school matters - Holland Marsh District Christian School

School Matters
Holland Marsh District Christian School • Tel. (905) 775-3701 • Fax. (905) 775-2395
volume 20, issue 16
Mission: The mission of HMDCS is to equip students to positively impact society through a Christ-centred education in a supportive and dedicated community.
Vision: As a vibrant, connected partner in our community, HMDCS integrates 21 century learning skills, resources and strategies to engage students in a
Christ-centred education.
Calendar – December 15, 2014
Tues. Dec. 16
Wed. Dec. 17
Thurs. Dec. 18
Fri. Dec. 19
Christmas Program Practice all school 10-12:30
Board Meeting ~ 7:30 p.m.
Christmas Concert ~ 7:30 p.m.
Chapel 9 a.m.
Pizza Lunch
School skate 1:15-2:15 Bradford Leisure Centre Arena
Christmas Break
First day of school in 2015
Dec. 22-Jan. 2
Mon. Jan. 5
From the Principal’s Desk
How Majestic is Your Name! El Emunah, The Faithful God
The name of God we study this week describes clearly the God of Christmas. God chose Israel to be his
covenant people, not because of who they were, but because he chose to love them. He promised to be faithful
and he was through all of Israel’s idolatry and disobedience through the generations. The glorious promise of El
Emunah is that He pledges his love and commitment to keep his covenant with those who love and obey him.
This Faithful God promised a Saviour who would come to save His people from their sins and this promise was
fulfilled when Jesus was born at Christmas. May you be blessed this Christmas season as you celebrate the
birth of our Saviour King! See you in 2015!
Christmas Blessings
We are looking forward to sharing our Christmas program with you on Thursday evening. The music and band
students in Grades 5-8 are also looking forward to sharing their musical talents with you at the Christmas chapel
on Friday morning at 9:00. Please come and share the joy of Christmas with us at these two performances.
Bridge Construction
After 9 months, the bridge construction is complete and we now have access to Highway 9 from the school on
Dufferin Street.
Transportation Committee
The Board is looking for volunteers to serve on the Transportation Committee. Please contact the office if you’re
interested in serving in the capacity. GIVE hours will be awarded for time spent on this committee.
General News & Information
The Christmas SOCCER Team
Thursday, December 18, 2014 ~ 7:30 p.m. Springdale Christian Reformed Church
We’re asking that the students in the general choir (most of the students) be dressed in black bottoms and
white tops for the performance on December 18.
CRC 
Canal Rd.
Dufferin St.
Hwy #400
Rupke Road
Newmarket 
Hwy #9
Trip Matters
This is the last week to buy gift cards before the New Year! We have lots of inventory on hand for
groceries, gas and many popular retailers, so send your order in by Wed. morning or stop by the office
and we'd be happy to help you.
2014 Tax Receipts - December Tuition Payments and Campaign Donations
If you are looking to make tuition payments or campaign donations which qualify for a 2014 tax receipt, you
must deliver your cheques to the office no later than Friday, December 19th or your mailed envelope must be
post-marked no later than December 31, 2014. Remember your TRIP discount if making final tuition payments.
With thanks -- Sheri Cantle, Bookkeeper
Science Fair
The HMDCS Science Fair 2015 is on March 3, 2015. Most of the topics have been chosen and the students
should be beginning to work on their research and experiments. It is important for the students to complete
their projects by themselves with lots of parental encouragement and teacher guidance along the way. A
summary of their project is due on January 16. See Mrs. Kralt, Mrs. Schenk or Mr. Geertsema to purchase
your display board for $5.00.
“How Majestic is your Name!” Psalm 8
HMDCS Goes Skating December 19 from 1:15- 2:15 p.m. - NEW LOCATION
Student Council is sponsoring this special event just before we head into the Christmas Break. We have
booked the Bradford Leisure Centre's rinks. We will be using the Blue and Green Arenas. The students will be
transported from HMDCS to the rinks and back to school by bus. Students need to have skate guards covering
their blades and ALL students are required to wear a helmet. Parents are welcome to join us. We ask that you
meet us at the rinks. Volunteers are needed to help tie skates, please join us if you are able. We are looking forward
to this event. 
The HMDCS Gala will be held on Saturday February 28th, 2015
Donations are needed to make this fundraiser a great success! We invite you to purchase from the list below
and donate the items to the school for the Gala auction. Any questions regarding auction items may be
directed to Maria Wilcox at 905-939-7099.
Needed Auction Items Include:
 Gift certificates
 Spa services
 Framed art
 Beautiful free standing cakes for our silent auction cake table
 Trips
 Tickets for sporting events, symphony and theatre
 Weekend getaways
 Camps
 Kids’ bike(s)
 Rounds of golf, snowboarding / skiing passes
 iPod, iPad, Mac book
 Kobo reader
 Jewellery
 Tools
Thank you for your participation and generosity! Together we can make this a wonderful event for HMDCS!
Classroom News
JK/SK – A reminder for the Christmas program---Kindergarten students do not need to wear black bottoms and
white tops. They should wear their “Sunday best”. Their part of the program will take place before the main
program. When they are finished their performance they will go directly to the main foyer of Springdale church
where they need to be picked up to sit with their parents for the remainder of the performance. There will also
be some Christmas crafts for you to pick up that night that I did not want to send home in your child's
backpack. If you are interested in helping tie skates on Friday at the Bradford Leisure Centre, please let me
know. Have a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 
~ Mrs. Robinson
Grade 1/2A – Hooray! It's going to be an exciting week before Christmas holidays. I am planning to have a
Spelling list this week with spelling patterns to work on. Grade one students will work with the -ump word family,
while grade 2 students will work with -or. I do want to have our Spelling test on Thursday this week. Please
prepare for this! I will not be sending home Math homework this week in our turquoise duo tangs, nor will there
be a memory verse. My students sound fantastic when they sing their Christmas program songs. I'm looking
forward to seeing you all on Thursday evening when we celebrate Christmas with lots of wonderful singing, and
maybe we will see each other again on Friday when we skate together in Bradford. I pray that you all will enjoy
your Christmas season with family and friends over the next two weeks. I wish you blessings of health and
happiness. ~ Mrs. McKinley
Grade 2B/3 – A modified version of the “Wright” Newsletter for Grade 2/3 is coming home today with all the
information you need to know about the coming week. There will not be a Spelling list or Memory verse to learn
this week. We will continue to learn about how Christmas is celebrated around the world in Social Studies. We
are also trying to wrap up our Math unit and there will be a test on Thursday. Have a great week and a
wonderful Christmas holiday with your family! ~ Mrs. Wright
Grade 4/5A – Happy Monday! This week we will study Spelling words from Unit 14. Our Memory Verse will be
practicing the last few Christmas songs for the Christmas Program, with special emphasis on The Christmas
SOCCER Team song. Grade four begins a new Math unit on Multiplication and Division and Grade five begins a
new unit on Decimals this week. We will have a small Christmas party on Friday. If you are able to bring in a
snack for the party that would be great! Don't forget your skates, skate guards, and helmet on Friday. Have an
awesome Christmas holiday with your families! ~ Mrs. Pranger
Grade 5B/6 – Welcome to the last week of school in 2014! We are looking forward to a good week
together. There will not be a Spelling lesson this week. We will be finishing up our Math unit this week and
starting the review. There will be a unit test in the New Year. Grade 6 will have their French test on
Thursday. Review sheets went home last week. Grade 5 will have their test in the New Year. I wish you all a
blessed Christmas and we'll see you in 2015! ~ Mrs. Schenk
Grade 7 – The Math test scheduled for Wednesday has been moved to Thursday. I wish everyone a very safe
and blessed Christmas! ~ Mrs. Brickell
Grade 8 – Merry Christmas everyone! It is my prayer that you and your family enjoy a happy and safe holiday
season together. For the program on Thursday all students are asked to be at the church at 7 p.m. wearing
black tops and black pants, unless they are acting. On Wednesday, we will have a Math test for Unit 4. This
week we will also take some time to watch a movie, The Giver (rated PG), which is based on our novel study
from first term. Our Language studies will focus on writing narrative elements in a fictional story and we'll
continue our reading of The Hobbit. On Friday, students are reminded to have their music and instruments at
school for the morning chapel. They'll also need their skates, gloves, and helmets for the afternoon skate! See
you in the New Year! ~ Mr. Geertsema