OUR TO Use your knowledge, and use it quickly, or it will disintegrate and putrefy. NARBERTH, PA., VOLUME I. NUMBER 11 EXTRA! ALL ABOUT THE I MYSTERIOUS VISITOR 'IHURSDAY~ If great joy has come to you, pass it along, and thus do you double it. DECEMBER 24, 1914 'Long About Christmas Time PRICE TWO CENTS II :MH. LOOS PLEADS FOR AN ALL·YEAR XMAS It feems strange that so little ad· Iceland, December :l-l (I'ia Siascohset Wireless Station and Long Dis· I'IW('(' hm; !Jeen mnde by social scienttance Telephone from l"ew Yorl, to the ist, tOll"nl',I:.; a solution of the great Editor of "Our 1'own.")-01d Col. K. prohl.'ll l s of htllllunity, that would re, Kringle left here this afternoon headslllt in hptter cOJulltions fJr the great ed for Narberth, Pa .. his pacl, loaded masses of people. This is in sharp with an assortment If gifts for the offiC'ials anI] other weI! Imown citizen,; \' (·CIlI. n"t to Ihe 1I'00ulprfui flphieve· of tlIat well knoll'n suburb. mentf in all othel' re.llms of thou?;ht. Just before he climhe!] into his well) Marn,lons improvements have been known sleigh, and just hefore he I att:l:nl"l ;u 1111 of the physical sciences, jingled the bells 011 his equally well I espel'inlly in the domain of chemistry known anll Jl lJlltlar reindeers, he I and electricity, civil and mechanical g.ranted your correspondent an exclu-I' enginel'ring'. neronautics, etp. In the sil'e interview. indmltrial w 1rlcl, wonders have been "'Colonel Krlngle," I said. "OUR accomplishe(l in economy of adminTO"'N goes to press this afternoon, istration and production, hy seientifle unl! it will he impossihle for us to organization and management. In milget the detailed news of your visit. [n itary and naval science such perfectlIis weel,'s issue, if we walt IIntil to':--, tlon hns heen attained in offense and night. D) you care to malw a short elp'.",,, (h:' t we 1l0W look with wonstafenienf 'covering 'llIe pill'pose .. of der uU tnt::' o{jc(:iabl&"o;' ~\-~-_. u.~ - ::lx ~ your visit to Narherth this evcning, so nations praetically deJdlocked in a that our folks 1I1:ly' 101011' of your, strug~le y-ieldin~ no great adl'antagp varied activities without calling at I to allY' one !lower. el'ery house and pr~'ing into what Sin('p the clays of plato's "Republic" some folks may regard as pril'llte af-, down throllgh the ages, a long line of fairs?" thinkprs hal'e attaelted the problems "'Vilh all my heart. lmy g)oll fel-' 1',' lOll' ,()('iI11 an(1 indllstrial reg;eneralow, with all my heart." !'houted tho p 1': 0" 111 '1I1dllll. Il'ith very little pracColonel. "Suppose ~'on jump in an,l tical 1""'FlIll II'< y-pl, S'r Thomas More. ride a pJlt of the way with me, and in h;s l-'o1Jia, Comtc, Fourier, Rohert I'll tell you as we dril'e along," I Oa I:' OII'CII, Herhert SllPllcer, Karl So in I jumped. Colonel Kringh, :'Ilnr~, lIl'my <1eor!:'c. Eelwnrd Bellam~-, ~f shoal, the reins and jingled the hell,; allil hlln,]ree18 of others, have all proand went through all that ":'\ow DashPOfPIl 8nlutions. ollly to have them er, nlll' Dancer," husincss, just as the hl'u' !Jpd asillp as the visionary dreams story hooks have it. The next instant 11' impl':l(·tieal ille.!l:sts. The \\'01'111 at we were sailing along through the air. lal'7(' has ('I'idently not consldere.l far ahm'e the house tops. tlw s\lh~('et worth while. Social re"Come, now, Colonel," I sa:el, when 1'01'111 pith:~r !lops Ilot appeal to the we wel'e fairly \l1uler W,ly. "let's hea;' Howard Seymour anll MI'. Herllert :\11'1; O. L. Hampton, who has J!rne ('pal IIllnlls of finane·lers. sPientahout :'\arberth." Seymour temporarily dosed their I:c't'll confined to hel' llOll1P with a 'ists llIlel stat('smell, or is regal'dell wllh "Oh, yes. oh, yes," r~plipd my jovial lJl:lI.lP, ~JJ1 \\',~o,ls,:e:l: avell~~c I,~S~ Sat: :~llI'aiIlPd nnlde is sOlll(,ll'hat Illlprol'- r\:ffal'or rpv~lnt~on~ry and inimical ('ompanion, adlling, after a moment';; ,1Id,ly ,lIl1l \\111 pass the \llIltel at the I,d. to pstablt: hpl] IIlstltutlOns. thonght, "I'l'e got so many little boys home o. f :\~rs. Seymo~""s sister, :\Irs'j Illel yull hear the. carol sing-el's? TI1l'rp :11'1' those win helieve life and girls in Narherth to look after Herhert LlIlsleY,I·IO. PitH' strel!t'l Ilomce Smedley and I.POIl 11:01' would los:> all or its picturesqueness that I had quite forgotten you, for the Phi:ad<'1phia. Ion are home for the holidays frOlIl, if it were not for the struggle against moment. I was just sorting things Mrs. KOI,pel alld daughter, E,sex I Syracuse, N. Y.. Co;lege. 'adl'erse {,Ollllltlons cansed by our out. In my mind, yon Innw: separatln~ avenne, have gone to visit Mrs. Kop, "lis" Sarah ('. Hanis and Williall1 i present social disorder. Ther arglll) the children fJ'0111 the grownups, an:1 pel's parent,; in New York State. 1'. Jlarr;s ar~ spending' ChriHtmas: that all the greatest or the earth wondering whether I'd go into the Hel-. Chris Koppel will join his fam· alld the lI'ee\(-elld foltowin!( with I·ela· "la"p l'~'en del'cloped by the very fact town from the Montgomery a I'enue ily later. lin's at Williamspol·t, Pa. lI'a'. they' had to light against want, side or try 'Vynnewood llvenue." ;'III'S. B. G. Simpson, of Scranton, ;'III'. an(1 :\11'8. .James 1I00Istil1 anel mil ery Hn,l 501'1'011'. At this moment Cobnel Kringle ~)a, is am~ng those ~eturning bome fllll1i1y: 1~lm Tcrr~cl', arc visiting :\11'.1 ~t (.I~es seem, however, as though look the reins In one hand, and with lor the hohdays. She IS at the home HOllstm',; father III Orange, N. J. Ithl,; Iall' world should affol'd enough the other hand 11llshed back his fur By Lady Narberth of her mothel', 1\1rs. Lindsey, Wood· :'Iliss Bertha Drill, :'\arberth a I'e. for all: that food enough could be !lat: much after the manner of oreli:'III'. Geo, 'Vurst left for Orlando, side avenue. ;\11'. Simpson will be in nul', who has been ill 1'01' a short proeillced so that none need be hllnnary folk!', and hegan scratching his ("lorida, on Tuesday, the HUI, where :'\arberth Christmas. time is now convalescent. gry-, and everybody properly clothed head and thinldnl!;. Presently he tnrnh;~ 11'111 join his wife and children 1\11'. and 1\lrs. Edward Anderson Ph:lip ,Justice, who was among the and sheltered. The same genius that I'd and looked at me, his faee wreathWho went down early in December. ;'Iluschamp, Woodside avenue, will unfortunate number to contract tv- has made such wonderful progress in ('(! in smiles. "I<'irst of all, I'm goIng to stop at l\.Ir. Wurst owns extensive orange be guests or Mrs. Muschamp's father phoid wl.1ile studying at Lehigh C~I- production and dlstrihutlon, could lpg-e, has been home a couple of surely- devise a plan whereby all might Houire i\lcCI~l1,m's house." he began. groves In Florida and usually spends on Christmas Day. , -l\1ifS Marjorie Chase is home from II'I)cl,s while convalescing. 11 e 11'1'.1 I find work, fOOlI and shellel·. A worlrl "The Squire's been very bnsy lately, his winters there. 1\11'. and Mrs. W. ,J. Kirl,patrlc, or! BUEna Vista College fOI' the holidays. retul'l1 after the holidays. eon~rE'ss .for the epono~lical a{lmlnlsrhecldng up)n autoists that forgot :\11'5. F. 11 Leland, rOI'merly of t~at\(lII ,ot, ,the :,'orlcl" WIth delegates to "low their horns as they rounded Chestnut avenue, will entertain a i The Chases are temporarily maldng the curve at Wynnewood road and the family party on Christmas Day. Mr. J their home with :'Ilrs. Kel'l1, Essex Narherth, but now of Mt. Vernon, N. fl Jm el el.~, ~at1on. (.ould solve. the Y., has become a regular subscriher proFbl~m, ~I It t"'OI~ld-notlhy maKing railroad. I've got a nice little ear for and !\lr,;. W. B. Goodall, the Misses I avenue. Mr and Mrs. William J. Hamilton, to Our Town. There are probably a '00 's arlad se or ithi e azy and Inthe Squire to ride In himself. Then, :'>lacKeag and Mr. and l\lrs. S. Kirk· if the autoists go too fast for the patrie will be their guests. Wi~h 'their son, Kenneth, l~ave leased many- others who still wish to keep ~~m~;~:~;unll:~t t~yd~ ~i~gb::t~r~~~~;. Squire ~Jr y01ll' police force to get the -:'III'S Trl~tan du Marias was one the house formerly occuilled by Mr. alil'e their Interest in Narberth, e\'en 1 t COlHlitl ons O'f Ii v Ing, w hi ch • " I ecen I'{'en~e numlJers, they ean jumJl in the 'If the man v eltlclent women who and Mrs, J, Der!! Esenwein, 'Voodslde though ther have moved to distant, 1 tlfle a ti ' . . .. . sure y wou 11In) t s ent an<1 Sl1llire's ear and catch the culpl'lts." helped to m.ake the Fire Company avenue. MI'. and Mrs. Esenwein will points. Our Town I,; the logical source I. I hated to Interrl1pt the old man, hut fair sueh a success pass the winter in Philadelpbla. of InFormation for one-time resident,.,. ge~ . , . .,0us.we come t 0 ano tl 11'1" CI11' IS t mas, my tIme II' .IS getting short. I peered Mrs I-I. C. Gara, the Misses Gara Christmas Day, MI', and Mrs. WIl- rr YO~l would like to hal'e the raper with pract!cally the same unequal disdown over the side of the sleigh and "n,1 .1\lrS' Eleanor Smith entertained lliam S. Horner will entertain fifteen scnt tree to s~me or. rour fl:len~l~,for t1'ibut!on of the world's goods, as obIlls covered that we were approaching the Ladies' Aid on "'ednesday after· relatives and friends. a few issues, senel us their n,II11(.S and tained on that first Christmas morn In Labrador. noon at the Little 'Vhlte Tea House l\lrs. H. A. Jacobs, Elmwoo(l ave· adrlresses. Bethlehem. But there Is, at least, "Pardi)n me, ColoneL" I said. "but on Avon l'oad. Anth"'yn Farnls, Nar- nue. \\"110 has been suffering as are---this difference-the spirit of Christ would you mind giving me the re- berth. This new venture In our suit of a most threatening Infection, UNCLAI MED LETTERS, has so leavened the world with char. mninder of the story in a few sh)rt, m;d~t geell1S to be very popular for is now well on the way to recovery, ltv that the lives <If millions are made terse paragraphs?" small affairs. hlood poisoning having been prevent· 1\'lrs. Sarah Hobinson, Mr, G, A. h~PPler and more endurable.-A. J. (Continued on Second Page) :'III'S. H. G. Seymonr. Miss Mabel Nl 1J~- quIck action. Schneebeli, Miss Cella Fraser. Loos. MY FRIEND: I've been thinking of you And wondering, too, What I might do, With Christmas in view, To prove it true That I'm thinking of you. No token I bring you of silver or gold, No song do I sing you o(1}rave days of old; But this good word of cheer I would speak were you near: "Hello. there, old comrade! Merry Christmas, I say, And many returns of the bright festive day." . .; .... , - I I i i And then 'you could see how glad I would be That you, too, were thinking--just thinking me HARRY M.CHALFANT :IS I I THE FIRESIDE I I I I I I I -~~--"-- NARBERTH, PA.-OUR TOWN-DEOE}!IllEI~24~ 1~14 OUR TOWN ! LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I EXTRAI OUR POST OFFICE AND THE CHRISTMAS RUSH. ALL ABOUT THE TERIOUS VISITOR. Mv~1 ON THE 8.14 And Elsewhere In Our Town To the Editor of OUI' Town: (Continued from First Page) Owned and Published every Thurs' WANTED-A NEW POST OFFICE. Two very earnest and very modern Had not the Post Office Department "Not at all, not at all," he replle(1 day by the Narberth Civic Assocla.· -young men sat in the front seat of better place an order with the home good naturedly. "And write fast, be· Uon. I 'I'o the Editor of Our Town: In line with the comments in the town blacltsmlth for a few steel hoops cause I'm going to let you down at the smoker the 'other morning, discuss· Ing what one of them characterized as MRS. C. R. BLACKALL, recent issue of Our TOlI'n, on the to help bind our little post office to- the next wireless station. Are you "this Santa Claus business:' It was gether during the Christmas rush? ready?" Editor. facilities at our post office, and evident that he had "no time for such It ~ertainlY is filled almost t? the I nodded and began writing: W. ARTHUR COLE, some recent comments about the "Chief Noel-a package of mysteri- nonsense." Business Manager. Pennsylvania Railroad and its tra:n LurHtmg point with normal !JuSl?ess. "Why," said the other with equal Wha~ wlJl happen whe~ we beglll to us p)wders, one of which, if sprinkled H, C, GARA, sen'ice, I want to suy that If our Indignation, "my little boy believes carr~ parcel post bunc!.es In and out I' before the door of any residence, will Advertising l\Ianager. people want better f3cillties at the:r in Santa Claus as truly as he believes post ollice and a nicer looldng sta- an~ how will Postm~ster J:Iaws and his put the occupant In a state of walking- In his breakfast. I suppose you can't Le pel's ~1H1 room 111 which to worlt hypnotism, which will cause said oc· tion at the railroad, they llave to paSend all letters and news Items to tronize their home post office and when t!l1s. extra business h.as to be cupant to walk directly to the tire do anything about it, but It doesn't seem to me to be the right thing to p, O. Box 956, Narberth, Pa. Do not thelt' home railroad station more stored mSHle the two partitIOns that house and plank down a. $3 bill and bring children up like that:' send them to the printer. ~ow force the hox renters to. hUdd~e sa~' 'enroll me as a member; I'm not than they do. Yes, It was a shock; we hadn't supSend all advertising copy to P. O. 'fal{e. for instance, the railroad sta- 111 .a corner llke ~I~ecp to ~valt theIr much of a tire fighter, but I appre· posed that there were any just like Box 820. Make all remittances to lion: It is the custom or the Penn- tUl n to get at their hoxes .-W. AI'- elate the w.)rk of the tire company.' P. O. Box 34. "Postmaster Haws-a fine new post that In Narberth. But now that we Eylvania Railroad to creclit to a sta- thur Cole. know that there are at least two, and Our Town Is on sale at the depot tion the sale of ticket.s, mileage office and an autograph letter from news-stand, and at the store of H. E. book:;, etc, 3t that station, as an in· To the Editor of Our Town: President Wilson, authorizing special possibly a few more, we have decided to use most of our space this Davis. Narberth needR 3 new post office 1argJln days In 2-cent stamps. dicatlon of the amount of business week. In reprinting what many people done at that point-an Indication of ~or many. rea:ons. One of the prin·l. ·P.resident Henry, of the Civic Asso· regard as the best answer tha.t has Entered as second-class matter, Oc· c1pal reasons IS that under the preR' c,mtwn-a patent for a new kind of tober 15, 1914, at the Post Office at what consideration the station is en· ent system of delivery a member of ticket punch, which will work only ev- ever been made to the Antl...santa titled to. Conse1uently, every time Claus Agitation. It is from the edi· Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the 0111' town'!; peoplc huy their tickets, each family must enter the office to' ery other time, and a letter from Gov· torili.1 page of the New York Sun, and Act of March 3, 1879. milf'age hooks. etc.. at Broad Street ohtain their mall. Therefore, we ernor-elect Brumbaugh, saying that he was originally published many years should have a modern hnlJdlng, prop· will force the State I...eglslature to pass StnUon they are taldng of\' one shinTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, l!lH ~Ie froll1 Narberth Station. erly ventilated with a sufficient a law compelllng the P. R. R. to equip ago. To old Sun readers like our neigh· of Rlllllight to reach every Its conductors with those new punches =:::::=:::::===::::::::::::::===::::::::::::::::::::::::~ I If greater l'aciJit'cs and mor(' CDn· quantity bar, Henry Rose, this Christmas ediIloolc and corner, as germs which may \:ntil the fares are reduced. \'l'nienees 31'1' wanted at Narherth torial Is by no means new. But if "Flicl, Stites-a letter from Eddie post ol1leo. the patronR of that post hp broug-ht into the post office either EDITORIAL NOTES you've never read It, NOW IS THE , omC'e Rhonld mal,e it a point to 1m)" I'y the people Or the mail, lurlc in Colllns saying that all that talk about ACCEPTED TIME. ! aR l113ny stamps aR possihle at that dark cornc>rs ready to be inhaled and him being sold to the Chicago Fed· Is There a Santa Claus? CHRISTMAS. start their worlc, while fresh air and erals was a mistake. and that he is pal'ticnlar office. 'Ve take pleasure in answering at If you are in donht al10nt the aecnr- sunlight. would render many Inactive. g)ing to quit professional base ball once, and thus prominently, the c·om· A "Merry Christmas" to all Nar- 11(:\, of thiR, consult the postmaster YourR truly-Romaine C. Hoffman. and move out to Narberth and join a municatlon below. expressing at the berth. May the spirit of unity anet 01' the l"tation.-A. E. Wohlert. : --real team." same time our great gratification that peace continue to prevail in 0111' borI l~(litor of Our Town: oJ< oJ< '" '" oJ< its faithful authOi' Is numbered among ough. As we are hlessed, So may w"" , I al1l very glad to know an effort I "Well, here we are," said the Colt.he friends of The Sun: bless others, not forgetting the trul' Editor Our Town: ' ;R heln!.!; made to ha\'e a new post ene!. hre.lldng away from his narra· "Dear Editor; Christmas spirit of self-forgetfulness. I wonder wlH'thel' am all !!; tIlC' of!ief' in Narberth. The present of-I tlve. "I am eight years \::Ild. When the many trees are bright with many griml thin!!;s you are doing for ncc' iR too Rmall and not in Iteeping Before 1 could answer the old feJlow "Some of my little friends say there gifts and tinsel, and the merry volees N3rherth, through your valuable ra- with a live and hustling horough like pulled a rope ladder from under the of children fill the all', may we re,- per, yon could not start a movement Nal'herth, which rlemandR everything Reat, and maldng snre that one end Is no Santa Claus. "Papa says, 'If you see it In The member the One in whose name w,' for a ncw post office building. More np to date. AII honor to the Civic was fast to the sleigh, dropped the Sun, it's so.' celebrate. room iR sarlly needed to accommodate A ssociatlou. 1\1 ay the good work go other end over the side. "Please tell me the truth; is there the people. and us ~'Oll !\"enerally get on unt.iI we have an office in Icepping "Hurry, now," he added, shaking my a Santa Claus? THE 99% AVENUE OF NARBERTH., what )'OU go aftpr. \\,on't you try for wi'h the town. Very truly yours-W.! hand \'Igorously. "Hustle down this "VIRGiNiA O. HANLON. --T better rORt ofllee facilities? I alll- C. Poor. ladder and when you get to the bot- "115 West 95th Street:' . . Harry S. Hopper. More LetterR Next \Veek. 1 tom rung, jump. It's only a little way ShortlY. after . "Our own" was Virginia, y)ur little friends are started on Its mISSIon to serve thiS _ - - - - - - - - - ' t tI t1 d IT tI t wrong. They have been affected lJj" community as a medium of regular A WORTH.WHILE CHRISTMAS. I'~ ear I, an o. lere a your I t' b t tI E . I'llZht vOII'1I find t.he WIreless station." the scepticism of a sceptical age. commun ca Ion .. e ween Ie .man y .. dltor 0111' Town: I A few minutes bier I had jumped, They do not believe except they see. local organizations and the reSidents Do we need a new post office bnild· TllP Bovs' Sunday School class CO'l- and sure enough. there was the wire- They think that nothing can be which of the borough who compose them, ing? Most emphatically yes. The: ·'''('ted lw Fletcher Stites is enjoyin!?; I t t ' . tel I IT' 1 between the merchants and their . . . . ess s.a nn. JUs as 0 one ~rlllg e is not comprehensible by their little . present quarters have become loa "hp.t to most of them IS an unusual had said It wonld be. 'Which proves to minds. All mindS, Virginia, whether patrons< and ' for the exchange of crampe d t 0 a d equa t e1y serve t h . "h Th e t I' me, at least, that tbis wonderful old e "' ay a f a b servmg, \J I'i S t mas. they be men's or children's, are Utthough. 011 all .oclll problems H. A. communlty:'The govern'inent o'ught to leader obtained tbe 'names and ad· man Is just as wonderful as I have tIe. In this great universe of ours Jacobs proposed and realize the extensive growth of the dresses of several worthy famllies in a I ways b Id I' sui een e t 0 b e l'leve h e was. · , thatI a comp d fete man Is a mere insect, an ant, In his sys t ema t IC cam ass Ie rna e 0 J- borough since the site was chosen, dire need from the Society for Organiz(Signed) intellect, as compared with the bound· scrlptlons to this weekly paper con- and 31T0rd a sulTering public sOllie re- ing Charity. and the boys are to perDiehard Rarding Havis. less world about him, as measured ducted by unpaid, volunteer (or "com- lief. I lIIarvel at the p3tience of our sonally Investigate their needs and ---.-----by the intelligence capable of grasping mandered") worlters. reople. When a city tr3in arrives in find ways and means of fUlfil1in~ NARBERTH DEFEATS ST. PAUL. the whole '::If truth and knowledge. He had in mind that nearly every the evening, it is difficult to ext,rlcate t1lC'm. The 'bOys are entllUsiastic over Yes, Virginia, there Is a Santa. one of our citizens would wish to one's self from the jam in this little the prospects of doing really worthNarberth defeated St. Paul in a Claus.. He exists as certainly as love support the efforts put forth In theu' t\\'o by four room. The place is a while things this Christmas. and will Main Line League contest by the oneInterest through this experiment in 1110St undignified home for Uncle Sam undoubtedly gain a new vision of t.he sided score of 48 to 8. L. Davis and anrl generosity and devotion exist, and co-operative jonrnalism; but, that. as to do business in for a people who meaning of "Peace on earth. goodWl1 W. Durbin were easil~' the stars of you know that they abound and give Is so often the case, they would I,eep are accustomed t.o up.to-date enuip- toward men." t.he game, L. Davis caging 10 field to your life Its highest beauty and putting off and putting off sending in 111ent. I hope there wiJ\ he no delay Surely. this is an example many goals, 4 of them bordering on the sen- JOY. Alas! how dreary would be the their subscriptions until some one in the move th3t 111 \I st neceRsarlly more of ns could follow. not only to sational. Durbin, with 7 field goals. worlrl if there were no Santa Claus. would personally call on thel1l for be nlllc]e.-Emerson L. Swift. t.he IJPnefit of the heneficiaries of our' waR his nearest rival for scoring hon- It would be as dreary as If there their money. Interest, hut t.o the profit of 0111' own ors. Gene Davis, wit.h 3 field goals and were n:> Vlrginlas. There would be 'Vben presenting his suggestion to --j souls. 11 assiHts, figured largely in the de- no child-like faith then, no poetry. no the managers of "Our Town," he said: Editor "Our Town:' Narberth. Pa.: I Be a spug-do somethin!!; real 1'01" I'eat of St. Paul. The home team eas- romance to make tolerable this exist''If you, as a group, can give ~IP sev· Dear Sir:-I was very much inter- i suffering. ~umanity! There are more Ily ?utclassed t~le visitors as th~ score ence. ~Te should have no enjoyment. eral eveni~gs a week to orgamze and ested in your article in this weelc'S: ollport.ullltlCs to-day than ever hefort). deSignates. theIr teamwork hemg aI- except In sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fillc; conduct thiS paper regularly fOl' a l~~lg issue of your snappy paper, regarding: . 11I0st perfect. the world would he extinguished. term, 1 can surely afford toe glv~ 11' en ga l.w 111 the postal facilities in Narberth. MEETING OF V. M. C. A. :'\ARBERTH. Not believe in Santa Claus! You Ilours for t wo or th ree v 111. S, . their is one crying need in our horGoals Fouls Assts. might as well not believe in fairies! one week and solicit a subscrlpl.oll ough it is for a better post otliC'e. The adjourned annual meeting or 11 You might get your papa to hire men r'~. lIa\'!R :~ 0 from ever! house on t.he avenue Oil There is no fault to be found With the Y. 1\1. C. A. will be heM on :\lon o to watch in all the chimneys on \V. Durbin 7 :1 which I hve-anld I tlUnktl1 c~tn gte.~ our service as far as those In chur::;e day night next, 28th inst. at the As2 Christmas eve to catch Santa Claus, L. Davis 10 r. one from. ·every louse on le.s ree. are concerned, but ther are great1:; soclat.ion huildlng. at 8 P. 1\1. At this 4 but even if they did not see Santa 0 0 Now. Ius voluntary co-<>peratlOn wa~ handicapped hy the lack of room. time the 8peclal committee appoint.- V. Fleck 3 Claus coming down, what would that 0 0 exactly for what the manage.ment hall As ~'ou are probably aware. the,:~ ell at. the meeting" held a few dayR W. Nevin pro\'e? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but ST. PAUL hoped from every ~arn!'st. II1teresteJ is very little sentiment in Ollr Unci'! a'l:O WIll submit it" report. for the conGoals Fouls Assts. that is no sign that there is no Sanh ~erson. And t~~e spirit of hl~ proposal Samuel's composition and the first.! sideration of the association mem()o Claus. The most real things in the 1 0 listened good to his audItors: h~lt question that the postal authorities' herR. It IR understood t.ha.t a com· F. Hirsch o W:Jrld are those that neither children F. Smith 0 ':j they were " doubtful-very doubtrul--.• asl, when the SUbJect ., i PI' 1 n'" pl' I 1 h en prepared of Impl'ovements e IC R1\ e ,11 las e. , .. 1 nor men can see. Did you ever see 0 0 abou~ the everyone on the avenue lis mentioned is. "How much business lnokin!! toward the succesliful opera· W. Parsolls o fairies dancing on the lawn? Of 1 0 part. To have received the support do you do in Narberth?" and it is u]) tlon of th(~ huildln~ anll its equip· W. Smith 1 course not, but that's no proof that 0 0 of 50% of those living on any given to every man and \~'oman in Our ment. All the members of th(' asso' ;\1. Parsons , they are not there. Nobody can conavenue would have made glad" the Town. who has its 'best interests at eiation lire urged to attend the meet· Referee-Dr. Hoffman. Timekeeper celve or Imagine all the wonders hearts of the worlters behind Our heart to increase the receipts so that' lUg" on :\fonday night. -I']. Dlcldc. Time of halves-20 min- there are unseen, and unseeable In To,vn" tl f "()',II' when " this important question comeH . _.~---utes. Narberth substitutes-H. the world. 11.' managers 0 • • H owever, Town" toolt Mr. Jacobs at his worr! up the~' \\'111 be ,,:"arranted III Inslstln'~ You may tear apart the bahy's rattle If you are entertaining friends, or Speakman. 1\1. Krieble. W. Humphries. "h I d 11 t " t it" lie that the needed Improvements should are starting on a journey, or If you Narberth and Ardmore Tied for 1st and see what makes the noise Inside, an d ~Ih or ze 1 m a go· 0 . '. b d did' e ma e. Place. but there is a veil covering the un· Imow some newsy items for "Lady f He visited every house on ElmwoolJ Nothing else except the sales The coming game between Nar- seen world which not the strongest Na.rberth," send them to Our Town. avenne and got a subscription from stamps: stampe? envelopes, etc" .S They will be much appreciated. bert.h and Ardmore, which will de- man. nor even the united strength of every olle visited-except just one. talten Illto ~onslderatlon. .Even saleJ c;,le f1rRt place in the league will be all the strongest men that ever lived, f tl of stamps III large quallt1tles to bc - --I'lared on Narberth's fioor, SaturdaY could tear apart. Only faith, fancy. th ;lm woo d avenuNe IbS ' there ore, le used elsewhere are not iucluded in c\·enln~. December 2li. As both teams poetry, love, romance, can push asld~ 9 9 lO Avenue of ar er . This 1dnd of support proves highly the actual ?usiness done. 3re evenly matched a hotly contest that curtain and view and picture the developed civic interest and a wIlUn\?;It is estimated that a very large game is expected. supernal beauties. and glory beyond. . . percentage of the correspondence 'If Is It all real? Ah, Virginia, In all this ness to back that Interest by pel sonal h . 11 d i Phil d I I' rork and nominal financial support. our ames IS rna e n a e ])Ila. worlel there is nothing else real and 'Our Town" -thanks Mr. Jacobs and Now It Is up to all of us to buy onr ahldlng. We have heard of some people who those of Elmwood avenue who so stamps at home, but of course no "No Santa Claus! Thank God! be Hay they could live on music. Then i l t d hi fault can be found If YOu have the lives and he lives forever. A thousan1 loya y supPaI' e m. mistaken idea that mall Is hastened It mllst be on note meal. years from now, Virginia, nay, ten Mr. Jacobs reported that nearly b IIi 't i Phil d 1 h' Tl _________________ times ten thousand years from now, everv one visited said that ther hu'l y ma ng 1 11 a e pia. 11'1'1' Inte~ded to send in their subscription, fore buy your stamps in Narberth an,1 he will continue to make glad the but had delayed for one reason or carry the stamped letters In Yf)U~ heart of childhood, th pockets for a week or two or un~i1 _______________ I I I I I I' 'I? i 7 ------------- H. C. FRITSCH ania er. th I th b h vour wife finds them If ,'ou prefer. hu' severy 0 er avenue n e oroug b tOT I going to allow the Elmwood avenue Il~~e ~~ ~wn bY patroniZing t·p ecord to go unchallenged? Which ,. po C' ceo avenue will make a 100% record? Sincerely yours. Let'. hear from volunteers I FRED'I{ L. RORE. II will If you sl~IY walt. You can't renson It otherwlse.4won't If fixed In time. So all occasional e lnatlon Is necessary. We do that free. • • ~~..;;..,.... m"H~'i I@ Properties For Rent and Sale Fire Insurance Chfef Wingebone Junior. Bell Phone 352 W. Thf' vlJlain nlways gets his on the Wall Building. Narberth, Pa. .'lll!:f'. 1n real lite he gets ours. , ...... .. ~ NARB~RTH, PA.-OUR TOWN-DEOEMHE]{ 24" 1914 EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH. I 1THOUGHTS FOR SAFETY DURING CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. The Regent Theatre Rev. Emerson L. Swift, Pastor. We are again approaching the NARBERTH METHODiST EPISCO. i The services last Sunday wlll long Christmas Holidays when naught but PAL.. CHURCH. 1632 MARKET STREET be remembered by those who attend. happiness and good cheer should pre· ed as of vital importance in the spirit. vail. Let us malee it so, by caution Bear All Organs In Pblladelpbla-Compare them wllb Ibat in tbe Regent ual activity of the church. Rarely and the avoidance of carelessness in Rev. Chris. G. Koppel, Pastor. FRI., &: SAT. PROGRAMME does there come such a notable result the handling of Christmas tree decor· THURS., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24thDee. 26 Dee. 25 Dee. 24 Christmas Sunday, December 27. from the celebration of Christ's ad. aUons. Flimsy decorations should Marie Dressler and Charles Chaplin in 10.30 A. l\f.-Christmas Service by the vent in Bethlehem. But the "W1Jit,! never be used. They have been the "Lillie's Punctured Romance." Sunday School. Gift Service" in the afternoon seemed cause of much sadness and many DECEMBER 25thFRIDAY, Carols, "Star of the King" .... , .School to be the type of service that was d~. deaths. Let us try to make our bor· IN Allce JI:>yce in Christmas Bells ..... Primary Children manded t':> claim the interest of all ough the banner borough in free· "The School for Scandal" 'Cella Solo ., •. Mr. lJ. Wayne Arny and win a result that was more than dom from distressing casualties, And !<'ranc!s X. Bushman in A Christmas StJry............ Pastor of mere passing attention. The caused by thoughtless carelessness. "Any Woman's Choice." Music in charge of Mrs. I•. Wayne church was full, the decorations weI' a Be happy and use care not to mar this SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26tl1Arny, Director. characteristically beautiful, the !lIus· happiness. :\-Iabel Talaiefero in Community Christmas Service, 7.45 tratlve story of the birth of Christ by Many entertainments will be giv. "The Three of Us." P. M. Mr. A. A. Chalker was helpful, the en in homes, schools, Churches, ba· Coming-Milton Lackaye In Watch-N ight Service. music was excellent and the gifts of zaars, and stores. Remember that "The Pit." Thursday, Dec. 31, 1914, at 9.30. self, service and substance were .im· light, inflammable decorations make XMAS WEEK-Mary Pleklord In "Cln"Dreaming City" Choll· pressively presented. The' whole easy flres. Avoid their use. Decora· derel,I_B_••_. _ Prayer.. scheme reflects great credit on all who tlons of no kind should be used near I - Review of the Old Year, had charge of the arrangements. gas jets An air current may cause Material Progress .. Fletcher W. Stites The Bible School is doing a SJIld II. disastrous fire. Religious Achievements, . work. It Invites people of all ages Where possible, electricity should Rev. Harry M. Chalfant to join with It in Bible study. The be used for lighting trees and for Outlook for the New Year. men'R and women's classes are grow· decorative purposes and the wiring I What can I do for the Sunday School ing, We sa~' to the men, "Meet me at should be done by a competent elec'l in the New Year? the church uext Sunday at ]0 o'clock trician. Charles W. Kreamer in the left hand corner." I If trees are to be lighted, other What will Prayer mean to me in the Subject of the sermon next Sunday than by electricity, see that children New Year? m':>rning is, "Time and Its Meaning." do not light or relight the candles. Mrs. Robert E. Pattls:>n The e~enlng services at 7 and 7.45 Frequently clothing is set afire by ARDMORE, PA. Hymn No. 478, will be in union with the Presbyter· permitting this. Avoid the possiblllty. "0 Holy Saviour, Friend Unseen" I ians and Methodists at the churCh of The tree will also burn when dry. Automobile Service Something from m~' Bible for the New the latter. Rev. E. L.. Swift will speal, Better no lights than to run the riRk. Year, on "The Prodigal's Return." Paper, cotton, or other decorations I GODFREY W. W. Akers, A. Souder, Roy Griffith. The Christmas festival of the Bible 01' a flimsy material shonld not be The Real Estate Man at Something from my Hymnal for the School w!ll be celebrated at the used. Use metallic tinsel or uninfiam· New Year, church Tuesday vening, December mabIe material, and and see that 114 Woodside Ave., Lillian compton, Wade Howenstine. 29, with a cantata by the young peo· trees are securely fastened, so that will he pleased to assist you in get· Jean Chalfant, :\liriam Ward. pIe. The public Is cordially invited. children cannot pull the tree over ting a home. Wht shall I d:> with the Sins and Mis· The prayer and praise service next when reaching for things. Telephone-Narberth 685 A. takes of the Old Year? \Vednesday evening ought to call out If presents are distrihuted from Rev. Chris G. Koppel, Pastor a large number. The subject is, the tree, either at home or at a pubSolo, "The Mistakes of My Life Have "What Wilt Thou Have Me To D:>?" He entertainment, care should be tak· J. A. MILLER Been Many" .. Mr. David D. Stickney Acts 9: 6. en in handling them to avoid the pos· (Successor t':> E. J. HOOD) of Ardmore, Pa. What can I do for the Church in the Our customary New Year's ser· sibillty of a fire. HEATER AND RANGE WORK The oldest, largest II.nd best deposi· New Year? vice which has always been well at· 1 Avoid mechanical toys that require SLATE AND TIN ROOFER tory In this vicinity. Dr. Francis W. Sadler tended by thoughtful worshipers W!lll' alcohol Or gasoline or other danger. Hymn No. 571, ue held again this year at 8 A. M. ous oil to operate them. Capital, $150,000. Surplus, $125,000 "Another Year is Dawning" Friday morning. People can leave in Never permit cotton to be used be. 104 Forrest Avenue. Undivided Profits, $40,000. The Silent Hour-Remembrance and time for the 9 o'clocle train for the neath trees, to give the appearance Johbing a Sneclalty. Narberth, Pa. Prospect. city. A general invitation is extend· of snow. If the appearance of snow ------...-- -------. ------------All bowed in silence, thinking of ed to the people of the community tJ is desired, for any purpose, use min· those wb':> have gone home during the meet wlt\~ us. eral wool or asbestos. It will not burn old year, followed with prayer for The neighborhood prayer meetings and gh'es a better effect than cotton. those 'who shall go during the New w~llch have become .so great a success Matches should never he left with· Year.~-- -----.. --. ~Ill be h;ld idn varl~uFs blocks of the In the reach of childrert. Keep them In ••ome Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs Hymn No. 612, lOrough nes a\ an . riday evening" metal boxes and out of reach, II and Game. "Jerusalem, the Golden." fr'Jm 8 to 8.30 0 clock next week. D on 't Ie t smo k ers th row l'Ight e d A few Minutes of social Christian ! cigars, cigarettes, or matches about Special Nursery Milk in Paper Carton Fancy Fruit and Vegetables. Fellowship. ST. MARGARET'S R. C. CHURCH'I in a careless manner. Filled at penhurst Farm I~ove Feast, in charge of the pashr Be constantl~' on the watch for and Stewards. Rev. R. F, Cowley. Rector. I auything that might cause fire Have Bell Phone-Narberth 669 D. Hymn No. 312, merriment, and plenty of it, but NARBERTH, PA, "0 Happy Day That Fixed MY Choice" The hours for the masses on Christ· avoid mourning by the avoidance of Telephone. Consecration Service. mas morning will be as follows: carelessness. Hymn No. 335, Early mass at 6 'o'clock. Second Strive to prevent casualties, but NARBERTH, PA. "I thirst, ThOll wounded Lamb of God, mass at 7 o'clock. Late mass at 9 be prepared for an emergency by To wash me in Thy cleansing blood." o'clock. having placed conveniently fire ex· -----------_._------Doxobgy and Eenediction. The following is the program of mu· tingulshers or buckets filled with wa· Do Your Marketing at No address or paper to exceed fiv·::! sic for the High Mass at 9 o'clock: tel'. minutes. Asperges, Gregorian.. Mass, Saint Teach the children to be carefnl: Everybody corllially invited. Come La Salle. Offertory, Adeste Fideles. show them the danger of fire. Drill and spend in joyful serVice the last Recessional, Tyrolese Christmas, them at home; nothing appeals to hours of the Old Year In God's th Stllle Night).Naeht (Silent Night, Sacred clli1l1ren more than drilling and when house an d t h us ma Iee rea d y f or e once they are made to realize the New Year. Refreshments served at the close 'of henefit of knowing how to protect the service. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. tl'emselves in case of fire, it will en· Where can be obtained the best ahle them to better care for them· the market affords - including Rev. Andrew T. Burke, Rector. selves in time of danger.-Chas, V. Fancy Poultry, Oysters' Sunday services Noel, Assistant State Fire Marshal. THE PRESYTERIAN CHURCH. 8 A. I\I.-The Holy Communion. and Fish 9.45 A. M.-The Sunday school. Try us one. and b. convinced. Young men are fitter to Invent than 11 A. l\I.-l\1orning Prayer and Ser· Rev, John Van Ness, Pastor, to judge; fiter for execution tho.n for - - - - - - - - - - - - - mono counsel.-Bacon. 4 P. l\L-Evenlng prayer. This church extends to the commun· There will be a second celebration ity the season's greetings. Christ· of the Hol~' Communion on the first mas is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Sunday of each month at 11 o'clock. Narberth, Pa. The Presbyterian Church reverently The Thanksgiving Day service will It will If you simply walt. You c:an't Telephone Estimates reason It otherwise. It won't If fixed In time. worships Him as the Son of God and be at 11 o'clocle. -------,---So al) occasional examination Is necessary. Saviour of mankind. We do that free. A praise service wlll be held in the ~25 lona Avenue, Narberth, Pa. ~~~;;., ..., Gar&"w~~I@ ('hurch Christmas morning at nine RE.HEARING GRANTED IN RATE Telephone-Narberth 381·D. o'cbck. All are invited. CASE. Sunday. DecemlJer 27tb, 10 A. M. Hilh Grade Butter A formal notice has been received Sabbath School, all departmeJ,lts. Two Telephone-Narberth 644 A, by Mr. Henry, as attorney for the Bible classes. The attendance last Sabbath was the largest in the history Narberth Civic Association, to the ef· fect that a re·hearing In the suburban of the school. passenger fare case will be held at 1 A. M. PUllllc worship. Some of Harrisburg on Friday, .January 8, A FULL LINE OF the mUl;ic of last Sabbath wlU be re1910, at 10 A. M. 33 E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, Pal peated by the quartette. While Narberth has fared well un· 4 P. M. Communicants' Class for der the new schedule. the advance In those ab'Jut to unite with the church. the new ] OO·trip ticket being only For Good Servrce and Moderate 7 ~. M. Union Younl?; People'!-l ninety cents, towns farther away Prices in Meeting in the Methodist Church; from the city have been less fortun· leader, Mr. R. C. McQuilkin. ate by reason of the readjustment of Plumbing, Heating, 7.45 P, M, Union Meeting in the schedules on a mileage basis. Methodist Church witb sermon by Roofing, Spouting The contention now is that since Rev. E. L. Swift.• the Interstate Commerce Commlssioll and Range Work New Year's eve-Watch Meeting, has permitted an increase in freight Call on rates no Increase in suburban pas· beginning at 8.30, with the rendition of Fillmore's New Year cantata by the senger rates Is necessary. Mr. Henry on Monday attended a entire membership of the junior congregation. This will be f:>llowed by meeting of the Central Committee in music. readings, a social hour and a Philadelphia, where plans were dis· closing devotional service. Full no: cussed for further carrying on the NARBERTH, PA. fight. tice will be giVEn next week. Wm. Farnham Wilson Barrett's Immortal Drama "ThB Sign t~fe Cross" Chas. M. Stuard J.frankDn Miner I 16Z6Chestnut St. • I FUNERAL DIRECTOR ANDIRONS Wm. F.J.Fielder' DRUGGIST I The Merion TiDe and Trust Co. Geo. &W.J. Markle SELECT DAIRIES BOYLE'S MARKET HOUSE Prime Meats 'I AStore for Particnlar People" 100 Narberth Avenue Coller's Markel Y. M. C. A. BuDding JAMES G. SCANLIN Contracting Painter VERL PUGH Electrical Contractor Frank Ct'ist MEATS & PROVISIONS s. P. FRANKENFIELD SONS Undertakers Howard E. Davis Whitman's Candy N. E. Smedley ~ AHBEnr.rI-I, PA.--OUR TOWN DECE~IBER 24, 1914 -===;================= I = BASKET BALL.. DOW IS YOUR MILK SAFEGUARDED? MENTiON OUR TOWN. TWO NEW BASKET BALL. TEAMS. Narberth High School, 14: Swarth· There are many ways In which The members of Mr. Poor's Bible more H. S., 34. Defeated, hut not householders can help "Our '1'own," dlsgracell. The Narberth High School Read the paper, especially the ad vel'- Class of the Presbyterian Church held team was def€ated by the stron:; tisements, then patronize our good a meeting at the residence of their Swarthmore team in a very exciting business men and women, who are tcacher, 10(; Forrest avenue, on Frigame. The Swarthmore hays, who very courteous, and try to please. lIar evening and organized two bas· are coached by Mr. Hlumau,.a former I The.n remembe~ when you do your In't hall tell 111 S. "'lI1 Durbin was Narberth H. S. coach. outweIghed the I hUY1l1g to mention tImt you read the chosen captain of the first team and i Narberth boys IJY twenty pounds a I advertisement in "Our Town." B)' IhPir mcmbers are: I man. 'When the two teams lined Ull i doing this you are helping two worthy Guards-Chester Smith, Walter T. at the openin?: of the game. an over- i ohjeet. s . hesides gettin~ real ~ervi('e. :\evln. whelming defeat was expected: hut: Th~n it' you thinl, t~le IJalEr wor.tl1 Ceutcr-:\onllan Kriehel. t.he r\arherth hays showed the lightin~! ':h 11". II'h~' not send III YOUI' snbscl'JpFllrwal'lls-l'. O. Humphrcv. "'ill spirit that IlUt Narherth on the mall.: t1(111 at once? I Dnrbin. . in athletics. 1'he individnal stUI' 01 .__ 'I'h,· sccolHl team will he chosen the game w.as Yarnall. of the visit~r" I from th" other' memIJers of the cIas:, He cagerl nme field gouls. some hCIll<!; \\"h'eh U:'p us follo\\'s: Kenneth Hamfr~m all ~ngleS o.f ,the floo.r. The iltoll. nona~(1 1(11'1" \lohcrt ;\'lneller, 1Jnght stals for. ~alherth. f :, I n •S1 nan, ". r< QU1nC\. . , • "1"lIere "fV' the , i1 I tel' ,.owan, alii arollllHl f IIIIaYllng ?f ·Blt.1 ,,~ 111n ,,; Yo\\"ell ..T. F. Bolie1" C. E. HUlIlphrey, alH . I t Ie i au s ' 100tlllg 0 ",m'a:l I·j ac I',C, tt 'V'II I·r urI's, i ..\ I'.111 I",OSC. ,'''II 1 I A visit to II modern sanitary Dairy is Quite as 8mlt 1. The 1 ne-np. ~. ,cwar,l I' I' os t cr. Sl C~o\van, F . II-I' , illleresting as it is inslruC'ive. A trip Ihrough Swarthmure I-I. S. '''I'nI1' r':-\urIJerth II. S. . ' . . ,1(' ' ~'11'c '" .,111 I'tlI, 1" elry R e(l'f 1 er. our plant wil1 show you how far science and Ior\\'ard \arual CaHie Bn1'l'. invention have enabled us to safeguard our milk and cream. You are cordially in- "'mne " forward \Vest l,ril'l' thp husiness meeting" the vited to make stich a trip. Telephone Belmont 4205 or West 143 and we shall be McCarter glad to make an appointment, or caIl at any time at 4709 Lancas,cr .-,vcnue, where Downes eellter Gatchell cla~s spCllt 11 vcry pleasant social Ode II _ guurd. . . . . .. Lungren I guides are always available. S n1l.'tl I 1001r. EDWARD W. WOOLMAN, 4709 Lancaster Avenue. glial' d : W 0 a (I Thi:' elas,; is l"e!!:ulul'ly or?:anized. i I Atl Invitation I. ---------_._-_._---_---------------------------------,,1:~eld ~oa~s-N~rlJ~rth: - > - Packing, Shipping, Hauling FURNITURE AND PIANOS AUTOMOBILE TO HIRE hU"'m~ a full complement officers and committeE'S and meet!' ofregularlv MeCartel. 1. DOli nes, 1. 8".,vmne, arthmor -. Yarnell. n: West, 3: Gatchell, 2: LUIlgrEll, 1: 'Voo.d. 1. Foul goals-I"or ~arherth; SmIth, 8: for s.lI'art~m~re: " a~nall. 2.. Re.feree-Davls. 01 "~st I IUlu.delph.la H.Ig~l. ~chOO~. ~eorelDurhm. at Ha,ellollI. TlInel,eeper-Da'is I :VI l-I S Umpire-I" :." ': I. - ' f' d . ' "1I111t', o[ laver or . , ~ ~-.r;,., (~ \(~ (le..]~_L\,1 ~r _~_/ Be a Subscriber BANK ""ITH The game room of the ~arl.>erth Y. :\1. C. A.. recently g\llt~d by fire, h; I being rapidlr put into first-class con-I (~ition. \' The bJwling alleys are mifr i1Uttrui1nmu' ID: ttl;! 1323 Walnut St., being AND George B. Suplee SWINGS ACCOUNTS Entirely New. . Instructor in Piano, Organ and Theory of Music, 1lt Merry Christmas Telephone-Narberth 604. ~: Narberth Dansant • T.: • of MOWRER BROS. Carpenters, Contractors and Builders '\'e also can)' a large assortment of fine Josepb C. Mowrer felephone OJnnection, Narberth and Merion. Christmas Candies F. H. WALZER Painting in all its Branches Estimates Cheerfully Given, Telephone-Narberth 31l-D. ;:: Telephone-Narberth 368. EDWARD HAWS Plaster and Cement Work Jobbing : Estimates Furnished ~================== - .- .. THE GREATEST ADVERTISEMENT OF ALL 'rite heHt luh'erth~p(l p,'ent tdnce (-relltlon'~ dllwn i~ the BtI·tlt of the ('hrlstmns Bnl.w, T('ns of thousnnlls of J't'rludh-ldN, tIlt' wOI'lel nrO\111(1, un' sl"ltln~ it rorth in ~Jle('lol ISHne~_ hookH ~lIl1lom~ upon n11111n1l8 ur ha\"(' cclchrntC'tl It. 4\ II the colorful thrhd nu"", (~tlr118 pl'mnote Its f[llue. Th£' lustf'I' of th\· E"f'llt 911ln<'5 frOJn Chrlt;lnu," trt·t·N, hnlb' nlHI ntlM- c. p~ COOK ELM HALL tll·t..... COAL, WOOD AND BUILDING SUPPLlES miJt Q)rrtltluoob printing We also ha,-e an assortment small Gennan Christmas Cakes. Our ~'Ilnce anll Pumpkin Pies are deliciolls-we lise 0\11' own make mince meat. John A. Mowrer :!: 'f':::' Our Fruit and p,0und Cake are made of the !Jest matel'luls-ftavored nicely. Studio, 6 Arcade Building I ¥ !HolJinson & Crawford Christmas Suggestions in Sweets ~ ACHSAH M. WENTZ PhiladelPhia! Bell Telephone. I~~~""~~' ~i: Pa. Steam & Hot Water Heating Narberth <!In. I Plumbing planed and finished with a new "loop the loop" return In place of the old style rct\lrn, the ncll' return avoiding the dan~er of n bowler on either ~ alley interfering with a bowler deli,,· I ~.:~~.:~.:...~:..~.:~'1-:..'}l.:....~~.:...s.,.:..~.:.~.,.: ...~...:...Jl.:.~..,.:~~"":"~"':"'~1.:~".:' ering his ball. Nell' halls and new \ ~ ~ pins are also heing installed. The new pool tahles-three in num~ ~ her-will be the latest and best. They :~; THE store Where Quality Counts :;; are especially attraetive in design, ~ extend the season's greetings and ~ having the nell' ~quare base legs. New ~; wish you all a very Merry Christmas. cues, new halls and new mIscellaneous ~ May the day be one of peace and ~: equipment accompany the new tables. When fully equipped, the W. M. C. ~; gladness and the season one of happi- ~: A. will have the finest game nom on ness and prosperity. :~: the Main Line, one that may he comh Y parell fa"orably with those of some of ~: the large clubs in town that men pay ~ ~ $25 to $100 a year for the privilege :j' The Stores Where Quality Counts Throughout :~ .': the City and Suburbs. .} of using. ~!"'. • •••~.~~.~ • • •••~ •••~.~.,..~.&., • • ••~ .,· 41"'· ~r Why nol. use the Y. M. C. A. i:1 ~.~•••~.~ ~· ~.,·• 1':.,~ ~. which to spend an off hour or tW:l. save ~'our rallroJd fare ill town anel help to support an institution that is tbe coming social and civic center of our home town? When that "gJod fellow" comes Ollt to take dinner with yOll, bring him to the Y. M. C. A. to 1'011 a ga1l1e on the alleys or shoot him some pocket bilContented Consumers Commend liards.. You sa,'e the time and the exCook's Coal pense of the trip in town, have fellowship in refine(l surroundings. and. incielentally. help a good 11'01'1, tJ go on EVERY THURSDAY and to prosper. The woodworl, of the room has heen refinished in light-colored palnl. which increases the attractiveness of the place, and the new concrete floor CARD OF ADMiSSiON 50c makes for safety and cleaniines s . The Brunswick·Ballw-Collender 0'). are refinishing the alleys, the new Including Instruction, Orchestra tables and miscellaneous equipment, and Line Lessons alllI should receive t.he thanks of the NARBERTH, PA. patl"ons of the game room hecause of AUGUST FRIKE, Maitre de Dance liberal concessions to the Y. III. C. A. on high-grade equipment. CHARLES S. STRETCH, Instructor A local howling league is beil1'~ Prompt Deliveries Assured formed, the teams tJ represent th.e Presbyterian, BaptiRt and Methodist churches, the Fire Company, the Civic Bell Phone, Spruce ;,469. Association and the Athletic Association. (~Ol Watch for the announcing of the ECO~OMICAL EFFECTIVE opening night of tbe game room and 34 S. 16th St., PHILADELPHIA. . , , he on hand, A surprise is In store for Posters, programs, Tickets, CirCUlars, :roll.-Robert G. Savill, Chairman Atb-I General Job Printing. •• letlc Committee. Rig lt Prices Right Work NARBERTH, PA. I I MILK CREAM MEISEN'S BAKERY Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Heating NARBERTH. PA. CRECKING ACCOUNTS Y. M. C.' A. Game Room EqUipment once a month. It is in u very ftou~. Ish;ng eonditlon ~lI1d always on the 1001;out for nell' members. A cordial ;11\·itatioll is extended to every young I man in the town, who is not connect· '(' I , '11 th I It" tl i I \'1 1 any () el" fiC 100, 0 Jom 1~ class and enjoy an hour every Sun: da\.- IllorniJl • J'u sttl(h.'l'ng tIle BI'ble, ... i Icarning ahollt Ollr Blessed Saviour and our l1ut\.· to each other. Tf a visitor in the town, the ~ame cordial invitation is extended to 1)0;'111. 1pt every yonn~ man in the town idp.ntifr him!>elf with some cJIllrch and Sundav school and so hl'l11 t.o make 0\11: town t.he banner ! town III the county 1'01" Church and Sunday se11001 att~nl1ance and the Blc~sell :\lastC'r SN\'ICe. I ' SOBS I BARRY B. WALL. Geo HaBsells For Your Own Convenience The Y. M. C. .-1. iJ Nol Cloil'd, l::dilo'·. a.cf·) 'C:':"l: '~-// to Narberth, Pa. Y. M. C. A. NOTES. \.." -.. J It will if ~'ou SImply wnlt. You cnn't rcason it otherw;"". II won't if fixed ;n time. So an occasional eX8In;nlltlol1 is neccsSllf\·. We do thllt free. • rara. M~GinleY ROO:;~;;'., ..., urulii1li"I"Y.llil"'j!ilo.l~ Phone Narberth 672 WALTON BROTHERS \ DRUGS IA K Housekeeper The h",",lnt'Hloi of I'ldllzatlnn IJIlUMeS to honor the Dny. ~Jatehlf'B8 1t111""- C'l'IUH'fl the St01';)', The ha]lp~· "reetln"" or uncounh'd lnll110tls of fl'lends nrt~ 8nft~ned nnd SWt,ptN1l'd hy thf' TIll'thtlny. 'rhl' lmu~ltlntlon I~ stal-tg't'l'f'tl a~ it ('ont(.t11platf'1I tlw Imlncn~ura1Jlc l'Xtent and l'mlll'S~ \'[ll'lt·t;)· of the ad\'('rtisN1H'nts of thnt Gooel Ncws whkh flng-pls from hell\'t.'n fIrst pr n f'lnhuNl, DOP8 nn~" I'l'ndf'r w0l111pr why we ,,~(' nnl] invite 011 Ol"\"pl' 11101'(." 1'l1f'11 ev('r>~whcrc hPlll'tlly nnd ur,;'ent- Iy lhnn at th I!-' gln«.] Chrlshnns sen!'lon-to ('omt' to t"hur('h to hear the ~tOl,~r of till' DI\"inc- I..o\,e expressed In tc'I'IllB of afe. To r<'IH'llt t11at St()r~',-wlth nil Its hll't'8f'(] J11lnlstr~" of u Father drawn n('ar to hlH nUWI' (·hl1dl'{'n In thl.~ per"On of his "·cll-Belo\'p(j Ron.-of n Christ who undpr!-'tnnc15 us. nnd who 10\'t'8 U~ unto tlw death-Of n hope fol' nil 1nt>1l thl'ouJ{h th{' Christmas f~hrlsl-Ilothht~ I('!ools thnn this is hn,..ln~HH, thl' ambition, the "er)' J...·th·" the oh· of tho Church. 8\"('I'Y one of t]ws(' w(>('k-hy-week n(}\,{'rtlSt-ml'nt s Is but n fCl'hle rtrort tn f'X)lrpSfl the un utterable Invitation or Christ milS, ('"om£' to ('!lul'eh nt>xt ~nnc1n~'t nnd :1(101'1' t1H~ Chl'lst whom we worship, IO\'l~ fintl fW1'\~I', C hrtstmll8 (~un h('st be lu."pt In Chul'('h, A!-' th£' "'I:Hf'-~I('n of 01« brought ~lftH to the nil he. 80 do you lJrlng t Iw offl'l'lnJ{ or ,'OUI' he-art to the u1tl1l' of that 8tl~t1ll' King. \\.(' wnnt to sharf' our Christmas t o,h·ertl.e th" ('hrl.tllll'H "tor,·, we~k art"" w'''l'k. In tlH'fol(' p~A'eH? Th..1 I. tim I\r.t .u,,1 tl.....l work of with ~·ou. tlu.. Chur(!h. (COPYRIGHTED) In case of illness, death or other trouble, any minister will be glad to help. I NOTE-Issued and supervised by Ihe paslors of the Rap,lsl, M.e,hodlsl, Presbyterian and Roman Catholic Churches of Narber'h, Pa. Printed by l:our'esy of "Our Town," I-~------------------------------
© Copyright 2025