ARTICLE IN PRESS Water Research 37 (2003) 4211–4221 Biological nitrogen removal of high-strength ammonium industrial wastewater with two-sludge system J. Carrera*, J.A. Baeza, T. Vicent, J. Lafuente " Departament d’Enginyeria Qu!ımica, ETSE, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra 08193, Spain Received 21 June 2002; received in revised form 28 April 2003; accepted 12 June 2003 Abstract The biological nitrogen removal (BNR) process is the most common method for removing low quantities of ammonium from wastewater, but this is not the usual treatment for high-strength ammonium wastewater. The capacity 1 to biologically remove the nitrogen content of a real industrial wastewater with a concentration of 5000 mg N-NH+ 4 L is demonstrated in this work. The experimental system used is based on a two-sludge system, with a nitrifying activated sludge and a denitrifying activated sludge. This system treated real industrial wastewater for 450 days, and during this period, it showed the capacity for oxidizing all the ammonium at average nitrification rates between 0.11 and 0.18 g N1 1 NH+ d . Two key process parameters were evaluated: the maximum nitrification rate (MNR) and the 4 g VSS maximum denitrification rate (MDR). MNR was determined in continuous operation at three different temperatures: 1 1 15 C, 20 C and 25 C, obtaining values of 0.10, 0.21 and 0.37 g N-NH+ d , respectively. Complete 4 g VSS denitrification was achieved using two different industrial carbon sources, one containing mainly ethanol and the other 1 1 one methanol. The MDR reached with ethanol (0.64 g N-NO d ) was about 6 times higher than the MDR x g VSS 1 1 reached with methanol (0.11 g N-NO g VSS d ). x r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Biological nitrogen removal (BNR); Nitrification; Denitrification; Two-sludge system; Industrial high-strength ammonium wastewater; External carbon source; Ethanol; Methanol 1. Introduction There are many different kinds of human activity that generate wastewater with large quantities of ammonium: petrochemical, pharmaceutical, fertilizer and food industries, leachates produced by urban solid waste disposal sites or waste from pig farms. Disposal of this type of waste is a serious environmental problem because free ammonia, diluted in water, is one of the worst contaminators of aquatic life [1]. The BNR process is the most common method for removing low quantities of ammonium from wastewater, but this is not the usual treatment for high*Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-935812141; fax: +34935812013. E-mail address: (J. Carrera). strength ammonium wastewater, where physical–chemical systems such as stripping are more frequently used. The main problem of the biological treatment of highstrength industrial wastewater is that high concentrations of ammonium or nitrite inhibit the nitrification [2]. However, the BNR process could be an interesting way for treating high-strength ammonium wastewater from an environmental and economical point of view [3]. The nitrification and denitrification rates are the key parameters in the design of a biological wastewater treatment plant with nitrogen removal. For this reason, it is essential to experimentally determine the maximum nitrification rate (MNR) and maximum denitrification rate (MDR) in similar conditions, to those of the treatment plant on an industrial scale [4]. This study aims to define a biological treatment system for a real industrial wastewater with an 0043-1354/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(03)00338-5 ARTICLE IN PRESS 4212 J. Carrera et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 4211–4221 1 ammonium concentration of 5000 mg N-NH+ 4 L . This concentration is higher than those generally found in the bibliography (Table 1). Different configurations for BNR can be used but, in order to minimize the total volume of the system, twosludge systems are preferable. This paper presents one of these systems with two separate stages; the first one is a nitrifying activated sludge stage and the second one is a denitrifying process. Each stage consists of a reactor and a settler, which produce the growth of two different microbial populations: a nitrifying biomass and a denitrifying biomass. In order to treat industrial wastewater with a low COD/N ratio, it is necessary to add an external source of organic carbon. Different criteria have been used to choose a specific external carbon source in the denitrification process. First, it is necessary to consider which carbon compound generates the highest MDR. Published references give contrasting results. Some authors suggest that acetic acid achieves higher rates than glucose, methanol or ethanol [9]. However, other authors achieved similar results with acetic acid to those achieved with methanol [10,11]. Some references indicate that ethanol reaches higher rates than methanol [12,13], although another study indicates the opposite [14]. It is also necessary to consider the costs and availability of the external carbon source. If the source is a chemical compound (ethanol, methanol, and acetic acid), it will be available at a market price. If there are plans to build an industrial scale treatment plant, the external carbon source should be cheap and be produced in sufficient quantities to guarantee the continuous operation of the wastewater treatment plant. These requirements can be achieved using carbonaceous byproducts, which are currently generated by an industry, but that are not considered waste products. This paper focuses on the study of the nitrification and denitrification stages of a two-sludge system, with the specific aim of determining the MNR and the MDR. In addition, the influence of temperature on the nitrification process and different external carbon sources on the denitrification process were also studied. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Description of wastewaters In addition to the high-strength ammonium wastewater (N-wastewater), the process included the treatment of a second industrial wastewater that contained mainly organic matter (COD-wastewater) and useful for the denitrification. However, this organic matter was insufficient to denitrify all the nitrate that had been Table 1 Industrial high-strength ammonium wastewaters Wastewater Concentration 1 (mg N-NH+ 4 L ) Reference Tannery Sludge dewatering Leachate Landfill leachate 200–500 600–700 1200 2200 [5] [6] [7] [8] Table 2 Basic composition of both real industrial wastewaters Component N-wastewater (mg L1) COD-wastewater (mg L1) COD N-NH+ 4 F Cl SO2 4 0 4000–6000 30–50 500–600 15000–20000 1300–1500 0 0 700–1000 300–800 formed. Therefore, an external carbon source was also used. The basic composition of the two real industrial wastewaters are summarized in Table 2. As can be seen, the concentration of ammonium in the N-wastewater 1 ranged from 4000 to 6000 mg N-NH+ 4 L , while the concentration of COD was 1300–1500 mg COD L1 in the COD-wastewater. Most of this organic matter was ethanol, and thus easily biodegradable. The N-wastewater also contained high concentrations of chloride and sulphate anions. 2.2. Description of the external carbon sources Two external carbon sources were used, both by-products of two industrial processes. The first by-product was a mixture of waste from alcoholic drinks production, and the main carbon source was ethanol. The second by-product was a waste from a chemical industry, made up of a mixture of methanol, isopropylic alcohol and acetone. Its main component was methanol. Table 3 shows the composition of the two by-products. Throughout this study, they have been called the ‘ethanol mixture’ (that formed by waste from alcoholic drinks) and the ‘methanol mixture’ (that formed from chemical waste). 2.3. Monitoring and control system Every reactor of the treatment plant had in-line sensors (dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, ORP, temperature) connected to probe controllers. All these controllers and the mechanical elements of the pilot plant were ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Carrera et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 4211–4221 itoring, data backup, and control of key process parameters (flows, pH, DO and temperature). The pH control was based on an ON/OFF-algorithm acting over a solid dispenser that adds sodium carbonate. The DO control was based on a digital PID algorithm programmed in the computer, which modifies the airflow using a mass flowmeter (Bronkhorst Hi-Tec, 0–20 Ln min1). The treatment plant is located indoors, permitting temperature regulation through a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system. connected to a PC, through different data acquisition cards (Advantech PCL726, PCL813 and PCLD885). Specific software was developed in C language in order to automate all the system. It was based on previous software developments [15] and included graphic mon- Table 3 Percentage composition of the by-products used as external carbon sources By-product Component Waste from alcoholic drinks (‘ethanol mixture’) Ethanol 8.7 Glucose Glycerol Water 0.8 0.5 90.0 Methanol 60.0 Acetone Isopropylic alcohol Water 10.0 10.0 Chemical waste (‘methanol mixture’) 4213 Percentage (in weight) 2.4. Experimental settings The experimental work was carried out in a twosludge, treatment plant with two separate stages: nitrification and denitrification. Fig. 1 shows a diagram of the treatment plant. The N-wastewater was fed into the nitrifying activated sludge system, made up of a 27 L aerobic reactor and a settler. The aerobic reactor used the automatic pH control with a setpoint of 7.5. The DO was maintained at 3 mg O2 L1 through the PID controller. The temperature was maintained at 20 C for 300 days, then it was changed at 15 C for 30 days 20.0 Alkalinity recirculation Carbonate dosage ORP ORP DO pH DO pH Temp Temp Effluent Settler Settler N-wastewater Aerobic Anoxic Nitrogen gas stripping Sludge recirculation Sludge recirculation Stirrers Mass flowmeter COD-wastewater Frequency converters External carbon source Probes Air Pumps PC Water and sludge line Air line Signal line Fig. 1. Layout of the treatment plant. pH control ARTICLE IN PRESS 4214 J. Carrera et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 4211–4221 and finally changed to 25 C. The sludge retention time (SRT) was kept at around 25 days. The effluent of the nitrifying activated sludge system was one of the three influents to the denitrifying activated sludge system (Fig. 1). The other two were the COD-wastewater and the external carbon source. The denitrification stage was made up of a 27 L reactor without aeration; a 15 L aerated tank and a settler. The nitrogen gas formed in the anoxic reactor was stripped in the aerated tank, thus favouring the sedimentation stage that follows. The temperature was the same as for the aerobic reactor. The pH was not controlled and its value was about 8.0–9.0. The SRT was kept at around 15 days. The nitrogen-loading rate (NLR), nitrification and denitrification rates were defined as N NHþ 4 in NLR ¼ ; ð1Þ HRTreactor ½VSSreactor þ N NHþ 4 in N NH4 out ; ð2Þ rnitrification ¼ HRTreactor ½VSSreactor N NO x in N NOx out ; ð3Þ rdenitrification ¼ HRTreactor ½VSSreactor where HRT is the hydraulic retention time, [VSS]reactor the biomass concentration, [N-NH+ 4 ]in the influent ammonium concentration, [N-NH+ 4 ]out the effluent ammonium concentration, [N-NO x ]in the influent oxidized nitrogen concentration and [N-NO x ]out the effluent oxidized nitrogen concentration. 2.5. Analytical methods The analysis of total suspended solids (TSS), volatile suspended solids (VSS), sludge volumetric index (SVI), alkalinity and ammonium were carried out using the methodology described in APHA’s Standard Methods [16]. The analyses of chloride (Cl), sulphate (SO2 4 ) nitrite (NO 2 ), nitrate (NO3 ) and fluoride (F ) were carried out by capillary electrophoresis, using a WATERS Quanta 4000E CE. The electrolyte used was a WATERS commercial solution. The conditions of the analysis were temperature of 20 C, 15 kV from a negative source, indirect UV detection at 254 nm and 5 min of analysis. 3. Results and discussion The nitrifying and denitrifying reactors of the present study were inoculated with biomass emanating from a preliminary study using a modified Ludzack-Ettinger configuration that treated these industrial wastewaters for a year [17]. Both systems started operating with the same microbial population and then developed towards specialized biomass (owing to the specific experimental conditions). The two-sludge plant was operated continuously for 450 days, using real, high-strength industrial wastewater. 3.1. Nitrification 3.1.1. pH control The N-wastewater contained less alkalinity than stoichiometrically required for nitrification. In order to solve this problem, an automatic system for pH control was installed for adding solid sodium carbonate to the nitrifying reactor. This control supplies the necessary alkalinity so that the pH conditions favour the process. The optimal pH for the nitrification process is in the range of 7.5–8.5 [18]. It was chosen a value of 7.5, since at higher pH, the equilibrium ammonium–ammonia would be displaced to ammonia, which can inhibit the process. The addition of sodium carbonate also provided suitable conditions for the nitrifying microorganisms, by avoiding potential restrictions in the use of one of their substrates: inorganic carbon. The solid dispenser was calibrated to give an exact amount of sodium carbonate (1.3 g Na2CO3 per dosage). As the control system kept a register of the total dosages per day, it was possible to quantify the total amount of carbonate used per day. During the experiments, it was checked to see if the carbonate consumption agreed with the theoretical values of alkalinity destruction, acceptable for design of nitrification systems (7.1 g CaCO3 per 2 + g N-NH+ 4 consumed, or 4.26 g CO3 /g N-NH4 ) [18]. The experimental value obtained was 6.170.6 g Na2CO3 per g N-NH+ consumed, which corresponds to 4 + 4.470.4 g CO2 3 /g N-NH4 (a value which is very close to the theoretical). From day 140 of operation, part of the water coming out of the denitrifying system was recirculated back to the nitrifying system. Part of the alkalinity generated by the denitrifying system is recovered with this recirculation, thus decreasing the amount of added carbonate. 3.1.2. Sludge evolution The initial biomass concentration of the nitrifying reactor was about 4000 mg VSS L1. Fig. 2 shows the VSS and TSS concentrations of this reactor and its SVI. The VSS concentration was kept around 35007700 mg VSS L1 throughout the study. The VSS/TSS ratio was around 4878%. Nevertheless, this ratio decreased below the average value between 200 and 250 days; this decrease was due to the change in the external alkalinity source. The original sodium carbonate was changed to another cheaper source, calcium hydroxide; the addition of calcium ion in the nitrifying reactor caused the precipitation of sulphate and chloride salts. These salts increased the inorganic composition of the sludge and ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Carrera et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 4211–4221 100 14000 TSS VSS % VSS/ TSS average % VSS/ TSS SVI 80 70 60 8000 50 6000 40 30 4000 150 100 SVI (mL·g-1) 10000 200 90 VSS/ TSS percentage 12000 -1 TSS and VSS (mg·L ) 4215 50 20 2000 10 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 450 Time (days) Fig. 2. TSS, VSS, % VSS/TSS and SVI of the nitrifying sludge system throughout the study. 7000 without recirculation with recirculation 90 5000 [N] (mg·L-1) 80 [N-NH4+ ] influent [N-NH4+ ] effluent [N-NOx- ] effluent 4000 70 60 % ammonium removal 50 3000 40 2000 30 20 1000 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Percentage of ammonium removal 100 6000 0 450 Time (days) Fig. 3. Nitrogen concentration in the influent and the effluent of the nitrifying sludge system and the percentage of ammonium removal throughout the study. the VSS/TSS ratio decreased by 30–35%. In order to correct this problem, the alkalinity source was changed again to sodium carbonate and the VSS/TSS ratio reached the average value of the study. The nitrifying sludge showed good settleability throughout the study, with SVI values below 50 mL g1. 3.1.3. Nitrogen removal Fig. 3 shows the concentrations of all nitrogen compounds in the influent and the effluent of the nitrifying system and the ammonium removal percentage during the 450 days of operation. There are two periods, the first one without alkalinity recirculation and the second one with alkalinity recirculation (the effluent of the denitrifying system, see Fig. 1). This recycle involved the dilution of the influent ammonium con- centration of the nitrifying system, but not a decrease in the NLR. Table 4 shows the operational parameters of the two runs. The average nitrification rate was very high in both runs. The ammonium removal percentage was also very high throughout the study, ranging from 90% to 100%. The comparison of ammonium concentration in the influent with oxidized nitrogen concentration (nitrate plus nitrite) in the effluent, confirmed that the ammonium removal is due to the nitrification process, since both concentrations are about equal. In addition, the carbonate consumption obtained (Section 3.1.1) agreed with the nitrification stoichiometry. These results reject the concept of ammonia removal by stripping or other biological ways like ANAMMOX process [19]. ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Carrera et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 4211–4221 4216 Table 4 Operational parameters for the nitrifying system throughout the study Run Period (days) [N-NH+ 4 ]influent (mg N L1) [N-NH+ 4 ]effluent (mg N L1) Influent flow (L d1) HRT (days) VSS (mg L1) Average nitrification rate 1 1 (g N-NH+ d ) 4 g VSS 1 2 140 310 48007450 19007400 80750 40720 2.7–3.0 5.4–9.0 9–10 3–5 35007500 35007800 0.13–0.15 0.11–0.18 1000 Nitrification rate NLR [N-NH4+ ] influent 0.05 500 [N-NH4+ ] effluent 0.00 0 0 5 (a) 10 Time (days) 15 20 2500 2000 0.3 1500 0.2 1000 Nitrification rate NLR [N-NH4+ ] influent 0.1 500 [N-NH4+ ] effluent 0.0 0 0 5 (b) 10 Time (days) 15 20 0.6 2000 0.5 1500 0.4 0.3 1000 Nitrification rate NLR [N-NH4+ ] influent 0.2 500 [N-NH4+ ] effluent 0.1 0.0 0 0 (c) [N-NH4+ ] (mg·L-1) NLR and nitrification rate -1 -1 (g N-NH4+·g VSS ·d ) 0.4 [N-NH4+ ] (mg·L-1) NLR and nitrification rate -1 -1 (g N-NH4+·g VSS ·d ) 1500 0.10 + -1 [N-NH4 ] (mg·L ) 2000 0.15 NLR and nitrification rate -1 -1 (g N-NH4+·g VSS ·d ) 3.1.4. Maximum nitrification rate The experiments to determine the MNR were done under similar conditions to those of an industrial scale treatment plant, i.e. continuous. The problem with doing these experiments was the high nitrogen concentration in the N-wastewater, because if the NLR is higher than the MNR, a large accumulation of ammonium can take place. This accumulation can inhibit the process [2] and the observed nitrification rate would not be the maximum. Therefore, the experiments were carried out with a gradual and controlled increase in the NLR, so that the nitrification rate was the as close as possible to the NLR. Only when the NLR was slightly above the MNR, was there some accumulation of ammonium in the system; however, the observed nitrification rate was still at maximum. Three experiments were carried out, at 15 C, 20 C and 25 C. Fig. 4(a) shows the results of the first experiment in which the temperature was 15 C. The experiment began with a NLR of 0.06 g N-NH+ 4 g VSS1 d1. Since no accumulation of ammonium occurred, the NLR was increased to 0.13 g N-NH+ 4 g VSS1 d1. This NLR was clearly higher than the MNR 1 at 15 C, since accumulation of 150 mg N-NH+ 4 L was produced. The MNR was calculated as an average of the rates measured between days 5 and 16, i.e. a period of three HRTs, and was found to be 0.1070.01 g 1 1 N-NH+ d . The results of the second and the 4 g VSS third experiments are shown in Figs. 4(b) and (c), respectively. The MNR in both experiments was evaluated using the same procedure of the first experiment. The MNR in the second experiment (T ¼ 20 C) was calculated using the rates measured between 13 and 20 days, i.e. a period of two HRTs, and was found to be 1 1 0.2170.01 g N-NH+ d . The MNR in the 4 g VSS third experiment (T ¼ 25 C) was calculated using the rates obtained between 12 and 20 days, i.e. a period of two HRTs, and was found to be 0.3770.03 g N-NH+ 4 g VSS1 d1. These values show the influence of temperature on nitrification rates. The temperature coefficient obtained, adjusting these rates to an Arrenhius-type equation (rnitT1 ¼ rnitT2 yðT1 T2 Þ ), is y ¼ 1:1470:03: Table 5 compares the MNR obtained at 25 C in this study, with different published dates of systems for treating high-strength, ammonium wastewaters. The MNR at 25 C was chosen since most published data 5 10 Time (days) 15 20 Fig. 4. Experimental determination of the maximum nitrification rate at: (a) 15 C, (b) 20 C and (c) 25 C. was obtained at that temperature. The table shows that this study’s MNR is clearly higher than those for BNR single-sludge systems. This is a logical result, since in the single-sludge systems there is a negative influence of the influent COD/N ratio on the achievable MNR [17,25]. ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Carrera et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 4211–4221 4217 Table 5 Nitrification rates in systems for treating high-strength ammonium wastewater Technology Nitrifying biofilm Nitrifying biofilm Nitrifying biofilm Nitrifying biofilm Nitrifying sludge Nitrifying sludge Single-sludge Single-sludge Single-sludge T ( C) 30 30 28 28–32 28–32 25 27 25 25 Nitrification rate Reference 1 1 (g N-NH+ d ) 4 g VSS 3 1 (g N-NH+ d ) 4 m 0.35 — — 0.18–0.21 0.14–0.18 0.37 0.16 0.05 0.03 — 5.0 0.55 0.8–1.0 0.6–0.8 1.3 — — — More specifically, the MNR obtained with the 1 1 nitrifying system, 0.37 g N-NH+ d , is 12 times 4 g VSS higher than the MNR obtained with the same wastewater in a single-sludge system, with nitrification– 1 1 denitrification (0.03 g N–NH+ d ) with an 4 g VSS influent COD/N ratio of 3.4 [17]. In order to compare the MNR of this study with the nitrifying biofilm rates, a nitrification rate is needed by unit of volume and not by mass unit. In the experiment at 25 C, the MNR by unit of volume was 1.3 g N m3 d1. Comparison of data from this work to that of immobilized nitrifying biomass systems, provides an even greater disparity in the results. The reason for such different results might be the heterogeneity of the industrial wastewater. Although they are all classified as high-strength ammonium wastewaters, each one has its own peculiarities that influence a biological treatment process. The industrial wastewater studied here contains a high concentration of ammonium, as well as high concentrations of sulphate, chlorine and a certain amount of fluoride (Table 2). These components can influence biological treatment; for example, high chlorine [5] or fluoride [26] concentrations can inhibit the nitrification process. 3.1.5. Inhibition of the nitrification by substrate The results obtained during the first run confirmed the difficulty of working with an influent concentration of 1 5000 mg N-NH+ 4 L , since a small drop in the removal percentage resulted in an accumulation of up to 500 mg 1 N-NH+ in the nitrifying reactor. The reason for the 4 L decrease in the removal percentage was a direct result of the NLR being increased above the nitrification rate of the system. The free ammonia concentration, at 500 mg 1 N-NH+ 4 L , 20 C and pH=7.5, was about 7.7 mg NH3 L1. This free ammonia concentration can cause the inhibition of the ammonium oxidizing and the nitrite oxidizing bacteria [8]. This inhibition also resulted in the 1 accumulation of 1500 mg N-NO and the decrease 2L in the nitrification rate, from 0.15 to 0.10 g N1 1 NH+ d . In order to mitigate this inhibition, 4 g VSS [20] [21] [22] [6] [6] This study [23] [24] [17] the NLR was decreased when the ammonium concentration in the nitrifying reactor reached values ap1 proaching 300 mg N-NH+ 4 L . 3.2. Denitrification The effluent of the nitrification system was treated in the denitrifying system, using two different external carbon sources, during different periods. In order to study the effects of both external carbon sources on the denitrification rate, the MDR of the system, in steady state, was evaluated. 3.2.1. Denitrification with ‘ethanol mixture’ as external carbon source The first external carbon source to be tested was the ‘ethanol mixture’. This external carbon source contained mainly the same organic matter as the COD-wastewater that the industry generates. Fig. 5(a) shows the influent and effluent nitrogen concentrations (nitrate plus nitrite, although nitrite contribution was almost negligible). The temperature was maintained at 20 C and the external carbon source flow was adjusted to produce an influent COD/N ratio of 5 g COD g N1, thus ensuring that the system was not limited by the organic matter. The 200 days of the external carbon source study were divided into six runs. Table 6 summarizes the values of the operational parameters and gives the average value of the nitrogen and biomass concentrations for each run, along with the standard deviation. Errors in the denitrification rate were calculated on the assumption that the error associated with each concentration was the standard deviation. During runs 1 and 2, the system was limited by the amount of nitrogen supplied by the nitrification system. In order to operate at faster rates, solid sodium nitrate was added quantitatively to the denitrifying reactor in runs 3–6. In runs 3 and 4, the system was still limited by the substrate since the effluent nitrogen concentration ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Carrera et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 4211–4221 4218 1 fluctuated between 0 and 30 mg N-NO x L . During run 4, the biomass concentration in the reactor increased to an average value of 9700 mg VSS L1. This high biomass concentration produced a large amount of nitrogen gas, which provoked rising problems in the settler. In run 5, this problem was overcome by a reduction in the biomass concentration in the system, down to an average value of 3600 mg VSS L1. In this run, the denitrification was not limited by substrate, since the effluent nitrogen concentration always exceeded 60 mg 1 N-NO x L . The denitrification rate obtained under 3000 [N-NOx- ] (mg·L-1) 5 [N-NOx- ]influent [N-NOx- ] effluent 2500 Average concentration 2000 4 1500 6 3 1000 2 1 500 0 0 50 100 Time (days) (a) 150 200 [N-NOx- ] (mg·L-1) 2500 [N-NOx- ]influent [N-NOx- ] effluent 2000 Average concentration 3 1500 2 1 1000 500 0 0 (b) 20 40 80 60 Time (days) 100 these conditions was the MDR: 0.6470.10 g N-NO x g VSS1 d1. This rate was maintained for 21 days, so it can be assumed that the steady state was reached. Operating at such a high rate led to operational problems due to the large quantities of nitrogen gas produced. For this reason, the influent concentration was reduced. In these new conditions the denitrification 1 1 rate dropped to 0.2270.07 g N-NO d and x g VSS stayed at that value for 55 days with a high performance level, without causing any major operational difficulties. This last run showed that this system can operate at high denitrification rates for an extended period. The COD/N ratio consumed during denitrification, using the ‘ethanol mixture’, was 4.370.4 g COD g N1. Table 7 compares the MDR obtained by this study with those of several published works. It can be seen that the MDR of this study were higher than those obtained by single-sludge systems, with nitrification–denitrification. The reason is that in this system, no oxygen is sent to the anoxic reactor so there is no aerobic consumption of organic matter. This produces a higher percentage of denitrifying bacteria in the system. However, the MDR reached in batches, with pure cultures of denitrifying bacteria, is higher than that of this study. 120 140 Fig. 5. Influent and effluent nitrogen concentrations of the denitrifying system. (a) With ‘ethanol mixture’ as a carbon source and (b) with ‘methanol mixture’ as carbon source. 3.2.2. Denitrification with ‘methanol mixture’ as external carbon source From day 200 of operation, the external carbon source was changed to the ‘methanol mixture’. It was diluted with tap water in order to maintain the same HRTs employed with the ‘ethanol mixture’. Fig. 5(b) shows influent and effluent nitrogen concentrations (nitrate plus nitrite, although nitrite contribution was almost negligible) of the denitrifying system with ‘methanol mixture’ as the carbon source. The temperature was kept at 25 C and the influent COD/N ratio at 5 g COD g N1, to ensure that the system was not limited by the organic matter. The 140 days of operation with this external carbon source were divided into three periods. Table 8 summarizes the values of the operational parameters and shows the average values of the nitrogen and biomass concentrations Table 6 Operational parameters for the denitrifying system with ‘ethanol mixture’ Run Period (days) [N-NO x ]influent (mg N L1) [N-NO x ]effluent (mg N L1) Influent flow (L d1) HRT (days) VSS (mg L1) Average denitrification rate 1 1 (g N-NO d ) x g VSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 50 41 16 13 21 55 450750 750760 1240730 1820720 2630740 16007120 46710 40720 33720 17710 110760 30710 19.1 24.7 26.3 35.0 38.2 28.0 2.2 1.7 1.6 1.2 1.1 1.5 80007300 84007400 81007500 97007600 36007200 47007300 0.0270.02 0.0570.02 0.0970.03 0.1570.03 0.6470.10 0.2270.07 ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Carrera et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 4211–4221 4219 Table 7 Denitrification rates with ethanol Technology Process T ( C) Denitrification rate 1 1 (g N-NO d ) x g VSS Reference Single-sludge Single-sludge Single-sludge Denitrifying sludge Denitrifying pure culture Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Batch 20 20 20 20 25 0.02–0.12 0.29a 0.39a 0.64 3.3 [14] [27] [28] This study [12] a Original experimental data at 15 C, corrected using a temperature coefficient of 1.10. Table 8 Operational parameters for the denitrifying system with ‘methanol mixture’ Run Period (days) [N-NO x ]influent (mg N L1) [N-NO x ]effluent (mg N L1) Influent flow (L d1) HRT (days) VSS (mg L1) Average denitrification rate 1 1 (g N-NO d ) x g VSS 1 2 3 19 64 57 900730 10907100 13507200 590730 5207200 90760 23.3 21.0 32.2 1.8 2.0 1.3 47007100 35007200 58007300 0.0470.03 0.0870.04 0.1770.06 Table 9 Denitrification rates with methanol Technology Process T ( C) Denitrification rate 1 1 (g N-NO d ) x g VSS Reference Single-sludge Single-sludge Single-sludge Single-sludge Denitrifying sludge Denitrifying sludge Denitrifying pure culture Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Batch Continuous Batch Batch 30 10 20 — 25 22 20 25 25 0.14 0.06 0.17–0.48 0.03 0.17 0.29 0.55 1.3 2.2 [3] [10] [14] [29] This study [11] [30] Denitrifying pure culture in each of the periods, along with the standard deviation. Errors in the denitrification rate were calculated assuming that the error associated to each concentration is the standard deviation. With this carbon source, there was no sign of limitation by nitrogen, so it was not necessary to add solid sodium nitrate to achieve the MDR. The average denitrification rate increased from 1 1 0.0470.03 g N-NO d to 0.1770.06 g N– x g VSS 1 1 NO g VSS d in about 80 days. This increase was x due to the acclimation time needed for the denitrifying biomass to the ‘methanol mixture’. This period agrees with the acclimation time to methanol, which has been reported to be between 50 and 100 days [10,11]. The COD/N ratio consumed, using the ‘methanol mixture’, was 3.970.5 g COD g N1. Table 9 compares the MDR obtained using the ‘methanol mixture’ with different published studies that used pure methanol. The range of denitrification rates in [12] single-sludge systems with nitrification–denitrification is quite large, with values higher and lower than those of this study. The results for denitrifying sludge systems and pure cultures are all higher than those of the current study. This lower rate can be due to the carbon source used for the present study, since pure methanol was not utilized. 3.2.3. Comparison of maximum denitrification rates In order to compare the MDR obtained with the two carbon sources, it was necessary to correct the MDR of the ‘methanol mixture’, since that rate was determined at 25 C and that of the ‘ethanol mixture’ at 20 C. The temperature coefficient, determined experimentally with the same biomass [31], was 1.10. Using that correction, the MDR at 20 C for the ‘methanol mixture’ would be 1 1 about 0.11 g N-NO d , while for the ‘ethanol x g VSS 1 1 mixture’, it was 0.64 g N-NO d . Therefore, x g VSS the MDR with ‘ethanol mixture’ appears to be about 6 ARTICLE IN PRESS 4220 J. Carrera et al. / Water Research 37 (2003) 4211–4221 times higher than the MDR with the ‘methanol mixture’. This ratio is higher than other bibliographic values [12,13], in which MDR with ethanol is about 1.5–3.5 times higher than MDR with methanol. This difference can be due to the composition of the ‘methanol mixture’ used, which includes acetone (10%) and isopropylic alcohol (10%). 4. Conclusions The results of this study show that it is possible to remove the ammonium of an industrial wastewater with 1 up to 5000 mg N-NH+ and high concentration of 4 L sulphates and chlorides, using a biological, two-sludge system with nitrification and denitrification. The nitrification rate achieved with the activated sludge nitrifying system was very high. The MNR obtained at 15 C, 20 C and 25 C were 0.10, 0.21 and 1 1 0.37 g N-NH+ d , respectively. The nitrifying 4 g VSS sludge showed good settleability throughout the study, with SVI values below 50 mL g1. The ammonium removal percentage was very high throughout (90– 100%), regardless of the concentration of the influent. The main problem for the treatment of this industrial wastewater, with a high concentration of ammonium, was possible inhibition by substrate of the nitrification process. The effluent of the nitrifying system was treated in the activated sludge denitrifying system, using two different external carbon sources, during different periods. The first carbon source was mainly ethanol and the second one was a mixture of methanol (60%), acetone (10%) and isopropylic alcohol (10%). In order to study the effects of both external carbon sources on the denitrification rate, the MDR in steady state was evaluated. The MDR obtained with the first carbon source was 1 1 about 0.64 g N-NO d at 20 C, while the x g VSS MDR obtained with the second carbon source was 1 1 0.17 g N-NO d at 25 C. If the temperature x g VSS coefficient is taken into account, the denitrification rate with ethanol was about six times higher than that obtained with methanol. Acknowledgements This work has been supported by CICYT (project REN2000-0670/TECNO). The Generalitat de Catalunya provided financial support for Julia! n Carrera through a pre-doctoral fellowship. We wish to express our gratitude to the company FREIXENET S.A. The Departament d’Enginyeria Qu!ımica (UAB) is a member of the CERBA. References [1] Effler SW, Brooks CM, Auer MT, Doerr SM. Free ammonia and toxicity criteria in a polluted urban lake. J Water Pollut Control Fed 1990;62:71–9. [2] Anthonisen AC, Loehr RC, Prakasan TBS, Srineth EG. Inhibition of nitrification by ammonia and nitrous acid. J Water Pollut Control Fed 1976;48(5):835–52. 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