c nnected The MonthlyNewsletter of Cowlitz PUD Volume 17 - No. 12 December 2014 East Kelso Substation Rebuild For those District customers that frequently drive the Vine Street or Grade Street corridors, you will have noticed the major reconstruction of the East Kelso Substation during the summer of 2014. The work is expected to complete in January, just in time for the winter electric peak demands. The original substation was built in 1960. The District is in year seven of its 10-year plan to convert our transmission grid to 115 kV and link all substations with at least two transmission feeds. When complete, a transmission fault will not interrupt power flow to our customers beyond a flicker. East Kelso Substation is a hub for the 115 kV transmission system and its reconstruction will go a long way to improve the District’s reliability. Last spring the District off-loaded the East Kelso Substation customers to other nearby substations. We can do that at Cowlitz PUD because early designers of our system sized feeders to twice the ampacity that the cables would normally see. This ability has given the District the opportunity to take down any substation at any time of the year without disrupting service. regulations. Concrete foundations were placed and new electrical equipment has been installed. The new electrical equipment will provide 60 years of service, thus benefitting our great-grandchildren. We benefitted from those who came home from World War II and built the East Kelso Substation originally. It’s good that we can pass that benefit forward. The substation has been surrounded by architectural concrete panels which provide increased security and overall neater appearance than cyclone fencing. The high-voltage wiring, buswork and controls are all being installed by PUD wiremen, meter men and linemen. Much of the engineering and inspection is performed by PUD engineers. This not only saves money but assures that the people that operate the station are the same people that put it together. The result is very high quality workmanship. Total cost for the East Kelso Substation Rebuild is $3 million. That is a lot of money, but the benefit to our customers supports the expenditure. The return on this investment is much improved reliability, reduced energy losses and replacement of equipment that had worked well beyond its useful life. A reasonable metaphor here is our collective need for transportation. A car or truck will last only a finite amount of time before it fails or becomes too expensive to maintain. Transformers and high voltage switches are in many ways like our automobiles; we use them as long as we can and then replace them just before they fail. After a competitive bid process, local contractor JH Kelly was selected to perform the work. The site was cleared of all the old equipment. In the process of excavation, an old buried petroleum tank was discovered. Contaminated soil and the old tank had to be removed East Kelso Substation Grade St & Vine per stringent environmental www.cowlitzpud.org Connected: We Want Your Feedback As we contemplate changes to our Connected Newsletter, we feel it is important to involve our customers in the process. Please provide your feeback to the following questions: 1) What is your level of interest in Cowlitz PUD’s Connected newsletter? □ High Interest □ Medium Interest □ Low Interest □ No Interest □ Undecided 2) How important to you is Cowlitz PUD’s Connected newsletter? □ Very Important □ Somewhat Important □ Not very Important □ Not at all important □ Undecided 3) How satisfied are you with the layout of Connected? □ Very Satisfied □ Somewhat Satisfied □ Satisfied □ Somewhat Dissatisfied □ Dissatisfied □ Undecided 4) How satisfied are you with the quality of the writing? □ Very Satisfied □ Somewhat Satisfied □ Satisfied □ Somewhat Dissatisfied □ Dissatisfied □ Undecided 5) How satisfied are you with the overall content? □ Very Satisfied □ Somewhat Satisfied □ Satisfied □ Somewhat Dissatisfied □ Dissatisfied □ Undecided 6) How satisfied are you with the timeliness of the information presented in Connected? □ Very Satisfied □ Somewhat Satisfied □ Satisfied □ Somewhat Dissatisfied □ Dissatisfied □ Undecided 7) How satisfied are you with the practicality and helpfulness of the information presented in Connected? □ Very Satisfied □ Somewhat Satisfied □ Satisfied □ Somewhat Dissatisfied □ Dissatisfied □ Undecided 8) How much do you agree or disagree that the issues covered are important to ratepayers? □ Strongly Disagree □ Disagree □ Undecided □ Agree □ Strongly Agree 9) Do you feel Connected effectively provides information important to the overall needs of ratepayers? □ Yes □ No □ Don’t Know c nnected The MonthlyNewsletter of Cowlitz PUD Cowlitz PUD forwards all Warm Neighbor funds to CAP, which in turn uses them to assist qualified low-income Cowlitz County residents who are struggling to pay their Customer Survey 10) What, if any, information would you like to see included in the newsletter in the future? Please write your answer on a separate piece of paper. 11) What, if any, information do you think should be removed from the newsletter? Please write your answer on a separate piece of paper. 12) Overall, how satisfied are you with Cowlitz PUD’s Connected newsletter? □ Very Satisfied □ Somewhat Satisfied □ Satisfied □ Somewhat Dissatisfied □ Dissatisfied □ Undecided Future meeting dates: Tuesday, Dec. 23 Tuesday, Jan. 13 Tuesday, Jan. 27 Commission Information Where and When: John Searing Auditorium at 2:00 p.m. Cowlitz PUD - 961 12th Avenue in Longview Go to our website to find out the latest Board of Commissioners activities at www.cowlitzpud.org. Click on the Commissioners drop down menu. Be Prepared for Power Outages It is very important that we receive feedback from you, our customers. We desire to keep you informed about current and future issues that impact you as a ratepayer. One way to do that is through Connected. Please consider completing this questionnaire and returning it to us. You may mail the survey back to us at, Cowlitz PUD Attn: Connected Survey PO Box 3007 Longview, WA 98632 you may also drop it off to our Longview main office at 961 12th Avenue or you may take the survey online at: www.cowlitzpud.org/connectedsurvey. Thank you in advance for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Have the following items on hand: 2-3 Day Supply of Packaged Food & Water Blankets Flashlight, Radio & Batteries Twitter Outage Alerts Outage Alert Hotline (360) 423-1200 Be A Warm Neighbor: Give to the Warm Neighbor Fund Cowlitz PUD forwards all Warm Neighbor funds to CAP, which in turn uses them to assist qualified low-income Cowlitz County residents who are struggling to pay their winter electric bills. Learn more at: cowlitzpud.org/warm_neighbor.php Moving Forward As you may already know, the State of Washington’s Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) recently completed its investigation into alleged violations of State campaign laws and regulations by former PUD General Manager Brian Skeahan and former Cowlitz PUD Commissioner Mark McCrady. On November 4, 2014 the PDC entered its Final Orders on the matter. The Final Orders adopted stipulations (a form of agreement) between the PDC and Mr. McCrady and Mr. Skeahan that stated that both men had “committed multiple violations” of State campaign laws. PDC staff found that Mr. McCrady and Mr. Skeahan had both unlawfully used or authorized the use of District facilities to support then-Commissioner McCrady’s re-election campaign. The PDC Commissioners then assessed a $1,000 fine against Mr. Skeahan and a $500 fine against Mr. McCrady. The PDC further agreed to suspend half of Mr. Skeahan’s and Mr. McCrady’s fines if they complied with certain terms, including that neither is found to have committed further violations of campaign laws for a period of four years. A copy of the orders and stipulations is available online at the PDC website http://www.pdc.wa.gov/ home/laws/reportsofinvestigation.aspx?report=293. The District wishes to thank the PDC for its thorough investigation of these allegations. The complaint was first filed in January 2013. The PDC investigative reports issued in October 2014 show the PDC interviewed numerous witnesses, analyzed relevant documents and gave the matter careful consideration before delivering its findings in an over 300 page report. A copy of the PDC investigative report is available online at http://www.pdc.wa.gov/ archive/commissionmeetings/meetingshearings/ pdfs/2014/13022.ROI.pdf. Finally, the District notes the troubling and unfortunate personal, political and legal attacks that Cowlitz PUD General Counsel, Paul Brachvogel has endured as a result of his participation in the District’s brief internal investigation of these matters. The District cannot and will not tolerate any form of employee harassment. In the past two years, these unsubstantiated attacks against Contact Information CONNECTED is published by Cowlitz PUD. COMMISSIONERS: Buz Ketcham, Ned Piper, and Kurt Anagnostou GENERAL MANAGER: Don McMaster EDITOR: Brent Arnold, Communications Manager Mr. Brachvogel and others have cost the District more than $100,000 in attorney’s fees. The District has reimbursed these fees as provided for by law, and particularly, RCW 54.16.097. The District’s overall legal expenses for this calendar year remain well below average, but significant costs could have been avoided over the last two years. The District sincerely hopes that the conclusion of the PDC’s investigation also brings to an end the unsubstantiated attacks on the District and Mr. Brachvogel and allows us all to focus on serving our ratepayers. With every challenging situation there is something positive to look forward to, if we take our time to look for it. With the recent election now concluded, we appreciated the interest from both candidate Loren Sievila and candidate Dena Diamond-Ott to serve on the Board of Commissioners. We especially appreciate the larger than normal voter turn out to help Cowlitz PUD move forward. Dena Diamond-Ott was selected by the voters and will be sworn in prior to assuming her office and beginning her six-year term on January 1, 2015. She will begin her training at the Washington PUD Association New Commissioner Orientation on January 14, 2015. We also appreciate and thank Commissioner Merritt ‘Buz’ Ketcham for twelve (12) years of contributions to the District, including his support for the infrastructure improvements that have greatly improved the capacity and reliability of our electric system. The future of Cowlitz PUD is very exciting. We have a talented and visionary staff dedicated to serving public power and our customers. I am honored to be part of our team. General Manager Don McMaster Cowlitz PUD - 961 12th Avenue PO Box 3007 Longview, WA 98632 (360) 423-2210 - Toll Free (800) 631-1131 website: www.cowlitzpud.org Email: mailbox@cowlitzpud.org
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