Program Introduction VAR Modelling Econometrics II – Chapter 7.6 Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model VAR(1), assumptions Vector AutoRegressive models AR(2) → VAR(1), VAR(1) → ARMA(m,m − 1) Unit root tests DF and “unit root tests” VAR(1) Marius Ooms VAR(2) and VECM Estimation and Inference in VAR(p) Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam Testing for VAR order p Testing for cointegrating rank, r. Chapter 7.6 – p. 1/24 Introduction to VAR Models Chapter 7.6 – p. 2/24 VAR Introduction, continued Multivariate Time Series Modelling. Model linear dynamic relationships within a set of m variables based on n vector observations, modelling (only) m means (possibly time-varying) m (forecast error) variances, 0.5 · m · (m − 1) possible covariances, (n − 1) m × m autocovariance matrices. Do not make a priori incredible exogeneity or (Granger non-) causality assumptions. Chapter 7.6 – p. 3/24 Point and Interval prediction (conditional mean and (co)variances): One-step, Multistep. Time Series Decomposition of mean and (forecast error) variance: Trend, Stationary Components. Test for (unit-root) (non)-stationarity of (linear combinations) of variables: testing for the number of I(0) equilibrium relationships, testing for the number of common I(1) trends. In Advanced Courses: Sims’ economic intepretations of VMA(∞) form of VAR: Impulse responses, Forecast error variance decompositions, Structural (Identified) VARs. Chapter 7.6 – p. 4/24 Eviews VAR(1) with ’trend in VAR’ VAR(1) plus DT, ”DGP form” The corresponding VAR(1) DGP (Data Generating Process) is given by The VAR(1) model in ”regression form” is given by Yt = γ1 + γ2 t + ΦYt−1 + εt , Yt = µ1 + µ2 t + ut , t = 1, . . . , n where Yt is an m vector of “endogenous” variables. Φ is the m × m matrix of coefficients. The m−vector of disturbances εt has mean zero and variance matrix Ωε . Φ(L)ut = εt . (DGP) µ1 + µ2 t is interpreted as E(Yt ): the vector of expected values of the variables in Yt at time t. The relationship between γ1 , γ2 (intercept and trend vector in VAR regression form) and µ1 , µ2 (constant and trend in Data Generating Process form) is a bit involved, see Heij et al. §7.6.1 (I(0) cases) and §7.6.3. (I(1) cases). Note: Heij adjusts the notation: γ1 = α in §7.6.1 (7.35), γ1 = γ in §7.6.3 (7.39), µ1 = µ in §7.6.1 (7.38) and B ′ µ2 = δ in §7.6.3 on p. 424. See als comparison with DGP and regression model D-F test below. The disturbances are uncorrelated at different time periods: εt ∼ W N . Eviews (VAR specification->Cointegration) calls γ2 t: ”trend in VAR” Note: Eviews calls µ2 t ”Linear trend in data”. Chapter 7.6 – p. 6/24 Chapter 7.6 – p. 5/24 AR(2) → VAR(1), ”companion form” VAR Assumptions Eviews VAR assumptions (in macroeconomic time series analysis): Each variable yi,t is I(0) (DT) or I(1) (ST). In particular we exclude: I(2) processes (cf. Heij page 599, implicitly assumed in §7.6.3) I(−1) processes (can never be approximated by a VAR → why not?) εt has a multivariate normal distribution. Connection AR(2) – Bivariate VAR(1) helps understanding stability conditions: y1,t = φ1 y1,t−1 + φ2 y2,t−1 + εt y2,t = y1,t−1 + 0 This example shows how a (V)AR(p) process can be written in a VAR(1) “companion form”. Exercise (1): Check stability conditions (on λ1 , λ2 ) for this example and show that they correspond to the stability condition for a univariate AR(2) process. Hint: See also Examples 17 and 21 in chapter 14 of Binmore and Davies (2001). All characteristic roots: |λi | ≤ 1, VAR only has unit roots λi = 1 and stable roots (eigenvalues of Φ). Exclude explosive processes. Chapter 7.6 – p. 7/24 Chapter 7.6 – p. 8/24 VAR(1) → ARMA(m, m − 1) VAR(1) → ARMA(m, m − 1), continued “Joint” multivariate VAR(1) implies “marginal” univariate ARMAs! VAR(1) → ARMA(m, m − 1) Consider the first VAR equation In the absence of unit roots |λi | < 1, i = 1, . . . , m, we showed that y1,t follows an ARMA(m, m − 1) process. In the presence of unit roots, λi = 1, y1,t follows an ARIMA process, which is not straightforward to derive, without further assumptions. y1,t = |Φ(L)|−1 C1· (L)εt , with d(L) = |Φ(L)| the scalar determinant of Φ(L) and C1· (L) the first row of the m × m matrix of cofactors of Φ(L). Zellner and Palm (1974) used this argument to explain ARMA behaviour in macroeconomic series. The characteristic roots or “eigenvalues of Φ” λi , i.e. the solutions to |Φ(λ−1 )| = 0, determine stability of the VAR. We only consider cases where y1,t is ARIMA(p, 0, q) or ARIMA(p, 1, q). Exercise (2): Check Illustration for VAR(1) on Heij et al. page 659. |Im − λ−1 Φ| = 0 ⇔ |λIm − Φ| = 0. Chapter 7.6 – p. 9/24 Recap univariate Unit root tests DF Chapter 7.6 – p. 10/24 “Unit root tests” VAR(1), cf. previous slide! VAR unit root test regressions trending data: §7.6.3. In a VAR we have more than two hypotheses! Connection stability test VAR(1) with univariate DF-regression Yt = µ1 + µ2 t + ut , ut = Φut−1 + εt DGP ∆Yt = γ1 + γ2 t + (Φ − I)Yt−1 + εt test regression In DF, AR unit root regression test for trending data, §7.3.3: H0 : ST, φ − 1 = ρ = 0: unit root H1 : DT, root(s) |λi | < 1 of Φ(λ−1 i ) = 0 Deterministic terms H0 : γ2 = 0: no quadratic trend in DGP. Deterministic terms H1 : γ2 unrestricted, allows for deterministic trend in I(0) case. H0 , Φ − I = Π = 0, m separate random walks. All m λi = 1. All linear combinations of yi ST. m unit roots. No ECM. Model only in differences of Yt . Extra possibility: H1 , Π = αβ ′ has rank 1. ∆yt “corrected” by 1 “deviation from equilibrium”, or cointegrating vector β ′ Yt−1 where β ′ yt ∼ I(0). m − 1 unit roots. 1 ECM. Model in differences and one combination of levels ∆Yt = αβ ′ Yt−1 + εt Hm , Π has full rank. All linear combinations of Yt are I(0). All m eigenvalues of Φ: λi < 1: No unit roots. All m eigenvalues of Π unequal to zero. Model in levels. see next slide for deterministic terms! Chapter 7.6 – p. 11/24 Chapter 7.6 – p. 12/24 “Unit root tests” VAR(1), deterministic terms Deterministic terms in effective multivariate unit root test regressions: H1 vs Hm . VAR(2) and (Eviews) VECM(1) VAR(2) and VECM(1) are natural extensions of VAR(1) and ECM models: H0 : Trend in regression restricted: γ2 = 0, so that we do not get quadratic trend (µ3 t2 = 0) in data DGP form of VAR. Remember: we have m unit roots. H1 Trend coefficients in regression, γ2 , restricted so that only the cointegrating I(0) combination β ′ yt has a deterministic trend: “restricted” trend term in test. Remember: we have m − 1 unit roots. Eviews: trend in CE, no trend in VAR. Hm : Deterministic terms are unrestricted under Hm , γ2 unrestricted. Trend term in ”regression form” leads to same order deterministic trend in ”DGP form” of VAR as there are no unit roots. Eviews: Unrestricted VAR. Yt = γ1 + Φ1 Yt−1 + Φ2 Yt−2 + εt , ∆Yt = γ1 − Φ2 ∆Yt−1 + ΠYt−1 + εt , where Π = Φ1 + Φ2 − I = −Φ(1). (and γ2 = 0 for simplicity). As in the VAR(1) one can show that a full rank of Π is a necessary condition for stationarity and a reduced rank of Π is necessary for cointegration. Compare the VECM with the Augmented Dickey Fuller test regression: The matrix −Π replaces the ρ of the ADF. this VECM is called VECM(1) in Eviews. Chapter 7.6 – p. 14/24 Chapter 7.6 – p. 13/24 More cointegrating vectors, m = 3, r = 2 Estimation of VARs and VECMs, UVAR Consider a VAR(1) with m = 3 with eigenvalues of Φ: λ1 = 1 and |λ2 |, |λ3 | < 1. There is one eigenvalue of Π = Φ − I equal to zero: Π has (reduced) rank of 2. Two approaches: There are 2 independent linear combinations of yt (eigenvectors of Φ corresponding to λ2 and λ2 ), which produce stationary I(0) series: 2 cointegrating vectors. One linear combination of yt (corresponding to λ1 ) is I(1): 1 common trend. The VECM form for m = 3 produces a Π = AB ′ . A, the matrix of adjustment coefficients, and B, the matrix of cointegrating vectors, are 3 × 2 with rank 2. In economic applications A and/or B have a number of fixed ones and zeros, facilitating interpretation. Ex. 7.28. Chapter 7.6 – p. 15/24 (i) Direct estimation and standard asymptotic inference of the system in unrestricted VAR (UVAR) (put γ1 = γ2 = 0 for simplicity): Yt = Φ1 Yt−1 + Φ2 Yt−2 + · · · + Φp Yt−p + εt ∆Yt = Γ1 ∆Yt−1 + · · · + Γp−1 ∆Yt−p+1 + ΠYt−1 + εt → only appropriate if all the eigenvalues of Π are larger than zero. Deterministic terms, γ1 + γ2 t, can be added unrestrictedly. (ii) see next slide Chapter 7.6 – p. 16/24 Test of p, standard inference in a VAR I Estimation and inference in VECMs (ii) In case of possible I(1) components: Determine the number r, 0 ≤ r ≤ m of possible cointegrating vectors and then estimate ∆Yt = Γ1 ∆Yt−1 + · · · + Γp−1 ∆yt−p+1 + AB ′ Yt−1 + εt Conditional on a choice for r cointegrating variables B ′ Yt−1 , A is estimated jointly with Γ(L). Deterministic terms can be added in two ways, unrestricted as intercept or trend, or restricted as intercept or trend in cointegrating vectors only. Conditional on known and correct B ′ Yt−1 standard asymptotic inference applies. This method is appropriate when (some of) the Y variables are I(1). Testing the Order of VAR using Likelihood Ratio tests Suppose that a VAR(p1 ) is estimated and we want to test the hypothesis that the order is p0 < p1 . The maximised log-likelihood when a VAR with m variables is fitted to n observation points is \ = constant + n log |Ω ˆ −1 | log(L) 2 ˆ is the variance-covariance matrix of the residuals where Ω from the VAR equations. Note that the ML method minimises the (log) determinant of residual variance matrix. Model selection using AIC and SIC minimises this term corrected for a penalty function. Chapter 7.6 – p. 17/24 Test on p, standard VAR inference II Chapter 7.6 – p. 18/24 Tests on r, nonstandard inference in VAR When p0 lags are used, the maximised log-likelihood is Testing the cointegrating rank r using LR tests The popular likelihood ratio test of Søren Johansen, most cited author in economics in 1990-2000, compares ML estimates under the different rank restrictions implied by (non-)cointegration. Also known as trace test. \0 = constant + n log |Ω ˆ −1 log(L) 0 | 2 and when p1 lags are used, Remember conditions for application!: \1 = constant + n log |Ω ˆ −1 |. log(L) 1 2 All variables yi,t are I(0) or I(1). The VAR does not contain characteristic roots outside the unit circle. The likelihood ratio test is then h i a \ \ ˆ ˆ LR = −2(log(L)0 − log(L)1 ) = n log |Ω0 | − log |Ω1 | ∼ χ2q with q = m2 (p1 − p0 ): the number of restrictions imposed under H0 . Chapter 7.6 – p. 19/24 The VAR is not misspecified The different hypotheses employed in LR testing in a VAR(p) are extensions of the hypotheses in a VAR(1). Chapter 7.6 – p. 20/24 Hypotheses in testing rank r in a VAR(p) Hypotheses on deterministics in testing for r Hypotheses used in testing: H0 , −Φ(1) = Π = 0, m separate random walk components. All linear combinations of yi have a ST. m unit roots in the VAR. No partial correlation between growth rates and lagged levels. ′ H1 , Π = αβ has rank 1. ∆yi,t partially “corrected” by 1 cointegrating vector β ′ Yt−1 . m − 1 common trends. H2 , Π rank 2, . . . Hm−1 , Π cointegrating rank m − 1, 1 common trend Hm , Π has full rank. All linear combinations of Yt are I(0). All pm eigenvalues of Φ: λi < 1. No unit roots. If data are trending (µ2 6= 0): Deterministics under H0 : γ2 = 0 no trends in regression form of VAR, to avoid quadratic trend in the DGP. Deterministics under H1 : γ2 in regression form of VAR restricted such that only the cointegrating combination β ′ Yt has trend β ′ µ2 t. Other linear combinations don’t have a trend. In other words: the deterministic trend is part of the cointegrating combination. Deterministics Hm : γ2 is unrestricted in the regression form of the model as there are no unit roots. All linear combinations of Yt are I(0). See next slide for deterministic terms. Chapter 7.6 – p. 22/24 Chapter 7.6 – p. 21/24 Distribution and interpretation of LR tests for r Summary of testing for r Assume that all series yi,t of the VAR process Φ(L)yt = γ1 + γ2 t are I(0) or I(1). LR / trace test H0 vs. Hm , nonstandard distribution LR / trace test H1 vs. Hm , . . . , LR / trace test Hm−1 vs. Hm All test statistic are determined by (sums of) m ρˆ2j s: Squared Partial ’Canonical’ Correlations, ρˆ2j , between current growth rates ∆Yt and lagged levels Yt−1 . No. of significant ρ2j s = r = rank of Π = no. of cointegrating vectors. m − r = no. of common trends. Apply tests in order above. Stop if a test does not reject. Reject Hj against Hm for large values of the outcome of the test. Critical values are in Exhibit 7.31. p-values in Eviews. Use LR/trace tests for the cointegrating rank r of Π = AB ′ = −Φ(1), where the order of the deterministic trend in the cointegrating vector(s) must exceed the order of the trend in the VAR by 1. This implies that restrictions must be imposed on γ1 and/or γ2 in hypotheses with r < m. Always allow for trend in cointegrating vector if DGP yt has a trend (µ2 6= 0). Start with H0 : r = 0, continue with r = 1, . . .. Stop (and accept r = j) when Hj is not rejected against Hm . Eviews (Johansen) uses λj for ρ2j : ”eigenvalues”, cf Example 7.28. They are not simply the eigenvalues of Π. Eg.: one always has 0 ≤ ρ2j ≤ 1, whereas eigenvalue of Π can < 0 Chapter 7.6 – p. 23/24 If r is known, you can apply standard Wald test on the trend coeffcient(s) in the CI vector(s), see page 673. Chapter 7.6 – p. 24/24
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