December 2014 Newsletter - Dudley-Charlton Regional School District

“...committed to excellence with pride and unity.”
Core Values: “ Committed to Excellence” Shepherd Hill Regional High School is dedicated to educate, challenge and empower students to suc ceed
in the 21st century. With “Pride and Unity”, we foster intellectual achievement, civic responsibility and personal growth.
Beliefs about Student Learning: Through quality instruction in a safe and stimulating learning environment, we encourage students to be inquisitive,
resourceful, and responsible learners. By cultivating respect and a strong work ethic, we are confident that our students will excel in the present and meet the demands of
the future.
Principal’s Message—Mary A. Pierangeli
The last month of the year has arrived. December is filled with excitement,
anticipation and holiday preparations, as we conclude 2014 and begin a new year.
Here at Shepherd Hill Regional High School it is also a time to think of those who
Upcoming Events
are less fortunate. Our National Honor Society under the direction of Mrs. Covill
has concluded its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Turkeys, canned goods and  Dec. 1—Hearing & Vision Screenings Begin
money to purchase other essentials for Thanksgiving dinner were collected from  Dec. 1—NHS Toys for Tots Drive Begins
students and faculty to create baskets for local families in need. The Advanced  Dec. 5—2nd Term Progress Report Grades Close
Placement U.S. History classes organized a “Penny War” between classes to add a  Dec. 6—Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast (6:30competitive spirit to the drive. In December, the National Honor Society will be
11:00 a.m.). The PTO will host their annual
collecting donations for the Toys for Tots Drive. Anyone wishing to donate new
Holiday Christmas Shop from 7 a.m.—1 p.m.
(not gift-wrapped) toys may drop them off in the main office. NHS will also adopt  Dec. 9—London, Madrid & Barcelona 2016
several local families and provide Christmas joy with gifts and a food basket. Our
Parent Information Night (7 p.m.)
band and chorus are spreading holiday cheer by performing at various community  Dec. 9—Booster Club Meeting (7 p.m.)
events. The Holiday Spectacular Show Choir Concert on Friday, December 12 and  Dec. 11—Booster Club Holiday Sale (6-8:30 p.m.)
Saturday, December 13, as well as the band winter concert on Tuesday, December  Dec. 12—2nd Term Progress Reports Issued
16 are always enjoyable evenings of entertainment at the Hill. Additionally, in  Dec. 12—Holiday Spectacular (7 p.m.)
honor of Veteran’s Day students and staff joined other district schools to raise  Dec. 13—Holiday Spectacular (7 p.m.)
money for the Honor Flight Program. The mission of this program is to transport  Dec. 13—AP Math Saturday Session
America's veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to  Dec. 18—Winter Band Concert (6:30 p.m.)
honor their service and sacrifices. This constructive involvement by so many
 Dec. 24-Jan. 2—No School (Chr istmas Br eak)
groups benefits students, the school and our communities. I commend everyone
 Jan. 9 & 10—Drama Production “Hallways”
involved with these worthy efforts.
written by Senior Victoria Kelleher (7 p.m.)
While enjoying the holiday season, we continue to educate and encourage our
 Jan. 10—AP English Saturday Session
students to exhibit mature, responsible behaviors. Assemblies will be held on
December 10 in which Dom Colizzi, a Nashville country music artist, will use  Jan. 13—Booster Club Meeting (7 p.m.)
music to provide an anti-bullying message to students. Dom will share his own  Jan. 19—No School (Mar tin Luther King Day)
personal story of being bullied during his high school years. He will draw upon his  Jan. 23—2nd Term Report Cards Issued
own journey through depression and feelings of loneliness and helplessness as he  Jan. 23—Battle of the Pit Bands (7 p.m.)
reaches out to young people with a powerful yet simple message of hope. He
states,” I am now using my music to speak out against bullying, in hopes of helping others realize that there’s always hope; there’s
always help. You can be somebody’s hero, even your own.” It is our expectation that all members of our school community treat each
other in a civil manner with respect for differences. During this joyful time of year, it is more important than ever to promote a culture
of tolerance and respect.
As our fall athletic season concludes and winter sports begin, I would like to commend our players and coaches for a terrific fall
sports’ season, our first in the Midland Wachusett League. The hard work, determination and achievement of our athletes
truly illustrate our school’s mission, “committed to excellence” with “pride and unity.” I am especially pleased to
congratulate our cheerleaders for being Midland Wachusett champs, Division 2 Central Massachusetts Champions for
the third consecutive time, and for placing third in state finals. Our football team, who did not have home field
advantage in any game, had an outstanding season and were Division 4 Central Massachusetts Champions. Our boys’
varsity soccer team advanced to district playoffs. Both the boys’ and girls’ cross country teams had terrific seasons
with three students qualifying for the state championship meet. As a matter of fact, Juleanna Schultz was the
individual champion in cross country (that includes both boys and girls) at the District Championships! Kudos to
Julia Carrier and Cody Kingman who joined Juleanna in state competition. Additionally, Coach Duane Corriveau
was presented the Massachusetts Basketball Coaches Association’s Coach of the Year for Division II Central Boys
Basketball for the 2013-2014 season at their annual Hall of Fame Banquet at Holy Cross College on November 23.
Congratulations on this outstanding achievement! Coach Corriveau led the Shepherd Hill team to the Division 2
Western Mass finals at UMass in Amherst last year. This is just the second time in school history that the
Dec. 24-Jan. 2
boys’ basketball team has played in the district championship game and the last time was in 1978. Coach
Holiday Break
Corriveau retired at the conclusion of the season and we thank him for his years of outstanding service to the
district. Congratulations to all of our fall athletes and coaches! Go Rams!
Students & Staff Return
On behalf of the faculty and staff, I wish to extend my personal wishes for a safe and enjoyable holiday
Mon., Jan. 5, 2015
season and every good wish for the coming year.
Page 2
December 2014
Vacation Days Considered
Parents are reminded that under the provisions of the attendance
policy adopted by the Dudley-Charlton Regional School
Committee…“Vacation days taken during school time are
considered absences acquired toward the maximum absence
limit…it is extremely important that students and parents realize
that the twelve (nine for semester 2 seniors) class absences per
subject built into the attendance policy are not to be considered as
authorized days of absence.” Regular attendance in class is
necessary if students are to receive adequate guidance through
their course work and benefit from the group dynamics within the
class. It is difficult at best to expect teachers to
expend hours of time and be available to
students who took advantage of “vacation
time” during the regularly scheduled school
year. Please assist us in our endeavors to
provide a “complete” education for your son
or daughter. Your cooperation is much
appreciated. If there are questions or concerns
please speak to an administrator directly.
Early Dismissal
If a student needs to be dismissed from school before the
conclusion of the school day, a written request from a parent or
guardian must be brought to the main office by the student upon
arrival to school. The request will be reviewed and an early
dismissal slip will be issued, if warranted.
In an emergency situation, parents or
guardians may dismiss their child at the
main office. A picture ID will be required
in order to safeguard students.
Students must have a dismissal slip
issued by the main office prior to leaving
the building and must check-in with the main office if they
return to school after a dismissal or are tardy arriving to
Classes missed during a dismissal or as a result of a tardy
arrival are considered absences under the provision of the
attendance policy. Students must be in school prior to 11:00 a.m.
in order to be eligible for after-school activities.
Insufficient Checks
We appreciate the support that so many individuals provide to
Shepherd Hill through fundraisers, Music Parents, Booster Club,
user fees, etc. However, there have been a growing number of
checks returned due to insufficient funds. A Dudley-Charlton
Regional School District Policy
necessitates a penalty charge of $25.00
for each returned check. Please be
careful and avoid this penalty.
Vision & Hearing
Vision and hearing tests will
begin December 1st and will
continue until all students are
tested. Notice of failure will be
given to students to take home.
Feel free to contact the school
nurse with any questions.
The bowling club welcomes over 20 members;
both returning and new. Last year there were 14
members over two teams, all but 3 of those members
have since graduated. There was a great turn out for
tryouts this year with minimal cuts. We hoping for
another great and successful year.
Bowling club meets twice a week—once for
practice and then again on Fridays for competitions
against over 10 other schools. The season ends in
March with the possibility of going to states for the
9th consecutive year. It would be great
to see the support of the remainder
of the school cheering us on
during competitions!
Good luck teams!
National Honor
Toys for Tots
Beginning December 1 NHS will be collecting toys and
donations for Toys for Tots. Anyone wishing to donate
new (not gift-wrapped) toys may do so in care of NHS or
Mrs. Covill. Donations go to the Mar ines and will be
distributed to underprivileged children in Worcester
County. The Shepherd Hill Chapter of
NHS also would like to thank
everyone for their generous donations
to the Holiday Food Drive.
Page 3
December 2014
Good health habits like covering your cough and washing your hands often can help stop
the spread of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses like the flu.
1. Cover your mouth and nose. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing
or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.
2. Clean your hands. Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. If
soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person
touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes,
nose, or mouth.
4. Practice other good health habits. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school, especially
when someone is ill. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat
nutritious food.
5. Avoid close contact. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to
protect them from getting sick too.
6. Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. You will help
prevent others from catching your illness.
Shepherd Hill Ski Club
Shepherd Hill Ski Club will be starting
again in January and will take 6 trips to
Wachusett Mountain. Signups must be done
schoolgroup. Our program code is
SHPRD. All students
who want to ride the bus
must sign up for the Ski Club
online. See Mr. Cormier (room 204) with any
Whether you are a beginner signing up for ski
or snowboard lessons or an experienced skier/rider, you
are sure to enjoy some outdoor fun!
written by Victoria Kelleher (‘15)
Fri., Jan. 9 & Sat., Jan. 10
7:00 p.m.
Tickets: $10 Adults
$5 Students/Seniors
Children 5 and under FREE
Want One? Order One!
Yearbooks will be sold until December 23 for $75.
Orders will be placed in early January and we can
only order the number of books that are paid for
Order online and personalize your yearbook.
On MyYear, you can create and order your own yearbook cover,
senior ads and other personalized pages. These will go directly
into your book. Go to or follow the link from
the school’s website to learn more about these options.
Create a Senior Ad for your child.
Show them how proud you are of
their accomplishments!
Go to the Shepherd Hill website and
click on the Yearbook link for more
Page 4
December 2014
News from the Guidance Department
Congratulations to all students who made the Honor Roll
for Quarter 1. Honor Roll determination is made by taking a
student’s unweighted grades in full year and most semester
courses. This calculation differs from a student’s grade point
average calculation that is weighted. Further information
about Honor Roll and Grade Point average calculations can
be found on the Guidance Quick Link on the DCRSD
Parents – do you want to monitor your student’s academic
progress? Sign-up for iParent. Go to the district website
( – click on Shepherd Hill High School on in
the left column menu, click on iParent Information and Help.
Complete your online application – you will need your child’s
Student ID number. Please call either Mrs. Starkus or Mr.
Gauthier for assistance!
Mid-Term Progress Reports will go out on Fr iday,
December 12th. Please monitor grades closely. Watch for any
changes in behavior, grades, or demeanor while at home.
Many students struggle this time of year due to limited light
during the day (Seasonal Disorders) and quickly get
depressed. Please do not hesitate to contact your Guidance
Counselor or Director if you need help with a counseling
On behalf of the entire Guidance/School Counseling
team, we wish everyone a wonderful and safe holiday season!
Scott J. Gauthier
Director of Student Resources
Mid-Term Progress Reports
The mid-point of the second marking quarter is
December 5th. Mid-term progress reports will
be issued to students on Friday, December
12th. An appr oximate gr ade will be issued in
every subject. We ask that parents please review the progress
report with their child. If you have questions or concerns
regarding the grades, please contact the Guidance Office, and
set up an appointment to meet with teachers. Your input and
assistance is vitally important.
Peer Tutoring
Peer Tutoring Services
are now available. If you
or your student are
looking for peer
tutoring services,
please talk to their
guidance counselor
to begin this process. Peer Tutoring will
begin after your son/daughter has stayed
after with their teacher twice.
Fall visits to Shepherd Hill
during the lunch hours:
 18 Colleges/Universities
 1 Coast Guard Academy
 2 Military (Army & Navy)
Attention Seniors
Financial Aid
Attention Seniors/Parents
Applying for Financial Aid begins January 1. December is a
great month to apply for a pin #. Go to www.fafsa.ed.go.
Both parent & student should apply for a pin #.
Please make sure that all requests for college
transcripts are submitted to your guidance
counselor by Monday, December 22. The
Guidance Office will be closed dur ing
the December school vacation week
(December 24, 2014—January 2, 2015).
Page 5
December 2014
Term 1
Grade 12 – Class of 2015
Grade 11 – Class of 2016
First Honors
Brandt Ambrosia, Jake Beshiri, Riley Bishop, Kathryn
Coleman, Jared Dahlstrom, Gabriel daSilva, Michael Foss,
Darien Gaudet, Seamus Giguere, Kelsey Gingras, Lance
Harms, Emily Ijams, Victoria Kelleher, Monika Kicilinska,
Emily Leclerc, Cameron MacDonald, Ryan Mahan, Talia
Manzi, Benjamin Martin, Brian Mayville, Lauren Milosh,
Jena Nesta, Kendra O’Malley, Abigail Packard, Victoria
Pelletier, Elizabeth Potter, Madison Prunier, Ashley
Quadarella, Gabrielle Ray, Erin Rohr, Nicholas Seagrave,
Caitlin Smith, Justyna Sudyka, Shawn Tarasiak, Daniel
Vangos,Fay Wang, Benjamin White, Nicole Zmetra
First Honors
Olivia Atchue, Ninamarie Blaise Ayala, Samantha Bodo,
Rebecca Brunelle, Marisa Caramiello, Justin Carbonneau,
Wyatt Caswell, Kyle Champoux, Haley Chupka, Brittany
Como, Rebecca Davison, Kathryn Doyle, Briana Ellis, Tia
Erlich, Ariana Faubert, Logan Filo-Loos, Zachary Fournier,
Catherine French, Michael Gauvin, Molly Hennessey, Haley
Jarosz, Alena Kimble, Olivia Kiritsis, Amanda Lane, Jacob
Lauziere, Alexandria Macaruso, Alexy Maldonado, Sean
McKeon, Nicholas Ostrowski, Caitlin Peck, Devin Pietz,
Meghan Pratt, Kyle Quadarella, Michael Rapoza, John Raucci,
James Robertson, Victoria Rulnick, Emily Rusack, Taylor
Smith, Kyle Watkins, Gavin White, Michaela White, Mikaela
White, Maxwell Winalski
Second Honors
Tyler Andre’, Michael Awad, Michelle Berry, Bailey
Boutiette, Peter Boyd, Alyssa Bronzo, Hannah Brumby,
Michael Brunelle, Ariana Casasanta, Kali Champagne,
Timothy Christian, Lianna Churchill, Victoria Crowe, Hannah
Doherty, Roisin Donnelly, Meghan Dow, Chase Flibbert,
Taylor Gallegan, Daniel Gilligan, Brooke Hammond, Lucy
Harmon, Cassandra Hayes, Abigail Howard, Zoe Kiritsis,
Melissa Knopf, Kyle Kustak, Tristan LaCroix, Christopher
Lindstrom, Phoenix McKinlay, Ciara McKissick, Katherine
Morrison, Katarzyna Mosio, Jeremy Mossa, Scott Niro, Kerri
Nugent, Scott Oliver, Daniel Pavone, Brian Premo, Emily
Quinn, Priscilla Rojas, Kevin Scanlon, Jack Sullivan, Brenna
Sweeney, Nicholas Tavares, Samantha Therrien, Elizabeth
Timmons, Gavin Vincent, Erin Wilbur, Matthew Williams,
Kaitlyn Woods, Ashley Zablocki
Isabel Baillargeon, Mark Barton, Alexander Bellino, Daniel
Bober, Tyler Burzycki, Miranda Casamassa, Meaghan Casey,
Rebecca Chamberlain, Sara Cohen, Rachel Corridori, Maria
DiPilato, Devynne Edstrom, Kendra Faldetta, Soultana
Gardner, Sean Gatsogiannis, Evan Gaylord, Jason Graham,
Kelsey Harper, Caelin Hetherman, Angela Jeffers, Abbey
Kielinen, Cody Kingman, Benjamin Kuebler, Heather
Kupstas, Jacquelyn Lavigne, Ronald LeBlanc, Sarah Manseau,
Alexandra Marrier, Roberto Martinez, Sydney Mayo, Victoria
McAleer, Christopher Merrill, Joseph Michelin, Gage Nutter,
Paige Oliver, Taylor Ortiz, Tori Palmerino, Rachael Pollier,
Allison Ryel, Juleanna Schultz, Brittany Sequeiros, Ashley
Steelman, Edward Stefanik, Cameron Sullivan, Allison
Talbot, Ludmila Teixeira, Sarah Veber, Andrew Vizzachero,
Tyler Weinhardt, Isaiah Wilson, Lauren Wilson
Second Honors
Scott Ambrosia, Benjamin Augustine, Rachel Bianculli, Sarah
Boisvere, Jakub Bzura, Samantha Curtis, Isabella dos Santos,
Delaney Ducey, Juliette Fiske, Nathan Healy, Kevin Hill,
Julianne Holby, Jasmine Inim, Noah Jones, Chase Jordan,
Donald Mahan, Kimberly Mazejka, Moira McDonough,
Jasmine McFarlin, Amelia McKenzie, Brianna McKinstry,
Dominick Mogstad, Alex Myers, Parth Patel, Colin Plante,
Joseph Powell, Elizabeth Saravara, Rachael Schulman, Olivia
Tsoumakas, Meaghan Turner, Deborah Wadkins
Kate Bellantoni, Jillian Benjamin, Gunnar Bjorkland, Benjamin
Boudreau, Jack Bugan, Luis Camacho, Chelsea Campbell,
Ashley Cavic, Devin Crandall, Gabriella D’Annunzio, Toni
Demers, Richard Duhamel, Veronica Dumas, Hannah
Ellsworth, Tyler Fagan, Cole Goding, Marc Jansson, Sara
Jedrzynski, Jarrod Kingsley, Peter Kondek, Ryan L’Ecuyer,
Brendan Lavoie, Nicole Look, Chelsea Main, Hannah Mason,
Sean McGuigan, Richard McKeen, Conner Meece, Adam
Merchant, Patrick Moskala, Aisha Mufti, Lauren Oppewall,
Jayme Pruitt, Rockland Puzo, Jessica Regan, Micaela Rice,
Ryan Silk, Emily Sokol, Averie St. Germaine, Jessica St.
Laurent, Caitlyn Starr, Abigail Stone, Julia Ucher, Eliza
Honor Roll—Term 1 (2014-2015)
Page 6
December 2014
Term 1 (cont.)
Grade 10 — Class of 2017
Grade 9 — Class of 2018
First Honors
Zachary Abate, Amanda Babbitt, Montana Barker, Lauren
Becker, Christina Berthiaume, David Burgos, Hayley Carpenter,
Sally Cederberg, Grace Champagne, Emily Cofsky, Anthony
Corridori, Katherine Deyette, Rafaella dos Santos, Christopher
Ethier, Julia Fitzpatrick, Kyra Foss, Brianna Garcia, Michelle
Gaudet, Jessica Gelineau, Oktawia Gielarowiec, Michael
Gilligan, Andrew Haggerty, Juliet Helock, Elizabeth Heywood,
Samantha Kaliszewski, Jillian Leite, Emily Lundstrom, John
Mancini, Keith Manseau, Jonathan Martin, Joshua Martin-Jaffe,
Kyle Mulcahy, Kassidy Murphy, Stephen Myers, Emily Novack,
Chastity Olszta, Dev Patel, Kayla Phillips, Mackensie Plante,
Virginia Richert, Matthew Spahl, Jacob Squitier, Daniel Stevens,
Marissa Stuart, Gillian Szabo, Jordyn Van Minos, Jennifer
Wade, Jacob Wagner, Ethan Weiland, Katherine Weinberg,
Alexandra Wheeler, Jacob Zablocki, Josephine Zielinski
First Honors
Sarah Bellantoni, Zachary Blauvelt, Sydney Campbell, Nicole
Capielo, Bellalorraine Carey-Hicks, Kaylee Ceppetelli, Tyler
Cierpich, Kasey Clark, John Davison, Hailey Delphia, Eric
Dileone, Thomas Dziechciarz, Jack Erlich, Marissa Fontaine,
Emily French, Morgan Gallegan, Talis Guerin, Megan Hueras,
Bethany Irish, Luke Keller, Jan Kopas III, Jillian Laabs,
Gabrielle Lawrence, Victoria Lindberg, Tyler Lizotte, Erin
Masciangioli, Andrew McCoy, Rachel McCoy, Scott
McKinstry, Rebecca Moore, Abagayle Morin, Nicole
Morrison, Jennifer Morrissey, Matthew Mulcahy, Eryk
Pecyna, Isabella Pellegrine, Billie Porter, Karina Provost,
Kenneth Racicot, Bailey Savage, Sophia Sciarappa, Julia
Scioletti, Eric Sutherland, Kristin Tagg, Jared Tetreau, Sarah
Tonkin, Sean Tully, Theodora Veronis, Matthew Waterhouse,
Jamie Woods, Hannah Zieminski
Second Honors
Colin Bent, Alexandra Bombard, Harry Card, Julia Carrier,
Kaylee Clark, Zachary Cournoyer, Zachary Davey, Danielle
Donnelly, Emily Faulkner, Megan Gatsogiannis, Nathan Gomez,
Megan Greenough, Gabriella Grondalski, Shane Gunagan,
Anthony Hakala, Eric Himebaugh, Michaela James, Brittany
Jette, Isabella Johnson, Sara Kolinski, Lindsey Ljungberg,
Joshua Lussier, Brynne Mandeville, Joe Minton, Erin Murdock,
Rebecca Nguyen, Morgan O’Malley, Maxwell Ober, Nicholas
Perez, Victoria Puczydlowski, Sarah Redmond, Alexis Sarpong,
Grace Scanlon, Bailey Springer, Ryan Stanard, Molly Sullivan,
Sophia Tanacea, Devon Teague, Autumn Thebodo, Keara
Vangel, Paul Veronis, Daniel Weinhardt, Cole Wilk, Tessa Wise
Second Honors
Heidi Albright, Kyle Belmonte, Aiden Bishop, Allison Bolton,
Brittny Bond, Emily Bubon, Emily Butkus, Leila Card, Cole
Carty, Nicholas D’Arcangelo, Anthony D’Elia, Katelyn
DiTullio, Madeline Doyle, Ryan Duhamel, Aeryn Fahl, Ryan
Fenton, Gabrielle Figueroa, Julie-Ann Ginsburg, Diana
Giorgio, Jacob Greenough, Amber Grybowski, Gregory
Gunsalus, Brandon Johnson, Francesca Johnson, Jillian
Johnson, Shelby Jyringi, Angela Kaperonis, Daniel Kelley,
Jack Krukonis, Zoe Kuebler, Matthew Mackay, Daniel
Mancini, Shannon Mattson, Baker Meece, Alexander Mulcare,
Leena Pariseau, Kalia Pfeiffer, Tristan Peitz, Katherine
Quezada, Jordan Robinson, Chloe Ryder, Nicholas Saravara,
Jenna Savoie, Morgan Silk, Emily Snay, Abigail Snopkowski,
Meghan Thomas, Paige Vaillancourt, Abigail VanDeMark,
Sarah Vangel, Jonathan Wenzel, Zachary White, Joseph
Wojnar, Chloe Zastrow, Hadley Zibel
Morgan Amour, Robin Awad, Joseph Bailen, Matteo Belsito,
Brian Burns, Jack Cederberg, Kylie Chupka, Jessica DaSilveira,
Hailey Demers, Alison DiDonato, Jihan Eljadidi, Lilia Fitton,
Timothy Goodwin, Vaughn Hammond, Brittney Harvard,
Allyson Heintz, Jack Hetherman, Charles Hill, Mackenzie
Jacome, Athanasios Karastogiannis, Jarrod Kleya, Katarina Kye,
Selena L’Italien, Emily Leary, Noah Luke, Cameron MacLean,
Garrett Mandeville, Reese Maple, Richard March, Jeremy
Martin, Jericson O’Neil, Sara Painchaud, Molly Quinn, Klea
Richardson, Bailey Ross, Jessica Rousakos, Anthony Roy,
Haleigh Ruda, Skyler Sanborn, Ryan Sanderson, Rachel
Seremet, Edward Smith, Rebekah Stelmach, Colin Stoddard,
Michael Tilly, Taylor Whittredge, Marc Widing
May today’s success be the
beginning of tomorrow’s
achievements. Congratulations!
Dominic Battista, Lilianna Bedard, Camden Boggio, Jesse
Caswell, Cameron Cox, Julia Dandridge, Kylie Deem, Suzana
Demce, Raffaela Dillenback, Isabel Ferreira, Leah Hibbert,
Carson Hill, Sarah Horgan, Michael Johnson, Fotini
Karamanakis, Christopher LaFortune, Breanna LaHair, Hunter
Lavigne, Tyler Lavigne, Sarah Lavoie, Brielle Lemieux, Jacob
Leo, Paul Lovely, Hannah Marrier, Nicholas Megas, Cassidy
Nelson, Jason O’Regan, Joseph Oriente, Christofer Ortiz,
Jessika Rachholz, Karysta Richard, Maia Romanelli, Cristina
Sage, Reagan Sanborn, Meghan St. Pierre, Quinn Swett, Jacob
Szeredy, Cassandra Taylor, Lindsay Vo, Brittany Warrington,
Krysten Woods
Page 7
The Math Team successfully competed on Wednesday,
November 12th at Shrewsbury High School coming in
second place. Special congratulations to senior Fay Wang
who was the high scorer on Shepherd Hill’s team.
Congratulations to second place finisher senior Brian
Mayville. Brian is now the number one student in our
division out of 130 students! Congratulations to third place
finisher senior Captain Justyna Sydyka. A special shout out
to senior Ryan Mahan and freshmen George Murray who
tied for fourth place on the Shepherd Hill team.
Also competing at this meet were Lance Harms, Justin
Carbonneau, Meaghan Pratt, Matthew Spahl, Captain
Michael Foss, Rebecca Davison, Zachary Abate, Katherine
Weinberg, Nicholas Seagrave, Jeff
Morrissey Jasmine Inim, Allison Bolton,
Roisin Donnelly, Alex Tkachenko,
Michelle Manos, Jennifer Morrissey, Alex
Nutter, George Murray, John Davison,
and Theodora Veronis. The team is
looking forward to competing on January
7th at Blackstone Valley Regional
Technical Vocational High School.
The Student Council just hosted its all male beauty
pageant, better known as Mr. Shepherd Hill, on Thursday,
November 20. Congratulations to all the contestants for a great
show, and especially to Scott Niro, who was crowned Mr.
Shepherd Hill and to runner up, Daniel Bober.
The Student Council just attended its first conference of
the year, the CDMASC Fall Conference. It was held at
Blackstone Valley Regional Tech. Members of the council
were able to meet and work with other members of different
councils through workshops.
December 2014
Grade 11 student Amelia McKenzie was
recently named a Worcester County
Swimming League ALL STAR. In order to
be an All Star, a swimmer must place in
the top 3 at the championship race. This
year the race was held at Worcester
Polytechnic Institute (WPI). Amelia placed
first out of eight teams in the 200 Butterfly
and second in four other events. She has
been swimming for the YMCA swim team
in Southbridge since she was 6 years old
and this is her 7th year as an All Star.
Congratulations to Shawn
Tarasiak who is member of
troop 338 for earning Eagle
Scout status on Monday,
November 3, 2014.
Congratulations! We are
proud of your
Upcoming dates for the Student Council:
►December 1—Lock-In Committee Meeting
►December 3—Excellence Book Meeting
►December 4—Night Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the library
►December 16—Christmas Party
Page 8
December 2014
The Foreign Language Department is extremely excited that two new classes have been
approved for the 2015-2016 school year. There will be a course offered in Spanish films for
those students who have completed Spanish three and A.P. French has also been approved.
We are so fortunate to have these editions to our curriculum.
Mrs. Andersen is pleased to have many students join the Mass Junior Classical League
and the N.J.C.L. Organization. They will travel to other districts to enhance their study and
knowledge of Latin and Roman and Greek culture. They will compete in tournaments with
other towns.
We are looking forward to having a retiree come to our classes as a guest speaker in
December. Mrs. Zajac has recently traveled to Quebec and is thrilled to step back into the
classroom to speak of her recent adventures in French.
Mrs. Lenter made arrangements for some of her classes to prepare crêpes during class.
This is a typical French food. They enjoyed not only preparing it, but also tasting the
different varieties made.
Mrs. Robidoux’s French class enjoyed mousse au chocolat. They were anxiously
awaiting the tasty dessert for several weeks.
The Mandarin students have had the
opportunity to sample Jasmine tea recently, sing
the famous Jasmine tea song and watch a video
explaining the history of tea in China. They will
sample several varieties over the next few months.
Many of the students in our foreign language
classes are currently preparing projects for Power
Points presentations on French speaking cities,
story books of Christmas holidays in other
countries, as well as brochures and posters of
Chinese regions. Learning a language involves
exploration into the people, their land, history, and
Many of our students are thrilled to hear of the recent approval of a trip to London, Madrid, and Barcelona during the April
2016 vacation. These trips are the opportunity of a lifetime. Imagine the growth of an individual who steps out of the comfort
zone of America. What a super experience it is to see the world, use your language of study, and see the sites that you only
knew through videos and textbooks. This is one of the eye-opening moments of one’s life. Many schools do not offer such a
valuable opportunity. This is truly a worthwhile adventure that is beneficial to all. It is something that helps develop skills
needed in the 21st Century. This is never just a vacation, it is a chance to make connections with other people, develop an
understanding of other cultures, learn more about oneself, and grow as a mature adult.
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December 2014
Holiday Safety Tips
The holiday season is here and, as always, we remind you
that although this season comes with joy and happiness there
are also additional hazards that can cause needless tragedy.
All of the decorations and lights we will be using must be
approved for their use. For example, never use indoor decorative
lighting for outdoor use. Check all lighting for frayed wires or broken plugs.
Do not overload electrical outlets with extension cords. Never run
extension cords under rugs or where people normally walk. You don’t
want the outer coating to become worn and leave exposed wiring.
ALL decor ations must be listed by an appr oved agency such as
Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Never use open flame decorations
including candles. Unplug all decorative lighting when leaving the
house or when your family in sleeping. These lights are capable of
generating sufficient heat to cause a fire. If you have a live tree,
be sure to water it daily. Dispose of your tree soon after the
holiday before the needles dry out. It takes only about 15
seconds for a dried out tree to be consumed by fire and at this
rate of heat release it can produce enough heat energy to ignite
an entire room within 2 minutes.
The membership of the Dudley Fire & Emergency
Services extends to you and your families a happy and
safe holiday season.
Captain David J. Konieczny
Fire Prevention Officer
an immeasurable amount of history, art, architecture and
culture as they admire the rich traditions of Windsor Castle,
the mysteries of Stonehenge, the Roman ruins in Bath, the
masterpieces of the Prado Museum in Madrid and the
architectural beauty of Gaudi’s creations in Barcelona. They
will develop an appreciation for cultural activities by
attending the theater in London and a flamenco show in
Madrid. In Spain, students will have an opportunity to use a
foreign language that they have been studying in the
classroom and to hear and see it being used in a native
April 2016
Trip to London, Madrid and Barcelona
Students are asked to see Mrs. Pierangeli in the main office
or any foreign language teacher to request complete details.
An informational meeting for parents is scheduled for
For the past twenty-nine years, Shepherd Hill students have Tuesday, December 9 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium.
had yearly travel opportunities allowing them to encounter
Applications will be accepted at that meeting and in
new cultures, practice different languages and
school on Wednesday, December 10. The
marvel at historic landmarks. An international An informational meeting early enrollment will extend payment over a
perspective and awareness contributes to the for parents is scheduled for longer period of time and will result in 2016
success of our students in the ever-shrinking Tuesday, December 9 at travel at 2014 prices, as well as a $200 early
world and the globalized economy of the 21st 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. enrollment discount. If necessary, preference
century. The Dudley-Charlton Regional School Applications
will be given to juniors (2016 senior class),
Committee has approved an eleven-day trip to accepted at that meeting followed by sophomores and freshmen. To
London, Madrid and Barcelona during the April and
avoid disappointment, be sure to enroll on
2016 school vacation. Students will experience Wednesday, December 10. December 9th or 10th!
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December 2014
Shepherd Hill Gymnasium
Receives a Well Needed Update
Basketball Coaches
Varsity Boys —Scott Provost
JV Boys —Ricardo Simoes
Freshman Boys —Eric Rhynhart
Varsity Girls —James Hackenson
JV Girls —Harry Jones
Freshman Girls —Timothy Howard
Girls Indoor Track
Leonard Harmon
Alyssa Chamberlain (Asst.)
Thanks to the generous efforts of Patriot Demolition, the Shepherd Hill gymnasium has a second scoreboard for the first time in
school history. We have to thank Ace Auto of Webster for painting
the scoreboard and Graphics Unlimited of Dudley for lettering the
scoreboard and applying the Ram and Dudley-Charlton Crest. As
always our maintenance department had the final task of completing the job. They re-wired the scoreboard and attached it to the wall
near the white gym side of our main gym. We are fortunate to have
such a dedicated staff that always work to not only maintain our
facilities but to improve them whenever possible. We hope to see
you at our games this year supporting our hard working studentathletes. We can guarantee you will see the score no matter where
you sit in the bleachers!
Thanks again to all who made this project possible.
Boys Indoor Track
Nicole Fossas
Mark Kelley (Asst.)
Christopher Tamborra
Edward Smith (Asst.)
Loretta Andre
JV Cheerleading
Madison Zabka
Shepherd Hill Coach Honored
On Sunday, November 23, 2014, former Shepherd Hill varsity basketball coach Duane Corriveau
was honored. He received a plaque naming him the boys’ basketball coach of the year for Central
MA division 2. It was a great ceremony as part of the annual Massachusetts Basketball Coaches’
Association Hall of Fame banquet held in the Hogan Center of the College of the Holy Cross in
His introduction read, “Coach Corriveau led Shepherd Hill to a 14-8 record last season, winning
the Southern Worcester County League and advancing to the finals of the Western MA Division
2 tournament. Coach Corriveau has been a head coach for 19 years, 6 at Shepherd Hill and 13 at
Wachusett Regional. He earned Central Division 1 Coach of the Year recognition in 1987 while
at Wachusett. Coach Corriveau is the all-time leading scorer at Clark University and was drafted
by the Celtics in 1964. Congratulations Coach Corriveau.” His overall varsity coaching record is
We are so proud of his accomplishments here at the Hill. Coach Corriveau is a retired
History teacher from Wachusett who has built up our basketball program over the past 6 seasons
culminating in being district finalist last season. His hard work and dedication is evident in the
accomplishments of his athletes. The athletes who had the privilege of being coached by him and
the coaches and staff members who knew him understand what a special coach and person he is.
He will be dearly missed. We wish him well in retirement from coaching the Rams.
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December 2014
Members of the Shepherd Hill Show Choirs “Illusion” and “Fantasy” participated in the Bay State Show Choir Festival on
November 14 and 15 at Oliver Ames High School in Easton, MA. The students spent the weekend working with students from
12 other choirs from New England and Canada, learning new songs and choreography. The weekend culminated in an evening
performance which featured individual choirs as well as the combined group numbers. Congratulations to Abbey Kielinen for
being chosen as the soloist for the final number. Abbey was selected from the more than 450 students attending the event!
The Shepherd Hill and Dudley Middle School Chapters of the
Tri-M Music Honor Society presented a Halloween “Spooktacular” on Sunday, October 26. Children were treated to
games, crafts, prizes, and trick or treating before
enjoying everyone’s favorite costume concert!
Special thanks to Sarah Boisvere and Taylor
Whitteridge – student coordinators of this event,
Mrs. Snow and the DMS Tri-M
Chapter, and all the Tri-M and
Chorus members who worked so hard
to make this community event a success.
Thank you to all the students
and parents who worked so
hard to make this event so
successful. The crafters were
particularly impressed with
how helpful and polite our
students were, and we received
many compliments throughout
the day.
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December 2014
Join the Shepherd Hill Choirs for
A “Holiday Spectacular”
Fri., Dec. 12, & Sat., Dec. 13, 2014
7:00 PM
Tickets: $12 Adults; $7 Seniors & Children
The Shepherd Hill Auditorium will be transformed
into a Christmas Village as we celebrate in song and dance
with Rudolph, Frosty and friends. This Rockin’ Radio
City Music Hall style show will get the whole family into
a holiday mood. And Santa is sure to make a surprise
NEW THIS YEAR the Saturday evening show will
feature a special ALUMNI PERFORMANCE. All chorus
and Show Choir Alumni are invited to join us for this
event. Rehearsals will be held Sunday, December 7 at
6:00 PM and/or Saturday, December 13 at noon. Looking
forward to seeing everyone!
Once again, the choirs will partner with our local
Knights of Columbus to help provide gifts for needy
children in our communities. In the opening of the show
the students dance with wrapped presents in their hands.
These are all gifts the students have donated and
decorated. If you would like to support this effort we will
be collecting toys at both performances.
Tickets go fast—don’t miss out! Tickets are reserved
seating and are available online at For your
convenience, we have added a new
online payment option. Or you can
contact Connie Galli at 508-9436700 x182 or
Shepherd Hill musicians will be providing entertainment at the
following venues this holiday season:
Dec. 3—Mystique (Dudley Christmas Tree Lighting)
Dec. 6—Mystique (Dudley Hill Congregational Church Holiday Fair)
Dec. 6—Marching Band (Uxbridge Holiday Parade)
Dec. 7—Fantasy (“Why Me” Christmas Party)
Dec. 7—Mystique (Charlton Christmas Tree Lighting)
Dec. 19—Mystique (Old Sturbridge Village Christmas By Candlelight)
Shepherd Hill Regional High School
68 Dudley-Oxford Road
Dudley, MA 01571
Phone: 508-943-6700
Fax: 508-943-5956
“...committed to
with pride and unity.”
We’re on the web!
Music Department Holiday Performances
“A Holiday Spectacular” Winter Band Concert
Fri., Dec. 12 & Sat., Dec. 13, 2014
7:00 p.m.
Featuring the Shepherd Hill
Concert & Show Choirs
SHRHS Auditorium
Tickets - $12.00 Adults
$7.00 - Seniors and Children
All tickets are reserved seating.
Thurs., Dec. 18, 2014
6:30 p.m.
Featuring the Marching Band,
Concert Band, Jazz Band and
SHRHS Auditorium
Free and open to the public