NO. 661 Dec 26th Jan 1st Fri 26th Boxing Day BEQUIA 2014/ 2015 THIS WEEK Friendship Rose Classic Schooner - Tobago Cays, snorkeling, exploring, US$150, kids free! VHF16/495 0886/9 La Plage Bar & Rest'nt, Lower Bay - Open for Lunch 10am - 5pm daily. WiFi available 458 3361 Papa’s Bar, Ocar – Open Mon to Sat 11am until..., Sundays from 5pm until! See ad VHF 68/457 3443 Bourbon Grille, Belmont – Open daily, Breakfast 8am - 11am; dinner from 5-10pm 457 3175 /433 8119 The Fig Tree - Famous Fish Friday, from 6pm. Open Wed - Mon from 11am, great waterfront location VHF 68/457 3008 Bagatelle@Bequia Beach - Boxing Day Lunch Special – Live Music! 458 1600 Sugar Reef Cafe - Sugar Reef invites you to celebrate together our 2nd anniversary! See ad 458 3400 L’Auberge, Hamilton - Lunch & Dinner - Gourmet French Cuisine, live Lobster Pool! See ad VHF 68/457 3555 Jack's Bar - A la carte Dinner with live music all night long VHF 68/ 458 3809 Coco's Place, Ocar - Open daily for lunch and dinner, Bob and Uthan live tonight! Res. pl. VHF 68/ 458 3463 Sat 27th Papa’s Bar, Ocar – Open from 11am for lunch, Saturday Dinner Special, live music from 7.30pm!VHF 68/457 3443 Tantie Pearl’s Restaurant – 2-course Curry Special - conch, fish or chicken, only EC$70, res. please! VHF 68/457 3160 Jack's Bar - 27 - 30 Dec: after beach 5-7 with live music. Burger & beer EC$35, Rum Punch EC$10 VHF 68/458 3809 Bagatelle@Bequia Beach - Fresh Grilled Lobster Dinner – EC$110 / EC$135pp – Live Music 7pm. Res please 458 1600 Rise Up Bequia Fundraiser - At De Reef, popular DJs all night, Prizes for Best Dressed, 9pm. See ad Sun 28th Dawn’s Cafe, Lower Bay - Daily from 8am for breakfast & lunch. Dinner by reservation - please call 492 6508 Gingerbread Restaurant – Dinner music by J. Gool & De Real Ting, Bequia folk songs, calypso & more VHF 68/458 3800 Bagatelle@Bequia Beach - Sunday Lunch Special with Live Music 458 1600 Mon 29th Maranne’s Ice Cream, Gingerbread Cafe - Sundaes, sorbets & yoghurt too! Open daily 10am–5.30pm 458 3041 Tommy’s Restaurant - Unique Gifts: tee shirts/sweatshirts, handmade on Bequia jewelry, candles & more 457 3779 Sugar Hill Bar & Restaurant, Mt. Pleasant - Open Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat from 1pm until...! VHF 68 458 3773 Gingerbread Restaurant – Open daily for b’fast lunch and dinner, Café open from 7.30am VHF 68/458 3800 Daily Calendar of Events continued on page 2 Explore beautiful islands… Snorkel colourful reefs… Swim with turtles… Join us aboard an elegant 62ft sailing yacht Tobago Cays Tuesday & Friday US$ 150 pp Mustique Wednesday US$ 140 pp All cruises are fully inclusive Find us on Tripadvisor Phone: 1 (784) 432 5201 +1 (784) 457 3888 +1 (784) 457 3739 +1 (784) 529 8046 +1 (784) 455 0969 Produced and published by Outhouse Graphics Inc © 2015 For advertising space and rate details contact or call: 457 3649 Printed by Quik-Print (St. Vincent) Ltd …continued from front page BEQUIA THIS WEEK Tues 30th Friendship Rose Classic Schooner - Tobago Cays, snorkeling, exploring, US$150, kids free! VHF16/495 0886/9 Gingerbread Waterfront Cafe – Fresh baked goods, cafe, espresso & cold drinks right by the sea!VHF 68/458 3800 Tantie Pearl’s Restaurant – 2-course Grilled Jerk Special only $70, live music! VHF 68/457 3160 Wed 31st Friendship Rose Classic Schooner - Mustique, famous bars, lunch on board, US$140, kids free VHF16/495 0886/9 Bagatelle@Bequia Beach - 5-Course Gourmet NY’s Eve Dinner & Live Music EC $285pp, 7pm. Res Pls 458 1600 Sugar Reef Cafe, Crescent Beach - Old Year’s Night Dinner at a beachfront coconut plantation 458 3400 Gingerbread Restaurant - A la carte dining, special New Year’s Eve desserts, J. Gool & de RealTing VHF 68/458 3800 Bourbon Grille, Belmont – Happy Hour from 5-6.30pm, 3 for EC$10 Hairoun, half price rum drinks 457 3175 /433 8119 Tantie Pearl’s – Enticing 3-course New Year's Eve Special dinner EC$120, great fireworks view, res. pl. VHF 68/457 3160 Coco's Place, Ocar - Special NYE Dinner, “Cool Strumming” live, great fireworks view. Res. pl. VHF 68/458 3463 Frangipani - NYE BBQ & Buffet, Elite Steel Band, 2 sittings 7.30 & 9.30, best fireworks view, best party, res essential VHF 68/458 3255 Jack's Bar - New Years Eve Beach Party, live music by “Flava” VHF 68/458 3809 Tommy’s Restaurant - New Year’s Eve Traditional English Roast or Lobster Specials & regular menu, res 457 3779 L’Auberge, Hamilton - 4 course New Year's Eve Special Lobster Menu. Please reserve early! See ad!VHF 68/457 3555 De Reef, Lower Bay – Old Year‘s Night Special Dinner, reserve early, then DJ Music & Party til dawn! VHF 68/458 3958 New Year's Eve Thurs 1st New Year's Day Bourbon Grille, Belmont – Special New Year's Day 'Morning After' Breakfast, 6am - 12 noon 457 3175/433 8119 Tommy’s Restaurant, Belmont Waterfront - Open for Lunch & Dinner with regular menu, open 12 noon, res 457 3779 Papa’s Bar – “Day After Brunch” - Bloody Mary & Pain Killers! VHF 68/457 3443 Frangipani - Daily breakfast lunch & dinner, delicious a la carte menu, perfect waterfront setting VHF 68/458 3255 Bagatelle@Bequia Beach - New Year’s Day Lunch Special! Live Music from 12 noon 458 1600 Bequia this Week is on-line: Eating Out R E STA U RA NT & W A T E R F R O N T …continued on next page ’ BA R D I N I N G New Year’s Eve Dinner Specials OPEN Mon-Sat 12 noon / Sun 5 pm Belmont Waterfront Port Elizabeth, Bequia 457-3779 Unique and handcrafted gifts ���������������a����������������������������� ���y�����������y ������������� West Indies ��y�a���a����� ������������������a�����������������������a����T O M M Y’S Bagatelle Beach Bar & Restaurant Bequia Beach Hotel Spa & Watersports & Kids Zone Enquire for Holiday Specials & Day Passes (open to non residents - subject to availibility) Fabulous Beachside Restaurant & Beach Bar New Year’s Eve: 5-Course Gourmet Dinner with Live Music New Year’s Day: Lunch Special with Live Music Daily Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner – Fine Dining/International Flair Saturday – Fresh Grilled Lobster Dinner – Live Music Wednesday – Delicious Beach BBQ – Live Music Reservations Please from 7pm Tel: 458 1600 / 458 3368 Eating Out L’Auberge des Grenadines BOURBON GRILLE Restaurant & Bar Gourmet French Cuisine • Excellent wines Full Breakfast - bacon, pancakes, delicious pastries... in HAMILTON • Open for Lunch & Dinner Located at Bamboo Chute Spacious Terrace with Harbour View 4-Course New Year's Eve Special Lobster Menu Please reserve your table early! Open Daily from 19 Dec - 7 January 2015 The ONLY Live Lobster Pool in Bequia! Tel: 457 3555 • VHF 68 • NEW YEAR'S DAY: Special “Morning After” Breakfast 6am - 12 noon! Breakfast 7am - 11am • Dinner 5pm - 10pm Open Daily • Dinner res preferred • 457 3175 /433 8119 mac’s pizzeria Fabulous open-air terrace overlooking Admiralty Bay Follow the blue streak of lightS on our roof to find us! Open 11:00am - 9:00pm Situated between Gingerbread and The Fig Tree Sports live on big screen TV! Kitchen always open till 10pm! Open Daily! Reservations VHF ch 68, tel: 458-3474 Mon - Sat 11am ‘til... Res: 457-3443 / 455 5463 MARANNE’S HOMEMADE ICE CREAM Delicious Gourmet Ice Cream & Fruit Sorbets, Frozen Yogurt, Fresh Natural Yogurt Sundaes and Splits, Qts and half gal Tubs to take away All Natural Ingredients downstairs at Gingerbread Cafe Tel: 593 7264 VHF CH 68 Sun 5pm ‘til Free WiFi grap hics To advertise in this publication, contact us by Tuesday of each week! Tel: (784) 457 3649 INC Activities / Services IMAGINATION Exclusive Charters Large comfortable luxurious catamaran. Well BEQUIA SAILING CLUB Day trips from $US650 for 3 persons, additional persons $US100, up to 8 - lunch and soft drinks included 1 night & 2 days from $US210pp pd (6 sharing) Meals and drinks included Extended trips available 2 kayaks, scuba gear, fishing equipment, beach games, snorkelling, hammock Check us out on Facebook : Bluescape Sailing and Scuba Diving Adventures NOW REDUCED TO ONLY EC$20! equipped, stable, large sunbathing trampoline. 2014 EASTER Regatta T-shirts FULL PRICE T SHIRTS AND CAPS ALSO AVAILABLE Contact: Shawn and Ally • • Tel: (784) 528 3051 On sale at the BTA office - open Sun - Fri THIS BOOK IS ABOUT TOM JOHNSTON’S “MOONHOLE” Winner of the P.I.N.E award for the best hard cover book published in New England in 2014 BEAUTIFUL, CONTROVERSIAL, AUTHENTIC WOULD BE A PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT! AVAILABLE AT THE BEQUIA BOOKSHOP OR THROUGH AMAZON Tel: (784) 457 3888 The New Year 2015 Starts Here! If you’ve just arrived in Bequia - WELCOME! You are just in time for our very special party night to bring in the new year. New Year’s Eve is known in Bequia as “Old Year’s Night” and it is celebrated as enthusiastically here as anywhere else in the world. Many restaurants offer special festive dinners with live music and party favours, others offer more peaceful dining before the partying really gets going as the night wears on… You can opt to eat early or late; some venues even offer two sittings, so you can choose where you want to be when midnight strikes. Please remember to make your reservations for dinner in good time - places fill up fast! On the stroke of midnight there will be a spectacular firework display in the harbour. This annual event, which is the brainchild of Sir James Mitchell, is only possible through the generosity of private individuals both resident and visiting, local businesses and the fearless commitment of the all-volunteer “Bang Gang”! Watch out too for impromptu celebrations from boats anchored in the harbour… and don’t forget to raise a glass to friends and family back home: Midnight in Europe is at 7pm here, or 8pm if you are from England. And for our American visitors, remember we are one hour ahead of New York, so your celebration may not start till 1am! But don’t worry – the partying goes on till dawn or later, as the sun rises again to greet yet another bright New Year. So we hope you have a wonderful time in Bequia - you are, quite simply, on the best little island in the world. Holiday Church Services St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church New Year’s Eve for Midnight Mass 10.00 pm New Year’s Day 8.00 am St. Mary's Anglican Church Port Elizabeth New Year’s Eve 11.30 pm New Year’s Day 9.30 am Bequia Tourism Office Opening Hours Monday to Friday: Saturdays: 8.30 am - 6.00 pm 9.00 am - 2.00 pm Sundays & most Public Holidays: 9.00 am - 12 noon New Year’s Eve: 8.30 am - 6.00 pm New Year’s Day: 9.00 am - 12 noon Customs & Immigration - Holiday Opening Times The Bequia Revenue Office will be open normal Sunday hours for clearing in and out on New Year’s Day. Overtime fees may be charged. For inquiries call 458 3211 Holiday Bank Opening Times Please note that on Tuesday 31st the Bank of SVG (Back Street) will close at noon, and will re-open at 8am on Friday 2nd Jan. The ATM will be available throughout the holiday period, although if demand is heavy, supply cannot be guaranteed. You have been warned! Holiday Ferry Times Both ferry companies will be running their normal Sunday schedules on Thursday Jan 1 (New Year's Day). Please double check with the companies directly if ferry times are critical to your onward journey. Admiralty Transport 458 3348 Bequia Express 457 3539 BEQUIA Bequia Boat Museum Old Skool Rise Up Bequia Fundraiser De Reef, Saturday 27 December, 9pm Music by Popular DJs all Night Prizes for Best Dressed Male Best Dressed Female & Best Soul Train Dancer Free Drink on entry Tickets EC$25 Tickets available at Solana's Boutique A Very Happy New Year to One and All! Bequia Harbour Dinghy Dock Market Square Gas Station The Market Dock T Post Office, Customs & Immigration Fuel Dock/ T Bequia Marina Tourism Association Office iralty Main Ferry Dock Model Boat Shop $ New Dinghy Dock Day Charters / Cruise Ship Tenders Clive Tannis Playing Field Basketball Football $ Hospital Pharmacy Almond Tree Bank Yacht Garbage Containers T Bay Front Street Adm Bequia Tourism Association Phone: (784) 458 3286 Port Elizabeth treet Back S Wheres & Whats St. Michael’s Catholic Church Dinghy Dock St. Mary’s Anglican Church (1829) Public Toilets Fitness / Health The Healthy Way Acupuncture Tuesdays by Yukiko Duncan, Lic.Ac. (MA, USA) upstairs Bequia Venture store in Port Elizabeth, Bequia By appointment only, call 457-3631 or 431-6782 or e-mail MASSAGE UK Professionally-Trained & Certified Location: next to the Art Gallery Call 431 7823 Get the London Look! Now Open! BEACH Enjoy a relaxing massage under the palm trees on Princess Margaret Beach Open daily from 1pm or call for an appointment Tel: 534 1119 London Beauty Studio Massage, Manicure, Pedicure on the with qualified Spa Therapist Anette Dr. Gregory Thomas Bequia: Mondays & Thursdays, 3pm – 6pm Office upstairs Bequia Venture, phone 458-3937 Kingstown, St. Vincent: Tuesdays & Fridays 8am - 2pm Kenmars Mall, Halifax Street, ground floor For appointments phone 485-6449 YOGA on Bequia Yoga for beginners, intermediate, advanced, with master level yoga teacher, trained in the precision of Iyengar, Vinyasa Flow, Sivananda & Mindfulness practices. Mon – 9:30 am – Active/Inter/Adv. TBA: Gentle/Beginner Wed – 9:30am – Restorative (great for problem areas, back, hips, stress) Wed – 11am - Mindfulness Meditation Thurs – 9:30am – Active/Inter/Adv. TBA: Gentle/Beginner Location – Plantation House Private Sessions available! Call 784-455-4565 for more information. Bequia Tel: 458 3286 Fax: 458 3964 �� ����� �� ������ ���� ������������ ������� ������� ���������� TOURISM ASSOCIATION Visit our Tourism Office! Stamps & postcards, newspapers, flags advice on tours, daytrips, accommodation Open Sunday - Friday - located opposite Customs/Revenue building ���� ������������ ������������ ������ ������� ����� � �������� ������� �� ���� ����� �� ����� ������� ������� ��������� �������������� ��������������� shopping / Services / For Sale …continued on next page Large selection of Beautiful Furniture We also sell pottery, hammocks & baskets Upstairs behind St. Mary’s Church (enter by Bequia Bookshop) For a signed copy call Susan at 457-3382 eBook: Professional Photography of Villas and Properties for Websites, Brochures & Magazines Over 25 Years Experience in Bequia Tel: (784) 532 9553 Mon – Fri 9 am till 1pm or by appointment Call 430 5021 or 458 3518 Yacht Garbage Disposal Ashore, there is only one place to dispose of yacht garbage – the skips located off the Fish Market Jetty next to the Vegetable Market. These are reserved exclusively for yachties’ use. Alternatively, yacht garbage may be delivered “at sea” to Daffodil Marine or other reliable water taxisCharge usually $3.00 to $5.00 per bag. Dumping in unauthorized places is a prosecutable offence! Attention All Advertisers! If you have not yet given us your advertising details for the Jan 2 - 8 issue, please note: The deadline for this issue of Bequia This Week is at Noon on monday, 29th of December The Bequia Tourism Association presents: 12th 457 3649 or 532 9554 Thursday, 22 January - Frangi 9pm: 13-piece Elite Steel Orchestra Friday, 23 January - De Reef 8.30pm: The Mustique Blues Festival in Bequia Dana Gillespie & the London Blues Band: DANA GILLESPIE Phone: (784) 458 3286 DE REEF Edwin Yearwood NicHolas Brancker Project SVG Tourism Authority Basil’s Bar Mustique Air Adelphi Jake Zaitz, Mike Paice, Jeff Walker Jamie Little, Darby Todd featuring: Shemekia Copeland Eugene 'Hideaway' Bridges NJ3O + Ian Siegal featuring Marius Charlemagne Dino Baptiste, Julien Brunetaud Saturday, 24 January Bequia Beach Hotel 12.30pm: Live Afternoon Music Jam by the Beach in Friendship Saturday, 24 January - De Reef 8.30pm: “Krosfyah’s” Edwin Yearwood Nicholas Brancker Project TOBY ARMSTRONG NJ3O+ featuring Marius Charlemagne Toby Armstrong Infinity Sunday, 25 January - De Reef 12.30pm: Winston Music by the Beach Grand Mount Gay Finale SVG's Calypso Legend: Winston Soso Soso L'Auberge des Grenadines Admiralty Transport Publishing Ltd. agents for mount gay rum Bequia Express Company shopping / Services / For Sale Doris Fresh Food Located in Back Street! (formerly Le Petit Jardin) Imported meats, cheeses, fresh fruit and vegetables. Fine wines and spirits! Open Mon - Sat 8am - 5pm Sundays & Holidays 8.30am - noon Tel: 458 3625 Jewellery by Patricia Made from the finest materials beautiful semi-precious stones, silver, Swarovski crystals, African Trade beads, pearls At The Oasis Art Gallery, behind the Porthole Restaurant For more information call: 784-455-4565 Nature Zone Lower Bay, Bequia Organically Grown Herbs & Vegetables Roquette/Arugula, Asian & Mustard Greens Mixed Salads, String Beans & much more… Harvest Fresh Daily! Ask for Jacqueline Open Mon to Sat 9am - 5pm Tel: 458 3793 LINA’S Br ss e n ead & Delicate (Yacht provisioning and much more) Simply the Best Bread, Pastries and Sandwiches! Open daily from 8am Bayshore Mall - next to Customs Tel 458 3181 VHF 68 The Garden Boutique Monica's Cash & Carry Supermarket We have a large selection of quality designer wear. Fresh bread, fruit & vegetables, frozen meats groceries, beers, wines & spirits Making Beautiful Batik for 24 Years! Jewellery, beachwear, sandals & much more. Open Mon - Sat 8.30am - 6pm Tel: 458 3892 Taxis/Water Taxis Dollar Vans Opp. St. Mary’s Church Opposite dinghy dock, Ocar Yachties Welcome! Open 7 days 7am - 10pm Tel: 430 7969 GENERAL INFORMATION Bequia Police Station 458 3350 VHF 16 “ZedQS Bequia” Coastguard 457 4578 Bequia Hospital 457 3328 VHF ch. 16 ”Juliet8Foxtrot” Bequia Doctor 454 3514 Post Office Mon - Fri: 9.00am-12noon, 1pm-3.00pm Saturday closed Cruisers’ Net: VHF on Channel 68 - Daily at 0800 - Current weather & local information Customs & Immigration: Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 6pm (closed 12-1pm), Sat: 8.30am - 12 noon, 3pm - 6pm, Sun: 9am - 12 noon; 3pm - 6pm Overtime fees may be charged - Clearing in and out outside office hours and on Public Holidays is normally possible by arrangement. call VHF on Channel 68 depart regularly from Port Elizabeth real estate / Villa Rentals Land For Sale Lower Bay Contact: Sylvester Simmons Home: 458-3484 Cell: 493-3688 TOP SOIL For Sale “The Best Quality in Bequia” • Contact Oslyn Bunyan Tel: 457 3147 / 528 9891 or 497 3692 CLEAN UP BEQUIA! The Cleanup Bequia Committee is working to: • REDUCE breeding grounds for mosquitos & limit spread of chikungunya • KEEP Bequia clean and healthy for our residents and tourists • CREATE an awareness of the need for recycling • WORK towards more effective garbage collection and disposal How can the public help? • CLEAR around your own area regularly • VOLUNTEER your time to help with cleanups • DONATE garbage bags and gloves to BTA office • SET AN EXAMPLE - report littering to the Police whenever you see it! Check Bequia this Week for details of next planned Cleanup! For more details contact, Herman Belmar, Rannie Gregg at the District Council or Shaverne Ollivierre 529 8491
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