THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Three Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016-5990 99-GT-209 The Society shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced in papers or discussion at meetings of the Society or of its Divisions or Sections, or printed in its publications. Discussion is printed only if the paper is published in an ASME Journal. Authorization to photocopy for internal or personal use is granted to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) provided $3/article is paid to CCC, 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923. Requests for special permission or bulk reproduction should be addressed to the ASME Technical Publishing Department. Copyright © 1999 by ASME All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. The Effects of Blade-Row Spacing on the Flow Capacity of a Transonic Rotor Randall M. Chriss t NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio William W. Copenhaver Steven E. Gorrell Air Force Research Laboratory Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio ABSTRACT Results from the ongoing Air Force Stage Matching Investigation are presented. In the present work the effect of upstream blade row wakes on the flow capacity of a downstream stage (where the rotor sets the choking flow) is investigated. An embedded stage was simulated by placing a set of wake generators (similar to inlet guide vanes) in front of a highly loaded single stage transonic core compressor. The wake generator-to-rotor axial spacing was varied in addition to the vane count. A complete parametric test matrix was completed in order to determine which parameters were important to the choking flow capacity. The results show that for axial spacings above 50% of the upstream axial blade chord, simple wake mixing alone fully accounts for the upstream flow losses and a simple mass flow rate correction based on the rotor face mass averaged total pressure is sufficient. At spacings closer than this, other effects or loss mechanisms may be present. If these loss sources do exist, they are of unknown origin and magnitude and so an embedded overflow condition for these spacings cannot be ruled out. Research is ongoing that will attempt to identify and clarify the relevant details associated with these close blade row spacings. INTRODUCTION The turbomachinery research community has long sought to establish the potential impact of unsteady flow phenomena on compressor (and turbine) performance and reliability. T Unsteady flow phenomena has long been ignored in turbomachinery design and its potential impact remains largely unknown. In the present work the effect of upstream blade row wakes on the choking flow capacity of a transonic downstream stage is investigated. The origins of this work date back to the late 1970s and early 1980s to at least two multistage experimental programs. The first was an Allison five-stage compressor reported on by Bettner and Alverson (1977) and the second was a Pratt & Whitney closely coupled three-stage compressor (both discussed by Wennerstrom (1989)). In both of these experimental programs the second and sometimes third stages overflowed severely (6% in one case). No explanation could be found for such a huge flow discrepancy between the design intent and actual flow rates. It was postulated that some unknown unsteady phenomena, not accounted for in the highly developed design systems in use in industry at that time, could account for the differences. In addition, some evidence from an early numerical study showed the existence of wake effects on flow capacity (Scott and Hankey (1986)). Since that time Mulac and Adamczyk (1992) have shown that poor blockage assumptions can account for apparent overflow conditions in multistage compressors. This series of unexplained flow mismatches led to the development of the Air Force Stage Matching Investigation program. The present work attempts to address the long-standing issue regarding the overflow of embedded stages. A previous paper Currently visiting researcher: Air Force Research Laboratory, WPAFB, Ohio Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition Indianapolis, Indiana — June 7–June 10, 1999 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: axial spacing can be set to three values denoted as "close," "mid," and "far" as shown in Fig. 1. The spacings normalized by the wake generator chord are given in Table 1. by the authors (Gorrell, et al., (1997)) discussed efficiency performance changes due to vane spacing and count. This paper discussed preliminary experimental results, which showed performance degradation with decreased wake generator/rotor spacing. In addition, the paper showed that the performance degradation was associated with the wake generators at the lower vane counts. At the higher vane count a wake generator/stator interaction could not be ruled out. However, problems with the instrumentation layout precluded definitive conclusions and further work is ongoing to verify these results. Wake Generator Rotor Stator EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH In the design of the experiment, it was concluded that the two-dimensional characteristics of upstream blade wakes were the major source of unsteady disturbance in downstream compressor stages. Although three-dimensional disturbances are certainly present, it was felt that the twodimensional characteristics, together with reduced frequency, were the simplest and most controllable and should therefore be explored first. This therefore led to an experiment subjecting a single stage compressor to upstream wakes of differing two-dimensional characteristics. Figure 1. Stage Matching Investigation rig cross-section. Table 1 Wake Generator Axial Spacing (normalized by local wake generator chord). Spacing Close Mid Far In the Stage Matching Investigation then, an embedded second stage is simulated by placing a set of wake generators (WGs), which are similar to inlet guide vanes, in front of a heavily loaded single stage transonic core compressor. x/c (mean) 0.12 0.26 0.56 x/c (hub) 0.10 0.26 0.60 x/c (tip) 0.14 0.26 0.52 Wake Generators The axial spacing between the WGs and the rotor face can be varied along with the WG vane count. Varying the axial spacing varies the wake depth and width at the rotor face and changing the WG count varies the reduced frequency in the rotor passage. The three-blade-row compressor aerodynamic performance was then mapped over a test matrix, concentrating near the design corrected rotational speed. Pratt & Whitney designed the wake generators with the intent of producing wakes typical of modern, highly loaded low aspect ratio front stage compressor stators. To simplify the experiment, the wake generators were designed as uncambered airfoils that do not turn the flow. Results from measurements of stator wakes from rig tests were used as the design target (see Creason and Baghdadi (1988)). These wakes were produced in a stator that had no bow or sweep, with a hub Mach number of 0.95 and a hub D-Factor of 0.55 and with a solidity of 1.64. For simplicity and in order to isolate the effects of various wake parameters a twodimensional representation of the wake was desired. In order to determine the two-blade-row performance (i.e., rotor/stator) from the three-blade-row experimental results, the wake generators were calibrated in isolation to determine their total pressure loss characteristics at each of the relevant downstream locations corresponding to the location of the rotor face. The two-blade-row performance was then determined by "correcting" the three-blade-row performance for the total pressure deficit at the rotor face based on the calibration results. The two-blade-row flow capacity was then compared for various spacings between the WGs and rotor in order to assess changes in flow capacity. The airfoils have a small leading edge radius with a relatively blunt trailing edge radius as shown in Fig. 2. In the design process, this produced the best combination of profile to base drag in order to match the desired highly loaded stator wake. Since the wake width and loss is a strong function of solidity, the solidity of the wake generators was held constant from hub to tip. This results in a tapered airfoil chord along the radius as seen in the figure. The trailing edge is swept to allow a constant non-dimensional mixing length from hub to tip. With no diffusion in the flowpath the endwall losses are STAGE MATCHING INVESTIGATION RIG The experimental hardware was designed so that the wake generator-to-rotor (where the wake generator models a stator) 2 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: • ▪ expected to be low. There is no clearance and no fillet at either the hub or tip. 1.9 1.85 D 1.7 w ir: .3 1.65 co 1,6 1.55 0 1.5 40 WG "CLOSE . SPACING 1.45 1.4 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ACTUAL MASS FLOW, lbm/sec (CORRECTED TO STANDARD DAY) Figure 2. Wake generator meridional profile with cross sections (flow from left to right). Figure 3. Overall stage pressure ratio for the "clean" inlet and 40 wake generator configurations. The effects of periodic inlet disturbances in turbomachinery are related to the reduced frequency of the disturbances. The reduced frequency is defined as half the duration of a disturbance in a blade passage divided by the time scale of the disturbance itself. A summary of the aerodynamic design parameters is given in Table 2. Table 2 SMI Aerodynamic Design Parameters PARAMETER Number of airfoils Aspect Ratio — average Inlet Hub/Tip Ratio Flow/Annulus Area, lbm/sec/ft2 Flow/Frontal Area, lbm/sec/ft" Flow Rate, lbm/sec Tip Speed, Corrected (ft/sec) Mm LE Hub M rd LE Tip PR, Rotor PR, Stage D factor, Hub D factor, Tip LE Tip Dia., in. LE Hub Dia., in. Reduced frequencies much less than one indicate that the flow is quasi-steady. Reduced frequencies much greater than one imply the unsteady effects dominate the flow. The wake generator vane count can be set to 12, 24 or 40, and the corresponding reduced frequencies are 1.87, 3.74 and 6.23 respectively and are typical values for in-service hardware. Compressor Stage The rotor and stator were designed at the Compressor Aero Research Laboratory (CARL) by Law and Wennerstrom (1989) and fabricated by Pratt & Whitney. A compressor map showing the overall stage pressure ratio for the "clean" inlet and 40 wake generator configurations is shown in Fig. 3. ROTOR 33 0.961 0.750 40.00 17.502 34.46 1120 0.963 1.191 1.88 -0.545 0.530 19.000 14.250 STATOR 49 0.892 0.816 ----0.82 0.69 -1.84 0.502 0.491 19.000 15.502 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE AND FLOW RATE CORRECTION The hardware was designed so that the wake generators could be calibrated by simply moving the wake generators forward in the casing and placing a traversing rake assembly forward of the rotor. Three survey rakes fit in the traverse ring, each at a different axial spacing coinciding with each of the rig wake-generator-to-rotor axial spacings. The traverse ring is computer controlled and its circumferential position is continuously variable. Measurements of the casing and hub endwall boundary layers were obtained separately using a rake built for the purpose. 3 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: These measurements were then combined with the previous survey results and so constitute the complete set of total pressure measurements across the blade passage at all three axial locations. The survey results were then used to determine the loss coefficient for each of the relevant spacings. in the overall mass averaged loss coefficient was established as ±0.01. APNASA SIMULATION The experiment was simulated using Adamczyk's APNASA flow solver using the average-passage formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations to simulate the steady-state performance effects of multistage turbomachinery blade row interactions. The code is described in some detail in Adamczyk, et al. (1990) and has an updated k-c turbulence model described in Shabbir, et al. (1996). All three blade rows were modeled in the simulation. Three configurations were run to obtain three complete speed lines in addition to running the WG in isolation. The three configurations were: 1) the clean inlet configuration (no wake generators present); 2) the 40 wake generator case at the close spacing and 3) the 40 wake generator case at the far spacing. The mesh size was the same for these configurations and had 228 nodes axially and 41 in the spanwise and pitchwise directions. The isolated wake generator simulation had 137 nodes axially with 45 in the spanwise direction and 61 in the pitchwise direction. The total pressure loss (mass averaged) across the wake generator was determined using the loss coefficient at each of the three distances downstream of the WG trailing edge which correspond to the three WG-to-rotor face spacings used in the investigation. This mass averaged total pressure deficit was then used to correct the three-blade-row results to determine the embedded two-blade-row corrected mass flow. This calibration procedure assumes that the rotor does not strongly impact the WG loss generation, i.e., that the loss measured at a given location downstream of the WG trailing edge during calibration is identical to the WG loss which exists when the rotor face is at the same location. Therefore, this procedure ignores any loss other than that due to mixing. STEADY STATE PERFORMANCE INSTRUMENTATION AND UNCERTAINTY The choking flow rate obtained from the simulations was about 2% higher than that found in the experiment. This "bias" difference between the CARL facility and APNASA has been noted for other compressors and although of unknown origin, is consistent and so must be systematic. This bias difference could be associated with a systematic error in the amount of untwist predicted in the stress analysis system used in determining the "cold" rotor blade manufacturing coordinates or there could exist a small bias in the experimental measurement system. Another source for a discrepancy could be a small error in the flow solver postprocessor. Overall experimental performance results presented in this study were obtained from an array of stage exit total pressure and total temperature probes. Ten pressure and ten temperature rakes (alternating and equally spaced circumferentially) with eight spanwise measurements on each rake made up the exit instrumentation. The rakes are located 2.1 stator axial chords downstream of the stator trailing edge. Inlet conditions are determined from an array of 30 inlet thermocouples for temperature and the inlet total pressure was assumed equal to the settling chamber static pressure. The exit rakes are positioned so that a pitchwise distribution in pressure and temperature can be established for a circumferentially periodic flow field. Placement is such that one stator pitch distribution is measured. WAKE CALIBRATION RESULTS Due to considerable wake to wake variation, the calibration results were obtained by surveying across four different vane passages, which were then combined and averaged together. The resulting spanwise loss profiles are shown in Figs. 4a and 4b. These profiles indicate a nearly constant loss across the span for both the 24 and 40 WG cases. This tends to verify the design intent of a two-dimensional wake flow although the results for the far case indicate some evidence of secondary flow effects near the hub and case. This research effort involves a parametric study of the influence of small changes in blade row spacing and solidity on the choking mass flow rate. To determine the uncertainty of the mass flow measurement, a repeatability study was conducted early in the program. The uncertainty was established through a series of repeat tests (with the 24 WG configuration) over five different testing days spanning a month, with common rig configurations and corrected speeds. This series of tests included rig disassembly and reinstallation. The resulting uncertainty in the mass flow measurement was ±0.075 lb m/sec (Gorrell, et al. (1997)). Uncertainty in the loss coefficient based on uncertainty in the pressure measurement was established as ±0.001. However, due to considerable wake-to-wake variability, the uncertainty 4 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: • • The wake decay results shown in Fig. 5 indicate a similar mixing trend to that found in the literature. In addition, the values fall within the design target band from the results of Creason and Baghdadi (1988). 40 WAKE GENERATOR CASE 1 0.9 0.8 - --0--- CLOSE SPACING MID SPACING - --0 FAR SPACING 0.7 4 ul CALIBRATION WAKE DECAY COMPARISON 0.6 • 0.9 0 ❑40 WAKE GENERATOR CASE - -011-- 24 WAKE GENERATOR CASE - - STAUTER DATA CURVE FIT ----- RAJ & LARSEMINARAYANA DATA BROOKFIELD MODEL (NO SWIRL) - z 0.5 O • Si 0.4 4. 0.7 0.6 0.3 " 0.5 0.2 P4' r4 0.4 E. 0.1 0 w 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.3 4 o a 1 SPANWISE MASS AVERAGED LOSS COEFFICIENT, CO 2 ••••••... 4 0.1 C.) N Figure 4a. Spanwise mass-averaged loss profiles for the 40 wake generator case (0) = total pressure loss/inlet dynamic pressure). 0 -0- CLOSE SPACING MID SPACING -0 FAR SPACING z 0.7 '11 0.6 0 z 0.5 0 . 4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 At the close spacing the agreement between the experimental calibration results and the APNASA results for the wake generator in isolation is reasonable. However, the simulation under predicts the level of loss incurred at the far spacing. The loss results shown for the APNASA three-blade-row case does include blade row interaction effects. These results show increased loss due to the presence of the rotor even for a very low backpressure. 1-1 • 0.75 The overall loss coefficients (computed from the calibration results) as a function of axial spacing are shown in Fig. 6. The results obtained from the APNASA flow simulations are also presented. Several features can be noted from this figure. First the design loss intent (based on a 2-D design) closely matches the result without the endwall losses included. As expected, the 2-D design does not capture the endwall loss effects. In addition, the endwall losses are a significant portion of the overall loss. 0.9 0.8 0.5 Figure 5. Calibration wake decay comparisons to the literature. 24 WAKE GENERATOR CASE 1 0.25 NORMALIZED DISTANCE FROM TE, K/C 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 SPANWISE MASS AVERAGED LOSS COEFFICIENT, 0) Notable in the APNASA results is the wake loss mixing rate seen in the slope of the line for the wake generator in isolation. The APNASA loss curve for the three-blade-row simulation has a comparable slope. It is clear from the results that in the presence of the rotor an additional loss is incurred Figure 4b. Spanwise mass-averaged loss profiles for the 24 wake generator case (co = total pressure loss/inlet dynamic pressure). 5 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: apparent underflow results. The embedded flow results for the two wake generator vane counts are similar except at the closest spacing. (an increase in the loss coefficient of about 35%) which is similar for both the close and far cases. 0.2 The flow rate correction is based on calibration results and so does not include any blade row interaction or shock/wake interaction losses. These losses, if they exist at all, would tend to increase the computed corrected flow rate, i.e., the embedded flow rate. In addition to this, the upstream wakes may effect the blockage development within the rotor and this would directly effect its choking flow capacity. Small blockage changes within a rotor are difficult to sort out even with results from numerical simulations. CALIBRATION & APNASA RESULTS (FOR 40 WARE GENERATOR CASE) 0.19 0.18 0ga N 0.17 wE: >z W 0.16 H NU E8 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12 40 WAKE GENERATOR CASE 1 DESIGN GOAL N 0.11 0. 1 a EXP WITHOUT ENDWALL BL 11111111! 0.2 3 to o !III! 0.3 0.4 0.5 4.3 0 6 IA DISTANCE FROM WARE GENERATOR TRAILING EDGE (NORMALIZED BY MEAN WAKE GENERATOR CHORD) "C> 0 gOg Zr4 ZHZ 0.98 OWN 000 Cu= OW 0 Figure 6. Overall loss from calibration and APNASA results for the 40 wake generator case (co = total pressure loss/inlet dynamic pressure). 2?..04 HM3 O PE, CORRECTED FOR ROTOR FACE TOTAL PRESSURE DEFICIT (EXP BASED ON CAL RESULTS) - 0.97 N D N0 Overall, the results from the wake generator calibration verify that the wake generators create wakes similar to the design intent, i.e., they produce wakes similar to those found behind highly loaded first stage stator vanes. In this way the general usefulness of the results may be enhanced. g O 0.96 z 0.95 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 6 WAKE GENERATOR TO ROTOR FACE AXIAL SPACING (NORMALIZED BY MEAN WAKE GENERATOR CHORD) FLOW CAPACITY RESULTS Figure 7. Choking flow rate as a function blade row spacing for the 40 wake generator configuration at the design rotational speed. The choking flow capacity (which for this stage is set in the rotor) results, at the design corrected rotational speed, for the 40 and 24 wake generator cases are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. The flow capacity changes for the 12 wake generator count case are omitted here since they were small and below the experimental flow rate measurement uncertainty. Clearly, at some wake generator-to-rotor axial spacing the wake mixing will be complete and any effects from blade row interaction or rotor blockage phenomena will diminish to zero. For this stage, this point is apparently reached (within the uncertainty) near the "far" spacing for both wake generator vane counts. At spacings closer than this other mechanisms, such as those just mentioned, are at work. These effects, having been detected far down the choke line, would only be expected to increase, as the stage is backpressured. Both the three-blade-row choking flow rate as well as the two-blade-row (i.e., the three-blade-row corrected) choking flow rate, hereafter referred to as "embedded" choking flow rate, are shown in the figures. As seen in the figures, the actual three-blade-row flow rate drop is significant for both the 40 and 24 wake generator count cases. These results, when corrected for mass averaged total pressure loss at the rotor face based on the calibration results, indicate no overflowing of the embedded stage as was originally expected when the experiment was designed. Instead, an 6 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: a simple one-dimensional mass flow rate correction begins to break down as the blade rows interact. 24 WARE GENERATOR CASE I I If loss sources are present at spacings closer than 50% they are of unknown origin and magnitude and so an embedded overflow condition for these spacings cannot be ruled out. Research is ongoing that will attempt to identify and clarify the relevant aerothermodynamic flow details associated with these close blade row spacings. N EXP Ba 0.99 0 0 W 0H H W 4 0 CORRECTED FOR ROTOR FACE TOTAL PRESSURE DEFICIT (BASED ON CAL RESULTS) fl zz • r.4 0 . 9 8 ot4 0 0 O 7- N C.) 64 zH CC 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS EXP W E.0.97 oio N 0 O N H The authors would like to thank Mr. Ron Berger, Dr. Herb Law, Mr. Robert Wirrig, Dr. Greg Bloch, and Mr. Terry Norris for acquiring the experimental data. Thanks also go out to Mr. Mark Celestina and Mr. Rick Mulac for help in implementing and operating the NASA Lewis APNASA flow solver. Gratitude is also extended to Dr. Tony Strazisar, Dr. John Adamczyk, Prof. Ted Okiishi, Prof. Nick Cumpsty, Prof. Ed Greitzer, Prof. Frank Marble and Dr. Choon Tan for many useful and informative suggestions. ACTUAL (3 BLADE ROW) aH 4 0.96 0.95 ■ 0.2 I 0.3 ■ I 0.4 0.5 0 6 WAKE GENERATOR TO ROTOR FACE AXIAL SPACING (NORMALIZED BY MEAN WAKE GENERATOR CHORD) Figure 8. Choking flow rate as a function blade row spacing for the 24 wake generator configuration at the design rotational speed. REFERENCES Celestina, M.L., Beach, T.A. and Barnett, Adamczyk, M., 1990, "Simulation of Three-Dimensional Viscous Flow Within a Multistage Turbine," ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 112, pp. 370-376. CONCLUSIONS The present work was an attempt to address the longstanding question regarding the overflow of embedded transonic compressor stages. The experiment was designed to isolate and investigate the effects of upstream twodimensional wakes on downstream stage flow capacity. Simplifications were made in the design of the experiment (such as using uncambered wake generators) and some important flow features such as freestream turbulence level were not representative of a real embedded compressor stage. The experiment, designed to investigate very large flow capacity changes (as seen in the prior studies mentioned), did not include many of the real effects present in embedded transonic compressor stages. Bettner, J.L., and Alverson, R.F., 1977, "Turbine Engine High Flow Compressor," AFAPL-TR-77-23, WrightPatterson, Air Force Base, Ohio. Brookfield, J.M., Waitz, I.A. and Sell, J., 1996, "Wake Decay: Effect of Freestream Swirl," ASME Paper no. 96-GT495. Creason, T. and Baghdadi, S., 1988, "Design and Test of a Low Aspect Ratio Fan Stage, " AIAA Paper no. 88-2816. Cumpsty, N.A., 1997, Private communication. Given these limitations, the results show that for axial spacings beyond 50% of the upstream blade chord, simple wake mixing alone fully accounts for the flow losses and a simple correction based on the rotor face mass averaged total pressure deficit is sufficient. At spacings closer than this, other effects or loss mechanisms may exist. These may include: 1) Shock/wake or other two-dimensional blade row interaction loss sources not accounted for in the calibration procedure; 2) Increased blockage development in the rotor due to the upstream wakes or secondary flows; and 3) Threedimensional or other effects not accounted for in the experiment. As was noted by Cumpsty (1997), the concept of Gorrell, S.E., Copenhaver, W.W. and Chriss, R.M., 1997, "Effects of Upstream Wakes on the Performance of a Transonic Compressor Stage." Presented at the thirteenth International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, Chattanooga, Tenn., (ISABE 97-7070). Law, C.H. and Wennerstrom, A.J., 1989, "Two Axial Compressor Designs For a Stage Matching Investigation," AF-WAL-TR-89-2005. 7 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: Mulac, R.A. and Adamczyk, J.J., 1992, "The Numerical Simulation of a High-Speed Axial Flow Compressor," ASME J. of Turbomachinery, Vol. 114, No. 3. Raj, R. and Lakshminarayana, B., 1973, "Characteristics of the Wake Behind a Cascade of Airfoils," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 61, pp. 707-730. Scott, J.N., and Hankey, W.L., 1986, "Navier-Stokes Solutions of Unsteady Flow in a Compressor Rotor," ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 108, No. 2, pp. 206-215. Shabbir, A., Zhu, J. and Celestina, M.L., 1996, "Assessment of Three Turbulence Models in a Compressor Rotor," ASME Paper 96-GT-198. Stauter, R.C., Dring, R.P. and Carta, F.O., 1991, "Temporally and Spatially Resolved Flow in a Two-Stage Axial Compressor: Part 1 — Experiment," ASME J. Turbomachinery, Vol. 113, No. 2, pp.219-226. Wennerstrom, A.J., 1989, "Low Aspect Ratio Axial Compressors: Why and What it Means," ASME J. of Turbomachinery, Vol. 111, No. 4. 8 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use:
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