A Soluble Activin Receptor Type IIB Does Not Improve Blood

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2015, Vol. 11
International Publisher
International Journal of Biological Sciences
Research Paper
2015; 11(2): 199-208. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.10430
A Soluble Activin Receptor Type IIB Does Not Improve
Blood Glucose in Streptozotocin-Treated Mice
Qian Wang1, Tingqing Guo2, Jennifer Portas and Alexandra C. McPherron3
Genetics of Development and Disease Branch, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
1. Current Addresses: Pathology Department, Stony Brook University Medical Center, Stony Brook, New York, USA
2. Novo Nordisk Research Centre China, Changping District, Beijing, China
3. Myotherapeutics, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
 Corresponding author: Alexandra C. McPherron, Myotherapeutics, 10169 New Hampshire Ave. #149, Silver Spring, Maryland 20903,
USA Email: amcpherron@myotherapeutics.com
© Ivyspring International Publisher. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License (http://creativecommons.org/
licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Reproduction is permitted for personal, noncommercial use, provided that the article is in whole, unmodified, and properly cited.
Received: 2014.08.28; Accepted: 2014.11.05; Published: 2015.01.05
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), or insulin dependent DM, is accompanied by decreased muscle
mass. The growth factor myostatin (MSTN) is a negative regulator of muscle growth, and a loss of
MSTN signaling has been shown to increase muscle mass and prevent the development of obesity,
insulin resistance and lipodystrophic diabetes in mice. The effects of MSTN inhibition in a T1DM
model on muscle mass and blood glucose are unknown. We asked whether MSTN inhibition
would increase muscle mass and decrease hyperglycemia in mice treated with streptozotocin
(STZ) to destroy pancreatic beta cells. After diabetes developed, mice were treated with a soluble
MSTN/activin receptor fused to Fc (ACVR2B:Fc). ACVR2B:Fc increased body weight and muscle
mass compared to vehicle treated mice. Unexpectedly, ACVR2B:Fc reproducibly exacerbated
hyperglycemia within approximately one week of administration. ACVR2B:Fc treatment also elevated serum levels of the glucocorticoid corticosterone. These results suggest that although
MSTN/activin inhibitors increased muscle mass, they may be counterproductive in improving
health in patients with T1DM.
Key words: activin receptor, glucocorticoid, myostatin, muscle hypertrophy, type 1 diabetes
Insulin-dependent diabetes, or type 1 diabetes
(T1DM), is caused by an autoimmune reaction against
the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas (1).
The prevalence of type 1 diabetes varies widely with
geography and appears to be increasing due to a recent rise in incidence (2–4). In addition to its function
in regulating glucose metabolism, insulin is an anabolic hormone that promotes lipid and protein synthesis and inhibits protein degradation (5). There are
many possible complications from poorly controlled
diabetes including neuropathy and muscle atrophy
(6,7). T1DM patients have reduced muscle mass and
myofiber size even at the time of diagnosis and before
pathological change at the neuromuscular junction
(8–10). Within days of the induction of insulin deficiency in rodents, muscle protein degradation is increased by activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome
pathway (11–14). Taken together, these results suggest that muscle fiber atrophy is manifest early in the
disease and can occur independent of neuronal pathology.
One means of increasing muscle mass is by inhibiting the signaling pathway of the transforming
growth factor β (TGFβ) superfamily member myostatin (MSTN). MSTN is primarily expressed in skeletal muscle and is found in circulation in an inactive
Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2015, Vol. 11
latent complex (15–17). MSTN normally inhibits skeletal muscle growth as shown by an increase in skeletal
muscle mass in mice, cattle, sheep, dogs and in one
child with inactivating mutations in the MSTN gene
(18). Overexpression of the MSTN gene causes muscle
wasting in rodents as would be expected for an inhibitor of muscle growth (19,20). MSTN binds to the
type II activin receptors, particularly activin receptor
type IIB (ACVR2B) (21–23). The ligand-receptor complex then recruits a type I receptor, activin-like kinase
(ALK) 4 or 5, to initiate signal transduction (23,24).
The activin receptors can also mediate signaling of
other TGF-beta family members, some of which have
also been demonstrated to negatively regulate muscle
growth (22,25–27). When given to adult mice, inhibitors of this pathway cause fiber hypertrophy and increased muscle mass (22,28,29). MSTN antagonists or
ACVR2B antagonists are currently in clinical trials for
a variety of muscle wasting conditions including hip
replacement, cachexia, and muscular dystrophies.
Lean mass is also important for glucose metabolism. Lean mass, muscle mass or strength is inversely
associated with insulin resistance in humans (30–34).
In rodents, increasing skeletal muscle mass in mice
prevents the development of obesity and impaired
whole body glucose metabolism under conditions
that promote obesity and/or insulin resistance (35).
This process is not fully understood in detail, but in
general, these results suggest that hypertrophied
muscle may use energy that would otherwise be
stored as lipid and lead eventually to insulin resistance. Along these lines, a MSTN inhibitor was
shown to increase glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) expression and glucose uptake in response to glucose
injection more than might be expected by the increase
in muscle mass alone (36). This result raises the possibility that MSTN may have effects on glucose metabolism that are not solely due to a proportional increase in muscle mass. The effects of hypertrophy on
T1DM are unknown, but an increase in basal or contraction-induced glucose into muscle could improve
glucose control.
Several studies have examined the expression of
the MSTN gene or protein in muscle from rodent
models of T1DM as a potential explanation for reduced muscle size (37–44). However, these results are
conflicting. Regardless of whether MSTN causes the
reduced lean mass in T1DM, MSTN inhibitors could
potentially aid in increasing muscle mass or glucose
control in this condition. Therefore, we treated mice
previously made hyperglycemic by streptozotocin
(STZ) treatment with a soluble ACVR2B and analyzed
muscle growth and glucose metabolism. We asked
two questions: 1) Does blocking this pathway increase
muscle mass in the absence of insulin after mice be-
come hyperglycemic? 2) If so, does increasing muscle
mass improve hyperglycemia in a T1DM model?
Materials and Methods
All animal procedures were approved by the
Animal Care and Use Committee of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
(NIDDK), NIH. Male C57BL/6Ncr mice were purchased from the NIH Animal Production Program
(Frederick, MD) at age 5-6 weeks and used for experiments two weeks after arrival. Mice were fed
NIH-07 chow diet ad libitum and kept under a 12-hr
light/dark cycle with lights on at 6am.
Streptozotocin (STZ) treatment
STZ (Sigma) was freshly dissolved in sterile 50
mM sodium citrate buffer, pH 4.5. On day 1, mice
were fasted for 4 hr prior to a single i.p. injection of 40
mg/kg body weight followed by daily injections
without fasting for the next 4 days (n =
20/experiment). For a normal control group, citrate
buffer was injected using the same time course (n =
4/experiment). Tail blood glucose was measured 7-10
days after the final STZ injection. STZ-treated mice
with stable hyperglycemia defined as non-fasting
blood glucose levels of >250 mg/dl for at least 2 consecutive days were used in the experiments (n =
ACVR2B:Fc treatment
ACVR2B:Fc was purified as described (45). Mice
with stable hyperglycemia were individually housed.
Mice were randomly assigned to receive i.p. injections
of 10 mg/kg body weight of ACVR2B:Fc
(STZ+ACVR2B:Fc) or PBS vehicle injections
(STZ+PBS) twice in the first week and weekly thereafter for the indicated number of days (n =
7-8/group). STZ with ACVR2B:Fc or PBS treatment
was performed in three separate groups of mice
treated for different lengths of time to assess reproducibility. PBS or the soluble receptor was given for a
treatment period of 58 days (Group A), 42 days
(Group B), or 11 days (Group C).
Metabolic measurements
Tail blood glucose was measured using a Contour glucometer (Bayer) after nicking the tail tip.
Non-fasting glucose levels were measured between 3
and 5pm. Mice were deprived of food overnight for
~16 hr for fasting glucose measurements.
Tolerance tests were performed to assay hepatic
and renal gluconeogenesis as described (from Group
B; control n = 4; STZ-PBS, n = 8; STZ-ACVR2B:Fc, n =
8) (46). Briefly, to assay hepatic gluconeogenesis, mice
Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2015, Vol. 11
were fasted for 16 hr and injected i.p. with sodium
pyruvate (Sigma) dissolved in saline (1 g/kg body
weight). Blood glucose was measured at 0, 15, 30, 60
and 120 min. To assay non-hepatic gluconeogenesis,
mice were fasted overnight for ~20 hr and then injected i.p. with freshly dissolved L-glutamine (VWR)
in water (1 g/kg body weight), and blood glucose was
measured at 0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 min.
Body composition, tissue and serum collection
and analysis
Total lean or fat mass was measured in conscious
mice (from Group A; control n = 4; STZ-PBS, n = 8;
STZ-ACVR2B:Fc, n = 8) in an EchoMRI™-100 body
composition analyzer (EchoMRI, LLC, Houston, TX).
Serum was collected by cardiac puncture under
pentobarbital anesthesia (80 mg/kg body weight) in
the morning between 10am and noon. Serum insulin,
glucagon (Millipore) and corticosterone (MP Biomedicals) concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay kits according to the manufacturer's
instructions. Liver and kidneys were collected and
frozen immediately in liquid nitrogen. Pancreas tissues were weighed and fixed overnight with 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS followed by embedding in
Optimal Cutting Temperature Compound (Tissue-Tek) for cryosectioning.
Measurement of alpha cell number
Whole pancreata were sectioned at 12 µm on a
cryostat. Four sections per block were selected for
immunofluorescence starting from section #120 and
separated by 30 sections (from Group C; STZ-PBS, n =
7 mice; STZ-ACVR2B:Fc, n = 7 mice). Primary antibodies were rabbit anti-glucagon (1:50, AnaSpec, Inc.)
and guinea pig anti-insulin (1:200, Invitrogen). Secondary antibodies were Alexa 488-conjugated donkey
anti-rabbit IgG (1:200, Molecular Probes) and Alexa
568-conjugated donkey anti-guinea pig IgG (1:200,
Molecular Probes). Sections were mounted in medium
containing 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)
(Vectashield, Vector Laboratories) to visualize nuclei.
To quantitatively evaluate alpha cells, all glucagon-positive cells were counted in the selected sections. The total pancreas area on the same sections
was measured by NIS Elements analysis software
(Nikon). The density of alpha cells was calculated by
dividing the total number of glucagon-positive cells in
the four sections by the total area of the pancreas in
the same sections. The relative total alpha cell number
was calculated by multiplying the alpha cell density
by the pancreas weight and dividing the
STZ-ACVR2B:Fc values by the mean of STZ-PBS values.
RNA isolation and quantitative (q) RT-PCR
Total RNA was isolated using Trizol Reagent
(Invitrogen) and cleaned up with an RNeasy kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer's instructions.
For qRT-PCR, samples were digested with DNase,
followed by reverse transcription of up to 1 µg total
RNA using Superscript II (Invitrogen). cDNA was
quantified on an ABI Prism 7000 Sequence Detection
System using SYBR green master mix (Applied Biosystems) with indicated primers and normalized to
18s rRNA expression (from Group B; control n = 4;
STZ-PBS, n = 8; STZ-ACVR2B:Fc, n = 8). Primers used
were 18s (m), 5’-tcaagaacgaaagtcggagg-3’ and
(G6Pase), 5’-ccggatctaccttgctgctcacttt-3’ and 5’-tagca
ggtagaatccaagcgcgaaa-3’; Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
(Fbpase), 5’-gctctgcaccgcgatca-3’ and 5’-acattggtt
gagccagcgata-3’; Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
(Pepck), 5’-ccacagctgctgcagaaca-3’ and 5’-gaagggtcg
catggcaaa-3’. Amplification efficiencies were between
95-105%. Dissociation analysis was performed at the
end of each reaction to confirm the presence of a single product.
Statistical analysis
Results were expressed as mean ± SE. For measurements with two groups, Student’s t-test with
two-tailed distribution was used. For measurements
with three groups, one way ANOVA or repeated
measures ANOVA were used as appropriate with
Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (SPSS
version 19). Data with unequal variance between
groups were log transformed to restore equal variance. P < 0.05 was considered significant.
Muscle mass
STZ treatment reduced insulin concentration of
~4% of untreated mice as expected and were not significantly different between PBS and ACVR2B:Fc
treatment groups [control, 1.51 ± 0.35 ng/ml;
STZ-PBS, 0.068 ± 0.017; STZ-ACVR2B:Fc, 0.06 ± 0.005;
P < 0.001 for control vs. each STZ group]. Body
weights of STZ-treated mice were significantly
smaller than those of untreated control mice.
ACVR2B:Fc treatment restored body weight to levels
similar to control animals by one week after the first
soluble receptor injection (Figure 1A). The average
daily food intake was higher in both STZ groups
compared to control mice but was not significantly
different between PBS and ACVR2B:Fc treatment
groups (Figure 1B).
A difference in body composition accounted for
the difference in body weight between PBS and
Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2015, Vol. 11
ACVR2B:Fc treatment groups. Lean mass was higher
in mice treated with ACVR2B:Fc compared to PBS
(Figure 1C). ACVR2B:Fc treatment increased lean
mass to a level higher than that of the control group
that did not receive STZ (Figure 1C). Similarly, quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscle masses were increased by soluble receptor treatment compared to
either STZ-PBS or to untreated control muscle (Figure
1D). This difference is muscle weight between
STZ-PBS and STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice occurred as early
as 11 days after soluble receptor treatment (Supplementary Material: Figure S1). Thus, as in other mouse
models, a soluble ACVR2B increases muscle mass.
However, ACVR2B:Fc did not affect total fat mass in
STZ mice compared to PBS treatment. Both STZ
groups had a decrease in total fat mass of ~4 g compared to untreated control mice (Figure 1C). These
results show that although overall body weight was
recovered by ACVR2B:Fc injection in STZ-treated
mice to a level comparable to that of control mice that
did not receive STZ, body composition was quite different between control and STZ-ACVR2B:Fc groups.
Blood glucose
We measured blood glucose to see if increasing
muscle mass would reduce blood glucose. Rather
than improve hyperglycemia in STZ-treated mice,
however, ACVR2B:Fc treatment further elevated
blood glucose compared to PBS treatment (Figure 2).
We repeated the induction of diabetes and treatment
with ACVR2B:Fc or vehicle twice in additional mice
and consistently found increased hyperglycemia in
STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice compared to STZ-PBS mice
(Supplementary Material: Figure S2). This difference
STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice was evident within in a week of
ACVR2B:Fc treatment and persisted for at least five
weeks (Figure 2 and Figure S2).
We also measured fasting blood glucose in three
different groups of diabetic mice treated with
ACVR2B:Fc or PBS. Fasting glucose was reproducibly
and significantly higher in all mice that received STZ
compared to control mice (Figure S2). Compared to
STZ-PBS mice, fasting glucose was 21-51% higher in
STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice depending on the group.
However, this result was statistically significant in
only one of the three groups (Figure S2).
Figure 1. ACVR2B:Fc increases body weight and muscle mass in STZ-treated mice. (A) Body weight of STZ-treated mice increases after ACVR2B:Fc
injections to the level of control (no STZ) mice. (B) The average daily food intake. The x-axes (A and B) show time relative to the start of PBS or ACVR2B:Fc
injection, and statistical significance was determined by repeated measures ANOVA. (C) Body composition analysis in conscious mice showing total lean mass (left
panel) and fat (right panel) mass. (D) Weight of quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscles from control, STZ-PBS or STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice. Data shown are all from
Group A mice. Control, n = 4; STZ-PBS, n = 8; STZ-ACVR2B:Fc, n = 8. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.
Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2015, Vol. 11
Figure 2. ACVR2B:Fc increases blood glucose in STZ-treated mice.
Fed blood glucose is significantly higher in STZ-treated mice receiving
ACVR2B:Fc compared to PBS by repeated measures ANOVA. The x-axis
shows time relative to the start of PBS or ACVR2B:Fc injection. Data shown are
from Group A mice. See also Figure S2 for replication in Groups B and C.
Control, n = 4; STZ-PBS, n = 8; STZ-ACVR2B:Fc, n = 8.
Figure 3. ACVR2B:Fc increases serum corticosterone in
STZ-treated mice. Corticosterone concentration was significantly increased
in STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice compared to either Control or STZ-PBS by one-way
ANOVA. See also Figure S2 for replication. Data shown are from Group B mice.
Serum was collected 42 days after the start of ACVR2B:Fc or PBS injections in
STZ-treated mice. Control, n = 4; STZ-PBS, n = 8; STZ-ACVR2B:Fc, n = 8.
Glucocorticoids are elevated after STZ treatment,
are known to induce gluconeogenesis (47,48), promote protein degradation and inhibit protein synthesis (49). We therefore measured the serum concentration of the glucocorticoid corticosterone. We found
that corticosterone was significantly higher in
STZ-ACVR2B:Fc compared to STZ-PBS or control
mice in serum samples taken 42 days after the start of
ACVR2B:Fc treatment (Group B, Figure 3). This result
was reproduced in serum collected from another
group (Group C) at 11 days after initial treatment with
ACVR2B:Fc (Figure S2). These results suggest that
elevated corticosterone is a persistent feature of
ACVR2B:Fc treatment in STZ mice.
ACVR2B:Fc-treated STZ mice suggest that endogenous glucose production may be increased
STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice. We challenged mice with pyruvate, a substrate for hepatic gluconeogenesis, to see
if STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice had an elevated response to a
gluconeogenic substrate. The blood glucose time
course measured during pyruvate challenge is known
to be altered in mice with liver-specific changes in
expression of genes important for gluconeogenesis
(51,52). We found that both STZ treatment groups
responded strongly to pyruvate by increasing blood
glucose more than control mice (Figure 4A). Starting
blood glucose was higher in STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice
compared to STZ-PBS mice and remained higher over
180 min (Figure 4A). By repeated measures ANOVA,
the blood glucose curve from STZ-ACVR2B:Fc was
significantly different from that of STZ-PBS mice.
When expressed as a percent of starting glucose,
however, the response of STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice was
similar to that of STZ-PBS mice (Figure 4B).
Renal gluconeogenesis is now known to make a
significant contribution to blood glucose levels
(53,54). Seventy-three percent of the glutamine that is
incorporated into glucose is converted by the kidney
and the rest by the liver (55). Because of this difference, glutamine tolerance tests have been used previously to differentiate renal from hepatic gluconeogenesis (46). To see if renal gluconeogenesis was elevated in STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice, we performed glutamine tolerance tests. Glutamine injection in STZ mice
also raised glucose levels more than in control mice
(Figure 4C). However, the curves for STZ-PBS and
STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice were not significantly different
from each other by repeated measures ANOVA, and
only the final time point (180 min) was significantly
different when considering individual time points
(Figure 4C). As a percent of starting blood glucose, the
STZ-PBS and STZ-ACVR2B:Fc glucose curves are
nearly identical (Figure 4D). Thus, there does not
seem to be a difference in glutamine-induced gluconeogenesis between STZ-ACVR2B:Fc and STZ-PBS
We also analyzed the expression of genes involved in gluconeogenesis. Phosphoenolpyruvate
carboxykinase (Pepck), fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
(FBPase) and glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) were
STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice compared to that of STZ-PBS or
control mice although they all tended to be higher
(Figure 4E). In the kidney, only the expression of Pepck
was significantly higher in STZ-ACVR2B:Fc compared to STZ- PBS mice (Figure 4F).
Gluconeogenesis is increased in T1DM (50). In
addition, the exacerbated glucocorticoid increase in
Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2015, Vol. 11
Pancreas phenotype in STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice
(GDF11), the activins, and the activin receptors are
expressed in the pancreas (56). We therefore wondered whether ACVR2B:Fc treatment would affect
regeneration after STZ-induced beta cell destruction
and account for the difference in blood glucose between STZ-PBS and STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice. By 11 days
after the start of PBS or ACVR2B:Fc treatment, pancreata from STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice weighed ~15%
more than those from STZ-PBS mice (Group C, Figure
5A). To examine the difference in islet cell types, we
carried out morphometric analysis on the pancreas. It
was not possible to accurately analyze beta cell mass
due to the faint, diffuse anti-insulin immunostaining
after STZ treatment. In pancreata taken 11 days after
the initial ACVR2B:Fc injection, however, we found a
non-significant increase in alpha cell number of 27%
in ACVR2B:Fc-treated mice compared to that of
STZ-PBS mice (Supplementary Material: Figure S3
and Figure 5B).
We measured glucagon levels because the hormone is secreted by alpha cells and promotes gluconeogenesis in both the liver and the kidney (57). Serum glucagon levels in STZ-PBS or STZ-ACVR2B:Fc
mice were not significantly different from control
mice (Figure 5C).
Figure 4. Gluconeogeneic response and enzyme gene expression. (A, B) Blood glucose (A) or the percent starting blood glucose (B) after injection of
pyruvate to measure hepatic gluconeogenesis. STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice had higher fasting blood glucose at the time of injection (*P < 0.05). The plot of blood glucose
over 180 minutes was significantly different from that of STZ-PBS mice by repeated measures ANOVA (A), whereas the percent increase over starting blood glucose
was not significant (B). (C, D) Blood glucose (C) or the percent starting blood glucose (D) after injection of glutamine to measure non-hepatic gluconeogenesis.
Neither was significantly different from that of STZ-PBS mice by repeated measures ANOVA. The final 180 minute time point was significant by one way ANOVA (C,
*P < 0.05). (E, F) Relative gene expression levels for enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis in the liver (E) and kidney (F). Data shown are from Group B mice. Control,
n = 4; STZ-PBS, n = 7; STZ-ACVR2B:Fc, n = 8.
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Figure 5. Pancreas phenotype in STZ-PBS and STZ-ACVR2B:Fc
mice. (A) Pancreas weight of STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice compared to STZ-PBS
mice. (B) The alpha cell number as measured by glucagon positive cells in
STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice compared to STZ-PBS mice (no significant difference).
(A,B) Data shown are from Group C mice at 11 days after starting ACVR2B:Fc
or PBS treatment. STZ-PBS, n = 7; STZ-ACVR2B:Fc, n = 7. (C) Serum glucagon
at 42 days after starting ACVR2B:Fc or PBS treatment (Group B). Control, n =
4; STZ-PBS, n = 7; STZ-ACVR2B:Fc, n = 8.
Our results demonstrate that MSTN inhibitors
increase muscle mass in T1DM mice as they do in
mice that are WT, aged, obese, androgen-deprived or
immobilized, or are models of muscular dystrophy or
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (35,58–60). This muscle
hypertrophy occurred with very little, if any, insulin.
In comparison with previous studies in our laboratory
and others, the increase in muscle mass did not seem
to be as great as in previous experiments in healthy
mice treated with ACVR2B:Fc (22,45). We cannot say
whether this is due to a requirement for insulin for the
full hypertrophic response to MSTN inhibitors or due
to other metabolic derangements that were not ameliorated such as elevated glucocorticoids or glucose
toxicity. ACVR2B:Fc or other MSTN pathway inhibitors increase muscle mass in many different types of
atrophy, but this is not proof for a causative role for
excess MSTN signaling in various types of atrophy.
The effects of STZ treatment on MSTN gene or protein
expression are mixed, and whether MSTN might
cause STZ-induced atrophy is debatable. Five studies
have found increased MSTN levels (37,39,42–44), one
found decreased levels (40), and two found no change
(38,41). Testing the resistance of mice STZ-induced
muscle wasting with blockade of the MSTN/activin
signaling pathway in muscle would be informative.
Muscle hypertrophy caused by MSTN inhibition,
insulin-like growth factor 1 signaling or c-ski overexpression is associated with greater insulin sensitivity
and prevention of diet-induced increases in fasting
glycemia (35). It has been difficult to determine
whether MSTN inhibition directly regulates insulin
signaling or glucose uptake apart from the effects of
hypertrophy or secondarily to the reduction in overall
body fat accumulation that is found in virtually all
mutant mice with muscle hypertrophy. A recent
study showed that glucose uptake and glycogen concentration after a glucose challenge are increased
more than might be expected by hypertrophy alone in
muscle treated with an adeno-associated virus expressing a MSTN inhibitor (36). This inhibitor increased GLUT1 and GLUT4 expression which could
improve muscle glucose uptake through basal, insulin-stimulated and/or exercise-induced mechanisms.
GLUT4 gene expression is also higher in muscle of
cattle carrying null mutations in the MSTN gene (61).
Furthermore, MSTN treatment suppresses expression
of GLUT4 in differentiated myoblasts from these
mutant cattle (61). These experiments suggest that
MSTN may regulate glucose metabolism by mechanisms other than, or in addition to, regulating insulin
signaling. This raises the possibility that muscle hypertrophy could reduce hyperglycemia independent
of insulin such as by increased exercise-induced
GLUT4 translocation. However, the lack of efficacy of
STZ-treated mice suggests that muscle hypertrophy
improves glucose utilization in models of insulin resistance primarily by improving insulin sensitivity. To
Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2015, Vol. 11
mimic treatment of a T1DM patient and see if
ACVR2B:Fc therapy in STZ treated mice would improve blood glucose in the presence of a insulin, we
tried treating mice with a low level of long-acting insulin prior to soluble receptor treatment. Unfortunately, blood glucose levels swung so dramatically
throughout the day from hypoglycemic to hyperglycemic that this experiment was abandoned.
A role for MSTN in regulating insulin sensitivity
independent of its regulation of muscle mass was
suggested by injection of MSTN in vivo. Daily MSTN
treatment at concentrations that do not decrease
muscle or adipose tissue mass worsens insulin tolerance in mice (62). However, in vitro experiments contradict the expected results for a direct role for MSTN
in regulating glucose uptake in muscle. In differentiated rodent myoblast cell lines, MSTN increased glucose uptake and glycolysis alone or in the presence of
insulin (63). These results are the opposite of what is
expected given an increase in GLUT4 expression
(36,61) and improved insulin sensitivity of animals
with loss of function mutations in MSTN signaling.
The effects of MSTN in vitro often require high concentrations of the ligand which raises some concerns
about the physiological relevance of some in vitro
results. The use of myoblasts such as commercially
available human primary lines that show inhibition of
differentiation by MSTN in the 10 ng/ml range to
confirm in vitro glucose metabolism studies would be
of value (64).
We were unable to convincingly determine an
explanation for increased hyperglycemia in
STZ-treated mice with muscle hypertrophy. There
was a trend toward higher fasting glucose in
STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice which reached significance in
one of our three experiments. (For the mice used in
one of these two negative experiments (Group B,
Figure S2), a significant increase in fasting glucose
was also found during the pyruvate tolerance test
(Figure 4A).) Insulin suppresses endogenous glucose
production (48), and gluconeogenesis is higher in
poorly controlled T1DM (50) and STZ-treated rodents
(65). The strong response to pyruvate suggests higher
hepatic gluconeogenesis in STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice, but
gene expression analysis does not confirm this result.
ACVR2B:Fc treatment of mice on a standard diet improves suppression of endogenous glucose production in response to insulin after 10 weeks, an effect not
seen at 4 weeks (66). This long delay suggests that
ACVR2B:Fc affects gluconeogenesis indirectly by increasing insulin sensitivity rather than by directly
acting on hepatocytes. However, high concentrations
of MSTN inhibit insulin signaling in hepatocyte cell
lines (67). Whether hepatocytes are able to activate the
latent MSTN complex to allow MSTN to bind to the
receptor on hepatocytes in vivo is unknown.
Hepatocytes also respond to activin by increasing
insulin sensitivity for glucose uptake (68).
Many TGFβ family members including MSTN,
activin and GDF11 are expressed in the pancreas
along with the type I and type II receptors and the
secreted inhibitors follistatin and follistatin-like 3 (56).
Mutants in some of these genes cause an imbalance in
pancreas cell types (69–73). Although higher, the
number of alpha cells in STZ-ACVR2B:Fc mice compared to STZ-PBS mice was not significant. The increased pancreas weight seen with ACVR2B:Fc
treatment is likely due to higher exocrine mass which
comprises most of the pancreatic mass.
We found a large increase in levels of the glucocorticoid corticosterone in mice treated with
ACVR2B:Fc both compared to STZ-PBS mice and to
control mice. Glucocorticoids have a variety of metabolic effects including inhibition of insulin signaling,
promotion of protein degradation in muscle and
promotion of endogenous glucose production and
insulin resistance in liver (48). Glucocorticoids are
increased in T1DM and in STZ-treated rodents
(47,74,75). A relationship between MSTN or activin
signaling and glucocorticoid signaling has previously
been demonstrated in other models. There are glucocorticoid response elements in the MSTN promoter
(76), and the glucocorticoid dexamethasone upregulates MSTN gene expression in muscle (77,78).
MSTN-/- mice or mice injected with an antibody that
recognizes ACVR2 and ACVR2B are resistant to
dexamethasone-induced muscle atrophy (79,80). Our
results showing increased corticosterone levels in serum suggest that the activin receptor and glucocorticoid pathways may be reciprocally regulated in that
ACVR2 signaling could also inhibit glucocorticoid
production. In this vein, it has been shown previously
that activin A inhibits the secretion of cortisol, the
human equivalent of corticosterone, by cultured
ACTH-stimulated primary adrenocortical cells (82).
One limitation to our study is the use of
STZ-induced hyperglycemia as a model for T1DM.
STZ is taken up by the glucose transporter GLUT2
and induces DNA damage by alkylation and increased reactive oxygen species (83) DNA damage
causes activation of poly ADP-ribosylation which
leads to NAD+ and ATP depletion. Variability in expression of GLUT2 between species accounts for toxicity of STZ in cells other than beta cells (84). It is possible that ACVR2B:Fc treatment may have some effects on GLUT2-expressing non-beta cells that have
previously taken up STZ that would not be seen with
ACVR2B:Fc treatment of auto-immune diabetes.
Other possible alternative explanations for the
Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2015, Vol. 11
increased corticosterone and hyperglycemia could be
a higher susceptibility to stress in mice with blunted
ACVR signaling or infection from contamination of
the ACVR2B:Fc preparation that caused an increase in
glucocorticoid production. However, our protein
preparations are filtered and vehicle controls receive
injections from the same solutions used to dilute the
inhibitor. Furthermore, we are consistently seeing the
higher blood glucose and corticosterone despite having used different preparations of ACVR2B:Fc.
Treated mice gained weight rapidly and ate well.
Nonetheless, the use of different inhibitors and replication from other laboratories will probably be necessary to definitively rule out contaminants as the
cause of the increased corticosterone and glycemia.
In conclusion, we have found that inhibition of
MSTN/activin signaling in a T1DM model causes
muscle hypertrophy and further increases blood glucose and corticosterone levels. Our findings raise the
possibility that blood glucose or glucocorticoids
might be elevated in other disease models or healthy
animals receiving ACVR2B:Fc or other MSTN inhibitors. Regardless, these results indicate that
MSTN/activin inhibitors may not be an appropriate
approach to increase muscle mass in patients with
ACVR2: activin receptor type 2; ACVR2B:Fc:
ACVR fused to Fc; ALK: activin receptor-like kinase;
Fbpase: fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase; G6Pase: glucose-6-phosphatase; Pepck: phosphoenolpyruvate
carboxykinase; STZ: streptozotocin; TGFβ: transforming growth factor beta.
Supplementary Material
Figures S1 – S3.
We thank Se-Jin Lee for the ACVR2B:Fc cell line,
Obiageri Okafor for technical assistance and Oksana
Gavrilova for advice about animal procedures. This
work was supported by the Intramural Research
Program of the NIDDK, NIH.
Competing Interests
Under a licensing agreement between Pfizer and
the Johns Hopkins University, A.C.M. is entitled to a
share of royalty received by the University on sales of
myostatin. A.C.M. also is a co-inventor on a GDF11
patent. The terms of these arrangements are being
managed by the University in accordance with its
conflict of interest policies. All other authors have no
competing interests.
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