North Anderson Baptist Church A small Church, In a small Town, Serving a Big GOD. “A Light of God’s Love” The Lighthouse Volume 16 Issue 1 January 2015 God’s Revelation to North Anderson Baptist is…”To honor and glorify God through worship, prayer, teaching, community service and mission opportunities.” Join us here at North Anderson Baptist Church Wednesday, December 24th, 11pm as we Herald the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ with Lighting of the Christ Candle, Carols, Communion & Candlelight Service From Your Pastor Pastor Bill Rigsby Dear Friends, We enter a new year and God has proven Himself again and again to His church that He can take care of His family. At the writing of this article for the newsletter, we have on the first day counted toward our $8,000 goal for Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, $10,179.09!!! PTL! God has also led you to be more and more faithful to giving to the budget. I personally want to thank you for that truth. The more we give to the budget to supply the ministries of the church, the more we can focus on the calling God has given us here in Anderson, to reach the lost here and throughout the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you! During the last few months we have had regular worship services on Sunday evening. Starting in February, we begin a new series of Small Groups. One of our God-given goals is to grow the saved into disciples of Christ. We believe that if you take advantage of the opportunities that are given, you will grow in your faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. Be on the lookout for the new subjects that will be offered. To have the opportunity to reach new families with children we need more nursery volunteers for Sunday and Wednesday nights. Part of being in a church is serving so others can learn and experience the saving power of Christ. You may never really know how much it helps to volunteer in the nursery but God knows and will express His gratitude in ways you never expect. Give your life to Christ in serving others who can’t take care of themselves. Lynda and I love each of you and thank you for all the love, support and care that you have shown us this last year. Letter from your Minister of Administration & Education… I am sitting here in my office on a cool December day with the sun shining in the office through the windows. It is a beautiful day and I thank God for it. January 2015 is just around the corner and it is hard to believe it is here. I want to let you know of some events that will be coming soon. The first event is our “Blanket Buddies” in January. On January 10th between 10 to 2pm we will making blankets. This annual event is for everyone young and old, male and female. Minimum skills is required and it is fun for the whole family. Sometime between now and January 10th look for fleece on sale and go and purchase 1 ½ yards to 2 yards of fleece per side for your blanket. You will need two pieces. Sometimes you can find fleece blankets for sale. These turn out to be wonderful “Blanket Buddies” when you add two together to make the blanket. Instruction will be supplied if you have never done this. Please come out on the 10th and enjoy good fellowship and fun while making blankets for the Foothills Alliance Child Advocacy Center. The next thing I would like to remind you of is our spring yard sale for the children’s department. This event is so very helpful; allowing children to go to summer camp at a reduced rate, providing funds for programming for the summer, and allowing our children the opportunity to learn and grow in Christ. If you are going through your attic and see things that you don’t use any more. Please sit it aside for the children’s yard sale. We will be accepting items starting the first of January. We can store them in the white house until the yard sale in April. Thanks so much for your help. BLANKET BUDDIES 1/10/15 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY DAY 2/21/15 RA BASKETBALL DAY 3/28/15 EASTER EGG HUNT 4/4/15 CHILDREN’S BIBLE DRILL 4/8/15 CHILDREN’S YARD SALE 4/11/15 ASSOCIATIONAL BIBLE DRILL 4/12/15 RA TRACK n FIELD DAY 4/18/15 STATE BIBLE DRILL 4/25/15 YOUTH STAT E BIBLE DRILL 5/2/15 Special Health Note...Please pray that our church body will demonstrate love and compassion for members who have chronic breathing conditions - asthma, COPD, emphysema, allergies, etc. by reserving men's cologne, after shave, ladies' perfumes, body sprays, etc. to wear places other than church. Fragrances often irritate and inflame these conditions creating serious health problems. May North Anderson Baptist be filled only with the fragrance of Christ. On behalf of all concerned, I thank you for your caring prayers. We handle Contributions according to the IRS. Charitable Gift Timing When donors make gifts near the end of the year, the question often arises: “Is my gift deductible this year?” A donor’s charitable deduction, assuming deductions are itemized, depends on various factors: Checks A donation by check is considered made on the date the check is delivered or mailed, as evidenced by the postmark of the USPS, if the check subsequently clears the donors bank in due course. For example, a check that is mailed with a December 31, 2014 postmark by the USPS, will be deductible by the donor in the year the check is written (2014), even though the check clears the bank in January of the new year. Example 1: Donor mails a check with the postmark of December 31, 2014.The charity does not receive the check until January 4, 2015. The charity deposits the check in its bank on January 4, 2015 and it clears the donor’s bank on January 6. The gift is deductible by the donor for their 2014 taxes. Example 2: Donor delivers a check to the charity by 12 noon on December 31, 2014. The donor asks that the check be held for three months . Complying with the donor’s request, the charity deposits the check on March 31, 2015. This gift is deductible by the donor in the year 2015. Example 3: Donor delivers a check to the charity on January 5, 2015 or is mailed with this postmark date, however the check is dated December 31, 2014. The gift is NOT deductible by the donor for 2014. Regar dless of the date on the check it must be r eceived in 2014 for it to be deductible or postmarked by the USPS with a 2014 date. Example 4: Donor’s check is dated December 31, 2014 and is placed in the offering plate on Sunday, January 4, 2015, offering will be counted as a 2015 donation. Example 5: Donations hand delivered to the church after 12 noon on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 will count as a 2015 contribution. Cash donations received on January 4, 2015 in a contribution envelope or left at the office after 12 noon on December 31, 2014 will be counted as a 2015 contribution. Quick reference: If you want to count your contribution/donation on your taxes, make sure it is postmarked by/before December 31, 2014 or hand delivered to the church office before 12 noon on Wednesday, December 31, 2014. Special Note: Contribution statements must be post mark ed by the church by January 31, 2015. They will be distributed in the church, those not picked up will be emailed out, those without email will be mailed last to save on postage. If you have any questions please contact the church office for additional assistance. HOW YOU MAY BECOME A MEMBER 1.By Profession of Faith and Baptism: If you will r eceive J esus Chr ist as your per sonal Savior and Lord and follow Him in baptism by immersion, we welcome you into our fellowship. 2. By Letter: As a Baptist whose member ship is elsewher e we welcome you into our church family should God lead you here. We will take care of writing for your church letter. 3. By Statement: If your chur ch member ship r ecor ds ar e not available for a tr ansfer of membership or if you have received Christ as your Savior and then were baptized by immersion in another denomination we will accept you upon your statement of Faith. 4. By Watchcare: As a student whose member ship is elsewher e we welcome you into our church family under “Watchcare.” Your letter will not be transferred, we will notify your church that we will watch over you while you are away from home. There’s plenty of room in our family for you. Come and join us! In Christ, Bill Rigsby, Pastor You are invited and encouraged to become a part of our exciting fellowship here at North Anderson Baptist Church. There are programs and ministries for every member of your family. Do you know “How To Get To Heaven” from Anderson, SC? Join us at one of the below service OUR WORSHIP TIMES times and we will introduce you to Jesus, the only way to heaven. SUNDAY Choir Practice …………….… 8:45 am Sunday School ….. 9:15 am College & Career Sunday School...9:15 am with Matt & Robin George Youth Ministry Sunday School...9:15 am Deaf Ministry Sunday School...9:15 am Pastor’s Prayer Meeting……..10:20 am Morning Worship ..… 10:30 am NABC NEXT GENERATION College & Career Bible Study...5 pm Bible Drill……...5 pm Youth Ministry……....6 pm Sunday Evening Service.…………6 pm There will be coverage for nursery & children. WEDNESDAY Deaf Ministry Bible Study...6:45 pm Youth Bible Study ….. 6:45 pm Adult Prayer Meeting/Bible Study … 6:45 pm Preschool Mission Friends ….. 6:45 pm RA’s & GA’s ………………... 6:45 pm THURSDAY Men’s Bible Study ….. 7:30 am (Mama Penn’s) Call us at:(864) 225-2575, Fax (864) 225-2181 Email: Visit our web site at: Wednesday, December 17th more information about this project during Youth Lasagna Supper Fundraiser the month of January. 5:30 - 6:30 pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lasagna, Salad, Breadsticks, SISTERS Dessert & Tea. Ladies remember to encourage your sister. Supper will be by donation! Write a note, send a card or make a call to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ your sister. If anyone would like to particiChristmas Baskets for Shut-Ins We will be putting the Shut-in Christmas pate in the Women’s Ministry “SISTERS” Baskets together on Thursday December program please let Gayle Staton know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18th at 2 pm in the childr en’s classroom Discussing the Business of outside the gym. So, you are in your late teens or early 20’s. Now what? You are making some of life’s major God’s Church. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ decisions that will have long term impacts: On Wednesday, January 21st the 2015 What career path will you take? Deaf Ministry will have a Chr istmas SoWhat will you make? cial in thefriendships church fellowship hall Friday, Budget will be presented at the Wednesday Who will you marry? night meeting at 6:45 pm. Two weeks prior December 19th, 5 - 9pm. Will I marry? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to the meeting, the budget will be released What about money? BAPTIST GLOBAL RESPONSE forand review bythe thetrends church. The budget The potential to make choices similar to your peers follow of our culture arewill THE BUCKET PROJECT: be up for discussion as well as the financial enormous. But, are these the best choices for you? Many of your peers will make choices HOSPICE KITS wrap upaddiction of 2014.issues After Wednesday that lead to deepening debt, relationship issues, possible andthe a generally unBucket Day will be Saturday, De- meeting the budget will be voted on in a fulfilledPacking life. cember 20th at 10 am in the gym. meeting the morning Your life can be different. Come fellowship and short study business God’s Word with usafter as we seek to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ learn how to use Biblical principles to lay a solidservice foundation for theJanuary future. God’s is tohave Sunday, 25th. plan If you Sunday, December 28th prosper you, not harm you, to give you a hope and a future. (Jerabout 29:11) the catch is, conany questions theBut, process please you haveNo to doEvening it His way.Service See you Sundays at 5 pm. tact Diana in the church office. An Open Letter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday, December 31st No Evening Services ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tim Danyels, Lead Teacher DMA meets Thursday, January 15 at 12 noon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NORTH ANDERSON BAPTIST CHURCH for aNEXT GENERATION HOME covered dish lunch@ in the 2015 Contribution ar e friendly availa- church One Sunday You’ll find us to be a Envelopes Christ-centered, each month we plan to meet in churchhome fellowship ble for pick-up in the Welcome committed to reaching people andCenter growingoutbelievers. a member’s instead of hall. at the church; WATCHCARE MINISTRY an opportunity relax a and enjoy a home side the sanctuary on November 30th. If Don’t forget to tobring covered dish. We offer a unique membership opportunity for col- environment. your checks are sent to the church by your ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lege students. NABC your “home away from bank you do not needwill to be pick-up envelopes. “GOD’S GIFTED HANDS You current are invited to Joinover our Watchcare Ihome.” carry your number for you. MinisMINISTRY” COLLEGE & CAREER try. As a Watchcare member you will participate in If you have any questions please let me Next meeting will be in January on the 23rd SUNDAY SCHOOL NABC as a full member, yet you maintain a permaknow. from 10 am - 12 noon, in the children’s nent membership Thank classroom. Bring your lunch and beverage. in your you, homeDiana church. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Questions? Need Help? We will recap 2014 and decided on our Text…email…call…Anytime January Mission Project: focus for 2015. Tim & Nancy Danyels Sunday at 9:15 am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During January we will be collecting donaTim – 864-934-2351 Nancy – 864-934-2382 Lilly and Lauren Stone's homeschool cotions forStephanie the Anderson Care Pregnancy Mike & McCollum Matt & Robin George will lead collecting Box Tops for studies. EducaMike– 864-376-8273 Stephanie– 864-376-8272 op is still Center. This agency gives aid to young, Class meets upstairs behind the sanctuary. tion. If anyone would like to help, Matt & Robin George pregnant women who are in need of finanGreeters will be glad to assist just you. Matt – 864-276-4087 Robin – 864-933-6256 clip the Box Tops from your grocery packcial as well as moral support. We will Jerryaid & Judy Wilson ages and bring them to Kerri. LillyEvents and Jerry – 864-230-7722 Judy – 864-230-7766 Watch for Upcoming also collect diapers, wipes and any baby Lauren would appreciate your support in related items you may wish to give. January helping their co-op win! is Sanctity of Life Month. Please look for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ January 2015 Nursery & Health Team Schedule (4 week month) NURSERY - 1st Sunday Sunday 8:45 am NURSERY - 3rd Sunday Choir Practice Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): (2 - 4 yr olds): Sharon Whitlock *Vanessa Seaver BJ & Aimee Sharp Mary Ann Ball, Robin George Latoya Brown Sunday 8:45 am Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): (2 yr olds) (2 - 4 yr olds): Youth Bible Drill, Bible Choir Practice ____________________*Velma Martin Bobbie Elrod *Velma Martin Michael & Kerri Stone Judy & Jerry Wilson at 5 pm at 5 pm Youth Bible Drill, Bible Drill & Bible Buddies at 6 pm Youth Ministry Evening Service Youth Bible Drill, Bible Drill & Bible Buddies Youth Ministry Evening Service at 6 pm There will be coverage for nursery & children There will be coverage for nursery & children Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery 1st Sunday Health Team Matt & Robin George 1st Wednesday Health Team Robin George 1st Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery Pam Ehrlich Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery 3rd Sunday Health Team Tim & Nancy Danyels 3rd Wednesday Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): (2 - 4 yr olds): Nursery NURSERY - 4th Sunday NURSERY - 2nd Sunday Sunday 8:45 am Health Team Pam Parker 3rd Wednesday 6:40 pm: Choir Practice Jo Ann Stephens *Taylor White Pam Owens, Sharon Smith Gene & Paula Holland ___________________________ Sunday 8:45 am Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): (2 - 4 yr olds): at 5 pm at 5 pm Youth Bible Drill, Bible Drill & Bible Buddies at 6 pm Youth Ministry Evening Service Choir Practice Cynthia Adams *Heather Covert Sean & Elinor Lister Jennifer & Josh Stamps _________________________ Youth Bible Drill, Bible Drill & Bible Buddies Youth Ministry Evening Service at 6 pm There will be coverage for nursery & children There will be coverage for nursery & children. Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery 2nd Sunday Health Team Aimee Sharp 4th Sunday 2nd Wednesday Health Team Paul Ehrlich 4th Wednesday 2nd Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery Judy Brown Nursery is in need of Volunteers!!! We are in great need of volunteers for the nursery on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights during service times. Please contact Jennifer Stamps or Taylor White if you can help fulfill this great need. Health Team Pam Parker, Jennifer Saxon Health Team Jennifer Saxon 4th Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery Kim Merck 5th Sunday Weather Information Sunday 8:45 refer am Please to one of followingChoir forPractice updates officeMcCollum closings orSaxon Sunday School: on churchStephanie *Jennifer 10:15 am (B&T): Carole Boyd, Judy Brown church service cancellations due to *Jennifer Saxon Lynda Rigsby, ___________________ (2inclement - 4 yr olds): weather. Collegean & Career, & Bible WSPA (ch nelBible 7)Drillor goBuddies to atCBS 5 pm Youth Ministry for a complete listing. 6 pm Evening Service Therean will be coverage for nursery & children. NBC WYFF (ch nel 4) for a complete listing Fox Health WHNS (ch an Night n elNursery 21) foxTeam & Wednesday for a complete listing. 5th Sunday Health Team Aimee Sharp I will check messages on the answer5th Wednesday Health Team ing machine from remote. 5th Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery Ray Manley (2015) Sherrill (Ackerman, Tommy, Dakota Brian & Cynthia Adams, Corey, Zoe, Zane Ginger Adams Erik & Kim Aiken, Jessy, Destiny, Maranda Frank & Kathy Alexander Jessie Alexander James Anderson Michael & Teresa Applewhite, Dillon, Connor Frank & Sharon Arthur Kim Ash, Roy, Kaitlyn Carolyn Bailey Judy Bailey Matt & Mary Ann Ball Matt White (2015) Diana Beall Mary Bickers Waldron Blackman, Jr. Doris Blackwood Millie Boatman Linda Bowman Sallie Bowman Maston & Carole Boyd Dewey & Julia Bramlett Daniel Branyon, Rylee Hugh & Orene Brinson Jim Broome Alan & Sylvia Brown, Rachel Beth Brown Bruce & Judy Brown Jake Brown Jeremy Brown, Eli Wendal & Latoya Brown, Omar i & Mar kel Hatten, Aleya Brown Tamara “Tami” V. Brownlee Jerry Wilson (2016) Tammy Ebbler Stacy Ebbler Heather (Slaton) Ebernickle, Garr ett, Case Connie Ehrlich Paul & Pam Ehrlich Duane Elrod JL & Ann Elrod Randy & Bobbie Elrod Helen Emerson Roy & Sybil Ethridge Bo & Mary Ruth Evans Sandra (Potter) Fincannon John Floyd Lina Fonseca Cathy Freeman King & Jackie Fulton Bob Gaillard Don Johnson (2016) Matt & Robin George, Caleb, Eli, & J osie Steve & Mickie Gibson Greg & Carol Gillespie, Bryson, Abbey, Corbin Kellie Gillespie, Rick, J acob, Lydia, Mollie, Madison Bob & Marilyn Glanowski, Lauren Judy Harris, J ack Charlie Harter Caroline Haynes, Br ianna, Brayden Betty Herring, Bob Deloris Hill Steve Hill Jim & Anne Holbrook, Taylor, Hannah Gene & Paula Holland Frances Houser Greg & DiDi Humphries Bruce Brown (2017) Ben & Hannah Morgan, Blaise, Caleb Christine Morgan Steve & Brenda Morgan Michael Morris Henry & Judy Morrison Juanita “Sadie Nash Christina Nixon Russell & Amanda O’Dell John & Jennie Outlaw Pam Owens Willadean Parales Bob & Pam Parker Kristen Pierce Hannah Polan Tuma “Skip” Recklaw Robert & Elza Reeves Rick & Mandy Riendeau Rick Riendeau (2017) Bill & Lynda Rigsby Charline Roberson Eunice Robertson Justin Armstrong, Austin Armstrong Craig Saxon Jennifer Saxon, Zachary Durkee, Nicholas Cartee, Rayna Saxon Nick & Vanessa Seaver, Trenton, Kiley BJ & Aimee Sharp, Addison Bob & Mary Simmons Billy & Jeanelle Sistrunk, Elisabeth, Will, Ethan Lisa Skelton Angela Slaton, Gabr iel, Malachi, Moses Jerry & Brenda Slaton Josh Stamps (2015) Buck & Virginia Buchanan Joe & Lisa Burden, Kylie (granddaughter ) Joan Burriss Bruce & Kathy Byce Chers'e Canarina, Ben Nick Canarina Cain Cantrell Tina Cantrell, Anna Gilliland, J ackson Cantr ell Derrell & Peggy Capell Chuck & Julia Carver, Zackery, Erika, Er in Pearl Cheek Frank Clark Judy Cockrell Jonathan & Marie Coley, J ulia Rose Marti Compton Matt & Missy Cooley, Austin Bo Evans (2015) Heather Covert, Chuck, Allison, Aiden Harry Craft Betty Crisp Craig & Tish Crittendon, Tommy, Kelly, Michael Avernell Cromer, J oe Eloise Cronk Tim & Nancy Danyels James Lamar David Bill & Norma Davis Gary Davis Gordon & Gladys Davis Will Davis, Chr istine John & Nancy Dill Katarina Doolittle Margie Duncan Matt George (2016) Paul & Amy Janssen, Maggie, Br ooks Don & Linda Johnson Tom & Joyce Johnson, Jr. Bill & Melissa Jones, David, Zachary, Br ielle Erica (R igsby) Kent, Ian Connie King Chuck & Nancy Kroll Lona Lacour Fredda Lee Lisa Sean & Elinor Lister, Millie, Maggie, Andy David & Mandy Little, Hampton, Campbell Christie Looney Kevin Looney Louise Looney Michael Lopez Matt Ball (2016) Ray & Dana Manley, Taylor Kaitlin, Manley, Liam Manley White Lucy Marett Velma Martin Kim Matthews, Taylor & Jordan Mike & Stephanie McCollum, Luke Sam McCollum Sandi McCoy Becky McCraw Angela McLeskey John McLeskey, Morgan Anne Mehaffey Mike & Kim Merck, Isaac Jonathan & Wendi Merrell Jesse Moon, Landin, Kaydence, Sidney Butch & Elaine Moore Sean Lister (2017) Kirk & Sharon Smith, Kelsey Ann Lillie Smith Matt Smith, Kelly, Holly, Hannah, Sara-Grace, & Mattie Yon Katey Yon Roy Smith Al Snyder, Evelyn Mike Spearman Joshua & Jennifer Stamps, J oslyn Leigh Joann Staton Ronald & Gayle Staton JoAnn Stephens Michael & Kerri Stone, Lillian, Lauren, Luke, Levi Tim Strawn Peggy Thrasher BJ Sharp (2017) Charles Thrift Jesse Tollison Chris & Lisa Voss, Grace, Steven, Daniel Dennis & Becky Walker, Maria, Daniel Carl & Tammie Wells Earl & Kimberly Wells, J esse, Nicholas, Gage, Kira Jimmy & Jane White Matt & Taylor White George Whitfield, Kimber ly John & Teresa Whitfield Sharon Whitlock, Kristina Carolyn Whitworth Bobbie Williams James & Gloria Wright North Anderson Baptist Church 2308 N Main St Anderson, SC 29621 January Birthdays Phone: 864-225-2575 Fax: 864-225-8785 Web site: Church Staff Pastor ……….....……………..Bill Rigsby Minister of Administration & Education ...….……..Dennis Walker Worship Leader..……......Steve Gibson 1 Jim Elrod, Orene Brinson, Tammy Ebbler, Sandra Fincannon, Jim Holbrook 2 Diana Beall 3 Charline Roberson 4 Pearl Cheek 5 Kim Merck 7 Lisa Skelton Minister of Deaf…………..Billy Sistrunk 8 Eloise Cronk, Tammie Wells Administrative Assistant…...Diana Beall 9 Judy Bailey 10 Marilyn Glanowski 11 Waldron Blackman 14 Anne Holbrook, Morgan McLeskey 15 Kristina Whitlock, Trenton Seaver 16 Aimee Sharp 17 Malachi Slaton 18 Peggy Capell, Angela Slaton, Matt White Be sure to visit our new and improved web page to see current photo’s, an audio of the Sunday Morning messages, information on our Deaf Ministry and to view the Sunday message signed by an ASL interpreter. January DEACONS 4 Matt White 11 Matt George 20 Doris Blackman 18 Matt Ball 21 Kim Aiken 25 Ray Manley 22 Carl Wells 24 Greg Humphries, Brielle Jones 27 Lauren Stone 28 Louise Looney, Roy Ash 29 Randy Elrod, Addison Sharp GREETERS January, May, September Marti Compton, Cathy Freeman February, June, October Kathy Alexander, Amanda O’Dell March, July, November Lillie Smith, Bobbie Williams April, August, December JoAnn Stephens, Sybil Ethridge Welcome Center During SS Mandy Riendeau, Latoya Brown Youth Substitutes: Velma Mar tin & Car olyn Bailey. If you can’t be here on your scheduled Sunday please call Velma or Carolyn. Prayer box for our Military men and women: Nicholas A. Lacour Jeb Kramer Tim Custer Jesse Moon Cliff Cribb Don Riendeau Church Event Updates & Notes… “VALENTINE’S BANQUET” Friday, February 13th Our Theme is: “It Was A Very Good Year” Dress your favorite era for a fun filled night. A prize will be awarded to the individual/couple who’s outfit best represents an era (Victorian, 50’s, Big Band, 20’s, famous era movies, etc.). ________________________________________________ A Very Special Note Concerning The “VALENTINE'S BANQUET” For there to be a Valentine’s Banquet on February 13th there are some very important area’s that need to be covered. We need a team: 1. Team to take money and place reservations for the event starting Sunday, January 18 through Sunday, February 8 (before 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. and after services on Sundays and Wednesdays). Team for Sound & Lighting. Team to help with the set-up and decorating for the event. Team to help with the organization of the entertainment. Team to help the cooks prepare and set-up food tables. Team to keep beverages and food replenished. 7. Team to help clean-up (take down decorations, clean tables, etc.). 8. Team to pick-up tables from the association and return on Monday after the event. We need to hear from you by Sunday, January 11. Please let Nancy Danyels or Diana know of the area you wish to serve. Remember all these positions need to be filled for us to proceed with the banquet. Would you pray about helping? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Church Event Updates & Notes… __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
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