From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. B L 00 OCTOBER, The Journal VOL. Hemolytic Anemia with Blood Cells Due to a New Normal Human Serum By DAUSSET, JEAN JEAN to be involved. by It is necessary is acquired through enon) and form which is vitro respective The spontaneous in the studied an irrespective between the the blood groups. to infection was In is obtained. in 1927 found agglutinable by T, of so was associated a thrombocytopenic with seven old had anemia only was who attempts clinical have medicine T has From sur les the been Centre Maladies Submitted the autoantibodies. been on spontaneous the that red all human phenomblood which, with may an be this by their a grave source all findings these cases are of abscess,3 of the In one a generalized case the poly- hemolytic anemia peculiar case is that serologic ag- There In most pelvic another there was normal.7’11 In one ir- that anti-T in human beings. the literature.6#{176} acquired This cells sera, showed septicemia,6 In made the National du June revealed Sang 18, 1958; basis authors have through de de to explain same Thomsen-Friedenreich. Some patients with polyagglutinability antigen which with pyogenous infection infection,15 salpingitis.1#{176} an purpura. cells groups of an comof a acquired polyagglutinability temporary. Many in child14 with case 1930 observed septicemia urinary aglutinahility plicated with the this bacteria pneumococcal infection,9 meningitis,13 from reacting group in syphilis was present7; in of the cases were apparently weeks’ certain of the blood polyagglutinability evident: in capable case, congenital cancer.17 Two hemolvtic red ABO phenom- by Friedenreich5 polyagglutinability postahortional uterine skin,10 pneumococcal the polyagglutinability patients. become contamination determination cases of in of certain of panagglutinability as the sample later Thomsen24 10 BERNARD tendency sera, in certain uncover an antigen, present in all adult sera. of error 14 well these called can due the JEAN NO. of (Hubener-Thomsen-Friedenreich appears a while is enzymes, glutinin distinguish for of phenomenon human in vitro often occasionally enon is observed as soon Hubener1 in 1925 and in all to aging which AND is meant agglutinated XIV, Polyagglutinahility Factor Present (Anti-Tn) MOULLEC Y POLYAGGLUTINABILITY kept of Hematology 1959 Acquired Red B D accepted them Sanguine, l’Association Claude for polyagglutinability the phenomenon have shown that the same behavior aging Transfusion the as publication red blood as the red in vitro.7’9’12’13’15 Paris, Bernard, and the Centre H#{244}pital Saint-Louis, Apr. 27, observed of Hubenercells from cells whose Reepmaker15 de Recherches Paris. 1959. 1079ThIS One \ W7H5- LEL-9XRX From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 1080 DAUSSET, isolated from capable in These was the urine vitro of cells have modified by of making then the in all absorbed by by red way the cells cases. cases in which agglutinable of Vibrio those Thus Henningsen1’ were not Actinomyces. It is also was observed the with those to interpret difficult T concluded that identical sera. antigen polyagglutinability this conclusion believed erythrocytes polyagglutinability He was human whose comma. BERNARD which all by as phenomenon and identical. However possibly by cells AND streptococcus characteristics of a culture patient’s treated a hemolytic blood same filtrate studied his patient red the the Hubener-Thomsen-Friedenreich very closely related and reached his MOULLEC that was were not agglutinins absorbed in in apparently this normal subjects. The case presented below Polyagglutinability nomenon observed thrombocytopenia polyagglutinability differs in this patient for nine consecutive essentially from apparently years and and a chronic hemolytic and the severe hemolytic is also discussed capable of further agglutinating relation with known so far. the anti-T in this paper. the patient’s agglutinins CASE The previously substance blood can by The relationship displayed by present cells be cited linked ones. a permanent accompanied anemia. anemia red nor the represented phe- leukopenia, the between patient in normal has to serum neither any any agglutinins cor- HISTORY M. T., 65 years old, who had apparently had no previous disease, suffered in 1946 while in Mexico from an acute infection of undetermined etiology which lasted about 10 days. This episode was accompanied by a severe anemia (about 1,400,000 red blood cells per cubic millimeter). He was given five transfusions, one of which caused a very marked reaction. Since that time, the anemia has never disappeared. The skin has been pale and yellow-tinged. The patient always felt tired and had alternative periods of improvement and relapse. In 1946, splenomegaly had been discovered, the lower border of the spleen being felt at two or three fingerhreadth below the left costal margin. At that time, blood counts revealed a hematologic picture of pancytopenia: RBC, 3,090,000 per cubic millimeter, hemoglobin 82 per cent, hematocrit 32 per cent, M.C.V. 106 cubic microns, reticulocytes 1.3 per cent and 5 per cent. WBC, 2,900 per cubic millimeter with the following differential: neutrophils 34 per cent, eosinophils 1 per cent, basophils 1 per cent, lymphocytes 63 per cent, monocytes 1 per cent. Ameth’s classification showed a shift to the left. The platelets were 130,000 per cubic millimeter. Differential counts of bone marrow showed an increase of erythroblastic elements (50 per cent). Osmotic resistance was normal (4.8 - 3.2). No sickling of red blood cells was noted. The icterus Index was 9 on one occasion and 23.8 on another occasion (normal: 2 to 4). The qualitative Van den Bergh’s reaction was strongly positive. Urobilinogen was present In the urine to a dilution of 1/15. There was no hemosiderin in the urinary sediment. No occult blood was found in the urine or in the stools. The bleeding time was 3 to 4 minutes. The clotting time was 13 minutes. Prothrombin time was normal. The thymol turbidity test gave a result of 8.1 units. Bromsulfalein retention was 40 to 80 per cent. Blood urea was 0.19 per 1000 ml. serum proteins: 71 Gm. per 1000 ml. (albumin 46 Gm. per 1000 ml., globulin 25 Gm. per 1000 ml.). Alkaline phosphatase: 10 units. Biopsy of the liver did not show any lesion compatible with a diagnosis of cirrhosis. Cholecystography was done but the gallbladder was not visualized. To summarize: there was at that time a marked pancytopenia with signs of increased destruction of blood cells and accelerated regeneration, confirming the diagnosis of hemolytic anemia. Because of the palpable spleen, the diagnosis of splenic neutropenia was made. From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. ACQUIRED HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA AND 1081 ANTI-TN Between 1946 and 1952, the red blood counts have ranged from 2,100,000 to 3,350,000 per cubic millimeter, the mean being 2,500,000. The white blood counts oscillated between 3,900 and 1,300 per cubic millimeter, with a mean of 2,200. Neutrophils were always around 45 per cent, lymphocytes around 40 per cent. Reticulocyte count was 10 per cent on one occasion, but it was low usually. The general condition of the patient was never very satisfactory during that period and the course of the disease was interspersed with episodes of fatigue and increased icterus. However, these pathologic manifestations were so important as to keep the patient away from his work. One of us noted in 1950 the polyagglutinability of the patient’s red blood cells. It could be ascertained, however, that the patient was of group B because his serum contamed an anti-A agglutinin. On the same occasion, marked ovalocytosis was discovered (20 per cent of the erythrocytes were ovalocytes of Gunther’s group IV). On the first examination, in 1951, the following results were found: RBC, 2,715,000 per cubic millimeter; hematocrit, 30; mean diameter of red cells, 7 to 8 microns; M.C.V., [08 cubic microns; reticulocyte count, 8 per cent. The red cells had a tendency to autoagglutinate. There was marked anisocytosis with ovalocytosis. The hemoglobin was 60 per cent and the color index 1.1. M.C.H. was 32 micromicrograms and M.C.H.C. 29 per cent. The osmotic fragility test showed initial lysis at 5.4 and complete lysis at 3.4 per 1000 ml. The mechanical resistance of erythrocytes was slightly decreased. Acid-serum test, Crosby’s test and autohemolysis study gave normal results. Donath-Landsteiner’s test was negative. The WBC was 2,800 per cubic millimeter with the following differential: neutrophils, 42 per cent, eosinophils, 2 per cent, lymphocytes, 46 per cent, monocytes, 8 per cent, acidophilic normoblasts, 2 per cent. The platelets were 112,000 per cubic millimeter. Hemostasis studies showed a bleeding time at 4 minutes, a clotting time at 8 minutes, a normal clot retraction, a prothrombin time at 75 per cent, a slightly diminished prothrombin consumption and also a slightly diminished heparin tolerance. Serologic studies showed the persistence of polyagglutinability. There was no panagglutinin in the serum as seen in acquired hemolytic anemia. However a certain degree of autoagglutination was noted under the microscope. The search for hemolysins,2’ as well as the Donath-Landsteiner’s test, remained negative. In the serum a cold thromboagglutinin was detected, but no leukoagglutinin was found at that time. During the following months the general condition of the patient remained unchanged. In 1952, as well as on a few occasions afterwards, attacks of acute gouty arthritis supervened. Because of the persistence of the anemia, it was decided in 1953 to give the patient a few transfusions of washed B, Rh-negative red cells. These were perfectly tolerated at a frequency of one transfusion of 200 ml. every two weeks. The RBC reached 3,200,000 per cubic millimeter, but the \VBC remained at 1,200 per cubic millimeter and platelet count at 120,000. Some time later, an acute infection provoked a fall of the RBC to 1,500,000 per cubic millimeter. Six transfusions of washed cells were then necessary. At that point a leukoagglutinin was found in the serum. In 1955, the patient was treated with cortisone (from 200 to 350 mg. per day for three weeks) and then with prednisone (from 20 to 50 mg. per day). Improvement was remarkable and transfusions could be discontinued. Following that, RBC was between 2 and 3 million per cubic millimeter, WBC between 2,500 and 3,000 and platelet count around 200,000 per cubic millimeter. In 1956, the patient began to complain of a lasting pain in the right hypochondrlum. No lesion has been found to explain it, and the general condition of the patient has remained satisfactory since then. Briefly, this is an acquired hemolytic anemia with persistent leukopenia. The beginning of the disease dates back to 12 years ago and seems to be related to an acute infection of undetermined etiology. From the serologic point of view, this case is remarkable because of the persistence of the polyagglutinability phenomenon, observed since 1950. Transfusions of washed erythrocytes have been given with success, washed cells being used in order not to give the patient the substance which is present in normal plasma and has the power of agglutinating his own red blood cells. Corticoid therapy has been effective and has made transfusions unnecessary for over two years. From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 1082 DAUSSET, SERoi.ocIC MOULLEC AND BERNARD STUDY Erythrocytes Polyagglutinability.-ExIsTENCE blood group, agglutinated by only The A cells. all be their has group: AB agglutinin which have them. The been with came of 40 sera also from were absorbed BY the by chimpanzee did cells and sheep have agglutinin also genotype action OTHER his degree now of absorbing did not Since erythrocytes developed was in the BLOOD from after the the of or A agglutinin. observed was of anti-Tn 16 no at the relation newborn cells, the infants in- maximum of whom anti-B ABO agglutinin found on normal on human comma, are 1/16. However, The anti-C; anti-E, secreted sensitized a goat, been human red capable the cells of serum agof conditions. anti-D, had from have Because of polyagglutinability, system-could be made at all the patient Sera rabbits absorption same probably as follows: 33 of 0 anti-B SPECIES. methods. absorb in rabbits thus that com- studied; titers absorption GROUPS. the the as 490 subjects Their different after absorption but agglutinins. that probable secretor. cells, sera, through capable antiLua ANIMAL several blood patient-apart agglutinins, concluded any THE especially were anti-Fyt and OF of the indirectly, same showed groups. subjects step. DIFFERENT and red abThis agglutinated been of groups 20 of other FIIOM adult Until (from frequently CORD and patient’s not from have the filtrate of a culture of Vibrio patient’s erythrocytes to a dilution of DETERMINATION grouping SERA A erythrocytes. found that the titer had of the donor. BLOOD. The serum from as a preliminary a chimpanzee Horse modified glutinating group the agglutiwhatever have been AB serum. strongly the absorption most FROM of sera of B or AB titer sera have groups) after beforehand a horse, patient’s weakly or not at all the patient’s red have been performed on 28 newborn of B or AB erythrocytes. AB tested SERA agglutinates contain The abnormal adult sera, agglutinins. incompatible The very Studies to agglutinate B or laboratory. It was Rh or Duffy groups BY agglutinates not agglutinins action as All and anti-B 128. AGGLUTINABILITY a sheep, marked and the ABO, agglutinates being 1/2. were quite 2 to with are serum do the SERA. Sixteen been the his serum as erythroeytes subjects of eight Tn of determining erythrocytes anti-Tn. from AGGLUTINABILITY fants titer is subjects have the which natural the same ADULT against Negroes. Titration temperature whatever called anti-A (from from groups) ranging be tested cells agglutinates whose have COMPATiBLE natural sera them strongly subjects, red cells, agglutination obtained patible serum 0 BY group AB red but therefore to the B group. cells is present in all human will AGGLUTINABILITY on patient’s The sera, the of effect On PHENOMENON. noted: anti-A+B be no belongs his red group A or corresponding abnormal and cannot but THE are anti-B patient antigen. The patient nm which acts on Sera from sorbed by reactions anti-A, A or A2 cells may OF abnormal patient’s anti-e, anti-Kell anti-c, antiC%v, substance the with B N CDe/CDe Leb only red blood and anti-P B, it could antigen. patient’s pp kk Fy An red cells. Leb+ be anti-N The Lu” From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. HEMOLYTIC ACQUIRED ANEMIA AND 1.-Iso- TABLE Tn In red 1083 ANTI-TN and Autoagglutination cells saline not (degrees 18 37 of the Tn Red CelLs trypsinized In albumin C.) 4 (degrees C.) 18 37 With Indirect Coombs test 4 I A I A I A I A I A I A I Normal adult ABserum 0 1 0 16 1 16 0 4 0 16 0 32 0 0 Tnserum 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 Tn In saline A Normal adult ABserum 0 Tn 1 serum I iso-red A Each 2 cells = Tn corresponds CONSTANCY the 128 OF red cells titer THE with of this with other Anti-Tn 4 A I A I A 64 512 0 4 64 512 0 4 64 256 8 0 1 64 4 dilution still OVER the serum case of normal at 4 than at this latter ACTION the it in I A 0 0 anti E 0 (table serum previously absorbed which was bovine added Differences pnditions 1/4 ACTION on cells was negative used in several erythrocytes, Coombs negative on with both dilutions: all the extent to the same test after patient’s a degree at red situation manifests weakest has been red can The in of minimal. be comconstant comparison The agglutinating itself in saline more sera) it is still present cells also cells to Coombs test of the methods, the tube globulin rabbit sera by the antiglobulin Tn erythrocytes. be incubation in spontaneously the in pure in the which after not in and titer normal proved with could and and anti-human as studied in saline C. the 37 and rabbit blood it constant and antigens. AMPUTUDE. albumin, tile is further incubation which been nature. patient’s environment. The direct ANTIGLOBULIN. Variations have unidentical titer or human in a colloid OF group agglutinability 1). between the titers obtained have been very slight. At became The 7 years. last subject Tn erythrocytes (except for the Agglutinin COLLOIDS. result. PERIOD. the same an positive LONG to be quantitatively view with blood adult sera on at 37 C., but a during of keeps temperature OF giving A constant cases which were of temporary agglutinin of normal sera.-THERMAL power strongly to With indirect Coombe test C.) I 1 PHENOMENON remained involved seems that point of phenomenon test A red cells. to the maximum has obtained The antigen pared from positive being (degrees 18 37 I 8 1 In albumin 4 A 0 128 C.) cells. auto-red number of Tn I 0 red cells trypsinized (degrees 18 37 I 1 A saline, same human other was in AB serum to albumin. experimental 1/1 in saline patient’s red blood antiglobulin sera do. being agglutinate The Tn absence neutralization The indirect normal of serum agglutinated a test Coombs diluted remained negative. OF ACTION red cells treated red cells not ABSORPTION the patient’s PROTEOLYTIC ENZYMES. by trypsin submitted AND red has to ELUTION. blood cells Agglutination occurred the action of It is possible and elute by normal at only slightly the enzyme to absorb it afterwards serum higher titers of patient’s than with (table 1). the anti-Tn agglutinin by the usual methods. on From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 1084 DAUSSET, 2.-Cross TABLE Absorption MOULLEC BERNARD Anti-A and of Anti-Tn AND Normal adult B serum (Agglutination-titer) Nonabsorbed with and A1 Tn = Absorbed and tested eluate red cells. OF pH. OF AGING several months cells 16 1 Tn red IN ago by are pH by When adult Relations between the glutinin does not as was shown by Anti-H anti-Tn seem to have differential Agglutinin. anti-Tn it contained, NONSPECIFIC any besides correlation glutinin. It anti-Tn with easy agglutinin absorbed cold agglutinin. Anti-T Agglutinin. absorption own serum, studies both the of a culture red cells filtrate filtrate) To were having of a culture for one hour no hour half or effect on at the sera. even Aging anti-B sera are prepared agglutinated if the latter still has of sera thus seems other agglutinius (table of The anti-A its to human anti-Tn agagglutinin, 2). is not three absorbed by the H sub- agglutinin and by substance between with adult absorbed comma group of Vibrio comma at the temperature either or the from been that of the other. H, it probably has anti-Tn normal on patient’s B erythrocytes (4 agglutinin. able to find anti-Tn not have independently differentiate been the We of cold one performed of Vibrio and normal antibodies, Agglutinins. titer absorb is not an incomplete filtrate Patient’s the to other Cold between is studies an saliva of secretor group 0 subjects. The serum anti-B and anti-H agglutinins,18 of which anti-B had the same effect as a normal serum (Race). the AGCLUTININS. half Agglutinins. with natural agglutinin on other at 56 C. for for and and System relation absorption The stance which is present in the of a patient containing anti-A, had been absorbed previously, Thus agglutinin ABO any AGGLUTININS. heating erythrocytes only by the anti-B serum and not by the anti-A, agglutinating power on A2B red cells intact. diminish the titer of the anti-Tn agglutinin. Serum.-SPECIFIC no action 9 have anti-A patient’s has C. 6 and normal the by at 65 certain utilized, but modified heating between cells VITIIO. erythrocytes, is not of of patient’s ACTION 1 8 it is destroyed Variations OF 64 32 agglutinin The HEAT. agglutination cells agglutinates an hour. However, 70 C. for 10 minutes. ACTION red by Tn red with = A1 red cells Tn red cells specifically ACTION cells by A1 red cells with = A1 red cells Tn red cells Absorbed and tested The tested red and sera erythrocytes anti-Tn the no relation anti-T, and ag- Since the crossed patient’s by modified red cells. were treated by the volumes of cells for 1 volume of of the laboratory. Absorption of sera From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. HEMOLYTIC ACQUIRED ANEMIA AND 3.-Specificity TABLE of the Titration 1/1 Normal adult 1085 ANTI-TN 1/2 Rabbit of 1/4 the s erum Anti-Tn Serum pr eviously diluted 1/20 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64 1/128 1/256 1/612 sera average: BM - - - - - - - - - - BN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (+) - - - - - - - - - - BMN Tn non absorbed Rabbit anti-Tn + sera: BM (+) BN ++ ++ +++ BMN Tn anti-Tn Rabbit atsorbed + + +++ + - - - - - - (+) - - - - - - - - - - ++ ++ ++ + (+) +++ +++ - (+) sera with BMN cells: BM - - - - - - - - - - BN BMN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ++ ++ - - - - was made on serum), with sera in group either the were the - +++ Tn red or not procedure. The cells by the red blood cells. the four varieties absorption incubation. +++ B normal modified patient’s added - +++ (1 was of A similar To successive of erythrocytes was repeated (+) volume filtrate. Reading procedure + dilutions which made five cells for 1 volume procedure on times was of these had been tile with after of foUowed absorbed employed one constantly hour the of same results. It was while found that unmodified nins are thus modified Tn normal erythrocytes have red cells not absorbed have anti-T. not agglutinin which absorbed anti-Tn, The two aggluti- is active against distinct. The normal patient’s modified serum contains red cells. an anti-T Two anti-Tn ability other methods have been employed to study the relations between and anti-T: (1) Attempts have been made to transmit polyagglutinbut without success; (2) culture of the patient’s blood has remained sterile. Tn Antigen.-ANTIGENICITY rabbits an with Tn anti-N cells agglutinin, N antigen. one finds After in it consequently which seems normal of Vibrio comma. weakly agglutinates by the filtrate. specifically abolished We by have When agglutinates absorption also prepared have technic. that the a strong patient’s it is absorbed on Tn Tn several a number obtained erythrocytes have tried by trypsin rabbit serum (absorbed erythrocytes which have on serum by 3). have BMN The of contains the erythrocytes, Tn substance antigenicity. We as modffied only sensitized The serum diluted 1/20 agglutinin (table ANTIGEN. antigens Anti-Tn the usual proves TN We ANIMALS. the of the anti-Tn to have OF from using absorption a specific DIFFERENTIATION antigen IN red red red sera cells by on normal red been trypsinized cells erythrocytes. (table injecting to differentiate or the filtrate treated This by agglutination the Tn of a culture blood or the cells) treated filtrate, it can be 4). into rabbits B erythrocytes From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 1086 DAUSSET, 4.-Differentiation Trypsin TABLE Rabbit by Absorbed serum Between Cholera or by the T n Antigen Filtrate by Means anti-Tn Tested with red cells B red cells treated by B non Tn cholera filtrate Tn red filtrate filtrate filtrate filtrate Filtrate Rabbit anti-cholera Absorbed red has that power the Tn RELATIONS metabolism - ++ - (+) - + (+) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tn Antigens Anti-Cholera treated red and the Filtrate cell serum Tested with B non B trypsinized Normal Treated Antigens Treated Red Cell Serum Normal adult treated + + + cells 1 cholera non Tn ± of a culture 4 4 filtrate filtrate 16 treated cholera 0 0 0 0 0 filtrate cholera Tn B serum 0 cholera B non Tn Tn + by (Agglutination-titer) Tn filtrate treated 0 0 8 treated cholera filtrate cholera filtrate of Vibrio comma. by the for the After absorption filtrate red and blood Tn cells on normal erythrocytes, treated by it the 5). A normal the - +++ - + - cells and then on red cells treated found that the sera were specific (table - - - - B + SECRETION. - - (+) - B non filtrate - ++ - - cells filtrate - +++ - + - (+) (+) B by the - + 1/128 - - Red cells treated by cholera filtrate treated - ++ 1/64 - - B red was ++ 1/32 by - Tn Tn red ++ Treated - by Normal - - +++ __+ filtrate - BERNARD - Between the Means of Rabbit by - - +++ serum 1/16 1/8 +++ +++ - of the AND Antigens Anti-Tn 1/4 +++ - - +++ Tn B + cholera Tn + cholera Cholera +++ + +++ ++ +++ filtrate filtrate treated 5.-Differentiation TABLE - +++ B + cholera Tn + cholera B non treated cells 1/2 + Tn B + cholera Tn + cholera and the Normal of Rabbit Serum Dilution 1/1 B trypsinized Normal MOULLEC of antigen WITH of B serum absorbed agglutinating is not THE Tn the saliva It can of the patient thus be still concluded secreted. RECEPTORS certain on erythrocytes. FOR bacteria, VIRUS. INFLUENZA influenza viruses can Like the induce products of agglutination of human red blood cells. Our hypothesis that polyagglutinability of Tn erythrocytes was due to a modification of surface antigens led us to determine if Tn erythrocytes are agglutinated by influenza viruses. This part of the work was done by Miss and A’ and mumps virus. by those viruses remains the Tn antigen RELATIONS which have are WITH been both Cateigne, It was intact. present MODIFICATIONS modified by who used strains of influenza virus A found that the agglutinability of the cells Thus the receptors for influenza virus and on the surface INDUCED enzymes of Tn BY or through red ENZYMES. the cells. Normal action of red virus cells prod- From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. ACQUIRED HEMOLYTIC ucts bodies, become even used out or by of which the can it No STUDY. could examine alive. None since group. grouping tests The possibility of Patient’s that 25 has Tn of the 56 members individuals were easily of discovering THE ON when PATIENT’S have been always to note than the teresting active cells have ACTION been ON occurs more a panel treated OTHER by RED evident of red tests at cells a Coombs ence of test on an anti-E transfusions. patient’s red ferent normal enzyme CELLS. \Vith that and containing 4 C. cells These all temperatures (4, which the with To specific summarize: for the treated weak with complete The patient’s a proteolytic antibody 18 and pH is which have Tn However, which studies any for patient’s red is is after with is weak in- more the red active were incubation (1) when substance optimum of Coombs a substance these cells behaves 20 C. not but C., with Through the presto previous against made at for in a second step, provoke sensitization serum contains cells, especially treated trypsinized at 37 antigens. to visualize to be due C. after been performed known by an indirect red cells. enzyme. That with a thermal reached of agIt not were hemolysin hemolysins 37 C. or at 37 may be detected use of trypsinized has enzyme, serum true a treatment as in al- laboratory. reverse presently or by replacing, serum does not serum before as well normal red cells it was possible which was considered Tn serum does not contain cells or other red cells. Tests Tn of 1). negative. is observed almost trypsinized antibody the red the AB was Unfortunate- a proteolytic trypsin, (table are always agglutination C. of with of the antigen serum, the titers But the maximum sera. still patient The serum agglutinin. CELLS. to are the family. RED Tn temperature the 18 time at 4 C.) at different serum by complement. autoerytkrocytes this same test the as erythrocytes in saline submitted However, who one was a family the OWN by the that, before treatment patient’s serum and an enzyme, the cells a nonspecific but at in red cannot France. anomaly no of like antigen family that marriage. adults, a Tn patient’s own at any temperature, they in the same exists from normal red cells are strongly agglutinated higher than those obtained with glutination the marriage the lives of aging behave Tn anti. are type through not the performed and the existence a consanguine serum.-ACTI0N do patient had incomplete of this eliminated Therefore of the been erythrocytes as trypsin. by trypsin. there are no children as is the case for all However, these being sera containing is saline. If sera relative out weak action on a proteolytic enzyme, bumin. by red agglutinin seen a with anti-Rh medium anti-Tn close these because ly, however, niece contained, only by be 25 1087 ANTI-TN by an enzyme such to an antigen modified FAMILY increased AND agglutinable the suspension dilution, cells treated be likened we if ANEMIA the dif- a certain the of test patient’s iso- or or by which is have been only like a also like an incomplete antibody which is fixed by the antigen modified with trypsin and is not detected by the indirect Coombs test. It also contains (2) another substance which is active against all varieties or erythrocytes. It has been possible, through a technic of crossed absorption, to differentiate these two substances. It may be seen (table 6) that trypsinized Tn erythro- From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 1088 DAUSSET, 6.-Differentiation TABLE Between Present Specific tile in the Patient’s MOULLEC Autoantibody Serum by and Cross AND the BERNARD Aspecific Antibody Absorption Agglutination Serum Nonabsorbed tested with: Normal trypsinized red Tn trypsinized red cells Absorbed by normal trypsinized Normal trypsinized red Tn trypsinized red cells Absorbed by Tn trypsinized Normal trypsinized red Tn trypsinized red cells cytes absorb sorb only these two both the second. TFER OF titer 4 2 32 red cells and tested 0 64 0 32 1 1 0 1 with: cells red cells and tested with: cells and Thus, are Tn that red different normal, cells from Dosage trypsinized passes each both erythrocytes antigens ab- and therefore an abnormal- other. of complement has not shown (1/16). CONCENTRATION OF to make and the PLASMA dilutions titer to normal At 87’C 256 COMPLEMENT. used found titer At 20’C cells substances substances ly low Tn of be COLLOIDAL of a serum this agglutinin similar to in that The FACTOR. containing serum obtained patient’s serum an incomplete was by determined. diluting has anti-Rh the been antibody, The result anti-Rh was serum with serum. ELECTROPHORETIC gave in and 5.55 alpha-i Gm.; ANALYSIS 1952 the gamma In 1954, of the beta THE PATIENT’S results: globulins, 34.04 gamma globulins, alpha-2 and Charbonnier). increase OF following total Gm.; alpha-2 Gm. 21.05 globulins a paper (Antweiller’s 64.6 Gm.; SERUM serum proteins, globulins, There was and a decrease electrophoresis of 3.94 Gm.; therefore of serum method) albumin beta globulins, an increase beta-globulins proteins showed of (Dr. an globulins. Platelets The at patient’s 4 C. not against the Dausset and ing of the not inhibit found, serum only contains against patient’s own Malinvaud.19 serum at 62 the cold thromboagglutinin platelets platelets. C. for 30 pH patient’s is serum (44 This Complement agglutination. and a foreign was is not minutes not has and detected by necessary the important. no which No inhibitory is tested) varieties to the its absorption also technic action. on has on of Heat- BaSO4 thrombolysin action active but clot do been retrac- tion. Leukocytes A. out The patient’s of three sera globulin leukocytes known to consumption test have contain been found to be agglutinable immune isoleukoagglutinins. performed with the patient’s by two The anti- leukocytes was in but negative.22 B. The patient’s serum contained no isoleukoagglutinins2#{176} 1953, From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. ACQUIRED HEMOLYTIC following against of ANEMIA 7 transfusions patient’s white leukocytes. One AND a blood year 1089 ANTI-TN leukoagglutinin cells, but after the appeared against active last transfusion, 45 that which out of was 52 inactive varieties leukoagglutinin had disappeared. DIScUSSION Here one munologic of finds a combination nature is suggested permanent unknown until main problem to one another. First we is to has occurred group antigen. but would study of that in an between eliminated, AB group. would then be can be red This a relationship anemia, since have their been are an all im- which has extremely by rare patient human sera, belong to Tjb antigen possess an anti-Tj which is not very trypsin. This fact antigen. not leads us to group to be group antigen, been systems who almost there which encountered the known the subjects patient Tn could That the Actually red cell anomaly of the specifically agglutinates our any of an AB considered agglutinates likely. However, not give the family who of polyagglutinability. has of since another. autoantibodies genes. does of are an extremely rare acquired anomaly, since any one with group of the anomalies from anemia and the existence individuals was those adult an between the his serum two independent blood cells not constitute family hypothesis treated whose a phenomenon factor those of one of the patient’s unfortunately incomplete, be by extent one of the members exhibits the phenomenon the serum first and serum hemolytic does not seem to be identical with in This No to detected have anemia, studies a normal anomalies may limited grossly cells. what polyagglutinability since none of yet. This antigen groups. It cannot TjbTjt) to a patient whose red This antigen would support to this hypothesis. have their group determined of the to acquired merely be a product the family, which is A confusion could be due know two suppose hemolytic serologic now. hypothesi&-The Then acquired an the polyagglutinability remained The related of by all seems and his erythrocytes consider of are human to exist hemolytic which a second hy- pothesis. Second hypothesis.-The hemolytic anemia According to be compared against all for two is due this to one another. of our patient could in which there co-exists a nonspecific antibody red cells and a specific one (anti-e or active anti-D, hypothesis, to the varieties cases of when the instance, anomalies to a specific are anti-Tn the related hemolytic erythrocytes of The autoantibody. anemia the subject possess the antigen e or D). The against stance they of serum normal of which is have their been nature, our patient compatible strongly red active trypsinized. these stance which is active like the panantibodies contains: cells Even substances against all of acquired (1) treated against if seem a substance by trypsin, Tn erythrocytes, we have to behave varieties hemolytic of which is active and (2) a sub- not like trypsinized anemias. especially given a antibodies. red after formal proof The cells sub- behaves From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 1090 DAUSSET, The substance erythrocytes same which to seems serologic is be an characters adult serum. This specific specifically immune as the autoantibody its has structure. This serum if the a genetically transmitted According our patient the Tn to hypothesis, be at in the normal antigen antigen. action limited It is possible, of a virus or unmasking antibody have present a group actually immune not own it more probable, which present in a modifying or since would have not the patient, were antigen. second then or as it is found group this to BERNARD patient’s does is unmasked transitory seems an it that antigen, alternative contains Tn antigen, would an a latent second the patient’s been formed to AND the since anti-Tn either rare or permanent modified against anti-Tn natural corresponds to one family and extremely as a matter of fact, that the micro-organism active MOULLEC due the the to hemolytic action of an observed anemia immune antibody in against antigen. CONCLUSIONS The case we terpretation patient may in normal adult acteristics this time. of been presented serum here unmasked is of finding a new by against the agent the Tn an that of the against Although antigen has the anemia is due patient’s char- unknown induced the to own in- in our existence up if the new Tn or an antigen has the our the which to determine to one family, that the persistence autoantibody active against one. polyagglutinability us to show (anti-Tn) active impossible restricted or modified unique a permanent has brought substance antibody it has been group antigen, anemia. It appears likely ment of an immune probably of a complete Unfortunately is a very rare has have of the phenomenon be challenged, this to antigen which hemolytic the develop- erythrocytes, antigen. SUMMARY A case of acquired manent polyagglutinability 1. Polyagglutinability erythrocytes of an dependent antigen letters of be was present absent antibody, inducing studies strate being massive and that and H of 12 years’ duration 9 years, is presented. presence up to and enzymes. is not secreted erythrocytes of 25 members which induces agglutination the weak serum in active in clumping through anti-T T by proteolytic Tn substance in or is due to the unknown antigens modified Tn. The anemia at least for antigen been found on the 2. The substance to hemolytic of 28 473 sera from cord’s anti-Tn in are rabbits, distinct. a per- on the surface of the patient’s the present time, which is in- does It not behave like a normal has been designated in saliva. This antigen by has of the patient’s family. (natural anti-Tn) was adults and blood. we 33 It saline at the temperature of Tn red cells. Through sensitization and white showing acts adult like of laboratory absorption have been able the not found Negroes. a complete and and to then elution demon- It From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. ACQUIRED 3. HEMOLYTIC There against are Tn (b ) Tn; a ANEMIA in nonspecific incomplete all anti-E; (d ) a cold three last 4. To explain agglutinability, anemia has group antigen, is directly and Tn varieties to antigen, revealed are to last by probably the existence one Tn immune the causal Es presettate annos con minus un caso manifestation of IN immune the antileukocyte and polyhemolytic the patient of (b) The hemolytic on our and incomplete anemia acquired anti-Tn a very patient’s antibody antigen rare anemia red cells against the or an antigen disease. INTERLINGUA acquirite anemia (Ic polyagglutinabilitate polyagglutinabilitate in superficie del erythrocytos viemente essite describite, e que non proteolytic. secernite in 2. de Esseva esseva adultos 28 seros illo es hemnolytic in active de un permitnente duration Ic presentia, Iste le substantia in le solution sahn de al durante Le que sequente substantia anti-E temperatura es specificamente in active anti leucocytos. probabilemente 4. Pro Le le effecto explicar plmeiiomneiio de acquirite anemia de tin rarissime le tres de anticorpores racia a superficie del (anti-Tn blanc dehile anticorpore laboratorio e de grados) complete, e induce Tn. Per sensibilisation medio in i.e. subse- de studios in 23 de conilios, nos distincte. Ic contra tractate con trypsina. II es possibile que non-specific anticorpore incomplete, plus omne varietates de erythrocytos tractate anti-E. (d) Un substantia de cryoactivitate imnmun del es entitates presente H, enzymas Tn non agglutination (Ic un de erythrocytos experimentos de e anti-Tn entitates le presente como pre- patiente. adultos (o al trovate del al non T e antigeno modificate per Tn. Le substantia esseva 457 ha que antigeno induce que de seros al de non familia del per antigeno un antigeno normal per le litteras antigeno membros que causate (Ic es independente. massive aggregation e de elution e per demonstrate Un que presente es CS() de racia negre. Illo esseva absente ab sanguine de cordon. Illo age quentemente absorption 3. iste patiente, como un designate le saliva. 25 altere trovate natural) del se comporta Illo ha essite erythrocytos ha to transfusions. an 9 annos. 1. Le es de due anti- anti-Tn (c ) an group active immune the hemolytic ( a ) The a agent than antigen either an (e ) in an being specifically be trypsin; family. of the of SUMMARIO 12 and an acquired presented: existence antigen or modified may by of are to development this substance treated very confined to the the cells combination hypotheses relationship a this weaker substance; antibodies related trypsin; antibody of red perhaps (a ) : by antiplatelet the two no is due serum treated against 109i ANTI-TN patient’s erythrocytes active antibody. These our AND sero (Ic nostre erythrocvtos patiente: Tn que (a) ha essite anti-Tn immun. (h) Un le anti-Tn e active contra COIl trypsina. (c) Un incomplete antiplachettal. E (e) Ull anticorpore isto es (Iehilc un que nientionate sIll) (c), ((I), c (c) es transfusiones. combination polyagglutinahilitate, hemolytic ha nulle antigeno de gruppo (IC tin acquirite ancniia hemolvtic (Iuo hypotheses es Presenttte: relation con le existentia, in iste que es possibilemente restringite con (a) Le patiente, a un sol From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 1092 DAUSSET, familia. del (b) Le antigeno anemia Tn hemolytic super es directemente le erythrocvtos de disveloppamento de un anticorpore le caso del secunde (Ic iste hypotheses, gruppo un 0 antigeno revelate o AND relationate nostre e es contra Tn per le BERNARD COn Ic existentia patiente immun anti-Tn Ic antigeno modificate MOULLEC causate le antigeno esserea tin agente per le Tn. in de antigeno del causal nlorbo. ACKNO\VLEDGMENTS We and are greatly patient’s family We has indebted Seigneurin, also We this very are Professors have living in Rumania, to us, wish been to who to thank helpful very helped very grateful Nicolai us study to Israel, Brazil sincerely and I)rs. who to l)r. and the R. Jacques France. Race and the l)rs. Van the Gold members Loghem personally had Junqucira, different J. J. to study who to of and agreed Boulay, also Gurevitch, blood the (lifficult of whose advice patient’s task our blood. of translating paper. REFERENCES 1. G.: Huebener, Untersuchungen Berflcksichtigung weichungen von 0.: Agens Em als genie glutinatorischen Verhaltens Blutkorperchen, eine bekannte Quelle mung. der Au d’un capable ules de rouges. die modifier con- 13. in den V.: The Thomsen He- and Munskgaard, 1930, 15. porary and Katzin, E. agglutinahility of Proc.Soc.Exper.Biol 167-169, C., red blood Med. Sachs, of Bact. human 55:489-492, Basil-Jones, B., Walsh, R. J.: An Sanger, in blood cells. 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For personal use only. 1959 14: 1079-1093 Acquired Hemolytic Anemia with Polyagglutinability of Red Blood Cells Due to a New Factor Present in Normal Human Serum (Anti-Tn) JEAN DAUSSET, JEAN MOULLEC and JEAN BERNARD Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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