+stjtelegraph 25-51:Layout 1 12/18/14 1:05 AM Page 7 THURSDAy, DECEMBER 18, 2014 THE SAINT JOSEPH TELEGRAPH Circuit Court News (Note: Court costs are not included in fines) DIVISION 2 Judge Weldon C. Judah Sentenced to Prison Lorenzo D. Carter, 31, St. Louis, MO., for 5 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of Distribute/ Deliver/ Manu-facture/Produce Or Attempt To Or Possess With/Intent To Distribute/ Deliver/Manufacture/Produce a Controlled Substance. DIVISION 3 Judge Patrick K. Robb Sentenced to Prison Henry A. Briscoe, 50, 511 S. 20th, for 2 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of theft/stealing. Jesse C. Brown, 26, St. Joseph, for 4 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of abuse or neglect of a child. Sean P. Kennedy, 39, 1019 Corby, for 5 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of 2nd degree burglary. Also sentenced to 5 years after pleading guilty to a second felony count of theft/stealing. Probation Granted Audra J. Caudill, 31, 2005 Douglas St., for 4 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of possession of a controlled substance. Must not purchase, consume or possess alcohol; not to be in any bar; seek and obtain a substance abuse evaluation; complete the high school equivalency program; seek and obtain employment; report use to P.O. prior to testing. Lonnie R. Larabee, 25, 539 W. Chestnut, for 4 years after pleading guilty to an amended felony charge of possession of a controlled substance. Must abide by standard conditions of probation; complete the post conviction treatment; be evaluated for Alternative Court Program. Lonnie R. Larabee, 25, 539 W. Chestnut, for 4 years after pleaded guilty to felony charge of possession of a controlled substance. Must abide by standard conditions of probation; complete the post conviction treatment; be evaluated for Alternative Court Program. Jay P. McGlothlin, 55, 2334 S. 11th St., for 4 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of AtemptedPossession Of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams Or Less Of Marijuana. Order to seek and obtain a substance abuse evaluation; not to associate with Nancy Briggs, Harrison Borske or Katherine Jones; continue with all physical health meications and appointments; inform P & P of all medications and doctors that are prescribing them; submit to U/A’s as directed by Probation & Parole. Dawna W. Reamy, 47, 2724 Jackson, for 4 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of possession of a controlled substance. Ordered to seek and COMMUNITy/RECORD obtain a substance abuse evaluation; not to be in any bars; have no contact with known drug users; be tested a minimum of 2 times a month for the 1st six months, then take random U/A’s; admit use prior to testing. James J. Skeffington, 48, 915 S. Noyes, for 4 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of possession of a controlled substance. Ordered not to be in any bars; seek and obtain a substance abuse evaluation; continue taking health medications as prescribed by doctor and continue treatment as directed by psychologist; inform P & P of all prescriptions and if any information changes. Sharon M. Vice-Guthrie, 51, 1007 S. 10th, for 3 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of possession of a controlled substance. Must not consume, purchase or possess alcohol while on probation; not to be in any bars; continue to meet with sponsor and continue support meetings; attend Victim Impact Panel at defendant’s expense; not to associate with known drug users; admit to use prior to any testing; submit to U/A/s as directed by P & P. DIVISION 4 Judge Daniel Kellogg Sentenced to Prison James H. Anderson, 32, 1201 N. 7th St., for 5 years after probation revoked on a felony charge of theft/stealing. Program: shock incarceration.. Abel B. Martinez IV, 900 Pendleton, for 4 years after probation revoked on a felony charge of aggravated stalking. Jeremy M. Myers, 36, 1219 Lincoln, for 3 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of possession of a controlled substance. Progam; shock incarceration. Sara W. Myers, 37, 1115 Elizabeth, for 5 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of Distribute/ Deliver/ Manufacture/Produce Or Attempt To Or Possess With/Intent To Distribute/ Deliver/Manufacture/Produce a Controlled Substance. Justin L. Presto, 25, 2421 Rock Island, for 3 years after probation revoked on a felony charge of theft/stealing. Justin L. Presto, 25, 2421 Rock Island, for 2 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of 2nd degree burglary. Jowseph W. Solomon, 26, 1020 Henry St., for 4 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of stalking. Probation Granted David A. Burley, 34, 511 E. Louis, for 3 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of Distribute/ Deliver/ Manufacture/Produce Or Attempt To Or Possess With/Intent To Distribute/ Deliver/Manufacture/Produce a Controlled Substance. Blue K. Gray, 23, 2010 Village Dr., for 3 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of possession of a controlled substance. Must abide by standard conditions of probation. Justin L. Grider, 31, 3010 Edmond, for 4 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of Distribute/ Deliver/ Manu-facture/Produce Or Attempt To Or Possess With/Intent To Distribute/ Deliver/Manufacture/Produce a Controlled Substance. Must abide by standard conditions of probation. Jacob W. Hughes, 25, 2001 S. 17th, for 4 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of 1st degree tampering with a motor vehicle. Must serve 120 days shock detention in the Buchanan County Jail; not to consume alcohol; not to enter into any establishment where alcohol is the primary sale of concern; be evaluated for substance abuse and anger control; complete Pathways to Change; submit to and reimburse the cost of drug and alcohol testing; pay restitution; have no contact with victim; perform 20 hours of community service per week if unemployed; search for employment 20 hours per week if unemployed; not to be on the premises of any casinos, gambling facilities or pool halls; obtain a GED or high school diploma (5 hours per week); abide by a curfew of 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Ryan M. Martinez, 23, Wathena, KS., for 3 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of possession of a controlled substance. Must not consume alcohol; not to enter into any establishment where alcohol is the primary sale of concern; be evaluated for substance abuse; submit to and reimburse the cost of drug and alcohol testing; not to be on the premises of any casinos, gambling facilities or pool halls; abide by a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Jeremy M. Myers, 36, 1219 Lincoln, for 4 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of possession of a controlled substance. Must not consume alcohol; not to enter into any establishment where alcohol is the primary sale of concern; be evaluated for substance abuse; maintain employment; ot to be on the premises of any casinos, gambling facilites or pool halls; abide by a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. DIVISION 5 Judge Keith Marquart Sentenced to Jail Myra R. Bernard, 23, 2708 Olive, for 84 days after pleading guilty to a felony charge of non-support. Courtney A.L. Elder, 23, 1514 Bade, for 39 days after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of 3rd degree domestic assault. Omar K. Griffin, 40, Independence, MO., for 5 days after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of 1st degree trespassing. Shane E. McLemore, 40, 3005 Beck Rd., for 15 days after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of 3rd degree domestic assault. Kevin L. Tull, 42, 912 Powell, for 28 days after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of theft/stealing. Daniel L. Williams, 44, St. Joseph, for 21 days after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of 3rd degree domestic assault. Mitchell L. Wood, 29, 2225 S. 15th, for 18 days after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of 3rd degree domestic assault. Fined Daphne J. Green, 52, 3209 N. 3rd St., $250, after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of DWI-alcohol. 754-6462 news@stjtelegraph.org Probation Granted Scott D. Charbonneau, 53, 2517 S. 15th, for 2 years after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of 3rd degree domestic assault. Tyren D. Colbert, 25, 2203 Cranberry 7 Hill Ln., for 4 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of non-support. Johnny C. Eagan, 58, Wichita, KS., for 1 year after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of Diving Wrong Direction On Hwy Divided Into Two Or More Rdwys, Causing An Immediate Threat Of An Accident Nancy A. Ervin, 23, Olympia, WA., for 2 years after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of passing a bad check. Keith D. Hart, 48, 295 S. 5th St., for 1 year after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of performing improper/incomplete vehicle inspection. Derrick R.L. Hixon, 31, Kansas City, MO., for 4 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of non-support. Perry H. Miller, 33, Effingam, KS., for 1 year after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of driving while revoked. Joseph W. Pickrell, 23, Kansas City, MO., for 2 years after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of DWI-alcohol. Echo R. Seward, 29, 5118 Faraon, for 2 years after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of non-support. DIVISION 6 Judge Ronald E. Taylor Sentenced to Jail Orlando L. Briscoe, 53, for 15 days after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of 3rd degree domestic assault. Cassandra L. Decker, 24, St. Joseph, for 4 days after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of 3rd degree domestic assault. Heidi R. Irwin, 24, 2418 Union, for 30 days after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of theft/stealing. Christopher L. Wright, 31, 309 Texas, for 6 months after probation revoked on a misdemeanor charge of 3rd degree domestic assault. Sentence to run concurrent to any other sentence. Fined Ryan S. Hull, 37, 5507 Valley View Dr., $79,50 after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of failure to maintain financial responsibility. Jacinto Ramirez, 30, 157 Countryside Ln., $129.50 after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of 2nd degree property damage. Probation Granted . Charity Brooke, 43, 3005 S. 36th Pl., for 2 years after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of non-support. Robert S. Caton, 45, 4008 Greywood Lane, for 6 months after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of failure to yield. Darrell A. Kellogg, Jr., 32, for 3 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of non-support. Gary E. Osby, 37, Houston, TX., for 3 years after pleading guilty to a felony charge of non-support. Heather R. Pritchett, 24, 2221 Doniphan, for 1 year after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of driving while revoked. Dena S. Robinson, 73, Kansas City, MO., for 6 months after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of failure to yield. Jackie S. Slavin, 29, 2502 Meadow Trail, for 2 years after pleading guilty to misdemeanor charge of non-support. Erica L. Walker, 27, 5103 University Ave., for 2 years after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of DWI-alcohol. Jamie L. Wardrup, 20, Horton, KS., for 1 year after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of leaving the scene of motor vehicle accident.
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