THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Three Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016-5990 99-GT-45 The Society shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced In papers or discussion at meetings of the Society or of its DMsions or SecIons, or printed in its publications. Discussion is printed only if the paper is published in an ASME Journal. Authorization to photocopy for Internal or personal use is granted to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) provided S3/article is paid to CCC, 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923. Requests for special permission or bulk reproduction should be addressed to the ASME Technical Publishing Department. Printed in U.SA All Rights Resolved Copyright 0 1999 by ASME 1111111 111E110,111 11111 11 PREDICTION OF TRANSITIONAL HEAT TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS OF WAKE-AFFECTED BOUNDARY LAYERS Kyounglin Kim and Michael E. Crawford Mechanical Engineering Department The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712 ABSTRACT undisturbed steady freestream velocity at the boundary The presence of wake-passing in the gas turbine environment significantly modifies the heat transfer characteristics on the downstream blade surface by causing wake-induced transition. In this study, time-dependent boundary layer calculations were carried out using a model for wake-induced transition based on a prescribed timedependent intermittent function. The model is determined from the well-known turbulent spot propagation theory in a time-space diagram and from experimental evidence in the ensemble-averaged sense. Time-averaged heat transfer distributions are evaluated and compared with experimental results for different flow and wake-generating conditions over a flat plate. Comparison showed that the present timedependent calculations yield more accurate results than existing steady superposition models. NOMENCLATURE a, b, w a, aLE , all to the local freestream velocity ratios of propagation velocity of leading and trailing edges of turbulent strip to the local freestream velocity wake-passing frequency shape factor (= 8 . 10 ) characteristic length Reynolds number reduced wake-passing frequency (=JL 1 U.) St Stanton number wake-passing period (=1/f) time turbulence level Tu ,0 (=Ue (x) W(x,t)) inlet velocity periodic fluctuation of ensemble-averaged velocity ( = 0-0 ) • Ud normalized velocity defect (= (U - Uk„, ) /C!, ) Unns rms velocity of periodic fluctuation W(x,r) relative fluctuation function for freestream velocity defect streamwise distance x,,, constants for the model of fntestream velocity defect ratio of traveling velocity of the center of turbulent strip Re layer edge wake-disturbed unsteady freestream velocity flint-mean and ensemble-averaged velocity onset of wake-induced transition normal distance from the wall S. rxx.0 V displacement thickness momentum thickness time-dependent intermittent (or transitional) function Stanton number based time-averaged intermittency kinematic viscosity duration of turbulent snip Subscripts L, lam T. hub Zn 101 freestream laminar turbulent time-mean steady wake total Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhilsdion Indianapolis, Indiana — June 7-June 10, 1999 This paper has been accepted for pubkation in the Transactions of the ASME Discussion of a will be accepted at ASME Headquarters until September 30, 1999 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: INTRODUCTION Periodic wake-passing from upstream blade rows in the gas turbine flowfield can strongly influence the boundary layer and heat transfer characteristics on the surfaces of the downstream blades. This ° form of flow unsteadiness, which is caused by the relative motion of adjacent blade rows, affects the unique transition process on the blade surface, which is known as wake-induced transition. Since the optimal blade design heavily relies on accurate heat transfer analysis of the blade surface, it is important to predict the unsteady boundary layer development due to the wake-induced transition. A number of the measurements on wake-affected boundary layers have been recently conducted in laboratory simulations using rotating wake generators (Pfeil and Herbst, 1979; Pfeil et al., 1983; Dullenkopf et al., 1991; Liu and Rodi, 1991; Orth, 1993; Chaldca and Schobeiri, 1997; Funazaki et al., 1997) and in a turbine-compressor environment (Halstead et al., 1997). The experimental results showed that the unsteady wakes produce an incident flow that has two distinctive characteristics: a freestream velocity defect, and its associated high turbulence during the wake-passing. Orth (1993) and Halstead et al. (1997) concluded that the high turbulence of the incoming wakes, rather than the level of freestream velocity defect, is primarily responsible for initiating the wake-induced transition. Figure 1 shows the general concept of wake-induced transition. While the wakes pass over the surface approximately at the speed of the freestrearn, high turbulence in the wakes penetrates into the laminar boundary layer and initiates turbulent strips or spanwise coalescence of turbulent spots. These turbulent strips convect downstream and grow, due to different propagation speeds of their leading and trailing edges. The passing wakes appear only to trigger or initiate the starting location of the turbulent snips, and the wakes do not affect the turbulent strips during their downstream development This has been described by Orth (1993), and his experimental evidence backs up the separate treatment of these two flow phenomena by ignoring the interaction between the freestream velocity defect and the turbulent strips, downstream of initiation. Thus, only the effect of strong turbulence in the periodic wake passing is considered in the model of wake-induced transition developed herein, while the effect of periodic freestream velocity defect from the wakes is neglected. The literature contains several different approaches for predicting the transitional boundary layers due to wake-passing. For timeaveraged results, time-averaged intennittency models were proposed high Tu time trailing edge (- 0.SUJ leading edge (- 0.88l1.) 1 treestream velocity detect (- 1_1.) StreeMwise distance Figure 2. Convection of turbulent strips and freestream velocity defect due to the wake-passing. by Mayle and Dullenlcopf (1990, 1991), Hodson et al. (1992), and Funazalci (1996). In contrast, time-accurate calculations have been carried out by Iran and Taulbee (1992), Cho et al. (1993), and Fan and Lalcshminarayana (1996) by solving the unsteady boundary layer equations or the Navier-Stokes equations in conjunction with low Reynolds number k-e models. Recently, Kim and Crawford (1998) introduced a model for wake-induced transition that reproduces the time-accurate development of the wake-affected boundary layer. They used an unsteady boundary layer scheme and a simple engineering model for the wake-induced transition based on the theory of turbulent spots. Their computational results were compared with various measured time-resolved and time-averaged boundary layer profiles and parameters. In the present paper, transition model is revised based on the measurements of the ensemble-averaged intermittency by Chaldca and Schobeiri (1997), and the transitional heat transfer characteristics in the wake-affected boundary layers are predicted and compared with the measured data and the predicted results of the time-averaged superposition model. MODEL FOR WAKE-INDUCED TRANSMON To compute periodically unsteady transitional boundary layers, a conventional eddy viscosity formulation (Hodson et al., 1992) is adopted to estimate the effective viscosity, wake passing - Uca (x, y, =v + r(x,t)v (x, y,t) (I) where vim, is the molecular viscosity, and v aa.b is the turbulent eddy viscosity. The transitional function T(r,r) is considered in an ensemble-averaged sense, and thus it is different from the conventional steady state intermittency or instantaneous intermittency. In the experimental work by Chakka and Schobeiri (1997), they measured the ensemble-averaged intermittency as formation of turbulent strip 0.88U. 1 f i .17=—Nziu0i) 0.5U. (2) where the index i represents the phase-locked time (or fixed angle) with respect to the wake-passing period, and N is the number of wake- Figure 1. Development of turbulent strips on the wake-affected surface. 2 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: where du and arE are the ratios of propagation velocities for the leading edge and tailing edge of the turbulent spot, respectively, to the freestrearn velocity. — present model —Kim and Crawford (1998) ULE = au Ue and UrE = U, (6) F(x,r) becomes traveling function in the streamwise direction with a center convecting velocity of ;De , which can be easily determined 0 from the propagation velocity of the leading (amU,) and trailing leedip edge of babulent strip ( ajEU, ) edges of the turbulent snip. treble edge of turbulent strip For a given wake-passing frequency (or wake period), the intermittent function for the trajectories of the turbulent strips that successively move in the time-space domaimis prescribed using Figure t/T 2 with propagation velocities set to be 88 percent ( au ) of local Figure 3. Intermittent function for the transition model as a function of time. freestream velocity for the leading edge and 50 percent ( art ) for the trailing edge in the computations. In reality, the propagation speed of the turbulent spots or snip will be influenced by the existence of pressure gradients. However, pressure dependence is not considered, since the adverse pressure gradient is not important in the predicted measurements considered herein. Figure 3 shows the present model of the intermittent function in the form of a Gaussian distribution, along with the older trapezoidal shaped model used by Kim and Crawford (1998). Determination of the onset for the transition presents a challenge, because no reliable theory is available for the wake-disturbed boundary layer. An existing empirical correlation for steady transition developed by Abu-Ghannam and Shaw (1980) is utilized in the present simulations. In their model, the momentum Reynolds number at the start of transition is expressed as passing period used in the evaluation. I is the instantaneous intermittency which appears as the random step function with 0 (laminar) and 1 (turbulent). )7 is identical to the present transitional function, f(x, r) . The first possibility for the determination of Iles) can be derived from the propagation process of the turbulent strips as shown in Figure 2, following the qualitative description of wakeinduced transition by Pfeil et al. (1983). The idea for the model is simply to switch on and off the turbulent viscosity term in equation (1) while following the locus of the turbulent strips. For example, at some location x, the F(x,r) abruptly switches on with a periodicity of T (Figure 2) and snitches off in a step function manner as depicted in Figure 3. This switch is somewhat unrealistically abrupt at the interface of the turbulent strip with the undisturbed laminar flow because it implies a sudden variation of the effective viscosity. Computationally, the switch tends to cause numerical difficulty at the interface and, in turn, leads to an unrealistic time-resolved response of the boundary layer. For more realistic' prediction of turbulent snip behavior, the intexmittent function flx.r) is determined using the observation of experiments. Chaklca and Schobeiri (1997) measured the ensembleaveraged intermittency in a similar case of wake-passing on a curved plate. Their results showed that the ensemble-averaged intermittency is a Gaussian distribution in which a normalized shape is conserved downstream. This idea is modeled as F(x,r) = a 1{ ai lt/T—x /(atUeT)1) iIT Rem, =163+ exp(6.91— Tu) where Tu is the freestream turbulence level in units of percent of freestream velocity. Assuming that the snip formation occurs at the point of maximum turbulence level in the wakes, and that its maximum turbulence level is sufficiently high, the transition onset, x„ can be estimated to be the leading term, Re e., =163 , even if the turbulence level in the wakes is not precisely known. This is the primary reason that the above correlation was selected over the one by Mayle (1991), even though Mayle's correlation seems to be more accurate in case the freestream turbulence level is known. We should note that Chakka and Schobeiri (1997) found a dependence of the transition onset on the wake-passing frequency. Even though the fretstream velocity defect in the wakes is not considered a significant factor, and thus excluded from the transition model, the freestrerun velocity defect is easily included in the boundary conditions for a more realistic prediction. The freestream velocity gradient is expressed using the unsteady Bernoulli equation as (3) where T is the wake-passing period, and r is the time duration for the turbulent snip, as defined by r= F(x,r)dr 1 dP = aU„, n „ +u p dx --- (4) In reality, r in equation (3) can be approximated using the classical theory of turbulent spot propagation, ( I I am oLE U. (7) as (8) To include the freestream velocity defect in the time-resolved calculations, the unsteady freestream velocity is modeled to be U„(x,r)=L/ e (x) W(x,r), where Li e (x) is an undisturbed steady freestrearn velocity and W(x.r) is a relative freestream time-dependent part. 19(x,t) is modeled from fmestream experimenml data using a Gaussian distribution, (5) • 3 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: Complete results of the calculations with detailed discussion for the other cases of the measurements are described in Kim and Crawford (1998) for a slightly different intermittent function model. However, the difference is found to be minor, when compared with the present results. cases without periodic wakes and the results agree well with the measurements. Note that all predictions of no-wake transition were performed using the length transition model of y, = I — exp(-517 3 ) where I? = (x — xs )/(xE —x5). Prediction of the Heat Transfer Measurements The effects of the periodic wake-passing on boundary layer transition and heat transfer on a flat plate were studied experimentally by Funazalzi et al. (1997). The test Reynolds number was 1.3x10 6, based on the inlet flow velocity (20 m/s) and the length of a flat plate (L = 1 m), and the inlet freestream turbulence level without wakepassing was about 0.5 percent. Using a flow accelerating device and varying the inclination angle, four types of favorable pressure gradient flow cases (types 1 to 4) were generated and used for heat transfer measurements as well as the case of zero pressure gradient (type 0). Figure 10 shows the velocity distributions for the cases with favorable pressure gradient. Figure II shows the steady boundary layer calculations for three • • 1Y118 1 type 2 type 3 type 4 The freestream turbulence is set to be 1.4 percent, which is higher than the reported value of 0.5 percent. The experimental unheated starting length of 45 mm from the leading edge was taken into account for all the heat transfer predictions. Compared with the zero pressure gradient case (TO), transition is delayed in the flow of type 1 (T1), and is completely suppressed in the flow of type 2 (T2) over the entire length of the measurement plate by the presence of the stronger favorable pressure gradient Wake-Passine Cases of Normal Rotation Funazaki et al. (1997) used a wake generator of the spoke-wheel type to simulate periodic wake-passing over the test plate. There is no effect of secondary wakes with the spoke-wheel type wake-generator, but the cylindrical bars on the wheel should be long enough to ensure the twodimensional flow over the test plate, in contrast to the squirrel-cage type wake generator used by Liu and Rodi (1991). By changing the rotation of the spoke-wheel, there were two types of wake-passing created: (a) normal rotation (wake generating bars in front of the plate move toward the measurement plate); and (b) reverse rotation (bars move away from the measurement plate). In the measurements, timeaveraged heat transfer of the wake-disturbed plate for each type of the flow was recorded for three cases of wake-passing by changing the number of bars on the spoke-wheel. As a result, the corresponding reduced wake-passing frequencies ( S = IL I U.) were 1.88, 2.83, and ••• • • s ue. •• 1 occa I . 6.11411 OBBogoecl000000000 0 4 188 80 15 0 0.2 0.4 (m) 0.8 The start (x5) and end (xE) of transition are determined using equation (7) and the correlation of ReeE = 2.667 Rees (Abu-Ghannam and Shaw, 1980). 5.65, based on the inlet flow Velocity and the plate length. Predictions of the wake-affected heat transfer characteristics were carried out using two approaches. The first approach used a steadyflow method involving superposition of a fully-laminar Stanton 0.8 number ( StL ) distribution and a fully turbulent Stanton number Figure 10. Freestream velocity distributions from the measurements by Funazaki et al. (1997). ( Sty. ) distribution, obtained without the presence of the wakes. For this approach, superposition (Mayle, 1991) leads to =StL, -117,„(St r —Sty) where (12) is a superposition function that contains the wake-passing effect. From the theory of turbulent spot propagation and the time-space diagram of Pfeil et al. (1983) in Figure 2, Funazaki (1996) proposed . 1 )s an ow ix—x,l_i L Experimental values of am and Cla 1 1 -x,„) Ix \au U„,T (13) from various measurements of turbulent spots are about 0.5 and 0.88, respectively. This simple model implies that the propagation and the growth of the turbulent ships are independent of the movement of the wakes outside the boundary layer, and that the time-averaged transition process can be estimated without the detailed latowledge of the wake propagation. The effect of pressure gradient cannot be accounted for in the simple model such as equation (13). Thus, a new formulation was presented to include the streamwise variation of local freestream velocity (Hodson et aL, 1992; Funazaki et aL, 1997). Figure 11. Stanton number variations for the cases of no wakes: symbols are the measurements by Funazaki et al. (1997); solid lines are the steady boundary layer predictions. 7 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: boundary layer is presented in Figure 4(a), where the time-mean thickness is used for normalization. The predicted values are in excellent agreement with the measurements both for the amplitude and phase angle of the variation. In Figure 4(b), predicted friction coefficients, normalized by their time-mean values, are compared with measurements. Agreement is generally good, although the computation overpredicted the amplitude of the lowest frequency case of f = 0.01 Hz, and the phase angle is shifted. However, as the frequency increases, the computation shows excellent agreement. In addition, the comparison shows that the time-resolved surface quantities such as friction coefficient are more difficult to predict than the time-resolved boundary layer integral parameters. Grid dependence of the computations in space and time were thoroughly checked by performing calculations with grid systems of much finer resolution, and the convergence of periodicity was checked by comparing the calculations with the ones in which the wakepassing periods were doubled. Figure 5. Modeled freestream velocity defects for case 3 using Gaussian distribution: symbols are the measurements at y= 15 mm by Liu and Rodi (1991). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Prediction of the Time-Resolved Boundary Layer Development Liu and Rodi (1991) conducted extensive hot-wire measurements in the boundary layer developing along a plate which was subjected to periodic wake-passing, and they reported a wide variety of timeresolved measurement data for the wake-affected boundary layer development and transition process. Periodic wakes were created using the squirrel-cage type wake generator in front of the test plate, and the freestream velocity was almost constant at 15.5 tn/s. In the case of no wake, the freestream turbulence level is so low (0.3 percent) that the entire surface length of the plate (0.5 m) remained laminar. Liu and Rodi (1991) created four cases of different wake-passing frequency: case 2 (20 Hz) case 3 (40 Hz), case 4 (60 Hz), and case 5 (120 Hz). However, only the calculations for case 3 are presented in this paper. Transition onset was determined to be 0.075 m from the leading edge by using the correlation by Abu-Ghatutam and Shaw (1980). As described earlier, the effect of freestream velocity defect was included in the calculation using the measurement data set at y = 15 mm, as shown in Figure 5. Calculations were carried out with and without the inclusion of freestream velocity defect in order to appreciate the effect of freestream velocity defect on the boundary layer development. Figure 6 presents the calculated time-resolved boundary layer parameters at three streamwise locations, and the agreement with the measurement data is good in all three locations. These results show the temporal switching between the laminar and turbulent states during the wake-passing and turbulent snip propagation. Note that that the predicted results have the saint phase for all three locations, and this trend shows that the convection path of the turbulent strips is different from the one of the passing wakes. Periodic fluctuations (i7) of the ensemble averaged boundary layer velocity are shown in Figure 7 for three normal distances, and the calculated ensemble-averaged velocity traces agree well with the corresponding measurement data. Note that ri is defined as the difference between the ensemble averaged velocity ((I ) and the timemean velocity (U). Comparison between the results of computation with and without the freestream velocity defect shows the two contributions to the ensemble-averaged velocity fluctuation, namely the unsteady transition process and the freestream velocity defect Predicted near-wall velocity traces (y = 0.3 mm) at x = 0.2 and 0.4 m t/T Figure 6. Time-resolved variation of boundary layer parameters for case 3 of the measurements by Liu and Rodi (1991): symbols are the measurements; solid lines are the predictions with freestream velocity defect and dotted lines without freestream velocity defect. show significant discrepancy with the measurements, although the predictions at x = 0.5 m show excellent agreement. It is not clear whether that discrepancy is caused by the deeper penetration of wake disturbances that move at the speed of freestream or the possible effect of secondary wakes from the returning bars. Both effects are excluded from the model in the present approach. In Figure 8, the tins profiles of the periodic fluctuation component ( ) are compared with the measurements. In the upstream region closer to the transition onset, the rms profiles for both the measurements and the calculations show the two local maxima near the surface due to the periodic transition. As the transition proceeds, the maxima grow continuously, and they decrease as the turbulent strips merge. Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: i.r.r 15 (a) casa 3 (f=40Hz): = o.20 m çj 7CVPfl 0 x).3rn 24:12m 0.1 y = 6.0 mm 0 ia 0 10 y 3.0 mrn- 0.1 5' 0 ,,0 -0.1 0.1 -0.1 0.5 1 t/T 1.5 Figure 8. Profiles of ms velocity of periodic fluctuation for case 3 of the measurements by Liu and Rodi (1991): symbols are the measurements; solid lines are the predictions with freestream velocity defect and dotted lines without freestream velocity defect. 2 x 0.2 m 1_o.25 2 -020 3 -0.16 - • -0.10 6 -0.06 6 -0.02 7 +0.02 6 -006 9 +310 10 +0.16 11 +020 12+025 0.1 -0.1 1 .0 t/T 2.0 (a) case 3 at x = 0.2 m 0.5 1 t/T 1.5 2 2.05m I -023 3-an 340.I5 ---- • -0.10 5 -0.06 6 -002 7 +OM 6 +0.06 9+0.10 10 +0.15 II +020 12 +623 (c) caw 3 (f=40Hz): x=0.50 m 0.1 y = 6.0 mm y= 3.0 mm- 0.1 1.0 20 1/1 (b) case 3 at x = 0.8 m 0.1 -0.1 Figure 9. Predicted velocity defect contours for case 3 of the measurements by Liu and Rodi (1991). y = 0.3 mm -0.1 defined as .; .(0-u,)/u e , where U1 0.5 1 t/T 1.5 from the undisturbed laminar profile for the case of no wake-passing. These contours represent the time history of the disturbed flow at a fixed streamwise location. In Figure 9(a), the negative contours of round-edged triangular shape (t/T = 0.1 - 0.4) show the duration of the turbulent strip and the temporal transition to turbulent status. After the turbulent strip passes, the negative contours immediately disappear, but the positive contours, which are confined to the near-wall region during the convection of the strips, last longer. This time period (UT = 0.4 0.9) can be interpreted as the existence of the becalmed region behind the turbulent strips. As the strips grow while convecting downstream, they terminate the becalmed region of the preceding strips and begin to merge with each other, as shown in Figure 9(b). 2 Figure 7. Periodic fluctuation of ensemble-averaged boundary layer velocity for case 3 of the measurements by Liu and Rodi (1991): symbols are the measurements; solid lines are the predictions with freestream velocity defect and dotted lines without freestream velocity defect. Figure 9 presents the contours of the velocity defect at the streamwise location of x = 0.2 and 0.5 m. Note that the velocity defect represents the level of disturbed boundary layer velocity, and it is 6 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: Complete results of the calculations with detailed discussion for the other cases of the measurements are described in Kim and Crawford (1998) for a slightly different intermittent function model. However, the difference is found to be minor, when compared with the present results. cases without periodic wakes and the results agree well with the measurements. Note that all predictions of no-wake transition were performed using the length transition model of y, = I — exp(-517 3 ) where I? = (x — xs )/(xE —x5). Prediction of the Heat Transfer Measurements The effects of the periodic wake-passing on boundary layer transition and heat transfer on a flat plate were studied experimentally by Funazalzi et al. (1997). The test Reynolds number was 1.3x10 6, based on the inlet flow velocity (20 m/s) and the length of a flat plate (L = 1 m), and the inlet freestream turbulence level without wakepassing was about 0.5 percent. Using a flow accelerating device and varying the inclination angle, four types of favorable pressure gradient flow cases (types 1 to 4) were generated and used for heat transfer measurements as well as the case of zero pressure gradient (type 0). Figure 10 shows the velocity distributions for the cases with favorable pressure gradient. Figure II shows the steady boundary layer calculations for three • • 1Y118 1 type 2 type 3 type 4 The freestream turbulence is set to be 1.4 percent, which is higher than the reported value of 0.5 percent. The experimental unheated starting length of 45 mm from the leading edge was taken into account for all the heat transfer predictions. Compared with the zero pressure gradient case (TO), transition is delayed in the flow of type 1 (T1), and is completely suppressed in the flow of type 2 (T2) over the entire length of the measurement plate by the presence of the stronger favorable pressure gradient Wake-Passine Cases of Normal Rotation Funazaki et al. (1997) used a wake generator of the spoke-wheel type to simulate periodic wake-passing over the test plate. There is no effect of secondary wakes with the spoke-wheel type wake-generator, but the cylindrical bars on the wheel should be long enough to ensure the twodimensional flow over the test plate, in contrast to the squirrel-cage type wake generator used by Liu and Rodi (1991). By changing the rotation of the spoke-wheel, there were two types of wake-passing created: (a) normal rotation (wake generating bars in front of the plate move toward the measurement plate); and (b) reverse rotation (bars move away from the measurement plate). In the measurements, timeaveraged heat transfer of the wake-disturbed plate for each type of the flow was recorded for three cases of wake-passing by changing the number of bars on the spoke-wheel. As a result, the corresponding reduced wake-passing frequencies ( S = IL I U.) were 1.88, 2.83, and ••• • • s ue. •• 1 occa I . 6.11411 OBBogoecl000000000 0 4 188 80 15 0 0.2 0.4 (m) 0.8 The start (x5) and end (xE) of transition are determined using equation (7) and the correlation of ReeE = 2.667 Rees (Abu-Ghannam and Shaw, 1980). 5.65, based on the inlet flow Velocity and the plate length. Predictions of the wake-affected heat transfer characteristics were carried out using two approaches. The first approach used a steadyflow method involving superposition of a fully-laminar Stanton 0.8 number ( StL ) distribution and a fully turbulent Stanton number Figure 10. Freestream velocity distributions from the measurements by Funazaki et al. (1997). ( Sty. ) distribution, obtained without the presence of the wakes. For this approach, superposition (Mayle, 1991) leads to =StL, -117,„(St r —Sty) where (12) is a superposition function that contains the wake-passing effect. From the theory of turbulent spot propagation and the time-space diagram of Pfeil et al. (1983) in Figure 2, Funazaki (1996) proposed . 1 )s an ow ix—x,l_i L Experimental values of am and Cla 1 1 -x,„) Ix \au U„,T (13) from various measurements of turbulent spots are about 0.5 and 0.88, respectively. This simple model implies that the propagation and the growth of the turbulent ships are independent of the movement of the wakes outside the boundary layer, and that the time-averaged transition process can be estimated without the detailed latowledge of the wake propagation. The effect of pressure gradient cannot be accounted for in the simple model such as equation (13). Thus, a new formulation was presented to include the streamwise variation of local freestream velocity (Hodson et aL, 1992; Funazaki et aL, 1997). Figure 11. Stanton number variations for the cases of no wakes: symbols are the measurements by Funazaki et al. (1997); solid lines are the steady boundary layer predictions. 7 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: If art au x„ tie aLE r xi, For type 0 and I flows, steady transition due to the background turbulence occurs in the case of no wake-passing, and the slight (14) Us T wheref is the wake-passing frequency (1= 11T). For the second approach, time-resolved boundary layer calculations were performed for the periodic boundary layer development due to wake-passing for each type of the flow. Timedependent variation of the intermittent function (not to be confused with the superposition intermittency function in the first approach) was prescribed in the formulation of the turbulent viscosity, similar to that carried out for the measurements of Liu and Rodi (1991). The wake effect on the freestream velocity was neglected in the present calculations, because the measurements did not provide sufficient information. However, this would not significantly affect the timeaveraged results, since freestream fluctuation is only a minor factor for the transition process. For all the predictions, transition onset was determined from the correlation of starting location by Abu-Ghannam and Shaw (1980), and the resulting starting locations of transition from the leading edge of the test plate in meters are 0.0492 (type 0), 0.0498 (type 1), 0.0524 (type 2), 0.0519 (type 3), and 0.0537 (type 4). Steady transition due to the background turbulence was ignored, and the related issue on multimode transition will be discussed later. The heat transfer results from the predictions using the timeaveraged steady superposition model (equation 13) and the timeaveraged results of the time-resolved computation are presented in Figure 12 for three cases at three reduced wake-passing frequencies and compared with the measurements. When the pressure gradient is zero or mildly favorable, the steady model from equation (13) shows reasonable prediction of time-averaged heat transfer, but the prediction using the steady model starts to deviate from the measurements when the favorable pressure gradient becomes significant In contrast, the time-averaged results from the time-resolved calculation provide good agreement for all three types of flow. However, significant undaprediction occurs at S = 5.65 for the flow of type 0, and this indicates that the transition onset is earlier than predicted by the correlation. Assigning an earlier onset will yield better results. Generally speaking, computational results for the time-avenged heat transfer on the surface show that the prediction is less favorable in the early region around Rex = 2x105 where the turbulent strips start to develop. A possible explanation is that the interaction between the newly formed turbulent strips and the passing wakes containing high disturbance is intense, unlike the present assumption of no interaction between them. Funazaki et al. (1997) reported only the time-averaged intermittency distribution without providing the corresponding heat transfer results for their higher acceleration cases: types 3 and 4, as shown in Figure 13. To compare the experimental results with the time-dependent calculations, the time-resolved heat transfer is avenged and inserted into the rearranged superposition equation (12) to yield a calculating equation for the time-averaged intennittency distribution. St—St L St r (a) type 0 (norrn) 4 = 0.0492 m 3 2 1 • 0 210' 4 10' Re* L 610 a10' 1 e (e) type 2 (norm) ew e 0.0524 in ********* • 21e (15) •• ■***** 410' 6 10' B 11:51 i10' 1.2 1CP 1.4 Hi Re Figure 12. Time-averaged Stanton number diltributions for the cases of normal rotation: symbols are the measurements of Funazaki et al. (1997) (•: no wake, rD : S= 1.88, a : S= 2.83, 0: S= 5.65, and • : fully turbulent); solid lines are the corresponding time-resolved predictions for the cases of wakepassing; dotted lines are the predictions of the steady superposition model for the corresponding wake-passing cases These results are plotted in Figure 13, and they compare very accurately with the measurements. The results from the steady superposition models are also plotted in Figure 13, showing a significant disagreement for large x. (equation 13). 8 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: and proposed the following superposition for the multimode transition, underprediction of the time-resolved computations near the trailing edge of the plate at S = 1.88 could be attributed to a multimode transition which is associated with the steady transition between the wakes. Mayle and Dullenkopf (1990) assumed that the production of steady and wake-induced transitions are independent of each other, absent in steady boundary layers. Preliminary testing of equation (16) with bath of the time-averaged intermittency models produced a significant overprediction (not presented in the papa). First of all, the presence of wake-passing modifies the flow before the region of steady transition and forces the wake-affected flow to have a flow history which is different from the no wake-passing case. Thus, even if the assumption that permits independent existence of two modes of transition is valid, superposition in equation (16) using information from the no wake-passing case would lead to incorrect results. Secondly, the two modes of transition are not independent, and thus they should influence each other. The activity of the becalmed region, which is excluded in the analytic models, may play the role of stabilizing the surrounding flow and suppressing the effect of background turbulence to trigger the transition between the turbulent strips, until the becalmed region is terminated by the following wakes or the surrounding turbulent flow. For the flows of types 2, 3, and 4, steady transition does not appear because of the large favorable pressure gradient, eliminating the opportunity of multimode transition. (a) type 2 (S 02.83• x_ =0.0524 m) 0.8 0.4 w- O 0.2 o - o 0. 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 x (m) measurement unsteady code steady model 1 steady model 2 0.5 0.6 07 Wake-Passinq Cases of Reverse Rotation Funazaki et al. (1997) also conducted heat transfer measureinents for reverie rotation of the wake-generating bars, with the rest of flow conditions remaining the same. Compared with the results from normal rotation of the bars, time-averaged heat transfer was significantly reduced in the cases of the reverse rotation on the same test surface,. according to the measurements. It indicates that the flow mechanism associated with the influence of wake-passing is quite different from the normal rotation of moving bars. Figure 14 illustrates the flowfield created by the different rotation of wake-generating bars. The flow pattern for the normal rotation case is on the upper surface, and the reverse rotation case can be considered as the flow on the lower surface or the pressure side of a turbine blade. After the cutting of wakes by the test plate, a flow toward the upper or suction surface (test surface with normal rotation) results in accumulation of flow inside the wake. In contrast, flow leaving the lower or pressure surface (test surface with reverse rotation) causes the wake to be diminished (Binder et al., 1985). Funazaki and Kitazawa (1997) also state that the wake-induced 1 (B) type 3 (3=2.83, x =0.0519 m) 0.8 o.s 0.4 w- O 0.2 - 0. 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 x (m) measirement unsteady code steady model 1 Pearly model 2 0.5 0.6 (16) where y, is the intermittency distribution when the wake-passing is • ,,,,,, os feat =1-0-FJ(l-y,) 07 1 (c) type 4 (S02.83, 0.00.0537 m) 0.8 0.8 measurement unsteady code - steady model 1 steady model 2 ▪ 0.2 o o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 x (m) 0.5 0.6 07 Figure 13. Comparison of predicted time-averaged intermittency factor with the measurements (Funazaki et al., 1997) for high acceleration cases. Figure 14. Wake and surface interaction for normal and reverse rotations of wake-passing (adapted from Binder et al., 1985). 9 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: turbulent region in the reverse rotation case was reduced by the effect of the negative jet away from the plate surface. Funazaki and Kitazawa (1997) measured the time-resolved turbulent intensity for the cases of zero-pressure gradient and S = 2.83 using both rotational directions. From the observation of their measured turbulence intensity at y = 0.2 mm, reverse rotation produces a much weaker effect on the boundary layer than normal rotation in both strength and duration of turbulent fluctuations. Quantitatively comparing the two experimental cases the duration of turbulent fluctuation near the surface was reduced by approximately 25 percent for the reverse rotation case. Therefore, the intermittent function for reverse rotation was modified, yielding the duration of turbulent strip, 2, in the intermittent function to be 75 percent of that for normal rotation case. (17) if L 2W 4W 6W e105 ie = 0.75 11 T Imo/ In the time-resolved prediction for the reverse rotation case, a modified distribution of the intermittent function was used, but with the same location of transition onset for each type of flows. The timemean results from the predictions are shown in Figure 15, along with the measured data. Although the intermittent function for the reverse rotation case is rather arbitrarily determined and calibrated using the experimental observation, predicted time-mean heat transfer results agree well with the experimental data. There is a slight overprediction in the flow of type 2 in Figure 15(c), but the prediction can be improved by shifting forward the transition onset. Time-resolved variations of the boundary layer parameters from unsteady boundary layer computations are compared with the measurements by Funazaki and Kitazawa (1997) in Figure 16. Despite some discrepancies with the measurements, boundary layer parameters are well predicted for cases of either normal or reverse rotation. Wakeaffected variations of displacement and momentum thicknesses show the distinct characteristics of these cases In normal rotation, both 1 01 Rex (a) type 0 (normal rotation) :5=2.83. x/1. =0.3 los 2W 4W 6106 8 105 Re, (c) type 2 (rev) 1.2W - xs, = 0.0524 m 1/4 • U M Dam pac (b) type 0 (reverse rotation): S=2.83. Trro—nr• : 00000 00000000000 =0.3 3 0 0 0 ........ ...... .. 0 ..... O.. 0, 2 • 1 . 2 105 4 105 8 105 8 105 i106 1.2 103 1.4 1CP Re x 0 Figure 15. Time-averaged Stanton number distributions for the cases of reverse rotation: symbols are the measurements of Funazaki et al. (1997) (41 : no wake, '0 : S = 1.88, a. : S = 2.83, 0 : 5= 5.65, and • : fully turbulent); solid lines are the corresponding time-resolved predictions for the cases of wakepassing. 0 0.01 0.02 t (wc.) 0.03 0.04 Figure 16. Time-resolved variations of the boundary layer parameters: (a) normal rotation and (b) reverse rotation; symbols are the measurements by Funazaki and Kitazawa (1997); solid lines are the time-resolved predictions. 10 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: thicknesses increase rapidly with the arrival of the turbulent snip and decrease gradually toward the trailing edge of the strip. However, the reverse rotation ease shows an almost symmetric increase and decrease during the passage of the turbulent snips, but with narrower duration. However, both cases does not show major difference in the variation of boundary layer integral parameters, although the wake-passing due to normal rotation has a larger impact on the laminar boundary layer, as shown in the comparison of the time-averaged heat transfer of Figures 12 and 15. Layers in Cascades: Part I -Description of the Approach and Validation," ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 118, pp. 96-108. Funazaki, K., 1996, "Unsteady Boundary Layers on a Flat Plate Disturbed by Periodic Wakes: Part 1-Measurement of Wake-Affected Heat Transfer and Wake-Induced Transition Model," ASME Journal of Turbomachinety, Vol. 118, pp. 327-336. Funazidci, K., and Kitazawa, T., 1997, "Boundary Layers Transition Induced by Periodic Wake Passage (Measurements of the Boundary Layer by Hot-Wire Anemometry)," Bulletin of GTSJ, p. 26, also private communication with K. Funazaki. CONCLUSIONS A simple model for the evolution of wake-induced transition is proposed to simulate the time-resolved variation of wake-affected boundary layer development. The model is based on the classical theory of the turbulent spot propagation and experimental observation. In the process of transition, it is assumed that there is no interaction between the turbulent strips and the wakes after the high turbulence in the wakes themselves initiates the turbulent snip at an earlier location. The ensemble-averaged intermittent function was modeled using Gaussian distribution and the linear propagation theory of turbulent spots. Comparison with the measurement data showed the capability of model to capture the details of ensemble-averaged variation of wake-affected boundary layer flow. 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