A vibrant and caring learning community Issue 12 —Term 3 — Week 4 Newsletter Calendar What’s On Term 3 Week 4 Thursday 9 August Sports Carnival No assembly this week Friday 10 August RDA Term 3 Week 5 Monday 13 August National Science Week Tuesday 14 August UNSW Mathematics Comp Friday 17 August Stage 2 Excursion to Blacktown Library RDA Principal’s Message What a busy start to the term at Riverstone PS! It has been a very hectic few weeks as I try and get the opportunity to spend time in classrooms, in the playground and meeting students and parents. Thank you again for all the support and patience as I get myself up to speed with policy, procedures and the task of learning the names of 350 students! Education Week Education Week in Public Education affords us with the opportunity to celebrate and recognise the achievements of our students as well as those people who support public education. Last week at Riverstone PS, our staff and students put together an assembly and opened classrooms to share our hard work with the community. Wednesday 8 August 2012 develop Safe, Respectful Learners in our classrooms and playgrounds. These skills enhance learning opportunities and encourage our students to be the best they can be at all times. With these values embedded at the school our students will take these skills into the broader community to become Safe, Respectful, Learners within society. We teach students these expectations and what they look like in many settings and the consequences that occur, both positive and negative. This is a very important aspect of teaching and learning at Riverstone PS and we encourage parents to support this at home. Information for Parents I have added some information to the newsletter this week in relation to school attendance and cyber bullying. These are two issues that parents have spoken to me about regularly over the last three weeks and contain some good advice to support parents in managing these issues. I am looking forward to the next few busy weeks ahead at Riverstone PS with the upcoming Athletics Carnival on Thursday and the celebrations for Book Week in Week 6. Emma Thompson Acting Principal Preschool Report Preschool has been learning about the Olympics and the countries involved, reading stories, singing traditional songs and learning languages. The Smarties have been learning how to speak simple Japanese like hello and goodbye and the Jellybeans have been learning German. The children have also been learning how to do long jump in the sandpit and tasting the food from different countries. The Smarties have also been learning classification and how to sort different objects. Mrs Sue Finn Preschool Supervisor Kindergarten Report Kindergarten has been learning all about the Olympics and creating artworks. We had a wonderful Education Week Open Day with many parents joining in the open classroom activities. We had some beautiful Olympic Rings and “Hands Around the World” displays made. We had the chance to show the parents how we dance and some parents even showed us their moves. We are learning about helpers in the community and how things move, use energy and change. Safe, Respectful Learners For any school to really flourish it is essential that support Mrs Sue Finn structures be in place. Our major aim at Riverstone PS is to-1-Early Stage 1 Supervisor From the talented students displaying performing arts, to our dedicated teachers and our wonderfully supportive parent body, these experiences epitomise what it is to be a member of the Riverstone Public School community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers and support staff who assisted and coordinated activities on the day. A great job! Elizabeth Street, Riverstone NSW 2765 T: 9627 1517 F: 9838 1131 E: riverstone-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Issue 12 —Term 3 — Week 4 Wednesday 8 August 2012 Stage 2 Report As the Olympics are taking place at present we are also Stage 2 students have settled into Term 3 and are enjoying encouraging the students to share their thoughts and the variety of activities and class work that is being discuss ideas about dedication and aspirations. prepared by the teachers. The HSIE requirement is a project based on a chosen Olympian past or present. All students will be receiving Aussie Bush Camp Stage 2 students are looking forward to attending the their project sheets with required dates for presentation. Aussie Bush Camp Week 8. Weekly homework sheets are sent home and these provide We still have some vacancies. If you would like your child an opportunity for students to revise work learnt at school. to attend please let the office know this week. A reminder Homework activities include Spelling, Maths and English. note and Medical Information Form has been sent home Classes 5C and 6P homework is due back each Friday and with your child. Please complete relevant medical 5/6PT is required to be returned on Monday. information requirements and any health care related needs about your child and send it back to the classroom We look forward to a busy and solid working term with all Stage 3 students doing their best in all areas. Also we teacher as soon as possible. encourage all students to continue to be wonderful role Please keep an eye out for a note which will be sent home models for the rest of the school. This includes behaviour this week with a list of items your children are required to in and out of the classroom and following all PBL rules, so the younger students will look up to them and understand bring to camp. the correct way to be a student at Riverstone Public Excursion to the Blacktown Visitors and Information School. Mrs Marilyn Pettitt Centre On Friday 17 August Stage 2 students have the opportunity Stage 3 Supervisor to attend an excursion to the Blacktown Visitors and Information Centre to participate in the Local History Tour. Support Unit News The cost of the excursion is $7.00 for bus fare. We will be This term all Support Class students and their parents/ leaving school at 10.00am and will arrive back at school at carers will be involved in Review Meetings with their approximately 2.30pm. Students will need to bring recess teachers. These sessions happen each year and may take and lunch in a plastic or reusable bag with the student’s half an hour or more. This is a time for parents and name clearly labelled. teachers to discuss the child’s progress, consider areas that need changing and plan ahead for 2013 and beyond. Fitness Program Your classroom teacher will contact you with an Kids who are physically active are more likely to be appointment schedule so that you can arrange a suitable academically motivated and alert in school. time for both parties. I hope it is an enjoyable time for all as you see how much your child has learnt and grown. Stage 2 students are participating in a fitness program 2 days a week for 20 minutes that most students enjoy. The students in Year 6 have already completed their Mrs Vivian Stephens meetings and placement applications have been sent in to Stage 2 Supervisor the Placement Panel. If your child needs Assisted School Travel in High School, you will need to work with the allocated High School to create a new application. All other Stage 3 Report Stage 3 students have started the term well being involved students on special transport are usually ‘rolled over’ to the in a number activities including Open Day and Jeans for next year. Genes Day. This coming Thursday is our school Athletics Carnival and we look forward to seeing as many of our Stage 3 students being involved as much as possible. It is always important for our older students to be enthusiastic role models for our younger students. Parents of students in Year 5 should now be considering a High School for their child so that the school can submit all requests in Term 1 2013. If these plans are made now, the qualifying process for accessing a suitable support service can commence. These students will possibly need another counsellor assessment before an application is submitted. Each week captains and prefects continue to organise and The School Counsellor, classroom teachers and myself will support teachers and students in assemblies each be working together to gather all necessary information and complete assessments so a clear picture of your child’s Thursday. needs can be presented. During Term 3 the students will be learning about the topic ‘Australian Identity and Values’ in HSIE and in Science we will be studying ‘Electricity’. During the term Year 6 students will be visiting the high school to have a Science taster day. We will also be organising a group of high school students to visit our school and work with the Stage 3 students on their Science topic. All Stage 3 students will be required to complete projects at home for Science, making a simple circuit. Looking forward to working with you. Patricia Gummerson Support Unit Supervisor Numeracy Report All students have the opportunity to use a wide range of materials to assist with the development of their mathematical skills. The Numeracy Committee has Elizabeth Street, Riverstone NSW 2765 T: 9627 1517 F: 9838 1131 E: riverstone-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Issue 12 —Term 3 — Week 4 Wednesday 8 August 2012 established the needs of teachers and their students and new resources will be purchased in the near future. These resources will assist teachers to continue to develop consistent learning in all Mathematical Strands. . The cost will be $5.50. Students participating will need to return money and a permission slip to attend this event. This event is open to students only. Information regarding this performance will be sent home during Week 4. SRC Report Wednesday 22 August Our Book Parade will take place on Wednesday 22 August between 11.30 am – 1.00pm. Students are asked to come dressed as their favourite book character. There will be prizes for the best dressed. Parents and families are invited to our Book Parade and are invited to stay after the parade to have a picnic lunch with their child/children. This term the SRC Committee has worked hard in raising funds and awareness for Jeans for Genes Day. They created posters which advertised the day and encouraged students to wear their jeans and bring a gold coin donation. The SRC members were rewarded with an outstanding response and with the school’s support raised $280.00. Our next major event will be the SRC Talent Quest. Auditions will be held in Week 6 during lunchtimes in the hall. The judging panel will be made up of teachers and SRC members. Please remember to sign up with Miss Camilleri if you are interested in entering. We are endeavouring to include as many acts as possible, so get rehearsing! The SRC Committee has also made changes to the Riverstone PS Calendar. Later this term we had planned to hold a “Mathelon” to raise money for Stewart House. Unfortunately we have had to postpone this event until early Term 4. The Students of the SRC Committee Library News Book Week Monday 20 - Friday 24 August 2012 “Champions Love to Read” Book Week is being celebrated at Riverstone Public School between Monday 20 – Friday 24 August 2012 during Week 6, Term 3. Our Book Week theme for 2012 is “We Love to Read”. There are some exciting events occurring during Book Week including a Book Fair, a Book Parade, a Visiting Performance, a Jelly Bean Guessing Competition and a Book Week Colouring Competition to raise money for new books for the library. What’s on during Book Week? Jelly Bean Guessing Competition The Jelly Bean Guessing Competition will be available during lunchtimes during Weeks 5 and 6 and during Book Fair. This is open to students and parents. The winner will be announced on Friday 24 August. It will be 50c a guess. Students may wish to make more than one guess. Money raised will go towards purchasing new books for our library. Please ensure that you see your child’s teacher if you wish to sign them out of school once the event has ended. Information regarding this event will be sent home during Week 4. A Message From the Office Olympic Day is Friday 24 August. Children will be given a country’s colours to dress in on the day. They may also be asked to bring food from their designated country. Stage 2 are going on an excursion to Blacktown Library and Visitors Centre. The cost of this excursion is $7.00. There are only 60 places available so the first 60 students with their money and note in will be able to attend. Our Athletics Carnival is on Thursday. All students who have not brought in their note and money for the bus will need to do so tomorrow as this is a normal school day all students are required to attend. The cost of the bus is $7.00. All students need to be at school by 8.45am to have the rolls marked, the bus will be leaving at 9am sharp. Mrs Latham, Mrs Greenaway and Mrs Burke WERE YOU BORN TO KNIT? At Riverstone Public School we have several students and teachers who were Born to Knit. They have been participating in this year’s Born to Knit project for the Save the Children Foundation. Our project has been gathering speed and we have our first finished blanket to donate. This beautiful blanket was knitted and finished by one of our wonderful staff, Mrs Chapman. A great big THANK YOU to Mrs Chapman for her efforts and support. Monday 20 - Wednesday 22 August The Book Fair will be open to students and families between 9am – 5pm Monday 20 – Wednesday 22 August. You are welcome to visit the library to view and make Our Born to Knit purchases from the Book Fair during these times. students have been knitting up a storm as P-6 will be visiting the Book Fair during class times. You you can see here by may wish to give your children money to purchase from the their completed knitted Book Fair. Information regarding this event will be sent squares. We are getting close to home during Week 4. completing our second Monday 20 August blanket to donate this An exciting performance will be visiting us for Book Week. year. This performance is called “And the Winner is”. It will be held in the school hall on Monday 20 August 2012. Students from K-6 are welcome to participate in this event. Elizabeth Street, Riverstone NSW 2765 T: 9627 1517 F: 9838 1131 E: riverstone-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Issue 12 —Term 3 — Week 4 Wednesday 8 August 2012 If you have a keen hand to sew or crochet these squares together to complete our blanket, please let me know as we would love to have you join us...ahem....I mean join the squares together... Yours knittingly, Ms Shaw Fathers Day Stall Our annual Fathers Day Stall will be held on Wednesday 29 August. A variety of gifts will be available to purchase for $5 each. If your child would like to purchase a gift, please send your money with them on the day. If you have some spare time on the day, we are always looking for more helpers. Leave your name and contact details at the office and one of the P&C members will contact you. Art Show This year as part of Book Week, the P&C are holding an art show. Our children have been busily painting canvases in class and families will be able to view and purchase the artworks at the book parade on 22 August. The cost of the canvases will be $5 each. A perfect gift! 5 Cent Day Start collecting your five cent pieces now!!!! Jars have been delivered to classrooms and “5 Cent Day” will be held in November giving everyone lots of time to collect coins. To explain this to families new to our school: Each year we hold a five cent day to raise funds for our school. Students collect five cent pieces during the year and bring them in on “5 Cent Day”. The coins are counted at a special assembly and the lucky class that collects the most coins (per student) will win a lunch time Pizza Party. Good luck The P&C Committee Elizabeth Street, Riverstone NSW 2765 T: 9627 1517 F: 9838 1131 E: riverstone-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Issue 12 —Term 3 — Week 4 Wednesday 8 August 2012 Semester 1 has been an extremely busy but rewarding one for us all. We have participated in whole school activities, camps and excursions with our mainstream peers, including Sports in Schools, the Mr Soccer Clinic and gymnastics for K-2 students. We are anticipating many fun-filled learning opportunities this Semester commencing with the ‘Riding for the Disabled’ program. The students in 1-5R are often engaged in ‘Learning by Doing’ activities and they try really hard to achieve their personal best in their learning outcomes. We are so happy to be able to continue our integration program on Friday afternoons and we would like to thank our friends and teachers for welcoming us into their classrooms each week. We hope you enjoy looking at these snapshots of our many learning experiences thus far this year. Regards from 1-5R, Ms Robertson and Mrs Reddy Elizabeth Street, Riverstone NSW 2765 T: 9627 1517 F: 9838 1131 E: riverstone-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Issue 12 —Term 3 — Week 4 Wednesday 8 August 2012 Our class has been working hard on book presentation and valuing the great work we do together. Everyone has found favourite aspects of The Olympics that they have been enjoying and sharing with each other. We are an enthusiastic class who love playing drums and singing a range of songs. It was great to have a visit from preschoolers last week and we all joined in singing some of their favourite songs. With continuing practice everyone is improving with the instant recall of timetables which are helping to work out many problems in class. Some people in 6P are completing homework regularly which helps review all that we do daily. Everyone is working on their writing using many descriptive words; they are proud of their efforts and enjoy sharing these with the class. Many students are bringing favourite books to school to read when there is time between planned work. Art has been a popular thing to do over the last two terms and everyone takes time to produce individual pieces of which they are very proud. 6P students enjoy helping the younger students in the playground or when visiting other classes. They are conscientious about being the role models for the school and take this position seriously. All of the students are looking forward to the further events this year including the Athletics Carnival, visiting the high school, fundraising activities, Year 6 Fun Day, visiting performers and the Year 6 Farewell. Elizabeth Street, Riverstone NSW 2765 T: 9627 1517 F: 9838 1131 E: riverstone-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Issue 12 —Term 3 — Week 4 Wednesday 8 August 2012 Students in Year 1 who do not attend Scripture, have been learning skills in working together. They have participated in activities in team building, making friends, keeping friends, working together, sharing, kind voices, assertiveness, how to say ‘no’ politely when we don’t want to play with someone right now, accepting ‘no’ and finding someone else to play with. Ms Shaw Teacher on class Elizabeth Street, Riverstone NSW 2765 T: 9627 1517 F: 9838 1131 E: riverstone-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Issue 12 —Term 3 — Week 4 Wednesday 8 August 2012 Elizabeth Street, Riverstone NSW 2765 T: 9627 1517 F: 9838 1131 E: riverstone-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Issue 12 —Term 3 — Week 4 Wednesday 8 August 2012 1K have been reading ‘Rose meets Mr Wintergarten’ by Bob Graham. In the story Mr Wintergarten eats a horrible lunch. We have written our own descriptions of a horrible lunch. Bailey.B His dinner was cold, brown and uninviting, with bits of boogers floating in it and birds on top. Andrew.D His dinner was cold, weird and uninviting, with bits of spiders floating in it and string on top. Harley.C His dinner was cold, dirty and uninviting, with bits of hair floating in it and spiders on top. Garrold.H His dinner was cold, blue and uninviting, with bits of snake floating in it and water on top. Jacob.W His dinner was cold, disgusting and uninviting, with bits of snails floating in it and brains on top. Jodeci T.S His dinner was cold, slippery and uninviting, with bits of boogers floating in it and wriggly on top. Mia.E His dinner was cold, brown and uninviting, with bits of cake floating in it and sauce on top. Ivan.W His dinner was cold, yucky and uninviting, with bits of bees floating in it and teeth on top. Elijah.T His dinner was cold, green and uninviting, with bits of boogers floating in it and fatty bits on top. Nicholas.B His dinner was cold, muscley and uninviting, with bits of hair floating in it and spiders crawling on top. Khristian.S His dinner was cold, black and uninviting, with bits of vomit floating in it and gristle on top. Gemma.S His dinner was cold, blue and uninviting, with bits of dirt floating in it and mud on top. Connie.S His dinner was cold, stinky and uninviting, with bits of hair floating in it and snakes on top. Matthew.G His dinner was cold, brown and uninviting, with bits of brains floating in it and birds on top. Koby.C His dinner was cold, purple and uninviting, with bits of snakes floating in it and worms on top. Alexis.L His dinner was cold, blue and uninviting, with bits of snakes floating in it and water on top. Bob.T His dinner was cold, grey and uninviting, with bits of worms floating in it and mould on top. Joshua.M His dinner was cold, black and uninviting, with bits of dead meat floating in it and vomit on top. Shaliah.S.N His dinner was cold, bone and uninviting, with bits of cockroach floating in it and rubber on top. Zayden.H His dinner was cold, black and uninviting, bits of spider floating in it and pointy nails on top. Mitchell.J His dinner was cold, silver and uninviting with bits of droppings floating in it and sausage roll on top. Mrs Koberler Class Teacher Elizabeth Street, Riverstone NSW 2765 T: 9627 1517 F: 9838 1131 E: riverstone-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Issue 12 —Term 3 — Week 4 Wednesday 8 August 2012 Elizabeth Street, Riverstone NSW 2765 T: 9627 1517 F: 9838 1131 E: riverstone-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Issue 12 —Term 3 — Week 4 Wednesday 8 August 2012 Community Noticeboard Riverstone Public School, as a service to parents, will advertise community events that may be of interest. Riverstone Public School does not necessarily endorse or sponsor the events and accepts no responsibility for the management or organisation of these events. REGISTRATION TIMES Friday the 24th and 31st August 2012 at Riverstone Park. Cnr Creek St & Garfield Rd West Between 6.30 pm and 8.00pm. Bunnings Rouse Hill Annual Spring Launch Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 August 2012 10am – 3pm The event will be a fun, family day for the entire community and will include entertainment, children’s activities, spring displays and lots of super demos. Tots – Under 17’s (Child must be 4 by the 30th September 2012 to join) Tot numbers are limited. Proof of age required if not registered with the centre last season. Season commences 7th September, 2012 For further enquiries call: Debbie 4573 6987 or Vicki 9837 2281 or The Riverstone Public School Preschool are making a Vernon 9627 2658 scarecrow to enter in the scarecrow competition. If we www.riverstonelittleathletics.com are judged “The Best Scarecrow” we will win a $1000 makeover. The public will be judging the scarecrow, so please drop into Bunnings at Rouse Hill between Saturday 11 and Sunday 19 August to cast your vote for our scarecrow. Please come along and join the festivities and admire our beautiful scarecrow. Kaylene Smith Preschool Teacher Counselling Service Sharon Pitman is a new counsellor in the district at Riverstone Family Centre, Casuarina school, Castlereagh St, Riverstone. Sharon is there Monday and Tuesday , she specialises in family and couples counselling. Ring 9627 3511 for an appointment. Doggy Dollars Reward Program Each time you use five Star as your preferred groomer we will donate $5.00 back to Riverstone Public School. Cut out your voucher to redeem this offer or mention the school when making the booking. - Phone: 0415 814 055 Elizabeth Street, Riverstone NSW 2765 T: 9627 1517 F: 9838 1131 E: riverstone-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
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