Volume 2, Issue 12 H E M E T M O D E L M A S T E R S December 2014 Est. 1976 Academy of Model Aeronautics Gold Leader Club THE BARNSTORMER P r e s i d e n t ’ s M e s s a g e Your club officers for 2015 are; Jeff Huggins, President; Richard Lawrence, Vice-President; Mario Muniz, Secretary; and Stewart Robinson, Treasurer. 2014 has been interestingly different for the club. Our membership while stable in the amount of members that belong to the club has seen a steady decline in the participation of those members when it comes to supporting the club and its events. I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : Board Meeting 2 General Meeting 3 Event Calendar 4 Vendors 5 Misc Info 6 Event Flyer 7 S&T event pics 8 Safety Article 9 The City of Hemet threw us a curve ball with the proposed sale of the land we occupy as our main field. Which leads to the question of where we might find a suitable site for flying. When the City sells they assure us that they will assist in helping locate some land. When the time comes we need to look ourselves and not depend on a promise from government. Reminder: Please last one out at the fields, lock the gates and porta pottys. Jeff Huggins Club President 10 Hobby People 11 BOARD AND GENERAL MEETINGS 1ST AND THIRD MONDAY OF THE MONTH RENEW YOUR 2015 MEMBERSHIP BEFORE DECEMBER 31, 2014 TO AVOID PAYING THE $20.00 INITIATION AGAIN NEXT GEN MEETING DEC 20, 2014 9:00 AM AT AIR PARK The Barnstormer is the Official Newsletter of the Hemet Model Masters. It is published monthly for the benefit of its members. Copies are provided to interested individuals, local Hobby Stores and area RC Clubs. Portions of the Newsletter may be reproduced without the permission of the Hemet Model Masters. Acknowledgement of the author or source of the reprinted material is appropriate. Guest and prospective new members are always welcome at the General Meetings and the flying fields. Current Circulation is approximately 220 (email and hard copies included) HEMET MODEL MASTERS BOARD MEETING Minutes for December 1, 2014 Meeting called to order by President Jeff Huggins at 7:00 pm. Board members present; President Jeff Huggins, Secretary Mario Muniz, Treasurer Jonathan Rea, Jeff Barker, Harold Hogerson, Dwayne Higgenbothem, Dick Hanke, Treasurer elect (2015) Stewart Robinson. We have some volunteers to assist the club secretary at the annual Hemet Christmas Parade. Hopefully the weather cooperates with us this year. A representative of Hope Food will again be at the air park on Dec 7th, 2014 to collect the “Toys for Kids” gifts that we collect each year for the less fortunate kids in the Valley and any cash donations we receive. Please plan to attend the Fun Fly it is for a very worthy cause. Jeff Huggins is waiting for the go ahead on the towing of the F5 in the parade. Seems that the park doesn’t want the aircraft parked at the park without supervision and they do not wish to have their people do it. Awaiting answer from the Police Dept on returning Jet to Hemet-Ryan directly after parade. Election results are in. Your 2015 Executive Club Officers are; President Jeff Huggins, Vice-President Richard Lawrence, Secretary Mario D Muniz and New Club Treasurer Stewart Robinson. Reminder, the December General Meeting will be conducted at the main air park on December 20, 2014 9:00 am to 10:00 am. Renewals are SLOWLY coming in. Any officer of the club can accept your dues. Reminder club cards will not be sent unless AMA is also up to date. Meeting adjourned at 7:57 PM Members Present 8 Minutes submitted by Mario Muniz HEMET MODEL MASTERS GENERAL MEETING Minutes for "November 17, 2014" Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Jeff Huggins. President Jeff Huggins reminded everyone present of the Annual “Toys for Kids” Fun Fly that we have at the main air park every year. Any money collected thru out the year and toy donations are given to a local charity (Hope Food Inc.) that helps the less fortunate here in the Valley. The subject of moving the General Meeting to the flying field such as other clubs are doing was discussed. Reasons discussed, lack of parking due to other venues at the center, meeting attendance has continued to decline, those that have jobs find it difficult to attend. Dennis Nyberg brought up, that of course weather would be a factor to consider as well. Jeff Huggins stated that in the case of inclement conditions that the meeting would be cancelled. The meeting would take place on the third Saturday of the month at 9:00 am to 10:00 am. The raffle and Show and Tell would continue to be part of the meeting. Harold Hogerson suggested that a vote be put to the entire membership for the change, a motion was made to move the meeting to the air park as discussed by Stewart Robinson and seconded by Dave Gomez, President Jeff Huggins asked for a vote, motion carried 11 to 3. First General Meeting will be held at the main air park at 9:00 am Saturday December 20, 2014. An Electric Class will be conducted by Club President Jeff Huggins at the main air park on Jan 24, 2015 at 9:00 am. If you fly electrics this will be a great opportunity to learn more about flying with electrics. Motions made to accept Minutes of the last meeting, accepted by all present. Treasurer’s Report accepted by all present. Raffle winners; Dennis Nyberg, Rick Waterman, Susan Gomez, Stewart Robinson, Larry Monroe, Harold Hogerson, John Quintel Meeting adjourned at 7:57 pm 11/17/2014 Minutes submitted by Mario Muniz Total Attendance 18 persons EVENT DATES FOR 2015 Hemet Model Masters Annual Swap Meet Jan 17, 2015 IMAC Event at Hemet Model Masters Jan 31-Feb 1, 2015 6th Annual Harry Gould Memorial Pattern Contest Mar 14-15, 2015 USSMA SoCal Qualifier April 11th-12th, 2015 Hemet Model Masters Annual Float Fly Apr 25-26, 2015 Open Pine Float Fly September 26-27, 2015 The annual pancake breakfast for our members will be cancelled for 2015. The cost associated and the lack of attendance doesn’t justify the expenditure. Again Mr. Art Chavez headed the Veteran’s Day display for the Hemet Model Masters. Assisting Art was Ralph Torres, Don Radford, Mel Santmyers and Mario Muniz. New site for the Hemet Model Masters rcflightdeck.com Go to this site register yourself and link to Hemet Model Masters this will allow you to be added to the member roster on the site. 2014 Newsletters are posted along with membership info and documents pertaining to the club. You will also be able to pre-register for any of our club events. Pictures and videos will also be available. Hemet’s Hobby Headquarters DYNAMIC HOBBIES 530 1/2 E Florida Ave Hemet, Ca ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTION OF AIRPLANE KITS AVAILABLE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OWNER BOB PARCELL 951-925-9331 mel@netzon.net IMPORTANT NOTE All members are required to carry a first aid kit in their vehicles when flying. As we all know two members were cut severely by props recently. You never know when you or a fellow member will need some aid. Be prepared!! We strongly urge that no one fly alone. Members please place your club card or AMA on the board when flying. This means everyone. Also guests (per the by laws) are allowed to fly three times, then they must join to use our facilities. The Hemet Model Masters will extend courtesy membership to any “Active Military” individual allowing them to fly at our club fields as long as they have a current AMA membership. HOBBY WEBSITE LINKS www.hobbyking.com www.valuehobby.com www.nitroplanes.com www.bananahobby.com www.oregonlam.com www.rc-castle.com www.servodatabase.com www.hi-model.com Metropolitan Water District Aqueduct Information for Retrieving crashed aircraft. Mike Thompson is the service representative that services the aqueduct near our main field. If your airplane is behind the second fence and not in the water runoff it is serviced by Mike Thompson. His direct line is 626844-5610. Note: Before calling be nice and explain that you are with the Hemet Model Masters and that you have crashed you’re rc plane beyond the second fence and would like to retrieve it without breaking any laws. If your plane is between the first and second fence it is serviced by another agency (Securitas Security), Mike Thompson can not help you. Hopefully this will help our members to retrieve their aircraft. Dennis Nyberg, Ralph Torres, Joe Parra, Richard Lawrence, Stewart Robinson, Art Chavez and Mario Muniz manned the HMM Xmas Display for 2014, a big thanks for the help. Permanent TFRs issued for major sporting events and Disney properties On October 27, the FAA issued three Permanent Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) creating restrictions for the airspace surrounding major sporting events and the Disney properties in Anaheim CA and Orlando FL. The new flight restrictions permanently prohibit the operation of unmanned and radio-controlled model aircraft within roughly 3.5 miles of both the Disneyland and Walt Disney World theme parks. The restrictions are also in place for a period of one hour before and one hour after major sporting events. SHOW & TELL Jeff Huggins brought in a new Castle Phoenix ESC (Speed Control) showing how they now have a safety switch incorporated into the unit so that it will not arm accidentally, hopefully other companies will incorporate similar safety features in future products. Toys for Kids December 7, 2014 Main Air Park All club members and any guests that fly at the airpark, “Important Reminder” the airpark has boundaries and we are not suppose to fly beyond them. We ask that you please adhere to this. We understand that some aircraft such as the turbine powered aircraft need to make wide turns and will exceed the perimeters of the field but only for brief periods and not intentional on the part of the pilot. Intentionally flying aircraft at a great distance is not allowed. Reminder Field Rules; Do not place your crashed aircraft in the trash bins. If we find out who you are you will be asked to donate $30.00 to the club. DECEMBER 2014 SAFETY ARTICLE This step will fine tune your control throws on the bench in any order. Be sure you are using maximum servo travel. Most transmitters today will allow 120% to 140% travel in each direction. Without maximum servo deflection you limit the mechanical advantage of the servo & linkage system. First, adjust your high rates in accordance with the manufactures recommendations at full stick deflection. Be sure your dual rate program is set at 100% when adjusting your high throws. Adjust the servo arm length to get the correct throw (servo arm should be as short as possible & control horn setting should be in its longest possible position) adjust each accordingly until you get the manufactures high rate position in both left & right throw (DO NOT OVER DRIVE END POINTS). Now, set the low rates in the dual rate program & adjust the percentages until you get to the manufactures recommended low rate settings. Do this for each control (aileron, elevator & rudder). If you are using a pull/pull setup for rudder, be sure your end drive of the rudder servo & the length of the rudder horns are equal. The pull/ pull cable should be a parallelogram when set up properly whether the cable wires are crossed or not, it makes no difference, the key is the parallelogram! Throttle setting is slightly different! Start with the carburetor opening set at 50% open position & the servo arm set at 50% of total servo ravel from end to end (servo neutral position). From this point adjust the travel in both directions being careful not to over drive either end point. You may have heard you can't use a digital servo on the throttle because it will burn up, not true unless you over drive the end points. Digital servo's work great on throttle when set up correctly. Don't over drive end points in either direction! This is the only method that will give you a good foolproof throttle setup! Too many pilots overdrive the top end which shortens servo life in either case because their high throttle setting is drawing MAX current throughout the entire flight, thus a burned up digital. Unless you are flying extreme aerobatics or 3D, all airplanes will fly better with some aileron differential. Example, on all my airplanes with fully symmetrical airfoil wings I use between five% & ten% less down aileron throw than up aileron throw. Fly the airplane straight & level at approximately 2/3 throttle & gently rock the wings back & forth. If airplane flies straight ahead without yawing, differential is correct. If the airplane yaws away from the roll command ((i.e., right roll left yaw) or (left roll right yaw)) increase differential, that is decrease the down movement on the aileron going down until the yaw component disappears. Using a small amount of rudder also helps shoulder wing airplanes (high wing airplanes) to turn without any yaw. In straight & level flight the rudder trim (your yaw control) keeps the airplane tracking straight with no rocking. Without the yaw trim correct you will keep wandering all over the sky! Good rudder control use when flying any type of airplane will help you improve your flying skills quicker & faster than any other control input you use. Believe it or not, rudder is used in almost every aerobatic maneuver you will ever perform if you execute the maneuver correctly. A bit of washout will help your landings be smoother & less bouncy. I use a switch to lift both ailerons prior to landing for smoother control. Try it, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner. I recommend mechanically lifting the ailerons for the complete flight on all trainer airplanes. HEMET MODEL MASTERS 2015 Renewal Form First Name_________________________________________ Initial_________ Last Name_________________________________________ AMA Number______________________________________ Ex____________ Address____________________________________________ City______________________________________________St_______Zip_____________ Contact Phone Number _______________________ Date of Birth___________________ Email address ____________________________________________ Amount sent $_____________________ Club Identification Cards are sent upon verification of 2015 AMA . Remember renew before December 31, 2014!! Please Print this page. You can mail in your dues or see any club officer MONTH DATE DEC 7TH 2014 EVENTS HEMET MODEL MASTERS TOYS 4 KIDS HAROLD HOGERSON HAS TONS OF OLD RC RELATED MAGAZINES THAT HE WANTS TO UNLOAD. ANYONE INTERESTED SEE HAROLD AT THE FIELD. The Hemet Model Masters December Birthdays We would like to welcome our newest members to the Hemet Model Masters Gary Beece, John Christianson, William Eicheulberger, Marc Guerra, Dwayne Higgenbothem, Rex Loudermilk, Jim Turnier. Matthew Stein and Sam Sallam FIRST CLASS MAIL HEMET MODEL MASTERS PO BOX 754 SAN JACINTO, CA 92583 To: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Flight Instructors Harold Hodgerson Art Chavez Don Radford Mario Muniz Dick Hanke Community Relations Art Chavez HEMET MODEL MASTERS EXECUTIVE BOARD 951-927-5462 PRESIDENT JEFF HUGGINS RICHARD LAWRENCE 206-734-8046 VPRES TREASURE SECRETARY Stewart Robinson MARIO MUNIZ 619-971-5976 909-969-1003 THE BARNSTORMER Newsletter of the Hemet Model Masters, Inc., a non-profit club chartered in the State of California and by the Academy of Model Aeronautics. Charter #1376. Mailing Address Hemet Model Masters PO Box 754 San Jacinto, Ca. 92583 Editor: Mario D Muniz 5700 W Wilson St Sp73 Banning, Ca. 92220 mmkarbiz2@gmail.com General Meetings 7:00 PM on the third Monday of the Month BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAROLD HOGERSON JEFF BARKER RALPH TORRES DICK HANKE DWAYNE HIGGINBOTHAM JACK WILSON RICK WATERMAN SAFETY COORDINATOR DICK HANKE CONTEST DIRECTORS LARRY METZ JACK WILSON JEFF HUGGINS RICK WATERMAN ART CHAVEZ DICK HANKE Valley Wide Recreation Center
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