iwrw BlzB : 2014 (rr) q}frsF frdTq Arq gfuo.r dls trtr yvr tlv[ vtttt ats :3:00 uE tlq/fo : ZOO ai6 l @ l. . ' 2. .3. . 4, ffi ol qws Ecr i I w vfur gfu6r ril c-qEf,{ Q0 qrr 'A' f + 25 qm'B' + 10 str'C' d ) aga frow ys (MCQ) frg'rt' g 1 q7ryol trm'A' f d stfuadc 15 elfu qw'ts' 120 iqnqrr'C't i20 s{df d wr *i { t sfr Mfu i etfu6 v?qf ai s-crs frV W as d;qa crrd qrr 'A'd 15, tflT'B' d20 ran slrr'C' ,d2g s-trI fr qid fr wvfr t oL'q,.atq. vf,{'Tlzr qarr i frqT rrq t t gvqr *6 7vr ofl? dq w zrq frrsi * s-d-d qdvisfrtuy fugtuwn y6 doftqd taqr nf d 6t-qt qgt tqfr Fr d ai src vtu#&i d s-d ak fr gturlr sEr+ w frds-..f w vat * ir* ow * aL1*em. sRft rErin 6l'fi diq- d I rs gfuqr t w wq ori d ft' ltfufrffi sd idq F t or|.grolr. g,rrv rnq d yw t f tr{' w ern w srtFfi v}a +s-g ;nrr irqr rg gawr or nsi6 ft/&'g cpr fr $t;n awwt fi aazq 6t 1 fiw -qw qs+ ErLw;rq. rizr qzo f rta it'?, frqq dq gfuail ols strr ?i? mls d dqtril vyfud tal,.ol artd ritr ta d ,3rffir omr o{t qa w sH cfruvfr fr ffi t fu sd qbu.q.oru ffin 47ir dfrg'rr fr# 6r Zfi wastfr fr qmq at, fsr a o-ri s? ?ryr{ ffi w yfr ilSd d otEfu qd'?Fr wt'lrt frw-S s,ird erc6l drn ffi sicfr qfgq,atv sm( TTT fr a@ fr ?rrfrd d a) roiff dl enr+ 5. tflT'A' n yA6 sw c| 2 ai6 , ,rr'B' n ffio sz-i d 3.5 oi6 dw,C, t gd6 gw 5 tti6 w t t sdt Tdd vfrE in ,Eosflir [aia zs m fr ar i.fuTr wytn I 6. cdt rw d fiA arv froe trg w F t,,qt d dild w fr6s fr z&. arqsr ,vqfoq rd d anol sdq er;t w v& wrq vqfdq ro ffaard t 7. 'qq vq6 wl gg w agfun dffi w erlr od gg rg qrt ztd qffifql o-r;Err rf{ qffi qW.?t Arg oql'q d&rqr.w voor t t 1 8. 9. il i{ '. w ryI d sr/fifrff ofr uilt W rfr T8 fus4T arlB(, I E i?-q-fdr ar w47rr 6d A Wqft sfr t t ceflrfr 6l scrs sr 10. CY wqn w Fryigqoilt ffi ll. ffi vsqT$ww d'vys n Nqfr Flt/qrn ori rr aiffi riww vqno'drtr 12. dTd^1tatr -8 {t arafu d6 dan cfupfr 6l fr cfrffi gfuail ezel d wt fr ' qyfu*wY,n t "rd t . +d t'cY'.5-{5..9.3.6. qn'IwoH.*#....Nt.UneH.n/'D oMR Bfrt? cryix:.{1s.e3-€.... cfuT2fr *^IE . stSscsut4^sBrrtA r em qfi tr{ qr1orfr ffi*as a}f urnfu alamnn ,q'ftfttftrrKdfirdi-{ m gfqraar5aram h wit,fr{difr' gfr4r{cr3lritr e 9.11x 1g-311<g 6.63 x 10-34, sec 1.6 1.38 k c IeV aniu G & Nr grrrtf x 10-1eC x t}-zt1iX 3.0x1.08mlsec ryfirf x 10-1e; L.67 x1:0-27kg 6.67 x1g'tt71^z7rn-z 1.6 Rrg{JI x loznr-l 6.023 'v lgzz^o1"-t L.ag7 frrdio 3rrffildwr eo 8.8511v 16-r2P.-r Fo 4n xt0-7ilm-r R *tr{itsfr{difi B:.3I4JK-Lmole:L , usEEtrrl, EUNDAIIAnNTAL CONSTANTS r1r m. Massofelechon 9.11x 10131I€ h PlanclCs constant e Chargeofelecfton Boltznann sonstant Velqcity of Light ' 1.6 x t0-1el L:67 xt0-27W 6.69,.1g_9alsec . 1.6 x 10-1ec. 1,38 i LO-?3IIK k c IeV amu xt0-rlN#kg-3 ' G o.sz & Rydbcrgconsta$ Iro 8.85'* xlo-r4Fm-L 4n x L0-7 Hm-L MolarGas constant Na to R Avogadro's number 3.0 x 109ml1es - x 107rn-1 6.022*lgzlmote-a L.097 e.ZtqX- .\nio,Ie-r 4 [,ST OF TH E Egd Symbol fdNim Afniim Atomic Atod; Number we$r .Ac 89 AI 13 95 sb 51 Ar 18 Asildlm As At Eairo Bn 8eft*rt BK 33 85 56 97 Eeqim Be 4 tlism$t Bi 83 Borm B 5 Broip Br 35 cd 40' AEer*; Ceim Ctim .Ca ffitim ' Cdur cf c .6 Ceim .Gs 55 Cldcip 0 l7 .Cr 24 Co 27 29 96 66 ,Cu 'Cm 58. Wq*wn Eixliirn Dy Ertitrt Er Eqim tu '63 Fenrim Fm 100 Ffiche Frrr*m Gaffi*m Gf,rtl Geimim Es '99 68' I .F Fr 87 Gd .64 Ga 31 GoU Au 32 79 ]t*im Hf 72 t{dm He Ge lhHm Ho l$ogen hnm lofu lifn hl 49 Fe l(rtfloti Lailranun Larrencium Kr La 'Lr Le6d Pb -. tllim Li Ltlbtm Uagln*tm Urrgilres€ f&ldeyfun . 67 ,| lr bm 2 .H , .l Symbol 53 77 26 36 57 1.03 a2 3 Lu 71 M,g 12 IVln 25 ild i01 d,yg"n 10.81 ffi;m 79-CB phcfiorus 112.Q Hfrnr lo.{n p1rbrnum (2sl). 98 'Ce Copet Gtrigr zog.g 20 Cclim Clrcim Cod Ecrpnt lilercury {24 26.9 llolybdenum t213) lleodyndum 121.75 Neor 39948 lkfttnium 74,92 leld (210) tr5rti,m 137.34 lflrogen Q4sl rthrxllm 9.012 Grl*un 'Am Aminm fffinury lrgm ATOMIC}1'EreHTS.OF THE ELEMENTS . ' i#.t,n , 12o11 pdassium 140'12 Praeodymium 13291 prrqndhium 35./63 fficl6um 5200 Rdm 58-9:l Rdon 63'5rl Rsrium (24? tuium Hg Mo Nd Ne Atomic Atomk; Number Weigm 80 200.5s 42 95.94 60 14.24 '10 20.t83 Np 93 (237) t{ 28 58.71 Nb 41 92.9t 7 102 14.007 190.2 o 76 8 Pd 46 106.4 P t5 30374 Ft 78 195.09 Rr e4. 12421 Po 84 (2ro) K t9 $:tq2 Pr 59 140.91 Rrt 6t .(t44 Pa 91 (23t) Ra 88 (226) Rn 86 (772' Re 75 186.23 r029t N No Os (2s3) t5.99S4 Rh 45 Hllrrum Rb 37 85.47 Rrilrenium. SarElnim Ru 44 .101.1 Sm 62 Scamrum Sc 21 s€hniu; Se 34i sibm si 14 stYer sodum A9 47, 107.870 Na 11 22.9898 Sr 38 87.62 S 16 s2.064 Ta 73 180.95 Tc 43. ' (s) 164.C1 Elriun Te t27.60 Terbium ib 52: 65 TlaRm TI 81 Thqium Th 90 Thtum Tm 69 ?62:0/ 168.$ Tn Sn 50 118-69 Tlanium Ti Tugsten .w 22 7492 183.85 16250 qfl) . t67.26 151.S l'# wJr riz.zi 69.72 $mtium 7'g 196.97 st{fur' 178.49 halum . 4.0.o . Tedneiium t..'FO ti4frt l26.Ct 1C,.2 ss.os . S3.B{i 136.9l e54 201.19 . 6.qp 174.51 24-312 . 5C.94 (25i6) $aium . U ' 150.35 '. 44.96 78.96 28.09 158.92 ; n437 47.90. I 238.03 V Xe 23, s4. 131.30 Yterbium Y&tum TnE Yb 7A 173.04 88.9r Zn 39 30 Ziconium Zr 40 91.n Vandium Xenon 50,94 65.37 'Easedonmassof Cr2atl2.O0O....Theratioof thesereil$lsof lhoseontheorderchemiial scale(inwhichoxygenof isotopic composition was assigned a mass of t6-{X100...) is ,l.000050. (Values in parentheses represent the most n*rd st-b lmown isolopes.) . . . 5 A rectangle of length d and breadth dlT is ,.*lu"d-onc" complet"ly around is length of and once arbund its breadth' The ratio volumes swePt in the two cases is frr3{;qdRTfffi5f,r6aRffn qfA * qqt qrru Jtrs Aefisr zrqf il q{ rri{q qfrrrd v*, Est a'a6a {P i *tt s{rrrdT t t qr* ffit f df€t E$ Tfi 6I fnr * Et sre t r Gler +t r00 rso (zsor tm 79t 230 (20o* na 6I ?3t lrso* 200 l:2 l:4 dfi sS trq'qqd q{ Hfl( n ir*, qori g{, nq'ef rrfi t r qdr 6T 6tt at irqr ddl qfi qfr fi' mr d Sff,s rs't qfr 6t, (,-fi ffiffir q{d fr E{, Qi5'Rn * TRKsr d itrd r* E{ f, rs E* t ara' tq ltatq{ fe -q t, h 2. 4. l. l:l 3. l:3 sri fr' 311 f55r rrm a&nr 30t 1'0 t00 50 ,!00 apl 1. .2ooo 3. 2w2 2. 4. l. 2001 2003 3. of a product in different yeus 1s shown in the histogrun -tt me i"ttl*f bars irtdicate variability duingry Average 3. yield ,ft"n during which Year ws- F Votr 'p"*Lrtt of ilrat variabitity over the averagg year the least? z',tT 4. aftre ffie A long ribbon is wound around aspoolup ribbon' io . tu'aiut R. Holding the tip of fie iboY runs awaY fromthe s .ootwitha *nJ*t speed haintaining the unwound portion of th" ribbon horizontal' [n 4 '*i*t"t, the radius of the wound portion becomesS. ts z. zfrae .E fitrc n what furthertime, itwill become ^R/2? t50 !m 250 2m 150 t00 t0 2 min 20e0 3- 2'!Tmin 2. 2001 4. 2003 l. 2000 ?. 2ffi2 dtz 6 $r sFeT 6t as1g d ilrn h fte si tro'qF t'rr EF 3TTdI fi Fre ff6 gtr{sFr srdl I at-fi EF 3ffi4 3nrfrdt 6r qqa ffi l. l:l 3. l:3 # ffi f 2. 4. n t t tt .12 1:4 fr n(nfi' trd Tqt-fi 4' 4 min t, at n}r+l:/1n+2)(n+3[n+4fntsXn+6i .Rexrrdrq t: l. 3tAffiazta6' 2. t slttz t 3. ?t df+-fi I * afi 4. aaI 3t,azt 6 If n is a positive integer, 4. then (c) He takes VEG tunch for exactly 15 days (d) He takes a totalof t4 NON-VEG meals What is m? l ,{r*l[;ti2xt?+3Xtd-4Xrr$(n+6) ,2. . .'3. '- l. 3. 3and7 ThtnotS Jr{rFT 50 fi., izo fi. tni ilo fr. t t'+ 5- "ffi ' drE{ f)t or etlsd r{-qra l. ,' 3. 5. Cdr 2. 4. 30005550 3. 7: FilI aRd' or qtitr{a'fl1tr;T (fti {rRntra +r sfrsq n frdf' fi frs f,It frsr rrqr tt ild 3FrA atqla elltrdnfif{ t.im1 * fr{ erdr6tl qr ffi fra +t ga Tfir tt O G qr qml qtatrd siliil-d fdr t aI rtgrffi{ fi trt qrd eflardrtl &lr r 0)&*,,e Fd fr *art t, a-6 "rytt (c) &-o rsfrnt-fr's-6 ilrflErtr. rrfd llTiln *qrr* ; -(d) etrdtdrtr .: T'".{ framt' rl.ffil f tt . n if iFrt 4r.{ P ;;: l;lE: 3. 20. ... frI ' lrmch/dinner (a) If he takes a NON-VEG lunch, 'he have onlv VEG for dinner & FE rrgPv f wff 'dsl EFqrP l0 I 8, 15, 2,3,4,,7,6, '- t'tt:-' ; !, '12' . . r. 3. l7 8. ' O) He tates'nON-VnC dinner for exactly l '.\' u'' /'i.-' -' 24. sequence? 2,3,4,7,6,..1 1,8, 15, : ' 13 19 What is the next number of the following 12 10..2. .. : , t3 4... 19 3.r: l7 m will 'I 4. 3. . 148 cfr qA 6I ttfr$-I q $ra tm'Ktt 61 3ltt & G 6 l,r'o .' 6o'drfi.49ffi.d[ ,' ,. il his {, 2. t. - VEG ot -a NON-VEG meal for barnk Qffers a scheme wherein deposits for 1600 days are-doubled in valie, the interest-being compounded daily; Th9 interbst accrued on a deposit of Rs'100Q/over the first'100 days would be Rs' r83 2s0 , 190 24 38 of a person for 190 4. l-4s ;"d" e. ,.i '2. 4. A t. Lmchdinner' .pattern. 'days is givenibelow..He has a ohoice of-a ' . 7800 2. 4. 7800 :' l. 3000.' 3. 5550' 38 t'+, 3250 Thc'area (in m2) of a tiangulbr park of din€nsions 50 m, 120 m and 130 m is 3250 20 24 t*, q6'qlin-dr rq;ra orfr t ms* tooo frd fi 'frqr {Gr zrqr Bilqr 3ITfr qro {a. 6r gtr-dl didr t, 165 q5*;ifri +oo looo/- t'friw 6 -!Bt r sqS ffd d'srq qr &n sqt 183 2. l. 250 1. 4:- reidrer 3 nor 7 2. 4. l8 trq*i*lry.tWtiiaafr 3r{flrrr 60, $izt -{d iltqi ?offi.dr. rte I 3oftrd aqr il$q F-W dlal, sfi rit 6T qfr t r{fi Erq ffi Erd f+tri t t dar{trqt-q56ifrfiqesaqt srftd gfr l. 3. (ft qqr ts '5oFfi.fr. 3516'.fr. z. cs fit'.fr. 4. loffi.fi. ::: 9dap i3 H B E E I l. 3. Two locomotives are running towards each drer.with speeds of 60 and 40 km/h' An object leePs on flying to and !o lom t{e t*t tip oi'onu locomotive to the front tip ottre other with a speed of ?0 km/h' After i0 rintt t, the two locomotives collide ind ftc olr;ect.is crushed. What distarce di<t 2. 4. 35 km B eqtrrql ZrE .frd frt fl m,.72,74,.76, 78, 80,' 82, M, E6, 88, 90, 92, 94 . ffifi a.aa too lq'.tr. aql ' 'lsfr'.ur. t qd tr lnffi eli t t dt -A dt{ ,,, {, aRd, q6,6r Hq : . 10:' l. 0fr'.rjr. 3. 1.6fr'.ur. Weights F.F.uf. 4. r.sld'.q[. Q,84,86, 12. ,- ll. 6afs : ' 88,'9Q' 13. nTIq?TI lkg l'8 kg * will snafi attain ttte frl dd': 2.4 4.O l.L 3.N 13. Find ihe missing letter: A?QE CM EK GI 'r.Nl.L 2. ll48 4- 2574 lenin'followed by at most four identitnl digts, Tlie code most have at least one leftei and one digit- How many distinct code can be generated using letters and digits I to 9? R*' fi A?QE CMSC EKUA: GIWY '11. A code consists of at most. two identical ' znq room 1. The bigger sPhere.' . 2. 'The smaller sPhere 3.. Both spheres will take the'same time 4. It will depend on the room temp€rature ttt6 TC*u car$ ar 5-o.A F - .1. 936 - '3. .Bn ro temPerature (constant) filst? srtr+rrq d Trfu4 {3itIS) qF{ :}T@ qr{ wf,s,T . s6F[, iTqr 3ffit' qq t qa t'6' 3iq, 3i-dffi€ $ I mr&u fr srr tti v6' 3iq, 6I FIdT tstf t I $trtT s6, ffi I 2' 4. rooqil. Two solid iron spheres are hgatedto lOeC and then allowed to coql. One has ttre size of a football; the other has the size of a pa . : 2574' I Two new persons having weights 100'kg aid 79 kg join the 'Soup' The average weight ofthe grouP increases bY t. Otg -3.- 1.6 kg dri Which sPhere 2. (in kg) of 13 persons are givbn ?8, 80, +t I 4. f$ Eirs ftqr arar t r;r.jt I (1t, $etna fi gr+rt fr ilr (fir' rc{ t 3*t"R f' t al +ta-sr rifdl ffi$ TCd m',rtr<rq (ffir) ffi q(trrn 1. {5I rffrr z. 6}dr rfdr 3. ffi rffr tnr'qFt 4. q5 ortrflrr tq fi*t &n t: rff ildfr.,t ccar 'l ' , -*lo't ?0, 12,74,76, ' .n9! t ffi l4t 2. ' l0km i, aga (f6.rr.) * dI dte & object cover before being crushed? 45 km 50 kn rh l. 3. 'to. 12. 936 1872 AtoZ 't t I Y 2.'Q 4.o : -' t .' .'.- B t4. ('?5 8-air{is' FmTl? fr-3fiq(I d@r sr E+dm, t r gs riwr t rFq q?fr qrfr'Tsdt d@T J qffirr s fr l. t2rnin t, 3ia da'qd *'mrr z. t t aada t, 3id * qK qd fi *nrrr 3. r {ad*' F, ria t trd rql *' snrr q. 12 ag'rio, t, 3id fr qr Wot fi srrrt 55, gq, l13 *S frr f nrtqr rrql t, vfi frA e6' frdrr w rS $$ t: r Uer * uqt aqr ffi Ef{ 4qd sh 3iffd t r srnm B sFfiiTI t, dl S$f 6r ftaRg c trrre 17. C'. t 14. 43,47,53 3: 4. St rd'dr t The least significant bit of an 8-bit binary number is zeio. ,A binary number whose yalue is 8 times the previous number has l. 2. 3. 4. l2 bits ending rvith three zeros I bitCendingwirh four zeros I bits ending with three zeros l2 bits ending with four zeroes . I I G' dq,ea Et {glif i' f* 6' 6} sqtrogsl-* *ndT tr vffi asg f q6 rox Sr FrA df4ar t mn {stl d' 15% ifir ars{ I Ts+'Fil drsTffi $r sfrffir Rr il r. 2. 3. 4. 15. B .:. iFr grs v6'dlrft tsr tra $fiqfirfq 4. A 17. ladder rests,against a ryall as shown. The top and the bottom ends of the ladder are marked A. and B. The base B slips. The cenhal polnt C ofthe ladder falls along < r%6rF ot$ qfinrq. w'afrfr J' 2. 5%1lil < l%Gtril {ir ' l. aft qr ilrfi ilff A person sells two objects at Rs.l035/each. On the first object he suffers a loss of l0% while on the second he lains lS%.What is his net losslgain percentage? l. 2. 3. 4. 16. 5Yo gain < l% gaia < l% los ryq 2, a,l /t drt rd: 5, lo, 17,2g, 16. l. no lossrno.gain 41, -, l. 5g, ??, 100 2. 3. 4. 64,91,100 -, - apaiabola8 3. 4. , thearc'ofaciiclel a straight line !t : a hyperbola '6 18. frffi srs qrqwfi fi,BtrFhd fr, t-zox Continue the sequence 2, _5, 10, 17,2E,41,-,-,_ tli * {iF'{Fr fi 3iT{ dt+,t qrd tlsAqaHtErtwra*,$drfrS Ti {'fi Fqtffiqt Jt t zox dffi qr* t i {st il( * 16 Etrnff tirm4r t, l. 2. 3. '25 rdilnt 43,47,53 55; t9, l13 at 59,77,100 64, gl, 100 qrgrq l. .12 i. ' S ya ft-dil dtrr rftfid 3rlr 2; . 64 4. 100 . 'a . t:,. 'l': .l:r -Li H 9. 1& NP/o ofstudents of a particular course get of jobs within one year of passing. jobs of end the get by students remaining ac studenb sec€md year of passing. If 16 still jobless, how many shrdents had fu 2ff pad zt. thcccone?' l. 4. 19. frrffi fr'qfdTq{trq tfr 100 t (l +'f =6 +or* af+.....+ar{.'W6iao, a1,....-,an n ${ 61 Pgim t 21. n 4. rf+n I. Jon ,;i. '1. ' 2. 3. ';4. .- tt'ffi 3iirr 6t3 (rfi' rtrf,r car sq Ti rrt frtq irr ?iarffiT t Tt Ts€'r trriqr +,tq *' S tl :racra l. 3ilEqla Tsts Fd& fdw,il fi f rl .20: ' 4. 3. 32km tt li It 4. ,trym ,@n The radius of Earth is approximately 6400 km. The height li at which the acceleration due to Earth;s gravity differs.from g at the Earth's surface by approximately l% is 2.'i 48 km 64km * etr+{ tl tsfi 3Trffia fi qq6 6 6, 5s+' gra where ?:2. Tcfi f+, ff,flr t T'ltrr u*06.1Y.1 1d St ra-f q{ Tcfr t Tsq fi'*rqur d FrwT s t 5q$ arrcrrr l7o-3itr {GrcTI Ffisr 5s ffi h tr{ qrqr artrrt 2.. 48fr',.fr. l. 64fr'.fr. 4. 16fr',.*. 3. 32 fr'.fr. 20. rc'& f{Fqrsfr 6 1ffi, {f,d (rd& +lqt t, ?, 2. 3.JW 2.n +n -ln' '] qrfffi -f,*'+lnxl constants. The frequency of small oscillations about a point of stable equilibrium is +rf fdr 6tf lffi 4. ldffi o,b ue positive 2. Binontial thborem-in algebra gives'(l = eo + at+ azi+.....+a^{, where 4, or,....., an at|Y constants depending on z. What is the sum oo * at * az*.... * an? ":' v(x) = . A particle of mass m is moving in the : t.'T Etffi z. potential V(x) -- ^2 5.n sur 3. JW a,g1 P 3. t. i (rfr'. l. ,Iffi . r Azrme ast ar+oz+--.- t. t. 19. 6l -f,*'+!"ux* f rfttrf, t wr a iI{I b tEf 3TiR 6; grS qrFIFr€r *' grR-cR 3rdrr EIffi 61 3nqfr t 2. .64 32 3. 25 + rtFT m 23. A sphere is made up of very thin concenric sheils of increasing radii (leaving nq gaPs} .The.mass of an'drbitrarilychosen shell is 3Trqffifidr A fdftTE fu,ta fr r,aw* 3flqrfr m il2rr Td ndIE'5re W 946 aPr *l rrfr rrt: equal to the mass of the preceding$ell proportional to its l'olume proportioflal to its radiUs proportional to its surface area 3. v=c r-ffi' 4. , = q(l*dJ I 16km 10 23. According to &e special theory of relativity, the ryccd a of a frce particle of mass rn and .l 25. The column vector is a simultaneous total encrryf is: tl. e=sll-.lE eigenvecta 2 ,=J#(l+g '=ll I il- t011\ 3p1-snr 4.. !=alZ u b= -alz f fffi frE fr FqR €R* 6t Afu wdT t, r= Fl. at f.i=o l; 2. 3. 4. and f.f=o.ad V.i= 3 f.i=3 26. .ssrail Ary drisr rrsT EFr t l. -2r 2. -tr iln 3.x ?xi=f/r 26. rct f l. fxi=o point in.thrcodimensional space, and f i=0and f xi=7lr i.i=0and Vzr=0 f .i = 3 ad vzi =ilrz 4.. V-i=3 and fxi=0 l. 2. 3. \r1 I) nft{r l. 2. 3. 4.' 6r F{ 2. i, -tc 2n rro Efd.tE dca t qr€Fffi rI[ r = m-nrlt grfuoar iia $ vfi qrst da t ?Terr 3. $furqnmm qfgF$d5'T{ t rqFn t ; l= ,n+nT!f Y'€lloT ,.*t 4. qfgtrff il[ r= m-ni5I fiEIt EI;I {mt6rre{t t sfr .: b=0 Tlc= 0 b=a'QID=-2e D=2a{[bj-a b=alI4lh= dr iia :. t0 01\ 2s. ciT sfr$ t=lo 1 ol 0, \rool to1 1\ Ztt 27. A ffiir vt?trsfi w m?[trn, 61l.'pt-o AFI 0,1,2,...,- il Sfi-& t, q1-5il ii6 fi ry o.ta t, wq arsr qH p?r?rr v t'qFfl al l. qrsfu.q{ I=m*ng-rt #fiT 7 = |il.Then o X5 '-2n 3.7 Uimtb Se position vector of any n=-lt tinlo) ,-6 \ 24. . 4. The principal value oftlre integral [- v2r=o afr Yzi.=':lrz and and 1. b=0 orc= 0 2. b=a u b= -2o 3. b=2a or b= -o 3. "=rFffi 4. o = c(1+$ 24. rfli fr, tBAr 01\ 1 0l 00/ of ,=(| -alT- 27. Tvre independent random variables'm and & which can take the integer values .0, L,2,. - -, o, follow the Poisson di$ributi6n, with distinct mean values p and v respectively. Ttren the probability dishibution of the rartdom variable I = n is a binomial disfribution. l. m* 11 2. = the probability distibution of the random variable r = rn- n is also a 'foisson dishibution. the variance oftlre random variable i.,. l=m*nisequalto 4. 3. ni-W*#=o 4. n*+ff= o . qr srier qtrd p(r) -po (1T) t A ildI t, tr6Y r FS Bfttir t iltr pq, avd R tm gq< fuqr n t' 1r*'v. the me4n value of tlre random variable r = m- n is equal to 0. gr1-qrf d dtri ifi nst r. {S lzl<-fifrq.Xp--* fQ) = e'+ erlz Fs$ frqr ardr t 2. ft-{dqfao<Fl<1ta}€I H=o(""*i")* 3. qlfroclzl<.fiRs xLo('" -*)* 4: h{d ffi lzl< 1 d} fi Xf=--* (rfi' *s ril-d tt r=RfI gar * qft r=R/Z tR Sry z.=Ai =l ' Ftga nat f* *r qtfiur t.2sTdr t, dt a qr 2. 4. 1.2 3. lz 1 L/+ ;;;;iltr " A solid sphere of radius R has a charge : p(r) = ro r [t \la L.)P. ar\ '1. -;,;, : where The laurpnt series expansion ofthe frrnction / (z)..= e" 1 r1:lz about z = 0 is grven by gd thg valde of a is < lzl < t 3' xflo(zr *,a')* forall o t Pl < o '-n 4. Xil--h,ontyif lzl < 1 29; R arepositive constants. 1.2 3. Llz ! er'l!*' - Y(Dlfr q,fr w'dr dr rfr {tr{,,.rur't: ' If the field at r = RlZ is 1.25 time that atr = l. Xf=--fo foraltlzl <only if isthe radial coordinate and po, a magnitude of the elecnic 'n 2.' Xf=o("" *rt)r1 r 31.. 2.L 4' R, then tl+ t' (16'dr t crtrd @rdfro. {frtsr{ frI=rdrd tl qK fif{ 3lriefi srnr trsf{ TrJg Ir= l. tni+Ymx+{=g ' ' i mr+wi-#=o ' : 3. in|-Im**#= " 4. mr +ff= a* O 29.-' The equation of motion of a system described by the timedependent Iagrangian L l. 2. . mi+Wi:+ff=o .dv mx +Ymx 'r b. = ertli^tt' - r{r)] -E = U is q$ (tI r w @rdtro Fara +T rrrrr tr t: 5q{rff slinoT ry gry lr 3: r'2 2. r-l 4. r-3 .l 12 31. The electrostatic.lines offorce due to a systerp of for point charges is sketched belo.w.. the component in thc plane normal to the magnetic field. I r t -l Theratio otfu At alarge di$ancer, the leadtng asymptotic 2. ,f 3.. r-2 q-6' 3TtR tr$fq qt{ ITq f{ t 6tgamfE1mtr I I -l' F * l. 714n, 3. 3714n A parallel d4=rfir61fe m td qr rq-fr 2. l2n 4. Un' ofwavelength ,1 is incident normally on a thin polymer film wittr air on both sides. If the film has a refractive index n ) 1, then second-order brigbt fringes can be observed in reflection whcn the drickness ofthe film is 1.14n 1./2n beam of light 2. 4. Un fA. r+Wu;fi$ dtrrril{ 0= azt.'* ar ortr'* {r-r v{ ffi, g6i f,-, qiluf{T dtrr d6rdt 12 rttt L; t Ery wrarUfg 2. 4x 4. lE ilrn. 32. charged-prarticle moves in a helical path ' A unde.r the influence of a constant magnetic field. The initial sffi'd 3. u,l+yt dffidt-3iilrd r l. nlz 3. 2tr t f 6sqfuwfIffi6tt AEil qrnpf l. t q?r 2. 4r 4. t 3lrrdaTuIi6' n>1 t *sffi to the radius R r13 # sild *'siq{ ('fi' \q' IEtrfi helical path is l. rl2 3. Ztr r r-! IR TfrrNd Tt untilt sirfun rrfr t{r t h dT€I{ qrf,r szff', g"€fq qt{ ii{ grctut * sirfi' 3TrAftTd 6qT of the prtgh aizrid r gEil nq sqiil r+rqr Ss, alal rw 6{r t trtt qr rtrfr dfrfr{ trar q{ ii{ Jfiqfrd il qfa fua ar behaviour of$e electo$atic potential is proportional to l.r l/R * l'- velocity is stch tliat the component along the magnetic field is twice nffi1-5 t ;6IRI: 3tmdrnFrfi sffir flat l(l + 1)h'z irelr rnh *- qrql sfiffiFm aFrn uqd-Ti?Fr{3F: tr EFr G $fiirqnfrfi Ot, at I1 "* l. Q1 =-Q3=j1 az= E 11 2. Qt= os=it . az= 72 11 az= 3. 41 = a3-lt G 4- t Or=A2=Cr=E 13 Qonsider the Q = 36. urralized wavefunction q{n* az{n* a3tlt1-1 where fi,n b a simultaneous normalized eigenfirndim of tre angulaq momentum with. eigenvalues operators Lz ud l(t + 1)h2 aod mh respectively. If is an eigenfuncrln of the operator Lx with eigenvaluc fr, tton L, 1. a1 in 1. -ih,r(x*-) { 2. -ma(xft+i) =-&3=-rt .oz= fr o1= g=f,, 4. r',1=or=g, 3. -ihuxft 1 az= G 't ilio 4' -Tx& A az=-fi orl.=or=f,, 1 --2 ' '/3 37. at f.aFffiTo, lx,pe-Pl+,l qrfi t 7. i{I l. i(1 -P)e-n tl P21e-o tpe:P 3. i(\- e+) /P Let 'x ard p denote, respectively, the coordinate dtd momentum operators 35. . satisffing dte canonical commutation relation [r,pl = i in natural units (h = 1). Then the cmrmutato r lx,pe-tl is l. . .i(l:p)e-t 3. i(l - e-r) 2. i(I - Pz)s-o 4. iPe-n . ari fo, {, irtn {z z' (Ez-El) 2(82-E1|- and rP2 denote. the normalized eigenstates of a particle :with eneiry eigenvalues E1 and E2 respectively, with Ez) &. At time t = 0 the Particle- is .v(t .r' sFi-dl, s ^hn tJ' . .lhbil 4' -Tt at :: a(Ez-E1|. W {, w'rirqfr tr*,rq €r tffi t Il =r,xp,ufr artnfi'3{tt{ f, dtlr r qf, p 35rff: Fna (ii d'drr tt miz{ qifufi 4 trftria Acqur fi :d'rra r. -iho(!L-!) 2. -ina(x**t) 3. 'it*# @-n .hn L fat 3. Mnryqifr6r f Ir htt A l. 37. Fq f prepared in a 36. trrnT: 5at $frdnFm rFt E1atlr Ei (Ez > &) gffi (rif isuf h rflrfiq-fr 3lfffrHFrfi. wrrq t = o tK isut trrRiqt qarqr qrdr tl Y(r=o) =fi{rtr+gr) qfifi Srrq T,ilE Y(t = ?), W(t:0) t difffi tFn, rO t tr r- asr o mt: H&Iifi aelr tidzl dmr+ Frqr ldFa rqFfrrq ddtr sqfu 3fu tn = 1) f [x,p] = i tl ard, the in representation, is 11 2. 3. Suppo# the Hamiltonian of a conservative grutun in classical mechanics is fI = @4 , wtrcre ar is a constant and x and p 4Te the position and momentum respectively. The quantum conesponding llamiltonian coordinate mohanics, state ; = o) = #(u, +Qi). W(t = T) will is' Y(t 0) to = htc 2." (Ez The shortest tirrre T at which be orthogonal tZfu ' @-n 4. z(Ez-E) f hE qfiFrel ssS frt ari t: , :l(v 'l.0for d'd3 -Er) htt 4(82-ElD fi t-Y:tf;fcrerur 0.7) /soo for V >- 0.7 v <0.7 -. 14 rd vdrffi f atn t qret l= 2. 3. 4. mrq{ d'qrq l I 1K S a factor of increasedby a factor of decreased 38. +{ur {tr f fd?Tdtlm rnA' 6.2 mA i t arr mr 2. 4. 10.0 93 - l. {(V - 0-7) mA\ 6J mA qtrd f;.Td qrqr rrqr Ffi rdJtd fi t tr6l Y 6{ +.ur irl *'qr z{rFd ca l. 2.08 3.6 0 fortl<O.7 I is measured in amperes. 1Kt t0v is Z. 9.3 mA' The current I in the circuit 1. 3. 39. mA 6.2 mA 10.0 i 4. 6.7 mA fr'w qq alt 6r*-sild W, Frd wu>W), t ('ifi' dfd 6r4-s6fr wM 3rrtfg;95, qlat tr drdr 6r (rs, rirrq qf4 3idrr1€ f tIrT wmlr 6} fdEgil f{ dra 1mr cgrar t af $furffi d' slqe :Hrftil l. 2. 3. 4. 39. tF'r t ftifd t, Td c IRII b 3lir tt qfr eiq 6l qi{ffifi grjltrd Yo t, a} si{fffi ?Trf, ffi dgr qra 6'l; T6ra fr Rq frnrq d dqfrd ffi sr* tr{ frqr pn t Zpo rrqr mr4 t .'l; or!% t. semiconductor of.work fundfun Ws \Irith the elecftic field at 2. 0.09 4.3 ; (o*bpo)poVs ,. (T*T)ot, A junction is made between a rnetal of work function Wu, and a doPed W. If $qqr sfrerd 3Tfiftrtrdr . in the measured force is ' l. 2.08 2. 0.09 4.3 3.6 41. ffi nq in qFI P Tsh Tircqr qtrd p t, $irFlf Sfifluf P = op* bpz ii-dRr 2. e Tnr q6rar arfSt 3 TflT ifirT ifiGIr qrftt 3 laf cqrar qrFt 16 Tilr ox,rfi'rrlr atftt Wu > f 40. In'a measurement of the viscous drag force experienced by spherical particles in ? liquid, the force is found'to be proportional i to V1./3 where I is the measured volume of each particle. If 7 is measured to be 30 mm3, with an uncei'tainf bf 2.7 mm1, , the resulting relative percentage uncertaintSt /500 fgr tl >0.7 where Y is measured in volts and tq;rdt ErFd 3{rrrfi H qfa Y 3lRftYcrdr 2.7mmt figtq, 3omm3 arqr grdr t, aI The l-v characteristics of thediode in the circuit below is given bY 't 3 3 decreasedbyafactorof V3 Eil v1l3 t l. 3. 9 F f 'dffiq 6urt t qt{Ra 10v qfrqq $ra factor of increased the interface has to be increased by a factor of 3, then the dopant concentation in the semiconductor would have to be (alnz+ hpu)piYo . of a fluid is related to its numbpr densrty p by the equation of state D f ;-f*ff1. Ir the initiat where a and volume of th fluid is Vs, the work ddne on the sptem u,&en it is compressed so as tb 15 tb increase value of:po l. 2. An ideal Bose gas is confined inside a container that is connected to a .particle reservoir. Each particle can occupy . a number densrg from an initial toZpois apoVs discrete set of single-particle quantum $at€s. If the probability that a particular (o+bpo)poVs quantum state is unoccupied is 0;1, then the avenge number of bosons in that state is 3. (f,+@Je.v" 4. (aln2+ bpo)poVs ('fi tr?T tl;T'3ttr{ 6 f rrfreffr l.t 3. w ffifu6 q;UT 3rFT irFT fr fr rfl6l Til rfrt D s Eo t,'flI srEgn sflR * cr{ ari qraTr gr{ffid [g K gs r6K trfr t: T6 f{qr rrqr-t l. io" gas' at low temperahre, .only the banslational and rcatiofial rirodes of the molecules are excited. The specific heat pOr molecul'e of h low density o)rygen Eo Jd Ep .R 3rrfrd;r6t The Hamiftonian of t a classical the gas is r' particle 'movingin one dimension is ''n2 fl -*-+aqr Zm io" 2. t;ot 4' f,'" 3: where,c is a positive constant and p fid q are its momentum and position respectively. Given that its total enerry E < Es the available volume of phase space depends on kB El 3fq-(rd Ar ct?rrAzTiri1 (rT' {iEtlfi sftqrr, qI fud fr'nfqr rrqr *'qlt d' t lclilKt Eo as 4. ks r'3i! 3' 4. 3. 2. 3' io" -O 2, l. 2. wI t FffIq , rr. f s-* qa;E fi' 3Hrfff its f, qut * h{fl erniafr* tii q.ota drs dtrd eti tt Fs its fi q'fr 3q t wi p allI q rqir: Tst liirr pna.Fr .2. 9 4. ll lo E3l+ Eo rE, is idependentof Es ('fi 3{tq* a)lr tts, (rfi. 6sr-sisR t g} (rfi ril'T * 3i{t sad $1 5q mur, \r6Gr- ffiia t $6' rf{ff sflzrqfr6s661 ilqfrffiftia 3r+Frr t frtrd 16A *I sfr+"r 0.1 t, dI Ts 3r*qr f dffirdT 6t qrt. :dwr t: E6ur l. 3. 8 io 3ffiFrufi 2. 9' 4. ll -. qfr nmq koe r. z. a) ac Tiaffi sh 6r sfretqr 5g frH s?ril d'+ta-sr s€t p t fr'e,4r gFnrFs'd[ S€Rq ffi qld cfrEFn r E-a sfrm tt qRgq S e,4r 3ilqerr6-dr SflRq t qntqq t fr Tfd cf6qpn R * rEa 6q tl 16 3. g;t{ itFtr st strtFa t'a, mI 5cnm m ffi ffdr qfrqtr interface show that the ratio of the electric field amplitude at tte mo(ima and the minima is 5. The ratio of the reflected intensity to the incident intensity is t. 4/e 213 sfii tt 4. qfa aFs dafi €I im{r 6t frJir , +t q+.pv'rrat t, * qnqq tr Ar or tbn $rEqrrfi'tt 45. Consider the amplifierciroritcornprising of'the two op-antps A1 and A2 as shown in 2. 4. tls 3. 2/s 47. tril ift,t) g.'e'=q-# d?rl i,-V' =i+VE, r6i'f,i ?rer r tnl (,i5. st€'r, dild t?i :r{rffiiq trTd .t irfi Brfftil H iliil tr qft gsh Fq{ 6q dlt"fismr ffiiq $frqr qd qfrer frrrc a(i,t) (tzF TrqFI s.qtirtpf the figure. 1U . V.tr+ !g=o 6I sfi ar{ 6t at wra 66,4 fi R(t ('fi dmEq ilur t: gc5i a,,f fgqg{ 3t{t S, a' = cl1l * urrq If the input ac pignal sdurcc has an impedarice of 50 kft,.which oftrc following statements is tiue? As is required in the circuit because the source impedance is mrrch greater than r 2.' Ar is required in the circuit beause the source impedance is mrrch less than R 3. . Ar can be eliminated ftorn frecircuit v,rithout affecting the overall gain ,f A1 is required in the circuit if the output has to follow thc plrase ofthe l. , . l. 2. 3. 4, *dr coshEi sinh art cor[.i coshart cosE cosh i art coshE i t 47. The scalar and vector potartials g@, t),'and AG,q are determinod up to a gauge transformation g ) g' = rp -# and i -V' = 7 + V6. wtrcr f is an arbitrary input signal grfi cosarc "i! / PART 'C' i continuous and differentiable function of and t.If we further impose the Lorenzgauge condition ldto -1 v'A+;ar 46. F{:ifr req *. str6 s{ iiqrd JrqRil wffinT frTdgn-firq atzr 3ffrrffi sffid 6tfi il limrrya *. inri fi trd f rfi grrfr aier qr fst rFf lrrrd t qdr qdirr t F6, fG, Q t. 4ls 46. A L is (where constantswittt ItErtrff qd ilTcdq q{ frqa fr{ fi 3ilq s *' sr;rqra t, Fr sftqtrd a?i $rqfd trrdrcit sr q$dt 3. zls l. 2. 3. coshart coshart us 48. ,,i ^r"nonzero ' r=cFl) cosart coshEi 'sinhart corli 4.- 213 plane elecfiomagnetic wavc incident normally on the surface of a material is partially rcflected. Measrrnrents on the standing wave in the regio in front of the =o then a possible choicri forthe gauge ftinction ilcrlrlFf cos[.i coshl.i 'm dqr griT e gffi (t?F' srdrqqifrq 6sr, dt lfr u dqr F{ur a *' qr?r qReffi t fi*ar r qrfi fdfddur otrar'tl fr-aril?r n/2, grirr ze,ttfr i/2 ' 17 qii dr"r ?a g4d 6ur t dIE-dr +qr t. t6I 3. 4I' il gtrdt t/,B),laln ,6 <rut 6tw' 6I frEEe Rffiq 6r arar t) W tr{ 2. 8t 4. 2t , I ,i i arethepcition, mcnentum and angular (whereelp is dre lrcvi{ivita symbbl,T morncmm rcspectiveb, and [r{, B } reprm 6e Poisson bracket of and B) simplifiesto I *i sgu{qt f daj$ Jrql rJsra 6,rdt 1.0 3. i-@xi1 P (f;, {) 2. (h i)'aei ar * r 1. sl. w' bl2 +lll2= fdfr 1), frnq tffi sqiirur *' qfiqg, dtrr p* t tl tM H(q,p) = il{ Ff{rrifi m wilr r. *er, *Yo, l 2. zr-' a1ji:pz 'z' 51. A rnechftal ' l* ll ,. $ ,. -fr b;, system -9, ffiiern dfi-Rfifdr rdffi t,i,t,i q?i and 2. *Q'r'*Yp' 3. f,.e+$0, *tr*+Pn I Eg !' I ry I ^l ,.pf t s/55 CSr/14-€Blt-2A a r. *trr*Ye, '*{o,{0,,ail *tT e ! ** j monrci&rmP becomes qd +tdfq \ i, arr"ril-.Ait €r A nian in the new coordinite Fnfl,,Iitrl ?rqT I{ariiftonian H(q,p) = muzq2. As a rc$h of dre canonical hansformation gqlerdcd by F(q,Q) = the Hamilto- 50. aftil-d tr?TQT: 0 dt E:- Ct ' t.(fr frl), *cB' isrear o (:p. f.), t "*n loi'+ lllz = I dfrd il 3. |r, +{0, LOzlr- *mo] p-z 4. '- 2n-'z' *,,*'*t Ult=t *^* Ozpz Let a ?nd P be cunphx numben. Which of the following sets ofma$ices fonns a group under matrix multiplication? fl '(; , (p qifrf;t 2.6 a. 7xf l^rtt'tqffi-dil r1q,q1 :-; t (fr ft.), at:'rqrmF6 tl 4' {!0. f'), * r* }} '*k''{P'' l'l'k=t f sFFr dwt il Anr tr{ (c5' WS ot ftrfq The expression 3 4. 2l f,*' a d{r 3Trqif 50. t: 2.6 4. ixi 1.0 non-relativi$ic particle of'mass m and charge e, moving witr a velocity d and acceleration d, emlb radiatlon of intensity I. What is the intensityofthe radiation emitted by I particle of mass miL, elnrge 2e, velocity ilZ mdueleration 2d? 2. 8r l.- 161 qrfr, 6fdr 3. i0txi) 48. A 3. 4l tttrftr J -!l -- to' ?t h l- n i0 I , -t&. P:- l* I 18 f* i 52. arfi qrrfr ry' il6t r,1,o2,o3 = (o1,o2,o3), ti qft a .Fr i nRffi f EI -4^z t, at ilRg4o.fi Id.d,i.al Fss gqrd h Os tr I t - 4. ilFFff 3IqO d;d $q{ l. (a qrfrnr 4t"r-* o2* $a?fin1 ruti""r.-ir (x2 d dimensions, the commutirror (in ' thg following '-"v."r'6 [ad, t'#- t** t ;iT I bti' 6e rus identitv r.,e't*v (a.D' 4. ldllrll 54. d,'- ',i-:r 3. I,H{H#H]X*T' l' z=lil{I avr z=@ tK ilr€r F5 0<d<zr*'RVs=Q rfi[('rr $'rcrch Z. z=rdrtr z=@ tr{ ilrsr.fi$ aVr 0 s0 <Ztt *' 3idrdl 3lfr o *' fr(' z= 0$[ ffi' grdilfi 3. . z=lirrrr z=@ tr{ ilr€r lt5 mr 53. mir+ I fi,fu z.1otr{ w z=0,_z=lifrll z=@ *{lrrotrf5 Considerthefirnction -o q @ < o). The are aslfollows: l. 2. f Q) =|to.1f - r; The function /(x) o = (rz - r)f = 0 Xf*ffi (;)'"-' satisnes the differentiar equation l' "#*'#+ ,2.- ,'#+ qFrrrt z= re.e (rt0, -po<0<-) 4. tl ::'- .: 3. ,'#r*t**(r2-ty=g - f ^ 6 { [6., ]* ,^ :l:;:. 1ffi StuEFr 6Tdr i -,d"i" rr" *o arbitrary constant vectors in' three ):, str6rq ,' xfi+ + r)f = "#+ 1]/ ',#*u#*(rz - ry; = s 52. l*t d = (o1,c2,os), where o1,r,2,os are matrixy z=o. ' 4. Ftlilr equat to i=t i_' t_ g' tnil?T f(x) =x;i.ffi$'"*'fuo o3) 2. zi(axi).A 3. (a.Dr the pauli and a pole atz = 0'for all 0 other than 0 < 0 <2r branch points atz = 1 and z = o; and a pole atz = 0 for all 0 branchpointsatz =0, and @2+ 1)/ = s ztff+ (x2 - r)f =o 3. t'#+rff+(xr-t)f =a ; 4 ,,#_,#*(,,_1)f=0, 55. 6ril rrM it f fr'rmq|a drrfr rre *.arw. ]fdr zrqr I $p1 3idzfdlq qrrr, (gfir{ur *. Sfs), q6 mr rirlil (il{ qffi drq sqra w viudf t} ildr$ rfi {16 $qT rR Tt t o" AtrEg il anf h drrd *f 6qnr{ fi, grrr qs-r *- f*.gtid ,, il T1tr1 il r *r, Tm,ry{ 1rdt qd drrfr *' ssnm s} ErdH gt, q{ *, srter "r,* qra sI rfr, il_{ T6 r(fis<<r<< q{'t Rr)fr q$w t a an 3 singilaritis of f.(z) = tard z = oi and < 0 < Zr = branch points at z =1 anil z = o; branch points apole at z atz 0 onlyfor 0 stSscsut{-58}F,28 r' ll' 19 W f* ,w 56. l. trcrl .J; Jl. The probe Mangalywtwas sent recently to it. ftetirc individual Eansisiors connected is If the only form of noise in each transistor i7; nois", thon tlre equiv{9nt voltage noise tpLr"f O"*tty for thi MOS transistor is f . f/fV timesthatof aiingletransistor 2. 1r-l N? tiqnes that of a single transistor 3. w ti*". thatof a single transistor 4. Nz times ttat of a single transistor 57. e*ptot" the ptanet Man. The inter-planetary ttui"tto.y isappro*imately a half""'J"ftt" Lttior" with the Ear$ (d the time of launch)' Sun and Mars (at of N A large MOS Eansistor consists in pqalle]' fqffta m *' qif ifiul firlrd y(r) = alxl' (c > o) t'sqrd f tl wrnsFffia f rdt rrffiaqfiIo qrf Er (n = 0,1,2,"') f, t #,"*il"' I *.E-v)' dn" )o n ,. [H("* )f'" 1.."\ - d(€ ] dre probe reaches a.tti""tion; formlng the major- -Tit' n*ru*ipg that ihe ortis of Earth and tvlars cirurlar with radii Rg and "r" ieipectively, the velocity (with respect n","pptJ*i*ately voyage to"itre Sun) of the probe during its (( R1v) (( r ( Rs r *t i" i, is at a distance of fto* tfte Sun, neglecting dre effect Earth t. llgH ffi(*+) 4t "?d ')i.ru t.ffi(,*gf"-il CPr)&" ffist and Mars, is potential 57. Consider a particle of mass?r in the qnergY eigen' The a1a1, a V(x) ) 0- =. .rot*t E,. (t =0,1,2,"'), in the WKB 7ilt zcuffi 3. ffi(n+!) J- ''ffi{; 4' 56. .&38&=-9' ro' @.{'tLrP\"\s ; w G qr3fi'JT. EifuF{ f sniil{ lftifua r qft fi ' $6 eifrg-{ 3iffiffi tr et eifrs't ;#-;r*-r***"*m*t" *#"H,l:'uH}-;*u qt qr ffia trrd qr vo iid Td rrn ,tg-dr Fftd arar tr fi *w or qr3fi'3T. "rd". *"tr{ rffar*ns1tl-gpfisrart, s?rqqra {E ?5T r;5rnr sq 1/f Td t, d grRE.{ fi Rq ga dlds {q- TqFEd ffiFr 6\fr ffi-d Ffa qr 6'fq s" t fi+s trF cmar tz r'+a EiRst 6r gmr fr 2. t. UN gr t '3. lI T{r t" Io+ L r7rv'z gar 4-' N' 5dr :l t t l. 6'60" 5'ol8: ' 'u,Lj} *, {o''.+l){lJ 'L"u )cr- + 2' s'l4o 4' t"' \ol, ---"D _ V- t-' 4L-'. ta.' \. t'- t- ;L *_p "*-l' r rt 20 When laser light of waveleng& .1, falls. on a metal scale with 1 mm engravingp at a grazing angle of incidence, it is diftacbd to form a vertical chain of diffraction spoc on a scroen kept perpen{icular to ffre scale. If the wavelength of the laser is increased by 200 Rg $qfuqfr Fnn frp (d /", t, &fi qr ffif { Sdtuo tr sniil{ nm, the angle of the first-order diftaction spot changes from 5o to l. 6.60" 3. 5.0180 2. 4. 5.140 52lo qrfr ffi' t'fi-Rrfi 3nr** qfdrfi * silraw{qr aqr glrr 3dfrd 3rirFn fi dtT qtrdt frr (,?fitrkT dtrq hI,) = col0) +crtl) t ccdrro ?T?r[ cr 3rqt t 3itt r8 *cf = 1;1cs *'ffi qro t'R(' k) 3rri 3tnaarT u l. (r)=F , ,o=Lfi {qr frH Tqd *da+r sfr p urEr l. fnp 2. fap > 6Tdr 2. ttl:.,rlF-., t co=l Let t; {mo, co=i1 l{) = col0)*crll) -4fet:F, ,. (r)=F, (rJ = F, mrar t t' frq, a {s vrsr fr;eg{ t s'{ f a* olar t aqr B d*d aht fnp < fu 4. fuFw fut fftT qlfrd srdr hq, A d*d st fu€{ fnp > fp qrfta Ril ffdr mrar aen g fs_ cs and c1 1) be a linear (w.here are constants widr cfr + 4 = combination of the wavefunctions of thp ground and fhst excited $ates of the onediminsional harmonic mcillator. For what value of cs is the gxpectation value (r) a maximum? qfrr 3. .11f t fr{6r"r fu6a{ *'sq 60. . fu * frq, A:d*d d qrnm 6IA t6dr t iln Bri*'iT st ffia{ ffit fdar 1 3. (r) = l-!znar' co=E 4. (r) = t frq, A {g qrr6,, fu€t qii e 6 6q-6or ftE{ t,sq f srff +ri t 1;o t t f 6Fr 6{?il t Consider a Low Pass (LP) and rHigh pass (IIP) fi lter with cut-off frequencies and respeCivrly, connected in series or in f1p, fp parallel configurations as shown in the Figures A adB below. co=E1 co= ': 1 i L '1 co=G u 1, 4. o) =.F, co=i1 - b *tJ*$' aw /, e) ^K\ (B) ,t) t' I t,,l i 21 $ l. filter and B acts as a Band Reject filter ' 2. Forfry" ) fw,A stops the signal from passing through ard B'passes the signal withoutfiftering For f6p fw,A acb as a Band Pass 3. filter and B.pasestre signal without filtering 4. For fr, ) fi,p,A passes the signal withoirt filtering and B acts as a Band If now thc. same process is. canied out adiabatically and irreversibly; and Tj is the + temperatre .of equilibratddrn ,i=Tz F '' I 61. si, i = L,2,...,N (S1= *l) EfiI q?5' frf atq T f rm' argq E"€r. etd a f rer ffi tl fiffirq 6t tffffifi t rr = -Nttst I qrur 6i) >i ilfrq? r. f,n nz 3. A 2. 2ln2 4. iVln2 #nz collection IV minimum value of value (Si) t. ]rv 2l? ffi 2tn2 4. 3. |lnz IV ln2 t{fram Tffiofq sffi'qr (dr{r d{ (1q, rts $rqtrd r, t r, irir Elqrfi: fdg{a drfr t T6 arq 4 t r, ilm" tffrd et$ tt qfq q€f sfr-qr @a: qd staffifi!ff{d: fi Eildf t aqr Eri['ir6 srqrcRtd F m 1ro r; t dI l. Ti=f, 3: Tl=TzebJ arq ti> r, 2. fl=w. a gas expards adiabatically from volume V1 toV2 by aquasi-static reversible prooess, it cools from temperature TrIo Tz. 62. Wh€n ttir"-fls*-',,,.F .. ill J+ - .---') - t,t.l ' t ., .!3 rl <) ') -. f ffi L NF. 3. Znlt t 2: nlB 4.0 63. A randomwalkeq ' takes a step of unit length in th" positit a dhection with probability 2/3 and a step drmit length in the negative direction widr probabitity 1/3, The mean displacerned ofthe'walker after n steps is 1. 2.. nlB nl3 3. 2nl3 ,/o 64.sq. @f+rqfifrqtffi 3TrE{6H,=(l H' z. qrfrffi f for which the mean rnz 4. ri=T qrrdrft tril?Fr ftnn $tr+,ar zF?. {tq (rqr6'ffi m uc' 6q7r aqr rnfuftr 1/3 t' flrrr ?ilrldffi ifit ('i5'aaq dmr tl n Enn Effi m,{fff t' G qnrtltf .ff etsq F{qrrd of non-interacting spins Sr, i= L,z,...,N, (S1= *l) is kept in an extemal magnetic fieldB at a temperature T. has 2.. Ti>T, .ri=r,W)' e?5' : The Hamiltonian of the system is ff = -pBXrSi. Wbat should b€ the c2. 63. rffifagrfuit fi frq # 6r efnirfi aFr rqr 6tdl 61. 3. filter Reject the gas when it \ i il-"il{rr6 l0 10\ = elt 0 r I 1retr << 1) \o 1' ol' t qtrFa dtfi 6, qnwrT rrrsrT Edt sffdwtrr+ ard Eo=2triil{srh 1. 2. e,-Ze -e.Ze .F, j t4. *2e 3. te )) ' 64. Ttr Hmibnian H6 for a three-state quanhrm i5r$ern is given by the <- mafiix , ! (t o 0\ flo=10 - Z 01. ;*-'L" \oorl When pettirbed $ +)2 H' = e fiiil where e (( 1, .the resulting shift iir the erierry eigcnvalue Eo=2 is l. €,-b' 3. te. . i; ,/' -e,Ze 'F lze j{ ,J J=10,,1 ( t . '' 22 qH snilur 3Fa $ird v@) = -b d(r) il6i b>o sat mnur qtwsr EFila o. < x< c fiftt 0o) =[,rcosrf, - 65. t 0 , l. ,iw sJ.2 qra t: m,b2 J' ** F.fiffi 65. . The grud $ate energy of the attractive de lta fi mctkn' potential whcrc D >'0, calculated with the variational trial fimction -a for t 0, TUII6 t: '."[(#)'*(#J'l n r|+d ^'?i1;; l/(r) = 'h 6(r)' o(r) - = fncosfi' 72 92 rlBq{ Eflt{r$g 6r Tsfdffi drfir wrt q,ri rHt t qzvt t'rsq tr sffi{d tr rt alG;qfr q{rilT fi fuqr 4 ?r?n 6{ Tf,}fti q fr tuvr.a il rtat h fifi FeE w s{ir rFT ard?fi, frFrd lliTi tt ss ft6* * 3ralq1, *'urqqffid fi ildl t d rror )b2 2mb2 ^ '''' rt* -@ ^{ --ffi 2. 4. 68 . ,.m ,l+d \ n."ffi < x < a' otherwise, ls -I ^{ -- 2mb2 }P / r,h2 --zl2P- =g, mb2 -ffi 4: 66. hrdl ;[fro, fmrfld zl A iffi tffit B 67. Considor the crystal structure of sodium drlorlde which is modeled as a set of touching spheres. Each sodium atom has a radius r, and each chlorine atom has.a radius 12. The centes of the spheres form a .simple cubic lattice. The packing ftadtion of :w rDz A-asAzn riqr ,l arn gTrier - o' (22 tris system is ,."[(#)'*(#)'] :A)z 'n zn fi+fi ':.71r6p a"Z2 _M . 't A '."ffi tl MeV,asrr = 24MeVd{t ac = 0.75 tvtev A --TL6 .gfir \1i5, ilfrlfi, 6T 31.q6 ft5q {qflfrfi qiqlul 6r z t: 5 2. t' ':* 66. ntmberl and charge Z ) is t B.=oyA-asA2l! strfi *s rdnff t' Ert tr ffi ffi t ('ifi'fi wra q-a Tiwdr t aqr ryt m EhcqifEnqr +irrar tr d_?[qr enrnrt f v{ms$fi fr ilE s!ilS *,,,qril trRifi Sr grnr f.'c-frqtT fr srffrspit fi fq qfirfi ;r'dt Rrrifi sTrrrr tr 'ffi gt D (mass liven by (22 A)2 o"Z2 - or^ff_M . .. where' a, = 16 irt V, as = 16 MeV, 'MeV os)ru = 2f and a, = 0.ZS MeV, then the Z for'tlrc most stable isobar for a nucleus withA F.216'is .f/'L : 6s. El 72 If trc binding'eaergr B of a nucleus ti+d "J (rr+rryr ilil A a6i' av = !6MeV, a, = !6 l. 6t : q{ ER€ srsqr +t qtnrfi dFrErd fi .q{6rt irFr. rfr ffira f'ga ron $rBd arqt . ilnr l() t- i $'! ir :l lI os lr I ! \,, \ . . \*\ .t: \ \ 1 1 'ft\ io j r'l tt il $ 23 r. Efd$mhrmdffi yqrt *'Rq 12, qrg srdr w dw qil* Rq 13 t z. *'sq tr af,cwmiqffi dffi .rdlf fi Rq r, drn s{er tra T<t{ fr frq 13 *' sq t fr 3. dtdt 6ts r{rfi * Rq r t,w f 4. ffii 6ts r{rfi fi Rq fi 13 sq f 70. qfr vo EFvraqm ry 4r ,'-dt ?frtr;r FK 6r :Et 6r srm sdErdl {ijtr -+(n+l)'h&,,t6t r" = o.oo1t iil dil-arat wit fir Fo dwr wnrrr t: l. crlntalline solidg one of which has a siryle cubic shucture, and the other has 'a tctragonal stucfure. The effective spring constant between atoms in the cdirection b half the effective spring constant betwn atoms in the a and D directions. At lo\il temperatur6s, the behavior of the lattice contribution to the specific heat will depnd as a frrnction of src* t dE w $Srq A-* Eer JqRtr { w'$furil+ itirq qfi grK fdsg-dqm l. 1.0 nm l. 3. 3ffdfffi * 3iat t f tl h v6'T{{ 4. s il w:Fqt 3iilrfr Eattdr t, il strqrirfr fr {flrur ffi fi 3rfrd d' tt 2. 0.1nm 4. l0nm tS rrcamqa +'t t f{ Trffi t 69. An atomic tansition lP in a magnetic field I Tesla drorvs Tneman splitting. Given that the Bqhr'magneton' lrn =9.27x10-24 J/T, and tlp rravelength conesponding to the transition b 250 nrn, the separation in the Zeeman spccfral lines is approximately '0.1 nm 0.01 nm . l0 nm 1.0 nm tr qrffd $trdr6 hcle Er !m-d micfi-o tfutarfi S EqFqRr t,ti {ffirq qHf Trrrq qr fret{ afr Sl 3. fr;q-ffrRr trffE idqr Fsfr+:rur .?x1'+A2d= o dtikd t, ;r6i n ErrreTrr 0.01nm qfff, 6{ar q6ori: rS l. 3. 750 71. sqd z. fr 2. 4: t. air' E{€tq tsnfr -r" 3.250 fd f vfr q{firurrffi s'iiEur tP - ffi Fdcr6 Eefrdr t t aF ffida pa=927xl1'24 !ll, aefi :itrTsr t d4d dirrtE* 25onm t, d] ffi rftr 750 levels possible is approximately 500 1000 - 4. it forbotr*tidt l tFsr *, 1000 (n + |)' nr *itf, xe = 0.001, the total nupber of enerry diatomic molecule is temperahre T c l. T2 for thctetragural solid, but as f3 for the sirnple cubic sblid 2. T for thetehagonal solid and as ?3 for the simplecubic solid 3. T forbodrsolids 69. zfi 70. If the lcading anharmonic correction to the energf'of the r-th vibrational level of a 68. Consider two '' 2. 4. 500 3. ; 71. A suitercorducting ring carries a steady cunent in the presarce of a magnetic fieb E nonnal to tlre plane of the rirtg. Identifr the incorrcct $atement. l.' -'f4. 2. iJ The.flux passingthrough the supercorductor is quantized in units of lvle Thecurent and 0re magnetic field in the srprconductor are time independent. "1 'h 24 3. The currcnt density/and by Sre e4uationf, 4. x/+ F aie relatee sitifisr 3" drlT strfr ttd'a rqgq $ fr {lq ltffit H'="3".30 t fr ildI t r Tririrur-ni$FuT Fqffiqr ar*r l. 3. tR qra loo mwcm2 il q AzE = 0, where A is aconstant The superconductor shows an en€rgt, gap which is proportional to fte transition tempeiatuie of the superconductor u agstra ry f lffi h'qftunfr 6tdl ssrr gs :Ff,t Tat €ffi t: 2. 4. lon" oilL2 2ah2 lahz 2. gRr. l. 2, 3. 4. 4. f,"h' Zt. 116 ffid a,ri fi R(' fr flr etfdt SI . l. L 3. 1. 1.25 x 10e eV 1.25x 1012 eV 1.25.x tr05 eV 108 eV 12Sx o.s Bega v o.s irfi 0.? t 42.0to26..2 24.0to16.8 . 21.0 to 10.5 16.8 to 10.5 fia tnr qfrqnfi rK Rmt: gw t/& oufr (r) P+-n*e++v" (ii) Ao- p+*e++v" (iii) fi+ - e+*v" (rv) no -y* f ohz F Fnfr 6ffr ffi{: ffi f 74. The power deni,s.ity of sunlight incident.on a solar cell is lffi mWcnf'. Its short circuit cunent densrty is.30 mA/cm2 and the open circuit voltage is 0.7 V.If fie fill factor of the solar cell fureases from 0.8 to 0.5 then the perceirtage efficierrcy will decrease from 2ah2 56 3lidfffi dr+dr t qr nfr, trs{F grdqrclr fr€Iotd S Sildld diffi t rfiFhd ffi ari il f*rh mq Ftq*a 6I Fqt sl ffi t qtr ' .2. 24.0t 16.8 irm 3. 21.0t r0.5 iffi +. 16.8* r0.5 ilfi pven by H' = aie . 3o. As a result of this interactioq thecnerry levels split by an amount 3. t qfr st{ td $r ry{rir T"i" qedT t, al sfren ertrf,r Etfi l. 42:0t 26.2 d6 dre ground state of the Hydrogen atom is 2. 30 mA"lcm2 aqr gdr qtr il 72. Tte effective spin-spin interaction betrveeir elec&on spin 3, and the proton splo 3" in .the r. ion'' ts w $TqRd qfnonr 4t 24. $fi'ilt{ (ntrt) fi Rru lqtrtrd * +ta+rnil affia 2. (ii)lT{rfiv) (ildan(ii) r. tTfr(iD 3. (i)drr(iv) 75. 4. Considerdre four processes ,(i) 1n+e+ +v" .ftii) A9 - p+ + e+ +v" .(iii) r+ -e+*ve. p+ (iv) ro +y+ f Whish ofttre above is/are forbidden for free tr deep inelasic scattering electrons are 'scattered offprotons todetermine if a proiton has 4y. internal structure. The enerry of the elecbon for.this must be at least particles? l. 3. only ?. 4. (ii) (Dand(iv) (Dand (iD, I l. 1.25x 10eeV 2. I.25 x .1, L.zS x 4. L.25 x (ii) and (iv) .51 1012 eV 106 eV 108 eg i r I I I \
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