GAURAPAD CHARITIES NEW BILLIONAIRE COMPENSATION PLAN OUR MISSION STATEMENT • Our mission is to provide holistic well- being to society through unique and highly effective health care products, whilst creating economic freedom for all involved. We will help our partners to be the best they can be, so that, together, we will improve the lives of others and build initiatives to enhance world peace and enlightenment. Who we are • Gaurapad Charities is a Transdermal Specialist Company, in partnership with Ionics Research (USA), specializing in the research & development of transdermal products for supporting various health issues. • Our products have provided succor to many of our citizens who are languishing in physical and financial pain. OUR GUIDING PRINCIPLE To help people stay healthy and make money! Ways you can earn with us You can earn by SELLING: You can earn retail profit of up to 50% on sales of our products. By BUILDING YOUR TEAM strategically: You can earn between 3 to 15% bonus from your down lines purchases up to 5 levels! By BECOMING A LEADER: As you promote yourself to be a leader and motivate your team members to become leaders themselves, you can earn in addition to Level overrides (normal bonuses), Turbo Infinity Bonus from level 6 and beyond, and Generation Overrides (Leader’s special bonuses). OUR AMAZING OFFER Our compensation plan is a UNILEVEL GENERATION HYBRID. This plan will increase your earnings significantly by providing you with bonuses on unlimited direct down lines up to five levels, and beyond. It means that you can introduce or sponsor unlimited number of persons into the system. Each person(s) you introduce can also introduce unlimited number of persons as well. We don’t restrict how big your organization is and you will be rewarded for all your hard work. You You can earn from level 1 to 5 according to your Title. You can earn from Level 1 to 5 according to you Title Unlimited Direct Downlines Level 1 Level overrides Level 2 Level 3 Unlimited downlines Level 4 Level 5 can earn mmore ore from level 6 to deep infinity through Level override and Turbo Infinity You can earnfrom to infinitely “Turbo Infinity” You canYou earn more level 6 and beyond “Turbo Infinity” HOW TO START: • • • • • • • • • Each individual will be required to register with N4,000 only. The registration fee entitles the individual to the business starter’s pack. This includes: Branded Gaurapad folder DVD ( Testimonial) Membership card Complete marketing plan and products brochure The mandatory initial purchase is set at 20,000 PV and product selection for this value is at the individual’s discretion. Initial Purchase must be completed within the month of registration. Uncompleted purchases will be forfeited and the member will have to restart the following month. Uplines will not earn commission/bonus and rank from uncompleted downline purchases. The fulfillment of the above criteria confers the title of a Distributor 1. To move to the next titles and eventually climb to the top, other requirements need to be met to include maintaining active leg(s), a monthly personal volume (PV), team volume (TV) and downline volume (DV) DEFINITION OF TERMS LEG: A first level distributor and his or her entire downlines. ACTIVE: A distributor must maintain at least 5000 Personal Volume to be considered ACTIVE. ACTIVE LEG: Any first level distributor and their entire downline where at least one distributor is considered ACTIVE. LEVEL: This is the position of a distributor in relation to their upline or downline. Personal Volume (PV): The total qualifying volume of a single distributor from orders placed personally. Team Volume (TV): is the qualifying volume from a distributor and his/her entire downline, down five levels, regardless of title. For qualifying purposes, NO MORE than HALF of the Team Volume can come from any one (1) leg. Down line volume (DV): is the total qualifying volume from a distributor and his/her entire downline organization. It includes ALL downline distributors regardless of title. For qualifying purposes, NO MORE than HALF of the Downline Volume can come from any one (1) leg. COMMISSIONABLE VOLUME: This is the volume of purchases on which commission/bonus can be paid. This is based on wholesale price. Note that antitoxin malarine and all supplements have 85% of commissionable ratio, not 100%, for downlines commission/bonus. PAID-AS TITLES You are paid at the title for which you qualify for in the paid month, not for the title you have attained (career title) in the past. For example, if you have attained the career title of Director1, but you satisfy the requirement of a Distributor3 in a particular month, you will be paid as a Distributor3 but your title remains Director1 unless you are promoted. PHASE 1 TITLES DISTRIBUTOR 1 DISTRIBUTOR 2 DISTRIBUTOR 3 MANAGER 1 MANAGER 2 MANAGER 3 DIRECTOR 1 ( TEAM MANAGER) TITLE LEG REQUIREMENT DISTRIBUTOR 1 DISTRIBUTOR 2 DISTRIBUTOR 3 MANAGER 1 MANAGER 2 MANAGER 3 SUBMITTED A SIGNED APPLICATION 1 ACTIVE LEG 2 ACTIVE LEGS 3 ACTIVE LEGS 3 DIST2 LEGS 3 DIST3 LEGS DIRECTOR 1 DIRECTOR 2 DIRECTOR 3 AMBASSADOR 1 AMBASSADOR 2 PERSONAL VOLUME ( PV) _ TEAM VOLUME(TV) DOWNLINE VOLUME (DV) _ _ 5000 7500 10,000 12,500 15,000 30,000 55,000 100,000 - 3 MGR1 LEGS 15,000 150,000 - 3 MGR3 LEGS 3 DIR1 LEGS 3 DIR2 LEGS + 1 DIR. 1 LEG 3 DIR3 LEGS + 2 DIR. 1 LEGS 15,000 15,000 15,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 300,000 600,000 1,500,000 15,000 150,000 4,000,000 (must maintain 1 new Dir1 in the last 12 months promoted from your personal group) AMBASSADOR ELITE 3 AMB1 LEGS + 3 DIR 15,000 1 LEGS 150000 PRESIDENT 3 AMB2 LEGS + 3 DIR 15,000 1 LEGS 150000 10,000,000 (must maintain 1 new Dir1 in the last 12 months promoted from your personal group) 20,000,000 (must maintain 1 new Dir1 in the last 12 months promoted from your personal group) PHASE 1 BONUSES Paid-as Title DIST.2 DIST.3 MGR.1 MGR.2 MGR.3 DIR.1 Fast Start Bonus level 1 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Fast Start Bonus level 2 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% LEVEL 1 5% 7% 10% 10% 10% 10% 3% 4% 5% 6% 3% 4% 5% 3% 5% LEVEL 2 DIST.1 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 3% Advancement Award Value N8,000 N12,000 N20,000 N50,000 Time Frame 3 months 5months 7 months None PHASE 1 COMPENSATIONS New Recruit (Fast start) Level 1-5 normal bonuses One time Advancement award bonuses Matching bonuses for new manager 1 and new director 1 titles RETAIL PROFIT You can earn retail profit of up to 50% from selling our products. FAST START BONUS Instant reward for you, when you enroll a new member. You earn 5% on the total purchase of all your new 1st level downlines, and also earn 3% on the total purchase of your 2nd level downlines consecutively, for a period of 4 months All titles can be paid if they meet this requirement. DIST.1 Fast Start Bonus level 1 Fast Start Bonus level 2 DIST.2 DIST.3 MGR.1 MGR.2 MGR.3 DIR.1 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% RANK ADVANCEMENT AWARD This is the award distributors receive as soon as they are promoted to the next title. Begins at MANAGER 1 to PRESIDENT LEVEL. It is a one-time award, received within the PROMOTION TIME FRAME up to MGR 3 title only, as indicated in the table. To receive an advancement award for Manager 1 and higher, you must maintain the desired rank for any two (2) consecutive months within the first twelve (12) months of promotion. TITLE Advancement Award Value Promotion Time frame TITLE ADVANCEMENT AWARD VALUE DIST.1 DIST.2 DIST.3 MGR.1 MGR.2 None None None N8,000 N12,000 N20,000 N50,000 3months 5months 7months None --- DIR 2 Galaxy Tab --- DIR 3 N250,000 --- AMB 1 =N=500,000 or Land or Trip AMB 2 =N=1,000,000 Cash!!! MGR.3 DIR.1 AMB ELITE PRESIDENT =N=3,000,000 or a brand New Car =N=10,000,000 or N 2M for all expense paid USA Trip AND N8M for a New House MATCHING BONUS • This bonus is awarded to uplines whose downlines promote to higher ranks. For new MANAGER 1 and new DIRECTOR 1 only. • New Manager 1 Bonus N8,000 (Your Downline) • Matching Manager 1 Bonus N8,000 (You-Upline) • New Director 1 Bonus N50,000 (Your Downline) • Matching Director1 Bonus N50, 000 (You-Upline) • To receive the bonus, the upline must BE ON THE SAME RANK OF THE PROMOTED DOWNLINE OR A HIGHER RANK. • MATCHING BONUS WILL BE PAID TO THE UPLINE WHEN THE PROMOTED DOWNLINE HAS MET ALL THE ADVANCEMENT REQUIREMENT Let’s summarize your earnings for each Title again! Distributor 2 COMPENSATIONS Fast Start Bonus Level 1= 5% for 1st 3mths PV= 5000 You Fast Start Bonus Level 2= 3% for 1st 3mths Level 1 normal bonus=5% Your Active leg can be on any level Active Distributor 3 PV= 7500 COMPENSATIONS Fast Start Bonus Level 1= 5% for 1st 3mths You Fast Start Bonus Level 2= 3% for 1st 3mths Level 1 normal bonus = 7% Your active legs can be on any level Active Active MANAGER 1 PV= 10,000 TV=30,000 YOU COMPENSATIONS Fast Start Bonus Level 1= 5% for 1st 3 mths Fast Start Bonus Level 2= 3% for 1st 3mths Level 1 override= 10% Level 2 override= 3% Advancement Bonus= N8000 (3months) Matching Manager 1 Bonus= N8000 Active Active Active At least 1 person in each leg must have 5000PV to be active. Active leg can be on any level. No one leg can have over 50% of TV. MANAGER 2 PV=12,500 TV=55,000 COMPENSATION Fast Start Bonus Level 1= 5% for 1st 3mths Fast Start Bonus Level 2= 3% for 1st 3mths Level 1 normal bonus= 10% Level 2 normal bonus= 4% Level 3 normal bonus= 3% YOU D2 A D2 A D2 A Advancement Award Value =N12,000 (Time frame: 5months) At least 1 person in each leg must have 5000PV to be active. Active leg can be on any level. No 1 leg can have over 50% of TV. MANAGER 3 PV=15,000 TV=100,000 COMPENSATION Fast Start Bonus Level 1= 5% for 1st 3mths Fast Start Bonus Level 2= 3% for 1st 3mths Level 1 override = 10% Level 2 override= 5% Level 3 override= 4% Level 4 override= 3% Advancement Award Value =N20,000 (Time frame: 7months) YOU D3 D3 D3 At least 1 person in each leg must have 5000PV to be active. Active leg can be on any level. No 1 leg can have more than 50% of TV. DIRECTOR 1 PV=15,000 TV=150,000 YOU COMPENSATIONS M1 A A M1 A A A M1 A A A A Fast Start Bonus Level 1= 5% for 1st 3mths Fast Start Bonus Level 2= 3% for 1st 3mths Level 1 override= 10% Level 2 override= 6% Level 3 override= 5% Level 4 override= 5% Level 5 override= 3% Matching Dir. 1 Bonus = N50,000 Advancement Award value= N50,000 (no time frame) At least 1 person in each leg must have 5000PV to be active. Active leg can be on any level. No 1 leg can have 50% of TV. PHASE 2 BEGINS PHASE 2 TITLES DIRECTOR 2 DIRECTOR 3 AMBASSADOR 1 AMBASSADOR 2 AMBASSADOR ELITE PRESIDENT TITLE LEG REQUIREMENT DISTRIBUTOR 1 DISTRIBUTOR 2 DISTRIBUTOR 3 MANAGER 1 MANAGER 2 MANAGER 3 SUBMITTED A SIGNED APPLICATION 1 ACTIVE LEG 2 ACTIVE LEGS 3 ACTIVE LEGS 3 DIST2 LEGS 3 DIST3 LEGS DIRECTOR 1 DIRECTOR 2 DIRECTOR 3 AMBASSADOR 1 AMBASSADOR 2 PERSONAL VOLUME ( PV) _ TEAM VOLUME(TV) DOWNLINE VOLUME (DV) _ _ 5000 7500 10,000 12,500 15,000 30,000 55,000 100,000 - 3 MGR1 LEGS 15,000 150,000 - 3 MGR3 LEGS 3 DIR1 LEGS 3 DIR2 LEGS + 1 DIR. 1 LEG 3 DIR3 LEGS + 2 DIR. 1 LEGS 15,000 15,000 15,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 300,000 600,000 1,500,000 15,000 150,000 4,000,000 (must maintain 1 new Dir1 in the last 12 months promoted from your personal group) AMBASSADOR ELITE 3 AMB1 LEGS + 3 DIR 15,000 1 LEGS 150000 PRESIDENT 3 AMB2 LEGS + 3 DIR 15,000 1 LEGS 150000 10,000,000 (must maintain 1 new Dir1 in the last 12 months promoted from your personal group) 20,000,000 (must maintain 1 new Dir1 in the last 12 months promoted from your personal group) PHASE 2 BONUSES TITLE DIR 2 DIR 3 AMB 1 AMB 2 AMB ELITE PRESIDENT LEVEL 1 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% LEVEL 2 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% LEVEL 3 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% LEVEL 4 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% LEVEL 5 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% TURBO INFINITY 0.5% BONUS 1% 1.5% 2% 2.5% 3% ADVANCEMENT AWARD VALUE A projector, TV AND Laptop or =N=250,000 =N=500,000 or Land or Trip =N=1,000,000 Cash!!! =N=3,000,000 or a brand New Car =N=10,000,000 or N 2M for all expense paid USA Trip AND N8M for a New House Galaxy Tab PHASE 2 COMPENSATIONS ALL the bonuses described in Phase 1 Endless bonuses (Turbo Infinity) Advancement awards Leader’s Special bonus (Generation overrides) LET’S EXPLAIN YOUR ADDITIONAL BONUSES TURBO INFINITY: You receive this bonus in the leaders’ phase of your career from your downlines’ purchases, from level 6 and beyond. This bonus will payout up to 5% on an order. GENERATION OVERRIDE OR THE BUILDING LEADERS REWARD This is paid to a Director 2 and higher, on commissionable volume from their downline generations (each leader’s entire team). A generation is the relationship between one Director1 or higher and another Director1 or higher, based on Paid As Title. TITLE DIR 2 DIR 3 AMB 1 AMB 2 AMB PRESIDENT ELITE GENERATION 1 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% GENERATION 2 GENERATION 3 GENERATION 4 GENERATION 5 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% DIRECTOR 2 PV=15,000 TV=150,000 DV=300,000 YOU M3 M3 M3 COMPENSATIONS Level 1 override= 10% Level 2 override= 6% Level 3 override= 5% Level 4 override= 5% Level 5 override= 3% Turbo infinity Bonus = 0.5% Generation override level 1=2 % Advancement Award value Galaxy Tab DIRECTOR 3 PV=15,000 TV=150,000 DV=600,000 YOU DIR1 DIR1 DIR1 COMPENSATIONS Level 1 Bonus= 10% Level 2 Bonus= 6% Level 3 Bonus= 5% Level 4 Bonus= 5% Level 5 Bonus= 3% Turbo infinity Bonus = 1% Generation override level1=2 % Generation override level 2=2% Advancement Award Value N250,000 OR a projector, a TV and a Laptop AMBASSADOR 1 PV=15,000 TV=150,000 DV=1,500,000 YOU COMPENSATIONS Level 1 override= 10% Level 2 override= 6% Level 3 override= 5% Level 4 override= 5% Level 5 override= 3% Turbo infinity Bonus = 1.5% DIR2 DIR2 DIR2 DIR1 Generation override Level 1 to 3 = 2 % each Advancement Award Value Land or Trip AMBASSADOR 2 (3 DIRECTOR3 + 2 DIRECTOR1 LEGS) Note: Diagram is for illustration purposes only. All active legs cannot fit on to this screen. Graphic Illustration for Ambassador 2 PV= 15,000 TV= 150,000 DV= 4,000,000 (must maintain 1 new Dir1 in the last 12 months From your personal group) Example 2, an Ambassador2 is eligible for the bonuses in phase 2 (leader’s phase): Level 1 bonus on commissionable volume of downlines on level 1 purchases – 10% Level 2 bonus on commissionable volume of downlines on level 2 purchases – 6% Level 3 bonus on commissionable volume of downlines on level 3 purchases – 5% An Ambassador 2 earns the bonuses indicated below: AMBASSADOR 2 BONUSES Level 1 bonus 10% Level 2 bonus 6% Level 3 bonus 5% Level 4 bonus 5% Level 5 bonus 3% One Time Advancement Bonus of N 1,000,000 cash Generation earnings on Generation 1 leaders Generation earnings on Generation 2 leaders Generation earnings on Generation 3 leaders Generation earnings on Generation 4 leaders 2% 2% 2% 2% WHAT NEXT? AMBASSADOR ELITE PRESIDENT You are receiving bonuses EVERY STEP OF THE WAY from your entire organization! Let’s summarize your earning opportunities again! You can earn by SELLING: You can earn retail profit of up to 50% on sales of our products. By BUILDING YOUR TEAM strategically: You can earn between 3 to 15% bonus of your down lines purchases up to 5 levels! By BECOMING A LEADER: As you promote yourself to be a leader and motivate your team members to become leaders themselves, you can earn in addition to the Level Overrides (normal level bonuses), TURBO INFINITY from level 6 & beyond and also earn Generation overrides (Leader’s Special bonuses). We restate our mission to provide a platform for thousands of unemployed, widowed, students and professional networkers to establish their own independent sources of income. We develop safe, effective and affordable well being products to provide succor to millions of people who are in physical and financial pain. The underlying principle of our plan is to help you be successful in building your business and reward you for all your hard work. take Register PURCHASE PRODUCTS Share the business opportunity with others book a business planning meeting THE DOORS OF OPPORTUNITY ARE MARKED..PUSH. GAURAPAD WILL HELP YOU REALISE YOUR DREAM! ...get started Join us...Today! Take that step Let’s stay healthy and make money!!!!! HAPPY… GAURAPAD!
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