eers 2 Friday Employment & NRI Times KSA 63(&/53&26*3&.&/5'03'*#&3 (-"44."/6'"$563*/($0.1"/: t1SPEVDU&OHJOFFSo BE Engg, M.Sc Science, 7 yrs exp in Special reference to sizing and product usage. Specific knowledge of usage in atleast two product lines. t2"2$4VQFSWJTPS BE Engg / Science / Diploma 7 yrs exp. Knowledge of Quality Management Systems (ISO) ,data analysis, reporting processes SQC, tracking of variances QNS administration on floor, inspections Product audits t4J[JOH%FWFMPQNFOU&OHJOFFSoMasters Degree in Organic / Polymer Chemistry. 7 yrs exp. Detailed technical knowledge of sizing chemistries awareness of materials available globally R&D expertise, knowledge of lab methods Experience in product evaluation, benchmarking (GF) t*OTUSVNFOU5FDIOJDJBOo I.T.I in instrumentation. Min 10 years in glass fiber production Leading a team of operators. t1MBOU4FOJPS0QFSBUPST(DR/GRV/CSM/WR) HSC or higher Min 10 years in glass fiber production Leading a team of operators. t''4FOJPS0QFSBUPS o HSC pass or higher Min 10 years in fiberforming Leading a team of operators. t2"2$4FOJPSPQFSBUPST HSC pass or higher Min 10 years in quality inspections Measurement, recording, data entry Tabulation of data, grading t'VSOBDF 4FOJPS 0QFSBUPST HSC pass or higher 10 years in operation of glass melting furnace Furnace handling, DCS operations Furnace maintenance Hot refractory work December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 REGISTERED NURSES • MALE MEDICAL WARD CARDIAC (F) • FEMALE MEDICAL WARD CARDIAC (F) • CCU CARDIAC (F) • CARDIAC CATHLAB (M+F) • ICU CARDIAC (F) • OR CARDIAC (F) • PAEDIATRIC CARDIAC (F) Size 6.3 x 7 t4FOJPS &MFDUSJDJBO o I.T.I in electrical trade 10 years in a t461&37*4034: MEPC / MEP / HVAC / PLUMBING / ELECTRICAL / CIVIL / MECH. / ELECT/ HVAC / PLUMBING / CIVIL: Diploma with 8 to 10 yrs exp in maintenance. t'63/*563& $"31&/5&34 SSC Passed with 3 to 5 Jerry Varghese International Ltd., 206, Gateway Plaza, Hiranandani Garden, Powai, Mumbai - 76. t Email – KWJNGH!KWJHMPCBMDPN "U)ZEFSBCBE: Tel.: t&NBJMIZESFUBJM!KWJHMPCBMDPN At Baroda t &NBJM CBSPEBNBOVG!KWJHMPCBMDPN Tel.: 8"-,*/*/5&37*&8'30.UI50UI%&$&.#&3 Ad size: 6.3 x 16 cm $"/%*%"5&4'30.3&5"*-3&4563"/5 Rate: 6.3 x 16 x 100 = 10,080/*/%6453:$"/"11-:'036"& t4FSWJDF"TTPDJBUF#BSUFOEFS t4FSWJDF"TTPDJBUF#VTTFS t4FSWJDF"TTPDJBUF8BJUFS t$IFGEF1BSUJF/PSUI*OEJBO$VJTJOF t$PNNJT*/PSUI*OEJBO$VJTJOF t$PNNJT**/PSUI*OEJBO$VJTJOF t,JUDIFO)FMQFS4UFXBSE t*SPO.BOt4BMFT1FSTPO t1MBOOJOH3FUBJM.FSDIBOEJTFS t4IPQ4VQFSWJTPS t4VJU5BJMPS t1SPEVDUJPO.FSDIBOEJTFS t7JTVBM.FSDIBOEJTFS t"SUJTUGPS7JTVBM.FSDIBOEJTJOH t$BSQFOUFSt4QSBZ1BJOUFSt(SBQIJD%FTJHOFS Please mail your updated CV to KWJSFUBJM!KWJHMPCBMDPN or visit the office address given below along with PP + Photos + 2 Sets of Resume + Relevant Documents. VACANCY IN LARGE NUMBERS +FSSZ7BSHIFTF*OUFSOBUJPOBM-UE 206, Gateway Plaza, Hiranandani Garden, Powai, Mumbai - 76. t5FM At Bangalore – 5FM Email: CBOHBMPSFSFUBJM!KWJHMPCBMDPN 7BDBOZJO-BSHF/VNCFST years experience in maintenance. t1-6.#&34 ITI – Plumbing with 3 to 5 years experience in maintenance. t)7"$5&$)/*$*"/ ITI – HVAC with 3 to 5 years experience in maintenance. t"$5&$)/*$*"/ ITI – AC/REFG with 3 to 5 years experience in maintenance. t&-&$53*$*"/4 ITI – ELECTRICAL with 3 to 5 years experience in maintenance. t8"--1"*/5&3SSC with 3 to 5 yrs exp in maintenance. t1-6.#&34 ITI with 3 to 5 yrs exp in maintenance. t1-6.#&34 (METER CHECKING ): With 3 to 5 years experience in maintenance. t."40/ SSC with 3 to 5 yrs exp in maintenance. t("3%&/&343 to 5 yrs exp in gardening maintenance. t*33*("5*0/5&$)/*$*"/ – SSC/ ITI – with 3 to 5 years experience in irrigation maintenance. All above candidates must have Facility Management – Maintenance experience. Age Limit : 23 yrs to 40 yrs only. basic english communication is a must. Jerry Varghese International Ltd., 206, Gateway Plaza, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076 t5FM Email: KWJDPOTUSVDUJPO!KWJHMPCBMDPN Jerry Varghese International Ltd., No. 39/1303, C2 2nd Floor, Anjali Complex, Ramankutty Achan Road, Near South Overbridge, Valanjambalam, Cochin 16.tTel : 0484-3928962 For subscription Please Contact Phone: 67231665 For news contact: Phone: 67241622 67241662 ABROAD Read Employment & NRI Times every Friday Do You Have Any Product or Services to Offer to NRIs We are only newspaper who Caters to NRIs Write to us: • Call on 022-67241625 • visit us: We will help you reach to NRIs EMPLOYMENT & NRI TIMES EMPLOYMENT & NRI TIMES NEW JOB t)&"7: %3*7&34 (GCC LICENCE): Minimum SSC with 3 years experience.GCC licence Must. Age 25-35 years t)&"7:%*&4&-.&$)"/*$4: Minimum SSC + ITI Diesel Mechanic with 3 years experience in servicing and maintenance of heavy vehicles. Age 25-35 years. t5*("/%"3$8&-%&3%&/5&3 Minimum SSC with 3 years experience. Age 25-35 years Please mail your updated CV to respective email IDs or visit the office address given below along with PP + Photos + 2 Sets of Resume + Relevant Documents. Jerry Varghese International Ltd., 206, Gateway Plaza, Hiranandani Garden, Powai, Mumbai - 76. t Email – KWJNGHB!KWJHMPCBMDPN At Cochin- Email: Tel.: &.BJMDPDIJOQSPKFDUT!KWJHMPCBMDPNt5FM Walk-in Interview from 12th December onwards "-FBEJOH$POUSBDUJOH$PNQBOZ*O4BVEJ"SBCJB 6SHFOUMZ 3FRVJSFE 'PS $POTUSVDUJPO 5FTUJOH $PNNJTTJPOJOH 'PS &)7 (*4 4VCTUBUJPOT "OE 1PXFS5SBOTGPSNFST t&-&$53*$*"/t&3&$503t(&/&3"-5&$)/*$*"/ t&-&$53*$"-'03&."/0WFSIFBE-JOF t)7"$'03&."/ t-*/&."/ t'*3&1305&$5*0/4:45&.'03&."/ t'*3&1305&$5*0/4:45&.5&$)t)7"$5&$) Regarding OHTL erectors should be more in Connecting, Assemble the Tower, Pull & Sting between towers. "U)ZEFSBCBE: Tel.: t&NBJMIZEDPOTUSVDUJPO!KWJHMPCBMDPN At Delhit&NBJMEFMIJSFUBJM!KWJHMPCBMDPN Tel.: t5&45*/($0..*44*0/*/(&/(*/&&3 t5&45*/($0..*44*0/*/(5&$)/*$*"/ t5&45*/($0..*44*0/*/(461&37*403 At Cochin: Email - DPDIJONBOVGBDUVSJOH!KWJHMPCBMDPN Tel.: Experience in Main Relay testing, Scheme check in Extra High Voltage & High voltage. Ad size: 6.3 x 9 cm Rate: For 6.3 xAdvertising 9 x 100 = 5,670/mail us at Please mail your updated CV to SFTQFDUJWFFNBJM*%T or visit the office address given below along with PP + Photos + 2 Sets of Resume + Relevant Documents. For Advertise Please Call: 022-67241663 022-67241664 Email: WANT A 7"$"/$*&4*/-"3(&/6.#&34 "-&"%*/('.$($0.1"/:*/6"& 3&26*3&463(&/5-: Almarai Company is the world’s largest vertically integrated Dairy Foods Company with 2013 sales turnover exceeding US$ 3 billion and a workforce exceeding 30,0000 employees, Please visit our website Free Recruitment-Tax Free Salary Free Housing And Transporation-Return Flights Medical And Life Insurance VACANCY IN LARGE NUMBERS / SHORTLISTING IN PROGRESS Salesman (JRE1461): 2nd level of education / High School. Must have exp. driving a 6-wheel truck with at least 2 years experience in VAN DELIVERY SALES of FMCG, Food and Beverage products. with Driving skills and driving license, can communicate in English. Age 22 - 35 with valid ECNR passport. Salesman Assistant (JRE1462): 2nd Level of Education (speaks fair English, Arabic highly preferred). 2 years experience in handling crates / cartons and preferably with FMCG van sales exposure. with Driving skills and driving license, can communicate in English. Age 22 - 35 with valid ECNR passport. Cook (JRE1464): Diploma or Degree in Hotel Management, Food Crafts or Culinary skills preferred. 3-years experience as Cook in a reputable multi-cuisine restaurant or hotel. Knowledge in multicuisine dishes and food hygiene and safety. Age 24 - 35 with valid ECNR Passport. Mechanic (JRE1465): Must have 2-yrs Diploma/Certificate in Petrol Diesel Mechanic or 2-years Automotive course OF DIPLOMA. 1-year exp. overhauling gas/diesel engines from a reputable large scale Motor pool/workshop. Age 25-35 with ECNR passport. Please mail your updated CV to / or visit the office address given below along with PP + Photos + 2 Sets of Resume + Relevant Documents. Jerry Varghese International Ltd., 206, Gateway Plaza, Hiranandani Garden, Powai, Mumbai - 76. t5FM /PUF Above all position required minimum 4 to 6 years experience in installation, testing and commissioning in substation. ENRI Times - Size 6.3 x 8 Rate = 6.3 x 8 x 100 =5,040/- EMPLOYMENT & NRI TIMES Heavy License (GCC License will be preferred) Normal English Speaking is must with ECNR Passport. Jerry Varghese Consultants, 313, Dalamal Tower, Nariman Point, .VNCBJt Tel.: 0091-22- 49140528 Email: REQUIRED URGENTLY FOR LEADING FACILITY MANAGEMENT COMPANY IN UAE large industry as industrial electrician Experience in 33 KV large systems Machinery and switch gear maintenance, 33 KV/480V t+VOJPSPQFSBUPS (All areas) – SSC Less than 30 years age few years experience in industry desirable. t8PSLNBO(All categories)SSC pass/fail, read and write Less than 30 years age. $BOEJEBUFTIBWJOHFYQFSJFODFJO'JCFS(MBTT.BOV GBDUVSJOH*OEVTUSZPOMZOFFEBQQMZ Please mail your updated CV to respective email IDs or visit the office address given below along with PP + Photos + 2 Sets of Resume + Relevant Documents. • LONG HAUL DRIVER (JRE1365): Age limit 35 - 45 years. • YARD MAN (JRE1323): Age limit 28 - 34 years. Qualification: Degree with 3+ years of experience. Salary: BASIC SALARY SR 4600 – SR 5750 PM and other benefits with yearly leave. Contact with detailed resume supporting with all Certificates / Original at : t4J[JOH4FOJPSPQFSBUPS HSC pass or higher 10 years in mixing formulations in sizing - GF Industry Preparation of recipes, accuracy Record keeping Reporting consumptions, data entry. t83-PPN 0QFSBUPS SSC, read and write. Operating experience in weaving machinery. JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN SAUDI ARABIA SALES DIVISION A MINISTRY OF DEFENCE HOSPITAL (CARDIOLOGY DEPARTMENT) SAUDI ARABIA URGENTLY REQUIRES Shortlisting in Progress DIRECT RECRUITMENT I VACANCY IN LARGE NUMBERS +FSSZ7BSHIFTF*OUFSOBUJPOBM-UE 706, Gateway Plaza, Hiranandani Garden, Powai, Mumbai - 76. t5FM &NBJMKWJDPOTUSVDUJPO!KWJHMPCBMDPN "U)ZEFSBCBE – Tel.: Email: IZEDPOTUSVDUJPO!KWJHMPCBMDPN "U$IFOOBJ – 5FM Email: TBOUQFUSPM!KWJHMPCBMDPN AUUFTUBUJPO & 7JTB4Fr WJDFT Ad size: 6.3 x 11 cm Rate: 6.3 x 11 x 100 = 6,930/- t'BNJMZ7JTJU7JTB t3FTJEFODF7JTB t(PWFrONFOU7JTJU7JTB t3F&OUr Z7JTB&YUFOTJPO t.VMUJQMF#VTJOFTT7JTJU.JOJTUr Z*TTVFE 7JTB t& EVDBUJPOCFr UJfiDBUFAUUFTUBUJPO .&A&NCBTTJFT t1$$BUUFTUBUJPO t Issued from Passport Office / Police station. t'BNJMZEPDVNFOUT t Birth certificate t Vaccination / Polio Immunization Certificate t Marriage Certificate t Marriage / Birth Affidavit For UAE, SAUDI ARABIA, KUWAIT, QATAR, BAHRAIN & OMAN 0091-22-49140510 313, Dalamal Tower, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 001. 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