WESTERN AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Denmark “Inlet Views News” December 2014, Issue 8 On Friday 14th November, 2014 we celebrated the accomplishments of our students and said farewell to our graduating body. Graduates from the College leave us with a wide variety of qualities, skills and experience, that we trust will carry with them throughout their lives. Go with confidence Class of 2014. Pictured Back Row (L-R) Kris Segreto, Phillip Onions, Scott Hearn, Levi Collinson, Jesse Jones, Charis Syme, Max Bradfield, Lewis Newton, Chris Scott, Anthony Snell, James Bidstrup. Front Row (L-R) Mathew Brockhurst, Giovanni Gianatti, Michael Bocian, Hannah Collins, Madison Meares, Jayme Sheridan, Roxanne Mostert, Kelly Perrin, Liam Connor, Able Watson, Steven Piacun. “After three years our high school story finally ends. But years from now, no matter where we have travelled we will all look back and think about our friends.” (Anon). So much so, the College invites all graduates to join the “Old Collegians Association”. Founded in the early days of the College, the Old Collegians Association was formed to foster a strong fellowship between graduates and the College and to provide networking opportunities for its members. The main objectives of the Association is to keep alive College friendships and to provide social gatherings amongst Old Collegians. The Association also promotes the welfare of agricultural colleges in WA and promotes advancement of students leaving the College through sponsorship and mentoring. Staying in touch via the Old Collegians Association has many benefits. It gives you an opportunity to catch up with old friends and network with collegians from other year groups. Stay connected and join now. www.denmarkag.wa.edu.au/oldcollegians/MembershipForm.pdf Contents: Principal’s Report 2 Farm Supervisor’s Report Deputy Principal’s Report 3 Head of Department—Studies Report 10 Residential Manager’s Report 4 Extra Curricular Activities 11 Calendar and Contacts. Return dates 2015 12 Graduation Business Manager’s Report 5-7 8 1 9 Principal’s report kevin.beal@education.wa.edu.au Enrolment Days for our new intake of students is on the 11th and 12th December and we look forward to meeting with them. I’m sure they are excited and ready to make their mark at the College. Enrolments for next year are very strong with numbers around the 130 mark, a new record for us. Applications for enrolment in 2016 have already been taken indicating the strength of and interest in the program on offer here at Denmark. Graduation was held a couple of weeks ago now; it almost seems a distant memory as we race towards the end of the year. Always a very positive day Graduation went smoothly with the focus on our 25 graduates and their achievements. Parents will be aware that numbers of students graduating across the state are well down on previous years as the “half cohort” of students that has been working through our system finally reached Year 12. This was our smallest cohort for some time. Around the farm students have been busy with hay and silage production in what has turned out to be a difficult season with regular rain events disrupting the process but providing an ideal start for our summer crops. Complete details of award and prize winners will be listed in this newsletter and congratulations to them all. I would like to congratulate a few in particular. Roxanne Mostert was Dux of the College this year adding to the list of her many achievements in her time at the College. As a College captain, outstanding student and genuinely nice person Roxy has left no stone unturned in her time at the College and been a wonderful ambassador for us and herself. Roxy is intending studying at UWA in 2015 and I know she will do well. Shearing has also been completed with all Year 10’s and 11’s having a go at shearing with several showing great skills. Well done to all for having a go. And finally as I reflect back on the year that was 2014 we have had many highlights and some outstanding achievements along the way and a few low points but too few to dwell on. I would like to take the opportunity of wishing all parents and students a very merry and safe Christmas and New Year and look forward to meeting up with you again next year. James (Jimmy) Bidstrup was our runner-up to the Dux. Coming to the College this year from Lockridge Senior High School, Jimmy has been a fantastic student and terrific addition to our College. He is motivated and was also involved in every aspect of the College curriculum and residential program. He achieved in 12 months almost as much as students that had attended for 2 or 3 years indicating his commitment and desire to achieve his goals. Jimmy is destined for UWA as well and I am confident he will do well also. - KEVIN BEAL Finally Phillip Onions was our top VET student. Phillip was also a College Captain and is a terrific young man and has been a great asset to the College. His skills and application in the autos and metals areas and his terrific attitude made him a standout for this award but he was a wonderful addition to residence as well. Phillip is looking for an apprenticeship next year and again I’m confident he will do well in his chosen field. RAS YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP Our guest speaker on the day was Esther Price. Esther originally from a wheat and sheep farm is a “country girl” at heart, is currently Executive Officer of Western Dairy and has run her own promotional company. Esther drew an analogy with life and the paths students are now heading down and a gravel road. It was an outstanding speech and we thank Esther for taking the time to come and talk to our graduates. The Bendat Family Foundation/RAS Youth Scholarship provides financial assistance to a worthy student commencing undergraduate tertiary study in an agricultural related discipline. The inaugural scholarship in 2013 was won by Jessica Perrin a WACoA—Denmark graduate. I would like to take the opportunity of wishing all graduates every success, they have had some amazing times and experiences in their time at the College and I know they will do well. They join a very elite group of people as graduates of Denmark Agricultural College, they have made many friends in their journey and I would encourage them to stay in touch with not only each other but the College as well. We will follow their progress with pride. This is a 3 year scholarship and the terms and conditions for the 2015 application round are available on the RAS website: http://www.raswa.org.au/Community/ YouthScholarship.aspx I would encourage all graduates to join the Old Collegian’s Association (See link front page). With graduation behind us the focus is on finishing off the Year with our Year 11’s and Year 10’s and reporting on their progress. 2 Deputy Principal’s report kevin.osborne@education.wa.edu.au 2015 YEAR 12 STUDENT PREFECTS Congratulations to Georgia Henderson, Michaela Hendry, Morgan Warren, Todd Banks, Samuel le Breton and Dylan McKay who were recently elected as our Year 12 Student Prefects for 2015. Students and staff vote on the make up of this important leadership group and we couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Our new College Prefects 2015 Pictured here with Roxanne Mostert College Dux (on stage) as the outcome of the nominations were announced at Graduation. Left to Right: Sam le Breton Morgan Warren Michaela Hendry Dylan McKay Georgia Henderson Todd Banks FINAL DAY FOR YEAR 10’S The learning program at the College will finish at 4pm on Friday December 5 for our Year 10’s. They will then spend the final two weeks of the school year on school-authorised work experience placements. SEMESTER TWO REPORTS Semester Two Reports will be posted out to parents in the last week of term. These reports will provide details on students’ 2014 course and VET achievements. 2014 PARENT SURVEY After a slow start we have now had over fifty parents who’ve provided feedback to us through the online parent survey. The survey was scheduled to close on Friday 5 December but we have decided to leave it open for another week to try and boost the response number even higher. A couple of parents who’ve completed the survey have requested an opportunity to provide some written comments in future, as they found the current survey items a little too limited and generic. We’ll make that adjustment in next year’s survey. This year’s online parent survey can be completed by accessing the following link: http://www.schoolsurvey.edu.au/s/3AstQKuh START OF 2015 SCHOOL YEAR: All new Year 10, 11 and 12 students required to be at College by 12 noon on Friday January 30 2015. Previously enrolled Residential students return after 3pm on Tuesday 3 February 2015. Previously enrolled Day students return to College at 8.00 am Wednesday 4 February 2014 for the start of the normal timetable. - KEVIN OSBORNE 3 Residential Manager’s report kellie.gillies@education.wa.edu.a u Extra curricular activities played an important part of the RAISING AWARENESS school curriculum this year and Term 4 was no exception and was extremely busy in this area. Several students participated in the National Colour Run and National Bandana Day. Both of these events raise awareness and funds for charities to help people dealing with health and social issues. It is wonderful to see our young students aspiring to help others less fortunate than themselves. AFTER SCHOOL SURFING The popular sport and after school surfing programme will run again in 2015, with the added opportunity to attend surf camps conducted by Mike Neunebel, enabling students to achieve a Cert I & II in Surfing. The Surf & Body Board and Iron Man competitions will be reintroduced in 2015, both being great beach days at Ocean Beach and Greens Pool. From L-R: Students Meagan Zweck, Bonni Adams and Chelsea Burke with Resi Staff Dane Carter & Peter Worthington as they pose for the official Colour Run photo. Jaxon Hailey and Josh Kippin (front) waiting for a wave with classmates. Students learn important skills such as ocean awareness as well as the skills of surfing. RECREATIONAL SKIPPERS TICKET (RST) A total of 26 students completed the RST this year and allows students to be active participants in planned boating excursions in 2015. For students to attain this qualification they need to achieve the Greens Pool annual swim survival training and assessment. This then allows them to take part in other activities such as scuba, kayaking, yachting and boating excursions. For students with their RST we ask that you observe the rules during these summer holidays. Above: Raising money for Canteen and wearing their bandanas on National Bandana Day are L-R: Georgia Henderson, Alyssa Bruce, Robyn Adams, Jai Marsden, Sam le Breton, Bonni Adams, Maddi Meares, Hamish Fraser, Roxy Mostert, Liza Dowinton, Sasha McWilliams and Lucy Dunholm. Well done team. SCUBA Six students participated in the Open Water Scuba Diving programme, achieving their open water assessment in a programme run by Gary Westerberg of South Coast Diving. This is a challenging programme in what can sometimes be difficult conditions. Students are to be commended for their achievements, the way they bonded as a group and supported each other. It is planned to run the programme again early in Term 1. Please contact Mr. Levinson on 0429 094 884 for further information. Thank you to all of our residential staff who help organise and assist at many of these events. For more on what the students have been doing off-site see page 11 of this newsletter for a complete round-up of extra-curricular activities. - KELLI GILLIES 4 1 College Dux, Roxanne Mostert, receives the Dux Award from David Egerton-Warburton, Managing Director, AgriMaster. Roxy also won the Farmwest Award for Cattle Husbandry, Certificates of Excellence for Stage 3 Maths, Plant Production Systems and Animal Production Systems, the MLA Terry Redman Award and the Slater Gartrell Sports Award (Female). 2 Josh Kippin is presented with the Australian Defence Forces Long Tan “Teamwork” Scholarship by Phillip Marshall, Albany Regional Commercial Horticulturists Association for the ADF. 3 Philip Onions won the VET Award and was Highest Achiever, Automotive Mechanical; and Trades, Farm Practice—Sheep, and Metals & Engineering. Pictured with Alysia Keppert, Snr. Curriculum Officer, DET. 4 Danielle Trappitt won the Stud Merino Breeders Association Scholarship, pictured with Paul Norrish Committee member. 5 Patrick Swallow (Yr 10) was awarded the Shire of Denmark Scholarship, presented by Shire CEO, Dale Stewart. 6. Guest speaker Esther Price, Executive Officer, Western Dairy, gave an inspiring and relevant address to the students. 7. Anthony Snell was Highest Achiever, Farm Practice Viticulture; pictured with Alysia Keppert, Snr.Curriculum Officer, DET) 8. Dylan Birss won the “Old Collegians” George Elliot Memorial Scholarship and is pictured with Phillip Marshall. 9. James Bidstrup won Runner up Dux, the Edith Cowan University Personal Excellence Award and Certificate of Excellence in Stage 3 Mathematics, pictured with Patrick Hunt from DeLaval. 10. Jai Marsden was awarded the Albany Regional Commercial Horticulturists Scholarship, pictured here with Phillip Marshall. 11. Alysia Keppert presents Jarvis Dekker with Certificates of Excellence Auto Mechanics and Stage 2 Mathematics. 12. Rachel O’Dell with Liz Jack, Business Manager, Denmark Chamber of Commerce as she receives the DCC Business Prize. 13. Kelly Perrin was the recipient of Certificates of Excellence in Stage 2 Animal Production Systems, Plant Production Systems and Stage 2 English in addition to the Yr 12 Farmsafe Achievement Award. Pictured with Matthew Mancini from CBH. 14. The Royal Agricultural Society Scholarship was won by Rachel Lamont and is pictured with Dr. Rainbird of the RAS. 15. Auschem’s Handling Chemical Safely and Most Improved Student was awarded to Michael Bocian. 16. Steven Piacun receives a Certificate of Excellence Farm Practice—Horticulture from Alysia Keppert. 17. Lewis Newton received Certificate of Excellence Equine from Matthew Mancini from CBH along with the Haddon Family Citizenship Award. 18. The Elders Farm Practice Award was won by Mathew Brockhurst. Mathew also won the Slater Gartrell Sports Award (Male). 19. Kris Segreto receives a Certificate of Excellence General Farm Practice from Alysia Keppert. 20. The Neville Munns Scholarship funded by the WA Shearing Industry Association was won by Todd Banks and is pictured here with Phillip Marshall. 21. Alysia Keppert presents Max Bradfield with a Certificate of Excellence Farm Practice—Beef Cattle. 22. Johanna Richmund receives the Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee CALM Prize from Alysia Keppert. Visit www.denmarkag.wa.edu.au/Photo Gallery WA NT T O KN OW M OR E A B OUT W HAT’ S HA P PE NIN G ? Follow us for regular updates about events happening at the College. You will see pictures of this year’s events such as the Graduation Ceremony, Blackwood Marathon , Open Day, work on farm 5 2 3 7 8 9 13 14 15 1 19 20 6 Scholarship and 4 6 5 10 11 12 16 17 18 21 Award Winners 2014 22 7 Business Manager’s Report CHANGES TO THE SECONDARY SCHOOLS TAX FILE NUMBER PROGRAM IN 2015 The Secondary Schools Tax File Number (TFN) Program will not continue beyond 31 December 2014. This means that School TFN forms will no longer be processed beyond this date. HOW STUDENTS CAN APPLY FOR A TFN FROM 1 JANUARY 2015 The Australian Taxation Office in partnership with Australia Post is making it easier for individuals to apply for a TFN. Students can now apply for a TFN online and have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. Applying online is the fastest and most convenient way for students to get a TFN. More information on applying online can be found at ato.gov.au by searching for 'QC27248' Students who are unable to visit a participating Australia Post office will need to complete the application form Tax file number - application or enquiry for individuals form (NAT 1432). More information about lodging this form can be found at ato.gov.au by searching for 'QC22604' The ATO will continue working with teachers to educate students about tax and superannuation. The curriculum resource Tax, Super & You is a free, easy to use, online educational resource aligned to the school curriculum of each state and territory. This resource can be accessed at taxsuperandyou.gov.au In the coming weeks we will provide more information by email on how students can apply for a TFN and the educational services we can provide. In the meantime if you require any further information you can phone 1300 130 282 between 8:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday. - CRAIG ARMSTRONG College staff wish all students, families and associates a happy and safe holiday season. 8 Farm Manager’s Report fred.knight @education.wa.edu.au As this is the last newsletter for the year I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. This term has really flown and has been extremely busy with students completing a TAFE induction to basic shearing techniques, helping with hay and silage production, harvesting vegetables and shearing our sheep flock. Rain has also hampered our fodder production program; not large falls, but just enough to drag it out and help turn very good hay into average hay. However, we finished on Wednesday November 26 and are now busily cleaning equipment to prepare it for routine maintenance and placing back into the shed. Students were very productive during hay and silage season operating vehicles, tractor and various types of machinery. Because of rain we have prepared 10ha of summer fodder crop which is looking very good at the moment. Shearing has taken up a large part of the term with all students being involved learning shearing techniques, wool handling and after care procedures for shorn animals. We will also go through our flocks recording any that need culling, selecting weaners and replacements and selling off unwanted sheep. We purchased 75 F1 Border Leicester x Merino ewes as replacement breeders and these will bring our prime lamb flock numbers up to 250. Above: (Top) Sasha McWilliams winner of one of the Year 10 Farmsafe awards receives her prize. Followed by: Tyla Smith is congratulated in winning the Year 11 Farmsafe Award. ALPACA SHEARING EXCURSION A group of Year 10 students assisted with Alpaca shearing at the Denmark property of Peta and Stewart Irving. Tooth clipping and grinding, inoculating, toe clipping and shearing 32 alpacas in an afternoon. Students are to be commended for their skills, work ethic , politeness and general behaviour. This was an excellent learning opportunity for students and good PR exercise for the College. The beef cattle have either been weaned or about to be weaned and we have selected some stud bulls and heifers to prepare for Wagin Woolorama along with a couple of steers for the carcass classes. During the holidays we will also be looking at steers and heifers for next year’s Royal Show. The College is also preparing three bulls for the Supreme Bull Sale in Albany in January 2015 so if you are looking for a good Simmental Bull, now is the time to buy one of ours. Students also extended the height of the horse stable yards with Mr Jones and they are looking very smart. We will also do a little more work on this area to tidy it up prior to the end of term. On Friday 29th November the Year 10 and Year 11 Farmsafe WA Awards were presented to students who excelled in this area of study and demonstrated best practice. The Farmsafe WA Alliance was formed in 2013 to create a network to effectively improve the health and safety of the agricultural community. Sasha McWilliams won the Year 10 Farmsafe Prize awarded by C&C Machinery and Tyla Smith was the winner of the Year 11 Farmsafe Prize awarded by WFI, both members of the Farmsafe alliance. Congratulations Sash and Tyla. Above: L-R Year 10 student Jack Keast prepares to pick up Alpaca fleece while Robyn Adams and Ashley Baxter observe the proceedings , during shearing of Alpacas at the Irving property. - FRED KNIGHT 9 Head of Department, Studies report steve.swallow@education.wa.edu.au As mentioned by Kevin Beal earlier in this newsletter, REWARDS FOR VET & GOOD CITIZENSHIP Graduation for year 12 students was an outstanding success and I’m sure a memorable occasion for all students, parents and College staff. On Friday 29th November three students received high commendation during an award ceremony for Year 10 and Year 11 students held in the College dining room. To all graduate students, congratulations and well done. It has been a great pleasure working with you over the past two years. To Todd Banks (Pictured at top) who was the recipient of the Great Southern Institute of Technology VET Award, for a Year 11 student demonstrating strong vocational endeavours in their area of study. Congratulations also to all prize and scholarship winners; you are all very worthy recipients of the awards. To Steven Brookes (Centre) who won the Edith Cowan University Citizenship Award, awarded to a Year 11 student demonstrating outstanding citizenship qualities. YEAR 12 EXAMS College students completed external WACE examinations in Animal Production Systems, Plant Production Systems, Mathematics and English early in November. It is the record year College students have had the opportunity of achieving a tertiary entrance score by studying Stage 3 courses. The students involved and their teachers spent a great deal of time revising and preparing for these exams over recent weeks. Best wishes to the students involved and thank you to our ATAR teachers for your dedication and hard work over the past 12 months. And to Ethan Riemer (Bottom) who was the recipient of the Great Southern Institute of Technology VET Award, for a Year 10 student demonstrating strong vocational endeavours in their area of study. AQUACULTURE Year 11 students had the opportunity of completing an Aquaculture Course during Term 4. Great Southern Institute of Technology provided training in Occupational Health and Safety, Feeding Strategies, Livestock Handling and Behaviour and Water Quality & Filtration Systems. All students involved said they enjoyed the course with the majority being awarded a Certificate I in Seafood Industry. We are hoping to extend this programme by offering a Certificate II to Year 11 students next year. COMPUTER NETWORK As most of the College community is aware, the WA College of Agriculture-Denmark will have its highest student enrolment in 2015. As a result the computer network will come under increased pressure. It is highly recommended that all College students have access to their own personal computer next year. Students using a computer at the school will be able to use the College network to access the internet via the Department of Education filtered proxy server. Desktop computers and laptops are useable in residential rooms and will be connected with a cable that must be supplied by the students. CAT5e and CAT6 cables 2 or 3 metres in length are suitable. We also suggest using a mouse with laptops if students are using them for long periods of time. All operating systems are able to connect to the wired network system. The College is currently using Windows 7 machines in classrooms, with Office 2010 software. - STEVE SWALLOW 10 Extra Curricular Activities WATER SPORTS with more invitations to perform and a music video opportunity on the horizon. It is great to have so many talented musicians working together and to have Mark Gretton as their teacher. Something new —Year 10 and 11 students participated in dragon boating as part of their sports programme. The Denmark Dragon Boat Club kindly ran the sessions on the Denmark River with very positive participation by students. A Certificate II in Performance & Recording will be introduced in 2015 through Tony King at GSIT, supported by Mark Gretton. With 20 to a boat, plus sweep and drummer, this is a great team sport. The College paddlers are keen to challenge the high school and have been offered the opportunity to compete at the State Titles in Mandurah in 2015. - NIGEL LEVINSON, Facilitator Deputy Principal, Kevin Osborne at the Helm with Kevin Mead and Shoneeka Gilchrist seated immediately behind as they strike out for Dragon Boat training on the Denmark River. Yachting will be re-introduced in 2015 with students able to become junior members of the Denmark Yacht Club. The Club sails predominantly Windrush and Hobie catamarans with club members providing the training, Students can crew and progress to skippering (or just come along in the fully equipped rescue boat). The Club has boats available and we sail on the Denmark and Walpole inlets. Above: The student sculpture spanning the wetlands adjacent to the College. It proved somewhat challenging to get it into place, but students persevered and were well rewarded. ART AND MUSIC Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of art forms, be it painting, potting, ceramics and sculpture, or contemporary dance, capoeira (martial arts mixed with dance influence) or acting in a Denmark Arts theatre production. All under the guidance of professional instructors. Year 10 and Year 11 students participated in a “wheel sculpture” project on the wetlands adjacent to the College as part of the “Brave New Works” festival. There has been much favoured comment about their work, particularly the “Serpent Sculpture” which proved challenging to mount in the swamp. The art works will eventually return to the College for display. 2014 has been an outstanding year for the College music group, culminating in public performances in the Spirit of Peace and Brave New Works festivals, WACoA College Open Day, Kojonup Show and a private party; Above: Rising stars (from left to right) Kael Carnachan, Danielle Perkins, Wil Watson, Josh Kippin and Sam le Breton perform at the Kojonup Agricultural Show. 11 WK Term Calendar : Week 9 & 10 Term 4 9 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 8 DEC 9 10 11 12 13 14 ENROLMENT DAY—New Students ENROLMENT DAY—New Students 18 19 20 21 Last Day Work Experience School Yr10 Work Experience Begins (8-18 December) WACoA RTO/CoS Workshop REPORTS DUE Newsletter Out 1 0 15 16 17 Teacher’s Meeting Development Day Term 4 Holidays Commence 2015 Admin Staff return Tuesday 27 January 2015 Teaching Staff return Thursday 29 January 2015 All new Year 10, 11 and 12 students required to be at College by 12 noon on Friday 30 January 2015 Previously enrolled Residential students return after 3pm on Tuesday 3 February 2015 Previously enrolled Day students return to College at 8.00 am Wednesday 4 February 2014 for the start of the normal timetable. “Excellence and Innovation in Education and Training” College Addresses Email: Leadership Team Principal Denmark.AC@education.wa.edu.au Mob: 0428 480 204 Deputy Principal Phone Kevin Beal Kevin Osborne Phone: 08 98480200 Fax: Residential Manager 08 9848 2997 Mob: 0428 480 203 Postal Address: Kelli Gillies 08 9848 0200 HOD – Studies Steve Swallow Business Manager Craig Armstrong 08 9848 0204 Fred Knight 08 9848 0209 After Hours 08 9848 0270 PO Box 350 Denmark WA 6333 Farm Supervisor Website: www.denmarkag.wa.edu.au Mob: 0428 480 205 Residential Office Mob: 0428 480 206 Bank Details: BankWest – Denmark A/c name: WA Collage Agriculture - Denmark Please ensure student surname is provided with all deposits. 12 BSB: 306-009 A/c: 011 0895.
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