sr.No. 17860 ST'BJECTCODE .E 20r4Gr) CIIEMICAL SCIENCES TEST BOOKLET MXI,BT CODE tr Maximw Time : 3:00 Hours INSTRUCTIONS t. you have opted-for English as medium of Questbn Paper. This Test Booklet contaim one hundred ard 4. (MCQ$.You are required to answqr a maximum of 15, 35 and 25 que*ions of questions are number 'C' respictively. If more ttran(A'required dom part,i' will be respectively, 'C' 'B' and answered, only frnt 15, 35 and 25 questions in Parts taken up for evaluation. OMR answer sheet has been provided separately. Before you start filling up your particulars, please ensure that tie booklet contains re4uisite number of pages and that tlrc drese are not torn or mutilated. If it is so, you may request the Invigilator to change rough for Sheets also. sheet answer booklet of the same code. Likewise, check the OMR work have been appended to the test booklet. Write your noil No., Name and Serial Number of this Test Booklet on the OMR answcr sheet in the sp'ace provided. Also put your signatures in frre space earmarked. Questions 3. fo*ylve (20 Part'A'+50 Part'B'+75 Part'C') Multiple Choice .d'-and ffiooklet ts Ii6ii-the Code and Centre Code on the OMB sheot Answer Sheet. failins which. the comnuter shall not be able to decipher in lose- includins reiection of OMR answer sheet. 5. 6. and 'B' 8. for each question, the correct or the best anslver' Candidates found copying or resorting to any unfair means are liable to be disqualified from this and firture examinations. Candidate should not write anything anywhere except on answer sheet or sheets for 9. rough - - -g-- work' 'j -- --Use of calculator is NOT Permiued. 7. 10. ll. Rou carries 2 marks and Part'C'questions carry 4 marks each respectively. There will be negative marking @25Yo for each wrong answer. iB' and 'C' four alternatives or responses are given' Below each question in Part 'A', Only one of ttrese altematives is the "correct" option to the question. You have to furd, ffipart,A' ffir the sheet tc $e invieilator and retain tfte carbonless coov for Your record. CanAilates who sit for the entire duration of dre exam will only be permitted to carry their Test booklei No....l.l.9.t6.t Nu-".$oo1n,l; Stgsto*r(. oMR,A,nswer Sheet No..l.\.69.(.1.. s/ss csl/l4-1AE-IA -"{"*:.":"il/* I have verified all the i4ftnpation filled 3 srfrfiqg{dfii{dia k gilqraatii.=arr wia'fr{diq. gdEraat*t'tr fWrraAznat+. c r6retEFItrr m h € IeV amu Ry rrf,{rr rdldrdl6 N6 3ilffi:dc?Tr 9.954 v 1g-t2p^-t 4T x 10-7 Hm-a ata{ihTf{diq' R x Lo-23J /t( 3.0 x 108m/sec 1.38 x1g-trY*z1rn-z 6.67 €o x 10-3a/ sec 1.6 x 10-1ec 6.63 1.6 x 1o-1eJ L.67 ;< 10-z7kg G lto 9.11x 10-31kg. 1.097 6.023 x x L07m-7 LAz3moIe-7 8.3L4JK-lmole-L USEFUL FU NDAMAENTAL CONSTAI\ITS e Mass of elecffon Planck's constant Charge of electron k Boltzmann constant c €o Velocity of Light 1.6 x L0-1e; L.67 x L0-27kg 6.67 x 1g-tt7i1*z1rn-z Rydberg constant Avogadro's number 9.954 719-t2p*-t Fo 4fi x !a-7 Hm-t R Molar Gas constant m h IeV amu G & Ne 9.11x 10-31kg 6.63x10-3*J sec 1.6 x 10-1eC 1,.38 x fi-23J /K 3.0 x!08m/sec x1:}7m-t 6.A22 x !023mole-l L.097 B.314JK-lmole-L 4 LIST OF THE ATOTTICWEIGHTS OF THE ELEMENTS ' El.nlcnt Symbol Atomic Aluminium Amcricium Antimony Argon Arsrnic Ast.tinc Errium Bcrkrllum Be ryllium Bismuth Eoron Brominc Cadmium Calcium californium carbon cerium cesium chlorinc Al A rn Sb Ar As At Ba Bk Be Bi B Br Cd Ca cf c ce cs cl chromium cr ::n:, curium :: cm oysprorium Dy Einstrinium Erbium Europium Fermium Fluorinc Francium Gedotinium Gallium Gcrmrnium Gotd Hrfnium Hctium Hotmium Hydrogen tndium todine tridium lron Krypton Lanthrnum Lrwrencium Lead Lithium Lutetium Magncsium Manganese Es Er Eu Fm F Fr cd Gr Gc Au Hf Ho Ho H ln I lr Fc Kr Lr Lr pb Li Lu Mg Mn Mendelevium Md 'Brtcd on mils of Cir at t3 95 gt i8 33 85 56 9z 4 83' S 35 48 20 98 6 58 55 17 24 Atomic Element ii 26.9g (211) 1Z1.tS 39.948 74.92 (2iO) 132.34 (2491 0.012 208.98 10.8.t 29.909 112.10 40.08 (2s1) n.011 110.12 112.91 r:fl Symbol Atomic Molybdcnum Mo Neodymlum Nd lleon Ne Neptunium Np ilickel Ni Nlobium Nb Nltrogon N Nobetium no osmium os Oxygen O p"ttiAirm pd phosphorur p pfatinum pt plutonium pu poioniurn po potassium K pra""oayrniurn pr prorn"t iuln pm pa ,.Joo,","rn :1gg n"l-iu_ Ra Rn ',i illl r;;: e6 ff ,::,1 66 ,:-r:r: xil::il il;il,n Rb 99 68 63 1oo 9 g7 64 31 32 79 7A 2 67 t 49 53 7t 26 36 57 lO3 gZ 3 71 12 25 101 {2S.t} _-:'-" Rurhentum ,iird i51.96 samarium {2s31 scand'um ie.od solonium tzzs,l sllicon Sitvor riz.zi Sodlum 69.22 ?2.s9 strontium 196.97 sulfur lZO.49 Tantalum it.003 Technetium 164.93 Tellurium t.oo80 Terblum 11a.82 Thallium ii6.90 Thorium 192.2 Thutium 55.85 Tin g3.80 Titanium 13g.91 Tungsten (2S7) Uranlum 207.19 Vanrdium 6.939 Xenon 174.97 Ytterbtum 24.912 Yttrium 54.94 Zinc (2561 Zirconium Ru Sm sc Se si Ag t{a sr s Ta Tc Te Tb Tl Th Tm sn Ti W U V Xo yb Y Zn Zr 42 60 10 93 2E 41 7 102 76 8 46 15 tB 94 84 t9 59 6t sl so 86 i:tt 44 62 21 34 14 q 11 38 t6 73 43 52 65 B,l 90 69 50 22 71 92 23 5.1 IO 39 30 40 Atomic 95.94 141.2a 20.18t dt {2311 v S8.zt 1t 92.9i (r ,anO, (2531 ( tgo.z 15.9994 106.a ( 30.974 i9S.09 ( 12121 (2rol 19.102 t40.91 (1a71 (2311 (2201 dzzr lll.3l 2. 05..7 ,toi.t 150.35 'l't.96 78.96 2E.09 t0t.E?0 22.9098 87.62 32.064 180.95 (ee I 127.!0 ras.g2 20a.37 232.0a i68.9t llE.69 42.90 l8l.85 218.03 50,9{ i31.30 173.0{ 88.91 65.3? 91.22 . The ratio of these weights of those on lhe order chemical scale (in which oxygen of naturll isotopic composition was assignod a mass of 16.0000...) ls 1.000050. (Values ir1 parentheses represent the mosr stabls known isotopes.) F '12.000:.. L' 1. 3. g-. 5 rmic 4. !fl!! Find the missing leffer: 0.59 5.9a a.2a' 1. 183 r37l 1.71 1.9! c07 53) 0.2 r94 6.a t71 Lunch-dinner pattern of a person for m. days is given below. He has a choice of a VEG or a NON-VEG meal for his lunch/dinner (a) If he takes a NON-VEG lunch, he will have only VEG for dinner (b) He takes NON-VEG dinner for exactly 9 days (c) He takes VEG lunch for exactly 15 a CN! f,'K GI (d) He r?l 0l takes meals 02 a total of 14 NON.VEG What is z? L 18 3. 20 rl r) 3 1 2. I I 5 t i I I person sells two objects at Rs.1035/each. On the first object he suffers a lgss of t0% while on the second he gains l5%. What loss/gain 2.24 4. 38 Two. locomotives are running towards each other with speeds of 60 and 40 km/h. An object keeps on flying to and fro from the front tip of one locomotive to the front tip of the other with a speed of 70 km/h. After 30 minutes, the two locomotives collide and the object is crushed. What distance did the object is his net percentage? Ja'9 3. " 6. 3. 50km 35 km 2. 4. 45 km 10 Yi"iik" ffiw '4 < l% loss tbg( V-o 4. no ross, no gain WJ.: A bank offers a scheme *nf,*'ffi,, made for 1600 days are doubled in value, the interest being compounded daily. The interest accrued on a deposit of Rs.l000/over the first 400 days would be Rs. cover before being crushed? 1. 3. 2.a v.o A 91 7'l 1l w 1. L 3.N days 09 s 1. 3. km 2. 4. 250 148 183 190 A sphere is made up of very thin concentric shells of increasing radii (leaving no gaps). The mass of an arbiharily chosen shell is 1. equal to the mass of the preceding 2. 3. 4. shell proportional to its volume proportional to its radius proportional to its surface area \ W y9 7. bit of an 8-bit binary is zero. A binary number whose The least significant num.ber value is 8 times the previous number has 12 bits ending with three zeros I I bits ending with four zeros 1l bits ending with three zeros 12 bits ending with four zeroes 1. 2. 3. 4. t%," v ,.#, v :fu FF 6 B. What is the next number of the following portion becomes sequence? 2&&1,.9 l. 3. 9. 11.,8, 15, 13 t9 20% of students of a particular jobs within one year of passing. 20% of the remaining students g"ijoU, 6y the end of second year of passing. If 16 students are still jobless, hovr many students had "o*r[., l. €min 3. Z:6min 13. passed the course? 1. 32 2. 4. 3. 25 10. 17. what further time, it will become R/2? 10... 2. 4. t2 t7 f;. n 64 100 2. 4. 2 min 4 min A ladder rests against a wallas shown. The top and the bottom efrs. of the ladder are _ marked A and B. The base B slipp. The cenhal point C of the ladder falls along 18. A rectangle of length d and breadth d/2 is revolvcd once completely around its length and once around iti breadth. The ratio of volurnes stvept in the two cases is 1. l:i 3. l:3 It. 2. 4. I:2 l:4 1. 2. -3. 4. Avcragc.5'ield of a product in different years is shoivn in the histogram. If the vertical bars indicate variability during thc ycar,'then <iuring which year was the percent variability over the average of that year the least? 14. ? 1.2n2.n 3. t (250r 300 751 ?50 (1s0r ';og 150 5or (10or 100 sot 15. 4. 20 n2+n Continue the sequence 3J-4Lry&,4t,-,-,- 50 12. Bfurcmial theorem in algebra sives = do* a6* a2x2t.....+on{,rih.r, do, o1,.,..., an ate constants depending on n. What is the sum ao * q + az+....1 a, 400 l. 19. (l +rf 150 3. apambola of a circle a shaight line a hlperbola the arc 20a0 2002 l. 3. 2. 4. 2001 2003 A long ribbon is wound around a spool up to a radius R. Holding the tip of the ribbon, a boy runs a\4ay frorn the spool with a constant speed maintaining the unwound portion of the ribbon horizontal. In 4 minutes, the radius of the wound 16. 2. 4. 59,77,100 43,47,53 64,91, 100 55,99, 113 A code consists of at most two identical letters followed by at most four identical digits. The code must have at least one letter and one digit. How many distinct 9odo.* be generated using letters A to Zanddigits I to 9? l. 3. 2. 4. 936 t872 4 I 1148 2574 :: i; .t ;t t t ,.r\ ry ,71 .& 7 ,/ 17. Tun solid iron spheres are heated to tg..fA"S-bondisformedviatheoverlapof 100.C and then allowed to cool. One has -_y'a?-/ *d d:,f orbitats -2 doand d*rorbitals the size of a footbatl; the other has the 3' 9-t *9 {vorpitals size of a pea Which sphere will attain the 4' dt and d*'orbitals room temperature (constant) first? 1. ThebiggersPhere 2. the smaller sphere n. Among F-, Nat, 02- and Mg2*ions, those 3. Both spheres will take the same having the highest and the lowest ionic time radii respectively are room temperature the on depend will It 4. 1. O2- and Na* . fl€t The tare_ 18. The weights (in'kg) below: of 13 persons are given -L l;*}fi;; 4. Mg2*and 02- 70,72,74,76,78, 80, 82,84,86, 88, 90, 92,94 24. The extent of n-electron conjugation in (a) heme" (b) macrocyclic rings of kg coenzyme Brz and (c) chlorophyll average follows the order by 2. (a) > (b) > (c) (c) > (b) 2. I ke -{<^l> 3. (c) > (a) > (b) 4' (b) * (a) > (c) 4. 1.8 kg Two new persons having weights 100 and 79 kg join the group. The weight orirr. group iricreases l. 0 ke 3. 1.6 kg 19. s I n if n is a positive integer, then n(n+t)Q*2)(n+3)(n+4){n+5)(n+6) is divisible by 3 butnotT 3 and7 Tbutnot3 neither 3 nor 7 l. 2. 3. 4. 20. The area (in rn1 of a triangular park of dimensions 50 m, 120 m and 130 m is 3250 7800 2. 4. l. 3000 3. 55s0 25. . - 27. SbFs and two <*'' 'Zt4ereactionbetween equivalents of HF leads to the formation of HrSbFr + ZFz HSbFz+3Fz 5bS9 electrolyte) an applied potential more than +0.4 V, results mainly in the fonnation of { L}(T 2. 4. Hgtt Oz The correct order of the isomeric shift in Mdssbauer spectra (57Fe source) of iron compounds is Fe(II) > Fe(III) > Fe(IV) Fe(IIf > Fe(II) > Fe(IV) Fe(IV) > Fe(IIf > Fe(II) l. 2 3. 4. 3. SbF3+ll2+2F2 ,-t 4. tsbF6l- [HzF]* ' l. Ag* t K* > Na*> Li* 2 K+ > Na*> AB* > Li* 3. Li* > Na*> K* t Ag* 4. Li* > Na*t Agn" K* r. ngt 3 Clz --1 2 a 26. In a polarographic measurement, (aqueous KCl solution used as supPorting PART '81 1. The correct order of the retention of cations on sulfonated cation exchange resin column is Fe(IV) > Fe(iI) > Fe(III) f-c f lo ? g + hapticities 'x'and 'y' of the arene ruietics in the diamagnetic complex [(rf- 28. Thc 3. 4. T-shaped [Rh(HXPPhr)Cl]* Trigc'nal-planar [Rh(HXPPh3)2] .E CdI5)Ru( y'-CeHo)l respectively are 2. 4and4 4. 6 and2 1. 6rtd6 *y'+*s ?L In the 35. tPtcLI2- + Noz- Thc rate of the resction Ni(coL + Fphr 3 ryi1co)3ephil + 3. 4. 1. conccntration of both the ieactants 2 conccntration of Ni(CO)a only 3. concentration of PPh3 only 4. the steric bulk of PPhr ofpropene, CO and Hz in the presence of Coz(CO)s as a catalyst is butanoic acid oou oo$ 1 ,",{ \'i' tlv 31. The S and I values for r\I atom ?\-/ / are tAandl l. 3. 1 and 0 respcctively, d'/ 3t2 ando are 33. 34. l. Da6 and D36 Dqn and Dlrr 2. -( D36 and Da6 D3l and Da6 Co(CO)rz adopts the 1. closo - structure -Unido - structure 3. arachno - structure 4. hypho - structure 41. 8. l. *-r3. B C l. 39. ot 2. 4. The configurations of carbon atoms C3 3. Trigonal-planar [Rh(PPh3)2Cl]2* aqid- l. 2,3 and3,3 ,y 3,3 and2,3 3. 3,3 and,2,2 4. 2,4 and3,2 in D-ribose, respectively, are Rand S S and R RandR SandS and C4 T -shaped [Rh(PPhr)zCl] histitline amino of catalyst results in'(neglecting solvent in coo;$ination sphere of Rh) 2 of nitrogen atoms coordinated to-bimetillic' active site oxyhemocyanin and oxyhemerythrin, respectively. are 38. Reductive elimination steg jn hydrogenation of alkenes by pilkinson 1,./ cis-[PtCl2(N Oz)212- 37. IdentiS correct statements fbr mercury as an environrnent pollutant. .w A. Carbanionic biomethylation converts it to MeHg+ Thiol group of cystiine has shong affinity for mercury C. Mercury containing industrial catalyst release caused Minamata disaster The correct answer is A and Aand C B and A,.B and C t$ly \ fU"point group symmetries for trans[Cr(en)2F2]*and[Ticlol3-,respectively, 3. L * ,)A 2. %and} "J"*" 4. -+ e I3 s rrans-[PtClz(No)O{Hr)]cis-[PtCl2(NOt(NH3)1frans-[PtClz(NH:)z] The number 36. 30. The product ofthe reaction l. 2 butanal 7 3. 2-butanone 4{}. compound B is l. 2 CO depcrds on -"t following reaction \-2. 4. oh The compound that .rn antiarornatic is fi Upo ilt bo": *@ -ru. *t\1 ' 5\o. q tv t7 41 v'- ftofu \ o 2, 4. 1. I 3. III IV M*#,1 of the The increasing order of pKa values circled hydrogens in the following compounds is o Me 40. @*\ @*'"* oA*j BFi l* I H2N-"\NH2 Me I I<II<III 1. c 41. I N<I<III J. d: d uAHl >fu_-+.t >t,,-'L t're II +@ 4*,u, 3. 3R,6R - eFi ile 2. 4. %2% T<III<II II<III<I &)*.& 3. 4. O tv 45. The product for the following sequence of reactions is o 1, BTCHTOMe/P(OE03/DME 2. NaH/DMF 3. H3O+ 42. In the most stable conformation of of the three substituents on the 1. reaction is a 4. cH20H a O 45. CHTOMC 0 cHo 2 chiral 43. The absolute configurations of the centres of starting ketone in the following HO (, cyclohexane ring are OH: equatorial; iPr: equatorial and Me: equatorial OH: o<ial; i-Pr: equatorial and Me: equatorial OH: equatorial; i-Pr: equatorial and Me: axial OH: equatorial; i-Pr: axial and Me: equatorial ,, t-lJ neomenthol, stereochemical orientation 4. 35,6R lll 1. I>II>III>IV 2 IV>I>II>III 3: III>II>I>IV 4. IV>III>II>I 3. 35,6L 4. The reaction of I -bromo-2-fluorobenzene with furan in the Presence of one equivalent of Mg gives 44 The decreasing order of basicity of the following comPounds is o5 2. a The major Product formed inthe following reaction is ?cH2ocH3 /\ \ HsC- -) 1' soc-BuLi 2.coz > H3o+ 3' - n{o ) hlo f e.- F F F F: I& E 10 t. OCH2OCH3 2. F * € OCH2OCH3 I ? J. 4. ,.,.A"*,. ,..4 c,ooH 4''"':D 9CH2OCH3 ,..dtt" 47. ocH2ocHs + compound with molecular formula Cd{ooz shows band at 1770 cm-t in in spectrum.and peaks at l7g,6g,'29, and 22 ppm in t3C NMR ,prrtrrrn.-Th, correct structure of the compound is 3. cooH 0'*^^ 48. 51. cooH h^^ ,,, photochemical reaction is(are) 53. it ia s s l. 2 3. 4. o n s e F ,i; !,l :i i: ;' L--o 4 4Yo' o Fra-____-- Fz. * CO w7) 2. 4. t25.4 2t0.2 l:4:6:4:l 1:3:3:l l:6:15:20:15:6:l l:3:6:7:6:3:I The biosynthetic precursor of abietic acid ls "rwe Vapour phase $r: h i.ii The ratio ofthe relative intensities of the carbon signals in the first orderr3C NMR spectrum of CD:CI is l. 2 3. 4. The cyclic product(s) of the following s 2. 01 -------+ l. t4t.2 3. 4s.0 52. 49. -O l=>o 1M*,ZZZ1 Br2 (excess), cHct3, d t.*@r,' * H The mass of metastable ion produced due to decornposition of F1+ in the followin! mass fragmentation sequence is reaction is V-s',- .f /-o Diethylphthalate The major product of the ftfilowing a)^ i./ €.. *s: '50. l. 3. only2,6dimethylcyclohexanol a:. itli The major product of the following reaction is L s onlycis-1,2_dimethylcyclopentane only trans-I,2-dimethylcyclopentane a mixture of cis- andirais-L,Zdimethylcyclop entanes c shikimic acid mevalonic acid chorismic acid cinnamic acid r*l$\3* ,+- nt' -D xla s &4 I t,n -. llg g9 g *s E 11 € 54. :ane The amino acid constituents of artificial 58, sweetener given below are ..cooH lH nrN\N anula in IR rd 22 lrrect "- cooMe \pn Speed l. D-Glutamic acid and LI phenylglycine L-Glutamic acid and Lphenylalanine L-Aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine L-Aspartic acid and L-tyrosine Identify the speed distribution functions of Ne, Ar, and Kr with the curves in the figure above Ne-A, Ar-8, Kr-C Ne-B, Ar-C, Kr-A Ne-C, Ar-8, Kr-A Ne-C, Ar:A, Kr-B 2. l. 2. 3. 4. '.31 4. 55. IC ] t )o Bond lengths of homonuclear diatomic molecules can be determined with the help of both L rotational and vibrational 2. 3. 4. 59. spectroscopy. rotational and rotational Raman spectroscopy. rotational Raman and electronic spectroscopy. vibrational and electronic spectroscopy. Sna+(aq) Snz+ (aq) momentum along the molecular axis of a nonzero, spectrurn the is will show I 57. For a particle of mass n confined in a box of length L, assume Lx -- L. Assume further that Ap(m tn) = (p'lt/r. Use the uncertainty principle to obtain an estimate of the energy of the particle. The value will be .{ n2 /(BmLz) 3. h2 /(32mLz) A,A %L 2. 4. /(BmLz) h2 /(ZmLz) h2 2e + Snz+(aq), Eo = *0.15 V 2e -+ Sn(s), Eo = -0.14 V l. 3. rotational-vibrational l. PandRbranchesonly. 2. P and Q branches only. 3. Q and R branches only.' 4. all the P, Q and R branches. * * When Rf /F is given u25.7 mV,logarithm of the equilibrium constant (ln K) is obtained as 22.6 226 2.26 2.26x10-L 56. If the component of the orbital angular heteronuclear diatomic molecule For the cell reaction, Sn(s) * Sna+(aq) + z Snz*(aq), separate electrode reactions could bc wriftcn with the respective standard eletode potential data at 25"C as 60. 2. 4. Hydrogen is adsorbed on many metal surfaces by dissociation (S represents a surface site): I H2 +__ $ - HH ttl $-q-- - s- If the pfessure of H2 @) is small, the fraction of the surface covered by hydrogen is proportional to p 1. 3. pt/? 2. p2 4. p'1, :T 't4 61. a (enJ, 62. Theexactdifferential df of astate 66. . 63. The angular U= -ih* momentum l. 3. operator has eigenfunctions of the form expliAt]. (tl=#'u) 4 !d*-7ao yytr 3. ydx - xdy The condition that 67. a full rotation leaves such an eigenfuction unchanged is satisfied for all the values ofA r. o,t i, tf,,+t,t:,... 2. 0, t 1, +2, +3, ... 3. o,t;,+L,+:,... .(4. Wavelength (,lin nm) of the Lyman for an one-electron ion is in the range 24<1<30. The ionization energy of the ion will be closest to series 2. dx -zrdl xdy Tt 3. function/(a y), amongthe following, is l. f-T-srt for the first reaction and E6 is the activation energy for the second ieaction, the activation energy .of the overall reaction will be given by l. E'o 2. Eo* LH Eo+ aH 4. Eo+zLH 2 -(#), 3 (#), z- in which first step remains essentially in equilibrium. If AH is the enthalpy change For a process in a closed system, temperature is equal to , (H, , JH\ 2. 4. 32 eV 52 eV 42eV 62 eY A sample experiment revealed that PVC formed in the medium has (Mn) = 13, and (M*) = L6, where (Mn) stands for the number average molar mass and (M*) for the weight average molar mass. The variance of Mn will then be r. 39 3.r 2.3 4. 87 For an enzyme-substrate reaction, 4. o,;,:,:,... between i *d fr X-ray diffraction does not give any structural information for metallic solids ionic solids 3. molecular sotids amorphous solids Z. l1-a Lmol-ls-l 3. 1gz 1^o1-tr-t 4. 19+ 1^o1-tt-t 68. a plot fields a slope of 40 s. the enzyme concenfiation is 2.5 pM, then the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme is l. 40 Lmol-Ls-L l. 2. 4. 65. AreactionA+ B * C + Dfollowsthe mechanism A+B+AB AB*C+D d({. \s.t Fnq $9 ts ,C,) If 69. For a polydispersed macromolecular colloid, osmometry gives weight- average molecular weight number- average molecularweight both weight- average and number average molecular weights viscosity-average'molecular weight l. 2. 3. 4. *K at8$""b) $h' 13 l. l0 ml of 0.02 M NaOH is added to l0 ml of 0.02 M acetic acid (pKo = 4.75). The pH of the solution will be closestto 70. r. 7.0 2. 4. 3. 5.6 Sigmoidal and pH dependart hyperbolic and pH independent Hyperbolic and pH independen! sigmoidal and pH dependent Sigmoidal and pH independenq hyperbolic and pH dependent Hyperbolic dnd pH dependent sigmoidal atrd pH independent 2. 8.4 9.6 3. 4. Which of the following will result in deviation from Beer's law: A. Change in refractivp index of mediurn, B. Dissociation of analyte on dilution, C. Polychromatic light D. Path length of cuvette 71. Match the metalloproteins in column A with their function in column B 76. Column I. anhydrase Plso (f) oxygentransport The correct answer is I - (0 ; tl - (c]; ItI : 75. 2. 1.54 4. 2.54 Tlre number of stereoisomers of.trans' [CoCl2(triethylenetetramine)]Br is V 2. 4. rhree Two Four Under physiological condition, oxygen is binding (d) oxidation of alkene (e) oxygen storage ,,-{ $2 3. f 4. The geometric cross-section (in-barn) of 1.4 x 10-rt m a nucleus A:l25,ro approximately is One Q peptidase A l. 2 3. 4. ,.?. to HzCOt IV.Carboxy- AES) is argon carbon dioxide nitrous oxide hydrogen VJ/ ierminal pePide bond (b) methylation Ill.Cytochrome (c) conversion of COz The gas commonly used in generating plasma in Inductively Coupled PlasmaAtomic Emission Specfioscopy (ICP- l. 1.05 3. 2.05 Column B Oxyhemocyanin (a) hydmlysis of C- t II. Carbonic c l. A,BandC 2. B,CandD 3. A,CandD 4. A,BandD 73. A tg deoxyhemoglobin and deoxymyoglobin, the binding curve and its pH dependence, respedively,ary 77. - (d); Iv- (a) I-(e) ; II-(c) ; Iil-(a);W-(0 I-(f); II-(b); Iil-(c);IV-(a) I- (e) ; II-(d) ; Iil-(c);W-(a) Na[(ry5-C5H)Fe(CO)2] reacts with Brz to give A. Reaction of A with LiAFI4 results in B. The proton NMR spectrum of B consists of two singlets of relative intensity 5:1. Compounds A and B, respectively, ff€ J 1q5-c5H5;Fe(co)2Br and (rlt- ctgtFe(co)zH 2 ( ry4-Csutre(Co)28r2 and (ry4- 3. 4. crHtFe(co)2HBr t ry'.-' "4,r::t-s, rCto 18. The compoundthat undergoes *tO*"Y addition reaction in presence of Hu is l. 2. ,-{ 4. 79. r- yields a cyclic or polymeric product B. The products A and B respectively, are tMn(cQ)11Krlt-CrHr)Mo(Co)31- r ")''<"" -)''+'+ ttrq(coxpphr)zl [(ryt-CrHr)zR.eH] lH NMR spectrum of free benzene shows u at 7.2 ppm. The expected chemical shift (in ppm) of Cotk ligand in tH NMR spectmm of (ry6-gu11l)Cr(Co)rl and the reason for it, if any, is/ are l. 2 4.5 ; disruption of ring current 9.0 ; inductive effect 4. 2.5; combination of inductive effect and disruption of ring cunent Ph2. tfr (Ph:sio).(r =t,t or o ) ").,<0i.,(rn'.0 Ph-.- ,ro[ _-Si---oHand (ph2sio)o(n=3,4,oro ) Ph- ,t/ 4. ::>''<,, and,>.,<)',<: 3.7.2 80. -ao.. An aqueous solution of [Mn(HzO)o]2* ^r complex is pale pink in coior. T'he ,.-S{. According to Wade's rule, anion CzBqHrf probable reasons for it 6A1, ground presence of t^' are i. B. disallowed o"rri i"" state { u;r*; selection rule preserice of2T2r.eiorld 5tate charge transfer transition The correct answer A and nand C. D. 51. ,. adoPts V Stgso - - structure nido structure tf,,rorr t n{," is 84. The final product in the reaction of 2. C B [Cp*zThIi] with CO in an equimolar ratio is "{3. BandC CandD f4. , 1. cP*rrh-oa 81. The reaction of phosphorus trichloride \crr:-rhcp*r with phenyllithium in 1:3 molar ratio yields product , '.A', which on further treatment with methyl iodide produces 'B'. The reaction of B with'BuLi gives product 'C'. The products A, B ani C, 2. cp*2Th-s- \)-:rtcp'1 respectively, &re ' "n"*-o\^ ^,/:^. I3. F'nJl"Fl,$'ti;?*fi';lii"t PhlP=cHz pptrl,ipttpluteli, 4. 82. tPPh4lcl,ipfrrp:cnzll, The reaction tPh;P(Bu)lLi 4' betweendiphenyltlichloro- silaneandwater inl:Zmolarratiogives \cH'-Q'-1trsor' p '-'\ "o.rrr(l /"69 -*1ru51*"'Llt5;y( l*qY'tt.]I::" 85. spin-only magnetic moment and the' diketonates. like dpmH 89. The B spectroscopic ground statc term symbol of (dpmH : dipivaloylmethane) are used for manganes€ J"ntr. in [MnFo]3- ion the separation of lanthanides because Hindered complexes formed with dPmH can be separated bY 1. Gel Permeation chroma8ograPhy 2 Gas chromatograPhY 3. Gel filtration chromatograPhY r-4l lon exchange chromatograPhY is an whereas reaction, overall second order that of [Co(CN)6]3- is of first order' The rates depend in both cases solely on the concentiations of the cobalt complex' 86. Base hydrolysis of [CoCl(NH3)d2* 2 3. 4. This maY be due to A. presence of iorrizable proton in [CoCl(t'{H3)5]2* but not in 91. The spin-only (ps) and spinplus-orbital ns of [CrCl6]3-are (rs*r-) magned; BM 5.20 and 3.87 BM ..t 2.84 BM and 5.20 BM 3.87 BM and 6.34 BM 2.84 BM and 6.34 BM p ico(cN)ul' B. S*'.u mechanism in the case of g7. -Y't 88. AandB AandC 92. ComPlexes AandD 2. 4. BcHr \.4 M=Mn, -7.5;' M':Cr,4'10 2 M : Cr, 4.10; M' = Mn, -7'5 3. M=V,-7.5; M'=Cr,4'10 4. M = Mn, 10.22; M'= Fe,2'80 93. l2-Crown-4 binds withthe atkali metal ions in the following order: Li* >> Nat> r.> cf. It is due to the ,J/tightsize ofcation change in entropy being positive conformational flexibility of crown BsHs The main products of the reaction of equimolar quantities of XeFo with arg XeoFl, NaF and NozF XeOzFz, NaF, NOF and Fz XeOF+ NaNOz and Fz .-{ 2 3. 4. XeFa, NNOz NNOI 2. 3. 4. I.h ether hYdroPhobicitY of crown ether and FzO t'lI -) (o* Sr Tt, fA HM(CO)5 and I 8-electron [(ryt-CrHtM'(CO)3]2 obey ttre iule. Identify M and M' and their 'H NMR chemical shifts relative to TMS' B onlY to A borane (X) is reacted with ammoniailB ;il;iloruotonYaride (Y)' The Nft{n spectrum of Y consists of a triplet and a quintet. The borane X is BrHs l. BzHt 3. *ot \)/ 2 3. 4. [CoCl(NH3)5]2* onlY C. S*t.u mechanism in the case of lCo(CN)el3- onlY D. S*t., mechanism in both the complexes Corrcct exPlanation(s) iVare l. 2. 3. 4. ten Co-O and ten Co-N bonds fourteen Co-O and ten Ce-N bonds twelve Co-O and ten Co-N bonds 7u{' _ r,t,^r a ,o'*' |N-+rrr{+rl' ^ . $!hs't t\hrr l{ 4d+d . b^€und\nl GEry,* \ 16 94. The correct schematic molecular energy diagram for SF6 molecule is 1. -$\ (9; ^-&S''1 *i o '-fl :1 f,'F 9r| * Qn. F6 2. 95. a' Gel permeation chromatography can be used to separate which of the following A. Lanthanides B. Alkaline earths C. Fatty acids D. Low molecular weight peptides The correct answer is 2. 4. l. AandB .{cand D 96. BandC AandD The major product formed in the following reaction is toot>^aoot TrOH (cet) 2. BHS, THF 6tt 3. 1. Me2C(OMe)2, 3. H3O+ OsrO.., 1. q, o 2. \} b OH 3. "\} HOo* 4"p HO 17 The major product fonned in the transformation is 97. following 100' The major product of the following. reaction is 9o Jn{ 1.guzBOTf, r:PrzNEt 2' PhcHo *ulY"Ph oHo :ilv 2 Yfi"/Y-Ph 1. HsO*, *G{" o 3. -H -H Me Me 'r.r{ _"'tr: Ph ni.r--zMu , a$* , ab* Ph Me Yi'"\" Me il-rrM" OHOA ,rA4*-<.i hv , 2. NaOH 9HP *'$ry{ ,. - r. Ph ueu.,)-HH ai} 4GC it -H The product B in the following reaction 98. 101. The major product for the following reaition sequence is is Br2 (1 equiv) A excess Me2NH_> oil hexane, rt. l. M?rNr..-, t*FNMez MezNa-^ 2. ',,tNM€2 t- l=rz\-NMez Q 4. NMe2 oPh / "'**". o=P{-oPh N-= -XU", HN-' -t-O--t 99. The major product of the following reaction is l ' rur"o^T -ttz'I rtr"olf\. H-zN, I riY.\ ,,,Ao aeoW cF3co2H > o .Y\ ol-')7t;\o s/55 CSI/1+-1AE-?A "'r*, ""o"V ( , 3. Y"g*"\:-'l'r6f 4. #-*n and B in the following reaction sequence are Z\:-r \ ru"oA/J rr,reo-)'o-'1 102. The products A .-4 l. ".rioi 2. Meo'v Meo"' 2. (ococF3 ',,,ro 0 -= ^ffi#'.'; '+#1* C+" 18 Y l.A 2, o ry A: o l--( \-/ B: + fr^N.ffi o 0T v 3.A f-c{r R.rctl6 o T. L 1C PPlr! B. oo q**.aod+ q-.", :, FOO$ Aril o f 4,A \ @ F* 8:O OH 103. The products A and B in the following reaction sequence are rue3sl---\^1u't* aortaglaatral \:.v,O smt2 > A THF, EtO{ ue.fr_O- /.,v,Cctr{l . l. 3. +' G&lotl I /,r.@/.]',t A-P, B-Q, C-R A-P, B.R, C-Q 2. 4. . B: t*n) k, HrtOr A-Q, B-R, C-P A-Q, B-P, C-R 105. The products A and B in the following reaction sequence are *--v-Y;,+ff:-^ k*I A: '' *"4,r I) Q*"}-i 2.xo 'oH 8,o ,rHr,.)L*, Up ",^u,.)L*n oo,c>--\ (-) oo{ Sillca A: 3 A: B; "{Ci'* "tei'' MesSi EocHll J3''" B o \_1 \-/ "oa 2 -d Eqcl{--llco,Gi H ,t \-/ ' o n"1},"n, t'n*T,*-B{ o t, I' srN'Y) oy,rn, fu"- !_"n,^_.-\ O"" V,rn, Silte! 4' A: 't o=1-l^f rz\-o 106. The major product of the following reaction b". 104. The correct combinations of the reactions and the reagents are o rtl"-.-A [_j r Q*n 2. Br--r cooEt \-J /-\ NC 'H A 3. H2O, OH' 4.H* s/55 CSU14-1AE-28 is 19 ot- o o \,u" 'rK\_ l. tnt-( X 2. o h Et .) rN p6s' 11,)-{'€t ) *sN\-- CI+r to.u" G-1t. 6or,r. A: ET o \r" 3. **,ffi-- *JA-_ 2. -N iorr'lu iorr,ro A: *t) rsPh .lv.J rN rN 3. *Jti--'- A: 107. The major product of the following ET Coruu . rsft IH MsOOc r\NCcN /t. A: . tnt) ffi>" lll Nc cN { \"L,)-- rn reaction is \2 \__// n+rsPh \Z^-N ryF'Et \ o // Pns^N1o>-\_1 o ["vt' Y N \ EIO2C heat I 109. The major product formed in the following NMe2 reaction sequence is ,. MezN{rPctr 2. NMe2 Mezl'l J 3 1. ErCOCl, Et3N 2. LDA, THF,.78 OH 3.A rd-aoMoM \cj CN 4. H3O' 5. CH2N2 ""^sf* ocoEt A IY NC NC oc, TMSct fi-y/-oMoM tus^o CNCN )L(cH a,) \a-ouou 4. rvrezN{_r[ xooc-rAd ro{ (-\J ,t. r-OMOM ueOOc-Acii I Me Me 10B. The products A and B in the following structures of A and B are, respectively, reaction sequence are " ^ / =N^sPt /\Y\ V-nh"** 3q* ' t.TBAF.Mccil,5dc o o ,r.Ao\t 110. In the following reaction sequence, the "'lD HGd A OH -+ tl /.t io. PPh3 imkJazole 12, -+ AcN- Y- '8, Zn, Pd(dPP0Cl2 (cat) Cul (cat) 20 l. A-P;B-R;C-P 2 A-R;B-Q;C-P 3. A-R;B-P;C-Q 4. A-Q;B-R;C-S. /\ 1. Boc-N\_J)-t CN .,-4\nf\-o' *< \_J 3 *flo' 'r€I=CF"' 4. "*)ot tr13. The following reaction gives a product (racemic) which exhibits the following NMR data: rH NMR: 62.67 (2H, s), 5.60 (2H, s) pprn; r3c NMR: 6 lzo.3, l2g.o,lo5.o, 25.4 ppm. The structure of the product (racemic) is NC Me etooc.-Jo-,Br 111. In the following reaction sequence, the structure of the product is aq. NaoH ------------'- ""Ao\ A 1. Hooc- -cooH Me I 1. DIEAL-H (1.1 equiv), ho(ane -28 oC Me 2. 1{ 2. CICH2COOH, diethyl azodicarboxytate Me PPh3 3. LiAtH4 **A*o, 3. Hooc- ',cooH n. Ho@- -cooH \14. The reactive intermediate and the product 'Me H formed in the following reaction are -OH Me. /^-+-^ 3. l12. t't"\--l/ H .r'",rr-r/o-.--\. Me "'M" Me Me -nru 4. 1. Free radical 2 The conect combination of the following reactions and their p values is Entry Reaction Entry A P p value + 2.01 ArO-+Etlin a - 0.99 EtOH ArCO2Et + aq NaOI{ in EIOH R ArNH2 + PhCOClin B C benzene 3. 4. (n-Bu3sn)2 Y-l O BF3'OEt2, hv and 4-iodomethyloxepan-2- one Free radical and 5-iodooxacan-2-one Carbene and 3-oxabicyclo[S. 1.0]octane2-one - Carbene and (E)-5-iodopent-3-en- I -yl acetate , 115. The major product formed in the following reaction sequence is 1. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde, H* S -2.69 + 0.78 2. DIBAL-H, - 78 to - 40 oC .14 zt major product of the reaction is XlE. The I 2 eueofS 1xo following Me 1.Zn,AcOH * 2. PhSeNa 3. n'-CPBA, heat tVte ta\ \l//'.. itle ' = 18 Hz),6.75 (1H, d,J:8 2' nuAoAo Mu\ 1. lrie*\gAO 116. An organic compound having molecular formula CroHrzoz exhibits the following spectral data: Ii{: 34oo (br), l6oo cm-r. 'H NMR, 6 1.85 (3H, d, J = 6 Hz), 3.8 (3H, s), 5.0 (1H, s, DzO exchangeable), 6.0 (1H, dq, J= 18, 6 Hz),6.28 (1H, d, \ f-\ n*fJ,-n u rde'{sAc o o ur.--^-\Aor,,, J Hz),6'8 (1H, n19. The major product of the following reaction is J: 8 Hz) PPm; s), 6.90 {1H, d, '3cNhrlR, a 146.5, 144.0,131.0, 130.5, 123.0, 119.0, i14.0, 108.0,55.0, 18"0 ppm. The structure of the eompound is .z1,Cl'lO V*"v 1. Ci-l3NHCl-l2cooH, Et3N, DMI: 2. leat I Ts I ,r\*,\.Me lt'l ; 1. HONY ,r^\r-\ 2. ^oP OMe lri 117. In the following reaction l'l.lN-r\ sequence, the N I vx FOrpt' .\-1, ir i'ule. reagents X and Y are, resPectivelY, . oH x ,.s.-l li Y)o bo ,-_r'\^n-y' HO.Y o6trtu 4. OMe y Ts Forpt ffi"oo', o 1, X = PhSOzH,8F3.OEI2 and Y = CHz=CH@OEI' BF3'OEI2 2. X = 1. PhSH, PTSA; 2. rn-CPBA and Y = CHz=CHCOOEI, BF3'O€I2 3. X = PhSOgH, BF3OEI2 and Y = LDA, CH2=CHCOOEI 4. X = 1. PhSH. PTSA: 2. nTCPBA and Y = LDA, CHz=CHCOOEI \ r:-V-i lll N" ,'\'-M" ot 'lr--l t{ ,i'lr,.l ,t-C OMe ri:-" -f 3. il",'le. ot" 4. o(yi' 120. The major products ^A. and B formed in tire following reaction sequence are o A lll\, 1. MeMgBr, Et2O '.LDA,rHF Oet 2. |CH2CH2CH2C| A 2. H3O* 22 o The value of k1 will be &:" '^^&*, 8: ot* o 2. _4 A. 123. The low hv/k QYt 4. l. 2. 3. J. r^o d* A: lAlrn/k_ \\^' B: and high temperature limits of vibrational partition function are (0 "l-\\* A: - lAluz 4. o o 3. k_ = ) e-o/r and, f,e-en ,_0/zr utd f,e-elzr e-elzr {d lue-elT ,-0/2r und 9 r-e1zr T oEr 124. The probability of finding the harmonic oscillator in the energy level n = 1 is 121. For a gaseous reacrion, ZNO(g) * Cl2(g) -+ (neglect zero point energy and assume Non-linear T. S. -+ 2N0Cl, the prehv = ksT) exponential factor in the rate constant is . proportional to l. 3. ' Ttlz 2. T-Llz T-s(z 4. T-712 122. Species A undergoes a unimolecular reaction as follows: kr A+A _ A*{rp kr. A++A lAluz. f when pressure of ^4 is 2. 4. L/2 [Hint: For this reaction, the first order rate constant at high pressure is k-. The first order rate 2. 4. e2 e-21e - t'1 125. A particle in a l-dimentional box of length Z is perturbed by a delta function potential, 6(x - L/2), in the middle of the box. The first order energy correction to the ground state will be +l-/o I 3. k constant becomes l. e 3. L- e-2 2/L I-I fU>X, - a)dx = f(a)l 126. The operators.Sl are defined by Sr=SrtfSy, c^ gk where S, and S, are components of the spin angular momentum operator. The g commutator [Sr,S*] is c. o 6' g {o *"/' ii z. 4. hs_ -h.s_ 23 I27. A.quantum particle with fixed initial energy Eo <V is allowed to strike the following four baniers seprately. The transmission probability is maximum in 1. 2. {l]: A l3l. At high pressure, the fugacity coefficient. ofa real gas is greater than one, because attractive term overweighs the repulsive term 2. repulsive term overweighs the attractive l. ter.m 3. repulsive term is equal to the attractive term 4. the system is independent of both the athactive and repulsive terms ;=l-llt' 128. Given the following two relations, xtdlq* x2d.1tr=g (A) and x$V1* x2dV, = g, (B) for a binary liquid mixture at constant temperature and pressure, the true statement is that, both the relations'are correct. 1. 2. relation A is conec! but B is not. 3. relation B is correct, but A is not. 4. both the relations are incorrect, except for very dilute solutions. n29. rlf 2. 3. 4. . 2. 3. 4. EPR spectrum of a free radical containing nuclei with nonzero nuclear spin is obtained if &e following selcction rules are observed: 1. Amr=0, A*r=0 2. Am, = +1, Amr = g 3. Am, = f1, Ams - +1 4. Am, = 0, Am; = +1 t Do(H) - - Do(Hl) - r(H) + r(H2) = Do(H) + I(H) + I(Hz) Do{iii) = Do(iiz) - i(f,) - i(iiz) Do(Ht) 133. The character kble of C2, point group is given below. In cls-butadiene molecule the vibrational modes belonging to A2 ineducible representation are /R inactive. The remaining IR active modes are the bond length of a heteronuclear diatomic molecule is greater in the upper vibrational state, the gap between the successive absorption lines of P-branch f increases nonJinearly decreasesnonJinearly increases linearly decreases linearly 130.- 132. If Do(A) and /(l) refer respectively to the dissociation energy and ionization potential ofl (where I is either H, H2,or I/2* species), the correct relation among the following is 1. Do(H) = oo(Hi) + I(H) - I(Hz) o I cru E Cz 4,, I I B1 I I I B" I -I -1 A" -L o!. I 1 I t z,x2,y2,z Rr, Xll x,Ru,xz Rr,lZ '1 , 1 I l. 2 7AL+lBL+BB2 gAL+4BL+782 3.7A1+3P|-+782 \-A/ sh + 3h + BBz 134. Thc product o'v.S"+ (.Sf is the four fold improper axis of rotation around the z axis, and oxt is the reflection in the xy plane) is 2. 4. ci.i. cf ;{a" 24 135. A solid consisting of only X atoms has a close-packed structure with X-X distance of 160 pm. Assuming it to be a closedpacked sfiucture of hard spheres with radius equal to half of the X-X bond length, the number would be l. 3. atoms 2. 4. 6.023 x t027 6.02 x t}2t 136. Fuel cells provide of clean in 1cm3 3.45 x 1023 3.8 x 1021 3. 4. function co4rc(s) *torfu) -> 4co2(fi l. 3. '/ V of 2. 4. A 't' 1. 2 l4l. ? 2. 4. 1+krklo . llsoc(l) 1s6a(1)l ke[^A]o rl4l, L+ktlAlo ttH; tDro,tDro.tDro are T2 6 bondwave function of H2 molecule is (Is oa, lsoB, ts6a, ls t g are atomic spinorbitals of hyilpgen atoms a and b of the hydrogenmolecule) r+kt[Ala tDro,tDro EosE <Er A Slater determinant corresponding to the ionic part ofthe ground state vilence l1s"a(1) 1s6p(1)l ltsoa(Z) Ls6Be)l 1+t o<E<Eo microstates that. '" 138. The configuration [Ne]2p13p1 has a 3D term. Its levels are E< of 144 possible, when two particles are distributed in four states such that the resulting wave functions are antisymmetric with respect to lLsoc(L) lsop(1)l ftsoa(Z) ts"Fe)l polymerization (overall second order) reaction is a J' 2. 4. F>o E>Er ,r' r in any stepwise condensation r. - o)e-" yields an average will satisfr l.t6 3.8 137. The fraction of groups condensed at time -€ tDo exchange of the particles, is sHzO(r) 1. 3. (3 14!. The number * I-flhe change in the Gibbs free energy this reaction is 2746.06 kf mol=l, involving 26 electrons, its open circuit voltage is 1.55 v 3.1s v 2.06V N2 energy E, it electical energy If 'Dr,'D,tDr, 143. 132. For some one-electon system with I 0 = 1?' and m 0, the functions N6e-d and = Nr(Z - o)s-ol'z refer respectively to the ground (E.d and fir$t excited (Er) energy levels. If a variational wave to a variety' of applications including automobiles and stationary power sources. Normally hydrogen combines with oxygen to give electrical energy and water. we use butane instead of hydrogen at 1.0 bar and 29g K, the following reaction <!ccurs: 3D3,3D2,3D1 lLs"u(2) 1s6c(z)l llsoa(l) lsep(l)l ^" llsoa(l) 1s6p(z)l 142. When T + @,value of the single-particle partition function will be (given: degcneracf oflevelj:gr.) l. I 3. \i si 2. So 4. ll|,i 9i tr 2_J 145. Among the fol lowing figures 143. Th9 rate constant for a reaction Il n /1++84++P is measured in two different iln rpj W aqueous and ionic strengfts 0.01 of 0:04 M. If ,logko- solutions t $ l. 1 p 0.3, the charge n on B is closest'to 2.2 4.6 : 3.3 the variations of mass adsorbed with for a monolayer and a multilayer are represented by l. AandCrespectively 2 Aand B respectively 3. CandArespectively 4. BandArespectively pressrue electron charge on the cental carbon atom inpropenyl cation (CHyCHCH)+ is (in units of electonic charge) 2. lrn : 3. I 4.2 ! p p 144. Accordingto Hiickel ft*ry, the n 1. L/2 I Rough \ \\ ts))"\s"L .\ ors)r : t Itfy (cr\t'' \nt \- o*\ \ itr" \ E\/ N\ 'o,i -!f .*"n \ (o n-4nfn tt i\t'Mlr' {:"?7*'^)t^ -\\ s/55CSVI4-|AE-3 ,5 /l rJ$v{r/ I\ ]lri)lL,ot 4 n\ ^$q /l v.r$"
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