WORSHIP December 28, 2014 T O D AY Volume 1 | Issue 43 | 11 a.m. Worship Service | CHRISTMASTIDE INSIDE A Note from Mike Order of Worship Pastoral Search UPDATE Taizé Service JAN 9 CoH Membership Class Children’s Church 2014 Year in Review A Note from Mike Dear Friends, WELCOME to Worship! Cathedral of Hope, is a congregation of the United Church of Christ. Your presence here is a blessing to us and we hope you will return often. Cathedral of Hope began in 1970 with a circle of 12 friends and has since grown into the world’s largest liberal Christian church with a primary outreach to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning people. •The VISION of Cathedral of Hope is to be a community of hope proclaiming God’s inclusive love, removing barriers to faith and empowering all people to grow in grace toward wholeness. •The MISSION of Cathedral of Hope is to reclaim Christianity as a faith of Extravagant Grace, Radical Inclusion and Relentless Compassion. Notes for Newcomers Restrooms are located near the double glass doors behind the Sanctuary. Private restrooms are available off the hall to the right of the Hall of Heroes area. For more information about the church, please come to the Ministry & Visitor’s Center located next to Sources of Hope bookstore. Our worship services are recorded for broadcast around the country. We make every effort to respect your privacy. However, if you would like to ensure that you are not seen on screen, please sit in one of the last five rows of pews in the center section. Large-print bulletins and assisted listening systems are available in the bookstore. H O P E Quotes “The music was sensational. I shared [12/14 service] with my friends here in Peru. The new sound and video is great. Sad about Shelley. I was hoping she would be around when I return to Dallas to be married.” — C.C., Huanchaco, Peru On this First Sunday of Christmas I want to introduce myself more fully and share some thoughts regarding today’s sermon, A Baby Changes Everything. If I were a visiting preacher asked for a biographical sketch it might say, among other things, “Mike is a progressive pastor, long-time youth minister, and prophetic justice advocate. Called both rebel and heretic, Mike’s message is simple. ‘God loves you and there’s nothing you can do about it!’ God created and accepts you just the way they are.” I was raised in and served a once prophetic church that, after years of decline, became increasingly closed and exclusive. Years into that relationship I realized I was supporting a system that protected privilege and power for a heterosexist status quo. I finally repented—turned around—and began speaking up for the excluded. Speaking truth to privilege, however, invites suspicion, fear, rumor and gossip. As most of us know, embracing inclusiveness and hospitality makes a lot of Christians really angry. I finally got angry, too, and walked away. By grace God mysteriously brought me—a straight guy who strives to earn the adjective ally—to serve as interim pastor at CoH Mid-Cities and eventually here as an associate pastor. I’m grateful to have been welcomed, affirmed, nurtured and loved at the Cathedral of Hope. I have found a “safe, brave space” where I can be what my spouse, Kathy, and son, Matt, describe as my true, authentic self. I get to be a pastor who proclaims and seeks to live compassion, inclusion, liberation and hope for all people without fear of being tried or defrocked. I thank you all for the opportunity to live and serve among you. Our Gospel reading today tells the story of Mary and Joseph taking Jesus to the Temple for the first time. While there, they encounter two aging prophets, Simeon and Anna, who have waited years for Jesus’ birth. Directed by the Holy Spirit, Simeon takes Jesus in his arms and praises God. The hopes of Simeon and Israel have come to fruition. Jesus has come into the world, bringing Good News. Mary’s song, Magnificat, speaks of Jesus as one who will “bring down the powerful, lift up the lowly, fill the hungry with good things, and send the rich away empty.” Simeon’s song, Nunc Dimittis, speaks of Jesus as the one “who will bring salvation.” These songs, echoing words of the Old Testament prophets, proclaim A Baby Changes Everything. Howard Thurman makes this message clear in his poem, “The Work of Christmas,” sung recently by the CoH Choir. “When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock, The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry, To release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations, To bring peace among people, To make music in the heart.” —Rev. Mike Wright-Chapman STAFF Rev. Shelley Hamilton Assoc. Pastor for Social Services shamilton@rcdallas.org Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña Assoc. Pastor for Congregación Latina albertom@cathedralofhope.com Rev. Todd Scoggins Assoc. Pastor for Congregational Life tscoggins@cathedralofhope.com Rev. Dr. Stephen V. Sprinkle Theologian in Residence svsprinkle51@yahoo.com Rev. Mike Wright-Chapman Assoc. Pastor for Young People and Religious Events mwc@cathedralofhope.com Sean Baugh Assoc. Director of Music & Worship sbaugh@cathedralofhope.com Chris Chism Assist. Director of Music & Worship cchism@cathedralofhope.com Lee Covington Exec. Assistant to the Senior Pastor lcovington@cathedralofhope.com Dan Dubree Executive Director ddubree@cathedralofhope.com Anita L. Haddy Coordinator for Ministry Development ahaddy@cathedralofhope.com Jerry King Director of Media Ministry jking@cathedralofhope.com Yadi Martinez Minister of Youth, Young Adults & Missions ymartinez@cathedralofhope.com David Moldenhauer Director of Music & Worship dmoldenhauer@cathedralofhope.com Dan Peeler Minister for Children & Families dpeeler@cathedralofhope.com Lynn Taylor Director of Facilities ltaylor@cathedralofhope.com Cover graphics designed by Charles Owen and Chris Chism. CHRISTMASTIDE Christmastide Christmastide Decembe r 2 8 , 2 0 1 4 | 1 1 a . m . | O r d e r o f Worship DECEMBER DECEMBER 28, 2014 ●28,112014 A.M ● 11 A.M URGY LITURGY OF PREPARATION OF PREPARATION RELUDE PRELUDE Good Christian Good Friends, Christian Rejoice Friends, Rejoice arr. Gilbert M. arr. Martin Gilbert M. Martin Jeremy Wayne, Jeremy piano; Wayne, David piano; Moldenhauer, David Moldenhauer, organ organ GATHERING GATHERING OF THE COMMUNITY OF THE COMMUNITY Rev. Todd Scoggins Rev. Todd&Scoggins Rev. Shelley & Rev. Hamilton Shelley Hamilton *EXCHANGE **EXCHANGE OF PEACE OF PEACE *PROCESSIONAL **PROCESSIONAL HYMN HYMN Hark! The Hark! HeraldThe Angels Herald Sing Angels Sing WORSHIP NOTES Insight into the various elements of our services Good Christian Friends, Rejoice The earliest manuscript of this old medieval carol dates from around 1400. The popular English version is by John Mason Neale (1818-1866) and was first published in his Carols for Christmas-tide in 1853. The German melody from the fourteenth century is named IN DULCI JUBILO, for the Latin words of the refrain. The tune has always been used with this text an appeared in an early Lutheran hymnal, Geistliche Lieder, published in Wittenberg, Germany, in 1533. The tune was first used in Protestant services in 1529, and Martin Luther included it in his hymnal of the same year. J.S. Bach utilized the tune in two different organ pieces. In consideration of those seated around you, PLEASE, No Flash Photography or Video Recording during the service. PLEASE, Turn Off Your Cell Phone! Thank you. Words by Charles Wesley, Words by adapted Charles Wesley, adapted Music from Felix Mendelssohn’s Music from Felix Festgesang, Mendelssohn’s arr. William Festgesang, H. Cummings arr. William H. Cummings MENDELSSOHN MENDELSSOHN **The people**The will people rise in body will rise or spirit. in body or spirit. Cathedral ofCathedral Hope UCCof•Hope 5910 Cedar UCC •Springs 5910 Cedar RoadSprings • Dallas, Road TX 75235 • Dallas, • (214) TX 75235 351-1901 • (214) • www.cathedralofhope.com 351-1901 • www.cathedralofhope.com 5910 Cedar Springs Rd | Dallas, TX 75235 | 214-351-1901 | cathedralofhope.com | Hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mon-Thurs 1 **INVOCATION Rev. Alberto Magaña LITURGY OF THE WORD HEBREW LESSON Micah 5: 2-5a Isabel Marquez Pero tú, oh Belén Efrata, eres sólo una pequeña aldea entre todo el pueblo de Judá. No obstante, de ti saldrá un gobernante para Israel, cuyos orígenes vienen desde la eternidad. El pueblo de Israel será entregado a sus enemigos hasta que dé a luz la mujer que está de parto. Entonces, por fin, sus compatriotas volverán del destierro a su propia tierra. Y él se levantará para dirigir a su rebaño con la fuerza del SEñOR y con la majestad del nombre del SEñOR su Dios. Entonces su pueblo vivirá allí tranquilo, porque él es exaltado con honores en todas partes. Y él será la fuente de paz. But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village among all the people of Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel will come from you, one whose origins are from the distant past. The people of Israel will be abandoned to their enemies until the woman in labor gives birth. Then at last his fellow countrymen will return from exile to their own land. And he will stand to lead his flock with the LORD’s strength, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God. Then his people will live there undisturbed, for he will be highly honored around the world. And he will be the source of peace. ANTHEM Mary, Did You Know? Words and Music by Mark Lowry and Buddy Greene Arielle Collier, Steven Fontaine, Sean Baugh, Jeremy Wayne, and Jerry Wayne COMMUNITY PRAYERS **GRADUAL O Little Town of Bethlehem/Oh, Pueblecito de Belén Words by Phillips Brooks; Music by Lewis H. Redner ST. LOUIS O Little Town of Bethlehem The Gradual this morning is a verse from the popular Christmas hymn, O Little Town of Bethlehem. Phillips Brooks was inspired by a visit to the Holy Land to write these beautiful words. On December 24, 1865, Brooks traveled by horseback from Jerusalem to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. He was deeply moved by the Christmas Eve service. “I remember standing in the old church in Bethlehem,” he later said, “close to the spot where Jesus was born, when the whole church was ringing hour after hour with splendid hymns of praise to God.” Two years later, as he prepared for the Christmas season of 1868, Brooks wrote the five original stanzas of this hymn, recalling his magical night in Bethlehem. His organist, Lewis Redner, composed the tune ST. LOUIS to go with the inspired lyrics. The fourth stanza, usually omitted from hymnals today, says: Where children pure and happy pray to the blessed Child, Where misery cries out to thee, Son of the mother mild; Where charity stands watching and faith holds wide the door, 2 2 The dark night wakes, the glory breaks, and Christmas comes once more. **GOSPEL LESSON Luke 2: 25-33; 36-40/Lucas 2 :25-33; 36-40 One: All: One: All: God be with you. And also with you. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke. Glory to you, O God. There was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. He was righteous and devout, looking forward to the consolation of Israel. The Holy Spirit had revealed to Simeon that he would not see death before he had seen the Messiah of God. Guided by the Spirit, Simeon came into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him what was customary under the law, Simeon took the child in his arms and praised God, saying, “Now, O God, let your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” And the child’s mother and father marveled at what was being said about Jesus. There was also a prophet, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, having lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, then as a widow to the age of eightyfour. She never left the temple but worshiped there with fasting and prayer night and day. At that moment she came, and began to praise God and to speak about the child to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem. When they had finished everything required by the law of God, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him. En Jerusalén había un hombre llamado Simeón, que era justo y devoto, y aguardaba con esperanza la redención de Israel. El Espíritu Santo estaba con él y le había revelado que no moriría sin antes ver al Cristo del Señor. Guiado por el Espíritu, fue al templo. Cuando al niño Jesús lo llevaron sus padres para cumplir con la costumbre establecida por la ley, Simeón lo tomó en sus brazos, alabo y bendijo a Dios: «Según tu palabra, Oh Dios, ya puedes despedir a tu siervo en paz. Porque han visto mis ojos tu salvación, que has preparado a la vista de todos los pueblos: luz que ilumina a las naciones y gloria de tu pueblo Israel. El padre y la madre del niño se quedaron maravillados por lo que se decía de Jesús. Había también una profetisa, Ana, hija de Penuel, de la tribu de Aser. Era muy anciana; casada de joven, había vivido con su esposo siete años, y luego permaneció viuda hasta la edad de ochenta y cuatro. Nunca salía del templo, sino que día y noche adoraba a Dios con ayunos y oraciones. Llegando en ese mismo momento, Ana dio gracias a Dios y comenzó a hablar del niño a todos los que esperaban la redención de Jerusalén. Después de haber cumplido con todo lo que exigía la ley del Señor, José y María regresaron a Galilea, a su propio pueblo de Nazaret. El niño crecía y se fortalecía; crecía en sabiduría, y la gracia de Dios lo acompañaba. One: All: This is the Gospel of Hope. Praise to you, Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit. **GLORIA Words: Luke 2: 14; Music: Traditional French carol arr. Steven Couch © Cathedral of Hope CCLI License #123333 3 3 SERMON A Baby Changes Everything Rev. Mike Wright-Chapman LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY Welcome to Our World Yinessa Romero, CoH Board Words and Music by Chris Rice Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION WORDS OF INSTITUTION PRAYER OF CONSECRATION INVITATION One: All: Nora Sanchez Come just as you are; hear the Spirit call. Come just as you are; come and see, come, receive; Come and live forevermore. Words and Music by Joseph Sabolick © Maranatha! Music CCLI License #123333 TO OUR GUESTS Cathedral of Hope celebrates an open communion. We understand the sharing of the bread and the cup in Jesus’ name to be a representation of an ancient vision of God’s feast for all peoples. We don’t require you to be a member of this church, or any church, to participate with us in this feast of grace. Simply come forward at the ushers’ direction. After dipping a wafer in the cup, the minister will place it on your tongue and offer a brief blessing. If you prefer to serve yourself, cup your hands in front of you as you come to receive communion. 4 4 MUSIC DURING COMMUNION Silent Night/Noche de Paz !Noche de paz, noche de amor! Todo duerme enderredor, Entre los astros que esparcen su luz, bella, anunciando al niñito Jesús, Brilla la estrella de paz, brilla la estrella de paz. Silent night, holy night! All is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin mother and child. Holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace. Words by William C. Dix, adapted th Music: traditional English melody, 16 century Public Domain The First Noel The first Noel the angel did say was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; In fields where they lay keeping their sheep, on a cold winter’s night that was so deep. Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, born is the King of Israel. This star drew nigh to the northwest, o’er Bethlehem it took its rest, And there it did both stop and stay right over the place where Jesus lay. Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, born is the King of Israel. Then entered in those magi three, full reverently upon their knee, And offered there in Christ’s presence their gold, and myrrh, and frankincense. Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, born is the King of Israel. TO OUR GUESTS **Joy to the World It has become a tradition at the Cathedral of Hope to rise as we end our time of communion (as indicated by **), join hands as an expression of our unity in Christ, and lift them up in glory to God. Joy to the world! the Lord is come; let earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare a room, and heav’n and nature sing, and heav’n and nature sing, and heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing. We invite you to join as you are able, in body or spirit. Words and Music: traditional English carol, adapted Public Domain Words by Isaac Watts, adapted; Music by Lowell Mason Public Domain **PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING RETIREMENT BLESSING Guest Soloist Paul Mason to Sing on Epiphany Sunday W NEXT Sunday, January 4, 9 & 11 a.m. e are pleased to welcome tenor Paul Mason back to the Cathedral of Hope Sanctuary for our services on Epiphany Sunday. Paul will join the Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra in the Anthem, Follow the Light, and sing a solo piece for the Offertory.A native of New Orleans and the senior of four siblings, Paul was educated in the New Orleans public school system and later received his degree in Business at Southern University at New Orleans. He has been a resident of Dallas since 1991, and is currently employed with JP Morgan Chase as a Loss Mitigation Manager. Paul enjoys dividing his time between his close family and friends, learning new music, working out at the gym, hanging out at Starbucks and running on the Katy Trail. Paul’s favorite scripture is Proverbs 18:16: A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before the great.Paul has had the privilege of singing with some of the finest singers around, including Patti LaBelle, Jennifer Holiday, Glenn Campbell, Tonya Tucker, Rita Coolidge, Tremaine Hawkins and the late Walter Hawkins. He is a proud sup5 porter of the Bruce Foote Memorial Scholarship Foundation at Southern Methodist University. 5 **RECESSIONAL HYMN Good Christian Friends, Rejoice Words: German & Latin, 14th Century, translated by John Mason Neale; adapted th Music: German melody, 14 Century OneLicense.net License #A-705445 IN DULCI JUBILO **BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Time of Prayer After the service, caring ministers will be in the chapel area to offer you personal prayer for healing and comfort. Time of Fellowship Please join us for refreshments after the service in the Fellowship Hall. 6 6 News December 28, 2014 Pastoral Search UPDATE BRIEFS W e have been so grateful for the number of interested candidates who have submitted resumes and ministerial profiles. It is most amazing to us at how the spirit works if we just let her. With that said, we on the committee have decided that we will no longer be accepting applications after January 30, 2015. Interested candidates profiles and resumes are between 18-22 pages long and are being seriously, consciously and prayerfully considered. We also have multiple sermon videos to assess per candidate and there may need to be visits to hear a top candidate in person. While we are doing all of this important work we also have identified top candidates and have begun the interviewing process to assure ourselves that we will find the best person to lead us into our bright future here at the Cathedral of Hope. We also continue using every method and resource available to identify and reach out to potential candidates who have not applied yet. We encourage our congregation to reach out to ministers they know personally who might be interested in our open senior pastor position and urge them to apply. We assure you we are earnestly proceeding as swiftly as possible. Our work is extremely confidential due to the fact that most, if not all, of the candidates are currently serving other churches; and for this reason we on the committee need to respect their privacy. Our committee has been meeting weekly in person since its formation in April 2014 and is in constant contact electronically as we move forward through this process. We are committed to making sure the person selected Taizé Service on Second Friday in January Because of the holiday schedule, we have moved our First-Friday service to Friday, January 9 at 7 p.m. in the Interfaith Peace Chapel. We will celebrate the New Year with another of our once-a month gatherings in the beautiful contemplative style of worship the world has come to call Taizé. The candle-lit service invites all to participate and become a part of the event by offering prayer requests, lighting candles, singing, praying at kneelers, sharing personal prayers with our Taizé ministers, or simply sitting and listening to the spirit-filled arrangements of our own Evensong musicians and singers. The monthly service is co-sponsored by Evensong and the CoH Order of St. Francis and St. Clare. Members of the Order will always be on hand to greet you and to acquaint newcomers with this uplifting worship experience. meets the criteria our congregation has requested. We understand your concerns about the length of time the process is taking, and our sentiments are often the same, yet we know our work is being led by God to reveal the best person to lead us into the next chapter in the life of our amazing church. Please join us in prayer as we continue Pack-the-Pantry this important work for the success of our church so we can continue TODAY, December 28 to be the magnificent Cathedral of Since there is only one service today, extravagant Grace God has called us and church offices will be closed to be in the world. all week, if you forgot to bring your As always you can e-mail us with any donation this morning, you may bring comments, questions or concerns at it next Sunday, January 4th. Shopping COHPSC@gmail.com. You can also lists may be picked up in the ministry find our 45-page church profile and center or found online. If you have not yet visited other up to date information on our our search committee webpage www2.cathedralofhope. And, did you know, your purchases can also benefit our CoH Youth webpage on the Cathedral com/senior-pastor-search. Ministries if you shop at Kroger and of Hope website we encourage you to Amen. Tom Thumb and take advantage of use the QR code or web address below their rewards programs where we get and see our progress there, as well Blessings, The Members of your 1% cash donation for your purchases. as to read the 45-page church profile Pastoral Search Committee Last quarter we received more than we had to create in order to begin the $700. Thank you in advance for your search and call process. support. We sincerely appreciate it. 7 January Birthday Reception NEXT Sunday, January 4, Fellowship Hall Do you have a birthday in January? Please join us for the 9 a.m. worship service on Sunday, January 4 and then for a reception, immediately following, in the Fellowship Hall to share some birthday cake and meet others who are celebrating their birthday. Membership Class at Cathedral of Hope Every Member a Minister Your special cake is being created and donated by Delicious Cakes in hinking about becoming a member? If so, we are excited to invite you to Addison. We look forward to celebrating with you! our next Membership Class on Sunday, February 1, 2015 at 3 p.m. in the CoH Fellowship Hall. Attending this class does not commit you to joining, but we do ask anyone who wants to join to attend this fun and informative session. T Committees Seek Additional Members Benefits of Membership The Bylaws and Personnel committees are each looking for additional team members. As a member of this church, if you have been looking for a way to invest your time in ministry, these opportunities may be just the ticket for you. Members of both committees will be in the Ministry & Visitor’s Center following all worship services to answer any questions you may have about these committees. To express interest in participating on either committee, print the Keyword: BYLAWS or PERSONNEL in the comments section of the registration pad. Be sure to include your current contact information so we can follow up with you. • Identifies you as a person of faith • Provides you with a spiritual family to support and encourage you on your faith journey • Gives you a place to discover and use your gifts in ministry, and • Gives you the accountability you need to grow. Privileges of Membership • Voting at Congregational Meetings LEGACY Planning Session • Eligibility for lay delegate positions Saturday, January 24, 2015, 11:30 a.m. • Eligibility to serve on committees of the Board of Stewards • Eligibility to serve on the CoH Board of Stewards (along with other LEGACY, a CoH Social Group for those age 50 or better, would like to wish everyrequirements) one a wonderful holiday season with family and friends – Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Requirements for Membership SAVE THE DATE of January 24, 2015 for our annual Event Planning Session to be held at The Black-eyed Pea at Preston Center - 8220 Westchester Drive. They have a great Senior Menu. There are three basic requirements to becoming a member of CoH: • Attend a membership class Please email Roy Joplin at rvj5868@att.net if you have questions or have an event idea to be considered. • Be baptized (either at Cathedral of Hope or in a prior church) • Be confirmed and welcomed by the church during New Member Sunday Our next Membership Class (in both English and Spanish) is scheduled for Pastoral Care/Prayers February 1, 2015 at 3 p.m. in the CoH Fellowship Hall. To let us know of your If you know anyone who would like to be included on the church prayer desire to participate, print the Keyword: MEMBERSHIP in the comments list, send the request to prayer@cathedralofhope.com or online at section of the registration pad so we can prepare for your arrival. Childcare www.cathedralofhope.com/contact-forms/prayer-request. provided by request one week in advance. If you know of someone in need of pastoral contact, please notify Rev. Todd For additional information, contact Anita Haddy, Coordinator for Ministry Scoggins by phone at 214.351.1901 or tscoggins@cathedralofhope.com. development, at ahaddy@cathedralofhope.com or call 214-351-1901 x135. Christmas with a Cause Advertise Your Business! A big Thank You to everyone who purchased alternative gifts and supported Christmas with a Cause 2014. You are invited to bring your Christmas with a Cause Tag to worship next week, Epiphany Sunday, January 4, 2015 – the day we remember the visit of the Magi and the gifts they brought to Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Please hang your tag on the empty tree as you arrive. CHRISTMAS CAUSE Now Offering Color* Ads on the Back Cover Each week, we put CoH Worship Today DIRECTLY into the hands of the hundreds of people who attend the Sunday 9 & 11 a.m.worship services. Advertising with us not only promotes your business, but also helps cover the cost of producing this publication, thereby allowing more money to be used for ministry. Contact Charles Owen by phone at: 214-351-1901 x212, or by e-mail at: cowen@cathedralofhope.com. During worship we will bless the ministries your gifts have supported and dedicate ourselves to supporting them in 2015. *Number of color ads is limited. Additional fees apply for color. 8 Free Rapid HIV Testing klklklkl I Offered on the first and third Sundays (no appointment needed) between the 9 and 11 a.m. services, in the lower level of the IPC, Room C, and the second and fourth Mondays from 1 to 3 p.m. during WeCare (no appointment needed). Offered by appointment on the first and third Wednesdays of each month here at CoH. Call 469-291-2800 to schedule an appointment. Have You Seen Our New Jewelry Display? t is beautiful. Now we have, silver, pewter, wood, Swarovski crystals, bronze, copper bracelets, cross pendants, necklaces, cuff links, key rings, rings, and earrings. Items range in price from $4 to $75—more to follow after the first of the year. Daily Devotionals for 2015 We have many, many devotionals for you to begin 2015. To name just a few: Answers in the Heart: Daily Meditations for Men and Women Recovering from Sex Addiction; Celebrate Recovery; Day by Day: Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts; Glad Day: Daily Meditations for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender People; God Calling; God Is Still Speaking: 365 Daily Devotionals; Jesus Calling: Devotions for Every Day of the Year; Near to the Heart of God: Meditations on 366 Best-Loved Hymns; The Shack: Reflections for Every Day of the Year; and Wisdom for Everyday Living: 365 Daily Devotions from America’s Most Influential Christian Leaders. In addition to these, we have 21 other daily devotionals. You are sure to find one just for your devotion time in 2015! qrqrqr Greening Tip Have the patience of St. Francis when you do your laundry, waiting for energy saving full loads. Think about getting an energy efficient washer for both water conservation and cost savings. Also, use the cold water cycle and hang dry whenever possible. Buy Your Devotional Today – Discounted 20% Christmas Sales @ Sources Christmas books - Discounted 40% Christmas Ornaments & Christmas Candles - Discounted 50% Selected Nativity Sets - Discounted 40% qrqrqr Wash Our Dust Away Sources is seeking one volunteer to wash the glass shelves in the store for about an hour or so on Thursday afternoons every 3-4 weeks. No experience needed. Careful hands required. Miss a Worship Service? Email ahaddy@cathedralofhope.com or print the Keyword: DUST in the comments section of the registration to express your interest in this opportunity. Watch online at: www.cathedralofhope.com Why We Use Incense in our Liturgy Ancient practice to be used on Epiphany Sunday, January 4, 11 a.m. Tr i b u t e s In Memory of Norma Gibbs By Dr. Terry G. Gibbs In Memory of Allanton Clarvoe and James Kaine By Brian Clarvoe In Memory of Jean By Beverly Bailey In Memory of Bill Dodge By Bill Dodge In Honor of Rev. Shelley Hamilton By Glenn F. Cron In Honor of John J Russo, Jr. By Michael-James Russo In Honor of Shelley Hamilton By Timothy Malone In Honor of Evelyn and Clarence Wheeler By Bobby Wheeler In Honor of the Southern Hope Circle Group By Doris Miller In Honor of the Southern Hope Circle Group By William Johnson In Honor of the Music Ministry By John Arney At certain services during the liturgical year, Cathedral of Hope uses incense during worship. Some, whose church background did not include this practice, have asked why we do this. We believe that worship should be experiential. We are most fully engaged when the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch are stirred. Incense is one way in which the Church throughout history has done that. Moreover, the use of incense is a thoroughly Biblical concept. We see it commanded of the Jews (Exodus 25:29) and then used in worship in Israel from that point on. Notice the prophecy of Malachi 1:11, “From the rising of the sun to its setting my name is great among the nations, and in every place incense is offered to my name.” God actually anticipates the use of incense by all people in God’s name. In Honor of Berry Royal, Jr. for the Music Ministry By Berry and Lynne Royal In the New Testament, we see Zechariah offering incense in the sanctuary when the angel of the Lord appears to him (Luke 1:8-11). Later, in Revelation, we see the elders holding golden bowls of incense, “which are the prayers of the saints” (Revelation 5:8). Incense is the symbol of our prayers rising up to the Lord. It is also symbolic of spiritual cleansing and has been used in Christian worship since ancient times. So, as you smell the incense in our services, remember the history and symbolism behind it, and try to let it enhance your experience of worship! To make an honorary or memorial gift, please contact Tom Martin at tmartin@cathedralofhope.com or 214.351.1901 x210, or use the envelope in the pew rack. klklklkl 9 In Honor of Chris Malone By Lisa Novacek CoH 2015 Theme Welcome Home: “Time to Dream Again” The book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 says: W There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens; a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance….. Annual Coats & More Drive Ends TODAY e are collecting Coats, Gloves, Blankets, Underwear, Socks and Scarves for our BACH and WeCare guests. If you have a coat that you no longer wear, please donate it to this ministry. When you are out shopping, please consider purchasing a pair of gloves, underwear or socks of all sizes for both men and women, scarves or blankets. All you need to do is bring your donation when you come to church. There are labeled drop boxes in the office As we enter a new year of HOPE, we believe God is calling us into a new across from the main reception area. season of life…A time to dream…again! Contact Anita at ahaddy@cathedralofhope.com or 214-351-1901 x135 if you On Sunday, January 4, we will gather together in our sanctuary, our HOME of have any questions. HOPE, for the first worship experiences of 2015. On this day we will celebrate Giving and Attendance at a Glance Service Wednesday Sun. 9 AM Sun. 11 AM Mid-Cities 11 AM Sun. 1 PM Week Ending 12/21/14 Attd. Ministry 133 $850 350 $4,017 386 $4,918 44 $778 105 $220 Week Ending 12/14/14 Attd. Ministry 119 $645 360 $8,018 451 $3,169 42 $4,750 85 $211 Week Ending 12/07/14 Attd. Ministry 137 $1,409 353 $3,242 456 $3,292 56 $770 101 $292 Auto-Give Mail/Credit Cards Total $29,250 $3,556 $43,589 $10,765 $2,196 $29,754 $30,374 $3,127 $42,506 Second Offering 1,018 1,057 $13,393 1,103 $10,492 CoH Five Core Values: Epiphany Sunday, remembering the magi, their faith to follow a star and their encounter with this child who is a manifestation of God. We will consider the impact a dream can have on a life, a nation and a world, and we will begin to dare to dream—together! As you make your New Year’s resolutions this year, be sure to include “Attend Church on January 4 at CoH” and bring an open heart to the next season of our journey as a family of faith! Cathedral Couples Saturday, January 3, 6 p.m., CoH Fellowship Hall Cathedral Couples will meet on the first Saturday of January (January 3) at 6 p.m. in the CoH Fellowship Hall. Hosts John and George will feature our annual Blue Christmas Dinner and Pink Elephant Gift Exchange. All interested couples should bring a wrapped present (or two if both of you want to participate) for the gift “exchange”. Please bring an appetizer, an entree, a casserole, a salad, bread, or dessert, as We are a people of Compassion. We are ministers who embody the tangible well as a beverage, to share with the other couples. And as always, you are love of a Savior who fed the hungry, healed the hurting, and told us bluntly that asked to bring non-perishable food items to donate to the church’s food pantry. what we did to the least, we did to him. Come join us in this “always fun” post-holiday festivity. We are a people of Inclusion. This is a value Jesus held. We believe Jesus came to include, not to exclude. All are welcome around his table. Congregational Meeting We are a people of Liberation. We seek to challenge all oppression, particularly the oppression of queer people. By embodying grace, we live out our liberation until all are set free. Saturday, January 17, 11 a.m., Sanctuary The CoH Board of Stewards has called a Congregational Meeting for Saturday, January 17 at 11 a.m. There will be two items on the agenda that will be voted on: 1) Partnering with the UCC to restructure our mortgage and 2) a Bylaw modification which would change how the number of members needed to be present at a congregational meeting for a quorum is calculated. We are a people of Hope. We are people filled with joy and unrelenting optimism because we believe: God is good. With God all things are possible. God can use us to transform the world. We are a people of Jesus. We believe Jesus was the incarnation of God’s grace. Jesus resisted the status quo of oppression and showed us the way to the abundant life God intends for all people. Mark your calendars now to attend. We will need to have a quorum in order to vote. 10 C h i l d r e n , Yo u th Children’s Church &Familie s O n this fourth Day of Christmas, the children’s illustrated PowerPoint lesson will remind us that the 12 Days of Christmas are important in the liturgical year as the countdown until the day of the Epiphany on January 6. Even though the church celebrates Epiphany Sunday on the first Sunday following January 6, the official day for the arrival of the Magi with their gifts will be a week from Wednesday this year. The old familiar song about the 12 Days actually originated as a Confirmation exercise for children, with music being an easy method for the memorization of certain theological facts. Today, the Four Calling Birds represent the Four Gospels and the fact that their call to the whole world is like a bird’s song delivered on the Wings of the Spirit. We will be looking at the other winged symbols of the Gospels which are on display in the Children’s Chapel the year round and see how the animal symbols illustrate important aspects of each of these stories of Jesus’ life and works. It’s “4 Calling Birds” Day Each week, Dan Peeler, Minister for Children & Families, and Charlie Rose create beautiful illustrations like this one for use in the Children’s Church PowerPoint lessons. Connect with Youth Ministry Please speak with Yadi Martinez if you have a passion for making a difference in the lives of young people, whether financially, involved deeply in the ministry, or with your prayers. The opportunities for youth & young adults are endless. Ocean and River Cruises • Tours • All-Inclusive Resorts CoH receives a charitable donation for each cruise booking. Doug Thompson bigdcruises.com doug@bigdcruises.com 214-254-4980 Hawaii • Weddings • RSVP • Groups Yadi can be reached at ymartinez@cathedralofhope.com or by phone at 214351-1901. After an initial meeting with Yadi, a background check and ministry interview will be conducted by Anita Haddy, our Coordinator for Ministry Development. Follow us on Facebook! Keep up with our events and adventures by finding us on facebook.com/Cathedralofhopeyouth. 2014 Year IN REVIEW Part Two In September, the Cathedral honored the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and its General Minister and President Sharon Watkins with the Hero of Hope Award (above). Congregacion Latina featured an inspiring Multicultural Service in October (left). In November, Congregacion Latina Pastor Dr. Alberto Magana was formally installed as a pastor of the United Church of Christ in a service of celebration and thanksgiving (above). Photo courtesy Barb Nunn. In December, CoH celebrated Advent with a special “Come Home for Christmas” theme (below left). Photo courtesy Barb Nunn. On Decenber 7, Cathedral of Hope formally released Rev. Jim Mitulski from service as Interim Senior Minister after a 16-month term (below right). Photo courtesy Barb Nunn. Service Ministries When we actively participate in ministry, we find fulfillment. of living out Jesus’ Gospel of Grace as demonstrated in the teachings of St. Francis and St. Clare. Contact Anita Haddy, Coordinator for Ministry Development, at Pack the Pantry Ministry Team - On the last Sunday of each month, CoH collects ahaddy@cathedralofhope.com or 214-351-1901 X135 about volunteering. food and grooming supplies to stock the WeCare Pantry. Volunteers in this ministry Administrative Support - Provide general office support to the various ministry are on hand the week before collection day to pass out the shopping list and also on areas at CoH and to the Administration department. Tasks vary depending on the collection day to receive the donations and stock the pantry shelves. need of the ministry. People Helping People – Seasonal - This community outreach ministry partners Altar Ministry - Serve as Acolytes (candle lighters, processional element carriers, with the People Helping People Program (PHP) of the City of Dallas to serve set up for communion), Communion Servers (the ones who actually serve during low income elderly and disabled homeowners by providing home repair solutions communion). through volunteer services. Volunteers in this ministry provide the labor pool to ASL Interpreter – Provide ASL interpretation for the hearing impaired at worship complete the needed repairs. services and special events as needed. Pride Ministry Team - Seasonal - Coordinates the parade and festival entries for Breakfast at Cathedral of Hope (BACH) – Volunteers provide a hot cooked the Annual Alan Ross Texas Freedom Parade held every September in Dallas. breakfast for the homeless each Saturday morning. Prison Ministry - This is a correspondence ministry that provides pen pals to CALL Class Facilitator- Be a class facilitator. Cathedral Academy for Life and people who are incarcerated. Volunteers use the Cathedral’s address for corresponLearning (CALL) provides excellent learning opportunities for adults and young dence, and we have other guidelines to keep the ministry a positive experience. people. If you have ever served on a church staff, have seminary training or are a School Supply Collection - Seasonal - Each fall before school begins, CoH has a teacher you are welcome. school supply collection drive. All of the donated supplies go to our neighborhood Children and Families Ministry – Ministry volunteers provide Nursery care for and mission schools. Volunteers in this ministry help organize donated supplies on infants, Children’s Church and Christian education for children 4 years old through collection day. 4th grade and Bible-centered discussion classes for Preteens, grades 5 and 6. Sources of Hope (Bookstore) - Provide clerical support, display marketing Choir – The main choral group at the Cathedral. Open to all. Ability to carry a tune and sales help in the Bookstore. Training provided and the bookstore is flexible scheduling. and match pitch required. You will sing a simple tune for section placement. Computer Ministry – The computer ministry is designed to accomplish two goals: To train people in our community with basic computer functions and Internet skills. To provide internet access to underprivileged guests through the WeCare and BACH ministries. Sunday Hospitality Ministry – Volunteers in this ministry set up and serve light refreshments for each morning service. No experience required, just a desire to welcome others through hospitality. Thanksgiving Benevolence – Seasonal - Food baskets are distributed through partCongregational Care Team – The focus of the Congregational Care Team is to ner organizations to those in need in the community. On collection day, volunteers respond to the care and support needs of the congregation. This may be through in this ministry help direct traffic, receive and sort baskets and help partner organizations when they come to pick up their baskets. hospital visits, prayer support, or a listening ear in times of grief. Gift Wrapping – Seasonal - Volunteers wrap Christmas gifts at local stores with Tutor Ministry – This ministry provides tutors for our neighborhood, adopted 100% of the donations from the wrapping services benefitting the CoH Evelyn school. The Dallas Independent School District has streamlined the application process and you can be approved online in a matter of minutes. Volunteers serve dayPruitt AIDS Crisis Fund. Greeter Ministry - Welcome visitors and guests to worship services. Answer ques- time hours during the school year. TV & Media Ministry - Provide video and media support for worship services. Handbell Choir - Play as scheduled for our worship services and for other events Volunteers learn all aspects of the ministry including camera, sound, lighting, directing, graphics and administrative support. Training provided. at church and in the community. You must read music. tions and provide directions as needed. Intercessory Prayer Team - Join the Intercessory Prayer team and pray for the Usher Ministry – Prepare Sanctuary for worship services, seat people as they arrive, take up the offering and direct people during communion. congregation, ministries, staff and outreach of Cathedral of Hope. Life Needs Ministry – This ministry provides a variety of services designed to WeCare Team – WeCare Team members are here each Monday and Thursday assist those who are ill, have been ill, injured, or simply those who are lonely and afternoons running the CoH food pantry or cooking a nutritious meal for those who are homeless and hungry and come to us for help. This is a great ministry opportuneed a friend. nity – especially for folks who are retired, work nontraditional shifts and have days Office Angels - Staff main reception desk Sunday through Thursday and Wednesday off during the week. Daytime hours only. If you’re bilingual (English/Spanish), we evenings. Training required. can definitely use your help. Orchestra - The orchestra plays the prelude and offertory as scheduled and accom- Young Adult Ministry – Ministry volunteers facilitate programs of both spiritual panies the Sanctuary Choir during the anthem and during congregational singing. and fellowship activities designed for Young Adults ages 18 and over. Order of St. Francis & St. Clare - The members of this ministry form a Secular Youth Ministry – Ministry volunteers facilitate programs of both spiritual and felOrder, meaning they do not live in a monastery or practice any other radical separa- lowship activities designed for junior and senior high school age youth. tion from the world. They do share a lifetime commitment to pursue practical ways 13 CHRISTMASTIDE Sunday, DEC 28 EPIPHANY H O P E o n the Horizon Sunday, JAN 4 • EPIPHANY SUNDAY Rev. Mike Wright-Chapman; Community Worship, One service at 11 a.m. Church Offices will be closed DEC 25 through JAN 4 EVENTS at a GLANCE* JONATHAN D. F. NELSON, P.C. Attorney & Counselor At Law Board Certified - Civil Trial Law Voted one of the Top Lawyers in Texas BACH open on Saturday DEC 27 WeCare open on Monday DEC 29 Regular schedule resumes Sunday JAN 4 General Practice & Civil Litigation January 2015 jnelson@hillgilstrap.com Rev. Todd Scoggins; Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m.; 1 p.m. Spanish 817-261-2222 Serving DFW Metroplex JonathanDFNelson.com 1400 W. Abram St. Arlington, TX 76013 Wednesday, JAN 7 • PULSE Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. Friday, JAN 9 • TAIZÉ Candle-lit Evensong Worship, 7 p.m., IPC Sunday, JAN 11 • BAPTISM SUNDAY Rev. Douglas Anders, SCC Conference Minister Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m.; 1 p.m. Spanish Monday, JAN 12 Board of Stewards Meeting, 7 p.m.; Fellowship Hall Wednesday, JAN 14 • PULSE Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. Saturday, JAN 17 Congregational Meeting, 11 a.m.; Sanctuary COMMITMENT CEREMONIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS Sunday, JAN 18 Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m.; 1 p.m. Spanish Wednesday, JAN 21 • PULSE Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, JAN 25 Rev. Anna Humble, NTA Association Minister Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m.; 1 p.m. Spanish Greg Draxler, Chef/Owner | 469-744-3940 gregdraxler@sbcglobal.net Ask for Special CoH Pricing Wednesday, JAN 28 • PULSE Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. February 2015 Sunday, FEB 1 Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m.; 1 p.m. Spanish Wednesday, FEB 4 • PULSE Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. Friday, FEB 6 • TAIZÉ Candle-lit Evensong Worship, 7 p.m., IPC Sunday, FEB 8 Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m.; 1 p.m. Spanish Wednesday, FEB 11 • PULSE Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m Share us with your friends! www.facebook.com/CathedralofHope Follow @CathedralofHope on Twitter for updates & insights! *Information subject to change without notice and will be updated as needed.
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