Composite Structures 57 (2002) 117–123 A semi-analytical finite element for laminated composite plates H.Y. Sheng a, J.Q. Ye a b,* Department of Building Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China b School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK Abstract This paper presents a semi-analytical finite element solution for laminated composite plates. The method is based on a mixed variational principle that involves both displacements and stresses. Finite element meshes are only used in the plane of plate, while the through thickness distributions of displacements and stresses are obtained using the method of state equations. Numerical results show that the rate of convergence of the new method is fast and the solutions can be very close to corresponding exact threedimensional ones. The use of a recursive formulation of the state equations leads to an algebra equation system, from which solution are sought, whose dimension is independent of the numbers of layers of the plate considered. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: State equation; Three-dimensional elasticity; Laminated composite plate; Finite element 1. Introduction Structures composed of laminated materials are among the most important structures used in modern engineering, and especially in the aerospace industry. Such lightweight and highly reinforced structures are also being increasingly used in civil, mechanical and transportation engineering applications. The rapid increase of the industrial use of these structures has necessitated the development of new analytical and numerical tools which are suitable for the analysis and study of the mechanical behavior of such structures. However, the behavior of structures composed of advanced composite materials are considerably more complicated than for isotropic materials. The strong influences of anisotropy, the transverse stresses through the thickness of a laminate and the stress distribution at interfaces play important roles in the performance of such structures, since they are the main causes for interface cracking and failure. It has been recognized that the prediction of their behavior should be based on a three-dimensional rather than the conventional twodimensional approaches. * Corresponding author. Fax: +44-0113-2332265. E-mail address: (J.Q. Ye). Three-dimensional analytical solutions of laminated plates is a subject that has been extensively studied in the last few decades [1,2]. In this respect, a recent proposed method [3] used a recursive formulation of state equation to obtain exact solutions of laminated plates with simply supported edges. The state equation approach was also used by other researchers to solve vibration problem of thick cylindrical shells [4]. The recursive formulation of state equation was further used to deal with laminated plates with more complex support conditions [5–7]. It was concluded from these works that the recursive formulation of state equations for laminated plates provides accurate three-dimensional results and minimizes the number of unknown functions to be solved. The solution also provides a continuous transverse stress field across the thickness of a laminate. It was realized, however, that to use the method for more practical structures, a numerical realization, e.g., in the form of finite element methods, of the recursive formulation of state equations should be established. Conventional finite element analyses are based on a representation of the displacement field that guarantees the continuity of all displacements across the element boundaries. The stress field derived from the displacement representation by the use of the stress– strain relations leads to a stress field that is usually discontinuous across element boundaries. As a result, the behavior of a multi-laminated composite cannot be 0263-8223/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 2 6 3 - 8 2 2 3 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 7 5 - 2 118 H.Y. Sheng, J.Q. Ye / Composite Structures 57 (2002) 117–123 predicted satisfactorily by the three-dimensional finite element models in use at present in general, though many works have been done to improve the performance of these models [8–10]. In this paper, a combination of finite element approximation and analytical solution of the recursive formulation of state equation is proposed to solve stress problems of laminated plates. The method is based on a mixed variational principle that involves the variations of both displacements and transverse stresses. The plate is divided into finite element meshes in the plane of plates, while the cross-thickness distributions of displacements and stresses are solved from the state equations. As observed from analytical solutions of the state equations, the numerical solutions can also provide continuous displacements and transverse stresses across all material interfaces. Other features of the method include that the dimension of the final algebra equations is independent of the number of material layers of a laminate. 2. The principles of variation for three-dimensional bodies where T eyy ezz eyz exz exy ; u ¼ ½u v wT 2 3 o=ox 0 0 0 o=oz o=oy EðrÞ ¼ 4 0 o=oy 0 o=oz 0 o=ox 5 0 0 o=oz o=oy o=ox 0 e ¼ ½exx (b) Equilibrium equations EðrÞr þ f ¼ 0 ð2Þ where r ¼ ½rxx f ¼ ½fx ryy fy rzz fz ryz T rxy ; rxz T (c) Stress–strain relations frg ¼ ½Qfeg ð3Þ where 2 C11 6 C12 6 6 C13 ½Q ¼ 6 6 0 6 4 0 0 C12 C22 C23 0 0 0 C13 C23 C33 0 0 0 0 0 0 C44 0 0 0 0 0 0 C55 0 3 0 0 7 7 0 7 7: 0 7 7 0 5 C66 2.1. Three-dimensional equations of elasticity Consider a thick rectangular plate of length a, width b and uniform thickness h, as shown in Fig. 1. The corresponding coordinate parameters are denoted with x, y and z, respectively, while u, v and w represent the associated displacement components. It is assumed that the plate is made of N different orthotropic material layers, each of which may have different thickness. It is further assumed that the material axes of all these orthotropic layers coincide with the axes of the adopted rectangular coordinate system. Hence, the fundamental equations of an arbitrary material layer of the plate can be written as: (a) Strain–displacement relations The symbols used in Eqs. (1)–(3) are defined in the usual way. 2.2. The principle of virtual displacements The principle of virtual displacement states that a deformable system is in equilibrium if the total external virtual work is equal to the total internal virtual work for every virtual displacement consistent with the constraints. Hence, for the three-dimensional problem described above, the mathematical statement of the principle of virtual displacements is as follow: Z Z Z Z Z ð4Þ ðdeT r duT fÞ dV duT p dS ¼ 0 V e ¼ ET ðDÞu ð1Þ Br where du and de denote, respectively, virtual displacements and virtual strains. p here represents the described tractions acting on stress boundaries (Br ) of the threedimensional body. Eq. (4) can be further written as Z Z Z Z Z duT ½EðDÞr þ f dV duT ðps pÞ dS ¼ 0 V Br ð5Þ where ps is the boundary stress induced by applied external forces. If stress boundary conditions are satisfied, i.e., ps ¼ p, Eq. (5) has the following form: Z Z Z duT ½EðDÞr þ f dV ¼ 0 ð6Þ Fig. 1. Nomenclature of a laminated rectangular plate. V H.Y. Sheng, J.Q. Ye / Composite Structures 57 (2002) 117–123 2.3. The principle of virtual forces The principle of virtual forces states that the strains and displacements in a deformable system are compatible and consistent with the constraints if the total external complementary virtual work is equal to the total internal complementary virtual work for every system of virtual forces and stresses that satisfy the equation of equilibrium. On the basis of the principle, The virtual work done by internal virtual stresses dr and virtual tractions dps on displacement boundaries (Bu ) satisfy the following equation. Z Z Z Z Z drT e dV dpTs u dS ¼ 0 ð7Þ V where u is the described boundary displacement vector. Eq. (7) can be further written as Z Z Z Z Z drT ½e ET ðrÞu dV þ dpTs ðu u dSÞ ¼ 0 V Bu ð8Þ If the boundary conditions on displacement boundaries are satisfied, i.e., u ¼ u, Eq. (8) becomes Z Z Z drT ½e ET ðrÞu dV ¼ 0 ð9Þ V The stress analysis in following sections uses both Eqs. (6) and (9) simultaneously, which forms a mixed representation of the variational principles and provides the theoretical foundation of the present method. 3. Finite element approximation in the x–y plane To solve the stress problem of the plate shown in Fig. 1, finite element method is used first to discrete the plate. In this paper, this is achieved by introducing an isoparametric element that has the traditional finite element features in the x–y plane while the node parameters are taken as functions of z-coordinate. In more details, the displacement and stress fields of a typical element k in the laminated plate are described as follows: uk ¼ n X Nik ðn; gÞuki ðzÞ; rkxz ¼ n X i¼1 rkxx ¼ n X i¼1 Nik ðn; gÞrkxxi ðzÞ; n X vk ¼ i¼1 rkyz ¼ n X n X Nik ðn; gÞrkyzi ðzÞ; rkyy ¼ ¼ n X i¼1 n X Nik ðn; gÞrkyyi ðzÞ i¼1 Nik ðn; gÞwki ðzÞ; i¼1 rkxy Nik ðn; gÞvki ðzÞ i¼1 i¼1 wk ¼ Nik ðn; gÞrkxzi ðzÞ rkzz ¼ n X i¼1 Nik ðn; gÞrkxyi ðzÞ Nik ðn; gÞrkzzi ðzÞ ð10Þ 119 In Eq. (10), n and g are local coordinates; Nik ðn; gÞ are shape functions of the element and n denotes the total node number of the element. uki ðzÞ, rkxzi ðzÞ, etc., are functions of z and hence are called node functions of either displacements or stresses. 4. State equation of the semi-analytical FE solutions for single layered plates Substitution of Eq. (10) into Eqs. (6) and (9) yields following two variational equations that are presented in terms of above-mentioned node functions. T 0 B p dp 0 A d p C D q dq A 0 dz q z E þ fSg dz ¼ 0 F Z p T dz ¼ 0 fdSg ½GfSg ½ H Y q z Z ð11Þ ð12Þ where fpgT ¼ ½uðzÞ vðzÞ wðzÞ; fqgT ¼ ½rxz ðzÞ ryz ðzÞ T fSg ¼ ½rxx ðzÞ rzz ðzÞ; and ryy ðzÞ rxy ðzÞ are vectors composed of the node functions shown in Eq. (10). Each node function in the vectors is arranged in an ascent order of node number, e.g. uðzÞ ¼ ½u1 ðzÞ; u2 ðzÞ; . . . ; uM ðzÞ, where M is the total number of nodes. The constant matrices in above equations can be calculated as follows: 2 A 0 6 ½A ¼ 6 40 A 0 0 2 0 3 7 07 5; A 3 0 0 B 6 7 7 ½C ¼ 6 4 0 0 C 5; 0 0 0 2 3 0 C B 6 B 7 ½E ¼ 4 0 C 5; 0 0 0 2 S12 A S11 A 6 ½G ¼ 4 S12 A S22 A 2 B 4 ½H ¼ 0 C 0 0 C B 0 3 0 0 5; 0 2 0 6 ½B ¼ 6 4 0 0 0 0 3 7 07 5 0 C B 2 3 S55 A 0 0 6 7 ½D ¼ 6 0 7 S44 A 4 0 5 0 0 S33 A 2 3 0 0 0 6 7 ½F ¼ 4 0 0 05 S23 A 0 S13 A 3 0 7 0 5 S66 A 2 3 0 0 S13 A 5 ½Y ¼ 4 0 0 S23 A 0 0 0 120 ¼ ½A H.Y. Sheng, J.Q. Ye / Composite Structures 57 (2002) 117–123 m Z Z X Xk k¼1 ¼ ½B m X k¼1 ¼ ½C Z Z fNki g Xk m Z Z X k¼1 boundaries that have been prescribed by either given stresses or given displacements. In the case that the prescribed boundary displacements and stresses are zeros, i.e., T fNki g Nki dx dy fNki g Xk oNki ox T dx dy fpo g ¼ 0; k T oNi oy ð13Þ ð14Þ Eliminating fSg from above two equations gives d fRg ¼ ½TfRg dz ð15Þ T Y ð16Þ Eq. (15) is called State Equation that can be solved either numerically or analytically. The solution can be represented by fRðzÞg ¼ ½ZðzÞfRð0Þg ð20Þ T p ½GfSg ½ H Y ¼0 q B E ½G 1 ½ H D F fSo g ¼ 0 Eq. (16) becomes dx dy In above matrices, the Sij are components of the compliance matrix that is obtained by inversing matrix ½Q in Eq. (3) and Xk is the surface area of element k in the x–y plane. Eqs. (11) and (12) involve variations of both displacements and stresses and are called mixed variational equations. On the basis of the principle of variation, it is evident that Eqs. (11) and (12) are equivalent to following sets of equation system: p E 0 B 0 A d p þ fSg ¼ 0 q F C D A 0 dz q where fRg ¼ ½p; q 1 0 A 0 ½T ¼ A 0 C fqo g ¼ 0; ð17Þ where fRð0Þg is the value of fRðzÞg at z ¼ 0. If Eq. (15) is solved analytically, matrix ½ZðzÞ is in following form: ½ZðzÞ ¼ ½Pdiag ek1 z ek2 z . . . ekK z ½P 1 ð18Þ in which, the kj ( j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K) are distinct eigenvalues of matrix ½T and ½P is the associated matrix consisting of corresponding eigenvectors. In the case of repeated eigenvalues, analytical solutions of (16) can also be sought [11]. To facilitate the introduction of boundary conditions, the node function vectors in Eqs. (11) and (12) may be partitioned into two parts as shown below, pf qf Sf fpg ¼ ; fqg ¼ ; fSg ¼ ð19Þ po qo So where pf , qf and Sf include all unknown node functions while po , qo and So are the node functions along the R ¼ ½pf ; qf 1 0 Af 0 ½T ¼ ATf 0 Cf Bf Df Ef Ff 1 ½Gf ½ Hf Yf ð21Þ in which only matrices associated with the unknown node functions are involved. The solution of Eq. (15) can then be found by following the solution procedure described by Eqs. (17) and (18). It should be mentioned here is that the boundary conditions discussed above are only the conditions imposed on the four edges of the plate. The stress and displacement conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the plate are treated in Section 5. 5. Solutions of state equations for laminated plates Consider the N-plied laminated plate composed of orthotropic layers (see Fig. 1). For the jth layer having thickness hj , the state equation and its solution are found, respectively, in the form of Eqs. (15) and (17), i.e., d fRj ðzÞg ¼ ½Tj fRj ðzÞg 0 6 z 6 hj dz fRj ðhj Þg ¼ ½Zj ðhj ÞfRj ð0Þg ð22Þ ð23Þ The continuity condition at interfaces of the laminate requires continuous fields of both displacements and transverse stresses. This condition can be satisfied by imposing following relations at each interface: fRjþ1 ð0Þg ¼ fRj ðhj Þg ðj ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N 1Þ ð24Þ Hence, upon recursively using Eqs. (23) and (24), the following equation can be found for the N-layered composite plate. fRN ðhN Þg ¼ ½ZN ð0ÞfRN ð0Þg ¼ ½TN ð0ÞfRN 1 ðhj 1 Þg ¼ ½ZN ðhN Þð½ZN 1 ðhN 1 ÞfRN 1 ð0ÞgÞ ¼ ¼ ½PfR1 ð0Þg; where, " ½P ¼ 1 Y ð25Þ # ð½Zk ðhk ÞÞ ; ð26Þ k¼N which is equivalent to the ½Z matrix in Eq. (17). In Eq. (25), RN (hN ) and R1 ð0Þ are the node function vectors consisting of displacements and transverse stresses on the bottom (Z ¼ h) and top (Z ¼ 0) lateral surfaces of H.Y. Sheng, J.Q. Ye / Composite Structures 57 (2002) 117–123 the laminated plate, respectively. By introducing load conditions on the two lateral surfaces into Eq. (25), a set of linear algebra equations in terms of node displacement functions are formed, from which the solutions of the problem can be obtained. It is worthwhile to mention that the dimension of Eq. (25) is identical to that of Eq. (17). Hence, it can be concluded that the dimension of Eq. (25) depends solely on the finite element meshes used in the x–y plane and is completely independent of the number of layers of the composite plate considered. In the case of uniformly distributed pressure, x, applied on the top surface of the laminated plate, for instance, the corresponding load conditions on the lateral surfaces are: T fqf ð0Þg1 ¼ ½rxz ð0Þ fqf ðhN ÞgTN ryz ð0Þ ¼ ½rxz ðhÞ ryz ðhÞ rzz ð0Þ ¼ ½0 0 rzz ðhÞ ¼ ½0 x ð27Þ The subscripts 1 and N here indicate that the node function vectors are of the top and bottom layers, respectively. Substituting Eq. (27) into (17) for singlelayered plates or into (25) for multi-layered ones yields following linear algebra equations: 9 2 38 2 3 P41 P42 P43 < uf ð0Þ = P46 4 P51 P52 P53 5 vf ð0Þ ð28Þ ¼ 4 P56 5fxg : ; wf ð0Þ 1 P61 P62 P63 P66 where the Pij are relevant sub-matrices from P in Eq. (25) and fxg is the external loads applied at the nodes on the top surface of the plate. Once the initial values of the node displacement functions, i.e. the values of node displacements at z ¼ 0 are found, the displacements and 121 stresses at any location throughout the thickness can be calculated using Eqs. (17) and (23). 6. Numerical examples To validate the new method, numerical calculations are carried out for a three-plied square plate with simply supported edges. The plate has two identical face layers and a core layer that have the same ratios of stiffnesses as follows: C12 =C11 ¼ 0:246269 C22 =C11 ¼ 0:543103 C13 =C11 ¼ 0:0831715 C23 =C11 ¼ 0:115017 C33 =C11 ¼ 0:530172 C44 =C11 ¼ 0:266810 C55 =C11 ¼ 0:159914 C66 =C11 ¼ 0:262931 The face and core layers are distinguished by the ratio ðFÞ ðCÞ d ¼ C11 =C11 , where F and C denote face and core, respectively. The plate has a total thickness of h, of which the thickness of each face layer is 0.1h. The plate is subjected to a uniformly distributed pressure, q, on the top surface. The plate was first used by Srinivas and Rao [1] and then used by Fan and Ye [3] in their three-dimensional modeling. As a result of symmetry, only a quarter of the plate is analyzed in the following calculations. Eight-node quadrilateral elements are used in the x–y plane while the state equations are solved analytically. The convergence rate of the new method is assessed by calculating displacements and stresses against various finite element meshes. These displacements and stresses are calculated for a thick sandwich Table 1 Convergence rate of the semi-analytical FE method u (x ¼ 0, y ¼ a=2) v (x ¼ a=2, y ¼ 0) (x ¼ a=2, w y ¼ a=2) rxx (x ¼ a=2, y ¼ a=2) ryy (x ¼ a=2, y ¼ a=2) rxz (x ¼ 0, y ¼ a=2) 11 Tþ T Bþ B 0.26375 0.07486 0.03677 0.09293 0.44304 0.08949 0.17884 0.30892 1.62456 1.59831 0.75508 0.74388 2.34013 0.27353 0.07179 1.40245 2.13727 0.84006 0.78321 1.65716 0.00000 0.51814 0.38167 0.00000 22 Tþ T Bþ B 0.32882 0.10569 0.04201 0.10346 0.53870 0.07594 0.20244 0.34668 1.72879 1.70376 0.85513 0.84266 2.20675 0.45209 0.08709 1.54869 2.11390 0.96724 0.87593 1.85248 0.00000 0.74035 0.31625 0.00000 33 Tþ T Bþ B 0.33783 0.11111 0.04210 0.10382 0.55009 0.06820 0.20267 0.34716 1.73447 1.70928 0.85515 0.84268 2.23342 0.43870 0.08766 1.54723 2.12707 0.96899 0.87667 1.85021 0.00000 0.80195 0.31766 0.00000 44 Tþ T Bþ B 0.33915 0.11178 0.04203 0.10370 0.55190 0.06621 0.20238 0.34664 1.73710 1.71179 0.85383 0.84139 2.25129 0.42755 0.08722 1.54520 2.13720 0.96544 0.87528 1.84736 0.00000 0.82050 0.31720 0.00000 Mesh ð29Þ 122 H.Y. Sheng, J.Q. Ye / Composite Structures 57 (2002) 117–123 plate having h=a ¼ 0:6 and d ¼ 5. The results are shown in Table 1 as the non-dimensional parameters defined below: C ðCÞ ¼ 11 ð u u v w qh ¼ ð rxx ryy v wÞ rxx ryy rxz Þ=q rxz ð30Þ In the table, T denotes top layer and B denotes bottom layer. þ and indicate, respectively, top and bottom surfaces of a layer. From the results shown above, it is evident that the solutions convergent very fast for both displacements and stresses. After the convergence test, the new method is further used to analyze the same plate used above except that the thickness ratio varies. The results are obtained by use of 3 3 meshes and the displacements and stresses at the two lateral surface and the two interfaces are presented in Table 2, where Cþ and C denote the top and bottom surfaces of the core layer. Exact solutions of the problems [3] are also given in the table for comparisons. The comparisons show that the numerical results obtained by using the new method have an excellent agreement with the exact ones for all the displacements and stresses shown except the transverse stress rxz at the up interface of the thin plate (h=a ¼ 0:2). The discrepancies observed is attributed to the fact that for the thin plate the up interface is close to the top surface where external pressure is applied. The discrepancies become insignificant as the plate becomes thicker, i.e. as the distance between the top surface and the up interface increases. Table 2 Stress and displacements of laminated plates with various values of h=a h=a ¼ 0:2 Present h=a ¼ 0:4 h=a ¼ 0:6 Exact Present Exact Present Exact u (x ¼ 0, y ¼ a=2) Tþ T Cþ C Bþ B 4.29409 2.45837 2.45837 2.52127 2.52127 4.12774 4.30597 2.41992 2.41992 2.50837 2.50837 4.10213 0.66780 0.00974 0.00974 0.06279 0.06279 0.43153 0.67331 0.00445 0.00445 0.06268 0.06268 0.42902 0.33783 0.11111 0.11111 0.04210 0.04210 0.10383 0.34047 0.11156 0.11156 0.04187 0.04187 0.10330 v (x ¼ a=2, y ¼ 0) Tþ T Cþ C Bþ B 6.05486 4.21700 4.21700 4.62386 4.62386 6.20999 6.06895 4.16141 4.16141 4.59869 4.59869 6.17415 1.18281 0.50281 0.50281 0.70180 0.70180 1.06011 1.18974 0.49068 0.49068 0.69832 0.69832 1.05490 0.55009 0.06820 0.06820 0.20267 0.20267 0.34716 0.55305 0.06572 0.06572 0.20169 0.20169 0.34548 w (x ¼ a=2, y ¼ a=2) Tþ T Cþ C Bþ B 24.22580 24.27650 24.27650 23.52280 23.52280 23.43120 24.16525 24.21478 24.21478 23.44410 23.44410 23.35246 3.74259 3.72933 3.72933 2.93253 2.93253 2.90558 3.74815 3.73390 3.73390 2.92013 2.92013 2.89325 1.73447 1.70928 1.70928 0.85515 0.85515 0.84268 1.73959 1.71354 1.71354 0.85107 0.85107 0.83866 rxx (x ¼ a=2, y ¼ a=2) Tþ T Cþ C Bþ B 14.56300 10.03420 2.12548 2.01035 10.08070 14.51690 14.57415 10.01557 2.12383 2.00427 10.05120 14.52536 3.72026 1.63015 0.44427 0.27924 1.42938 3.53944 3.77946 1.62159 0.44496 0.27671 1.41743 3.53638 2.23342 0.43870 0.20763 0.00959 0.08766 1.54723 2.31852 0.40611 0.20352 0.00930 0.08623 1.54147 ryy (x ¼ a=2, y ¼ a=2) Tþ T Cþ C Bþ B 10.80440 7.92558 1.74920 1.61927 8.13637 10.95310 10.81844 7.91679 1.75029 1.61725 8.12754 10.96442 3.51125 2.13518 0.59054 0.43973 2.24452 3.66155 3.54854 2.13820 0.59447 0.43749 2.23433 3.65116 2.12707 0.96899 0.35960 0.16435 0.87667 1.85021 2.18497 0.95508 0.36014 0.16346 0.87228 1.84165 rxz (x ¼ a=2, y ¼ a=2) Tþ T Cþ C Bþ B 0.00000 1.72495 1.72495 1.54285 1.54285 0.00000 0.00000 1.92682 1.92682 1.52792 1.52792 0.00000 0.00000 1.00113 1.00113 0.63519 0.63519 0.00000 0.00000 1.08471 1.08471 0.62979 0.62979 0.00000 0.00000 0.80195 0.80195 0.31766 0.31766 0.00000 0.00000 0.83821 0.83821 0.31585 0.31585 0.00000 H.Y. Sheng, J.Q. Ye / Composite Structures 57 (2002) 117–123 7. Concluding remarks A semi-analytical finite element method has been presented to solve three-dimensional stress problems of laminated plates having orthotropic material layers. The method was based on a mixed variational representation of the three-dimensional equations of elasticity. The inplane fields of both displacements and stresses are approximated by finite elements while their through thickness distributions were obtained by solving state equations. Numerical tests have been carried out to show the convergence rate and accuracy of the method. It was observed that the rate of convergence of the method is very fast and the results obtained had excellent agreement with the exact solutions of the problems available in the literature. Since the recursive formulation was used to derive the state equations of laminated plates, the dimension of the final state equations was independent of the layer number of the plates. As a result, this method is particularly suitable to solve stress problems of multilayered composite panels. The method always provides a continuous distribution of both displacements and transverse stresses across material interfaces of the laminated plates. Acknowledgements The second author wishes to thank the School of Mechanical and Production Engineering at Nanyang 123 Technological University, Singapore for the support he received as a Tan Chin Tuan Engineering Fellow. References [1] Srinivas S, Rao AK. Bending vibration and buckling of simply supported thick orthotropic rectangular plates and laminates. Int J Solid Struct 1970;6:1463–81. [2] Rogers TG, Waston P, Spencer AJ. An exact three-dimensional solution for normal loading of inhomogeneous and laminated anisotropic elastic plates of moderate thickness. Proc R Soc Lond A 1992;437:199–213. [3] Fan JR, Ye JQ. An exact solution for the statics and dynamics of laminated thick plates with orthotropic layers. 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