Junior School Bulletin Autumn Term: w/e 19 December 2014 01625 583 028 | schoolmail@aesg.co.uk | lfogg@aesg.co.uk | www.aesg.co.uk Junior Christmas Lunch Thank you to everyone who helped cook the delicious lunch, set the tables and serve it to the girls on Tuesday. They really enjoyed it!! Coffee Morning Tuesday 6 January 8.30-9.30am Please join us for coffee in the Dining Room on the first morning back after the holidays. Head’s Corner Never a school to wind down as we approach the holidays…this week we have enjoyed a party day, two theatre trips, Christmas lunch and carols at the church! I think everyone will be looking forward to a well-deserved lie in on Friday morning and a relaxing, if busy couple of weeks at home. Happy Christmas everyone and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 6 January! Bridget Howard Christingle Service The girls in Nursery, Pre-School, Reception, Year 1 and 2 joined together in their annual Christingle celebration on Monday for a calm and thoughtful moment, as we reminded ourselves of the true meaning of Christmas. The service was led by the girls in Year 1 and Year 2, who explained the origins of the Christingle from the Moravian Church. Miss Howard lit the first Christingle and from that, all the other candles were lit. Everyone then joined in singing a beautiful version of Away in A Manger by candlelight. It was lovely to welcome some of our parents to this truly special event. Mrs Thomaides Junior Christmas Party Day When Mrs Westwood and Mrs Thompson volunteered to take on the organisation of this day, the staff thought all their Christmases had come at once! We also all thought they were slightly mad! However, what a job they did! The girls enjoyed popcorn whilst they watched ‘Frozen’ in the morning and then a Christmas Fair in the afternoon where everything was free! Mrs Westwood and Mrs Thompson had baked cakes for all the girls and even arranged a hotline to Father Christmas who turned up bearing gifts in the form of books, individually chosen for the girls! James Donnan provided karaoke which was loved by everyone, including the staff! A massive thank you to them both. They claim to have enjoyed the experience too so it is all looking good for Christmas 2015! Bridget Howard Christmas Carol Concert On Tuesday evening we enjoyed joining with the Senior School for the Christmas Carol Service. Despite feeling rather tired the Junior girls sang beautifully and as usual, made us very proud. A special thank you must go to Lucy ShervillePayne who sang a beautiful solo accompanied by Georgia Campbell on flute and to Anna Grayson for accompanying the choir on her recorder. What wonderful talents you all have! As usual, this was a beautiful start to the celebration of Christmas. Many congratulations to all who were involved. Bridget Howard Swimming The Week Ahead Listed below are the dates when your daughter will be swimming in the Spring Term. Please ensure that she has her swimming kit in school on these days. Monday 5 January Staff Inset Date 7 January 14 January 21 January 28 January 4 February 11 February * Class Swimming Years 4 & 5 Years 4 & 5 Years 4 & 5 Years 4 & 5 Years 4 & 5 Years 3 & 6 25 February 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 March Years 3 & 6 Years 3 & 6 Years 3 & 6 Years 3 & 6 Years 3 & 6 Junior Book Club Our book for the January meeting of Book Club will be Awful Auntie by David Walliams. We thought this could be a book that Father Christmas might be delivering to lots of houses next week and it would make a good holiday read. We look forward to discussing it on Thursday 30 January. Mrs Sherville-Payne and Mrs Edginton Head Girls’ Corner What a brilliant end to the term! It has been an action-packed week. On Tuesday it was Christmas party day, a big thank you to Mrs Westwood and Mrs Thompson. On Wednesday we had the Santa Stomp up at the Edge and another huge thank you to Miss Brotherhood for this. We also had the Theatre Trip which was amazing. Finally we had our church service which was a great end to the term. We will see you all in the New Year and wish you a very Merry Christmas! Arabella Allen-Kyng & Skye MacLeod Tuesday 6 January 8.30-9.30 Coffee Morning for Parents – Dining Room 8.45 Assembly, Miss Howard – PA Hall 12.05-12.40 Junior Strings – MU3 12.05-12.40 Junior Windband – MU2 12.45-1.00 School Council (week 1 only) – 4EW Classroom 3.30-4.30 Yrs 3-4 Netball – Gym 3.30-5.00 Yrs 2-6 Let’s Get Cooking – Food Technology Room Wednesday 7 January 8.45 Eucharist / Mass for Epiphany – PA Hall 8.45 House Meetings 9.05-12.00 Yrs 4 & 5 Swimming - Leisure Centre 12.05-12.35 Yrs 3-6 Cross Country – Gym 3.30-4.30 Yrs 2-6 Let’s Get Arty – Science Lab 3.45-5.00 Yrs 5-6 Netball – Gym 7.30 PFA Meeting – Sixth Form Coffee Lounge Thursday 8 January 10.50-11.10 Friendship Council (Week 1 Only) – 4EW Classroom 12.05-12.35 Yr 3 Netball – Gym 12.40-1.00 Library Time/Book Club – Junior Library 3.45-5.00 Yrs 5-6 Hockey – Gym 3.45-4.45 Yr 6 ICT Code Club – ICT 1 3.45-4.45 Yrs 3-4 Quicksticks Hockey Club – Millennium Hall Friday 9 January Entrance Examination Day 8.45 Celebration Assembly – Millennium Hall 10.50-11.10 Orange Juice Club – 4EW Classroom 12.05-12.35 Yr 4 Netball – Gym 3.45-5.00 WFA Football Coaching – Millennium Hall Congratulations Year 6 Santa Stomp Sophie Shephard, Jemima Allen-Kyng and Emma Cartwright for their Silver Merit certificates. The inaugural Santa Stomp departed from the Wizard car park this morning with the Year 6 girls, their class teachers, Mrs Ferns and parents all dressed appropriately for a festive walk in the woods. Layla Al-Salam, Amity Collins, Mia Clark, Isabella Burns and Wiki Czartoryjska for their Bronze Merit certificates. Amy Kouvarellis for her Platinum Reading Award Scheme certificate. Alice Booth and Tiane Mull for their Bronze Reading Award Scheme certificates. It was a photography competition with the classes competing for the best rendition of each of the 12 days of Christmas. The '8 Maids a Milking' was a sight to behold for the dog walkers of Alderley Edge but the girls put smiles on the faces of many a rambler! The photographs will be closely examined and the winning class will be announced on the last day of term. Miss Brotherhood Maya Bacon, Millie Martin, Kitty Rowlinson, Coco Bardsley and Immy Merry for their Planet Times Table certificates. Well done! Many congratulations to the St Hilary House Captains, Mila Speakman and Evie Richardson, for raising £30.00 for Cancer Research with their ‘guess the number of sweets in the jar’ competition. The lucky winner was Immy Merry for correctly guessing there were 316! Thank you Funtime Club Thank you for donations made at our Christmas productions. This is an After School Facility, which is open from 3.15-5.45pm. If you wish to book any days please request a booking form from any club member or the Junior School Reception. As a result we are sending cheques, each to the value of £105.00, to Macmillan Cancer Support and Ovarian Cancer Action. Club Contact Information: Julie Miller - 07919 091303 Email: funtimeclub@hotmail.co.uk
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