September Students of the Month Sydney Brekken: Parents: Kris and Alana Brekken Activities/Hobbies: Band, Choir, Basketball, Volleyball, CrossCountry Future Plans: NDSU for College “Sydney has been a leader in the classroom for the first month of school. She comes to class with a positive attitude and demonstrates a willingness to learn in my class room every day.” Kyle Morehart Luke Leshuk: Parents: Tim and Lara Leshuk Activities: Band, Choir, Football, Cross Country, Wrestling Hobbies: Camping, Fishing and Wakeboarding Future Plans: to go to college to become a chiropractor “Seventh-grader, Luke Leshuk is involved in cross country and football this fall, a heavy task he does not let slow him down. Even though I have only known him in class a short while, it is easy to see he enjoys hard work and accepts challenges as a chance to improve his skills. He always has a smile on his face and an eager look in his eye.” Heidi Eckart Ben Mueller: Parents: Paul and Deb Mueller Activities/Hobbies: 4-H, Cross Country, Track, FBLA, Band, Choir, Computer Science/Programing, Electrical Engineering, Science Enthusiast Future Plans: College for a STEM-based career field. “Ben Mueller is a thoughtful student who is always willing to share and participate in class. It is refreshing to see students take pride in each and every assignment they do, and Ben is one of those students. A talented reader and writer, Ben challenges those around him to push for greatness. Ben is a great example of what a student and young man should be. He is also respectful in class and always has a lot of great comments or questions during our lectures. He knows what's going on in society and is able to apply what we have learned in class to what is happening in society. He is always willing to help his peers and his peers know he is someone they can count on. It's great having Ben in class! Congrats Ben!” Brittany Race & Ryan Nielsen Parents: Dan and Rhonda Nilles Future Plans: College Andrew Nilles: Activities/Hobbies: Football, Drama, Video Games “Andrew not only has shown to be a very hard-working student, but is working to achieve his goals at a very high level. I’ve seen Andrew improve year after year and it’s an amazing sign that he is being recognized by other people within his community. Andrew will without question go on to accomplish great things in life and deserves this recognition fully.” Kevin Lokken October Students of the Month Maverick Eversgerd: Parents: Spring Boeddeker and Christ Eversgerd Activities/Hobbies: I love to climb. I read a lot. My favorite game is MineCraft, and I love swimming. Future Plans: I plan to be an architect or engineer and I’ll probably stay in North Dakota “Maverick, a student who is not afraid to share out in class, has worked hard to make a smooth transition into the middle school setting. He is a positive person who is willing to help others succeed.” Heidi Eckart Novels/Art Teacher Micah Gallagher: Parents: Patrick and Amy Gallagher Activities/Hobbies: Football, Basketball, Gymnastics, Track Future Plans: Go to college, play football “A positive attribute Micah possesses is his ability to listen well. He is usually quiet in class, but when he speaks, it is often well thought out and purposeful to the discussion.” Heidi Eckart Novels/Art Teacher Gavin Longthorne: Parents: Rob and Krista Longthorne Activities/Hobbies: Cross Country, Basketball, Track, SADD, FBLA, Choir Future Plans: Attend a 4-year university for a degree in Product Design “Gavin is a bright student who always takes pride in his work. I can always count on him to put forth full effort and challenge himself to excel.” Brittany Race High School English Teacher Ashley Moore: Parents: Jack and Tami Moore Activities/Hobbies: FCCLA, Yearbook, and works at the Bakery Future Plans: Go to NDSCS and become a dental hygienist “In my classroom, Ashley is one of a handful of students who always pushes herself to excel. In a group filled with students who are satisfied with an "ok," Ashley consistently goes above and beyond. She is fun to have in the classroom, and I can always count on her to participate when others are hesitant.” Brittany Race High School English Teacher November Students of the Month Olivia Kritzberger Parents: Chad and Lori Kritzberger Activities/Hobbies: Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball Future Plans: Attending NDSU and possibly becoming a farmer after college Olivia Kritzberger is an excellent student. She is a very sure student and comes to class each day with a smile on her face and ready to learn. Olivia is a bright kid that works to improve in the classroom on a daily basis. Olivia is respectful and attentive in the classroom. She is not afraid to raise her hand and ask questions. Olivia is a pleasure to have in class. Rob Owens and Kyle Morehart Isaac Luithle Parents: Tim and Kim Luithle Activities/Hobbies: Golf, Basketball, Football Future Plans: Astrophysicist for NASA, go to UND to get my undergraduate in Physics Isaac is a very upbeat, positive role model in our junior high school who always seems to have a positive attitude and outlook with both his peers and staff. He maintains top notch grades and is active both in and out of school. I feel Isaac is a great choice for Student of the Month in junior high. Dave Schill Dalton Stern Parents: Kyle and Melissa Stern Activities/Hobbies: Sons of the American Legion Future Plans: Enlist in the North Dakota Army National Guard and attend Lake Region State College to pursue my Associates of Applied Science Degree in Law Enforcement. Dalton Stern has shown great enthusiasm and pride in the Hillsboro High School and in his academic achievement. He is very focused on getting his work done and when other students may need help, he is there to give them the little extra help that is needed to succeed at that problem area. Kind,hardworking young man who does what needs to be done. Levi Reese, Rob Owens, and Linda Hawn LaRae Suchor Parents: Vern Suchor and the late Renell Suchor Activities/Hobbies: Volleyball, Band, Choir, Science Olympiad, CYO, SADD, Student Council Future Plans: go to college and become a Pediatric Anesthesiologist LaRae is always smiling and upbeat. She is kind to staff, teachers, and fellow students. We worked together once in a while last summer, and she was a very hard worker without complaint for the jobs that needed to be done. Linda Hawn December 2014 Students of the Month Oscar Benson Parents: Molly Baumgartner and Karl Benson Activities/Hobbies: Basketball, Football, Band, Choir, Track Future Plans: Go to college to be a vet th Oscar Benson is a 7 grade students that is both a leader and top-notch student. In the classroom, Oscar is attentive and determined. He will ask for clarification on questions for not only himself but for others as well. He will remind students of assignments and encourage them to stay on track. Oscar is always in good cheer and ready to start the lesson. Oscar does excellent work in all his classes. His favorite sport is football, but he can be counted on to do a flip or two if given the chance. Oscar wants to be a veterinarian after graduating college. His favorite color is yellow and favorite type of music is Dubstep. Rob Owens Hannah Mueller Parents: Dave and Trish Mueller Activities/Hobbies: Cross-country, Volleyball, Basketball, Track, 4-H, Band Future Plans: Go to college Hannah Mueller has shown a wide variety of skill in the math classroom. Hannah participates well, helps others in class and completes all of her work in a timely manner. Hannah is always a treat to have in class because of her positive attitude and work ethic. Hannah also involves herself in extracurricular activities. Hannah is a well-rounded student-athlete that is very deserving of Student of the Month. Jason Keating Halli Hebl Parents: Bob and Jill Hebl Activities/Hobbies: softball, SADD, FBLA, Wrestling Stats, Guitar, Youth Band at Church, Drama, Band, Choir Future Plans: Attend college Halli Hebl is an excellent student in my World Geography class. She works hard and is always prepared for each day of class. One thing that stands out with Halli is her willingness to help her classmates learn. She is always helping others study for tests or working to get her group well prepared for some activity. Her desire and dedication to being the best she can be sets her apart. Students like Halli make teaching more enjoyable. Elliot Rotvold Kael Matthys Parents: Jeff and Kari Matthys Activities/Hobbies: Basketball, Dance, Softball, SADD, Drama, Band, Choir, National Honor Society, 4-H, Lifeguarding Future Plans: Go to Moorhead University for Elementary Education I nominated Kael Matthys. She regularly shows great character and hard work both in school and on the playing floor. I believe she is a good example for our younger students. Her days are incredibly full. She was attending drama before school for which she received an honorable mention award at regionals, she plays basketball and often goes on to dance class after basketball practice, she is currently taking two college level duel credit classes along with a full load of in-house classes all the while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. This to me is amazing and well deserving of Student of the Month! Dave Schill
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