our newsletter for plant list & order form!

Tree Sale Edition
January 2015
Kitsap Conservation District
For nearly 29 years, Kitsap Conservation District has offered the community an opportunity to buy native plants to
reforest and enhance habitat in the county we love. In the early days, the species list was very limited, as the idea of
selling seedlings bare-root was still developing. In those days we distributed trees from a single 8-foot folding table
parked just outside the door of the Conservation District. The initial offering was Douglas-fir seedlings and, to the best
of our combined memory, cedar was the next species added to future lists. We had no idea that the sale would eventually become our principle fund raiser, but thanks to local homeowners’ love of the outdoors and the environment, it
grew each year into the great event it is today.
It didn’t take long for the news to spread that KCD was selling trees at a very fair price. We quickly outgrew the folding
table and worked our way to the sheep barn at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds. The first year we offered trees there, we
had no presale option. People simply showed up and stood in line. The crowd was massive by comparison to the card
table years, and people stood shoulder to shoulder, patient or impatient, with a list of what they wanted. It was wild
and no matter how we tried, our attempt to serve so many at once was dismal. Our inventive staff, still coping with the
throng of buyers, decided that pre-ordering the plants would help. So, taking orders in advance began. It wasn’t a simple
task because technology was not the same as it is today, and record keeping was much more complicated. We were able
to serve people better on the day the trees were picked up, but not to the extent we hoped. But over time, our process
improved, and eventually sales started going faster and easier.
A great part of our advancement was due to the opening of the Washington Association of Conservation Districts’ Plant
Materials Center in 1993. The mission of the Center was to provide high quality conservation plants and services for the
benefit of the conservation community. The 60-acre bare-root nursery, located in Skagit County, now produces over 70
species of seedlings and cuttings. They specialize in growing seed stock from local sources, which improves the viability
of the seedlings. Getting wholesale plants in the varieties and quantity that we needed changed how we could provide
stock for our annual sale. In the past 15 years alone, we have delivered over half a million plants to Kitsap.
You may have some of our trees growing in your yard now. If so, we would love to get pictures of trees from our early sales.
Please send them in and we can share them on Facebook. If you need more plants, or have never participated in our Tree
Sale, take a peek inside the newsletter and choose some plants of your own. Trees are a part of our heritage and a historical
reminder. We plant trees to commemorate new beginnings and to memorialize events past. Consider 2015 the year to start
your legacy planting. Mark your special occasions with some of our trees or consider giving them as gifts!
Common Name
Habitat – Description – Use
Evergreens and other Trees
Alaska Yellow Cedar
Light or heavy soil, well drained, climates with cool summers. Semi-shade to full
Douglas fir
Well-drained soil. Fastest growing. Great for windbreaks, firewood or lumber.
Shore Pine
Rapid growth. Highly adaptable, found in saturated to well-drained soils, salt
Oregon White Oak
Quercus garryana
Noble fir
Rocky or dry soils in full sun. Produces acorns that are a favorite wildlife food and
classic shaped oak leaves with handsome fall display. Slow growing.
Full sun. Grows on rich moist soil or poor, rocky soil. Wildlife eats seeds & bark is
browsed by black bear.
Streamside areas. Leaves turn bright red & yellow in fall. Excellent soil-binding
Chamaecyparis Nootkatensis
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pinus contorta
Abies procera
Vine Maple
Western Redcedar
Shade tolerant. Aromatic, rot resistant and long-lived, it is excellent for riparian
sites, wildlife, & especially birds.
Red Elderberry
Sambucus racemosa
Grows in riparian environments, woodlands, generally in moist areas. Good for
wildlife habitat.
Red Osier Dogwood
Moist sites. Bright twigs & brilliant red foliage in the fall. Berries an important
wildlife food.
Red Flowering Currant
Full sun to partial shade in drier upland areas. Erect, deciduous plant. Flowers
attract hummingbirds.
Ocean Spray
Well-drained to dry sites in full sun to partial shade. Profuse, lilac-like flowers.
Good soil binding qualities. Very drought tolerant.
Indian Plum
Rocky, dry soil or by streams. Versatile plant that grows in moist to fairly dry open
Golden Currant
Tall Oregon Grape
Tolerates a wide range of light levels. Browsed by elk and deer. Yellow flowers
attract butterflies.
Sunny, dry, open exposed areas. Attracts butterflies, birds & mammals.
Deer and elk browse foliage. Flowers attract butterflies. Fruits are eaten by birds
and wildlife.
Nootka Rose
Browsed by deer; hips eaten by birds, squirrels, deer, coyotes and bear. Nectar
feeds hummingbirds.
American Cranberry
Full sun to partial shade, it is easily transplanted and established. Best on fertile,
moist soils. Easy to grow.
Mock Orange
Loves sun; needs partial shade. Moist to well-drained soils. Produces showy,
fragrant blooms. Good wildlife and insect plant.
Acer circinatum
Thuja plicata
Cornus stolonifera
Ribes sanguineum
Holodiscus discolor
Oemlaria cerasiformis
Ribes aureum
Mahonia aquifolium
Symphoricarpos albus
Rosa pisocarpa
Viburnum opulus
Philadelpus lewisii
Ground Cover & Wetland
Sandy, well-drained exposed sites. Full sun but will tolerate some shade. Grows in
a creeping form. Slope stabilizer.
Low Oregon Grape
Dry to moist soils, sun or shade. Attracts butterflies. Fruits are eaten by many
birds and mammals.
Coastal Strawberry
Suitable for: sandy, loamy and heavy soils but prefers well-drained, moist soil. It
can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade.
Maiden Hair Fern
Upland or moist soils. Thicket-forming evergreen ground cover. Good soilbinding, tolerant of poor soils.
Sandy, loamy and heavy soils and prefers well-drained, moist soil. It can grow in
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Mahonia nervosa
Fragaria chiloensis
Gaultheria shallon
Adiantum aleuticum
Evergreen Huckleberry
Vaccinum ovatum
Wild Flower Seed
Pacific NW Variety
Native Perennials
Nodding Onion
Allium cernuum
Showy Fleabane
Erigeron speciosus
Coast Gumweed
Grindelia integrifolia
Henderson Checkerbloom
Sidalcea hendersonii
Browsed by elk and deer. Flowers attract butterflies. Tolerates a wide range of
light conditions, easier to establish in shade.
Full sun. Pure seed in 1 ounce or 1 pound sizes. Annual & perennial wildflowers.
1 ounce covers up to 220 sq ft.
Small wild onion with nodding umbels of pink flowerets. Cannot grow in the
shade. Prefers moist soil and can tolerate drought.
Showy western native, low growing in sunny or partial sites. Large lavender daisylike flowers in late spring. Grows in moist places.
Robust perennial with showy yellow flowers; late season bloomer. Great for
Good for wet meadows and tidal marshes. Pink Hollyhock-like flowers. Best in full
sun to partial shade, moist well-drained soil.
Vaccinum ovatum
Wild Flower Seed
Pacific NW Variety
Native Perennials
Nodding Onion
Allium cernuum
Showy Fleabane
Erigeron speciosus
Coast Gumweed
Grindelia integrifolia
Henderson Checkerbloom
Sidalcea hendersonii
light conditions, easier to establish in shade.
Full sun. Pure seed in 1 ounce or 1 pound sizes. Annual & perennial wildflowers.
1 ounce covers up to 220 sq ft.
Small wild onion with nodding umbels of pink flowerets. Cannot grow in the
shade. Prefers moist soil and can tolerate drought.
Showy western native, low growing in sunny or partial sites. Large lavender daisylike flowers in late spring. Grows in moist places.
Robust perennial with showy yellow flowers; late season bloomer. Great for
Good for wet meadows and tidal marshes. Pink Hollyhock-like flowers. Best in full
sun to partial shade, moist well-drained soil.
Full Sun
Partial Sun
Rain Garden
The most popular tree to plant in Backyard Habitat Projects is the
Western Redcedar (Thuja plicata). The genus name, Thuja, comes
from the Greek word ‘thuo’, meaning “to sacrifice”, as cedar wood
was used to burn sacrificial animals. The species name, plicata,
means to be folded into plaits, describing its distinctive bark. It is
called ‘redcedar’ (one word), rather than ‘red cedar’ (two words),
due to the fact that it is not a true cedar tree; true cedar trees only
grow in places where a Mediterranean climate is present.
Western Redcedar trees are a popular choice at Kitsap Conservation District because the streamside areas that the Resource Planners work in to restore fish and wildlife habitat usually have moist
to wet soils and have a canopy cover of Red Alders and Big Leaf Maple, which create shaded conditions, making it just the right type of
environment for cedar trees to thrive. For the 2014 projects, KCD
has planted over 300 redcedar trees throughout Kitsap County.
Before: Mud
After: with
filter strip
Got Farmyard Runoff?
Runoff caused by rain can flow through manure in barnyards or open
lots, carrying fecal coliform and other harmful materials into streams
and ditches and on into Puget Sound. Fortunately, there are many
ways to reduce and even eliminate this pollution. Here are some of
the most effective:
Install roof runoff systems. Put up gutters and downspouts on all
buildings. Make sure to route the clean roof runoff away from livestock areas.
Divert surface flow away from barns, paddocks, and/or drylots.
Collect and cover manure to prevent runoff and to preserve the valuable nutrients in manure. Manure should be collected frequently from
stalls and drylots, then stored where runoff will not drain into it.
Manage nutrients. Manure contains valuable nutrients that plants
need. If not used, they become a pollutant. Compost manure for pastures and give away any excess.
Use filter strips and buffers. Grow grass and other plants downslope
of paddocks and drylots. The plants will filter runoff before it reaches
streams and ponds.
Fence livestock away from streams, wetlands, and shorelines.
Protect wells. Shallow groundwater areas are easily polluted. Wells
should be installed to code and located uphill of livestock feeding
areas and runoff water.
For more information, and for a free site visit to evaluate your farm
call our ag technical assistance team!
Your Lawn - Love It or Leave It
Whether you’re looking for simple ways to enhance the
environment or trying to cut back on yard maintenance,
we have some tips for you!
Northwest Area Team of the Year
In October, the Kitsap Conservation District was selected
as the Northwest Area Team of the Year by the Washington
State Conservation Commission. The Commission lauded
Kitsap Conservation District’s innovative partnership with
Clean Water Kitsap and their award winning Rain Garden
and Green Stormwater Solutions Program.
Established in 2010, the Rain Garden Program is a dynamic,
nationally-recognized program that has been a model for
other agencies. Its focus is to enable landowners to manage stormwater in a more natural way that helps protect
Puget Sound. The program not only offers free site visits
and technical assistance, but also covers the cost of much
of the practices installed, up to a cap of $1,000. To date,
the Conservation District, in partnership with landowners,
has completed 151 rain gardens, cisterns and other stormwater solutions, with many more in design.
Love your lawn: If you love every inch of your grassy
space, there are great, green ways to keep it healthy. Treat
your lawn to aeration and a compost topdressing. Lawns
get compacted over time, which lessens the capacity both
for water infiltration and root growth. Aeration loosens
the soil, allowing for roots to extend deeper into soil and
for more water to soak into the lawn. Adding a half-inch
layer of compost nourishes the lawn for even stronger root
growth. An extra benefit from this treatment is that your
lawn will require less water to stay green, as healthy root
systems are more drought tolerant.
Leave your lawn: If you are tired of mowing, or simply
ready to reduce the area of grass in your yard, consider
replacing part of your lawn with native plants. Removing
grass gives you the perfect opportunity to till the soil under
your sod, which will improve water infiltration into the soil.
Mix in some compost for nutrients, and your soil will be
ready for planting.
Native plants are great for enhancing the environment
because they provide natural habitat for birds and insects,
which is especially important for sustaining pollinators.
Moreover, natives are adapted to the local climate, and
there are plenty of species that can tolerate our wet winters and summertime droughts.
Landowners who reside in unincorporated Kitsap County
are encouraged to contact the District for a free site visit.
Call us at (360) 337-7171. The Rain Garden Program is
largely funded by Clean Water Kitsap, a multi-agency
partnership led by Kitsap County Public Works that is working to reduce flooding, prevent pollution, and restore fish
habitat. To learn more, explore Clean Water Kitsap at www.
Conservation for Schools
Klahowya Secondary
School’s rain garden just
after completion.
Our rain garden program continues to work with local
schools to protect natural resources. Rain gardens are a
great way to teach students about water pollution. Students gain hands-on experience that teaches them what
the impact their daily lives have on the environment. They
help create a solution by building the rain garden, and taking part in its maintenance.
Our next school project is to install a cistern at Klahowya
Secondary to collect roof water, which will be used to water the school’s sports fields. Keep watching Kitsap schools
for our future projects.
Kitsap Conservation District
P.O. Box 2472
Silverdale, WA 98383
Do you see the
fish? This camouflaged chum
salmon hopes
to hide from
predators until
his life cycle is
Habitat Improvement in
Harper Estuary
Maple Ridge Excavating
completed the stream
work and KCD staff
and the Mission Creek
The Dickson family completed this Backyard Habitat
Women’s Department of
Grant project on a tributary near the Harper estuary.
Corrections crew comThe stream was historically channelized, lined with
pleted the planting with
concrete with a flood gate installed.
help from the Dicksons.
The Dicksons removed the failing concrete walls, sloped This project was funded
by Clean Water Kitsap.
back the bank, installed habitat logs and planted over
500 wetland grasses, trees and shrubs to restore the
stream and riparian area.
Ordering Instructions:
2015 Tree Sale Order Form
Mailing Address:
Daytime Phone:
No. of
Mail or Fax Completed Form To: Kitsap Conservation District
P.O. Box 2472, Silverdale, WA 98383
Phone: (360) 337-7171, Fax: (360) 337-7172
Price per
Total Cost
Doug fir
Noble fir
Western Red Cedar
Shore Pine
Oregon White Oak
Vine Maple
4. Orders must be in
the office by January 28, 2015. Mail
or Fax orders only.
(Bulk orders may be
requested and must
be prepaid.)
Red Elderberry
Red Osier Dogwood
Red Flowering Currant
Ocean Spray
Indian Plum
Tall Oregon Grape
Nootka Rose
Golden Currant
American Cranberry
Mock Orange
5. Plants will be
available for pick up
Friday, March 6th
from 1 PM to 6 PM or
Saturday March 7th,
2015 from 9 AM to 1
PM. Pick up site is at
Kitsap County Fairgrounds.
4" Pot
Low Oregon Grape
4" Pot
Coastal Strawberry
4" Pot
4" Pot
Maiden Hair Fern
4" Pot
Evergreen Huckleberry
4" Pot
Nodding Onion
BR seedling
Showy Fleabane
BR seedling
Coastal Gumweed
BR seedling
Henderson's Checkerbloom
BR seedling
Northwest Wildflower Seed
1 ounce
Bulk NW Wildflower Seed
1 pound
6. Warning! Any order
not picked up at the
fairgrounds will be
donated to conservation projects and
organizations. These
live plants must be
planted immediately.
Native Perennials
Add 8.7% Sales Tax:
Estimated Order:
Thank you for your order!
2. Do NOT send any
payment. You will
receive an invoice
confirming the order.
Return that with your
3. All plants are bare
root seedlings unless
otherwise noted.
Ground Cover & Wetland
Alaska Yellow Cedar
1. Include your personal information.
Don’t forget a mailing
address, phone number or e-mail address
so we can contact you
if needed.
7. Please bring your
own bags when you
pick up your order.
8. All orders are first
come, first served.
Country Living Expo & Cattlemen’s
Winterschool, January 31, 2015
The Country Living Expo and Cattlemen’s Winterschool will offer
more than 185 workshops and classes in skills from cheesemaking and beekeeping to agribusiness, landscape design and smallscale solar power.
The full-day expo will be Saturday, Jan. 31, at Stanwood High
School in Stanwood, WA, and will feature a trade show with
more than 65 vendors. To register and view classes, visit http://
skagit.wsu.edu/CountryLivingExpo. Registration costs $70 for
adults (early bird special of $65 before Jan. 1, 2015) and $40 for
youth with a discounted rate of $10 for the first 200 youth ages
12-18 needing scholarship help. Registration includes coffee and
pastries, five classes and choice of prime rib or vegetarian lunch.
Some classes have a materials fee but there is no charge to attend the trade show.
This year’s Expo offers over 60 new classes, including:
• Improving the Fertility and Tilth of your soil
• Raising Rabbits or Chickens for Meat
• Constructing a Home Water Feature for Your Landscape
• Basic Bowmaking (archery)
• Necropsy: Sheep and Poultry
• Backcountry Horseback Riding
• Edible Wild Plants of NW Washington
• Understanding Equine Founder and Colic
• Mules Rule
• Dahlia Culture
• Roundtable: Beef Breed Selection and Opportunity
• Ladies: Light Up Your Life – Learn to Install Light Fixtures and
• Learn to Make Scandinavian Cookies & Chocolate Creations
• and more
Sunday 2 farm tours are available to either a beef farm or an
arabian horse farm for $10 per family and are registered for on
the Expo brochure.
The Country Living Expo and Cattlemen’s Winterschool is presented by WSU Extension, Livestock Master Foundation, and the TriCounty Cattlemen’s Association. It is hosted by the Stanwood FFA.
Call Skagit County Extension, 360-428-4270 Ext 0, with questions.
Visit http://skagit.wsu.edu/CountryLivingExpo to register.
Listen to Temple Grandin - January 30, 2015
Everett Civic Auditorium
In addition to the Saturday classes and trade show at the Cattlemen’s Winter School, Friday evening will feature “The Way I See
It”, Dr. Temple Grandin at the Everett Civic Auditorium at 7:00
P.M. Tickets may be purchased online for $25.00 at templegrandin.brownpapertickets.com.
KCD District Board of Supervisors
Jacqueline Lovely - Chair
Frank Varley - District Auditor
Albert Allpress - Vice Chair
Sharon Call - Member
Nikki Johanson - Member
Oliver Call - Associate Member
KCD Staff
Joy Garitone - District Coordinator
Brian Stahl - District Financial Coordinator
Carin Anderson - Stream Stewardship Manager
Alex Yanez-Sherman - Stream Stewardship Planner
Helen Jones - Agricultural Planner
Ken Drecksel - Agricultural Planner
Teresa Brooks - Rain Garden Programs Manger
Jenny Morgan - Landscape Architect
Kelly Stroh - Rain Garden Planner
Michaeal Korchonnoff - Rain Garden Planner
Sandra Jacobson - Administrative Assistant
The Kitsap Conservation District and the County Parks and Recreation offer “DOO FOR YOU”. Kitsap County Fairgrounds, Saturday
March 7th from 10 AM to 2 PM. Use the north entrance to the
fairgrounds off Nels Nelson Rd. SW. and get in line. We will have a
loader, so just bring your truck. Call 337-7171 for more information.
2015 Women in Agriculture Conference
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Norm Dicks Center, Bremerton, WA
"Put Your Best Boot Forward"
Mark your calendar and join us for inspiration, knowledge and
networking on Saturday, February 21, 2015 for the 4th Annual
Women in Agriculture Conference.
This year’s conference will be held in multiple locations across
Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Alaska – on the same day! This
multiple site conference format brings the best of national and
local speakers to easily accessible locations. Are you ready for
something different? We’ve listened to your suggestions and
designed a new, refreshing and engaging conference format.
Successful women farmers will inspire you with the “best ideas”
to showcase your farm. You will leave the conference with new
skills for marketing, a 60-second spot to describe your business
and know where you want to be in five years! Contact Diane Fish
at dfish@wsu.edu or 360-337-7026 for time and registration.
Kitsap Conservation District
P.O. Box 2472
Silverdale, WA 98383
Are You a Candidate?
This year we have two positions opening on our Board of
Supervisors for 3-year terms. The positions are voluntary.
One will be elected by local, mail-in ballot and the other
will be appointed by the Conservation Commission. The
following qualifications must be met:
The candidates must be qualified county electors and
owners or operators of a farm within the Kitsap Conservation District boundaries. Call the District at 360-3377171 to determine if you reside within District boundaries and meet the agricultural requirement.
The candidates should be qualified by training and
experience to perform the specialized, skilled services
required of them. Supervisors will administer by delegating tasks through a structure of Board officers and
members, committees, staff, and others; develop and
maintain effective non-regulatory programs; identify
local conservation and agricultural needs; and ensure
implementation of the District’s plans.
Supervisors are required to regularly attend monthly district business meetings and regional or statewide association meetings and conferences. They are volunteers and
serve without compensation. Supervisors and Districts
have no land use decision or regulatory authority.
To express your interest in running for the upcoming elected
or appointed positions, obtain a nomination/application form
from the Kitsap Conservation District, 10332 Central Valley
Road, Poulsbo, WA 98370. You must return the form to the
Kitsap Conservation District with 25 signatures by February
20, 2015 to be on the ballot. The election date is to be March
27, 2015. Ballots will be counted March 31, 2015.
Our Royal Rain Garden Staff