1840 Marshall Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Mission Statement We are the church of St. Peter committed to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ through prayer, service, scripture and sacrament in the living Catholic and apostolic tradition. We welcome all to walk with us on this journey of faith. Very Reverend Steven W. Fauser V.F. Pastor Monsignor Thomas J. Kujovsky PARISH OFFICE 717-367-1255 www.stpeteretown.org FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/MAqdPl Eileen M. Rider, Administrative Assistant x 5 Jeanette Y. Johnson, Education Secretary - 717-367-1255 Kim DePaulis, Clerical Secretary x 4 Amy Smedley, Coordinator of Religious Education - 717-951-5434 Natalie Pronio, Coordinator of Youth Ministry x 7 Karen Bruskewicz, Campus Ministry Coordinator - 361-1447 Karen Bruskewicz, RCIA Coordinator - 717-367-1255 x 3 Brian Simmons, Maintenance - 717–367-1255 Patricia E. Wolf, Finance / Webmaster - 717–367–1255 x 6 Bulletin / Mass Script Notices: bulletininfo@stpeteretown.org Seven Sorrows BVM - Elementary School 360 E. Water Street, Middletown, PA 17057 Tel. (717) 944-5371 * Fax: (717) 944-5419 Website www.sevensorrows.org SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION –Saturday 4-4:30pm - New Church - April thru October 3-3:30pm - November thru March MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening Vigil—New Church 5pm—April thru October 4pm— November thru March Sunday—7:30am, 9am & 11am—New Church Daily Mass—7am—Historic Church Holy Days—See Bulletin PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon, Tues, Thurs 9am—5pm Wed 9am—3pm Fri Closed Telephone 717-367-1255 * Fax 717-367-1270 Parish Website: www.stpeteretown.org BAPTISM Second Sunday of each month. Please call the Parish Office to set a date 404 Cherry Street, Columbia, PA 17512 Tel. (717)684-2433 and to register for a Baptism class. *Fax (717)-684-5039 Website: www.ourladyoftheangels.org MARRIAGE LANCASTER CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Couples contemplating marriage are reminded not to set a wedding date 650 Juliette Ave, Lancaster, PA 17601 Tel. (717)509-0315 before arranging an appointment with the Parish Priest. Please schedule * Fax 717-509-0312 Website: www.lchsyes.org this at least one year before the intended marriage. Participation in an Engaged Encounter or Mentor Couple Program is required for all couples. ST. PETER RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCHEDULE 717-367-1255 SICK CALLS (2nd Wednesday after Labor Day through the Last Wednesday in April) Please notify the Parish Office for visits and/or Communion calls to the Pre-K through 8th grade are Wednesdays 6 pm—8:30pm sick, shut-ins and those hospitalized. *See bulletin calendar for exact times of each class* SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Letters of recommendation for sponsors of the Sacraments can be issued RCIA meets Thursday evenings 7:00—9:00pm Sept—May only to parishioners who are registered, active, and fulfill the requireST. PETER YOUTH GROUP ments of Church law. 717-367-1255 SCRIP Meetings are held in the Youth Group Room in the Annex located on Gift certificates are available on Sunday from 8:00—11:00 am in the Washington Street. See schedule for dates and times. Parish Office and again during normal business hours. Our Lady of the Angels - Elementary School New Parishioners: If you are new in the area of our Parish, we invite you to register as members. Please drop this information into the Offertory Basket or mail to Parish Office, or register online: http://goo.gl/5rJFqA New Registration Change of Address Moving out of Parish Want Envelopes No Envelopes Name: _____________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Street: Email: ZIP: SAINT PETER CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA THE HOLY FAMILY DECEMBER 28, 2014 Prayer to the Holy Family Grant us, O Lord Jesus, faithfully to imitate the examples of Thy Holy Family, so that in the hour of our death, in the company of Thy glorious Virgin Mother and St. Joseph, we may deserve to be received by Thee into eternal tabernacles. catholicism.com DAILY MASSES:ST PETER HISTORIC CHURCH (HC) WEEKEND MASSES: NEW CHURCH (NC) Saturday, December 27 Vigil 4:00 PM Jill Bresch (NC) Sunday, December 28 7:30 AM Pam Gilhooly (NC) 9:00 AM Deceased members of the Hnatkovich Family (NC) 11:00 AM Members of the Parish (NC) Monday, December 29 7:00 AM Eleanor Calcagno (HC) Tuesday, December 30 7:00 AM Phyllis Lusk (HC) Wednesday, December 31 4:00 PM Members of the Parish (NC) 5:30 PM Celebrant’s Intentions (NC) Thursday, January 01 10:00 AM Deceased members of the Thomas Family (NC) Friday, January 02 7:00 AM Hal Lusk (HC) 11:00 AM Ellen Abate (Masonic Village) Saturday, January 03 Vigil 4:00 PM Members of the Parish (NC) Sunday, January 04 7:30 AM George Kraft (NC) 9:00 AM Barbara Noble Lozinski (NC) 11:00 AM James Haplin (NC) SANCTUARY CANDLES burn as a reminder of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the tabernacle. This week they are lit: HISTORIC CHURCH: In loving memory of Glo & Ed Ulrich from the Stark family. NEW CHURCH: In loving memory of Elmer Bennett from the Ott family. Please remember in your prayers this week: Our seminarians: seminarians Josh Cavender, Casey Hungler & Brother Lawrence [Shawn Machia] . Also keep in your prayers all the seminarians that are striving to fulfill their vocation, and those whom the Lord is calling to do His work. May the Angels shelter and protect them from all harm, doubt and fear. Our sick: Dorothy Hake, Joan Kuhn, Patrick Masterson, Flossie McKnight, Pearl Monahan, Frances Paul, Tony Collata, Henry Chipriano, Hermione Fauser, Bob Cassell, Dolores Price, Fred Sanders as well as those in nursing homes, the homebound, and those suffering from serious illness. Our military personnel & their families: Seth Billet, Joel Burgo, Miranda Caskey, AJ Dolan, Kristen Edelkind, Adam, Nathan & Timmy Fedor, Robert Goody, Jared Grogan, Michael Hollingsworth, Daniel Olweiler, Joseph, Thomas & Richard Patterson, Bryan Pyle, Jose Roman Santiago, Brett Simmons. Readings for the week of December 28, 2014 Sunday The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6, 21:1-3; Ps 105; Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17 or Heb 11:8; 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40 Monday Saint Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96; Lk 2:22-35 Tuesday 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96; Lk 2:36-40 Wednesday Saint Sylvester I, Pope 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96; Jn 1:1-18 Thursday Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Friday Saints Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen Bishops and Doctors of the Church 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98; Jn 1:19-28 Saturday The Most Holy Name of Jesus 1 Jn 2:29—3:6; Ps 98; Jn 1:29-34 Sunday The Epiphany of the Lord Is 60:1-6; Ps 72; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 Liturgical Music Ministry Music Minister: Linda Itzoe 367-1755 Adult Choir: Corinne Kern 367-0759 Youth Choir: John Gulya 367-8083 Children's Choir: Liz Pfautz 367-336 January 3 & 4 Music Schedule 4:00 p.m. Choir 9:00 a.m. Cantor 11:00 a.m. Ensemble The Children’s Nursery Today - 11:00 a.m. / January 4 - 9:00 a.m. Liturgical Ministry Training: Joseph Barone - 367-9761 Scheduling: Eileen Rider– secretary@stpeteretown.org http://www.rotundasoftware.com/ministry/stpeteretown 1 2 12 40 Hour Adoration Adoration all day Service at 7 PM Mass 7 AM HC 26 Mom’s Group meeting 9:30-11:00 AM NC Parish Council 7PM Mass 7 AM HC Mass 7 AM HC 27 GABS: 6:30-8:30 PC Mass 7 AM HC 20 GABS: 6:30-8:30 PC 13 40 Hour Adoration Adoration all day Service at 7 PM Mass 7 AM HC 28 Religious Ed PC Rosary 6:30 PM NC A. Choir: 7 PM NC 21 Religious Ed PC Rosary 6:30 PM NC A. Choir: 7PM NC 14 Religious Ed. PC Rosary 6:30 PM NC A. Choir : 7 PM NC 9 Mass 7 AM HC 29 GABS: 10-12 PC Scripture Study 5:30 Y. Choir 6:30 PM Mass 7 AM HC 22 GABS: 10-12 PC Scripture Study 5:30 Y. Choir 6:30 PM Mass 7 AM HC Mass 7 AM HC 30 23 Inclusion Ministry Respite Night 6:008:30 PM NC Mass 7 AM HC 15 16 Y. Choir 6:30 PM NC Scripture Study 5:307:00 PM NC Mass 7 AM HC Mass 7 AM HC Happy New Year! 2 Fri 31 Blood Drive sign-up Catholic Faith Bee 7:30-8:30 PM PC 24 First Reconciliation 10 AM NC Spaghetti Dinner 4-7 PC- 17 10 3 40 Hour Adoration sign-ups in the Narthex Sat THE HOLY FAMILY 25 Refreshments Rel. Ed Blood Drive sign-up K of C 5:30-7:00 PM Mini Steuby: 6-8 PC 18 19 World Youth Day interest mtg 12:30 NC Gretna Glen Youth Night 4-6:30 PM Mass 7 AM HC Men’s Club 7 PM PC AM 11 40 Hour Adoration Adoration all day Service at 7PM 7 Religious Ed. PC Rosary 6:30 PM NC A. Choir: 7 PM NC 1 Thu 8 GABS: 10-12 AM PC Y. Choir 6:30 PM NC Scripture Study 5:30- 5 6 Stewardship 7 PM NC GABS: 6:30-8:30 PC CCW 7 PM PC Wed 4 40 Hour Adoration sign-ups Handmaids: 2-4 PM Annex Tue Mass 10 AM Mon GABS: Great American Bible Study NC= New Church HC= Historic Church PC= Parish Center Sun JANUARY 2015 January 25-30 SAINT PETER CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA DECEMBER 28, 2014 SAINT PETER CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA THE HOLY FAMILY DECEMBER 28, 2014 Liturgical Ministry We are in need of help for New Year Masses! Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God St. Peter’s Youth 12/31 4:00 p.m. 1 Altar Server, 3 Ushers 5:30 p.m. 3 Altar Servers, 4 Ushers 1/1 10:00 a.m. 3 Altar Servers, 2 Ushers Contact: Natalie Pronio cym@stpeteretown.org Please call the office if you can serve. Thank you! All sign ups are now located on the website under Ministries/ Sign Ups: www.stpeteretown.org/content/sign-ups **Receive SPY alerts on your phone! Text 979.227.6599 with @stpetersm (for middle school) @stpetersh (for high school) A Program to Help Couples Heal and Renew their Marriages January 18: Gretna Glen Youth Night 4:00-6:30 p.m. Open to students in grades 6-12. *Sign up required. January 23: Respite Night with Inclusion Ministry from 5:309:00 p.m. *Sign up required. January 25: Mini Steuby Night from 6:00-8:30 in the youth room. All students grades 8-12 are welcome! February 1: Elizabethtown College Catholic Campus Ministry invites St. Peter students in grades 11-12 to join them for pizza, Mass and fellowship with Bishop Gainer! Interested students should sign up by January 11. February 14: Church Clean Up with BREAKFAST from 9:0011:00 a.m. at the NC. *Sign up required. February 15: Volunteer at the Mass refreshment table in the Narthex for the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses. February 15: Gretna Glen Youth Night from 4:00-6:30 p.m. All students in grades 6-12 welcome! *Sign up required. February 22: Living Stations try outs from 1:00-2:30 p.m. at the NC. All students in grades 6-12 are invited to participate! Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue...or have just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it make it even worse? Retrouvaille helps couples rebuild their marriages. For information, or to register for the Harrisburg program weekend on January 16-18, 2015 please call 1-800-4702230 or visit the Web site at www.retrouvaille.org. The 42nd March for Life will take place in Washington D.C. on Thursday, January 22, 2015. Catholics Defending Life of Lancaster have hired 5 buses to transport those willing to attend. The bus will depart at 8:15 a.m. from St Leo’s Church, 2427 Marietta Avenue in Lancaster following the 7:00 a.m. Mass. The cost is $10 per person and $25 per family. Reservations are required! To register or for more information please call Rosie at 397-6966. Like us on Facebook!!! 2015 MEN’S CLUB LOTTERY CALENDARS The 2015 calendars are available and the Men’s Club is selling them after all Masses this weekend. The cost is $20, it runs all year and is based on the PA lottery morning drawing. GOD’S HOUSEKEEPERS January 3, 2015 Toni Vasquez, Mary Grogan, Arlene Blew, Bill Frantz & Joan Cruice SAVE THE DATE Please join us for a Healing Mass Monday, February 9, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK THANK YOU to our sponsor, Spence Candies (361-9366), for their advertisement in our parish bulletin. Please patronize the businesses that underwrite all the publishing costs of our weekly bulletin and mention that you saw their ad here! Our celebrant will be Father Steve “O Lord my God, I cried out to You and You healed me.” Psalm 30:2 3 SAINT PETER CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA THE HOLY FAMILY WE 40 HOUR EUCHARISTIC DEVOTIONS DECEMBER 28, 2014 ARE A STEWARDSHIP PARISH Stewardship Messages from Youth & Children’s envelopes: On Sunday, January 11 to Tuesday, January 13 we will celebrating Eucharistic Adoration with services at 7 p.m. each evening. Our homilist will be Deacon Jeffrey Baylor from St Peter’s Church in Columbia. The Blessed Sacrament will remain exposed in the New Church for your personal visits as follows: “I helped make cookies.” “I emptied the dishwasher.” I went to the Water Street Rescue Mission to help others.” Adult Envelopes/Loose Dec 14, 2014 Adult Envelopes/Loose Dec 15, 2013 Children & Youth Dec 14, 2014 Children & Youth Dec 15, 2013 Online Giving Dec 14, 2014 Dec 14, 2014 Retirement Fund Thank you for your generosity! Sunday - Noon to 7 p.m. service Monday - 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. service Tuesday - 9 a.m. to 7.p.m. service The Blessed Sacrament cannot be left alone and we need to know that the above times will be covered. Sign-up sheets will be in the Narthex this weekend and January 3 - 4. Please consider signing up for a specific time slot. If you can’t sign up, please try to stop by and visit with our Lord during this very special time in our Parish. $8,056 $8,164 $89 $59 $4,316 $4,858 “It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you. Yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.” - Mother Teresa THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Our Inclusion Ministry will be holding their Winter Respite Night on Friday, January 23 from 6-8:30 pm at the NC. Respite night is for children/youth with special needs and their siblings aged 2 and up. Parents can leave their children at the NC for an evening of fun, while they enjoy an evening out. Activities are based around the children’s interests and abilities. There is a low child-to-adult ratio, with each special needs child having a one-to-one mentor, and a nurse is on staff. There is no cost for the evening. If you are interested in registering or would like more information please contact Theresa at 653-0834 or holtzenyoder@gmail.com. Please register by January 16, 2014. Saturday, December 27th 3:00 p.m. Confession (NC) Adoration sign ups (Narthex) Sunday, December 28th The Holy Family Adoration sign ups (Narthex) 5:00 a.m. Knights of Columbus (PC) Monday, December 29th No Events Tuesday, December 30th No Events Wednesday, December 31st Office Closed Thursday, January 1st Office Closed Friday, January 2nd Office Closed Saturday, January 3rd 3:00 p.m. Confession (NC) Adoration sign ups (Narthex) Sunday, January 4th Epiphany of the Lord Adoration sign ups (Narthex) 2:00 p.m. Handmaids (Annex) Respect for Life Ministry Please join the Respect Life Ministry for their Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, January 24, 2015. There will a be a Chinese Basket Auction and the proceeds will be donated to the Elizabethtown Food Bank and the Saint Vincent de Paul Organization. We are asking all the larger church groups to help us by donating a non-perishable theme basket for the auction (Examples: gardening basket, baby basket, craft basket, art basket, or one of your choosing). We are also asking that anyone, or any family, wishing to supply a theme basket, please do so. Please have your donated baskets ready by January 5th. NC = New Church PC = Parish Center 61 E Washington St. For further information contact Evelyn Weston at 367-4657, or westn547@aol.com. The Respect for Life Ministry really appreciates any, and all, help you could provide. Together we can make a difference for someone. 4
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