NL Y PR OO Reprint FO Efficacy and safety of ustekinumab, a human interleukin-12/23 monoclonal antibody, in patients with psoriasis: 76-week results from a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (PHOENIX 1) For iPad use only. Not for Distribution. Valid until 12/31/2013 (D85898) F R REACHI N Impact Factor G Peer reviewed and fast-tracked to publication in 4 weeks Copyright 2012 ELSEVIER LIMITED, 32 Jamestown Road, London NW1 7BY, UK. A 38.28 © Thomson Reuters, 2010 Journal Citation Reports® ST G A F FO R Craig L Leonardi, Alexa B Kimball, Kim A Papp, Newman Yeilding, Cynthia Guzzo, Yuhua Wang, Shu Li, Lisa T Dooley, Kenneth B Gordon, for the PHOENIX 1 study investigators Lancet 2008; 371: 1665–74 BREAK IN Articles NL Y Notice No responsibility is assumed by Elsevier for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made. Efficacy and safety of ustekinumab, a human interleukin-12/23 monoclonal antibody, in patients with psoriasis: 76-week results from a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (PHOENIX 1) FO Craig L Leonardi, Alexa B Kimball, Kim A Papp, Newman Yeilding, Cynthia Guzzo, Yuhua Wang, Shu Li, Lisa T Dooley, Kenneth B Gordon, for the PHOENIX 1 study investigators* Summary Background Interleukins 12 and 23 have important roles in the pathophysiology of psoriasis. We assessed ustekinumab, a human monoclonal antibody directed against these cytokines, for the treatment of psoriasis. PR OO Methods In this phase III, parallel, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 766 patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis were randomly assigned to receive ustekinumab 45 mg (n=255) or 90 mg (n=256) at weeks 0 and 4 and then every 12 weeks; or placebo (n=255) at weeks 0 and 4, with subsequent crossover to ustekinumab at week 12. Patients who were initially randomised to receive ustekinumab at week 0 who achieved long-term response (at least 75% improvement in psoriasis area and severity index [PASI 75] at weeks 28 and 40) were re-randomised at week 40 to maintenance ustekinumab or withdrawal from treatment until loss of response. Both randomisations were done with a minimisation method via a centralised interactive voice response system. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients achieving PASI 75 at week 12. Analyses were by intention to treat. This study is registered with, number NCT00267969. Findings All randomised patients were included in the efficacy analysis. 171 (67·1%) patients receiving ustekinumab 45 mg, 170 (66·4%) receiving ustekinumab 90 mg, and eight (3·1%) receiving placebo achieved PASI 75 at week 12 (difference in response rate vs placebo 63·9%, 95% CI 57·8–70·1, p<0·0001 for 45 mg and 63·3%, 57·1–69·4, p<0·0001 for 90 mg). At week 40, long-term response had been achieved by 150 patients in the 45 mg group and 172 patients in the 90 mg group. Of these, 162 patients were randomly assigned to maintenance ustekinumab and 160 to withdrawal. PASI 75 response was better maintained to at least 1 year in those receiving maintenance ustekinumab than in those withdrawn from treatment at week 40 (p<0·0001 by log-rank test). During the placebo-controlled phase, adverse events occurred in 278 (54·5%) of the 510 patients receiving ustekinumab and 123 (48·2%) of the 255 receiving placebo. Serious adverse events occurred in six (1·2%) of 510 patients receiving ustekinumab and in two (0·8%) of 255 receiving placebo in this phase. The pattern of adverse events was much the same in the placebo crossover and randomised withdrawal phases as it was in the placebo-controlled phase. Interpretation Ustekinumab seems to be efficacious for the treatment of moderate-to-severe psoriasis; dosing every 12 weeks maintains efficacy for at least a year in most patients. Funding Centocor Inc. Introduction FO R Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disease of the skin that significantly impairs patients’ physical and mental functioning and wellbeing.1 The condition affects about 2–3% of the population worldwide.2 Characterisation of the immunopathophysiological basis of psoriasis has led to the development of novel therapeutic agents that selectively target aberrant immune responses putatively involved in psoriasis, including agents that target leucocyte function-associated antigen-3, CD11a, and tumour necrosis factor α.3 However, currently available therapeutic options have left substantial unmet need for treatments that are convenient, effective, and well tolerated, especially for long-term treatment.4 Lancet 2008; 371: 1665–74 See Comment page 1639 See Articles page 1675 *Investigators listed at end of paper Saint Louis University Medical School, St Louis, MO, USA (Prof C L Leonardi MD); Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (A B Kimball MD); Probity Medical Research, Waterloo and University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada (K A Papp MD); Centocor Inc, Malvern, PA, USA (N Yeilding MD, C Guzzo MD, Y Wang PhD, S Li MS, L T Dooley DrPH); and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA (K B Gordon MD) Correspondence to: Dr Kenneth B Gordon, Division of Dermatology, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, 9977 Woods Drive, Skokie, IL 60077, USA Interleukins 12 and 23 have an important role in the pathophysiology of psoriasis. Genetic polymorphisms in the genes that encode the shared p40 subunit of these cytokines (interleukin 12B), and one of the interleukin-23 receptor subunits, have been linked to psoriasis.5 Furthermore, an uncommon variant of the interleukin-23 receptor subunit that confers protection against Crohn’s disease6 has also been shown to confer protection against psoriasis.7 The p40 subunit of interleukins 12 and 23 is overexpressed in psoriasis plaques,8 and preclinical studies implicate p40-containing cytokines in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.9 Many current therapies used in the treatment of psoriasis modulate levels of interleukins 12 and 23, which are speculated to contribute to their efficacy,10 and agents that specifically Vol 371 May 17, 2008 For iPad use only. Not for Distribution. Valid until 12/31/2013 (D85898) 1665 Placebo-controlled phase Screen NL Y Articles Placebo crossover and active treatment phase Randomised withdrawal phase R Group 1 Ustekinumab 45 mg at weeks 0, 4 → every 12 weeks Placebo → Retreatment R Group 2 FO 45 mg every 12 weeks 3a Group 3 Placebo at weeks 0, 4 3b 90 mg every 12 weeks Ustekinumab 45 mg at weeks 12, 16 → every 12 weeks Placebo → Retreatment Ustekinumab 90 mg at weeks 12, 16 → every 12 weeks Placebo → Retreatment PR OO Week 28:* PASI <50: D/C PASI 50 to <75: every 8 weeks PASI ≥75: every 12 weeks Week -4 Placebo → Retreatment R Ustekinumab 90 mg at weeks 0, 4 → every 12 weeks 0 12 28 Week 40:† PASI<75: every 8 weeks PASI ≥75: entered randomised withdrawal 40 76 Figure 1: Study schema from week 0 through week 76, including the placebo-controlled phase (week 0–12), the placebo crossover and active treatment phase (week 12–40), and the randomised withdrawal phase (week 40–76) D/C=discontinued. PASI=psoriasis area and severity index. R=randomisation. *At week 28, in all groups, non-responders (PASI<50) discontinued study agent, partial responders (PASI 50 to <75) began dosing every 8 weeks, and PASI responders (PASI ≥75) received dosing every 12 weeks. †At week 40, PASI responders to dosing every 12 weeks in groups 1 or 2 were randomised to either placebo or continued to receive ustekinumab every 12 weeks at their original dose. Individuals in group 3 received placebo. At loss of therapeutic effect, patients receiving placebo began retreatment at their dosing regimen before withdrawal. In all groups, non-responders or partial responders were adjusted to dosing every 8 weeks. Patients already receiving dosing every 8 weeks continued this dosing schedule. FO R target these cytokines improved psoriasis in early clinical trials.11,12 Ustekinumab (CNTO 1275, Centocor Inc, Malvern, PA, USA) is a human monoclonal antibody that binds to the shared p40 protein subunit of human interleukins 12 and 23 with high affinity and specificity (unpublished data), thereby preventing interaction with their cell surface IL12Rβ1 receptor. A phase II trial showed improvements in psoriasis that were dependent on dose and exposure after ustekinumab was given once or weekly for 4 weeks, with clinical effects that were sustained for many weeks.11 The phase III PHOENIX 1 study, together with PHOENIX 2,13 examined the safety and efficacy of ustekinumab compared with placebo for 12 weeks in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and also used a randomised withdrawal design to assess the safety and efficacy of long-term ustekinumab treatment for up to 76 weeks. Methods Patients This phase III, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial was done between December, 2005, and September, 2007, at 48 sites in the USA, Canada, and Belgium. Eligible patients were at least 18 years old, had a diagnosis of plaque psoriasis for at least 6 months, were candidates for phototherapy or systemic therapy, had a 1666 baseline psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score of 12 or higher, and had at least 10% body surface area involvement. Patients were to have no history or symptoms of active tuberculosis; however, those with latent tuberculosis (a positive Mantoux tuberculin skin test without radiological evidence of tuberculosis) could be enrolled if treatment for latent tuberculosis according to local country guidelines for immunocompromised patients was initiated either before or simultaneous to the first administration of study agent. Patients were ineligible if they had non-plaque forms of psoriasis, had a recent serious systemic or local infection, had a known malignancy (except treated basal cell skin cancer or squamous cell skin cancer for at least 5 years), had previous treatment with any agent that targets interleukins 12 or 23 specifically, had received biological or investigational agents within the previous 3 months, had received conventional systemic psoriasis therapy or phototherapy within the previous 4 weeks, or had received topical psoriasis treatment within the previous 2 weeks. All patients provided written informed consent, and institutional review boards or ethics committees at all sites approved the protocol. Procedures The safety and efficacy of ustekinumab were assessed over three phases: a placebo-controlled phase (weeks 0–12), a Vol 371 May 17, 2008 For iPad use only. Not for Distribution. Valid until 12/31/2013 (D85898) withdrawn from active treatment (placebo). Patients withdrawn from treatment at week 40 were retreated when they lost at least 50% of PASI improvement. Patients not achieving PASI 75 at week 28 or 40 were not re-randomised, and their dosing was discontinued or modified (figure 1). Patients received placebo injections as needed to preserve the blind. The study sponsor was unblinded to treatment assignments at week 52 for analysis purposes. Site monitors, investigators, site personnel involved in study conduct, and patients remained blinded until week 76. Patients were allocated to treatment groups at weeks 0 and 40 with a minimisation method with biased coin assignment14 via a centralised interactive voice response FO placebo-crossover and active treatment phase (weeks 12–40), and a randomised withdrawal phase (weeks 40–76; figure 1). At baseline, patients were randomly assigned in equal proportions to receive subcutaneous injections of ustekinumab 45 or 90 mg at weeks 0 and 4 and every 12 weeks thereafter or placebo at weeks 0 and 4, with half randomised to crossover to ustekinumab 45 mg and half to ustekinumab 90 mg at week 12 (figure 1). At week 40, patients who had initially been randomised to receive ustekinumab who achieved long-term response (at least 75% improvement from baseline in PASI score [PASI 75] at weeks 28 and 40) were re-randomised to continue maintenance treatment with ustekinumab or were NL Y Articles 984 screened 766 randomised 1 discontinued study agent 0 lack of efficacy 0 adverse event 1 other Placebo crossover (week 12) 38 discontinued study agent* 19 lack of efficacy 11 adverse event 8 other 66 adjusted to every 8 weeks dosing and completed study agent through week 76 Randomised withdrawal (week 40) 1 received no treatment 10 discontinued study agent 1 lack of efficacy 2 adverse event 7 other 19 discontinued study agent* 6 lack of efficacy 7 adverse event 6 other 54 adjusted to every 8 weeks dosing and completed study agent through week 76 77 randomised to 45 mg every 12 weeks FO R 73 randomised to placebo → retreatment 256 ustekinumab 90 mg every 12 weeks regimen PR OO 255 ustekinumab 45 mg every 12 weeks regimen 4 discontinued study agent 0 lack of efficacy 2 adverse event 2 other 69 completed study agent through week 76 87 randomised to placebo → retreatment 0 discontinued study agent 0 lack of efficacy 0 adverse event 0 other 2 discontinued study agent 0 lack of efficacy 1 adverse event 1 other 77 completed study agent through week 76 85 completed study agent through week 76 11 discontinued study agent* 7 lack of efficacy 2 adverse event 2 other 44 adjusted to every 8 weeks dosing and completed study agent through week 76 85 randomised to 90 mg every 12 weeks 1 received no treatment 4 discontinued study agent 0 lack of efficacy 3 adverse event 1 other 80 completed study agent through week 76 255 placebo 12 discontinued study agent 3 lack of efficacy 6 adverse event 3 other 123 crossed over to 45 mg ustekinumab every 12 weeks regimen 120 crossed over to 90 mg ustekinumab every 12 weeks regimen 5 discontinued study agent* 2 lack of efficacy 1 adverse event 2 other 23 adjusted to every 8 weeks dosing and completed study agent through week 76 68 switched to placebo → retreatment 92 switched to placebo → retreatment 1 received no treatment 2 discontinued study agent 1 lack of efficacy 0 adverse event 1 other 1 discontinued study agent 0 lack of efficacy 1 adverse event 0 other 67 completed study agent through week 76 89 completed study agent through week 76 Figure 2: Trial profile *Includes patients who were adjusted to dosing every 8 weeks and discontinued treatment after week 40. Vol 371 May 17, 2008 For iPad use only. Not for Distribution. Valid until 12/31/2013 (D85898) 1667 Ustekinumab 45 mg (n=255) Ustekinumab 90 mg (n=256) Placebo (n=255) Age (years) 44·8 (12·5) 46·2 (11·3) 44·8 (11·3) Sex (male) 175 (68·6%) 173 (67·6%) 183 (71·8%) Weight (kg) 93·7 (23·8) 93·8 (23·9) 94·2 (23·5) Duration of psoriasis (years) 19·7 (11·7) 19·6 (11·1) 20·4 (11·7) Involved body surface area 27·2% (17·5) 25·2% (15·0) 27·7% (17·4) 114 (44·7%) 109 (42·6%) 112 (43·9%) Psoriasis area and severity index 20·5 (8·6) 19·7 (7·6) 20·4 (8·6) Dermatology life quality index 11·1 (7·1) 11·6 (6·9) Patients with psoriatic arthritis 74 (29·0%) 94 (36·7%) Treated previously with Topical agent† 245 (96·1%) 239 (93·4%) Phototherapy‡ 173 (67·8%) 169 (66·0%) Conventional systemics§ 141 (55·3%) 141 (55·1%) Biologicals¶ 134 (52·5%) 130 (50·8%) 8 (3·1%) 7 (2·7%) Patients with latent tuberculosis|| 11·8 (7·4) 90 (35·3%) 242 (94·9%) 150 (58·8%) 142 (55·7%) 128 (50·2%) 10 (3·9%) PR OO Data are mean (SD) or n (%). *Rated as cleared (0), minimal (1), mild (2), moderate (3), marked (4), or severe (5). †Patients had to have discontinued topical therapies (except moisturisers and shampoos) 2 weeks, conventional systemic therapies 4 weeks, and biological agents at least 3 months before randomisation. ‡Includes ultraviolet B light and psoralen plus ultraviolet A. §Includes psoralen plus ultraviolet A, methotrexate, acitretin, and ciclosporin. ¶Includes etanercept, alefacept, efalizumab, infliximab, or adalimumab. ||Latent tuberculosis was identified by a positive purified protein derivative test without evidence of active tuberculosis. Table 1: Demographic and clinical characteristics at baseline FO R system (ClinPhone; East Windsor, NJ, USA). Baseline randomisation was stratified by investigational site, weight (≤90 kg or >90 kg), and the number of conventional systemic therapies to which patients had an inadequate response, intolerance, or contraindication (<3 or ≥3). Week 40 randomisation was stratified by investigational site and baseline weight (≤90 kg or >90 kg). Key efficacy parameters, including PASI, physician’s global assessment, and dermatology life quality index, were assessed until week 76. PASI response indicates the extent and severity of psoriasis, yielding an overall scale of 0 (no psoriasis) to 72 (severe).15 With the physician’s global assessment, a patient’s psoriasis is assessed as cleared (0), minimal (1), mild (2), moderate (3), marked (4), or severe (5). The dermatology life quality index is a 10-item questionnaire that determines whether psoriasis affects patient-reported quality of life, with overall scores ranging from 0 (not at all) to 30 (very much).16 Adverse events and routine haematology and chemistry laboratory tests and haemoglobin A₁c levels were monitored until week 76, and serum samples collected up to week 76 were tested for antibodies to ustekinumab with a bridging immunoassay.17 Fasting glucose, C-reactive protein (CRP), and D-dimer levels were monitored during the placebo-controlled phase. The primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of patients achieving PASI 75 at week 12. Major secondary endpoints included: the proportion of patients with a physician’s global assessment score of cleared or minimal at week 12; the change in dermatology life quality index from baseline at week 12; and, in the randomised withdrawal 1668 phase, time to loss of PASI 75 response in the group receiving maintenance ustekinumab compared with the group withdrawn from treatment at week 40. Statistical analysis The study was designed to enrol 750 patients to assess both the primary and major secondary endpoints and to characterise the efficacy and safety of long-term treatment. The sample size calculations took into account the results of the phase II trial11 and assumed PASI 75 response rates of 50% (≤90 kg) and 40% (>90 kg) in each ustekinumab group and 10% for the placebo group. On the basis of simulation studies in SAS (version 8.02) using Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel χ² tests stratified by weight, the trial with 250 patients per group provided more than 99% power to detect at least one pairwise treatment effect in the primary endpoint based on Holm’s procedure at an overall 5% level of significance. To maintain an overall type I error rate of 0·05, the primary and major secondary analyses were done sequentially with each endpoint tested at an alpha level of 0·05. All other statistical tests were two-sided. Efficacy data from all randomised patients were analysed according to the assigned treatment group, whereas safety analyses were based on actual treatment in patients receiving at least one administration of study agent. For patients randomly assigned to placebo at baseline, only those who crossed over to active treatment at week 12 were included in subsequent efficacy summaries. Patients who discontinued study treatment due to unsatisfactory therapeutic effect or who started a protocol-prohibited therapy that could improve psoriasis were deemed to be treatment failures. For analyses in such cases, baseline values were assigned for continuous endpoints and patients were deemed to be non-responders for dichotomous endpoints. In the primary efficacy and week 12 binary PASI and physician’s global assessment analyses, patients with missing data were deemed to be non-responders. For analyses of time to loss of PASI 75 response, intermittent missing values were imputed by linear interpolation. For other efficacy analyses, missing data were not imputed and were treated as missing. Dichotomous endpoints were analysed with the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel χ² test stratified by site (pooled) and weight, and continuous variables were compared with an analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the van der Waerden normal scores with weight as a binary covariate. Time to loss of PASI 75 response was analysed with the log-rank test stratified by weight. This trial is registered with, number NCT00267969. All analyses were done with SAS version 8.02. FO Physician’s global assessment—marked or severe* NL Y Articles Role of the funding source Employees of the study sponsor were involved in the design of this study together with members of the Vol 371 May 17, 2008 For iPad use only. Not for Distribution. Valid until 12/31/2013 (D85898) Results PR OO The trial profile is shown in figure 2. Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics were much the same across treatment groups (table 1) and among patients re-randomised at week 40 (data not shown). About two-thirds of patients in each group were men. On average, patients had a 20-year history of psoriasis and about a quarter of their body surface area affected by psoriasis. Over 90% of patients had used topical treatments previously, and at least 50% each had previously used conventional systemic or biological therapies. 25 patients diagnosed with latent tuberculosis infection before or at screening received isoniazid during the study (table 1). Significantly more patients in both the 45 and 90 mg ustekinumab groups achieved the primary endpoint— PASI 75 at week 12—than did those in the placebo group (table 2; difference in response rate 63·9%, 95% CI 57·8–70·1, p<0·0001 for the 45 mg group vs placebo and 63·3%, 57·1–69·4, p<0·0001 for the 90 mg group vs placebo; figure 3). Onset of efficacy was rapid, with higher proportions of ustekinumab-treated patients achieving at least 50% improvement from baseline in PASI (PASI 50) by week 2 (p=0·0008 for the 45 mg group vs placebo and p=0·0005 for the 90 mg group vs placebo) and PASI 75 by week 4 (p<0·0001 for each comparison vs placebo; figure 3). Ustekinumab-treated patients showed greater improvement in their psoriasis compared with placebo at every PASI or physician’s global assessment threshold assessed at week 12 (figure 3). Cleared or minimal disease based on the physician’s global assessment was achieved by more patients receiving ustekinumab than by those receiving placebo (table 2; difference in response 56·5%, 95% CI 50·0–62·9, p<0·0001 for 45 mg vs placebo and 57·8%, 51·4–64·2, p<0·0001 for 90 mg vs placebo). Efficacy continued to increase after the placebo-controlled portion of the study (figure 3). Maximum efficacy was observed at about week 24 in both the 45 mg and 90 mg groups (PASI 75 response in 191 [76·1%] of 251 patients in the 45 mg group and 209 [85·0%] of 246 patients in the 90 mg group; figure 3). FO steering committee, with input from study investigators. The steering committee reviewed study progress. Study investigators collected data, which were maintained in a database by the study sponsor. Statisticians and programmers at the study sponsor did the data analyses. An independent safety monitoring committee reviewed safety data during the study. All authors had full access to the data, and the steering committee had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication. NL Y Articles Week 12 Ustekinumab 45 mg (n=255) Reported by the physician Week 28 Ustekinumab 90 mg (n=256) Placebo (n=255) Ustekinumab 45 mg (n=250) Ustekinumab 90 mg (n=243) Placebo to Placebo to ustekinumab 45 mg ustekinumab 90 mg (n=123) (n=119) Improvement in psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score At least 50% (PASI 50) At least 75% (PASI 75) At least 90% (PASI 90) 100% (PASI 100) 213 (83·5%)* 220 (85·9%)* 26 (10·2%) 228 (91·2%) 234 (96·3%) 118 (95·9%) 117 (98·3%) 171 (67·1%)* 170 (66·4%)* 8 (3·1%) 178 (71·2%) 191 (78·6%) 81 (65·9%) 101 (84·9%) 106 (41·6%)* 94 (36·7%)* 5 (2·0%) 123 (49·2%) 135 (55·6%) 55 (44·7%) 74 (62·2%) 32 (12·5%)* 28 (10·9%)* 0 (0·0%) 52 (20·8%) 71 (29·2%) 24 (19·5%) 40 (33·6%) Percentage improvement in psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score n Mean Median Physician’s global assessment Cleared Marked or severe 251 75·6 (27·04) 77·2 (23·67) 85·98 (65·8 to 94·7)* 85·55 (66·2 to 93·8)* 253 250 243 123 119 7·0 (30·77) 80·3 (23·65) 85·2 (19·40) 80·4 (20·60) 88·2 (15·73) 2·82 (–7·5 to 21·7) 89·38 (69·7 to 97·9) 91·43 (77·8 to 100·0) 86·43 (67·8 to 97·6) 93·48 (81·8 to 100·0) 47 (18·4%)* 45 (17·6%)* 1 (0·4%) 66 (26·4%) 86 (35·4%) 28 (22·8%) 48 (40·3%) 154 (60·4%)* 158 (61·7%)* 10 (3·9%) 147 (58·8%) 161 (66·3%) 75 (61·0%) 87 (73·1%) 5 (2·0%)* 14 (5·5%)* 105 (41·2%) 15 (6·0%) 5 (2·1%) 1 (0·8%) 2 (1·7%) FO R Cleared or minimal 255 Reported by the patient Change in dermatology life quality index (DLQI) score n Mean Median DLQI score of 0 or 1 254 249 –8·0 (6·87) –8·7 (6·47) –6·00 (–12·0 to –3·0)* –7·00 (–12·0 to –4·0)* 135 (53·1%)* 131 (52·4%)* 252 –0·6 (5·97) 249 241 123 118 –8·1 (7·23) –9·6 (7·17) –8·7 (7·56) –9·6 (6·75) 0·00 (–3·0 to 3·0) –7·00 (–12·0 to –3·0) –8·00 (–13·0 to –4·0) –8·00 (–13·0 to –4·0) –8·00 (–14·0 to –4·0) 15 (6·0%) 146 (58·6%) 167 (69·0%) 74 (60·2%) 90 (76·3%) Data are mean (SD), median (IQR), or n (%) unless specified otherwise. *p<0·0001 vs placebo. Table 2: Clinical responses at week 12 and week 28 as reported by physicians and patients Vol 371 May 17, 2008 For iPad use only. Not for Distribution. Valid until 12/31/2013 (D85898) 1669 A B Proportion of patients (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 0 2 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 0 2 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 D C 80 60 40 20 Week 0 0 2 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Placebo PR OO Proportion of patients (%) 100 Placebo→ustekinumab 45 mg Ustekinumab 45 mg Placebo→ustekinumab 90 mg Ustekinumab 90 mg Figure 3: Proportion of patients achieving clinical response from baseline through week 40 PASI 75 (A), physician’s global assessment of cleared or minimal (0 or 1; B), PASI 90 (C), and PASI 50 (D); all patients randomised at baseline. For week 28 PASI 50 non-responders, data at week 28 were carried forward to weeks 32, 36, and 40. Solid arrows indicate visits at which ustekinumab was administered to patients randomised to receive ustekinumab at baseline; broken arrows indicate visits at which ustekinumab was administered to those randomised to receive placebo at baseline and crossover to ustekinumab at week 12. FO R More than 90% of patients in both ustekinumab groups achieved PASI 50 (table 2), and about half of patients in both ustekinumab groups achieved at least 90% improvement from baseline in PASI (PASI 90) at week 28 (table 2). These response rates were generally maintained through week 40 (figure 3), when long-term responders underwent randomised withdrawal. Patients randomised to placebo at baseline achieved similar response rates after crossover at week 12 (figure 3). Among patients re-randomised at week 40, maintenance of PASI 75 (ie, time to loss of PASI 75 response) was better in patients receiving maintenance therapy than in patients withdrawn from therapy through at least 1 year (p<0·0001). The median percentage improvement in PASI remained stable to at least week 76 in the maintenance therapy groups (figure 4). Patients receiving maintenance therapy also generally sustained PASI 50, PASI 75, PASI 90, and physician’s global assessment responses to at least week 76 (data not shown). By contrast, the median percentage improvement in PASI in the withdrawal groups began to decrease gradually by week 44, with the decline in PASI improvement accelerating after week 52, decreasing over time from over 96% in both withdrawal groups at week 40 to about 40% at week 64 (after which point the median PASI 1670 improvement in these groups cannot be accurately assessed because PASI data were carried forward from retreatment visits in about half the patients). The median time to loss of PASI 75 in patients withdrawn from treatment was about 15 weeks; rebound psoriasis18 was not reported in patients withdrawn from treatment. Of the 195 patients who re-initiated ustekinumab, 167 (85·6%) achieved PASI 75 within 12 weeks of re-initiating therapy, with similar response rates observed in all treatment groups. Patient-reported outcomes, as measured by dermatology life quality index, paralleled improvements in psoriasis (table 2), with improvements seen as early as week 2 in the ustekinumab groups (data not shown). More than half of patients in the ustekinumab groups achieved a dermatology life quality index score of 0 or 1 by week 12 (p<0·0001 vs placebo for both groups; table 2). At week 12, median changes in dermatology life quality index were greater in patients receiving ustekinumab than they were in patients receiving placebo (median of differences vs placebo –7·0, 95% CI –7·0 to –5·0, p<0·0001 for 45 mg group and –7·0, –8·0 to –6·0, p<0·0001 for 90 mg group). Dermatology life quality index responses seen at week 12 were sustained to the end of the study in patients maintained on ustekinumab but worsened in patients withdrawn from therapy (figure 4). Table 3 shows the number of adverse events experienced during the three phases of the trial. In general, adverse events were mild, non-serious, and did not require treatment adjustment, with the most commonly reported adverse events being upper respiratory tract infection, nasopharyngitis, headache, and arthralgia. The number of infections, and the number of adverse events that led to discontinuation of treatment, were much the same across groups (table 3). Serious adverse events occurred in two of the 255 patients receiving placebo (one patient with pneumonia and one with a psychotic disorder), two of 255 patients receiving ustekinumab 45 mg (one with stroke and one with hypertension), and in four of 255 patients receiving ustekinumab 90 mg (two patients with serious infections; one patient with coronary artery disease who was hospitalised for coronary artery bypass grafting; and one patient with psoriasis that began worsening during the screening period and who was managed with topical emollients only, continued receiving ustekinumab and subsequently responded; table 3). The two serious infections reported in patients receiving ustekinumab (one patient with bilateral lower extremity cellulitis and another with herpes zoster affecting the left T8 dermatome with 19 cutaneous vesicles disseminated beyond the primary dermatome) resolved with appropriate therapy. No malignancies were reported during the placebo-controlled phase (table 3), and rates of laboratory abnormalities were much the same between treatment groups (data not shown). FO Week NL Y Articles Vol 371 May 17, 2008 For iPad use only. Not for Distribution. Valid until 12/31/2013 (D85898) A B Median percentage 100 80 60 40 20 0 48 52 56 60 64 FO R 68 72 76 40 44 FO 40 44 Ustekinumab 45 mg Placebo Every 12 weeks C 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 Ustekinumab 90 mg Placebo Every 12 weeks D Median change 4 0 –4 –8 –12 –16 Week 40 Week 52 PR OO The general patterns of common adverse events seen during the placebo crossover and randomised withdrawal phases were much the same as those seen during the placebo-controlled phase, although absolute event rates differed across study phases consistent with different lengths of follow-up (table 3). No dose response was seen in the rates of adverse events, serious adverse events, or adverse events leading to study agent discontinuation. Patients receiving maintenance therapy did not experience higher adverse event rates than did patients receiving interrupted therapy in the randomised withdrawal phase (table 3). The most common serious adverse events observed in the placebo crossover and randomised withdrawal phases included infections (a patient with a viral syndrome in the 45 mg group and a diabetic patient with a foot ulcer and osteomyelitis in the 90 mg group in the placebo crossover phase, and a patient with gastroenteritis in the interrupted therapy group in the randomised withdrawal phase); malignancies (one patient each with prostate and thyroid cancer in the 45 mg group in the crossover phase and one patient with colon cancer in the interrupted therapy group in the withdrawal phase); and cardiovascular events (two patients with myocardial infarctions [one each in the 45 mg group and placebo to 90 mg crossover group] and another who experienced a stroke in the placebo to 45 mg crossover group, all in the crossover phase). Patterns and rates of adverse events were comparable among patients in the placebo crossover group (who did not undergo randomised withdrawal) and were similar before and after dose adjustment in patients who did not achieve PASI 75 at week 28 or 40 and switched to dosing every 8 weeks (data not shown), with one additional serious infection reported (appendicitis), and one patient each reporting lentigo maligna, breast cancer, and transitional cell carcinoma (in a patient who had a perioperative myocardial infarction post-nephrectomy). No cases of mycobacterial or salmonella infection were observed. The proportions of patients with abnormalities in haematology and chemistry laboratory measures, including liver and renal function tests, were low and generally comparable between the placebo and ustekinumab groups through week 12 and during randomised withdrawal (data not shown). Ustekinumab had no effect on glucose, haemoglobin A₁c levels,11 neutrophil counts,19 or D-dimer levels (data not shown). A greater reduction in mean CRP levels during the placebo-controlled phase was seen in patients receiving ustekinumab than in individuals on placebo. Of the patients with an abnormal CRP at baseline (about 30% of patients overall), a higher proportion of ustekinumabtreated patients normalised their CRP at week 12 than did those on placebo (28 [36·4%] of 77 patients in the 45 mg group, 31 [40·8%] of 76 in the 90 mg group, and 17 [22·1%] of 77 in the placebo group). Antibodies to ustekinumab had developed in 38 (5·1%) of the NL Y Articles Ustekinumab 45 mg Placebo Every 12 weeks Week 76 Week 40 Week 52 Week 76 Ustekinumab 90 mg Placebo Every 12 weeks Figure 4: Median percentage improvement from baseline in disease scores from weeks 40 to 76 Median improvement in PASI in patients treated with ustekinumab 45 mg (A) or ustekinumab 90 mg (B) from week 40 through week 76; all patients randomised at week 40. For patients withdrawn from therapy (placebo), data at the visit of ustekinumab re-initiation were carried forward to subsequent visits. Median change from baseline in dermatology life quality index score in patients treated with ustekinumab 45 mg (C) or ustekinumab 90 mg (D) from week 40 through week 76; all patients randomised at week 40. Arrows indicate visits at which active treatment was administered to patients randomised at week 40 to receive ustekinumab every 12 weeks. Error bars are IQR. 746 patients for whom data were available by week 76; these were predominantly low titre (<1/320) and not associated with injection site reactions. Rates of injection site reaction were low (ie, 32 in 4559 injections of ustekinumab and 37 of 16 063 placebo injections). All injection site reactions with ustekinumab were mild, and no anaphylactic reactions or serum-sickness-like reactions associated with the study agent were noted. Discussion Our findings, together with the results of the PHOENIX 2 study,13 suggest that ustekinumab, administered at 45 mg or 90 mg every 12 weeks, is efficacious for the treatment of mild-to-moderate psoriasis. Our results also lend support to the notion that interleukins 12 and 23 have a role in the immunopathophysiology of psoriasis.11,12 These cytokines participate in immune function through activation of natural killer cells and CD4+ T-cell differentiation. Interleukin 12 induces differentiation towards the T helper 1 (Th1) response and expression of type 1 cytokines, such as interferon γ and tumour necrosis factor α, which are important in the pathophysiology of psoriasis.20,21 Interleukin 23 induces Vol 371 May 17, 2008 For iPad use only. Not for Distribution. Valid until 12/31/2013 (D85898) 1671 Mean duration of follow-up (weeks) NL Y Articles Placebo-controlled phase (weeks 0–12) Placebo crossover phase (weeks 12–40) Ustekinumab Ustekinumab Placebo 45 mg 90 mg (n=255) (n=255) (n=255) Ustekinumab 45 mg (n=255) 12·2 Patients with one or more adverse events 147 (57·6%) 12·1 12·1 27·2 Ustekinumab Placebo to 90 mg ustekinumab (n=251) 45 mg (n=123) 27·5 131 (51·4%) 123 (48·2%) 146 (57·3%) 161 (64·1%) Common adverse events† Randomised withdrawal phase (weeks 40–76)* Placebo to ustekinumab 90 mg (n=120) 28·0 28·2 79 (64·2%) 69 (57·5%) Maintenance therapy (n=161) 36·0 Interrupted therapy (n=160) 35·6 108 (67·1%) 121 (75·6%) 21 (13·1%) 18 (7·1%) 16 (6·3%) 16 (6·3%) 19 (7·5%) 28 (11·2%) 9 (7·3%) 9 (7·5%) 22 (13·7%) Nasopharyngitis 26 (10·2%) 21 (8·2%) 22 (8·6%) 25 (9·8%) 22 (8·8%) 18 (14·6%) 13 (10·8%) 16 (9·9%) 17 (10·6%) Arthralgia 7 (2·7%) 6 (2·4%) 7 (2·7%) 11 (4·3%) 8 (3·2%) 5 (4·1%) 4 (3·3%) 3 (1·9%) 12 (7·5%) Headache 10 (3·9%) 8 (3·2%) 6 (4·9%) 1 (0·8%) 6 (3·7%) 4 (2·5%) 7 (2·7%) 5 (2·0%) 2 (1·6%) 1 (0·8%) 3 (1·9%) 3 (1·9%) 8 (3·1%) 4 (1·6%) 2 (1·6%) 2 (1·7%) 1 (0·6%) 7 (4·4%) 76 (47·5%) 14 (5·5%) 13 (5·1%) 6 (2·4%) Adverse events leading to withdrawal of study agent 1 (0·4%) 4 (1·6%) 6 (2·4%) Serious adverse events‡ 2 (0·8%) 4 (1·6%) 2 (0·8%) Adverse events of special interest 80 (31·4%) 66 (25·9%) 68 (26·7%) 79 (31·0%) 106 (42·2%) 46 (37·4%) 44 (36·7%) 71 (44·1%) Serious infections 0 (0·0%) 2 (0·8%) 1 (0·4%) 1 (0·4%) 1 (0·4%) 0 (0·0%) 0 (0·0%) 0 (0·0%) 2 (1·3%) Cutaneous cancers§ 0 (0·0%) 0 (0·0%) 0 (0·0%) 1 (0·4%) 0 (0·0%) 1 (0·8%) 0 (0·0%) 2 (1·2%) 0 (0·0%) Non-cutaneous cancers¶ 0 (0·0%) 0 (0·0%) 0 (0·0%) 2 (0·8%) 0 (0·0%) 0 (0·0%) 0 (0·0%) 0 (0·0%) 1 (0·6%) Cardiovascular events|| 1 (0·4%) 0 (0·0%) 0 (0·0%) 1 (0·4%) 0 (0·0%) 1 (0·8%) 1 (0·8%) 0 (0·0%) 0 (0·0%) PR OO Infections FO Upper respiratory tract infection *Includes only patients who were randomised at week 40 and subsequently treated. †Occurred in at least 5% of patients in any treatment group. ‡An adverse event that resulted in any of the following outcomes: death, a life-threatening condition, in-patient hospitalisation or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or a congenital anomaly or birth defect, irrespective of its relationship to study agent. §Basal-cell carcinomas only. ¶Include prostate, colon, and thyroid cancer. ||Any serious adverse events of sudden cardiac death, myocardial infarction, or stroke. Table 3: Adverse events during the three phases of the trial FO R differentiation towards a T helper 17 (Th17) phenotype,22 expression of interleukin 17, and increased keratinocyte expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase, which has also been implicated in the pathophysiology of psoriasis.23,24 Cytokines produced by Th17 cells, including interleukin 20 and interleukin 22, have been implicated in the keratinocyte hyperproliferative response in psoriasis.25,26 Although the mechanisms by which interleukin 12 and 23 contribute to the pathophysiology of psoriasis are incompletely understood, the shared p40 protein might have a key role in the inflammatory cascade.27 Treatment with two 45 or 90 mg injections of ustekinumab at week 0 and week 4, followed by dosing every 12 weeks, led to PASI 75 response in more than three quarters of patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis in both PHOENIX 1 and PHOENIX 2.13 More than 90% of patients experienced clinically meaningful improvements,28 and the PHOENIX 2 study further characterised determinants of treatment resistance as well as potential therapeutic approaches for the treatment resistant subpopulation.13 Clinical improvements were paralleled by improvements in patient-reported outcomes, measured by dermatology life quality index. Onset of response was seen within 2 weeks of the first dose of ustekinumab, and psoriasis response was generally maintained for at least a year and a half in patients who received the drug every 12 weeks. In patients withdrawn from ustekinumab, psoriasis gradually recurred—showing that temporary blockade of 1672 interleukins 12 and 23 did not reverse the underlying causal mechanisms of psoriasis—and quality of life improvements were lost. Combined, these observations suggest that maintaining response and quality-of-life improvements could require continuous maintenance dosing. Among patients withdrawn from ustekinumab, response was generally restored within 12 weeks of reinitiating treatment. Rates and types of adverse events, serious adverse events, adverse events leading to treatment discontinuation, and laboratory abnormalities were generally comparable between patients receiving placebo, ustekinumab 45 mg, and ustekinumab 90 mg during both the placebo-controlled and randomised withdrawal phases. No dose-response in safety events was apparent throughout the study. The observation of higher rates of hyperglycaemia in ustekinumab-treated patients in a previous trial11 was not apparent in this larger study. Rates of serious infections and malignancies were low in all treatment groups during the placebo-controlled phase and comparative rates did not suggest an association with ustekinumab. Similarly, serious cardiovascular events, which were observed in a previous trial11 and which are reported to be a population risk in patients with psoriasis,29,30 were uncommon during the placebo-controlled phase of the study. No increase in the frequency of adverse events or serious adverse events, including serious infections, malignancies, or cardiovascular events, was apparent over time with maintenance dosing. No mycobacterial Vol 371 May 17, 2008 For iPad use only. Not for Distribution. Valid until 12/31/2013 (D85898) FO E Tschen (Academic Dermatology Associates, Albuquerque, NM, USA), P Yamauchi (Clinical Research Specialists Inc, Santa Monica, CA, USA), R Bissonnette (Innovaderm Research Inc, Quebec, Canada), M Bourcier (Dermatology Clinic, New Brunswick, Canada), W Carey (Siena Medical Research, Quebec, Canada), D Gratton (International Dermatology Research Inc, Quebec, Canada), L Guenther (Guenther Dermatology Research Centre, Ontario, Canada), Z Tomi (New Lab Clinical Research Inc, NL, Canada), R Langley (Eastern Canada Cutaneous Research Associates, Nova Scotia, Canada), B Lasko (Manna Research, Ontario, Canada), K Papp (K Papp Clinical Research, Ontario, Canada), Y Poulin (Centre Dermatologique du Quebec Metropolitain, Quebec, Canada), C Maari (Innovaderm Research Laval Inc, Quebec, Canada), L Rosoph (North Bay Dermatology Centre, Ontario, Canada), J Tan (Windsor Clinical Research, Ontario, Canada), J-S Gauthier (replaced M Tolszczuk, Q&T Research Inc, Quebec, Canada), D Toth (XLR8 Research, Ontario, Canada), N Wasel (Stratica Medical, Alberta, Canada), M Heenen (Erasmus University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium), J Lambert (Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen, Edegem, Belgium), P Ghislain (Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium). Conflict of interest statement CLL has served as a consultant for Abbott, Amgen, Centocor, and Genentech, as an investigator for Abbott, Allergan, Altana, Alza, Amgen, Astellas, Celgene, Centocor, Genentech, Bristol Myers, Eli Lilly, Fujisawa, Galderma, CombinatoRx, 3M Pharmaceuticals, Perrigo Isreal Pharamceutical, ScheringPlough, Serono, RTL, Novartis, Vitae, and Wyeth, and as a speaker for Abbott, Amgen, Centocor, Genentech, and Warner Chilcott. ABK has served as an investigator and consultant for Abbott, Amgen, and Centocor and has been a study steering committee member, speaker, and fellowship funding recipient from Centocor. KAP has served as a consultant and advisory board member for Abbott, Alza, Amgen, Celgene, Centocor, Johnson and Johnson, Isotechnika, Janssen Ortho Biotech, Medimmune, MerckSerono, and Wyeth. KBG has served as a consultant for Abbott, Amgen, Astellas, Centocor, and Genentech and has received grant support from Abbott, Astellas, and Centocor. NY, CG, YW, SL, and LTD are employees of Centocor and own stock in Johnson and Johnson. PR OO or salmonella infections, which have been reported in individuals congenitally deficient in interleukin 12 p40 or interleukin 12 receptor β1,31,32 and no cases of lymphoma or demyelinating disease were reported throughout the study. Our results do not reveal any major safety concerns in blocking interleukin 12 and 23 for periods as long as a year and a half. However, the size and duration of the trial do not rule out a potential effect of ustekinumab on uncommon events or events that occur after longer duration of exposure or in larger patient populations, although additional follow-up will result from long-term extension of this study for a total of 5 years of treatment. Together with the safety profile observed in the PHOENIX 2 trial,13 these results indicate that ustekinumab is well tolerated during treatment lasting at least a year. Our results suggest that ustekinumab could be an important therapeutic agent for treating patients with psoriasis. Recognising the limitations of comparisons across studies, the high level of efficacy noted in this study compares favourably with that reported for currently available intramuscularly or subcutaneously administered biological therapeutic agents for psoriasis.33 The high level of efficacy was generally maintained with dosing every 12 weeks, a schedule that could offer a novel level of convenience for patients and physicians. These attributes might be particularly important for treatment compliance, which is low in patients with psoriasis and could, at least in part, result from dissatisfaction with effectiveness or convenience of available treatments.34,35 NL Y Articles Contributors The steering committee consisted of CLL, ABK, KAP, and KBG. NY, YW, and KBG wrote the original draft of the manuscript. All authors participated in the design and conduct of the study, the analysis or interpretation of the data, and the writing and review of the manuscript. All authors agreed to submit the manuscript for publication and approved the final version. FO R PHOENIX 1 study investigators D Nieves (Psoriasis Treatment Center of New Jersey, East Windsor, NJ, USA), D Baker (Allergy, Asthma and Dermatology Research, Lake Oswego, OR, USA), F Behringer Jr (Renstar Medical Research, Ocala, FL, USA), C Birbara (Clinical Pharmacology Study Group, Worcester, MA, USA), D Fiorentino (Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA), S Fretzin (Dawes Fretzin Clinical Research Group, Indianapolis, IN, USA), B Goffe (Dermatology Associates, Seattle, WA, USA), T Hamilton (Atlanta Dermatology, Vein and Research Center, Alpharetta, GA, USA), D Johnson (Honolulu, HI, USA), S Kempers (Minnesota Clinical Study Center, Fridley, MN, USA), W Ko (Radiant Research, Phoenix, AZ, USA), C Leonardi (Central Dermatology, St Louis, MO, USA), J Zeichner (Mt Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA), M Ling (MedaPhase Inc, Newman, GA, USA), K Loven (Rivergate Dermatology, Goodlettsville, TN, USA), J Maloney (Cherry Creek Research Inc, Denver, CO, USA), R Matheson (Oregon Medical Research Center, Portland, OR, USA), A Menter (Baylor Research Institute, Dallas TX, USA), S Mings (Covance CRU Inc, Boise, ID, USA), E Monroe (Advanced Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA), A Nayak (Sneeze, Wheeze and Itch Associates, Normal, IL, USA), J Powers (Radiant Research, Scottsdale, AZ, USA), P Rich (Oregon Dermatology and Research Center, Portland, OR, USA), M Saruk (Atlantic Skin and Cosmetic Surgery Group, Malvern PA, USA), J Schlessinger (Skin Specialists, Omaha, NE, USA), S Smith (Dermatology and Advanced Aesthetics, Lake Charles, LA, USA), H Sofen (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Acknowledgments This study was supported by Centocor Inc. 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