FUEL THE FUTURE FOR ARIZONA KIDS Friday, February 27, 2015 Fairmont Scottsdale Princess PHOENIX SUNS CHARITIES Phoenix Suns Charities was formed with the mission to enhance the lives of Arizona’s children and their families by actively creating and supporting programs in the areas of education, health, human services, the arts, food and clothing and sports and recreation. Throughout the past 26 years, Phoenix Suns Charities has raised and gifted more than $15 million to charitable organizations in Arizona. CURRENT GRANT RECIPIENTS Aid to Adoption of Special Kids - AASK American Red Cross Grand Canyon Chapter Angels on Patrol, Inc. Anthony Bates Foundation Arizona Animal Welfare League Arizona Autism United Arizona Bridge to Independent Living Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation Arizona Lions Vision Center, Inc. Arizona Recreation Center for the Handicapped Arizona Science Center Arizona Theater Company Arizona Women’s Golf Association Assistance League of Phoenix Assistance League of Tucson, Inc. ASU Foundation iTeach AZ Back to School Clothing Drive Association Ballet Arizona Banner Health Foundation Be A Leader Foundation Best Buddies International Better To Give Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona Boys and Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Phoenix Camp Kesem National Cancer Support Community Arizona Career Concepts for Youth, Inc. Casa de los Niños, Inc. Center Dance Ensemble Central Arizona Shelter Services, Inc. Chandler Education Foundation Chandler Service Club Child Crisis Center Children’s Museum of Phoenix Childsplay, Inc. Crisis Nursery, Inc. Desert Botanical Garden Desert Mission Detour Company Theater, Inc. Dignity Health Foundation The Dream Center Educare of Arizona El Rio Health Center Foundation Elevate Phoenix Fans Across America Faye Evans Learning Center Feeding Matters, Inc. Fencing For All Foundation Flagstaff Family Food Center Food Bank and Kitchen Flagstaff National Junior Basketball Florence Crittenton Foundation for Blind Children Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona Fresh Start Women’s Foundation Gabriel’s Angels Gene Lewis Boxing Club and Youth Center Pitch 4 Kids Genesis City Girl Scouts Arizona Cactus-Pine Council, Inc. Great Arizona Puppet Theater Homeward Bound Hope & A Future Hospice of the Valley ICAN Isabelle Hunt Memorial Public Library, Inc. Jazz in AZ Joe Foss Institute Kiwanis Club of Camp Verde Los Niños Hospital, Inc. Maggie’s Place, Inc. Maricopa County Historical Society Maricopa County National Adoption Day Foundation Maryvale Revitalization Corporation Mended Hearts, Inc. Mission of Mercy Musical Instrument Museum Neighborhood Ministries, Inc. New Pathways for Youth, Inc. Not My Kid, Inc. OCJ Kids Phoenix Children’s Hospital Foundation Phoenix Community ToolBank Phoenix Conservatory of Music Phoenix Day Phoenix Wheelchair Suns Playworks Positive Coaching Alliance Rim Country Literacy Program Ronald McDonald House. Rosson House Ryan House SAAVI SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Save the Family Foundation of Arizona Seed Spot Severson Sisters Foundation Shoebox Ministry, Inc. Singleton Moms Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS Southwest Human Development, Inc. Special Olympics Arizona St. Andrew’s Children’s Clinic St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance SunsCentral Teen Lifeline, Inc. The Be Kind People Project The Melonhead Foundation The Salvation Army The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Tucson Symphony Society UMOM New Day Centers, Inc. United Food Bank USO Arizona Arizona 4-H Youth Development Valley of the Sun YMCA Veterans Heritage Project Waste Not, Inc. Wesley Community Center West Valley Child Crisis Center Young Arts Arizona Ltd PLAYMAKER GRANT Each season, Phoenix Suns Charities awards one or more local non-profit(s) with a $100,000 Playmaker grant. ican – Positive Programs for Youth, 2011 Starlight Children’s Foundation, 2012 Boys & Girls Clubs, 2013 Phoenix Suns Charities adopted Central High School in 2012. Through sponsoring 25 student teachers, over 20,000 hours of tutoring, focused academic support and student enrichment, the students of Central High School have meaningfully increased attendance, grades, AIMS test scores, and college entrance exam test scores. SUNS CHARITIES GIVES EVERY CHILD IN ARIZONA AN OPPORTUNITY TO SUCCEED. SUNS CHARITIES HAS AWARDED $560,000 IN DIRECT COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS EACH SEASON, SUNS CHARITIES RECOGNIZES A HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL COACH FOR THE SPIRIT OF COTTON AWARD AND DONATES $10,000 TO THE SCHOOL BASKETBALL PROGRAM PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES PRESENTING • • • • • • • • • • • • $50,000 Event naming opportunity for The Jump Ball Premium seating for two tables (20 guests) Your choice of two Suns players or celebrities Event speaking opportunity Broadcast package including TV/radio mentions and FSN recap Name inclusion on all event collateral materials include event press release Autographed Suns team ball for the table host Full-page ad and company listing in the event program Company logo on invitation Company logo will appear on the event video screens Company logo on SunsCharities.org w/link back to company until 1/1/16 Special recognition from the podium during event MVP $25,000 • Priority seating for a table of ten (10) with a Suns player or celebrity • Naming opportunity of the Plaza Reception, Gift Bags/Valet, Entertainment, Centerpieces • Full page ad and company listing in the event program • Company logo on invitation • Company logo will appear on the event video screens • Company logo on the event step-&-repeat • Company logo on SunsCharities.org with link back to company until 1/1/16 VIP • • • • • • • $15,000 Priority seating for a table of ten (10) Naming opportunity of the Auction, Invites or Registration Product display or handouts to guests Full page ad and company listing in the event program Company logo will appear on the event video screens Company logo on the event step-&-repeat Company logo on SunsCharities.org with link back to company until 1/1/16 Print deadline restrictions apply UNDERWRITING OPPORTUNITIES ENTERTAINMENT $25,000 Be responsible for bringing world-class entertainment to The Jump Ball! Suns players onstage enhance the entertainment value for all attendance. This elite sponsor will be recognized in a variety of ways including the printed dinner program, video screens and a call-out from the main stage. This exclusive package also includes a meet-&-greet with the entertainment as available. TABLE CENTERPIECES $25,000 Bring to life exquisite centerpieces that will be sure to impress. The sponsor of the centerpieces will be recognized in the program and at the podium during the gala’s dinner program. GIFT BAGS/VALET $25,000 Before the party really starts, grab the undivided attention of guests as they arrive at The Jump Ball by underwriting the gala’s valet costs. The valet attendants will place a gift bag in each guest’s vehicle. Have your company name/logo don the flashy gift bag tag for guaranteed recognition among the 700 guests. Additional sponsor credit will be given in the program. The company will be recognized via signage prominently placed throughout the gala’s valet and welcome area for maximum guest exposure. SILENT AUCTION $15,000 Event attendees will have fun bidding on one-of-a-kind auction items. Your logo will appear in the top of each touch bid sheet, and throughout the displayed items. Company will also receive a program mention. INVITATIONS $15,000 Underwrite the cost to design, print and mail Phoenix Suns Charities gala invitation. Eye-catching and mailed directly to each guest’s home, this opportunity affords the sponsor unmistakable recognition and credit for their contribution. Additional sponsor credit will be given in the dinner program and on the invite. REGISTRATION $15,000 Have naming opportunities as guests arrive at the event and register. This is the first impression for all guests and your company will leave a lasting impression. Print deadline restrictions apply TABLE SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES PLAYMAKER TABLE • • • • • • Premium seating for a table of ten (10) with a Suns player or celebrity Full-page ad and company or personal listing in the event program Recognition will appear on the event video screens Recognition on SunsCharities.org with link back to company if desired until 1/1/16 Special recognition from the podium during event Recognition in the in-game Phoenix Suns Charities Free Throw ad for 8 games during the 2015/16 season TOP OF THE KEY • • • • $25,000 $10,000 Priority seating for a table of ten (10) ½ page ad and company listing in the event program Company logo will appear on the event video screens Recognition in the in-game Phoenix Suns Charities Free Throw ad for 8 games during the 2015/16 season PROGRAM AD $1,000 Seize the opportunity to grab the attention of guests via a full-page ad in the commemorative dinner program. *Print deadline restrictions apply PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT Company /Playmaker Contact Name Phone Contact Email Company Website Street Address City State Zip City State Zip DONATION AMOUNT $ PACKAGE: Invoice my company Pay by credit card: Name Billing Address Phone Email Credit Card Number Expiration CVC Signature Send payment to: Maggie Cortez, Phoenix Suns Charities 602-379-7767 201 E Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85004 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Allan Allford Susan Anable Maria Baier Deborah Bateman Tim Benter Tyler Butler Kathy Colace Dan Costello *Rick DeGraw Philip Dion Debbie Gaby Jay Kramer Jason LeVecke Kurt Meyer Robin Milne Jim Pitman Jason Rowley Penny Sarver Tanya Wheeless Kari Yatkowski * 2015 Jump Ball Liaison Suns Charities 88, presented by Wells Fargo, offers a platform for energized business professionals within the community to network amongst their peers while providing an opportunity to collectively give back through the philanthropic power of the Phoenix Suns Charities. Travis Anglin Amy Armstrong Kate Armstrong Matt Audibert Mannie Badyal Julie Bank Alison Bailin Batz Stephen Baxter Kyle Bell Aaron Blocher-Rubin Ken Bonham Jacob Brown Tom Buckner Marisa Calderon Laura Capello Jesse Carrie Paige Cecil James Christian Ben Cilek Reed Clarke Jody Corneveaux Brad Davis Bryant De Piazza Peter Deeley David Dobrusin Marion Donaldson Diane Eichler Theresa Esparza Andrea Tyler Evans Paul Evans Whitney Evenchik Adriana Figueroa David Funkhouser Chris Gales Gabriel Gasca Eric Gere Jacki Grainger Dan Gridley Bridgette Haley Kim Halloran Iain Hamp Joyce Medina Harper Travis Helm JoAnn Holland Sheila Kloefkorn Chad Kunze Bryan Laurel Aaron Lebovitz Brandon Lebovitz Mallory Lebovitz Nicole Maas Heather Macre Ed Maldonado Jim Manley Maraka Mason Jayson Matthews Julie Maurer Christy McClendon Cindy Mero Mitchell Moore Sophia Moreno Kevin O'Neill Desirae Outcalt Jordan Pace Kristin Paiva Paige Pataky Shelby Pedersen Zee Peters Ben Pijawka Monique Porras Amanda Smith Proszek Michael Pullen Maura Quigley Angie Ramage Nick Reed Sebastien Reyes Bea Rocklin Laura Rolfe Tara Salvatelli Kristin Samson Jen Scrivner Ann Seiden Lisa Shevy Travis Shumake Joshua Simon Ashley Slechta Jana Smith Karen Staley Derek Stapinski Jamie Swirtz Jessica Taylor Jennifer Thomson Alicia Vander Kooi Deidra Viberg FOR MORE INFORMATION please contact: Executive Director, Robin Milne rmilne@suns.com 602-379-7948 Director, Sarah Krahenbuhl skrahenbuhl@suns.com 602-379-7559 Coordinator, Maggie Cortez mcortez@suns.com 602-379-7767 www.SunsCharities.org
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