HERE - Quilter's Guild of Dallas

Next Meeting:
January 8, 2015
Bill Kerr & Weeks Ringle
Modern Quilt Studio
(note: Only Bill will be
in January)
What to bring to
the meeting:
Membership card
Guild Library books
Money to register for
upcoming workshops,
Completed Covers for
Kids projects
Show Entries—Last
Auction Mini-Quilts
Margaret Wolf, 3rd VP-Programs and Workshops
Guild Speaker—Bill Kerr of Modern Quilt Studio,
“Quilts Made Modern”
Modern Quilt Studio is composed of the team of Bill Kerr and Weeks Ringle. Visit
their website at to read about their numerous
accomplishments. Bill Kerr will be our January program presenter, as well as
workshop instructor. His lecture topic will be Quilts Made Modern, and will use
examples from their book Quilts Made Modern as well as other quilts, to help
quilters learn what makes a quilt modern and how you might include modern
techniques and design approaches in your next project.
Bill will be teaching two workshops for us. You can save some $$ by taking classes
here rather than at the QuiltCon show in Austin in February!
Friday, January 9:
The Friday Workshop, Improv Piecing, showcases one of the most popular techniques
used by modern quilters. Learn different techniques for improvisational piecing and
choose one to develop a new project. You will be guided through a strategy that will
have you making design decisions as you go. Choose from three patterns:
Call Me Crazy
Just Passing Through
Saturday, January 10:
For Saturday, we’ve chosen their newest workshop
option: Fabric Fusion. Please note that this is
DIFFERENT from the workshop originally announced.
Learn to work with an eclectic variety of fabrics in this
workshop. You'll then begin making your own variation
of the Fabric Fusion quilt, using an open mind and a large
assortment of cotton quilting fabric!
(Please see Programs continued on page 3)
From the
Wow! It is hard to believe that another year has passed and by the time you read this
you may be finishing a holiday gift, taking a much needed break from holiday baking or
finishing up a quilt for one of our Kids. Guild members accomplish a lot, knowing that
when January arrives there will be much to do for our annual quilt show. Sometimes
there seems to be so little time for reflecting and planning.
The Romans made it a point to dedicate New Year's Day to Janus, the god of gates,
doors, and beginnings -- for whom the first month of the year (January) is also named.
The god Janus has two faces, one looking forward and the other looking backward, a
valuable perspective when trying to determine the direction one should take for success
in the future. And although most of us today don’t recognize the ancient Roman
traditions, many of us do use this time of year to reflect upon what is we are satisfied
with and what we might want to change….and we make a New Year’s Resolution.
One resolution each member might consider for 2015, is to try something new.
Examples of this might be:
Bonnie Ambrose,
Guild President
Sit next to someone different at the January meeting
Sign-up for a workshop early
Experiment with a new quilting technique
Volunteer two extra hours for the show
Put the Members’ Forum on your calendar
Partner with someone to make a quilt for Covers for Kids
All Guild members are invited to participate in our Members’ Forum. We will take the
time to pause and reflect on what makes this Guild so successful and what we might
want to tweak to make it even more so.
Members’ Forum theme is Refresh, Strengthen and Engage.
So mark your calendars for Saturday, March 28 from 10 to noon. In the meantime,
enjoy the season, finish that quilt top so you can enter the show, and take a moment to
share with a friend.
Happy New Year!!!!
Sunshine and
Cindy Matthews’ husband has returned home from the
Suzanne Hardebeck
Internal Communications
Programs February 5, 2015
(Continued from page 1) Guild meeting speaker: Pat Speth
If you recognize the name, it is because she was here this past
summer, teaching and lecturing as part of the
TAQG Rally Day. Ms. Speth is known as the
“nickel quilt lady” – due to the five inch units
she works with.
Her trunk show/lecture, Five inch is a Cinch,
will provide insight into how nickel quilts are
created. This trunk show is sure to get quilters fired up about using
5" squares of fabric. Pat will bring a great assortment of quilts from
her collection, so program attendees can focus on the blocks in the
quilts and the simple components they are made from.
Friday Workshop: Small Wonders
Learn the units that make eight different quilt designs including Tillie's Treasure, All
That Glitters, Butterfly Waltz, Star and Hourglass, Star and Crown, South Dakota Star,
Flying X and Prairie Gems. Once you start with these units you won't want to stop.
Simple sewing and cutting techniques will turn your 5" squares into these remarkable
units without cutting any triangles or working with bias. A handout and discussion will
cover the process showing how to make your pieced border fit your quilt top.
Rated: easy to intermediate, not for a beginner.
Saturday Workshop: Picket Fence Units
These units comprise the Millennium Star, Pinwheels on Parade, Woodland Clover,
Chesapeake, and Dawn to Dusk. The picket fence unit is made with the sew & flip
method. (No triangles to cut or bias to work with.) You will receive a handout that
includes 39 design variations on the Millennium Star block that are created by rotating
and substituting the block components. Pat will show you many great borders using
these units. A handout and discussion will cover the process of fitting a border to the
basic top.
(Please see Programs continued on page 10)
Guild Volunteers
Honorees for 2014 Announced in December
Bonnie Ambrose,
Guild President
Cindy Matthews, Chris Becker, and Nina Hall
Nina Hall and Cindy Matthews were presented the
2014 Silver Thimble Awards.
Silver Thimble Award
Honors those who have
been a member at least 3
years, and have gone above
and beyond in their
volunteer duties.
Nina Hall joined the guild in 1993 or 1994 (early 90’s anyway).
She has worked each year at the Show -- volunteering in various jobs, starting
on Wednesday, and working through Sunday. The last few years she has co-chaired the
Greeters committee, and has assisted Chris Becker in the treasurer’s office at the show.
(She has volunteered at other positions when not working at these, including Staff
Lounge, hanging mini quilts for the auction, Judging Committee, Vendor Support – to
name but a few.)
Prior to that Nina has served on the Show Committee, chairing other committees,
including Advanced Ticket and Appraisals. She is retired from Panavision, where she
worked in the accounting department.
Cindy Matthews was born and raised in Indiana, and transferred to Texas in 1989. She
took the hard way through college, by working full time and raising children at the same
time. After her MBA graduation in December, 1999, she decided she needed a hobby
and took many different classes. She found quilting to be the most interesting. Over
the last 12 years, she has excelled at buying fabric, and is working to do a better job at
actually completing quilts.
After 24 years of working at Verizon, Cindy was laid off in November, 2008, and it
was the best news ever! She started her own longarm business and is enjoying life as a
quilter now. Cindy joined the Guild in 2009.
She is married to Ricky and has three daughters who are the loves of her life: She enjoys
cooking, working out, shopping, volunteering at her church, and spending time with her
Cindy was co-chair of the Security Committee for the 2010 and 2011 QGD shows.
She has served on the board as the Membership V.P., and is currently serving as 2nd VPWays and Means.
(Please see Awards continued on page 5)
Chris Becker received the 2014 Founder’s Award
(Continued from page 5) Chris grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, and despite many years in Ranger country, she
remains a HUGE St. Louis Cardinals fan.
Founder’s Award
She loves to quilt, crochet, and has also started adding garment and bag-making to her
repertoire, as well. She loves working on modern "fun" quilts and going on retreats! In
addition to helping co-chair the Guild Retreat Committee, she has coordinated our new
"in-town retreats" so we can get together to sit and sew more often. In addition, she has
volunteered as miniature quilt auction co-chair and is currently serving as Guild
Treasurer, a position she has held for about 10 years now.
Honors someone who has
been a member for at least 5
years, and who has
continued, throughout their
membership, to further the
She is married to Doug, and has two children. Adam graduated from University of
mission and goals of the
Texas at Dallas in June, and Rachel is currently a sophomore at at the Colorado College
of Mines in Boulder. Chris works for Dr. Pepper/Snapple as an accountant.
(Ed. Note: Many thanks to Debbie Herring for photo)
Wow! I don’t know about you, but time has flown by for me this year.
It’s hard to believe that we’ll be opening the doors to the public for the Quilt Show in
just a few short weeks! Yikes. I’m soooo not ready!
While I did manage to finish the quilt top for one of my two entries, I have a long way
to go before I can stick a fork in either one. Plus, getting advertising scheduled,
contracts signed, layouts finalized, and on and on.
I hope y’all are all hard at work on your entries – if you haven’t already got them
finished and ready to deliver. (But yeah, us last-minute-panic-queens hate you if you
have…) The January meeting is the absolutely last possible opportunity to turn in
your entry forms with photos and a dollar to cover return postage on your delivery
Speaking of your photos… While we don’t require professional-quality photos, we
Judy Kriehn, VP-Show DO want to have a fairly accurate idea of the colors and design in the quilt. So – if for
some reason, your printer decides to be uncooperative and won’t print a photo that
accurately shows the colors, please do the layout committee a huge favor (and save
yourself some burning ears) by writing down the colors that are included – or add a
few small swatches from the top glued/taped to the photo page. We use the colors to
plan the placement of each quilt, so each quilt complements the quilts hanging on
either side and vice-versa.
Jan. 8
In other show layout requests, please pay attention to the measurements you are
writing down and DO NOT accidentally transpose the length and width
measurements. We use the width measurement on the form to figure out which quilts
can be combined with others on the same section of pipe/drape. But a quilt that had
the wrong dimensions noted will not fit in the space correctly. Which is quite the
bummer, you know, dude?
Lastly – BE A VOLUNTEER! It always surprises us how many members don’t
participate in this simple little act of solidarity with the Guild. The Show provides a
LOT of the funds for our annual budget – programs and workshops, endowment
grants, Covers for Kids projects, etc.
Sharing a couple of hours of your time MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE!
If you’re making a list of “Things to Do” while you’re at the January Guild Meeting, I
hope the first thing on that list is to visit the volunteer table. Why? Because it’s time
to get serious about signing up for your favorite job(s) at the show. As long as we’re
Cindy Matthews, talking about lists, here’s a list of the Top Five reasons you should volunteer (Who
Volunteer Co-Chair needs TEN?!):
Show Volunteers
Free entry to the show for volunteering only 2 hours
Free gift for volunteering for 4 hours
You’ll make new friends and catch up with old friends
It’s a great way to learn something new about the show.
The opportunity of being part of the greatest group of Quilt Show volunteers,
Jobs are available for everyone, including active jobs like Vendor Support, for those
who like to move around and visit all the vendors, Quilt Angels, if you like a really
close look at the quilts, or Set Up, if you’d like to be the FIRST to see the quilts.
And, there are several sit-down choices—if you want to help out, but aren’t able to
stand or walk for long periods.
If you’re unable to attend the January Meeting, please contact Candy Mahaffey and
she will help you find the perfect job location!
Candy’s email:
(Ed. Note: Volunteer form is included on page 14, and Quilt Appraisal form on p. 15)
Last Call for Show Entries!!!
Donna Petrick, Entries Chair
Your forms, pictures and fees are due on January 8th at the guild meeting.
This is your show and a chance to show others your achievements.
Please don’t be shy. Enter your quilts—we would love to see them. Your
quilt might inspire someone to get started in the art of quilt making, or an
experienced quilt maker might find ideas for new ways to use color.
Hope to see you on the 8th with a fist full of entries!
(See Entry form on page 17)
Yellow Rose Award
The DecemberYellow Rose was awarded to
Marcia Wood.
Marcia is an active guild member, known as a gentle
persuader, and is current Block Contest Co-Chair. She
is known for her professional work at UTD for research
on the brain and her work with seniors on activities to
preserve brain activity (including quilting!)
Mini Quilt
First, a big THANK YOU to Urban Spools from the Mini Committee …for hosting
the second Mini Workshop. The Mini Committee is available for future coaching on
making a miniature quilt. Please contact Glynnis Wood if interested.
Donna King
Mini Quilt Auction Committee As of the December meeting we have received 27 mini’s. We are so appreciative of
those received, however for our Mini Auction to be a GRAND success, we need 100
or more! (Mini form is included on page 15) So, please let your creative juices flow,
dig out those mini pattern books and make a mini for the auction. Our beneficiary is a
wonderful organization and the funds raised at the auction will help many children.
Martha Stowe, from Vickery Meadows Youth Development Foundation, our 2015
beneficiary, will be attending our January meeting. We look forward to hearing more
about the work they do in providing books to underprivileged children.
Your Mini Committee is looking for volunteers to work on Saturday at the auction.
Some of the volunteer positions are:
• Handing out ballots to vote on “My Favorite Mini”. (The maker of the mini
with the most votes receives a ribbon, and a second ribbon goes along with
the mini to the buyer of the quilt.)
• Assisting with registration as people sign up to bid on the mini’s at the
• Being a “walker” --- walking the mini on its presentation board down the
aisle, so those bidding can have an “up close look” at each mini quilt.
There are other volunteer opportunities as well. Please consider volunteering to help
at the auction. Volunteer sign-up will start at the January meeting.
Thank you again for your wonderful support for the 2015 Miniature Quilt Auction and
we look forward to receiving your mini(s).
Miniature Quilt Auction Committee
Thanks to everyone who helped us with December donations! Just to show how helpful
you’ve been, we gave:
• Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center - 12 quilts, 3 afghans and 4 receiving
Mary Howard,
Ronald McDonald House - 6 quilts, 7 afghans and 1 baby set; and
1 VP—Community Service
• Vogel Alcove - 11 quilts and 8 receiving blankets.
The need is great at each of these organizations, but we are touching young lives one
quilt at a time.
Did you know that in 2013, the Ronald McDonald house - outfitted with 52 bedrooms
and 6 suites - served over 1900 families from 30 states and 10 countries? Check out
their website for more information:
If you make a complete quilt, please consider adding a label with the following
wording: ‘Made for Someone Special by a member of the Quilter’s Guild of Dallas’.
You may add your name, date, or quilt title. We will be ironing on similar labels for
those made by multiple members. Remember, you can pick your favorite part of
making a quilt. Be it sewing the top, quilting, or binding -- we have a kit or partly made
quilt for you to work on! Come see us at the back of the meeting room before our
meeting starts. Thanks to everyone who took a kit, a quilt top, or a quilt to bind at the
December meeting! We gave out everything we had!
(Please see CFK continued on page 8)
Since October, we have been giving out one voucher per month for a free Guild
workshop to one of our Covers For Kids volunteers from the previous month. Glenda
(Continued from page 7)
McCune is our December winner. Congratulations Glenda and thank you for all you do
for Covers For Kids!
The next Covers For Kids Workshop is Saturday, January 24th, at Hancock’s at
Firewheel (on Highway 78/Lavon Dr). We start at 9:30 and officially end about 4:00 or
4:30, but feel free to come for all day or just for a few hours. We generally add borders
and make quilt backs. Bring your lunch if you like or join us at a nearby fast food
restaurant. We do lunch at 12:30 p.m. Contact Rhonda Anderson at to reserve a seat -- as the room is cozy!
and Events
Donna Petrick,
TAQG Representative
Lu Peters
DAFA Representative
*For additional information on
these or other events, visit the
guild website at:
Through December 21
“Art Quilts from the John M. Walsh III Collection”
Texas Quilt Museum
140 W. Colorado St.
La Grange, TX 78945
“The Texas Quilt Museum’s blockbuster
exhibition from John M. Walsh III is a
world-class collection of contemporary
quilt art, with more than half of the
Walsh quilts on view,” Dr. Sider offers.
“Artists in the exhibition include
renowned makers whose careers span
four decades, as well as emerging artists
championed by Mr. Walsh.”
Mr. Walsh began purchasing studio art
quilts in 1992. Many in the collection
have water as a theme, a subject close to
Walsh’s heart – he is retired CEO of
Waltron LLC, manufacturer of water
analysis and purification systems used
The list of artists for this spectacular
exhibition reads like a “Who’s Who” of
contemporary quilt art, including
Michael James, Therese May, Terrie
Hancock Mangat, Nancy Crow, Linda
Colsh, Velda Newman, Susan Shie,
Arydyth Davis, and Robin Schwalb.
The exhibit features 54 works, the
largest number ever featured in one
venue at the same time.
Through February 22, 2015
Mary Baskett Collection of Japanese Fashion
Crow Museum
(across from the Nasher and DMA)
Early avant-garde designs by Issey
Miyake, Yohji Yamamoto, and Rei
Kawakubo (Comme des Garcons), who
are the designers most responsible for
bringing radical Japanese fashion,
technical advancements in textiles, and
abstraction to the contemporary fashion
world. Check the website for ticket
information about the scheduled
symposium with Mary on October 24th.
(Please see Calendar continued on page 9)
January 15-19, 2015
(Continued from page 8) QGD Winter Retreat
Tanglewood Resort on Lake Texoma
February 27-28, 2015
“Quilters Round-UP” Heart of Texas One Stop Quilt Shop Hop
Waco Convention Center, Chisholm
Hall, 100 Washington Ave., Waco,
Theme -- "Vintage Western". 40 shops
will be participating.
Hours -- Friday 10am to 5pm and
Saturday 10am to 4PM
Admission $6 for 12 yrs and up
March 28-29, 2015
Texhoma One Stop Shop Hop
Anyone up for a
Road Trip?
Wichita Falls Multi-Purpose Events
(See ad on page 12)
Guild member Marian Ann Montgomery reports from Lubbock that their guild is
interested in inviting Sue Spargo to do a workshop next summer. She’d like to know if
any of our members might be interested enough to come to Lubbock. So, if you are up
for a road trip, notify Mariann Ann at
Enjoy quilting with your friends at Linda’s Retreat.
Located on 33 acres in Sadler, Texas, we are set up to
accommodate 12 enthusiastic quilters.
For complete information go to
or contact Linda Gray at 817-456-4090.
Dallas Area
Fiber ARTists
(DAFA) News
The January program for DAFA will be held on January 26 at 6:45pm on Designing
Costumes for the theater:
Tory Padden and DAFA member Barbara Kirksey will be the presenters, discussing the
designing of costumes for theater productions. There will be a collection of garments
and props on display during the lecture.
Lu Peters,
All are invited to DAFA meetings – for details visit
Special Correspondent
Other notes: DAFA member Traci Hutton, the costume designer for the Dallas Opera,
has her work featured at the Dallas Arboretum Twelve Days of Christmas, which
depicts the song in 12 glass gazebos with scenes of each day.
Programs March 5, 2015
(Continued from page 3)
Guild Meeting speaker--Brenda Perry,“Waste Not, Want Not”
Brenda Perry is a professional quilt maker, lecturer and teacher, and
a self-proclaimed "Quiltaholic". She lives in Sanger, Texas, with
her husband of nearly 50 years, Don. They have a married daughter
and 2 grown grandsons. Her family members are her biggest fans.
No workshops this month
April 2, 2015
Guild Meeting speaker -- Lisa Erlandson
Lisa is an AQS certified quilt appraiser, based in
Gainesville, Texas. She will be one of the judges
at the 2015 Dallas Quilt Show, as well as
appraising during the run of the show. In the
past, she has provided lectures at the show as
well. But let’s be honest. Few of us have time to
attend a lecture during the show – so this will be
our golden opportunity to hear her humorous take on quilts and quiltmaking.
(No workshops; Easter weekend)
For further information on programs, workshops, supply lists, etc.,
contact Margaret Wolf at or visit the QGD website:
Guild Library Happy New Year!
News A new year brings lots of opportunities for trying new things.
How about entering a
Marte Keller, mini in the Show? If you haven’t done so, it’s one of the quickest ways to dip your toes
Library Committee (fingers?) into show entries. If you’re more experienced with the minis, you know how
much fun it is to finish a quilt in a reasonable amount of time and then watch people bid
on your creation.
Either way your Library has a very nice selection of 64 books that can help generate
new ideas or flesh out ones that are already cooking.
To start you off there’s Susan Briscoe’s 130 Mini Quilt Blocks or Christine Carlson’s
Quilters Illustrated Guide to Scrap Miniature Magic or Make Mine Mini.
If you’re interested in refining your techniques a bit, Precision and Penache by Susan
Cleveland teaches interesting detail such as piping, prairie points and embellishments.
101 Fabulous Small Quilts is a big book packed with lots of small quilts just waiting to
be made. Fun-Sized Quilts: 17 Popular Designers Play with Fat Quarters - well the
title says it all.
Stop by the Library before the next meeting and browse through the “Small Quilts Miniatures” selection so you too can enter a mini!
We’re open from 6:30 until the meeting starts.
Happy Reading!
Minutes from the
December 4
General Meeting
President Bonnie Ambrose opened the meeting at 7:15 p.m., welcoming guests and new
Bonnie recognized that this is the 35th Anniversary of the formation of the Quilters
Guild of Dallas. All members in attendance received a zipper pouch imprinted with the
Linda Newman, Guild logo as a souvenir of our 35 years. She also announced that there will be a
Assistant to Guild Secretary Members Forum on March 28 to focus on the past, present and future activities and
goals of the Guild. The goal will be to refresh our vision and purpose, strengthen our
commitment to members and community, and continue to engage volunteers.
Bonnie then announced several awards recognizing members for their service:
The first recipient of a Silver Thimble award was Nina Hall. Nina has been a Guild
member since the early 90s, has worked each year at the show volunteering every day
from start to finish. In the last few years she has co-chaired the Greeters Committee and
helped Chris Becker in the Treasurer’s office. She has also worked on advanced ticket
sales and scheduled quilt appraisals. She is retired from Panavision, where she worked
in the accounting department.
The next recipient of the Silver Thimble award was Cindy Matthews. Cindy joined the
Guild in 2009 and has served as co-Chair of the Show Security Committee for two
shows. She served two terms as Membership VP and currently serves as Chair of Ways
and Means and coordinated the creation of the Raffle Quilt.
Bonnie announced that Chris Becker is recipient of the Founders Award. Chris is a
member of the Board in her role of Treasurer, and is co-Chair of the 2015 Board
Retreat. She has served many years as Treasurer of both the Guild and the Show. She
has also organized several in-town retreats. Chris has two children of college age and
works for Dr. Pepper/Snapple.
The final award was the Yellow Rose award to Marcia Wood. Marcia is an active
guild member, known as a gentle persuader, and is current Block Contest Chair. She is
known for her professional work at UTD for research on the brain and her work with
seniors on activities to preserve brain activity (including quilting!)
Bonnie then asked for reports from the Vice Presidents and Committee Chairs.
Committee Announcements
The Layout Committee Chair reminded members to submit their Show
entries and also asked that photos be supplemented with color descriptions
to aid the Layout Committee
 Mary Howard, Vice President of Community Service. Mary announced that
in November the following Covers for Kids quilts were delivered to the
Guild’s beneficiaries: Children’s Advocacy Center – 16; Ronald McDonald
House – 17; Vogel Alcove 18.
She also mentioned that 18 precut kits were available and handed them out.
She also encouraged members to undertake their favorite aspect of quilting, whether it is
binding, cutting, making a quilt top, or quilting. Each month a workshop voucher is
awarded to a CFK volunteer, and this month’s winner was Glenda McKune.
(Please see Minutes continued on page 13)
Linda Bartley, 7th Vice President of Education. Linda reminded members to apply
for the Helena Hibbs Scholarship, which can be used to improve skills useful in the
(Continued from page 11)
community of quilting. The applications are available at the member table and on
the Guild website.
Beginning in January there will be a lesson of the month in the 30 minutes
preceding the meeting. January’s “lesson” will focus on cleaning our sewing machines
for better performance.
Judy Kriehn – Show Chair for Quilt Celebration 2015. Judy reminded Committee
members that she had the Show t-shirts to distribute. She also encouraged members
to submit their entries, with the deadline being the General meeting in January.
Glynnis Wood – Mini-Quilt Auction Co-Chair. Glynnis reminded members to
submit their mini-quilts, with 27 entered for the auction to date. The beneficiary
will be Vickery Meadows Youth Development Foundation, with a focus on literacy
for the children of the area. A representative will speak at the January meeting.
Suzanne Hardebeck, Sunshine and Shadows Chair, reported that Cindy Matthew’s
husband is home from the hospital.
Bonnie then asked members to share their projects with Bring & Brag. The quilts
featured either holiday themes or a red and white colorway. More than 25 members
shared their quilts.
Margaret Wolf, Vice President Programs, reminded members that the speaker for the
January meeting will be Bill Kerr from the Modern Quilt Studio.
She then introduced the speaker for the evening, Donna Hall, a Guild member, who
spoke about “Needles to Notions, Threads to Guessing: What Works Best.” In addition
to a comprehensive discussion of thread types and uses and various needle types and
useful notions, Donna very generously shared handouts with the members with sample
thread types, which she had assembled herself!
Following the program, Bonnie adjourned the meeting at 9:00, following the awarding
of door prizes. .
2015 Show Volunteer Registration Form
Please print in black ink:
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip+4: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Daytime ______________________________________ Wednesday
Evening _____________________________________ Friday
8 a.m.-10 a.m.
10 a.m.-12 p.m.
12 p.m.-2 p.m.
2 p.m.-4 p.m.
4 p.m.-5 p.m.
I’m not picky... Put me where
you need me!! (W-Su)
Admissions (F-Su)*
Appraisals (F-Su)*
Booth sitters (F-Su)
Demonstrations (F-Su)
Greeters (F-Sa)
Guild Store (F-Su)*
14. Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales (F-Su)*
Membership Table (F-Su)*
15. Show Office (W-Su)*
Mini Quilt Auction (F-Sa)
16. Show or Special Set-up (W)
10. Preview Party (Th)
17. Show or Special Take-Down (Su)
11. Preview Security (Th)
18. Staff Lounge (W-Su)
12. Entries (W)*
19. Vendor Support (W-Su)
13. Quilt Angels (F-Su)
20. Volunteer Coordinator (W-Su)*
You’ll note that each of the volunteer job positions above have letters denoting days of the week behind the listing.
For example: Entries has (W) behind. That means that Wednesday is the only day that job is available. Please do not
indicate interest in a job that is not available on the day you wish to volunteer. Be advised that some jobs may not be
available for the entire day indicated.
Volunteers with limited mobility should make note of jobs with an asterisk (*) following the listing. These jobs are
considered “sit-down” jobs that won’t require excessive walking.
Completing the form:
Please put the numbers corresponding to the job(s) you are interested in in the box for the day/time you wish to work.
For example: You would like to work on Friday from 8 a.m. until 12:00 noon. You’d like to help out as a Greeter (5), in
the Guild Store (6) or at the Membership Table (8).
On the form above, you would write “5, 6, or 8” in the two boxes corresponding to that timeframe under Friday.
You may either:
• Fill out the above printed form, noting with appropriate
numbers the jobs you are interested in in the timeslot
you would like to work, and mail to:
Candy Mahaffey
5981 Haley Way
Frisco, TX 75034-4879
• Compose an email with the appropriate information
and send to
Quilt Appraisal Request Form
Please Note:
Appraisals are made for insurance replacement value unless otherwise specified.
Complete a separate request for each item to be appraised. Cost: $45.00/item.
Please type or print.
Name: ____________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________
City/State/Zip+4: ____________________________________________________
Daytime: ___________________________________________________
Evening: ____________________________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________
 This quilt/garment is entered in the
2015 judged show in
Category Number: ______
I will be bringing the item to the
show to be appraised
I wish to be present during the
day/time preferred:
 Friday morning
 Friday afternoon
Saturday morning
 Saturday afternoon
 Sunday afternoon
Appraiser preference (if any):
Information About This Quilt or Garment (if known)
Title of quilt: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Quilt Size (if applicable):
Pattern name:
width__________ inches
Quilt made by: ____________________________________________________
length_________ inches
Quilt quilted by: ____________________________________________________
Date quilt/garment completed:
Techniques used in construction ___________________________________________
Original design
Class/workshop project
Purchased pattern:
if so, please list name of pattern
designer and name of pattern here:
Do you have records of sales of similar quilts?
 Yes
Fiber content of quilt top or garment _______________________________________
Fiber content of quilt back ________________________________________________
Brand/content of batting used ____________________________________________
 No
Return the following items to Valerie
Salter at the address listed below:
• A completed copy of this form for each
quilt/garment you wish to have appraised
• $45.00 per appraisal requested (check payable to Quilter’s Guild of Dallas)
• A self-addressed stamped envelope
(#10 long) with 49¢ postage attached
OR $1.00 per appraisal for cost of return
envelope, postage and handling.
Dallas Quilt Celebration 2015
c/o Valerie Salter
7619 Lancaster Gate
Frisco, Tx 75035
Has this quilt been exhibited elsewhere, won awards, been published? If so, please list
which shows, publications, awards or events.
Conf. Sent
Entry Number ______________Loc./Cat. _________________
2015 Miniature Auction Donation Form
To be included in live auction, quilt must be received by February 20, 2015.
Note: If you are planning to donate a quilt, but may not have it complete by February 20, 2015, PLEASE
complete this form and turn it in by the deadline, so your donation will be included in the auction brochure.
Quilt Maker _________________________________________________________________________________________
Quilt Donor (if different from maker) _____________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address
Phone::Daytime _____________________________________________________________________________________
Evening ______________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Quilt _________________________________________________________________________________________
Quilt Size: width ____________________________________ inches X
______________________________ inches
Techniques utilized: General Information:
¨¨ Original design
¨¨ Hand quilting
¨¨ Machine quilting
¨¨ Hand piecing
¨¨ Machine piecing
¨¨ Hand applique
¨¨ Machine applique
¨¨ Fused applique
¨¨ Thread painting
¨¨ Hand embroidery
¨¨ Machine embroidery
¨¨ Bead embellishment
¨¨ Other ___________________
Tell us about special fabrics, an original design, a reproduction, inspiration, why you
chose the pattern, etc. Please provide a 2-3 sentence description. This information will
be included in the auction catalogue and used by the auctioneer to attract interest.
Length of time to create
the quilt:
By my signature below, I grant the Quilter’s Guild of Dallas, Inc. the right to
photograph this entry for QGD files, publicity and/or promotional purposes, which
may include print, website or video.
Signature of Donor: ____________________________________________________
(approximate hours or days)
Final acceptance of quilts will be determined by the Miniature Quilt Auction Committee.
* Auctioneer Lloyd Cooper - Texas License 9766
Please submit a separate form for each miniature quilt donated.
Quilts and forms will be accepted at the general meetings, or mail your entry to:
Bonnie McElearney Ambrose
9824 Blueridge CR
Pilot Point, TX 76258
Glynnis Wood
9607 Athlone Dr
Dallas, TX 75218
¨¨ 2 1/2” wide sleeve on back
¨¨ Label attached to back
¨¨ Completed form
Quilt# ______________ Auction# ____________ Bidder# _____________ Amount $ _________________
2015 Dallas Quilt Show Entry Form
Please review Show Entry Rules/Instructions, Entry Divisions and Categories sections before completing this form.
Complete ALL sections of the form. Please feel free to photocopy this form or download/print additional copies from
Information captioned by BOLDFACE CAPITAL LETTERS are the only items to be published or included on the signage and will be displayed at the show.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quilt Entered By:
NAME ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
CITY______________________________________ STATE_______________________ Zip+4 ____________________
Phone #’s:Daytime __________________________ Evening/Cell ________________________________
Email Address ____________________________________________________________
Note: We need phone & email information in case we have questions about your entry or information on the entry form.
Hold Harmless Agreement:
By my signature below, I agree to abide by all conditions stated on this entry form and the accompanying instruction sheet. I agree to permit the Quilter’s Guild
of Dallas, Inc. (QGD) to display my entry at Dallas Quilt Show 2015, March 13-15, 2015 at Dallas Market Hall. I also grant QGD the right to photograph this entry for
QGD files, publicity and/or promotional purposes, which may include print, website or video. I understand care will be taken to protect my entry through the use
of 24-hour security guards. I understand that no responsibility for loss or damage to my entry will be assumed by QGD.
Signature of Entrant_________________________________________ Date signed ____________________________
Quilt Information:
TITLE OF ENTRY_____________________________________________________________________________________ Year completed ____________
Quilt size:
WIDTH (side to side) _________ in
LENGTH (top to bottom) __________ in
I am entering a: Garment
NAME OF QUILT TOP MAKER ___________________________________________________________________________
NAME OF QUILTER __________________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate:
CATEGORY #: ____________
Techniques Used:
Help us identify entries
eligible for special awards:
Hand Appliqué
Hand Embroidery
Hand Piecing
Hand Quilting
This is two-sided quilt*
Yes No
* Photos of BOTH sides of the quilt
must accompany entry form
Did you use a published book or pattern (not your own) to create your quilt or garment?
Yes 
IF YES, PLEASE GIVE CREDIT HERE ______________________________________________________________________
QUILTER’S STATEMENT: In approximately 30 words or less, tell the viewers about your quilt (inspiration? special techniques? story?)
Please write legibly. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and/or length.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Quilt entry will be:
Current Guild Member # _________________________________
 Delivered in person
Non-Member Entry Fee ($15.00/entry) _____________________
 Shipped via UPS  Picked up in person
 Returned via UPS
OR New Member Application + Fee
$ ____________________
Return shipping Fee ($30.00 per entry) $ ___________________
OR  Pre-paid Return label enclosed
Return Shipping UPS insurance
$1/$100 valuation) $ ____________________
Insured Value $ ____________________
$ 1.00
Please Enclose
Additional fees
for this entry: $ _____________
ENCLOSED $ _____________
Make checks payable to:
Quilter’s Guild of Dallas
Please return this form, along with
 appropriate fees
 photo(s)
 $1 Donna Petrick • 3816 Dutton Dr. • Plano, TX 75023-1031 • 972-571-0083