Revisiting the Structure of the 2-Norbornyl Carbocation Vernon G. S. Box Department of Chemistry City College City University of New York New York, NY, USA Abstract - Only a few molecules have stimulated the discussion and understanding of reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry. as has the 2-norbornyl Carbocation. New structural evidence has shed more light on this enigma. Key Words - 2-norbornyl, carbocation, singlet diradical, x-ray crystallography, molecular modeling, StruMM3D Introduction - The achievement of the crystal structure of the 2-norbornyl carbocation, 1, below, was a watershed moment in the history of organic chemistry.[1] This important carbocation has had an unprecedented impact on the history of organic reaction mechanisms. H H H + H H 1 A casual examination of the x-ray crystallographic data for the norbornyl carbocation could lead one to conclude that the non-classical carbocation theory has at last proven to be correct. However, a closer examination of its bond order data, derived only from its x-ray coordinate data, has revealed some further insight into its structure and stability. Discussion Historically, the solvolytic chemistry of chiral norbornanes bearing good leaving groups at C-2 revealed the core details of the overall reaction pathway, as shown in Scheme 1. It became obvious that not only were these reactions much faster than the solvolyses of their simple monocyclic analogues, but also they were stereospecific (the incoming group replaced the leaving group retaining the same relative stereochemistry as the starting material), and importantly, yielded a racemic product.[2] Thus, it was concluded that these solvolyses must have proceeded via some symmetrical intermediate, and these possible carbocations are shown in Scheme 2. 5 H H H 6 4 1 3 H ROH H H + H H H OR 2 X OR Scheme 1 For brevity, the positive charge implied by the vacant p-orbital has been omitted. The structure 3D is an attempt to depict the resonance hybrid 3. as it is now popularly accepted. H H H _ H H H H - X H H H H H X _ H + H H H 2A - H H 3E 2B X H H H H H H H H 3A H H H H H H + H H H H H 3C 3B H 3D Scheme 2 The feud between believers in the classical[3], carbocation structures 2, and their rivals that believed in the non-classical[4], carbocation structures 3, then ensued. Advances in NMR spectroscopic methods and techniques eventually provided evidence in support of the carbocation structure 3D.[5] The basic assumption that underpinned these experiments was that performing NMR spectra at very low temperatures should slow down the intramolecular equilibrium process between the classical carbocation structures 2A and 2B, enough to detect their separate existence. Those low temperature NMR spectroscopic experiments were not to be able to detect these classical ions, and so were seen to be congruent with the existence of only one structure, 3D. Thus, popular opinion swung away from the notion of the existence of the classical pair of carbocation structures, 2A and 2B. The recent publication[1] of the crystal structure of the 2-norbornyl carbocation, 1, has supported, unequivocally, the conclusions drawn from the NMR experiments. However, the structure 1 is quite different from the structures 3D or 3E. It is very important to note that the structures 1 3D and 3E are not identical. In structure 1, the positive charge resides almost exclusively on the C-1 - C2 π-bond, whereas in the structure 3D that positive charge is distributed over C-1, C-2 and C-6. If, somehow, the equilibration of the classical carbocation structures 2A and 2B was faster than the NMR time scale, the “merging” of these two structures would have generated an ion like 3E, in which the positive charge would reside on C-1 and C-2. However, notice that the structure 1 shows the C-1 - C-2 bond to be a πbond, which would not be required for structure 3E, and so the x-ray data eliminated the structure 3E from consideration. The notion of classical carbocation structures 2A and 2B is therefore truly dead. However, as will be seen in the discussion below, considerable doubt must be cast on the validity of the formulation of the non-classical 2-norbornyl carbocation as structure 3D, a simple resonance hybrid between the simple cations 3A, 3B and 3C. Further, as will also be shown below, the x-ray crystal structure of the 2-norbornyl carbocation, 1, denies the possibility of it being the structure 3E. As depicted in Scheme 2, it is widely suggested that the ion 3 is a resonance hybrid of the possible canonical forms 3A, 3B and 3C. The NMR spectroscopic evidence suggests that C-6 does not ever bear a significant positive charge,[6] as in resonance form 3C, and since 3C would also be a highly unstable primary carbocation, then it would not be expected to be a significant contributor to any resonance hybrid. Thus if there is any double bond character in the C-1 - C-2 bond, as depicted in 3D, then the order of this bond must be closer to 1, rather than to 2. That would make the resonance hybrid more akin to the structure 3E than to 3D, an unhappy conclusion. Since the C-6 - C-1 bond of resonance structure 3A, and the C-6 - C-2 bond of resonance structure 3B, would be two electron bonds flanking a carbocation center, then their bond orders would be expected to be quite close to, if not greater than 1, due to the massive inductive effect of the carbocation center.[7] So these bonds should be expected to be of near normal strengths and lengths. However, the x-ray structure of the carbocation 1 shows that these two C-C bonds have bond orders of about 0.17, showing that these bonds are extremely weak and extremely long. Further, the fundamental "Rules for Resonance" states that one cannot imply the movement of atoms in going from one resonance structure to another, and only electrons may be redistributed. Thus, if 3A, 3B and 3C are "normal", planar carbocations, then all the resonance structures 3A, 3B and 3C violate this rule. Indeed, the hydrogens shown would be fluttering from one orientation to another as the tetrahedral sites become trigonal and vice versa. If the resonance hybrid is definitely to be depicted as 3D, then we must invoke the participation of non-planar carbocations, and a non-planar π-bond, in the structure 3D. These features are known to be highly unstable.[8] The experimentally determined crystal structure of the 2-norbornyl carbocation, 1, has shown that C-7, C-1, C-2, H-2 dihedral angle is about 153 degrees (as too is the C-3, C-2, C-1, H-1 dihedral angle). So while the H-1, C-1, C-2 and H-2 are coplanar, the data clearly showed that the C-1 and C-2 atoms were not planar. This fact, highlighted another issue with the involvement of the possible resonance structures 3C in the resonance hybrid 3D. Thus, the ion 3 cannot be a resonance hybrid of the simple carbocation structures 3A, 3B and 3C, and since the 2-norbornyl cation cannot be depicted as 3E, there is a problem with the formulation of the 2-norbornyl carbocation as a simple non-classical carbocation. The crystal structure of the 2-norbornyl carbocation, 1, has therefore not only cast doubts on the validity of previous thoughts on its structure, but also has revealed a third possible structure for the norbornyl carbocation, which is significantly more congruent with the experimentally determined structure, both energetically and in the structural details. In order for us to better understand the bond length features that the C-1 - C-2 bond of the 2norbornyl carbocation would show, if it was indeed representable by structure 3E, it is useful for us to consider the crystal structures of four derivatives of adamantylideneadamantane,4. X 4 5 6 7 8 X=O X = Cl+ X = Br+ X = I+ These heterocyclic derivatives of adamantylideneadamantane, 4, are stable, in large part, because of the inability of nucleophiles to approach the backsides of the C-X bonds in attempted Sn2 reactions. Table 1 - Bond lengths (pm) and Bond Orders† Compound C-X C-X C-C CCDC Code Epoxide, 5 145.2, 0.81 145.9, 0.78 148.4, 1.12 GICJUX Chloronium ion, 6 192.4, 0.59 192.4, 0.59 148.6, 1.21 NOCHUI Bromonium ion, 7 211.9, 0.54 208.8, 0.62 214.0, 0.49 211.7, 0.54 149.0, 1.19 149.0, 1.19 WEVPIW Iodonium ion, 8 233.8, 0.51 236.2, 0.46 145.3, 1.36 WEVPOC Norbornyl cation, 181.5, 0.10 181.2, 0.10 181.2, 0.10 180.3, 0.13 138.5, 1.71 138.8, 1.69 HIGNAO02 Benzene † 139, 1.667 StruMM3D ( was used as the molecular modeler The experimentally determined crystal structures of all of the molecules, 5 to 8, are available, and will be the sole sources of the data used here. While bond length data, derived from the experimentally determined atomic coordinates of these molecules will be discussed, the bond orders (B.O.) of the relevant bonds will be more useful. No theoretical derived data for these molecules will be used in this discussion in an effort to avoid pointless political controversies. The bond length and bond order data are presented in Table 1. The structure of the epoxide, 5,[9] shows normal lengths for the C-O bonds of 145 pm (B.O. 0.8) and the C-C bond of 1.48 pm (B.O. - 1.12). Oxygen is the second most electronegative atom, and so the shortened C-C bond reflects the expected consequence of the oxygen's inductive effect.[7] As has been emphasized,[10] the single bonds of the stable, non-delocalized, tub conformation of cyclooctatetraene are 146 pm long. Delocalization in this tetraene molecule cannot occur because of the large dihedral angles between adjacent double bonds. The single bond lengths in cyclooctatetraene are therefore due to the reduced covalent radii of the sp2 hybridized carbon piatoms. Thus, the bond lengths of 148 pm in the epoxide cannot be due to resonance/delocalization effects. For the halogenonium ions, 6 to 8,[11 to 13 respectively] the C-X bond orders are uniformly greater than 0.5, showing that these are highly extend, though fully formed, bonds. The C-C bonds are all between 148 to 149 pm, similar in length to the epoxide's C-C bond, with bond orders of about 1.2. These shortened C-C bonds again reflect the enhanced inductive effects of the positively charged atom X, but their lengths all fall very comfortably within the normally observed range (B.O < 1.5) of lengths for C-C single bonds. This data re-enforces the notion that structures such as 9 cannot be possible for these molecules. X+ π complex X+ 9 σ complex The 2-norbornyl carbocation, 1, shows quite different features than these adamantane derivatives. The carbocation 1 shows a much shorter C-1 - C-2 bond, 138 pm, with the same length and similar bond order (B.O. > 1.5) as that of the benzene C=C bond. Thus the C-1 - C-2 bond of carbocation 1 has the features of a delocalized C=C double bond. The crystallographic data show that C-1 - C-2 bond of carbocation 1 is a pyramidalized π-bond, and that the degree of the deformation from planarity is well within the range experimentally observed for pyramidalized alkene and benzenes.[14] Pyramidalized alkenes are known to be neutral (no charge separation) and highly reactive,[14] undoubtedly because of their significant singlet diradicaloid properties. The only logical structural explanation for these observations on carbocation 1 is shown in Scheme 3. The structures 1A and 1B are meant to indicate that the CH2 radical center is weakly bonded to the C-1 - C-2 radical cation π-bond, a sigma complex. The structures 1A, 1B and 1C are intended to be slightly different representation of one structure and not a resonance hybrid. Notice that the positive charge is explicitly shared by only C-1 and C-2, in contrast to structure 3D or 3E. H . + H H H . H . H H H +. H H 1A H H 1B H + H H 1C Scheme 3 The length of the C-1 - C-2 bond, 138 pm, clearly suggests that unlike the halogenonium ions 6 to 8, the center of positive charge is borne by the radical-cation C-1 - C-2 π-bond, and so very little if any positive charge can reside on C-6. This is consistent with previous NMR studies.[6] Thus, the carbocation 1 must be a singlet diradicaloid entity, with the tetrahedral C-6 bearing a radical orbital, as in structures 1A and 1B, and the pyramidalized C-1 - C-2 double bond being a delocalized radical carbocationic π-bond entity. The halogenonium ions, 6 to 8, all show bond orders greater 0.5 for the bonds joining the halogen atoms to the central carbons. The epoxide 5, which is uncharged, shows bond orders of about 0.8 for the C-O bonds. On the other had, the carbocation 1 shows bond orders of about 0.17 for the bonds between C-6 and C1 and C2. These bonds are clearly almost broken, and so must be quite weak, while for the halogenonium ions the corresponding bonds are almost fully formed, and so must be much stronger. Essentially, while the halogenonium ions are fully, and discretely, bonded entities, the carbocation 1 shows us a much more weakly coherent structure with C-6 flirting with C-1 and C-2, via their π-bond, and being bonded strongly to neither. In effect, the activation energy to transition between two structures 2A and 2B should be almost zero, as is normally accepted for incipient bonding between radicals. If this is true, then since the two entities 2A and 2B could interchange freely, without energetic restriction, then any NMR study performed at low temperature would give inconclusive results, since on the NMR time scale, only one molecule would be observed. So, the classical carbocation formulation for this entity, requiring a rapid equilibrium between the two molecules 1A has not been disproved. This singlet diradical carbocation rationalization completely avoids the pitfalls inherent in the simple resonance stabilized carbocation structural rationalization shown in Scheme 2. all of whose structures violate the rules for resonance in one way or another. Another look at the possible processes leading to the formation of the carbocation 1 is shown in Scheme 4. Thus, as the C-2 carbocation forms, an electron transfer from the C-6 - C-1 bond to the cation center then creates the singlet radical cations 1Z, and thence to 1A. Indeed, this mechanism might also be applied to all thermally induced suprafacial-suprafacial cation-induced [1,n] sigmatropic rearrangements.[15] 5 H 4 H 6 7 H 1 H _ H + H X H H 1 H H H . H 1Z H H + H H +. - X 2 3 H H H H . . H H H +. 1B H H H H H +. 1A Scheme 4 Acknowledgements - The molecular modeler used in this study was StruMM3D,[16] which drew attention to the presence of the delocalized C-1 - C-2 double bond. 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