ST. PETER’S CHURCH DECEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday 1 Bible Study 7 pm Tuesday 2 RCIA 7-8:30 pm Wednesday 3 PREP 6:15-7:30 pm Youth Group 6:30pm - 8:00 pm 7 2nd Sunday of Advent PANCAKE BREAKFAST 8 9 Bible Study 7 pm RCIA 7-8:30 pm 10 Seniors KeepFit 12:30 pm PREP 6:15-7:30 pm Youth Group 6:30pm - 8:00 pm 14 3rd Sunday of Advent 15 St. Vincent de Paul Meeting 10:00 am 16 Queen's Park 10 am Youth Group 6:30pm - 8:00 pm Bible Study 7 pm 21 4th Sunday of Advent 22 23 17 Pro-Life Prayers 12:30pm PREP 6:15-7:30 pm Seniors KeepFit 12:30 pm 24 CHRISTMAS EVE 9 am Mass Thursday Friday 4 YAH Christmas Dinner, 12:30 pm Legion of Mary 12:30 pm Choir Practice 7-8:30 pm Community of the Risen Lord 7:00 pm 11 Kiwanis-10 am Legion of Mary 12:30 pm YAH Bingo-1 pm PENITENTIAL SERVICE: 7:00 pm Community of the Risen Lord 7:00 pm 18 YAH Executive Meeting - 10 am Legion of Mary 12:30 pm YAH Bingo-1 pm Choir Practice 7-8:30 pm Community of the Risen Lord 7:00 pm 25 CHRISTMAS DAY 11 am Mass 5 Eucharistic Adoration 12:30 to 2 pm 6 12 Royal City Manor 10:30 am 13 19 20 6 pm Mass 9 pm Mass Midnight 28 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 29 30 31 9 am Mass 5 pm Mass Saturday In the Care of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate since 1860 330 Royal Ave., New Westminster, BC V3L 1H8 Phone: 604-522-4611 Fax: 604-522-9142 Emergency: 604-522-0176; 604-522-5894 E-Mail: Website: DECEMBER 21, 2014 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Pastor: Father Martin Moser OMI 26 27 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5pm Sunday 9am 11am and 5pm WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday through Friday 12 Noon Monday and Saturday, 9:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 9am and 11am Masses Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4pm to 4:45pm Tuesday thru Friday 11:40am – 11:55am Baptisms & Marriages: Please call the Parish Office 604-522-4611 January 1, 2015 9 am Mass 11 am Mass 5 pm Mass Community of the Risen Lord 7:00 pm Parish Organizations Catholic Women’s League St. Peter’s Young at Heart Senior Group Pro Life Society St. Peter’s Youth Group Choir Outreach Knights of Columbus St. Vincent de Paul Society Development & Peace Queens Park Mass Team Social Justice Legion of Mary Dec. 25 11 am MINISTRY SCHEDULING FOR DECEMBER 24/25/27/28 Lectors Eucharistic Ushers Greeters Ministers (& Collections) Eddie Natoc Ricardo Payot - U CHILDREN'S MASS Lisette Natoc Daniel Fontaine - U Ivy Johanna Ciprian Ivy Tan Tan Roy Cheong Carole McConville Rebecca Licas - U L:Peter McConville Rebecca Licas Wally Licas - U Chantal C:Chantal Hudspeth Nora Riordan Lina Furminger Hudspeth Veronica de Guzman Tess Marier Larry Lambert - U L:Jonathan Graves Alicia Piper Lita Noble - U Lilian C:Damilola Gittens Louis de la Torre Lilian Ng Ng Frankie Chiu Rob Kok Syl Helmink - U L:Ariana Clarke Angie Kok Marie Piche Armida C:Dalton Hengg Grace Villanueva Beasley Dec. 27 Sat. 5 pm L:Kathleen McCrossan C:Wally Licas Ed Wunderlich Brian Kennedy Rebecca Licas Dec. 28 Sun. 9 am L:Lisette Natoc C:Eddie Natoc Johanna Ciprian Shawn Johnston Carole McConville Mass Dec. 24 6 pm 9 pm Midnight 11 am L:Luz Verzosa C:Andy Boch 5 pm L:Nora Sabau C:Salvacion Laurel Alicia Piper Ligaya Temperatura Christine Vickers Nora Riordan Marie Piche Tim Salvacion Rebecca Licas -0 U Peter Becher Mietek Nieradka Danny Acosta Domingo Almonte - U Frankie Chiu Dan McGuire Akok Bol Larry Lambert - U Thelma Cruz Manny Cruz Tim Salvacion - U Lina Furminger Veronica de Guzman Peter Tolentino Dickie Yu Tess Marier Arleen Acuna Altar Servers Agnes Natoc Piero Cipiran Mattias Ciprian Maya Becher Olivia Becher Angelica Chua Jullianna Oke Morewa Adeyemi Yosola Adeyemi Vincent Tolentino Callista Tolentino Gabrielle Tolentino Maya Becher Olivia Becher Morgan Denny Agnes Natoc Anabela Chiu Emily VanderZalm Natasha Verzosa Angelica Chua Tristan Comia Jullianna Oke Etella Keenan Aaron Wong COFFEE SUNDAY HOSTS & HOSTESSES / LITURGY OF THE WORD WITH CHILDREN FOR DECEMBER 28 Coffee Sunday Hosts & Hostesses Liturgy of the Word with Children Sun. 9 am Dick & Christine Gangnon Carole Wylie & Kelly MacDonald Sun. 11 am Lorraine Currie & Marie Hocking Sunila Thomas & Joahna Carvallo Prayers for the sick: Please remember those among our families and friends who are suffering the burden of illness or pain especially: Albertine de Cupyer, Fleur Ange Diemert, Jocelyne Bolt, David Gillmor, Patrick Manghi, Anna Bauer, Antonio Giacomini, Tena Colton, Lesli Balango, Eldie Guinomma, Nellie Cavell, Lorraine Cahill, Caferina Tolentino, Wynne Simmer, Sharon Courtnage, Tony Marino, Patrick Coll, Gerald Visutskie, Mary Beames, Christine Perrot, Daniel Gourlay, Dolores Elamparo, Diane Elamparo, Fred Hoffer, Kathleen McGuire, Pat Munn, Marlene Colledge, Aline Nordstrand, Edgardo Arellano, Gerald Davis, Patricia Piper, Emelita Tolentino, Ron Breslin, Lina & Saverio, Teresa Morabito, Christina Donovan, Anthony and Joseph Donovan, Tim Salvacion III, May Pascual, John Forget. May they experience the love and warmth they need, to be healed in body and spirit. "Jonah and the Whale of a Bake Sale - WYD 2016 fundraiser is happening this weekend before and after masses while supplies last. Get your cookies for Santa, and other Christmas treats." ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: Thanks you so much for your generosity with donating cash and food supply. Because of your gifts we were able to bring 100 Christmas hampers to those families who needed some help. A special thank you to the volunteers who assisted with picking up the grocery, with the preparation of the hampers and deliveries of them. Thanks to the CWL, Y-A-H, Knights of Columbus for their donations. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May God bless you all in the New Year. THE SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE would like to thank all those who donated towards the gift bags for Luke 15. The men staying at the house always tell us how grateful they are for the gifts they receive from the members of St. Peter's Parish. Luke 15 welcomes men in an atmosphere of acceptance, love and understanding. Those who are in transition from a prison environment or others who sincerely want to start a new life benefit from their stay at the house. LECTORS: Please pick your labelled missals from the back of the church. ALTAR SERVERS, LECTORS, USHERS, COLLECTORS, GREETERS, COFFEE SUNDAY HOSTS AND HOSTESSES, please pick up your New Schedule from the back of the Church. 2015 ENVELOPE BOXES: Please pick your designated boxes from the foyer of the Church Hall. Please start using these envelopes January 1, 2015. Contact the parish office if you want for a box of envelopes. ADVENT PENITENTIAL SERVICES IN OUR DEANERY - 7:00 PM. Sunday, December 21 St. Michael's, 9387 Holmes Street, Burnaby. Monday, December 22 St. Francis de Sales, 6610 Balmoral Street, Burnaby. Tuesday, December 23 Our Lady of Fatima, 315 Walker Street, Coquitlam. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S MASSES: December 24: 9 am Mass. 6 pm, 9 pm, Midnight. December 25: 11 am Mass. December 31: 9 am Mass 5 pm Mass. January 1: 9 am, 11 am, 5 pm. WISHING EVERYONE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Envelopes $ 5,759.90 LAST WEEK’S COLLECTIONS Loose Weekly Budget Building Fund $ 814.10 $ 5,000.00 $ 1,994.0 BUILDING FUND UPDATE $ 64,153.60
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