Campbell Publications CLASSIFIEDS The People’s Marketplace Reaching 75,000 Readers Each Week! Calhoun news-herald Pike Press P.O. Box 367, Hardin, IL 62047 Ph: 618-576-2345 Fax: 618-576-2245 P.O. Box 70, Pittsfield, IL 62363 Ph: 217-285-2345 Fax: 217-285-5222 E-Mail: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday E-Mail: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. M, Tu, W, F 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thu. Scott County Times Greene Prairie Press P.O. Box 138, Winchester, IL 62694 P.O. Box 265, Carrollton, IL 62016 Ph: 217-942-9100 Fax: 217-942-6543 E-Mail: Ph: 217-742-3313 • Fax: 217-742-3596 E-Mail: Mon., Tues. & Fri.: 8:30-5, Wed. 8:30-noon J ERSEY The People’s Marketplace Classifieds Wednesday, December 24, 2014 3:45-5 p.m. Monday, Thursday COUNTY J OURNAL The Weekly Messenger P.O. Box 340, Pleasant Hill, IL 62366 Ph: 217-734-2345 • Fax: 217-734-2346 8-4:30 M 8-12:30 Tu 8-4:30 F 832 South State, Jerseyville, IL. 62052 Ph: 618-498-1234 • Fax: 618-498-6543 E-mail: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday *Certain classifications of ads appearing in The People’s Marketplace also appear on on the Internet at no additional charge. 200 BUSINESS 300 FARM MARKET SELLBEST, 110 W. Quincy St., Griggsville: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m.6 p.m. Quality Used Furniture & Appliances- Washers, Dryers, Freezers, Fridges, Microwave, Electric Stoves, Twin, Full, Queen Beds, New Mattress Sets, Bedroom Furniture, Tables & Chairs, Upholstered Furniture, Tools, T.V.s, Stereos. Everything for the home and you! Call 217242-2252.TF 400D FOR RENT Pike County 400E FOR RENT Scott County FOR SALE brand new water heater, Bush Hog bat winger mower, hog panels, cattle panels, hay rings for cattle just like new. 217-734-1811. TF FOR RENT: Nice 3 bedroom home in Pittsfield. Attached garage, big yard. Deposit, references. $700/mo. 217-6533697. 12.31 HOUSE FOR rent in Winchester. Call 217-4735866. 12.17 400A FOR RENT Calhoun County 2 BR. mobile homes and houses for rent in Griggsville. Call for availability. Lyndle Ellis. 217-833-2107. IF YOU need Parts for your mowers and tillers, Dorsey's hardware and Western Auto have a large selection of belts and parts and service and new equipment sales available. Winchester. 217-7429241. TF 300 FARM MARKET ROUND BALE hay net wrapped, 6 ft. bales, heavy, will weigh loads. 217-4910697 12.31 1.14.15 FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment in Hardin; recent renovations; water/sewer/ trash included; no dogs, no smoking; $350/mo, deposit required; call 618-576-2662 to apply. 12.31 400D FOR RENT Pike County FOR RENT in Pittsfield, duplex, 1 BDR, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, low utilities, attached garage, deck, wheel chair accessible. Super clean. $575 a month. Call 217-2856634 or 217-836-1112. 1.7.15 OFFICE SPACEPrime West Washington location in Pittsfield. Suitable for office or small business. Call 285-5925 or 285-2848 12.24 FOR RENT Floor sanders for rent. Call Casteels at 217285-4488 TFN 1 AND 2 br apartments available. No smoking. No pets. Security deposit required. 217-285-4502 TF 2 BR house for rent No smoking No pets. Security deposit required. 217-285-4502. TF READ THE classifieds every week for great details on cars, boats, hunting land and housing! Call and place your ad today Read the Classifieds 500 FOR SALE GOODYEAR T125/70D15 95M Temp. spare for 1998 Buick. Never used. $20. 217285-4975. TF LG TV sales on all 2013. Full service. Authorized dealer and service center. Blu Ray DVD players. Whites and Garretts new and used metal detectors. New and used CBs and antennas and police scanners. 217-285-2893. 1402 Lakeview Heights. TF NEED EXTRA cash? Sell your used items in The People's Marketplace Classifieds. One phone call puts your ad in six newspapers....a total circulation of almost 22,000 readers! GENERAL INFORMATION DEADLINES: Classified ads, Monday 3:30 p.m. (For placement and for cancellation.) CLASSIFIED RATES: First insertion, 25¢ per word, minimum $6. Consecutive repeat insertion, 15¢ per word, minimum $5. Prepayment is required. Any change in original ad will be considered start of a new ad. Blind Ad, $4 service charge, plus postage if replies are to be mailed. Yard Sales, $6 up to 20 words. No Trespassing notice, one year, up to 20 words, $60. ADVERTISING POLICY The following are policies of: Calhoun News-Herald, Greene Prairie Press, Jersey County Journal, Pike Press, Scott County Times and The Weekly Messenger: We are not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of display and classified advertising. One free insertion will be allowed for a classified ad with a significant mistake. Please let us know immediately. The newspaper reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement submitted for publication. Yard Sale and Work Wanted ads are payable in advance. Proper identification is required of persons placing ads. A F.O.I.D. card will be asked for when selling a firearm. No exceptions will be allowed. Newspaper reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including the right to do so after the ad has been accepted for publication but before publication occurs. The advertiser’s sole remedy for such refusal shall be the refund of the funds paid to purchase the ad. Advertisements are accepted by the newspaper upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser is authorized to publish the contents and subject matter of the advertisement and that it is not libel- CLASSIFICATIONS • • • • • 100 Automotive * 200 Business* 220 Collectibles* 300 Farm Market* 400 For Rent* A: Calhoun County B: Greene County C: Jersey County D: Pike County E: Scott County F: Miscellaneous • 500 For Sale* • 600 Help Wanted* • 610 Hobby Shop/Handicrafts* 600 HELP WANTED 615 HUNTING FULL-TIME POSITION available. Electrician experience preferred but not required. Email resume to: bmartin@ FAMILY LOOKING for land to lease for hunting in 2015 and beyond. 200-700 acres. Call 706-215-0062. 2.25.15 HUNTING OUTFITTER Pike and Calhoun counties looking to lease more property, preferably 80-200 acre parcels, but am open for anything. 330275-7131 1.28.15 tf PITTSFIELD MACHINE Shop in Payson, Il is looking for production workers. Please fill out application at 609 North Fulton St Payson, Il. 1.28.15 LOCAL HUNTER looking to lease a farm in Pike County or Northern Calhoun County 618-550-9406. 3.7.15 PROGRESSIVE SWINE Company looking for trained employees in breeding and farrowing. Located in the Pittsfield area. Immediate positions available. Call 309333-3480. 800 MISCELLANEOUS 12.24 ONE-ON-One Aide: Griggsville-Perry has on opening for an 1:1 aide for an early childhood student. Please submit resume to: J. Gladu, PO Box 439, Griggsville, IL 62340. CRACK YOUR pecans. Call 217-430-2881. TF SIX NEWSPAPERS, over 900Aevery week. 20,000 readers TRESPASSING TheNO People's Marketplace 12.24 FIND THE job you've always wanted in The People's Marketplace Classifieds. Calhoun County NO TRESPASSING on Jack and Mary Jeaen Aderton property in Hardin. 5.1.15 SIX NEWSPAPERS, over 20,000 readers every week. The People's Marketplace Classifieds! Friday, January 9, 2015 • 11 AM Auction Location-Lion’s Club Hull, IL • Property Location: From Hull, IL on IL Hwy 106, go west 1 mile to 170th St, then go south 2 miles, in E-1/2 of Section 32, Kinderhook Twp., Pike Co., IL. WE OFFER: 1300 WANTED PRIVATE PROPERTY: No hunting or trespassing on any property owned by Carl J. Roth Estate in Michael, Illinois, in Calhoun County. Violators will be prosecuted. 10.22.15 ABSOLUTELY NO trespassing on any 900D ground owned by NO Creek TRESPASSING Double Farms, Inc. Pike County 9.10.15 BUYING STANDING timber. R. McKinnon Logging. Walnut, White Oak, etc. No yard trees. Call 217-242-5401. 2.29.15 NEED EXTRA cash? Sell your used items in The People's Marketplace Classifieds. One phone call puts your ad in six newspapers....a total circulation of almost 22,000 readers! MY LAND located in Section 18 SW of Pearl is private prop erty. Hunting, fishing, trapping, trespassing, for any purpose, with out the writ ten, signed per mis sion of the own er, is strictly forbidden. Violators will be prosecuted. Timothy Brink man. 3.19.15 NO TRESPASSING ads are $60 for one year! Call to place yours today. In Calhoun: 618-576-2345; Greene: 217-942-9100; Jersey: 618-498-1234; Pike: 217-285-2345 and Scott: 217-742-3313. Keep unwanted people off your property! Great way to keep people off your land! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT JERSEY COUNTY, ILLINOIS Tax I.D. Nos.: 01-396-001-00; 01-394-006-00; 01-360-006-00; 01-360-105-00. Description of the improvements on the described real estate: IN FORECLOSURE: 18 hole golf course - clubhouse High weekly earnings HOME DAILY Excellent benefits Excellent retirement vs. n n n n n n 10 0% E mp l oye e O w n e d CALL TODAY! 877-600-2121 Fette Orchard, Hannibal Missouri PERSONAL PROPERTY 900A NO TRESPASSING Calhoun County TheBANK OF EDWARDSVILLE, An Illinois Banking Corporation, Plaintiff, Quickway Transportation is looking for drivers in the Edwardsville, IL area. • • • • • B: Greene County C: Jersey County D: Pike County E: Scott County 1200 Services* 1300 Wanted* 1310 Web Sites* 1400 Work Wanted 1500 Yard Sales A: Calhoun County B: Greene County C: Jersey County D: Pike County E: Scott County Submit your items for sale! $6 for only 20 words! 294.18 ACRES +/- • 6 TRACTS CLASS A CDL DRIVERS • • • • • 615 Hunting • 620 Kids For Hire • 700 Lost/Found • 710 Meeting Reminders • 800 Miscellaneous* • 900 No Trespassing A: Calhoun County B: Greene County C: Jersey County D: Pike County E: Scott County • 1000 Pets* • 1100 Real Estate* A: Calhoun County PIKE COUNTY, IL LAND AUCTION ATTENTION: ous or does not infringe on the privacy of any individual or entity. All advertisements are accepted and published by the newspaper upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser will indemnify and hold harmless the newspaper from any loss or expense, including the cost of defense and any settlement and/or judgment resulting from claims based upon the contents of any advertisement, including claims or suits for defamation, libel, violation of right of privacy, plagiarism or copyright infringement. All advertisements created by the newspaper are not considered a “work made for hire” and the newspaper retains the copyright to all advertisements created by the newspaper for the advertiser. The advertisement may not be reproduced without the written permission of the newspaper. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination EQUAL based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial staHOUSING tus or national origin, or an intention to make any such OPPORTUNITY preferences, limitations or discrimination, in the sale, rental or financing of housing. In addition, the Illinois Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on age, ancestry, marital status, or unfavorable discharge. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which violates the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call the Chicago area Fair Housing Alliance toll free at 1-800-659-OPEN. AUCTION SALE TO BE HELD ONSITE AT FETTE ORCHARD, WHICH IS LOCATED ALONG HARRISON HILL RD., HANNIBAL, MO (PHYSICAL ADDRESS 2200 PALMYRA ROAD, HANNIBAL, MO) TUES., JANUARY 13 AT 9:00 A.M. Complete & total liquidation of farm machinery, orchard equipment, antiques, collectibles, tools and more of Fette Orchard, Hannibal, MO. As we sold the historic Fette Orchard real estate at public auction in November, we will now liquidate all personal property. Highlights will include: MF 383 Diesel tractor with Bush Hog 2400 QT Loader, Kubota L3450 4WD Diesel tractor, Ford 4600 Diesel tractor, JD X595 Diesel riding lawn mower, Wheelhorse C175 riding lawn mower, Clark propane forklift, Kubota 3pt tiller, Land Pride FDR 2572 3pt. finish mower, '90 Ford Ranger 2WD XLT pickup, Orchard mower, Hyd. Lift Orchard style man lift, nice quantity of shop equipment and tools, several pieces of antique furniture, also selling farm collectibles, modern furnishings and more! FETTE ORCHARD INC. REPRESENTING ATTORNEY: JOHN W. BRISCOE BRISCOE, RODENBAUGH & BRANNON • 216 BROADWAY • HANNIBAL, MO • PH: 573-221-0315 SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS, LLC • 217-847-2160 • Lic. 444000107 • LOOKING FOR SOM ETHING? Time and place of sale: Highly productive soils include Beaucoup, Titus, Tice, Ambraw & Coffeen Class A, NHEL Soils • 45’x90’ Machine Shed on Tract 6 294.18 acres m/l to be sold in 6 contiguous tracts 272.95 acres (FSA) m/l Mississippi bottom farmland Acreages are approximate, tract surveys prior to auction SELLS WITH FULL 2015 FARMING RIGHTS! LOCKhAVEN DEVELOPMENT CORP., LOCKhAVEN COUNTRY CLUB, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants. n Tract 1: 24.7 acres m/l, 23.7 acres tillable (FSA): At the NW corner of farm, access by 290th Ave. n Tract 2: 56.5 ac m/l, 53.91 tillable acres (FSA): In NE corner of farm. Frontage on 170th St & 290th Ave. Borders Tracts 3 & 4. n Tract 3: 105.78 ac m/l, 95.39 tillable acres (FSA): On west side of the farm, accessed by deeded field road from 170th St. Borders Tracts 2, 4 & 5. n Tract 4: 37.3 ac m/l, 34.83 tillable acres (FSA): Along the east side of the farm with 170th St frontage. Borders Tracts 2, 3 & 5. n Tract 5: 69.4 ac m/l, 65.12 tillable acres (FSA): In the SE corner of the farm, with 170th St & 280th Ave frontage, contiguous to Tracts 3, 4 & 6. n Tract 6: .5 acre m/l with a 45’x90’ metal machine shed. Near the SE corner of the farm with Tract 5 on 3 sides, along 170th St. Rolling doors: 11.5’x17’ and 14’x21’. Terms: Tracts 1-5 will be offered High Bidder’s Choice, on a per acre basis. High Bidder’s Choice will continue until all 5 tracts have been chosen. Tract 6 will then be offered on a total dollar basis. Tracts will not be combined. 10% DP at the auction, 30 days till closing. Prospective bidders may view tracts at their convenience. For more info please visit the website, contact Brian Curless at 217-242-166, or email: Attorney: William Lowry 130 S. Madison Pittsfield, IL 217-285-4822 JANET SCHEWE TRUST Pursuant to a judgment entered by this Court in the above-styled mortgage foreclosure proceedings on December 11, 2014, public notice is hereby given as to the sale of the real estate subject thereof as follows: Identity of person to contact for information regarding the real estate: Mr. Ray Trost, Senior Vice-President TheBANK of Edwardsville 330 West Vandalia Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-0057 Common address or other common description of the real estate: 10872 Lawrence Keller Drive Godfrey, Illinois Five percent (5%) of bid upon day of sale; balance within thirty (30) days Title to the subject premises will be conveyed subject to all general real estate taxes which are a lien upon the real estate and special assessment, if any, and easements and restrictions of record. TheBANK of Edwardsville, An Illinois Banking Corporation, Plaintiff BY: Donald L. Metzger, Its Attorney Metzger Law Offices IL Registration No. 01894552 400 St. Louis Street, Suite 2 P.O. Box 366 Edwardsville, IL 62025 Telephone: (618) 656-0705 12.17.14, 12.24, 12.31 WWW.CURLESSAUCTION.COM • 217-242-1665 A D A M S C O U N T Y, I L L I N O I S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 7TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT JERSEY COUNTYJERSEYVILLE, ILLINOIS Federal National Mortgage Association Plaintiff, vs. MON., JAN. 19 AT 10:00 AM 160 ACRES± • 1 TRACT (SUBJECT TO FINAL SURVEY) DS! LASSIFIE EC READ TH Jersey County Courthouse, Jerseyville, Illinois on the 22nd day of January, 2015, at the hour of 8:30 AM. Terms of sale: AUCTION HELD AT ST. BRIGID'S BANQUET HALL IN LIBERTY, IL ANN FETTE, JOHN FETTE & SUE RUSSELL 2012-Ch-57 PRODUCTIVE TILLABLE CROPLAND! EXCELLENT WHITETAIL DEER & WILD TURKEY HABITAT! Land is located in Section 21, T3S•R6W, Richfield Township, Adams County, IL. Land is generally located approximately 6 miles south of Liberty, IL (2 miles southeast of Richfield, IL). Land represents productive tillable farmland with Clarksdale, Bunkum, Keomah, Winfield and various other soil complexes (over 75% tillable). The balance is in timber and wooded draws which offer exceptional whitetail deer and wild turkey habitat. WELLMAN FAMILY FARM REPRESENTING & CLOSING ATTORNEY: BARNEY S. BIER GOEHL, SCHUERING, CASSENS & BIER 506 VERMONT STREET • QUINCY, IL 62301 • PH: 217-224-2555 Sullivan Auctioneers, LLC • 217-847-2160 • Lic. 444000107 DETAILS & PHOTOS @: 12 CH 2 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, successor by merger; Unknown Heirs and Legatees of Donald G. Wilson aka Donald G. Wilson, Sr.; Donald G. Wilson, Jr.; Nancy Wiegand; Unknown Owners and Non-Record Claimants Defendants. Property Address: RR 1 Box 213E, aka 34404 Ryan Road, Medora, Illinois 62063 NOTICE OF SHERIFF SALE dence; Judgment Amount $71895.75 IN ACCORDANCE WITH 735 ILCS 5/15-1507(c)(1)(H-1) AND (H-2), 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(5), AND 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1), YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THE PURCHASER OF THE PROPERTY, OTHER THAN A MORTGAGEE, SHALL PAY THE ASSESSMENTS AND LEGAL FEES REQUIRED BY SUBSECTIONS (g)(1) AND (g)(4) OF SECTION 9 AND THE ASSESSMENTS REQUIRED BY SUBSECTION (g-1) OF SECTION 18.5 OF THE ILLINOIS CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY ACT. Terms of Sale: CASH - 10% down at the time of sale and the balance due within 24 hours of the sale. All payments for the amount bid shall be in certified funds payable to the Sheriff of Jersey County. Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a judgment of said Court entered in the above-entitled cause on October 9, 2014, I, Sheriff, Mark Kallal of Jersey County, Illinois, will hold a sale on January 22, 2015 , commencing at 2:00PM, at the Jersey County Courthouse, 201 West Pearl Street, Jerseyville, IL 62052, to sell to the highest bidder or bidders the following described real estate, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: The person to contact for information regarding this property is: Commonly known as: RR 1 Box 213E, aka 34404 Ryan Road, Medora, Illinois 62063 FREEDMAN ANSELMO LINDBERG LLC 1771 W. Diehl Rd., Ste 150 Naperville, IL 60563-4947 630-453-6960 866-402-8661630428-4620 (fax) P.I.N.: 11-136-001-20 First Lien Position; Single-Family Resi- Steven J. Lindberg at FREEDMAN ANSELMO LINDBERG LLC 1771 West Diehl Road, Suite 120, Naperville, IL 60563 (866)402-8661. For bidding instructions, visit 24 hours prior to sale. This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 12.10.14, 12.17, 12.24 Hardin, IL Call (618) 498-1234 and ask for Business Department FOR RENT STORAGE BUILDING WINCHESTER CALL 618-498-1234 Ask for Jane The People’s Marketplace Classifieds Attention bUyerS & reAltorS LOW HOME LOANS... FHA Fixed Rates! EvenLow if youand haveNo beenDown turned down by a local bank - Call me! Payment Purchase VA Call or logon for a free USDA Programs Available for Qualified Buyers Low and No Down Payment Purchase pre-qualification. FHA VA USDA Programs Available for Qualified Buyers. Paula Wykoff Lic#Lic# 137830 137830 Paula WykoffNMLSNMLS Cherry Creek Mortgage Co. An616 Army Veteran and MilitaryIL Spouse S. Grand Ave. West, Springfield, 62704 919 S. 8th Street, Springfield, IL 62703 Il Residential Mortgage Licensee (217) 522-5191 IL Residential Mortgage Licensee Premier Home Mortgage, Inc. NMLS ID #162291 is a VA, FHA and USDA approved lending institution and is not acting on behalf of the VA, HUD/FHA, USDA or the Federal Government. Copyright ©2010 Cherry Creek Mortgage. Loan products are not available outside of IL. Company Unique ID NMLS#3001. (217) 522-5191 Apply online at The Cubs are one game away. A fan will do anything to make sure they win the title. Anything. ‘Killing the Curse’ hits a home run. Now at bookstores, Amazon & Nook. FROM HEADLINE BOOKS Annual Holiday Farm/ Toy Auction Friday, December 26, 10:00am - 2601 Lakeland Blvd, Mattoon, IL 30 Pedal Tractors, Carts, Wagons & Cars JD 10, 3 hole; JD LGT; Early IH M; Case 30; JD A; 2 – Eska IH 560s; 2 – JD 20’s; IH 1586; JD 8520; IH 1086; MF 398; Ford TW-S; Oliver; Ford 8N; JD 520; Farmall M; MF Pedal; Auger cart; JD wagons; Pedal cars; 400 1/16 Scale Diecast Farm Tractors & Implements, old to new Many NIB • Spec Cast • Precisions Firestone • Special & Show Editions Press Steel Trucks - - Construction Toys 1920s American National MACK Truck Tonka • Buddy L • Doepke Structo • Smith Miller Trucks & Trailers Outstanding Early Farm Collectibles Farm Literature • Seed Sacks • Farm Advertising • Framed John Deere Prints See Printable Catalog w/Photos Online at Lunch Served, Restroom Available, Sale Held Indoors Bauer Auction Service, LLC. Don Bauer Lic.#44000178 Ph. (217) 459-2579 Hank Bauer Lic.#44000242 Ph. (217) 459-2806 CORN INDUSTRY ALERT! Genetically-Modified Corn Seeds Could Cost Industry Up To $2.9 BILLION Loss in Aftermath of Trade Disruption with China Over Detection of Unapproved Syngenta Agrisure Viptera™ MIR 162 Corn ATTENTION CORN FARMERS, HARVESTERS, GRAIN ELEVATOR OPERATORS, BROKERS/SELLERS, DISTRIBUTORS/EXPORTERS. YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO COMPENSATION CALLS ARE ANSWERED 24/7 CALL NOW FREE CONSULTATION 1-800-336-2889 This is attorney advertising. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertising. Grant Davis is responsible for the content of this advertising. Davis, Bethune, & Jones, LLC. is located at 1100 Main St #2930, Kansas City, MO 64105. The firm has attorneys licensed in Kansas & Missouri, but associates with attorneys throughout the country. from The People's Marketplace Classifieds! STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Campbell Publications ILLINOIS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK ADVERTISING SERVICES HELP WANTED DRIVERS Need to place your classified ad throughout Illinois? Call Illinois Press Advertising Service 217-241-1700 or visit $3000 Sign On Bonus, $65K$75K Annually! Experienced Class A CDL Drivers Wanted! Dedicated Customer, Home Weekly and Excellent Benefits. Call 888-409-6033 or apply online CAREER/EDUCATION AIRLINE CAREERS START HERE - BECOME AN AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECH. FAA APPROVED TRAINING. FINANCIAL AID IF QUALIFIED. JOB PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE. CALL AIM 800-481-8312 DRIVERS: Owner Operators and experienced OTR drivers needed for expanding fleet. Call USA Truck today. 866-545-0078 Super Career in 2015! Earn up to $0.43/mile, $2,500 Sign On Bonus PLUS up to $0.03 per mile in bonus! Call 877-294-2777 or Flatbed Truck Drivers and OO Needed. TanTara Transportation offers excellent pay, benefits, and home weekly. Call 800-650-0292 or apply online at Flatbed drivers-trucks now set at 70MPH. Starting pay up to .41 CPM, health Ins, 401K, $59 daily per diem pay, home weekends. 800-648-9915 or Class A CDL Truck Drivers Hogan is Hiring! Dedicated & OTR Runs. Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly Hometime options. Great Pay & Sign-On Bonuses Call today! 866-906-8327
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