Sunday Bulletin - Carteret Street United Methodist Church

December 21, 2014
4th Sunday of Advent
9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Worship
Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head
Liturgical Color: Purple
Welcome to Carteret Street United Methodist Church. Visitors and members are encouraged to record
your presence on the attached form.
Arr. by Sticha
Carillon Choir
Procession of Cross and Light
Wednesday Niters resume on
The Poinsettias are given to the Glory of God and in memory of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. McLeod by their family.
The prophet foretold it, the psalmist longed for it, Joseph dreamed of it, Paul proclaimed it.
God has come to us, to be with us, to restore us, to save us.
Let us come in awe and wonder, to worship the God who makes it all so.
*Opening Prayer
God of peace, we come this morning, tired from rushing around, tired of trying to
meet the demands and expectations of the season. Slow us down. Help us center
our thoughts in you. Restore in us a childlike wonder, and a belief that dreams
really do come true. Fill our hearts with hope. Be with us and in us. Amen.
*Hymn 246
Joy to the World
The Lighting of the Advent Wreath
9:00am: Kathy and Mike Wiles
11:00am: Heather, Chip and River McLeod
*Christmas Caroling
Hymn 234 (vs. 1 & 3)
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Hymn 217
Away in a Manger
Hymn 249 (vs. 1 & 2)
There’s a Song in the Air
Organ Interlude
Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
Choral Prayer Response
Emmanuel, Emmanuel
Children’s Sermon
Where’s Jesus?
Rev. Wolfe
The Receiving of God’s Tithes and Our Offering
Star in the East
Arr. by Sticha
Carillon Choir
Page 95
*Sharing of the Peace
*Hymn 218
It Came upon the Midnight Clear
Celebrate Him
arr. by Fettke
Scripture Lesson
Luke 2:1-20
NT 58
This is the Word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
Fourteen Words That Changed the World
Rev. Ulmer
*Hymn 240
Hark! the Herald Angles Sing
*Choral Benediction
Hallelujah Chorus
Angels We Have Heard On High
*The congregation stands
For those needing assistance we have hearing devices. Please see an usher to obtain one.
A nursery is available for children ages 4 and under.
January 7, 2015
The Advent wreath is given to the glory of God and in memory of our parents, Marjorie and Angus
Fordham by Marjorie Trask and Sally and Duncan Fordham.
The cross symbolizes Christ crucified and risen and the light symbolizes the presence of God.
Let us prepare our hearts and minds for worship.
*Call to Worship
O Come, Let Us Adore Him
arr. by Clydesdale
Just a reminder:
Prayer Concerns
The door wreaths are given to the glory of God and the gift of His Son, Our Savior, Christ the Lord by
Peggy and Perry DuRant.
Special gifts were received for the West Street fund in memory of Carson Rembert by Victoria and
Stephen Mix, Frances and Russell Jeter, Elayne Finkelstein, Mary and Scott Sanders.
Special gifts were received for the West Street fund in memory of The Reverend Ralph S. Kaney by
Ann Marie Duncan. Rev. Kaney served as pastor of Carteret Street UMC from 1958-1963.
Information for the Ministers
I will be loyal to the United Methodist Church and uphold it with my prayers, my presence, my gifts, my
service and my witness.
As the bulletin was prepared: Beaufort Memorial Betty Eberlein, Amelia Waters
Home Illein Allan, Chuck Chapman, Ruth Dickinson, Susan Hums, Charlotte James, Christine Jones,
Velma Kelley, Bill MacKinnon, Mac McFee, Bert Mumma, Margey Pfeiffer, John Risch,
Bay View Jim Neighbors Franke at Seaside Floyd Hill Helena House Essie Bishop
Morningside Art Foulger, Joanne Hosek, Dorothy Schafer River Oaks Irby Bazemore
Summit Place Claudia Hoffmeyer The Bloom at Belfair Lillian Erlandsen
Methodist Oaks Martha Smith Anderson Oaks Barbara Shepherd
Sunday School
Items for The Carteret
Needed Each Week
$ 11,730.76
Received Last Sunday
$ 10,576.23
Budget Needs Y-T-D
Received Y-T-D
Received This Week (West St.) $
John Perry, Earl Pickel, Hal Holliday, Mike DeVore
Bob Cummins, Jerry Ashmore, Allen Farley, Sharon Burris
Jan Bowers
Lily and Noah Nappier
Matt Holliday
Andrew Williams
Kathy Wilson
2 Volunteers Needed
Susanna Wesley
Horton Bible Class
Rose Norman
West Street Update
Initial Cost, September 2010
Amount Borrowed
Debt as of 06/01/2014
$ 96,976.52
Amount Contributed and Paid on Principal Since 06/01/2014
$ 25,200.51
Mortgage Payments Made since 06/01/2014
$ 7.962.81
Amount Owed as of 12/07/2014
$ 63,813.20
We continue to need your help to retire this debt. All money contributed to the West Street Fund is applied
to the principal. Please make your check payable to CSUMC and designate West Street Fund.
A Stephen Ministries Church
Carteret Street
Methodist Church
Welcomes You
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Please circle all that apply:
 First time visitor
Repeat visitor
New to area
Visiting with family/friends
Would like more information about
Interested in Sunday School
Would like a call from minister
Would like to join CSUMC
Add to mailing list
Add to email list
Please let us know of
address, phone or email changes.
Sunday, December 21
Christmas Breakfast
Monday, December 22
12 Noon
Advent Worship
Carillon Choir
Tai Chi Beginner Class
Tai Chi
Boy Scouts
Tuesday, December 23
Carteret Street Striders
Cub Scouts
Wednesday, December 24
Christmas Eve Service
Christmas Eve Service
Thursday, December 25
Merry Christmas!
Church Office Closed
Friday, December 26
Church Office Closed
Carteret Street United Methodist Church
HELP of Beaufort Food Pantry
On the first Sunday of every month, please bring
peanut butter & jelly. Other pantry items needed
during the month are boxed dry cereal, boxed
macaroni & cheese, canned meats, soups &
vegetables, flour, grits, rice, mayonnaise & sugar.
Thank You for Your Support
We celebrated Commitment Sunday on October 26,
2014. Thus far we have received 136 pledges
totaling $455,883.16. If you have turned in your
Estimate of Giving Card, thank you. If you have not
had the opportunity, please place your card in the
offering plate or turn it into the church office. Also, if
there is a balance remaining on this year's pledge, it
would be greatly appreciated and very helpful if you
would catch it up immediately.
Gray Blades
The Gray Blades will meet on January 8th at 12 Noon
for a covered dish lunch and a White Elephant Gift
Exchange. Please bring a dish to share and a $10
Spring Church Retreat - March 20 - 22, 2014
Santee State Park on Lake Marion
fishing, biking, boating, hiking, and a variety of other outdoor activities
Christmas Breakfast - December 21st
Join your church family for a delicious breakfast at 10:00am.
Land cabins $123 per night - $246 for the weekend
Pier cabins $133 per night - $266 for the weekend
Deposits required to secure cabins $123 (land) or $133 (pier), taken on a first come first serve basis.
Make your check to CSUMC.
Monday Advent Worship Service
December 22nd, 12 Noon, Chaplain Scott Blair (US Navy)
You are invited to join us for a soup and cornbread luncheon to follow.
Contact Santee State Park (803-854-2408) for RV or tent camping reservations.
If you have questions call the church office.
A Christmas Journey
Once again we find ourselves captivated by the joy of Christmas. There is a certain warmth and peace
that finds its way into our hearts as at no other time.
Over 2,000 years ago, shepherds watching their flocks on the Judean hillside heard the song of the angels
and followed the star to the manger of Bethlehem. That journey led them to a small baby who caused
them to fall to their knees in homage.
During this Advent season, we are making our own journey to the manger. We have heard the song of
the angels and followed the lights. Now it is almost time to once again kneel at the manger and worship
the same Jesus, the savior who will bring light even to our darkest moments.
Thank you for all you have done to make this journey memorable and meaningful to so many. It requires
a great deal of work and cooperation, but it is worth it was as we once again experience the message of
Christmas. I continue to be grateful for your support of our ministry at CSUMC.
May the joy and peace found in that manger so long ago abide with you and your family always.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve Worship Service - 5:00pm
Join us on Christmas Eve at 5:00 pm as we once again reenact the Christmas Story. Mary and Joseph
will journey to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus, the shepherds will leave their flocks to visit the baby
and the Wise Men will follow the star to worship the newborn Savior. Our Children’s Choir will sing at
the service. It will truly be a night of celebration and joy (a nursery will not be available as we
encourage families to attend this service together).
Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service - 11:00pm
On Christmas Eve millions of people will gather around our world to worship on this holiest of nights.
This is one of the most moving worship experiences of the year. At Carteret Street, we will hear again
the blessed story of Jesus’ birth and experience him through the breaking of bread. The words of love
and peace will be heard through the beautiful singing of “O Holy Night.” At midnight, as a witness to
the Light, we will raise our candles during the singing of “Silent Night.” We will affirm that even in the
midst of the darkness of a broken world, the Light can overcome the darkness and that hope is alive.
Our wishes for a blessed and joyful Christmas for you and your family. Our prayer is that people all
over the world will experience the grace and peace of the Christ Child.
Phone (home)___________________
Phone (cell)_____________________
E-mail _________________________
Please complete both sides, detach
and place in offering plate.
Carteret Street United Methodist Church
408 Carteret Street, Beaufort, SC 29902
843-524-3841 -
Church Staff
KAY T. CROSBY, Choir Director
KENT EASTY, Business Manager
TINA ASHMORE, Nursery Supervisor
JOHN PERRY, Custodian
KAREN WILSON, Coordinator of Food Ministries
BEN B. BARNES, Pastor Emeritus
Reception for Andrew Wolfe
Sunday, December 28
Join us as we celebrate Andrew’s ministry at Carteret Street and ask God’s blessings
on Andrew and Paige as they begin a new journey in ministry.