 in projects was funded out of Reserve money. By our Charter, our responsibility to the community is to assist the Board in reviewing upcoming expenses over $1,500 and how the expenses impact our Reserve Fund. We want Finance to be “proactive” providing a 1-5 year plan on replacement options from Reserve Funds for the betterment of the community. To reach this objective, we do maintain an internal analysis of our Reserve Funds. In addition, there is an outside firm, Association Reserves, who perform an analysis on our fund balance every year. We are currently in a “strong” position for covering future expenditures. Although not an exciting fun-filled job, we have a great group of people working in Finance with an active interest in the community. We are always looking for new members! If you like numbers and want to serve your community, fill out an application. If you have questions, please drop in to one of our meetings. There is always plenty of seating available! We wish ALL Sunflower Community Members Happy Holidays! WELCOMING COMMITTEE By Liz Perry Are you a new homeowner in Sunflower? The Welcoming Committee would love to meet you and provide you with a helpful information packet that includes maps, coupons, activity/club information, emergency contact information, etc. Please contact either Lynn Haye at 520-572-6741 or Liz Perry at Elizann228@gmail.com, to help you get connected in your new community! SPECIAL EVENTS CULINARY CLUB By Joan Jackson The members of the CULINARY CLUB will not be hosting a Holiday Dinner this year. This is the first time in fourteen years that we have not presented a dinner at this time of year to celebrate the holiday season. We are tired…and fourteen years older to boot. We have worked very hard to give our community a time to share together and you have never failed in your support of our efforts. We need new members and inactive members to step forward and help. We currently have a membership of about 60, of which about 35 participate regularly. We have plenty of help, but need coordinators. We have appealed to you in the past to step forward with your ideas and working support, but now it is getting serious. We will continue to help and support new members. Coordinators plan our events and each event has two or three coordinators, one of which is always an experienced club member. We do not have an event planned for January or February of 2015. It would be a shame to lose these functions as it has been a part of our community, but without your assistance it will disappear. We need your presence!New residents please step forward and say, “YES” to our plea. It is work, but fun and very full filing. We meet once a month on the last Monday at 10:30 am. Come see what we are all about. Call Carol Taylor-989-0961 or Peggy Snyder-572-0700. Page 11 ARTISTS GALLERY By Sam Florek Welcome back Lilly Brooks!! This has been a busy year for Lilly. We are pleased to feature her paintings in our last exhibit for 2014. This year one of Lilly’s paintings was featured on the front cover of Tucson Happenings. In addition, the Southern Arizona Water Color Guild chose to exhibit some of her paintings in two of their shows this year. Lilly is one of Sunflower’s outstanding volunteers. You probably have seen some of the very creative posters she has made to promote activities at the Village Center. She has designed and made centerpieces for the Culinary Events. The sets she designed for the past two Mystery Dinner productions were definitely first class—remember the cruise ship and the circus. She is a great artist and the Culinary Club is fortunate to have her as a member since she is also a good cook. Your January artist is Bob Snelson and your February artist is Lee Botzong VOLUNTEERS By Sam Florek Sunflower is a warm and welcoming community. In addition, we have outstanding residents who are willing to donate their time and talents back to the community. If you would like to volunteer, please call the Village Center front desk 572-9780 ext. 10. This list is not all inclusive since it doesn’t include the names of many of our Committee and Club members who perform many duties on an ongoing basis—THANK YOU ONE AND ALL! Volunteers last month were: Yvonne Magee Lois Dudych June Dudas Chuck Harmon Barbara Strempek Sam Florek Marlene Spencer Mary Lou Correia Carol Erhardt Carol Taylor Marcia Edgeton Frances Gauthier Dave Forgue Fran Strubeck Del Gustin Janet Maloney Marty Rice Jeannette Dougherty Don Weber Mary Brutkowski Janine Douglass Jackie Slingland Kathy Seymour Lynn Haye Bev DuBois Joan Forgue Rosie Kubiak Linda Miller Bernie Dyczewski Harry Slingland Don Seymour Margie Fix Don Haye Meg Kimball Peggy Smothers Carol Abrahamson Welcome to our newest volunteer Sue Cerri Thank you Volunteers!! BINGO By Sam Florek TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 is the date for this month’s Bingo. Please come and join us for a relaxing night of fun with neighbors. We are offering a special invitation to those who have not attended recently or moved into our community this last year. We would also like to thank the people who make this event possible every month and those are our volunteers. Your efforts every month are a special gift to those who wish to play Bingo. We wish you all Happy Holidays and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year. We can always use a few extra volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, please stop by the font desk and leave your name and telephone number. Remember, card selection begins at 6:00 p.m. and games begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. GOOD LUCK!! Thanks to the December volunteers: Rosie Kubiak (she has been a volunteer for some time but this was the first time she was the caller), Marcia Edgeton, Carol Abrahamson, Yvonne Magee, and Bernie Dyczewski. THANK YOU VERY MUCH Your kind words, cards, phone calls, gifts and attendance at Joe’s Celebration of Life memorial on October 25 has been more appreciated than you will ever know. I want to extend a special thank you also to everyone who helped both of us during Joe’s difficult years living with Alzheimer’s. As so many have already said, Sunflower is a wonderful place to call home. Sincerely, Elaine Flanigan Page 12 CUISINE EVENTS BACCHUS WINE By Sandy Persels Olive oil and balsamic vinegars from Alfonso, a gorgeous cheese assortment from BLU, and wines selected just for us by Yvonne of Cata Vinos—a bit of crusty bread, good friends— who could ask for more? Perfection. That was the Bacchus event when we journeyed to Alfonso for a very special pairing/tasting in November. It sold out early and was a spectacular tasting and a memorable evening for all who were fortunate enough to attend. No one was bleu, and everyone had a gouda time! (Sorry-cheesy puns~) You are invited to join us for upcoming Bacchus events. Our goal is to learn more about wine while having a wonderful time with our friends. We typically meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month. We usually meet in the Fiesta Room, but some events, like the November pairing, are “offcampus” at a restaurant or winery. We’re open to suggestions for possible future events, too! If you would like to receive advance notice of Bacchus plans, it’s as easy as giving Mary Laurie Siebert (marylaurie@me.com or 744-3176) your e-mail address and phone number. Come join the fun! Life is like great wine. It keeps getting better until it doesn’t. ~ John Buckwell ROMEO News By Dave Glicksman HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!! From the ROMEOs To end the year on a festive note, the ROMEOs will make their annual pilgrimage to HOOTER’S at 4385 W Ina Rd. on Tuesday on December 9th. We’ll carpool from the Village Center at 11:30 a.m. to make our 11:45 a.m. reservation. The start time will help us navigate Marana’s heavy traffic. There are no height, weight or age requirements. We get separate checks and there are no dues to pay. We tried to establish dues of fifty cents to keep the riffraff out, but the riffraff voted that down. All Sunflower men are welcome to join us for good food, good conversation and other ‘attractions’. (Wink! Wink!) So we may give HOOTER’S an accurate count, please sign up at the Village Center by noon, Monday, December 8th. Not going to be at the Center? Just call the Center and an Administrative Assistant will record your reservation. HOLIDAY LUNCHEON By Barbara McCauley The holidays are here again and we have planned a wonderful luncheon at the beautiful Gallery Grille at Dove Mountain on Tuesday, December 9 at 11:30 a.m. The menu is available at the front desk of the Center and as usual, includes tax and gratuity. The price this year is $18 per person. We look forward to seeing everyone there to ring in the season together. Hosts are Lee Copley and Barbara McCauley. Happy Holidays Sunflower Potluck Club "Holiday Dinner" "Traditional Potluck" Thursday - December 11th - 5:30 p.m. Hosted by: Donnasu Moody, Maureen (Mo) Smith, Dee Kosidowski Ticket sales: Tuesday - November 25 - 1 to 3 p.m. Monday - December 1 - 1 to 3 p.m. Cost - $2.00 per person Only four tickets per household may be bought! This will be a sell out! The Sunflower Potluck Club will provide some hams for this dinner! For a potluck of 120 people to be successful, you need to bring enough to serve at least 8 people. We will need 13 main dishes (since the club will be providing some ham), 15 vegetable dishes, 15 salads and 15 desserts. Remember: If you bring a meat main dish or entree, you will receive 2 dinner tickets free. Reminder: The Potluck Club does not provide your tableware. Bring your plate and your own eating utensils from home. The Sunflower Potluck Club wishes you all a very "Joyous Happy Holiday". See page 24 for Saturday Coffee Article Page 13 CARDS & GAMES BILLIARDS TOURNAMENTS By Jim Damato We invite all residents to play. If you have not played pool before or maybe not for a while, come on down and we will get you started. The matches are held every Tuesday and Friday starting at 1:30, but most players show up early to play a warm up game or two. If you have any questions, please contact Jim Damato 7447031. LADIES BILLIARDS By Chris Naughton "CHIX with STIX”, our Sunflower Ladies Billiards group, meets on Thursdays in the billiards room from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. No sign up, just show up for great fun. Ladies are welcome to use the billiards room to “perfect your techniques” any time that the room is available. SUNFLOWER 500 CARD CLUB By Carol Erhardt The 500 Card Club invites you to join us playing a fun game every Thursday morning. We welcome new members and look forward to meeting you. Where: The Village Center When: 9:00 a.m. Thursday – in the Library Why: To enjoy a morning with a fun group (we have a 25 cent per person donation which goes toward our jackpots). We are still willing to teach anyone who would like to learn the game. Call and we will set up a time to teach. Any Questions? Call: Carol Erhardt at 579-0912. EUCHRE By Bill Mattern Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:00ish p.m., where are you? Plan to come and play euchre with us. We will be glad to teach anyone who is interested. Please call Bill Mattern at 395-0096 or sign up in the blue notebook near the Fitness Center. Hope to see you then. MEN’S NINE HOLE GOLF GROUP By Bob Pelley WINTER SCHEDULE The Men’s Nine Hole Golf group will play the Quarry Pines golf course on Wednesday afternoons. We will play the front nine at 1:30 p.m. If you would like to join us, please sign up in the golf notebook located in the hallway just before you enter the fitness room. For further information, contact Bob Pelley at 579-6766. CARDS AND GAMES By Margaret O’Connell Come join us on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. for some fun card games!! If you have a favorite card game or board game, come on down---we’re open to new games… We don’t play on Bingo Tuesday. BOWLING NEWS By Faythe Mattern We have some great highlights to share from the last few weeks of bowling. High games went to Jerry Burton 145, Keith Leikel 268, Chuck Glen 266, Julie McBirnie 148 and Bonnie Scott 205. Several of our bowlers had great high series scores. They were Chuck Glen 634, Bert Poi 668 and Julie McBirnie 332. Congratulations to all! We’d like to welcome Julie McBirnie who recently joined the Sunflower bowlers. We’ve really enjoyed getting to know Julie. We bowl Friday afternoons at Fiesta Lanes. Please arrive by 12:35 p.m. so that lane assignments can be completed prior to our 10 minute practice time. We start bowling at 1:00 p.m. Call Irene Harvey (5790139) with any questions. LADIES NINE HOLE GOLF The Desert Ladies Nine Hole Golf Group will meet at 1:30 p.m. tee time. All lady golfers are welcome regardless of your expertise. You will find that it is an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon at the beautiful Quarry Pines. Bring a friend. Sign up at the Center in the book by the fitness room before Monday of the week that you want to play. MAH JONGG By Mary Laurie We play on Friday mornings at the center from 9:00 to 11:30. Everyone is welcome. Bring your set and your 2014 card. If you are interested in learning, call Mary Laurie Siebert 744-3176 or Shirley Lambert 744 -6575. They will make a date with you to learn the basics so that you can join the fun. Not ready to make a commitment? Come watch, we will show you how it’s done. Page 14 SUNFLOWER MEN’S GOLF CLUB By Mike Clapham I would like to extend our condolences to Bob Glimsdahal and his family at the passing of his wife, Gerti Glimsdahl. Bob has been a long time member and our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. At this time, we have had our yearly Clint Fox Memorial Tournament, which is a partner event and great fun for all participants. We conclude the tournament with a dinner on the patio, it is a great way to remember the members who have passed away. Thanks to all who were instrumental in making this event a great success. We are also beginning our yearly Net Championship Tournament. This tournament is open to all members in good standing. We have three venues for the tournament with two events at each venue. All participants have the opportunity to play all six events. Their best net score at each venue will be counted toward crowning a new net champion. Because of the handicap system, the playing field is level for all participants, no matter what your skill level is. It is great fun! It is a pleasure to welcome a new member into our club: Mr. Dennis Abrams a new arrival in Sunflower and to the Sunflower Men’s Golf Club. Myself and all our members welcome you to both Sunflower and the golf club. I think you will have a great time. Thanks for joining. So if you wish to play golf by the rules, please come join us. Call me or e-mail me. Mike - 520-904-2499 E-Mail - clapperaz@comcast.net PICKLEBALL By Larry Melin Want to get better at pickleball? Follow this advice from an expert, Mark Friedenberg, author of “The Official Pickleball Handbook”. Reality in pickleball is that the fewer errors you make, the more points you win. And one of the highest chances for errors (missed shots and lost points) occurs in the return of the serve. The best way to avoid these errors is to always use your forehand for the return. For most players your forehand is your strongest and most reliable shot. The backhand tends to be the weakest shot and is usually used as a defensive shot whereas the forehand is the best offensive shot. How to make sure you use your forehand on serve returns. Court position: For right-handers, stay in the left side of the return court and for left-handers, stay in the right side. Try this strategy out and see if your game doesn’t improve through fewer missed shots on the serve return. Senior Olympics is just around the corner. Find a teammate and sign up for doubles in mens, womens or couples. It will be a blast! PING PONG GROUP By Buzz Hoffmann We would love to have new players join us for ping pong on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons. All playing levels, including beginners, are welcome for a fun time of ego-free and oftentimes aerobic ping pong. We have known for years that working crossword puzzles and listening to Mozart are good for the brain. Ping pong (table tennis) may well be the world’s best brain sport. Our playing times may vary so check the Fitness schedule in the Sun Catcher. COME ON OUT! FUN POKER AND TOURNAMENTS By Carol Erhardt Welcome back snowbirds!! For those of you who have not had the pleasure of joining us for an afternoon of fun poker, we play every Tuesday and Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Library. The Old West may have had their legends with Wild Bill Hickok, Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp and others, but we too have our legends and enjoy the camaraderie of being together. Our club membership is $5.00/year which is due the first of the year. First time players will not be asked to pay that for playing their first game. However, if you wish to join us on a regular basis, then becoming a member is necessary. For years, Ron Weyer has been instrumental in hosting the monthly Texas Hold’em and Omaha tournaments from September through April in the library. Sadly, Ron will not be running these tournaments any longer. We all need to thank Ron for his dedication and the outstanding job that he has Page 15 done over the years in putting these monthly tournaments together. Also, we need to thank his wife, Linda who helped set up the tables with the chips in place. Bob Hope's theme song was "Thanks for the memories" and we too thank you Ron and Linda for all of the great memories over the years. As they use to say in the Old West....happy trails to you until we meet again! TENNIS CLUB By Phil Hall & Thea Berg With the return of Tennis Club snowbirds, all three courts are being used on a regular basis. Now that winter has arrived, “Sunflower Mixed Doubles” starts at 8:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Women play Tuesday and Thursday. This is fun social tennis where you rotate positions after each game. An advantage of playing in this time slot is that you may come and leave as you wish. For regular scheduled doubles, please contact Susan Page at susancpage@comcast.net or 742-1373. Sunflower women’s USTA team finishes the fall season with home matches on December 1 (vs Ventana) and December 29 (vs Himmel). Matches start at 9:30 (warm-up) and play at 10:00. Spectators are welcome. Presently, our USTA team is up 2-1 with 7 matches to go. The wins were against Tucson Racquet Club and SaddleBrooke. Sunflower women’s INTERCLUB team is up 3-2 with 5 to go. The local wins were against Sun City 1, Sun City 2 and Skyline. Our “Ace My Laces” team placed 7th in the national Meet-Play-Love Tennis tournament in Tucson. Well done Janet, Lynne, Susan, Thea, Alice, Monica, Renee & Karen (not shown). PINOCHLE By Harlan Quinn If you like to play single deck pinochle, join us from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday afternoons in the Library (Sombrero Peak Lounge). There is no cost and no reservations are needed, just show up. We play partners and/or three-handed pinochle depending on the number of players present. For information call one of the contacts listed in the back of the Sun Catcher. BOCCE CLUB By Carol Burba Every Tuesday and Thursday there are some fun loving residents playing Bocce. We would love to have you come out and join in the fun. Everyone is welcome and no prior experience is necessary. We play every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. Come on out and try it. You can learn to play the game in one afternoon. If you decide you want to join our club, dues are only $5.00 a year. ACTIVITIES & CLUBS LINE DANCING By Phyllis Bowcott Howdy Partners! Ready for some Line Dancing? Join us on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. in the Fiesta Room and enjoy the music and dancing. Get ready to stomp your heels and wiggle your toes to some great music. No sign up necessary and please do come. GREAT FUN is included! Questions? Call 572-1876 SUNFLOWER ART CLUB By Barbara Strempek The Sunflower Art Club meets on Wednesdays, in the Craft Room from 9 a.m. until noon. You can come and go any time you want. There is no instructor. We are a group of artists who enjoy painting together and helping each other. Bring whatever medium you prefer. We have plastic sheets available to cover the tables. The members range from beginning to experienced artists. Usually, one of the members is in the room at 9 a.m. If not, go ahead and start painting. Need more information...call me 572-1906. INNOVATIVE DANCE Phyllis Bowcott and Barbara Bell Taylor Phyllis and Barbara are pairing up again for a new year of innovative dance and creative exercise. Barbara teaches Mondays and Fridays. Come and join us for a healthy and fun experience and good companionship with others who love to dance! Page 16 ARTS AND CRAFTS CLUB By Jeanne M Collins November was a busy month for us. We decorated tiles, learned glass etching and made beautiful embroidered Holiday cards. December is a full month for everyone, many of us traveling to see family and friends and getting ready for the Holidays. We will meet the first three weeks of December working on Holiday themed projects. We will not be meeting on the 22th and the 29st. Check the cork board in the Craft room where we post upcoming projects with a list of supplies needed for each project. Our group meets every Monday at 10 a.m., stop by anytime to see firsthand what project we’re working on. Happy Holidays SUNFLOWER DEMOCRATS AND FRIENDS By Paula Singervalt We had a very informative meeting on November 20. Our speaker was Bob Kolenda. He presented information about Common Core State Standards. He has been an educator for 35 years. Thanks to all that attended. Our holiday party will be held on December 12 in the Fiesta Room at 3:00 p.m. Bring your favorite recipe!! We had great participation last year. Hope to see many of my neighbors on December 12!! Thanks to all that volunteered during the midterm elections!! All of the candidates have been very appreciative of your support!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! SUNFLOWER FITNESS CLUB By Nancy Hrigora SUNFLOWER RESIDENTS your support with all the delicious goodies and volunteer time during three days of setup and sales at the Fitness Club Bake sale is deeply appreciated. To all the smiling 'Buyers', we would not be successful without you. To the Club members who sent in cash donations, thanks for being with us in 'spirit'. To all the volunteers that just stepped in and got it done (signs on the street corners, flyers, baking, table setup, sales, wrapping, cleanup etc) your continued enthusiasm and support makes this not only profitable but enjoyable. The Fitness Club netted almost $1,000 for the Fitness Club over the two day Bake Sale. These funds help pay our professional, certified and insured class instructors. My co-chair, Mary Murphy, and I would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all for being there through the whole process. WITH MUCH APPRECIATION! SUNFLOWER FITNESS CLUB By Linda Alsobrooks New Officers Elected Congratulations to our new officers for 2015 and 2016, elected at the October 28 annual meeting: Sue Davis, President, and Marijka Augustyn, Vice President. SUNFLOWER GENEALOGY SOCIETY By Maxine Ludeke Our final meeting of the year is the time we introduce our slate and election of new officers who will be installed in January 2015. Our meeting is scheduled for December 16, 2014 at 2 p.m. in the Fiesta Room. Buzz Brooks will be giving the presentation "Capturing Data From Various Sources for Your Family Tree." Buzz is very adept at using all forms of media to help you obtain and preserve information and documents for your family history. Our meetings are open to all residents of Sunflower, without obligation, and we welcome anyone interested learning about family history research. We are currently taking new member applications for 2015 and our annual membership fee is just $12.00 a year per family. We meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. in the Fiesta Room. Membership includes use of our genealogy library, free access to several popular web sites paid by the club, and personalized help from our experienced mentors to get you started or help with problems in research. Please join us on December 16, 2014 and learn to explore your family's rich history. Page 17 SUNFLOWER HIKING CLUB By Marti Wyckoff Hike leaders send out an email a few days before each hike with information about the hike, meeting time at the Center and driver donation amount. Please call the hike leader with any questions. To be added to Sunflower's Hiking email list, send an email to sunflowerhikers@gmail.com to make this request. The following is the link to the season's schedule and the photo albums. http://www.sunflowerliving.com/yearly/clubs_2009/ Sunflower_Hiking.pdf December 2014 Hiking Schedule: Tuesday Dec 2nd: KENTUCKY CAMP/GARDNER CANYON, 4.2 miles, MODERATE, Hike Leader: Melba Cope 744-5095 Friday Dec 5th: SUTHERLAND TRAIL (Catalinas), 5.2 Miles, MODERATE, Hike Leader: Faith Thesingh 572-0251 Tuesday Dec 9th: HOPE CAMP TRAIL, 5.6 miles, EASY, Hike Leader: Roger Rainbolt 638-7166 Friday Dec 12th: COCHIE SPRING/JED'S PEAK/ WILD MUSTANG, 10.3 miles, DIFFICULT, Hike Leader: Phil Hoffmann 260-3002 Tuesday Dec 16th: SWEETWATER PRESERVE, 5.0 miles, EASY+, Hike Leader: Faith Thesingh 5720251 Friday Dec 19th: SWEETWATER WETLANDS, 5.0 miles, EASY, Hike Leader: Nancy Peek 5056776 Friday Dec 26th: LOWER JAVALINA, 3.5 miles, MODERATE, Hike Leader: Linda Hoffmann 2608959 Tuesday Dec 30th: QUILTER TRAIL, 9.2 miles, DIFFICULT, Hike Leader: Melba Cope 744-5095 SUNFLOWER NEEDLEWORKERS By Dawn Calkins We meet every Monday afternoon from 1:00-3:00 and Wednesday mornings from 9:00-11:00 in the Sunflower Village Center. We meet from October through May, but if there are enough members here who want to keep meeting during the summer, we will. Membership is available to Sunflower Community Association members in good standing. Annual dues are $5.00 if residents are not a member of the Arts and Crafts group. If a member of the Arts and Crafts group, there is no further monetary requirement. FAMILY HISTORY WORKSHOP By Kristin Delpane “Capturing Your Family Stories.” A monthly no-fee workshop led by resident author-personal historian Kristin Delaplane. Individual help on organizing your family history material for a manuscript or book. Topics cover crafting your memoirs, oral history recordings, tips to organizing and saving photographs, best presentations for your genealogy materials, and options for printing/publishing. Thursday, December 11 at 1:00 p.m. in the Craft Room. SINGLES AND FRIENDS By Ellen Bowlby HO HO HO! Here comes the jolly little man dressed in red to say Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or Happy Holidays. However you celebrate this time of year, have a merry time of it. The Singles and Friends are going to be celebrating A Sweet and Savory Sparkling Holiday event on Saturday, December 20 starting at 5:30 p.m. The club will be furnishing the savory part of the meal with heavy hors d’oevres and when you buy your ticket, you will sign up to bring a finger food sweet, i.e., cookies, cupcakes, holiday sweet breads. Tickets will be on sale for $5.00 the following days: Tuesday, December 2, Thursday, December 4, Tuesday, December 9, Thursday, December 11, and Tuesday, December 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 12 Noon on all days. Get your tickets on one of these days as no tickets will be sold after Dec 16. Our wonderful Sunflower Chorale will be singing for us and leading in our singing of some carols. The committee could use some help in cleaning up after the party is over. Please stay and help if you can.The Pilgrim’s potluck dinner was delicious thanks to our turkey cooks Janice Wehausen and Dawn Calkins and all of us who brought the side dishes and desserts. Plan to attend the January event and enjoy old time radio. Page 18 PHOTO WORKSHOP By Bruce Balay SUNBIRD CAMPERS/RV CLUB By Joe Yearous The Photo Workshop will be meeting December 9th at 10 a.m. in the Craft Room of the Village Center. Our show and tell for the meeting will be mini-slide shows of our summer trips or outings. Every attempt will be made to use the overhead TV in the Craft Room unless someone has a projector we can hook to a PC. So, bring those slide shows on a flash drive. December is here and we are getting ready to elect club officers at our Business Meeting to be held in combination with our Holiday Social Event at Mimi’s Restaurant. We have not yet recovered from the annual eating marathon of Thanksgiving and we are preparing for Hanukkah and Christmas. Then the New Year of 2015 will be welcomed in and we start all over again. Oh, by the way, please bring your choice of beverage to wash down any Christmas goodies that may be present. SUNFLOWER QUILTERS By Carolyn La Potin This month, Sunflower Quilters will be enjoying our annual Holiday party on Thursday December 4th. Details of this fun and popular event will be coming soon from our Social Committee chairs. We plan to focus our December community quilt projects around squares – 5 inch and other sizes too. Who knows, we might even work with rectangles. If you have easy and/or innovative patterns featuring blocks to share, be sure to bring them to our meetings early in the month. The possibilities are endless! Lynn will be offering guidance and practice opportunities for free motion quilting on December 18th. We will not meet on December 25th but we will gather on the 26th. What better way to recover from the sometimes frantic pace of the holidays than to spend a couple of hours quilting with friends? FYI, if you buy and donate a Chance or Lucky toy at PetSmart, they will give 10% of the purchase price to PetSmart Charities and the toy will be given to our local AVIVA children’s charity. For any Sunbird Camper/RV Club members that are planning on attending the Blythe Bluegrass Music Festival, January 16th through the18th, better be making your reservations. The same holds true for anyone planning on attending the Camping World/ Good Sam Rally at the Phoenix Race track from February 26th through March 1st. Check our website for links to both events and easy information access. If you missed our Halloween Party, you missed great burgers and excellent side dishes, especially the desserts! Some of the costumes were really outstanding and well done, the Foley’s (pictured) and the Ritzen’s especially. A fun time was had by all in attendance. I invite any Sunflower resident, not just new residents, to consider joining our group. You do not have to own a trailer, or a tent to be a member. The key phrase in our by-laws is to “have an interest” in camping or RV type travel. Come to our regular business meetings and see what it is all about. Best wishes for a Happy and Safe Holiday Season to all of you from the Yearous Household and the Sunbird Campers/RV Club. All residents are welcome and encouraged to check out what we are doing. Prospective and new members are welcome each Thursday or Friday morning from 9:00-noon at the Center. If you don’t have a sewing machine, we have two that are available for you to use at the Center during our quilting sessions. If you have even a basic machine, bring it along. Come and join the fun! Page 19 SUNFLOWER TECHNOLOGY CLUB By Tom Howlin The Technology Club has an exciting agenda of training and presentations lined up for next year so please consider becoming a member and taking advantage of all the club has to offer. So that everyone can get a taste of what we do as a club, our December event on 12/17/2014 at 10:30 a.m. in Fiesta Room, is open to EVERYONE. The event ends promptly at Noon. We are going to do our own version of the Consumer Electronics Show held every year in Las Vegas. The “real” one includes hundred of vendors and 140,000 participants – ours will be “slightly” smaller but the theme is the same – Toys, Toys and more Toys! We’re going to have on display for demo and hands on some of the latest and greatest technology including the iphone 6, the $99 Kindle Fire tablet, the newest Amazon TV which at $39 includes a remote control, wireless laser printers for under $100, fitness bracelets, smart TVs and many more electronic goodies. If you are still shopping for the perfect gift for the grandchildren (or even for yourself!) this may give you some great ideas. Or, if you get one of these items for the holidays, you may have a head start on what it is and what it does. So come on in, meet the directors, officers and members of the club, see and touch the latest toys and maybe even enjoy a free refreshment or two. SUNFLOWER TRAVEL CLUB By Nancy Hrigora Announcement of the 4 day /3 nights Grand Canyon South RimTrip was made at the November Members meeting. This trip starts Friday, April 24, 2015 departing by coach for Williams, AZ. Hotel accommodations and dinner are included Friday night in Williams. Saturday morning we depart by 1st Class train for Grand Canyon, then we have lunch and a private bus tour of the West side of the South Rim. Saturday afternoon through Sunday early afternoon, you are on your own to explore. Lodging at the Maswik Lodge is included for Saturday night. The 3 p.m. return trip on Sunday afternoon is by Train. Sunday overnight in Williams with lodging, dinner and breakfast included. Return Monday afternoon. Trip is $600/person based on double occupancy. Single and Triple occupancy may be available; discuss with trip planners for cost and availability. See the flyer in the Travel Club bulletin board. Questions- Nancy Hrigora 810-923-4117 nancyhrigora@hotmail.com Deposit must be received by January 21st, 2015. A minimum of 44 people is required. If minimum not met, deposits will be refunded and the trip cancelled. SALES DESK DATES: DEC 3rd Wed 1-3pm DEC 13th Sat 8:3010:30 DEC 17th Wed 1-3 pm TRIPS on SALE Dec 20th Dutton Family Christmas Show & Organ Stop Pizza PHX Jan 14th Musical Instrument Museum PHX th Feb 7 The King & I AZ Broadway Theatre ( Dinner & Show) Feb 20th Arabian Horse Show Scottsdale March 1st The Texas Tenors at TSO March 15th Day trip Boyce Thompson Arboretum PHX VINTAGE GARDENERS By Jan Leth Howdy, fellow gardeners! Mosey down to the Tanque Verde Ranch with us to partake in our annual Vintage Gardeners' Holiday Luncheon at their fabulous buffet. The date is Saturday, December 6 at noon. This event is for 2014 members only who purchased their tickets and made reservations in November. We will be carpooling, so meet at the Center at 10:30 a.m. If you are not driving, please give your driver $3.00. Great atmosphere, food, and wonderful companionship! Wear your Vintage Gardeners buttons! JOIN THE VINTAGE GARDENERS for half price for 2015! Bring $5.00 to the Center on December 1 and 18, from 10 – noon, and December 29 from 10 – 2 pm. Become a member to learn, have fun, travel, and meet new people! (NO DUES WILL BE COLLECTED AT MEETINGS OR THE CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON.) What's The Buzz About Bees? Vintage Gardeners kicks off the 2015 season of with a presentation on Monday, January 12 by world-renowned entomologist, Dr. Diana Sammataro. Dr. Sammataro is a noted specialist in honey bees. She has studied and presented around the world and is a published author of many books about bees. Join us for this fascinating program at 10:30 am in the Fiesta Room. Page 20 Mark Monday, February 9 on your calendars! Vintage Gardeners will be taking a field trip to see ARID ADAPTATIONS GARDENS where owner Jeffery Moore will give us a tour and explain how his plants survive and thrive in the desert! PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY AA FOR CONTINENTAL RANCH The 9/11 Group of AA meets every Thursday at 4:00 p.m. at Lord of Grace Church at 7250 N. Cortaro Road in the Fellowship Hall For more information, call Wally R. at 288-6288 or Bob K. at 579-1018 AL-ANON MEETING, Silverbell Serenity Group meets Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. at Lord of Grace, 7250 N. Cortaro Road in the Fellowship Hall. For more information call Angie at 579-1574 or Diane at 572-6977 . ALZHEIMER'S SUPPORT GROUP The Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group meets twice monthly: Second Wednesday 10:30-11:30 a.m. at Continental Reserve Urgent Care 8333 N. Silverbell Road - Meeting Room. Fourth Monday 10:00-11:30 a.m. at Marana Health Center - 13395 N. Marana Main St. - Community Room A. Support groups provide a forum to share feelings, concerns, information and serve as a way of supporting and encouraging each other. For information or questions, please call 520-322-6601. PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP The Parkinson’s Support Group meets at 10:30 a.m. the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Village Center. We share ideas and experiences, arrange for some physical therapy sessions or speakers, socialize and find other ways to support each other. GROWING STRONGER By Marlene Spencer Our program takes place Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. during the summer months. There is no fee. If you have any questions, please call Marlene at 5722554. ARE YOU A SURVIVOR? By Nicole Bolt We all know someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Many of us have been touched more personally by receiving the diagnosis ourselves. Whether a person is currently in treatment, a survivor of a few months or many years, we share common issues, fears, sorrows, joys and insights. We return to our daily lives with an appreciation for survival but find a sense of shared comfort, hope and sisterhood when we meet someone who has been through the same experience. I am one of those survivors who live here in Sunflower and have led the Sunflower Breast Cancer Support Group for the past 10 years. My background is in the medical field. We are women who have survived for as little as a few months up through 22 years. Some visit us to obtain support while others serve to provide support. We are all part of a sisterhood of survivors. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the privacy of my home. P lease call Nicole at 572-3798 if you are interested. transportation. If there is an emergency, please call 911 or a taxi to get to the doctor’s office or hospital. SUNFLOWER NEIGHBORS By Cloice Schwyn Sunflower Neighbors is a group of volunteers living in Sunflower who donate their time, transportation and understanding to those in need. A volunteer will provide a ride to a doctor, dentist or other necessary appointments when you are unable to drive yourself. The phone number for this service is 331-5520. Please allow 4 days notice to locate an available volunteer. We are not normally available to take you shopping or run errands. If you have an emergency, remember to call 911 or a taxi to get you to the hospital or doctor. A reliable ride is a top need for some in our community. We are hoping to sign up more volunteers willing to give their time to help someone get to their appointment. You can help a friend stay connected and independent. We encourage anyone interested in finding out more about this positive, supportive group, SUNFLOWER NEIGHBORS, to become a part of this network of volunteers. Reach out to your community by joining now, you are needed. Page 21 COMMUNITY NEWS PIMA PUBLIC LIBRARY - BOOKMOBILE By Front Desk Personnel The bookmobile visits our Village Center on the third Saturday of the month. They set up in the Village Center circle. Take a few minutes to visit the Bookmobile. There is a surprising variety of books, videos and CDs that you can choose. You’ll be amazed at the selection and services that the Bookmobile offers. Saturday, December 20 from 10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Thank You Sunflower! By The Sunflower Quilters The Sunflower Quilters want to thank everyone for their generous contributions to this fall’s Sock and Undie Drive. These items have been delivered to AIVIA to be distributed to the children in foster care who desperately need them. The final tally was: Boys Girls Underwear-45 Underwear-223 Socks-113 Socks- 153 Camis- 6 Bras - 2 have any questions, call the friendly library staff at 5945200. CLASSIFIED ADS SERVICES GARAGE DOOR PROBLEMS? KEYPADS, REMOTES, Spring. Opener repair/ replacement, safety inspections and annual maintenance. Sunflower resident Mark Karwoski 30+ years Exp. 203-1948 POWER WASHING: Concrete driveways, sidewalks, porches, garage floors and/or patios. Call Ken, a Sunflower resident, 520-904-7475 for a free estimate. PLUMBER - 41+ years exp. - Sunflower Res. Reasonable, all plumbing. Al Avino 870-6141 RELAXING, HEALING MASSAGE. Hot stone, MFR, Reflexology, Reiki. Chillie R Shummon, LMT. Sunflower Res.(520) 579-7769 or (520) 302-8644 (cell) Gift Certificate Available By Sharon Fuller PLUMBER—If you have plumbing projects or problems call A. Plumber! I’ve been plumbing here since the beginning! Adam 401-3495 Happy Holidays and best wishes for the New Year from the staff and volunteers at the Wheeler Taft Abbett Sr. library. Thank you to the Sunflower residents who support our programs and visit our branch regularly. RELAX AND ENJOY your get-together, party or celebration. For prep, set-up, serving and clean-up services, call Diane 579-8585. HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM THE ABBETT LIBRARY! The next BIG SALE presented by the Friends of the Pima County Public Library is Saturday, January 3, 2015. You can also buy bargain books all year long in the back of the library near the Kids’ Place. Choose your books and other items and deposit your money in the box on the shelf to help support the FREE programs presented by the Pima County Library. The Abbett Library always offers a wide selection of books, music, movies and audio books, many free services and there are always friendly, helpful library employees who will be happy to assist you. Come see what the library has to offer. Many of our residents have taken FREE, one on one I-device and computer classes and have been very happy with the instructors and results. SENIOR MEXICAN TRAIN DOMINOES –Play on the 4th Tuesday of each month in the Conference Room in the Kids’ Place from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Check it out! TAILORING AND ALTERATIONS. Custom designed handbags. SF Resident Dottie Mowatt 579-8619 DOG GROOMING: One-on-one attention, discount prices, dogs up to 25 lbs only. Sunflower resident, call Shirley for appointment. 904-7478 FOR RENT FOR RENT – 2 BR/2 BA “Sonoita” – Highly upgraded completely furnished& outfitted. King in MBR, 2 oversized twins in GBR & Q sofa bed in GR. Utilities (+ Internet & Dish TV), trash, and landscape maintenance included. Views; walk to clubhouse. Available 1/1/15. Bruce & Thea Berg 520-744-4206 See the bulletin board by our Fitness Center for monthly library updates and calendar of events. If you Page 22 SPECIAL INTEREST CLUBS AND THEIR CONTACTS 500” CARD PLAYERS Carol Erhardt 579-0912 Mike Donahue 572-2250 DEMOCRATS AND FRIENDS Paula Singervalt 572-8383 Kathy Temple 579-0533 ART CLUB Barbara Strempek 572-1906 Pat Pion 339-6626 DINE OUT Ann Henson 744-2495 BACCHUS WINE Mary Laurie Siebert 744-3176 BASKET WEAVING WIZARDS Karen Donahue 572-2250 BILLIARDS Jim Damato 744-7031 Don Clark 579-2323 BOCCE Marty Rice 579-6451 BOOK CLUB Elizabeth Gunn 744-4875 BOWLING Irene Harvey 579-0139 BRIDGE: DUPLICATE Tom Silverness 572-2365 BRIDGE: LADIES Carolyn Hutt 419-6369 PINOCHLE Jim Damato 744-7031 Harlan Quinn 572-0355 FITNESS CLUB Virginia Lee 744-7347 POTLUCK CLUB Gail Irvin 572-6931 FUN POKER Carol Erhardt 579-0912 QUILTING Carolyn La Potin 572-2216 GENEALOGY Mary Dietz 520-481-8894 ROMEO Dave Glicksman 579-2741 HIKING Melba Cope 744-5095 SHEEPSHEAD George Gasdaska 744-2277 HORSESHOES Irene Harvey 579-0139 INNOVATIVE DANCE Barbara Bell-Taylor 572-9091 Phyllis Bowcott 572-1876 LINE & BALLROOM DANCING Phyllis Bowcott 572-1876 BRIDGE: MENS Steve Burrows 419-5597 BRIDGE: MIXED Betty Stegmiller 572-3808 MARANA FOOD BANK LIAISON Marti Wyckoff 579-7171 CANASTA / HAND & FOOT Margaret O’Connell 572-1106 GOLF - Men Bruce Berg 744-4206 Mike Clapham 904-2499 CERT Dave Cobble 572-2474 CRAFTS Jeanne Collins 307-0383 CRIBBAGE Bruce Farrell 744-1776 CULINARY CLUB Carol Taylor 989-0961 Peggy Snyder 572-0700 DANCE GROUP Phyllis Bowcott 572-1876 PICKLEBALL Carolyn Hutt 419-6369 Sharyn Fincher 665-8830 EUCHRE Bill Mattern 395-0096 MAH JONGG Mary Laurie Siebert 744-3176 Shirley Lambert 744-6575 CASINO TRIPS Margaret O’Connell 572-1106 PING PONG Buzz Hoffmann 572-4258 NINE HOLE GOLF - Men Bob Pelley 579-6766 NINE HOLE GOLF-Ladies Jackie Chappell 579-5793 NEEDLEWORKERS Dawn Calkins 744-4918 NIBBLERS & NOSHERS Barry & Debbie Gretsky 572-9309 Carrie Jacobi 744-7101 PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP Sarah Boroson 579-6852 PHOTO WORKSHOP Pat Keegstra 572-0889 SINGLES & FRIENDS Janice Wehausen 235-1758 SUNBIRD CAMPERS Joe Yearous 744-9030 SUNFLOWER CHORALE Dawn Calkins 744-4918 SUNFLOWER NEIGHBORS VOLUNTEER TRANSPORTATION 331-5520 TECHNOLOGY CLUB Anita Howard 404-1350 Tom Howlin 540-223-5509 TENNIS Don Sawyer 572-6790 Susan Page 742-1373 LADIES TENNIS Bernie Dyczewski 721-1692 TRAVEL CLUB Nancy Hrigora 810-923-4117 VETERANS Dick Teugh Frank Horsfall 579-5826 989-350-1495 VINTAGE GARDENERS Bill Leth 579-9361 WELCOME COMMITTEE Lynn Haye 572-6741 Liz Perry 215-805-1774 YOGA Barbara Strempek 572-1906 Rev. 11/14 Page 23 FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS BY THE MARANA HEALTH CENTER Second Tuesday of each Month 9:00 a.m.—noon Village Center Lobby SATURDAY MORNING COFFEE By Sam Florek Well we made it through the year and are so thankful that we were able to find someone to host every week. We thought November had hosts for every week but it wasn’t meant to be. We send our thanks to the Ivagnilos for volunteering to host and hope Sherry is now at home and recovering from her broken hip. Taking up the open weeks were Harry & Jackie Slingland, Dave & Joan Forge and Jim and Mardelle Manes. Thank you all for volunteering your time. Mardelle and Jim Manes will be the hosts the first week in December—happy to have them in residence for the winter. The remaining weeks in December will be hosted by Jim and Audrey Anderson—we are also pleased to have them return from their winter home. We don’t have any volunteers for January but.. My New Year’s wish is to have interested people sing up at the front desk to host all the months in 2014. I can dream can’t I? How about at least starting with January and February? Wishing you all a fantastic 2015. Irrigation Installation Are you tired of patching that old irrigation? CALL Todd’s Landscape Maintenance Co. Irrigation replacement --- Monthly yard maintenance Working in Sunflower since 2003 References from your neighbors upon request “I install your system as if I have to maintain it” 481-9333 New View Windows Your window cleaning resource since 1998 • • • • Sparkling windows inside and out Rejuvenated screens All homes in Sunflower $80.00 Sun Screens additional charge INSURED (520) 579 8285 Page 24 Today 92% of all Home Buyers use the internet in searching for a home! Carol’s Professional Pet Care For a Tech Savvy Realtor ® Who listens Mark “Duke” Schneider No one Listens better or works harder to sell your home! Call or email 520-990-1977 Duke@eHomeSearches.com All Sunflower residents Listing their home with me get a Home Warranty at My Cost (not to exceed $450.00, expires 12/31/14 “ I hired Duke Schneider to sell my Sunflower home because of his honesty and integrity. When you tell the Duke something he really listens and then delivers! He’s simply the best! -Hugh Rowley Former Sunflower Resident I'll take care of your pets as if they were my child. They are not only a part of your family, they are your best friends and they need to be treated as such. I'll give your pets the kind of individual care that they need. I spend a lot of time with your pet in your home and charge by the visit and not by the hour. I do overnight visits, and any kind of medical needs. I have years of experience. I will go the extra mile to make a memorable and safe experience for your pets. Please Call Carol 219-7380 Professional Tree Trimming Specializing in Large Tree Removal Height Reduction Trimming Pruning Stump Grinding Includes Artistic Pruning and Thinning 20 Years of Experience Honest and Dependable Affordable Call us today at 520-551-1637 MARY ELLEN KERR Active Adult Specialist 520-869-5761 Direct Call me with ALL your real estate needs. Only fulltime Realtor currently listing and selling homes in Sunflower who has been a Homeowner/ Resident since March 1999.
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