Totoket Times PRST/STD U.S. POSTAGE Paid Branford, CT 06405 Permit # 131 Car-Rt-Sort Postal Customer For Our Town From Our Town Volume 21 No 23 December 12, 2014 Help the Totoket Times and Local Businesses Santa Rides In & Lights the Tree Santa recently was delivered on a fire truck to the Company II Fire Department where he was joined by a large crowd of residents for Christmas Caroling and the lighting of the tree. The event was sponsored by the North Branford Rotary and music for the season was provided by members of the North Branford High School Band. Bob Parisi and Laura Castigioni Parisi were on hand to photograph the children with the guy from up north. The Rotary provided hot chocolate and cookies as well as crafts for the children. (Photo provided by Bob Parisi) With a local economy that continues to struggle, the Totoket Times is no exception. When businesses fall on tough times they are often forced to cut expenses and advertising is usually the first one to go. The Totoket Times and the people of our town are fortunate to have loyal merchants who support our community. Not only does their support help them get their message to the residents, but it also allows them to help get the town news and happenings out to the public. It is with great financial difficulty that this paper comes to your mailboxes every week. Postage and print prices continue to rise but we have maintained our efforts to not increase advertising rates to businesses that are already struggling to keep their doors open. As we too are experiencing that same struggle, it is once again time to ask our readers to help our advertisers to help our newspaper continue to bring the message of the people in our community to our neighbors. You can do this by making a voluntary contribution of at least $10.00 to help us continue with our mission. The voluntary payment helps with increasing expenses, and shows your support for your hometown newspapers. Don’t just expect your neighbors to do it. This year more than ever we need your help and would appreciate your support. Please send your voluntary payment to: Totoket Times, PO Box 313, Northford, CT 06472 Name______________________________________________ Comment___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Participants Needed to Participate in St. Baldrick’s Foundation Event For Cancer Research Check out our Advertising Directory at Deadline Date of Issue December12 December 19 January 2 January9 January 16 January 23 January30 February 6 February 13 February20 February 27 March 6 March 13 March20 March 27April3 Jerome Harrison Elementary School will host a St. Baldrick’s Foundation signature head-shaving event to raise funds and awareness for lifesaving childhood cancer research on February 9, 2015 (Snow Date Febrary 23) from 6pm to 9pm. With a goal of raising funds for childhood cancer research we are looking for participants to register to shave their heads to support the Foundation’s mission to Conquer Childhood Cancers! This event is being held to honor and support our own Lyla B., who continues her battle with Rhabdomyosarcoma. To register, go to or join other established teams for this event. If you are unable to participate but would like to support our efforts financially, you can donate directly at this link as well. Worldwide a child is diagnosed with cancer every three minutes, and one in five children diagnosed in the U.S. will not survive. The St. Baldeirk’s Foundation is a volunteer-driven and donor-centered charity dedicated to raising money for childhood cancer research and funding the most promising research initiatives to find cures. As the largest private funder of childhood cancer research grants, the Foundation hosts signature head-shaving events where volunteers collect pledges and then shave their heads in solidarity with children fighting cancer. For more information about the St. Baldrick’s Foundation please call 1.888.899.BALD or visit If you have any questions about this event, please contact Judy Bannon at (203) 484-0507 In this issue of the Totoket Times..... Earn Extra Holiday Cash Drivers Wanted! Located in Central Plaza Editorial School Sports Recreation Church Classifieds 3-5 7 7&8 9 10 11 Totoket Times December 12, 2014 2 A FULL SERVICE SALON offering the best in.... Hair Care - Nail Service Tanning & Waxing Not sure what to buy! Stop in and pick up a gift certificate for your family & friends. Open Tuesday and Christmas Eve Day for your convenience Walk-ins are Always Welcome 1717 Foxon Road, North Branford 203-488-6959 Ct lic. S-1 # 0404087 North Branford Family Chiropractic & Wellness Center 2429 Foxon Rd. North Branford 203-208-0163 . E.N.T. HEATING & COOLING CO. INC. HEATING - AC - RADIANT - SHEET METAL Commercial & Residential Call to schedule a FREE Consultation. 160 South Turnpike Rd. Unit 4 Wallngford, CT 06492 All Major insurances accepted Toll Free: 800-570-4520 Phone: 203-284-8881 Fax: 203-284-8891 Expires 12-30-14 Anthony John’s Pizzeria 5 Foxon Road, North Branford. 203-484-0433 Fax 203-484-0435 We Are SECOND TO NONE! Our Pizza Voted #1 by our Loyal Customers! It’s Always, BIGGER & BETTER at Anthony John’s! We want our Customers to Enjoy the Holidays so let us do the work! APPETIZERS Our Famous Overstuffed Breads, Authentic Rice Balls, Calamari Salad, Stuffed Mushrooms, Chicken Wings FREE DELIVERY Chicken Dishes Chicken Parm., Chicken Marsala, Stuffed Chicken Pasta We Take Late Orders Lasagna, Stuffed Shells, Baked Ziti, Manicotti, Penne ala Vodka Fish Stuffed Filet of Sole, Stuffed Shrimp, Shrimp Scampi over Pasta Calamari Marinara over Pasta, Fried Calamari, Fried Shrimp, Our Delicious Crab Sauce. Call for prices & our full menu! We are open Monday, December 22nd and December 29th. Open Christmas Eve till 6pm and New Year’s Eve & Day. Closed Christmas! Hours of Operation: Tuesday - Saturday 11 - 10. Sunday, 11 - 9. Closed Monday Totoket Times December 12, 2014 Let’s Be “Frank” Well brother it’s that time of the year again. During the Christmas season I have been called anything from Scrooge to Santa Claus. It’s funny how different people can have totally different opinions. I myself think that I am not the Grinch but I would like to personify the “Spirit of Christmas”. This year my plan for the family is for all of us to buy less gifts, cut down on the food and have less stress so we can relax and enjoy family and friends. It’s time to renew our faith with the birth of Christ. I plan on going back to the old school of thought where we invite people over to the house and share friendship. The gift thing is pretty funny when it comes to my grandson. Erica keeps telling us not to spoil him with a lot of stuff and every time she opens a store flyer she comes up with for or five more ideas. She even went out and bought storage bins to organize his stuff. Pretty soon she’ll need an addition on the house for the toys. Remember when mom use to tell us that the sad part about the holidays is that is seems like the obits in the newspaper fill up. I have been to a bunch of wakes recently and I even missed a few. I also remember that when we were young, every time someone died ( especially during the holidays), dad would go out and buy a special dinner item. “People are dying” he would rationalize. “Let’s live”. Maybe we can blame the family obesity problems on the death of our neighbors and friends. We lost a good friend this week. Al Carofano lost his battle with cancer and so goes one of the true pillars of Saint Anthony Church. Al and his family grew up serving our church. He met and married his wife there and raised his children there as well. His daughter even met and married her husband there. It was a true example of a parish family and extended family. Al was a tremendous example of God and family. One of his grandson’s played hockey at NBHS and Al & his wife seldom missed a game. When Frankie went to Choate, Al’s other grandson played football there and he never missed one of those games. Even those that were more than an hour away. At church, he was relentless. Although he was old enough to be my father, we worked together on many projects. He was a stand up guy who was never afraid to offer his thoughts. He fought for what he believed in, and boy did he fight. But in the end, he was a team player who always had my back. He was a great example of family, friendship and faith. Nothing new is going on in town. If it is, it’s going on behind the scenes and people are being less controversial about it. I’m hoping things are settling down but I pray they won’t stop fighting for what they think is right. Well, that’s all for now. Say hello to the family and take care of Al when he gets there. I’ll see you soon. The Life Lessons of Skin Afflictions by Lindsey Lee Wallace I am not supposed to pop my pimples. The damage will cause scarring, which will be with me for far longer than any transient blemish, eternally marring the canvas of my face, and dashing my Miss America dreams. I must avoid salicylic acid, dirty pillowcases, and the colloquial cures that inundate the internet. At the first prepubescent signs of spots, my father flew into a frenzy, making dozens of appointments in order to procure a collection of pills, potions, and mystical chants vast enough to rival that of any local pharmacy and/or coven. Having suffered a plague of pustules throughout his formative years, he was determined that I not suffer the same skin-and-self-esteem-destroying affliction. As an act of either defiance or delusional martyrdom, I refused dermatological attention. Seeking a doctor’s help for the most mundane and widespread of teenaged maladies seemed foolish, and I could just imagine the doctors shaking their heads over my banal gripes, bemoaning the hours that might have been spent curing those dying of Scarlet Fever and the Plague. I was usurping medical care, and to atone for my sin, I would enter high school as an usurper with acne. Soon, though, my resolve began to quaver. I could feel the pressure inside of me building, sidelong glances from my peers seeming to poke and prod at me, until I felt I ready to explode. Surely it could not be my imagination that those boys next to me in class were laughing while I spoke. Surely I had not misheard the whispered jeers of the girls who had passed me in the hall. Suddenly, it seemed that everyone around me oozed maliciousness. This publication is published bi-weekly by Doss enterprises LLC PO Box 313 Northford, CT. 06472 Tel; 203-410-4254 Fax 203-484-4729 email: PUBLISHER - FRANK MENTONE JR. founders - Bert Bunnell Jr. & Antthony Esposito Jr. The publisher assumes no responsibility for typographical errors. In the event of an error, the publisher will issue a credit adjustment on only the incorrect portion of the advertisement, as well as a retraction in the next issue. 3 It’s About the Land The North Branford Land Conservation Trust, Inc. More than five months have passed since I last wrote about the doings of the NBLCT. In the May 30th edition of the Totoket Times we reported that NBLCT was compiling an inventory of the remaining parcels of quality open space in town. I refer to them as “Critical Choices for Open Space”. In future issues of the Totoket Times I plan to write brief, general descriptions of the areas in which these parcels are located calling attention to landscapes and natural attributes worth saving. We’ve been looking for land with features such as flowing brooks and waterfalls, forest-covered craggy hill sides, unblemished ridgelines, habitat for rare and endangered species of plants and wildlife. It is land which may be an integral part of a neighborhood, or a metaphorical bridge to other land that is worthy of protection as open space. One of these places is land located near the northeast corner of town. It runs from the Guilford town line along the high basalt ridge (highest point 720+ feet above sea level) that forms Totoket Mountain, a prominent feature of the landscape. The northwest facing slope of Totoket Mountain is a blaze of color in the fall because it is covered with mixed hardwoods. An oak /hickory forest covers the plateau of the mountain that is interspersed with wetlands stocked with red maple and filled with standing water in the late winter and early spring. Two intermittent water courses flow down the slope through deep ravines formed thousands of years ago as the melting glacier of the last ice age sent huge torrents of water down the slope scouring the softer rock and earth material. Today, water flows through the ravines when wetlands on the mountain fill and overflow. These watercourses drain to Parmalee Brook in Durham. The ridgeline is high and scenic, without towers or other structures that pierce the forest canopy; it is prominently visible from Middletown Avenue (Rt 17) and residential areas to the west. The Mattabesett Trail, a popular Connecticut Blue-blazed Trail maintained by the Connecticut Forest & Park Association passes through this northeast corner of town and helps define this remote area. Additional hiking trails could be developed connecting with the Mattabesett, which together with the prominence of the basalt ridge, raise the importance of the property for conservation, passive recreation and scenic purposes. In future issues look for more descriptions of these “Critical Choice” areas including property that we expect to receive as open space in the near future along the Farm River. Please keep us in mind. You can reach us at North Branford Land Conservation Trust, Inc. P.O. Box 378, North Branford CT 06471 or via e-mail, Our website, still under development, is, but you can visit us on Facebook and see what we are doing. Otto Schaefer, Secretary - NB Land Conservation Trust, Inc. I had not realized, when I formulated my plan, how bad I would feel. In my effort to rein in my usurping impulses, I had also stifled some others—those which led me to speak in class, or joke amongst my friends. If I was quiet, attention would be drawn away from me, a safer alternative to turning a spotlight on myself and my revolting face. Once boisterous to the point of obnoxiousness, I faded. The quietest months of my life followed, during which I found myself drawn away from pizza, due to both its position in the thick of the lunchroom, and its faint resemblance to a mirror. Having once been an awkward, wordy child, I returned to my roots and sought refuge in a flurry of flyleaf. Escaping into the infinite arrangements of our twenty-six letters felt in a way like returning home. However, it also felt like giving up. Developing the confidence to poke my head out from behind the pages had been an uphill battle, and an important victory, and while I was now technically safer, I also felt I had regressed abruptly to the age of seven, creating a rather troubling time-travel paradox, and leaving myself grossly unqualified for the ninth grade. Across the Alps of my forehead and beneath my skull lay all the same humor as before puberty, the same hotly held opinions, burning questions, and bizarre half-formed shadows of the things I one day planned to create. During my early childhood, when these had swirled storm-like in the recesses of my mind, I’d been antsy with the building force. And now, with even more mental energy, stifling myself was growing impossible. The keen eyes of my classmates could certainly sting, but allowing myself to fester silently under their glare would be even more painful. My only option was to explode with even more of my usual exuberance, bursting with confidence despite my reservations. Letters to the editor... This paper encourages all readers to voice their opinions and comments. The Totoket Times is not responsible for erroneous information or statements in letters to the editor. Letters should be as brief as possible. All letters must be signed. A telephone number should be included and no personal attacks. This paper reserves the right to edit all letters. All letters should be addressed to : The Editor P.O. Box 313, Northford, CT 06472 4 EDITORIAL Totoket Times December 12, 2104 PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE WIT & WISDOM Before I wrote this I had intended to write of how GM, genetically modified foods, are not only creating health problems with the injections of herbicides, insecticides and a variety of other unnatural ingredients into our foods. As preposterous as it seems Monsanto and others surreptitiously and purposely resorted to insidious ethics that would so change, even Nature itself, that any effort to stop what they had already accomplished had become so ingrained in nature, what they had already accomplished was an effort in futility. Fortunately, although having already created havoc in the natural food industry, organics, their engaging even the courts and politicians in support of their scheme I have been made aware of the uprising by natural food supporters and the failure of Monsanto and the others, of the superiority of their creations over all others just isn’t working out. My favorite farm journal, Farm Show, which by reason of it accepting no paid advertising, fears no retribution from their advertisers and prints what the others fear most, loss of revenue .. Farm Show reports that the failure of the GM seed to as promised, to out yield the seeds they were supposed to isn’t working out. Not only is their production far inferior, but the cost of the seed is prohibitive. Monsanto’s seeds made immune to its herbicide Round Up which supposedly would eliminate all weeds, by allowing Round Up to be used without affecting the corn or whatever crop is being grown only produced super weeds that reject all herbicides. Plus the important part to farmers, their production has dropped significantly. This scenario is repeated in all the varieties such as more cold resistant, etc. developed and promoted as saving humanity from starvation in our over populated world. Farm Show, under the title “Demand Grows For Non-GMO Seeds” The seed growers are asking why they should be paying for traits that now have resistance weeds and insects. Farmers are saving $85 per bag on seed, a formidable amount when you are planting hundred, even thousands of acres. One reason even conventional farmers, those concerned only with the bottom line,money, and no concern as to the effect on the consumers health are switching back to non GMO seed is equal or better yield. Seed growers are reporting increasing demands for non GMO seeds. Some as much as 70 percent increase. Those of us engaged in the fight to have GMO food labeled so we will know what we are eating is growing at an astonishing rate. This has had an effect on the opposition gradually losing the battle. As I said, even those unconcerned feel empathy with us since most resent restrictions on their choice of any products but, as always, what plays the major part in a capitalist society is that whatever is engaged in is profitable. Scott Harris, sales manager of Masters Choice a seed company based in Illinois and marketed in all 48 states says, “Seed companies small, medium or large report increase in demand for non-GMO seeds and not all driven by the anti-GMO sentiment. The reason farmers are going non-GMO is financial”. I have to laugh on thinking, what we have been fighting for, labled GMO foods, is being won for us by those not giving a damn about labeling. Alton Eliason Lee J’s Auto Sales & Service 1239 Foxon Rd. (Next to Big Y) See Car Photos at This Week’s Specials! 1999 Toyota Camry LE 4 cyl. 5spd. $1,795 Toyota Camry XLE 4 Cyl. AT $2,495 1999 Toyota Camry LE 4 Cyl. AT $2,995 2004 Buick LaSabre$3,495 2000 Chevy Blazer S10 100K 4x4 $3,995 1998 Honda CRV 4 x 4 AT $3,995 2004 Nissan Sentra Auto 4Dr. $4,295 2004 Chevy Trailblazer 6 cyl. Gold $4,995 2003 Honda Civic 2Dr 5spd $4,995 1996 Lexus LS400$5,895 2005 Honda Civic 4DR AT $5,995 2003 Honda Accord LX 4Dr. 4 cyl. 1112K $5,995 2005 Chevy Trailblazer, 4x4 6 cyl. 106K $5,995 1997 Lexus LS400, $5,995 2006 Gand Caravan 106K Stow & Go $5,495 2005 Nissan Altima 2.5s 4Cyl. %6,495 2005 Toyota Solara Convertible blk. leather$6,495 2004 Honda Element LX 4Cyl. AT $6,995 2007 Mercury Marquis 69K $7,495 2008 Grand Caravan Stow & Go Seats $7,495 2006 Honda Accord LX 4cyl. AT 62K $9,995 2011 Honda CRZ 2dr AT 75K $11,500 PLUS!!!!! 2011 HD FLHR Road King, 5,800 K 2004 Pontiac GTO 6sp. 8,700 K Lee J. thanks you for 17 great years Call Today @ 203-484-7371! EDITORIAL $13,900 $23,000 By Attorney Marc P. Guertin Most people know someone who has received care in a skilled nursing facility (Nursing Home). Those same people, however, don’t think that they will ever end up in a Nursing Home. A long term stay at a nursing home can be financially devastating for you and your family. Nursing home care at the rate of $350+ per day can quickly eliminate a lifetime’s worth of hard work and saving. Long term care in a nursing home can devour your savings and force your home to be sold at a “fire sale” price to pay for your care. How would a long term stay in a nursing home impact your family and your finances? When faced with a long term stay in a nursing home typically there are three different sources that will pay for the cost. The first option is to have a long term care insurance policy in place. Long term care insurance is the best approach. It will pay for some or all of the expenses associated with long term care in a nursing home. The second option is to pay for the care with your own assets at the private pay rate. Most people fall into this category, at least until they run out of assets. Once you nearly run out of assets a third option is available, Medicaid. Medicaid will pay for many, but not all, of your expenses in a nursing home. However, it will start paying nursing home costs only after you have “spent down” your assets. A single individual must “spend down” all assets (including your home) to $1,600 before Medicaid will pay for nursing home care. This wipes out any legacy a person may have wanted to leave to his or her children, grandchildren, church, or favorite charity. When people are faced with choosing between preserving their assets and paying for their care there really is no choice, unless the costs of long term care in a nursing home are planned for. Giving away your money (to a child, for example) before needing long-term care may sound like a good idea, but it can be risky. Children get divorced, sued, have creditor issues, or can become catastrophically ill. The assets gifted to your child could be lost through divorce, lawsuits, etc. and would not be available to you. Furthermore, due to restrictive gifting laws, you may not qualify for Medicaid because you gave your money away. An Irrevocable Asset Protection Trust (IAPT) provides an opportunity for individuals, both single and married to protect their assets. These assets could be available to you in the future to pay for things that Medicaid does not, or for an individual’s spouse or as a legacy for future generations, without the risks associated with giving these assets away to another individual. An IAPT is a legal entity separate from the person who creates it (the Grantor). It is created by signing a Trust agreement where the Grantor irrevocably transfers assets to a third person called the Trustee (often the Grantor’s children or other relative) who holds that property in Trust for the benefit of the people who are named as beneficiaries. Timing is extremely important when establishing an IAPT. The name of the game is “Beat the Clock.” In order for an IAPT to work it must be set up well in advance of anticipated nursing home care. After the passage of enough time the assets held by the IAPT will be insulated from the ravages of a long term stay in a nursing home, as well as creditor issues, and lawsuits. Furthermore, the assets held inside of the trust will pass to your beneficiaries probate free and within weeks, as opposed to months if these assets were to pass through the probate process. If you would like to learn more about protecting your assets, Guertin and Guertin, LLC offers free initial consultations- call and make an appointment today- it won’t cost you anything and might save everything. We will also be hosting a workshop on this topic on January 24th at 10am. Please call my office at 203-234-7400 to reserve your seat. If you have estate planning questions that you would like answered in this column, email me at Marc Guertin, is a partner at Guertin and Guertin, LLC. Guertin and Guertin, LLC is dedicated to Estate Planning, ElderLaw, Trust and Probate Administration. He is coauthor of Planning for the Future: A Practical Guide to estate Planning and Avoiding Bad Heir Days. Visit Guertin and Guertin, LLC on the web: Totoket Times December 12, 2014 Support Our Advertiser The Totoket Times would like to invite all of our readers to support the advertisers on the pages of this newspaper. Our small businesses are the life blood of our community and they need your support to succeed. During this Holiday Season and throughout the year, it is essential that you buy North Branford whenever possible. A full directory of our regular advertisers can be found on our website at: www.totokettims. com. Check them out and link right to their websites whenever possible. Totoket Times Christmas & New Year Schedule 5 Due to the Holidays, to better serve our advertisers and readers, the Totoket Times has made a few adjustments in our schedule. For December, we will come out two weeks in a row. You will have this issue and then another issue on December 19th. Hopefully, this will give our advertisers another chance to get the message out before Christmas, as well as give our readers a chance to keep up with town events without interfering with your Christams and New Year’s festivities. in January our first issue will come out on January 9th but it will not be mailed. It will be dropped at sites to be named in our next issue and as usual, it will be available in full on our website at next issue will begin the usual full mail cycle on January 23rd and at that point we will resume our normal every two week schedule. After twelve years of never missing an issuee, this will give your Publisher/Editor a bit of a break to spend some time with his family/grandson. Hair etc. Marie Sintay Owner/Stylist Full Service Salon GRAND OPENING Call for an appointment 203-481-0302 Walk - Ins Welcome Hours of Operation: Wed - Sat. 9:00AM - 8:00PM 280 Branford Road, (Central Plaza) North Branford Corner or Rte 80 & Rte 139 Open Christmas Eve Till 4:00 Pizza & Restaurant 285 Foxon Road, North Branford 203-484-1163 Open New Year’s Eve & Day 12-9 Holiday Platters Seafood Platter $17.95 Per Head Plus Tax Includes - Fried Shrimp, Scallops, Clam Strips, Filet of Sole & Calamari Appetizers Shrimp Cocktail $1.00 Each Chicken Wings/or Tenders $1.00 Each FREE FREE Fried Calamari 1/2 Tray $35.00 Full Tray $65.00 PARTY PIZZA Antipasto 1/2 Tray $40.00 Full Tray $75.00 With PARTY any order Stuffed Mushroom 1/2 Tray $40.00 Full Tray $75.00 $150 or more. PIZZA Clams Casino 1/2 Tray $40.00 Full Tray $75.00 (You must mention Fried Mozzarella 1/2 Tray $35.00 Full Tray $60.00 this adwith when placing any order) Entrees order $150 Stuffed Shrimp or Stuffed Sole $3.00 Each Penne Vodka 1/2 Tray $40.00 Full Tray $55.00 o r m o r e ! Baked Ziti 1/2 Tray $35.00 Full Tray $55.00Must mention t hOrder i s a d our when Lasagna1/2 Tray $40.00Full Tray$65.00 placingCrab order Famous Manicotti1/2 Tray $40.00Full Tray$65.00 Stuffed Shells 1/2 Tray $40.00 Full Tray $65.00 Sauce $9.95 a Quart Zuppa di Pesce 1/2 Tray $80.00 Full Tray $160.00 The Best Tasting Stuffed Breads You Will Ever Have! In the 11 years we have been in North Branford, our customers have made us feel like family and that’s how we think of you - Family. We would like to help you with your holiday cooking but whether we do or not, we would like to wish everyone a Very Blessed & Safe Holiday! 6 Totoket Times December 12, 2014 An afternoon of COOKIES & HOPE Bake Sale Fundraiser Bringing moments of comfort and joy to families affected by childhood cancer Join Colin’s Crew for our 4th Annual Cookies & Hope bake sale event. Proceeds will benefit Colin’s Crew programs including in-patient meals. DELICIOUS HOLIDAY COOKIES • CANDY COFFEE • SAMPLES & MUCH MORE DATE: Sunday December 14, 2014 TIME: 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. PLACE: St. Monica’s Church 1331 Middletown Ave, Northford CONTACT: or 203.415.0212 COLIN’S CREW STORY: Colin’s Crew was inspired by friends and family of a brave boy, Colin Westbrook. Colin was your typical two-year-old when he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (“ALL”) back in October 2009, just days after his second birthday. Colin’s Crew was originally formed to provide support to the Westbrook family. As Colin continues to do well, Colin’s Crew brings moments of comfort and joy to other families affected by childhood cancer through various programs. Santa Claus Toy Run Once again this year Northford Volunteer Fire Company #2 will be assisting Santa and his elves dropping off toys to children in Company #2’s district (North on Middletown Avenue to Northford Park; South on Middletown Avenue to the North Haven line; South on Forest Road to the Police Department; North on Clintonville Road to the North Haven town line; including side roads off of those main roads.) on Christmas Eve. Please bring your presents (see wrapping instructions below) to the Northford Fire Department Company #2 (Middletown Avenue next to the new Rec. Center - formerly Stanley T. Williams School) on the following dates: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 10 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. 10 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. 10 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. 10 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. 6:30 P.M. TO 7:00 P.M. ABSOLUTELY NO DELIVERIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER MONDAY 12/22 AT 7:00 P.M. Gifts should first be wrapped in gift wrap with the child’s name on the outside of the package; then, the package must be wrapped in brown paper over the top of the gift wrap with the family name, address and telephone number on the outside of the brown paper. WE DO NOT PROVIDE GIFT WRAPPING so if your package does not have gift wrap on it that is how it will be delivered. The members of Company #2 provide this service at no cost but we do as for a donation of non-perishable food items, i.e. canned goods, dry goods, diapers, etc. for those who are less fortunate then we are. Any other donations are gratefully accepted. Please also remember that we WILL NOT guarantee a drop off time for the gifts. We normally begin our runs at 4:30 and end around 8:00. Please understand that Company #2 still needs to protect the residents of Northford and in the event of an emergency in town delivery may be interrupted, however, we will endeavor to deliver the packages as soon after as possible. Any questions please call 203-484-0466. 203.494.7838 • • P.O. Box 4097 Wallingford, CT 06492 • Facebook & Twitter: Colin’s Crew $14,995 $6,995 2003 BMW 7 Series 745 LI 2007 CHEVY SILVERADO With Plow, Toolbox, 4X4 2003 HONDA CIVIC 2DR CPE EX Auto 4DR, 4WD V6 $5,995 $2,995 $5,395 2005 NISSAN XTERRS 2000 CHEVY CAVALIER 4DR Sedan 2004 CHEVY SUBURBAN 4DR 1500 4WD Take out Only Gourmet Pizza $10.00 Expires 12-24-14. One coupon per person. cannot be combined with any other offer. Not valid with gift card purchase. Buy one Entree Get one FREE! Expires 12-24-14. One coupon per person. cannot be combined with any other offer. Not valid with gift card purchase. 199 Foxon Rd., North Branford www.palmieri’ SCHOOL Totoket Times December 12, 2014 SPORTS 7 North Branford Intermediate School Period I Honors Fabish, Paige Grade 8 High Honors DeBarros, Charles Augur, Hannah Carroll-D’Aria, Carr, Wyatt Ackerman, Noah DeLucia, Joseph Fiondella, Ariana Cavalier, Sofia Ciccone, Alessandro Bailey, Morgan Fortier, Isabelle Anastasio, Colby Despres, Kayla Cirivello, Emily Cole, Aiden Bernabucci, Maria Garrett, Jillian Augur, Alessandra Galdenzi, Ava Campagna, Lea Cole, Emily Covel, Erik s Geist, Griffin Chironno, Jenna Bizzario, Olivia Gall, Jenna Criscuolo, Madeline D’Onofrio, Briana Gibilisco, Gabrielle Buffone, Rachel Gildersleeve, Britny Conboy, Jeremey Cucinotta, Sally DaCunto, Jonathan Heffernan, Julia Cadwell, Ryan Helff, Marisa Cosenza, Julianna Czarnecki, Andrew DellaCamera, Sophia Holzer, Trevor s Callender, Christopher LeBeau, Avonlea Cosgrove, Matthew D’Onofrio, Bianca DeLoughery, Mia Iuteri, Brianna Carroll, Brennan Lucibello, Sean Crowe, Kyleen Ferraiolo, Gianni DeWitt, Daisy Carson, Katelyn Maenza-Scarano,Nick Kamienski, Taylor DeAngelo, Samantha Gargano, Jesse Didiano, Felicia Kendall, Riley Chan, Alvin McIntyre, Carlie Huisman, Victor Didiano, Giacomo Dostie, Taylor Constantinidi, Sydney Mott, Izabella Kendrick, Alyssa Johnson, Lucas Didiano, Roberto Flanagan, John Cook, Sarah Muzyka, Megan Kuczynski, Nicholas Klemme, Katherine DiNapoli, Tyler Fusco, Michael Cristante, Alexina Olsen, Emily LaBanca, Genaro Gallo, Alexa Kwalek, Rachel Dunphy, Kyle Crotta, Isabella Pappolla, Jordan Leete, Conor Helwig, Rachel Lawson, Brian Faughnan, Liam LeMere, Alex Diaz, Alyssa Parente, Abbey Jacobson, Carl Lucibelli, Luke Fowler, Samantha DiMartino, Bella Pearson, Annika Manner, Kaila Joiner, Jadyn Lucibello, Justin Frandsen, Justin Dupuis, Shannon Pedersen, Katy Martone, Matteo Katz, Lyndsay Malavasi, Ariana Gott, Onna Frandsen, Logan Perez, Julie Melillo, Landon Lucibello, Isabella Marcarelli, Calley Grant, Liam Gaudio, Nicholas Powers, Jetta Miconi, Jada McCormack, Daniel Munck, Ryan Humphrey, Madelyn Gonsalves, Brianna Ricardo, Julia O’Neil, Kylie McKee, Sean Norton, Melanie Jablonski, Joseph Gyaltsen, Jigme Roof, Erika Ocasio, Emalee McMillen, Megan Olsen, Nicholas Jacobson, Kelli Hinckley, William Sarmento, Gabriella Olson, Emily Miconi, Patrick Patel, Krish Laucella, Kelsey Kilburn, Jessie Sheehan, Emma Ouellet, Sophia Neubig, Ben Perez, Alysha Maroulis, Vasilios Mahon, Stephanie Sorrentino, Carly Pesticci, Gabriella Oliverio, Kaley Raymond, Nathaniel McCormack, Emily Piercey, Erica McClure, Nina Spayd, Jenna Palma, Isabella Schreiber, Emma Melchiore, Mason McLay, Ian Sudusky, Stephanie Podoloff, Jake Petraccione, Zakary Sellers, Robert Melchiore, Maverick Prato, Lia McNelis, Joseph Teodoro, Amanda Rabuffo, Michael Smola, Ava Melillo, Brooke Montanaro, Jacob Vitarisi, Rachel Preiss, Mallory Ramada, Angelina Stoddard, Paul Nero, Alyssa Raymond, Ava Neubig, Grace Wang, Allison Raucci, Amelia Sweetapple, Bryce Nuzzo, Amanda Razouki, Yousif Pavic, Ana Williams, Marcus Reed, Makayla Tropiano, Alliyah O’Connor, Jeffrey Phabmixay, Joanna Grade 6 High Honors Reyes, Matthew Rodriquez, Olivia Vincent, Myles Page, Bryanna Rice, Dalton Pietrogallo, Julia Amendola, Ashlee Scaniffe, Dylan Waligroski, Alyssa Raffone, Anthony Riggione, Christina Raccio, Brianna Anastasio, Sophia Santiago, Ilyanna Sellitto, Anthony Grade 6 Honors Sabetta, Ethan Sabetta, Rebecca Appicelli, Allie Sibley, Tyler Abbagnaro, Zachary Sweeney, Shane Serenson, Emma Simerson, Darian Archer, Sachin Sorrentino, Franco Aguiar, McKayla Treichel, Thomas Shadman, Caroline Slubowski, Ashley Beardsley, Bryce Stoner, Brendan Armin, Jessica Vecchio, Krista Sorrell, Alexis Souza, Kaitlin Burwell, Mackenzie Villano, Charlotte Testa, Ashley Banks, Andrew Stankiewicz, Aiden Taylor, Noah Cahill, Emma Barile, Alyssa Vitkovsky, Matthew Testa, Morgan Stoner, Aidan Torgerson, Mary-Kate Colavolpe, Bella Velez, Kaylee Becker, Nadia Votto, Sofia Sullivan, Leigha Wang, Vivian Corniello, Julianna Bokhari, Humza Waligroski, Tyler Grade 7 Honors Valentino, Alessia Adamczyk, Stephen Brown, Dylan Wethly, Johanna Grade 7 High Honors Coyne, Connor Grade 8 Honors Capasso, Tyler Criscuolo, Charliana Albrecht, Jon-nelle Bunnell, Jeremy Williams, Alexis Anderson, Ashley Cassista, Julia D’Albero, Elisabeth Aucapina, Ariadna Candelora, Thomas Yang, Justin Annunziato, Brianna Cirivello, Jennifer D’Aversa, Shawn Blomster, Lily Canelli, Jadon Ash, Jason Cordero, Alessandra DiPaolo, Celia s Candelora, Juliana Carofano, Gabriella Astrom, Arianna Carbone, Joseph Dautaj, Briana Dow, Catherine North Branford Athletes Compete in Regional This past weekend nine North Branford athletes competed in the Football University National East Regional Tournament for Team Connecticut. The athletes were chosen throughout Connecticut to compete in this single elimination national tournament. Bryce Sweetapple and Xavier Cognata played for 7th Grade Team Connecticut, who defeated Long Island (20-14) and New Jersey (32-12) to advance to the East Regional Championships in Virginia this weekend. Tommy Candelora, Alex Clinton, Brandon Frata, Stathi Gianniotis Jimmy Krupp, Dalton Rice and Aiden Stankiewicz played for the 6th Grade Team Connecticut. They defeated New Jersey (40-0) and Long Island (20-0) and will also be playing in the East Regional Championships in Virginia. (Pictures, Left to Right, Xavier Cognata, Bryce Sweetapple) (6th Grade Picture From Left to Right, Aiden Stankiewicz, Stathi Gianniotis, Brandon Frata, Tommy Candelora, Dalton Rice, Jimmy Krupp, and Alex Clinton) NBHS Football State Championship Game Saturday, December 13, 10:30 Central Connecticut State University High School Football Team Will play for Championship Playing in a driving rain on a mud soaked field, the NBHS football team defeated Northwest Catholic in the Class S Small Division semifinals to move on to the Stae Championship game. Offensively, Shelby Franklin and Paul Pastet carried 11 times each for 42 and 39 yards respectively. Austin Calamita had 2 carries for 82 yards The T-Birds scored on Pastet to Franklin 8 yard pass and a 27 yard Paul Sarmento field goal. Defense was the key with Mike Kasier having 13 tackles, Lou Distasio 11, Nick Sagnella 9 and Corey Seymour 7. SPORTS 8 Totoket Times December 12, 2014 SPORTS North Branford Soccer Club Spring 2015 Registration is underway! Register Early and Save! Spring programs available for boys & girls grades Pre-K – 12 Spring soccer begins in April 2015 Register on-line at “” Registration Fee $125 (uniform, if required, is additional cost) Cross Country Team Recognizes Runners At the recently held North Branford Cross Country Banquet, Bryce Mase and Marissa Bale received the Most Valuable Player Award. Victoria Pawlak and Parker Nadeau received The Desire and Dedication Award. Rookie of the Year was achieved by Michael Madoule and Olivia Hemstock. The 2014 team was lead by two captains: Marissa Bale and Richard Hernandez. At the banquet, a variety of non-perishable food items was collected by the team and donated to the local food kitchen. The “NBCC” 4 Yr Award was earned by Marissa Bale. Girls Varsity Letters were awarded to: Marissa Bale, Winnie Chan, Victoria Pawlak, Theresa Guadagnino, Olivia Hemstock, Grace Little, Lauren Stelmaszczyk and Marie Zampano. Boys Varsity Letters were awarded to: Spencer Bryden, Isaac Cammarata, Austin Gibilsco, Richard Hernandez, Bryce Mase, Parker Nadeau and Keane Regan. The North Branford 5k Cross Country Course Top Seven Record Plaque established five years ago was updated. The average time for the boys from last year dropped by 18 seconds and is now18:37. Bryce Mase established a new North Branford Boys record for the course by coming in at 18:07. The previous course record was set by Zach Williams at 18:19. Keane Regan took over 5th by a decrease in time of 24 second going from 19:17 to an 18:53. The girl’s average time dropped by 13 seconds from last season and is now 23:31. Olivia Hemstock took over 5th place at 24:01 and Marie Zampano took over 7th place at 24:48. Photo above: The team collected and donated foods to the local food kitchen. Photo is courtesy of Dorota Pawlak. Early Bird registration discount $25 until December 15, 2014 Late fee of $25.00 after January15, 2015 Registration CLOSES February 15, 2015 for travel teams (3rd grade thru 12th grade) and April 15th, 2015 for Saturday morning in-house clinic (Pre-K thru 4th grade) Multi Family member discount $25.00 off 2nd & 3rd player Spring Programs Include: Saturday Morning In-house Clinic Conducted by Professional Coaches from the Victory Soccer School Saturday Mornings - 10 Sessions – 45-75 minute duration depending on division Little Kicks - Boys & Girls Kindergarten & younger Juniors - Boys & Girls 1st & 2nd Grade Seniors - Boys & Girls 3rd & 4th Grade Travel Teams Participate in a Connecticut Junior Soccer Association sanctioned league Playing teams from other towns within the South Central District U10 - Boys & Girls 3rd & 4th Grade and born between 8/1/2004 - 7/31/2006 U12 - Boys & Girls 5th & 6th Grade U14 - Boys & Girls 7th & 8th Grade U19 Boys & Girls (High School) For more information visit our website or contact: Club Registrar, Cindy Sorrentino @ or Club President, Pam Battle @ Stay informed about club activities. Like us on Facebook 2400 Foxon Rd. North Branford 203-483-0048 Dine In - Take Out or Delivery For the Holidays. Try our Stuffed Breads $10.50. Buy 3 get ONE FREE. Large 18” Pizza $3.00 OFF Medium Pizza $2.00 OFF Small Pizza $1.00 OFF All Coupons are not combinable - one per visit and expire 1/20/15 Mondays & Wednesdays - Large 18” $10.00 (Take out only) Book our BYOB Party Room now for the Holidays! Winter is coming. Will your car keep going? Iced windshields. Cold starts. Slick roads. Make sure your vehicle is prepared with our $49.95 Winter Readiness maintenance: oil change, tire rotation, fluid checks, wiper blade check & brake inspection. Call today for an appointment. “Your Local Garage” 2049 Foxon Road (Rte 80) PHONE: (203) 208-3140 Open Mon – Fri 8AM - 5PM, Sat 8:30AM - 1PM 10% O FF ON AL L WIN READI TER NESS PARTS RECREATION Totoket Times December 12, 2014 9 Residents can make snow removal more effecitive Please help us help you. The objective of the Town of North Branford’s Public Works Department winter maintenance program is to provide winter roadway safety to the traveling public with the most reasonable, efficient and effective manner. We are requesting your help during snow and ice removal operations and ask that you follow these simple suggestions: Please limit travel during storms to trips that are absolutely necessary. Once roads have been salted, the potential for accidents is greatly reduced. Please park your vehicles in your driveways and off the road. If you must park on the street, try to park on one side of the street only. Cul-de-sac residents are specifically encouraged to follow this recommendation due to the limited turn around space. Parked cars hinder the speed and efficiency of our snow removal operation. Parking bans may be in effect. Vehicles parked in unauthorized areas may be towed. Snow plows are designed to remove snow from the roadway to the edge of the road. It is likely that the plow will leave behind a windrow of snow in front of your driveway. Residents are responsible for removing this snow. It is against the law to plow snow from your driveways and walk ways into the road. Please pile the snow in your yard. When snow plows are used during snow falls, the initial pass of the snow plow is made to open up the road for traffic flow. The following passes will push the snow to the curb line or road edge. This is necessary in order to allow for the drainage of melting snow into catch basins and to allow more space to plow future snow accumulations. To avoid salt from hitting your vehicle while driving, move away from the center of the road when you see a salt truck approaching from the opposite direction. Salt trucks are designed to deposit more salt near the center of the road as the salt works its way to the road edge as traffic runs over it. Please try to stay back approximately 200 feet from the rear of a salt/sand truck. To insure that your mail box is not damaged during snow plowing operations, your mailbox must be 42” above the ground and the front face of your mailbox door must be not less than 12” from the front face of the curb or road edge. Remove your portable basketball hoop from the street and place it on your property. The Town is not responsible for damages to the equipment. When calling the Public Works Department, please keep messages simple and direct. Be certain to state your name, phone number and the problem you’re calling about and its location. We can be reached at 484-6060. Please contact us if you have any questions. Please adopt a fire hydrant if it is located near your house. The hydrant is there for your protection and it may be several days after a storm before they can be cleared. By following the recommendations listed, you will be assisting us in providing you with safe and efficient snow removal operations. ALL AGES J. Chris Keinz Owner Lic. # 614767 203-488-1901 www. cnmlandscaping. com Mowing - Cleanups - Photo Landscape Design Planting - Trimming - Snow Plowing Licensed & Fully Insured Residential & Commercial Free Estimates 8 Brook Road North Branford, CT 06471 10 CHURCH Totoket Times December 12, 2014 CHURCH DIRECTORY Branford Bible Chapel. 212 Branford Rd., corner of Twin Lakes Rd. 203-488-3586. Sunday morning : 9:15 - 10:30 Worship & Lord’s Supper, 11:00 -12:15 Ministering of God’s Word & Sunday School. . Nursery provided. Awana for kids, vacation Bible School, missions & outreach programs. North Branford Congregational Church, UCC. 1680 Foxon Rd., North Branford, CT, 203488-8456 or or Acting Pastor Rev. Price van der Swaagh. Daniel Jared Shapiro, Music Director. Office Hours: Wednesday through Friday, 9:00 - 1:00pm. We worship every Sunday at 10:00am. Nursery care available. Get to know us by joining us for Coffee Hour following Services. The second Sunday of every month is Family Sunday when the children remain with their parents during the Service. This is followed by our second Sunday Brunch. Holy Communion is on the first Sunday of every month. Church School through grade 8 meets during worship. All are wecome no matter who you are, no matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. Northford Congregational Church. United Church of Christ. Church is located on Old Post Rd., ( corner of Rte 17 and Rte 22), PO Box 191 Northford. Phone 203-484-0795, Fax 203-4849916.. email; Reverend Kathryn King. Pastor. Jane K. Leschuk Minister of Music. Sunday worship service and Sunday School, 10:00AM. Join us for coffee hour following worship. Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. Office hours, Monday an Wednesday 10am - 1pm. Like us on Facebook.Our website is St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Middletown Ave. (Rte 22 & 17) Northford. 203-484-0895. or http://standrewsnorthford.orgWe are a member of the Middlesex Area Cluster Ministry. The Reverend Jim Bradley, Interim Missioner in charge of MACM, 203-525-6846. The Cluster office is 860-345-0058. Sunday morning Eucharist is 10am. We have a rotating clergy & choir during the academic year. Join us for coffee and fellowship following service. All are welcome. St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church. The church is located at 30 Caputo Rd., North Branford. The Parochial Administrator is Reverend Robert Turner and Deacons are John Hart & Robert Macaluso. Daily Mass and Homily are celebrated Mondays & Wednesdays at 9am. On weekends, Mass is celebrated on Saturday at 4pm & 11am on Sunday mornings. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday afternoon from 3:00 - 3:30PM In addition, you can make an appointment for reconciliation by calling the parish office at 203-484-0403. If you are new to the area and are looking for a parish family to join, please visit us. You can contact the church office at 203-484-0403 or fax 203-484-0132 weekdays, 9am to 1pm or visit us online at St. Monica Roman Catholic Church. The Church is located at 1331 Middletown Ave. Northford. The Parochial Administrator is Reverend Robert Turner and the Deacons are William B. Bergers, Louis P. Fusco and Joseph Marenna. Weekend Masses are celebrated on Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sunday at 9am. Weekday Masses are Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 9am. The Sacarment of Reconciliation is celebrated Saturday morning from 8:30 - 9:00AM. In addition, you can make an appointment for Reconciliation by calling our parish office. You can contact the parish office by calling 203-484-9226 or fax 203-484-1189 Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10am - 2pm. You can contact the Education Center at 203-484-2434 Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9am to 2pm. Zion Episcopal Church. 326 Notch Hill Rd., North Branford. 203-488-7395. The Reverend Lucy LaRocca, Vicar; Sunday Holy Eucharist 8 & 10:00am. Coffee hour follows both services. Child care available. Email; Holiday Services St Augustine & St. Monica parish communities invite you to join them for a Christmas Mass celebrating the birth of Christ. Christmas Eve Masses will be celebrated at both Churches at 4 & 10PM. Christmas Day will be celebrated at both Churches at 8 & 10AM. Join the parish communites of St Augustine & St. Monica on Sunday, December 14, at 4:00pm at St. Augustine, 30 Caputo Rd. Dinner in the Church Hall will follow. A non-perishable food item is requested as a donation. St, Andrew Episcopal Church, 1382 Middletown Avenue, Northford. Christmas Eve Service, December 24, 2014. 7:30pm Carols, 8:00pm Service, The Rev. Jane White-Hassler, Celebrant, Ray Bishop- Organist Holiday services during Advent are continuing at the Northford Congregational Church on Sundays at 10 a.m. through December 21. Advent candles are being lit by various families as special verses are read. Sunday School is continuing at the same time. There will be a multi-generational Christmas pageant on Sunday, December 14, and a contemporary worship service on Sunday, December 21. There will be a Christmas Eve service on Wednesday, December 24, at 5 p.m. This service will focus on the special Bible verses highlighting the prophecy and Gospel of this Holy event. Take a few minutes out from your busy schedule and add some meaning to this special time of year. All are welcome. The historic Northford Congregational Church (203-484-0795) is located at 4 Old Post Road at the corner of Route 22 and Route 17 in the Northford section of North Branford. Totoket Historical Society Did you know... ........that on September 14, 1849 a horrible murder took place in Northford. Twelve year old Emily Cooper, a cousin of the murderer, was sexually assaulted and murdered. Read about this terrible crime in our publication “The Murder of Emily Cooper” by Eugene C. MacMullan. This is a truly fascinating story. The story can be read on our “Research Documents” page. Visit us on the web at TotoketHistoricalSociety.Org North Branford Fire Department The Officers and Members of the Fire Department, wish to extend our Best Wishes for a Safe and Happy Holiday Season to all the citizens of North Branford. Use Common Sense During the Holiday’s Home fires increase during this time of year. Heating devices, fireplaces, holiday lighting, candles and decorations, all contribute to the increased risk. North Branford Fire Department Recommends: 1. Use only UL listed lights and extension cords. 2. Keep extension cord use to a minimum. Do not overload your electrical system. If you are blowing fuses, find out why. Check for frayed wires. If the lights don’t work when you test them, toss them. Don’t take the chance. 3. Keep decorations away from open flame and heating sources. 4. If you have a live tree, keep it watered and dispose of as soon it starts to dry out. 5. Keep your means of escape clear. Don’t block a door with the tree or other decorations. 6. Use candles correctly. Keep away from any decorations, curtains and paper tablecloths. 7. Do not leave home without turning off all lights, extinguishing all candles and any portable heating units. At night check to make sure that your house is safe, before you go to bed. 8. Make sure you have at least one operating smoke detector on every floor. Fact of the Month. Heating Equipment fires account for 16 % of all home fires and 22 % of all home fire deaths. The majority of these fires occur during December and January. What better gift for a loved one this year, new smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. And offer to install it too. Questions and Additional information: Call the fire marshal’s office with any questions at 203-484-6016 E-mail at: GFWC/CT Memorial Scholarships The Northford Women’s Club, Inc., General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Connecticut is looking for applicants for the GFWC/CT Memorial Scholarships. The Memorial Scholarships, which include the Dorothy E. Schoelzel and the Phipps scholarships, are worth $1000 and are open to women who have completed some undergraduate studies with a minimum 3.0 grade average. The Schoelzel Scholarship requires that the applicant complete three or more years of undergraduate studies in accredited institutions of higher learning with at least a 3.0 average, and be working towards a Bachelor’s or postgraduate degree in education. The Phipps scholarship requires the applicant to have two or more years of undergraduate work in accredited institutions of higher learning with at least a 3.0 average, and be working towards a Bachelor’s or postgraduate degree. All scholarships will be awarded based on future promise, financial need, and scholastic ability. Completed applications must be received no later than February 10, 2015 and may be obtained by visiting the Northford Women’s Club website at www. For further information, you may contact Rose Lynch at 203-483-8395. STEVEN J. ELZHOLZ Certified Public Accountant Certified Information Systems Auditor More than 40 Years Experience 203-488-8649 (fax) 203-488-1970 Accounting & Bookkeeping Services Computer Consulting, Training & Support Tax Planning & Preparation for Individuals & All Business Entitites Estate & Trust Tax Preparations 54 Deforest Drive North Branford, Ct 06471 email - CLASSIFIED 11 Totoket Times December 12, 2014 ELECTRICIAN TJC Electrical Services - No Job too small or big. Service upgrade & Generator Specials. Call Tom Cassella at 203-619-2823. Licensed & Insured. PAINTING Trimworks Painting. December to Remember 25% OFF. The holidays are right around the corner!More time spent indoors calls for a freshly painted room or two! Work MUST be completed by Dec. 31st. No worries about a house full of strangers. Sole Proprietor! Celebrating 29 years. BBB A+ rated. License # 0619599. Call 7AM to 7PM - 203-484-9181 PLUMBING John DiMaggio Plumbing - Residential/Commercial repairs/remodeling. Big or small. Water Heater Specials! Licensed & Insured. Call 203 - 627 - 6826 or 203-484-4822. References available. SERVICES Northford Power Equipment - “The Mower Whisperer”. We service all brands of yard & snow equipment. Reasonable rates, pickup and delivery available.Call Mark at 203-484-2173. Handyman Services - Plumbing repairs and installations. Drywall repairs, electrical work,blinds installed, dryer vents cleaned and replaced. Yard work, general repairs and small jobs. Bulk items hauled away. Dump runs. References, great rates. Call Pete at 203-804-6373. Greg Tech Computer Services. Certified Technician. On-site support for PC's & Macs. Repairs, virus removals, wireless & network set-ups, software installation, computer training, upgrades, hardware and printer repair and more.Call Greg at 203-980-0782. BRANFORD - 42 LANTERN VIEW DRIVE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY DECEMBER 14, 1-3 Nice colonial in great neighborhood. Nice floor plan with 4 large bedrooms. Private deck with views to Long Island sound! Offered at $329,900. Call Kim at the Heritage Group at 203-623-0652 for details. HELP WANTED Drivers & Floral Designers Needed. Deliver flowers after school. Must have your own vehicle and a good driving record. Call Dave at Petals 2 Go, 203-484-7800. Hair Stylist and/or Nail Technician Needed. Must have experience and flexible hours. Call Maryanne at Hair Designs. 203-488-6959. FOR SALE Wood Burning Stove. “King” stove with automatic thermostat. Asking $595. Used 3 seasons. Call 203-481-5133. SEASONED FIREWOOD. $250 a cord. $475. for two cords and $140 for half. Call Josh for the Seasoned Wood at 203-619-3414. LOST & FOUND Found - Backpack left behind after NBWC Lake Gaillard Walk. Please call 203-494-6861 Totoket Tree Farm, 65 Mill Rd. North Branford is open for the season. Come and cut your own from a beautiful selection of trees. Saturday & Sunday only, 9:00AM - 3:30PM. Happy Holidays from the Forte Family. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Personal, For Sale, Help Wanted, Tag Sale, and all non-business classified 1 issue $9.00 2 issues $12.00 3 issues $15.00 20 words or less, not including phone #. $.05 per word, per run, after 20 words Lost and Found ................................... FREE Business Classified Ads & Real Estate 3 issues $35.00, 6 issues $60.00, 12 issues $100.00 $.10 per word, per run, after 20 words Payment MUST accompany all ads. The advertiser must notify this newspaper of any errors. Send ad along with your check to: Totoket Times P.O. Box 313 Northford, CT 06472 For more information call 203-410-4254 Northford Women’s Club Casino Bus Trip The Northford Women’s Club is sponsoring a bus trip to Mohegan Sun Casino on Saturday, Jan 24th. The bus leaves North Branford High School student parking lot promptly at 5:00 pm and leaves the casino at 11:00 pm. Cost is $40 per person and includes a $15 food voucher and a $15 gambling voucher. Raffle prizes and games on the bus! Please call Cyndi at (203)623-0746 for more information. NARFE January Meeting The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association monthly meeting will be held Monday, January 5, 2015, 1:00 pm, at the North Haven Congregational Church, 28 Church Street. All active and retired federal workers are invited to attend. The guest speaker will be Cassie Schmidt, Registered Dietitian, Health and Wellness Coordinator, ShopRite Supermarkets. NARFE is dedicated to protecting and preserving the earned benefits of federal workers and retirees. Info: Totoket Times December 12, 2014 12 New Customers Only! Leoni’s Italian Foods 1719 (Rte 80) North Branford 203-488-9581 Your Italian Import Specialty Store Holiday Platters Fresh Baked Italian & Stuffed Breads Homemade Pasta Holiday - Catering - Specials A family business serving your families for more than 30 years Great Christmas Gifts 10% OFF ANY Catering Order More than $200.00 1717 Foxon Rd. North Branford 203-488-2422 (Across from Atwater Library) T-F 10:00 - 6:00 Sat. 8:30 -1:00 (1 per customer- offer expires 1-15-15) North Branford Barber Shop 1179 Foxon Rd. Rte # 80 North Branford, 203-484-6789 Owner, Robert Viglione Don’t forget to ask about our Haircuts Famous Personal Pizzas! Men $12.00, Women $16.00 Seniors $10.00 Kids Under 10 Years Old $10.00 3 for $15.00 Open Monday 7-3 During the Holiday Season Tues. 8 - 7, Wed. 7 - 6, Thurs. 8 - 7 Fri. 7 - 6 & Sat. 8 - 4 Stop in for that Holiday Haircut! $ Dining Room Special $2.00 Bud Retro Cans There’s a chill in the air! Stop in and get Order Christmas Cakes and Cupcakes Early! Assorted cupcakes garnished with Christmas Theme Decor Also featuring our popular Chocolate Mousse Buche de Noel 2031 Foxon Road, North Branford - 203-488-2800 Tony’s special Pasta Fagioli. Just like homemade. 1874 Middletown Ave. Northford, CT 06472 203-484-PIES or Hours: M - Thur 11am - 9pm, Fri-Sat 11am - 10pm, Sun 11am - 9pm
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