CV - Kim Valenta

Curriculum Vitae
Kim Valenta
855 Sherbrooke St W, Montreal PQ, Canada. H3A 2T7. 514.398.1242.
Current Affiliation
Postdoctoral Fellow
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Department of Anthropology (Primatology)
Adviser: Colin Chapman
PhD, University of Toronto, Anthropology (Primatology)
Adviser: Shawn Lehman
MA, University of Calgary, Anthropology (Primatology)
Thesis: Quantity, quality and spatial patterns of seed dispersal by Cebus capucinus.
Adviser: Linda Fedigan
BA, First Class Honours, McGill University, Anthropology (Archaeology)
Thesis: Pre-Columbian Transoceanic Diffusion Hypotheses.
Adviser: Bruce Trigger
Valenta, K. K.A. Brown, A.D. Melin, S.K. Monckton, S.A. Styler, D.J. Jackson and C.A.
Chapman. In revision. Isn’t not easy being blue: A cost analysis of fruit traits. PLoS
Valenta, K., K.A. Brown, R.R. Rafaliarison, S.A. Styler, D.J. Jackson, S.M. Lehman and A.D.
Melin. In revision. Endemic fruit signals in Madagascar drive variation in Eulemur fulvus
foraging behaviour and efficiency. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology.
Valenta, K. M. Hopkins, M. Meeking, C.A. Chapman and L.M. Fedigan. In revision. Densitydependent mortality predicts adult tree distributions in a Neotropical angiosperm. Journal
of Tropical Ecology.
Brown, K.A., K. Valenta, D. Fisman, A. Simor and N. Daneman. In press (11/2014). Ward
antibiotic prescribing and the risks of C. difficile infection. Journal of the American
Medical Association, Internal Medicine.
Valenta, K. T.S. Steffens, R.R. Rafaliarison, S.M. Lehman and C.A. Chapman. In revision. The
effect of forest loss and fragmentation on seed banks in a tropical dry forest in
northwestern Madagascar. Biotropica.
Valenta, K. and S.M. Lehman. Accepted (07/2014). Microcebus spp as seed dispersers in the
depauperate frugivore communities of Madagascar. Dwarf and Mouse Lemurs of
Madagascar: Biology, Behavior, and Conservation Biogeography of the Cheirogaleidae.
Oxford University Press.
Valenta, K. R.J. Burke, S.A. Styler, D.A. Jackson, A.D. Melin and S.M. Lehman. 2013. Colour
and odour drive fruit selection and seed dispersal by mouse lemurs. Scientific Reports 3:
Valenta, K. and A.M. Melin. 2012. “Protein limitation explains variation in primate color vision
phenotypes: A unified model for the evolution of primate trichromatic vision.” In
Zoology. M.D. Garcia (Ed.), InTech, ISBN: 978-953-51-0360-8
Valenta, K. and L.M. Fedigan. 2010. Spatial patterns of seed dispersal by white-faced capuchins
(Cebus capucinus): Evaluating distant-dependent seed mortality. Biotropica 42: 223-228.
Valenta, K. and L.M. Fedigan. 2009. Effect of gut passage, feces and seed handling on latency
and rate of germination in seeds consumed by capuchins (Cebus capucinus). American
Journal of Physical Anthropology 138: 486-492.
Valenta, K, J.A. Klemens, L.M. Fedigan. 2009. Sleep tree use by white-faced capuchins (Cebus
capucinus): Implications for density-dependent seed and seedling mortality. Neotropical
Primates 16: 73-76.
Valenta, K. and L. Fedigan. 2008. How much is a lot? Seed dispersal by white-faced capuchins
and implications for disperser-based studies of seed dispersal systems. Primates 49: 169175.
Valenta, K. 2008. “Primatology in action” In Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 3rd
Canadian Edition. C.R. Ember, M. Ember, P. Peregrine and R.D. Hoppa, eds. Toronto:
Publications Submitted and In Review
Valenta, K. A.D. Melin, M. Edwards, N. Dominy, S.E. Johnson, E. Parra and S.M. Lehman. In
review. Primate cathemerality and the origin of the primate cone opsin polymorphism.
Molecular Ecology.
Malcolm, J., K. Valenta and S.M. Lehman. In review. Multiple edge effects shape forest
structure in a highly fragmented tropical dry forest in Madagascar. Applied Ecology.
Published Abstracts
Valenta, K, K.A. Brown, A.D. Melin, S.K. Monckton, S.A. Styler, D.A. Jackson and C.A.
Chapman. In press. Cost-based phylogenetically-controlled analysis of signal tradeoffs in
primate-dispersed fruits. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Abstract of
podium presentation at upcoming American Association of Physical Anthropologist’s
Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Valenta, K, A.D. Melin, M.E. Edwards and S.M. Lehman. 2014. Dichromacy in Eulemur fulvus:
Implications for foraging ecology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 153
(Supplement 58). Abstract of podium presentation at the American Association of
Physical Anthropologist’s Annual Meeting, Calgary, AB.
Valenta, K, R.J. Burke, S.A. Styler, D.A. Jackson, and S.M. Lehman. 2013. Effects of fruit odor
on fruit consumption and seed dispersal by Microcebus murinus and M. ravelobensis in a
tropical dry forest in northwestern Madagascar. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 147 (Supplement 54): 275. Abstract of podium presentation at the
American Association of Physical Anthropologist’s Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN.
Valenta, K. 2011. The behavioural ecology of Eulemur fulvus rufus: A test of the socioecological
model. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 144 (Supplement 52): 298. Abstract
of poster presentation at the American Association of Physical Anthropologist’s Annual
Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Valenta, K, J.A. Klemens, and L.M. Fedigan. 2010. Habitual sleep tree use by white-faced
capuchins (Cebus capucinus) and implications for seed dispersal. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology 141 (Supplement 50): 233. Abstract of podium presentation at the
American Association of Physical Anthropologist’s Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
Valenta, K. and L.M. Fedigan. 2009. Spatial correlates of capuchin-dispersed seed and seedling
survival, germination and growth. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
(Supplement 48): 259. Abstract of podium presentation at the American Association of
Physical Anthropologist’s Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Valenta, K. and L.M. Fedigan. 2007. The effect of gut passage by Cebus capucinus on rates of
seed germination and time to germination. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
(Supplement 44): 235. Abstract of poster presentation at the American Association of
Physical Anthropologist’s Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Guest Speaker, Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC. 2014.
“Can frugivores shape fruit traits? Insights from Madagascar.”
Visiting Speaker, Colour Research Society of Canada Speaker’s Series, Toronto ON. 2013.
“The role of colour in animal-plant co-evolution.”
Visiting Speaker, The Wednesday Series, Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto ON. 2012.
“The evolution of the eye and colour vision in humans and other animals.”
Visiting Speaker, University of Antananarivo, Antananarivo, Madagascar. 2012.
“Impacts sur l’ecologie et l’evolution des lemuriens frugivores sur la flore endemique.”
Podium Presentation, Frugivory and Seed Dispersal Conference, Montpellier, France. 2010.
“A spatial test of the ultimate null hypothesis: White-faced capuchin dispersal of Genipa
Podium Presentation, Texas Association of Biological Anthropologists Annual Meeting, Austin,
Texas. 2009. “Repeated sleep tree use by white-faced capuchins and implications for densitydependent seed mortality”
Guest Lecture, Primate Behavioural Ecology, University of Texas at Austin. Austin, Texas.
2009. “Primate-plant interactions”
Podium Presentation, Canadian Association of Physical Anthropologists Annual Meeting,
Hamilton, ON. 2008 “The nearest neighbour effect: Spatial patterns of seed dispersal by whitefaced capuchins (Cebus capucinus)”
Guest Speaker, Stories from the Field, University of Calgary Colloquial Series, Calgary, AB.
2006. “Seed dispersal by white-faced capuchins: Quality, quantity and spatial pattern”
Podium Presentation, Canadian Association of Physical Anthropologists Annual Meeting,
Peterborough, ON. 2006. Awarded best student-led presentation. “Seed dispersal by white-faced
capuchins: Evaluating quality”
Guest Lecture, Louisiana State University Field School, Guanacaste Costa Rica. 2006.
“Monkey research in a regenerating dry forest.”
Guest Lecture, Organization for Tropical Studies Field School, Guanacaste Costa Rica. 2006.
“Seed dispersal by white-faced capuchins.”
Visiting Speaker, University of Calgary, Calgary AB. 2004. “Wildlife rescue in the urban
Presenter, Metropolitan Toronto Zoo, Toronto ON. 2004. “Migratory birds.”
Podium Presentation, STRI-McGill Environmental Symposium, Panama. 2001. “Rescue and
rehabilitation: Developing protocols for tropical wildlife”
Awards and Honours
Rufford’s Small Grant (co-PI Z. Farris, $9,990)
Virginia McKenna Compassionate Conservation Award (co-PI Z. Farris, $1,000)
Departmental Conference Travel Grant, University of Toronto ($840)
University of Toronto Fellowship, University of Toronto ($1,500)
School of Graduate Studies Conference Grant, University of Toronto ($180)
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Province of Ontario ($15,000)
GM Women in Science and Mathematics Award ($3,800)
Dean’s Student Initiative Fund ($875)
School of Graduate Studies Conference Grant, University of Toronto ($360)
Departmental Conference Travel Grant, University of Toronto ($1,000)
University of Toronto Fellowship, University of Toronto ($1,500)
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Province of Ontario ($15,000)
Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research, Sigma Xi Scientific Society ($1,000)
University of Toronto Fellowship, University of Toronto ($1,500)
School of Graduate Studies Travel Grant, University of Toronto ($5,000)
GM Women in Science and Mathematics Award ($3,800)
Travel Research Grant, University of Toronto ($4,000)
University of Toronto Fellowship, University of Toronto ($1,500)
Professional Development Award, University of Texas at Austin ($153)
Post-graduate Fellowship (PGS-D), National Sciences and Engineering Research
Council ($63,000)
Alexander Graham Bell (CGS-D) Fellowship, National Sciences and Engineering
Research Council ($105,000 – declined as out of country first year)
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Province of Ontario ($15,000 – declined)
Preemptive Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin ($29,000)
Oschinsky-McKern Student Prize for multi-authored Podium Presentation,
Canadian Association of Physical Anthropologists ($300)
Queen Marie II Scholarship, Province of Alberta ($9,300)
Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research, Sigma Xi Scientific Society ($350)
Thesis Research Grant, University of Calgary ($1,000)
Graduate Research Scholarship, University of Calgary ($4,100)
Province of Alberta Graduate Scholarship, Province of Alberta ($9,300)
Graduate Research Scholarship, University of Calgary ($4,100)
Prock Scholarship, Prock Memorial Society ($1,000)
Ontario Honours Scholarship, Province of Ontario ($1,000)
Field Research Experience
Principal Investigator, Ankarafantsika National Park, Madagascar (2011-2012)
Designed and implemented a year-long study of seed dispersal by common brown lemurs.
Collected primate survey data and botanical data in forest fragments. Collected behavioral, spatial
and plant morphological data. Supervised up to 14 assistants at a time.
Principal Investigator, Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica (2005-2006)
Designed and carried out behavioural research on the feeding ecology and seed dispersal of
white-faced capuchin monkeys for 8 months. Designed behavioural sampling protocol, as well as
spatial analysis of angiosperms, and laboratory germination experiments. Trained and supervised
up to five assistants at a time.
Archaeological Research Assistant, Parks Canada, Victoria BC (2001-2002)
Refined and completed an archaeological database. Completed laboratory work on paleocoastlines. Sorted and identified Haida and Nu’uchalnuth archaeological materials. Edited
academic publications.
Biological Research Assistant, Smithsonian Institute, Panama (2001)
Trained and supervised local Panamanian field crews. Completed the preliminary laboratory and
field work of a long term carbon sequestration project, including measures of plant diversity and
growth. Organized resultant data.
Teaching and Leadership Experience
Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto, Toronto ON (2014)
Teach weekly labs on molecular biological variation, mark assignments and manage grades
Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto, Toronto ON (2014)
Marked assignments and managed grades for an introductory course in biological anthropology.
Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto, Toronto ON (2013-2014)
Led weekly labs for a mid-level course in biological anthropology (ANT203). Marked research
assignments and managed grades for a course in human behavior and evolution.
Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto, Toronto ON (2013)
Led three monthly tutorial sections for a course in environmental science. Marked assignments
and managed grades for Human Nutritional Ecology.
Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto, Toronto ON (2012-2013)
Led weekly primate morphology and behavioural ecology labs for an upper level course in
biological anthropology.
Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto, Toronto ON (2011-2012)
Led three bi-monthly tutorial sections for a course in multi-disciplinary perspectives in
environmental science.
Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto, Toronto ON (2011)
Led weekly osteology and primate behavioural ecology labs for a course in biological
anthropology. Marked assignments and managed grades.
Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto, Toronto ON (2011)
Led three bi-monthly tutorial sections for an introductory course in environmental science. Mark
assignments and manage grades for an introductory course in socio-cultural anthropology.
Event Founder and Organizer, Swim for the Wild, Algonquin Park ON (2009)
Organized and completed the first swim crossing of Algonquin Provincial Park. Created all media
and fundraising packages and website. Organized logistical support of two swimmers and two
crew over the course of a 9 day backcountry swim. Raised over $8,000 for wildlife.
Active Trip Leader, Backroads International (2007-2008)
Led six-day long bike and multi-sport trips in Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Austria and the
Canadian Rockies. Responded to the changing needs of up to 28 guests at a time, in diverse
places in four languages. Designed and implemented complicated trip itineraries.
Teaching Assistant, University of Calgary, Calgary AB (2004-2005)
Responded to administrative and course content queries of students for two sections of an
introductory course in primatology and human evolution, and an upper level course in primate
behavioural ecology. Marked exams and managed grades. Developed and administered
Urban Wildlife Education Specialist, Toronto Wildlife Centre, Toronto ON (2003-2004)
Assessed and responded to emergency and human/wildlife conflict situations by providing
information on animal behaviour and natural history. Led informational sessions for members of
the community and wildlife organizations.
Association Memberships
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
American Association of Mammalogists
Canadian Association of Physical Anthropologists
Bruce Trail Association
Toronto Field Naturalists
National Wildlife Rehabilitation Association
International Wildlife Rehabilitation Association
Volunteer Activities
Event Volunteer, Environmental Defense, Toronto ON
Educational Facilitator, Toronto Wildlife Centre, Toronto ON
Editor, Vis-à-Vis Graduate Student Journal, University of Toronto, Toronto ON
Fundraiser, Lambas for Lemurs, Toronto ON
Wildlife Rescue, Toronto Wildlife Centre, Toronto ON
Educational Facilitator, Explore UT! Austin, Texas
Fundraiser and Participant, Walk for Cystic Fibrosis, Ocean City, New Jersey
Bike Tour Leader, MS RONA Bike for the Cure, Various Locations, ON
Wildlife Rescue, Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society, Calgary AB
Migratory Bird Rescue, Fatal Light Awareness Program, Toronto ON
Culture and Language Guide, University of Victoria Visiting Students
Program, Victoria BC
Archaeological Laboratory Assistant, McGill University, Montreal PQ
Museum Assistant, Redpath Museum, Montreal PQ
English: Native
Czech: Native
Spanish: Fluent – speak, read, write and translate
French: Intermediate – speak, read, write and translate
Malagasy: Conversational Sakalava and Merina
Founder, co-PI, The Mad Dog Initiative, Ranomafana, Madagascar (2013-ongoing)
Developed a multi-disciplinary initiative to determine the effects of feral Malagasy dog
populations on native wildlife populations, and to reduce feral dog populations through adoption
programs and spay and neuter programs (
Director and Founder, Got Anthropology? Toronto ON (2013-2014)
Led a committee of volunteer graduate students who oversaw all details of a monthly colloquial
series where graduate students present topics of broad general interest to members of the
University community and the broader community (
Reviewer for:
Journals and Book Chapters
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
American Journal of Primatology
Dwarf and Mouse Lemurs of Madagascar
Forest Ecology and Management
Functional Ecology
National Geographic Committee for Conservation and Exploration
Referees for Kim Valenta
Dr. Colin A. Chapman, Professor, Canada Research Chair, Killam Fellow
Department of Anthropology and Environmental Science
McGill University
855 Sherbrooke St W
Montreal, PQ Canada H3A 2T7
Tel (office): 514.398.1242
Fax: 514-398-7476
Dr. Shawn M. Lehman, Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Toronto
19 Russell St.
Toronto, ON Canada M5S 2S2
Tel (office): 416.978.4003
Fax: 416.978.3217
Dr. Mary Silcox, Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Toronto, Scarborough
1265 Military Trail
Toronto, ON Canada M1C 1A4
Tel (office): 416.946.0652
Fax: 416.978.3217