Marlena Kossakowska Piotr Kwiatek Tomasz Stefaniak In: Kossakowska, M., Kwiatek, P., Stefaniak, T. (2013). Sens w życiu. Polska wersja kwestionariusza MLQ (Meaning in Life Questionnaire) [Meaning in Life. Polish Version of MLQ]. Psychologia Jakości Życia, 12(2), 111-131. DOI: 10.5604/16441796.1090786 Abstract The aim of this manuscript is to present basic concepts regarding meaning in life (definitions, theoretical approaches, functions and methodological problems). It also reviews global tools which measure meaningfulness, and in particular it presents the results of the Polish language validation of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire - MLQ (PL). The authors of the original MLQ (Steger et al. 2006) define meaning in life as the declared sense made of, and significance felt regarding, the nature of one’s being and existence. The MLQ consists of two subscales: presence of, and search for, meaning in life. The study revealed that the Polish MLQ is a relatively a good tool for measuring meaning in life in these domains. The reliability was demonstrated, but indices of confirmatory analysis were poor. Convergent and discriminant validity allows us to discuss what presence of, and the search for, meaning of life mean in Polish and American culture. These two notions of meaning in life may be complementary or mutually exclusive, depending on culture and population. Introduction1 (…) Polish Version of MLQ 1 The study was supported by a grant (No. DEC-2011/03/B/HS6/01117) from the Polish National Centre for Science. 1 (…) Table 1. The Polish translation of MLQ items Numer pozycji Wersja oryginalna I understand my life’s meaning I am looking for something that makes my life feel meaningful MLQ3: I am always looking to find my life’s purpose MLQ4: My life has a clear sense of purpose MLQ5: I have a good sense of what makes my life meaningful MLQ6: I have discovered a satisfying life purpose MLQ7: I am always searching for something that makes my life feel significant MLQ8: I am seeking a purpose or mission for my life MLQ9: My life has no clear purpose (R) MLQ10: I am searching for meaning in my life MLQ1: MLQ2: Wersja polska Rozumiem, jakie znaczenie ma moje życie Szukam czegoś, co sprawia, że moje życie nabiera sensu Zawsze staram się znaleźć swój życiowy cel Moje życie posiada jasno określony cel Mam dobre poczucie tego, co sprawia, że moje życie ma sens Odkryłem/am satysfakcjonujący cel w swoim życiu Zawsze szukam czegoś, co sprawia, że moje życie jest ważne Szukam celu lub misji w swoim życiu Moje życie nie ma jasno określonego celu (R) Poszukuję znaczenia w swoim życiu (R) – pozycja jest kodowana odwrotnie Method N=397 (320 females, 77 men). Age: For females: range from 18 to 61 yars (M = 24,38, SD = 6,45) For males: range from 19 to 70 lat (M = 28,84, SD = 11,50). Confirmatory factor analysis: ML chi-square = 199.40, p < .0001, df = 34 RMS = .106 GFI = .901 AGFI = .84 2 RMSEA = .116 BBNNFI = .87 Factor analysis: Table 2. Basic statistics and factor loadings of the Polish MLQ (n = 397) Basics statistics: Factor loadings: item: Mean SD 1: MLQ-P 2: MLQ-S MLQ1 MLQ2 MLQ3 MLQ4 MLQ5 MLQ6 MLQ7 MLQ8 MLQ9 MLQ10 5,43 5,59 5,54 4,80 5,19 4,85 5,39 5,28 5,00 4,92 1,22 1,24 1,14 1,52 1,26 1,45 1,16 1,33 1,63 1,56 0,72* -0,08 0,41 0,87* 0,81* 0,80* 0,25 0,00 0,77* -0,20 0,04 0,80* 0,66* 0,03 0,02 0,11 0,76* 0,83* -0,05 0,72* MLQ-P MLQ-S MLQ 25,28 26,71 51,99 5,68 4,88 7,86 * more then 0,65. Item No 9 – reversed Tabela 3. R-Pearson’s coefficients in MLQ MLQ1 MLQ2 MLQ3 MLQ4 MLQ5 MLQ6 MLQ7 MLQ8 MLQ9 -0,00 0,30* 0,53* 0,52* 0,45* 0,22* 0,02 0,44* -0,12 0,44* -0,05 -0,05 0,00 0,48* 0,57* -0,06 0,48* 0,34* 0,27* 0,29* 0,54* 0,48* 0,29* 0,27* 0,66* 0,66* 0,22* 0,02 0,62* -0,09 0,64* 0,16 0,04 0,47* -0,05 0,26* 0,10 0,50* -0,01 0,55* 0,14 0,39* -0,01 0,50* -0,23* MLQ-P 0,72* MLQ-S 0,09 MLQ 0,57* -0,04 0,78* 0,45* 0,37* 0,69* 0,70* 0,87* 0,10 0,69* 0,81* 0,08 0,64* 0,82* 0,15 0,68* 0,25* 0,76* 0,65* 0,04 0,82* 0,54* 0,78* 0,01 0,57* MLQ2 MLQ3 MLQ4 MLQ5 MLQ6 MLQ7 MLQ8 MLQ9 MLQ10 MLQ10 MLQ-P MLQ-S -0,13* 0,74* 0,36* 0,11* 0,79* 0,70* * p < 0,05 3 Reliability: Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for Polish MLQ is .79 Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient for Subscale Presence: .86 Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient for Subscale Search: .72 Validation of the Polish MLQ Methods: 1) NEO FFI Inventory (Costa, McCrae, 1985, in Polish adaptation: Zawadzki, Strelau, Szczepaniak, Śliwińska, 1998), 2) Scale of Emotions (Wojciszke, Baryła, 2005) measures basic emotions: Joy, Love, Fear, Anger, Sadness, Shame, 3) Purpose in Life – PIL (Crumbaugh, Maholick, 1964; in Polish adaptation: Źycińska, Januszek, 2011), 4) BDI (Beck, 1961; in Polish adaptation: Parnowski, Jernajczyk, 1977), 5) Self-report Questionnaire (Heszen-Niejodek, Gruszczyńska, 2004) measures spirituality in the concept of transcendence. It assesses three domains of spirituality: Religious Attitude (measures beliefs towards God and faith), Ethical Sensitivity (measures moral behavior and the interest of people life and fate) and Harmony (measures the drive toward looking for the internal consistency between the inner and outer world). It is only in Polish. 6) Self-esteem Scale SES Rosenberga (Rosenberg, 1965; in Polish adaptation: Łaguna, Lachowicz -Tabaczek, Dzwonkowska, 2007), 7) COPE (Carver, Scheier, Weintraub, 1989; in Polish adaptation: Wrześniewski, 1996), 8) Satisfaction with Life Scale – SWLS (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, Griffin, 1985; in Polish adaptation: Juczyński, 2001). 4 Table 4. the results of convergency analysis. R-Pearson’s coefficients Questionnaire PRESENCE SEARCH MLQ-P MLQ-S Overall MLQ 1. NEO FFI, n = 100; α = 0,64 Neuroticism Agreeableness Extraversion Conscientiousness -0,44* 0,31* 0,42* 0,64* -0,12 0,23* 0,22* 0,22* -0,38* 0,35* 0,43* 0,58* 2. Emotions Scale, n = 197; α = 0,81 Joy Love Fear Anger Sadness Shame 0,31* 0,32* -0,30* -0,30* -0,47* -0,31* 0,08 0,16 -0,000,06 -0,06 0,05 0,27* 0,34* 0,21* -0,17 -0,36* -0,18 3. PIL, n = 100; α = 0,91 PIL (overall) Aims in Life Meaning in Life Life affirmation Self-esteem Life assessment Freedom and responsibility 0,70* 0,70* 0,65* 0,57* 0,42* 0,60* 0,53* 0,28* 0,37* 0,10 0,29* 0,32* 0,15 0,19 0,65* 0,70* 0,54* 0,57* 0,47* 0,52* 0,49* 4. BDI, n = 100; α = 0,89 -0,50* - 0,09 -0,42* 5. Self-report Q (Heszen), n=100; α=0,90 Religious Attitude 0,38* Ethical Sensitivity 0,20* Harmony 0,59* 0,24* 0,39* 0,34* 0,40* 0,35* 0,61* 6. SES (Rosenberg), n=197; α=0,84 0,53* 0,06 0,41* 7. SWLS, n=197; α=0,78 0,53* 0,21* 0,50 * * p<0,05 5 Table 5. Discriminatory analysis. R-Pearson’s coefficients of Polish MLQ. Questionnaire: PRESENCE SEARCH MLQ-P MLQ-S Overall MLQ 1. NEO FFI, n = 100 Openess 0,00 0,09 0,05 2. PIL, n = 197 Attitude towards death: 0,16 -0,04 0,10 3. 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