6 – 9 January 2015 Bryan Campbell Clarke FRS 1932 – 2014 Co-founder of the Population Genetics Group in 1967 This year’s meeting will begin with a tribute to Bryan led by John Brookfield #PGG48 Contents General information 2 Programme 5 Poster titles 15 List of participants 20 Conference organisers 27 Upcoming meetings 28 Blank pages for notes 29 Maps of venues 33 1 #PGG48 General Information Arrival and Registration: Registration will be open from 17.00-22.00 on the 6th of January in Inox suite, Students’ Union building, and from 08.00-09.00 at the entrance to the Students’ Union Auditorium on the 7th and 8th of January. Location of talks and poster Sessions: Talks will take place in the Students’ Union Auditorium and the Alfred Denny lecture theatres 1 and 2, just across the concourse. Posters will be displayed in the Inox suite, Students' Union building. Meals and Bar: All meals, including a buffet dinner on Tuesday 6th (but excluding the conference dinner) will take place at Uni Central in the Student’s Union building (one floor below Inox). Please wear your name badge as confirmation that you have registered. Tea and coffee during breaks will be served in the Inox suite. A free glass of wine (or fruit juice) will be available in the poster area on the evening of Wednesday 7th. On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, the Inox bar will be open until late. Conference Dinner: On the evening of Thursday 8th at City Hall. There will be a drinks reception from 19.00. Dinner will start at 20.00 followed by a ceilidh from 21.30. Bryan Clarke tribute: will be at 09.00 on Wednesday 7th in the Students Union Auditorium Plenary talks: This year’s plenary speakers are Patricia Wittkopp, Barbara Mable and Simon Myers. All plenary talks start at 12.10 in the Students Union Auditorium. Outreach event: A series of short talks about research life and findings, aimed at informing the general public about science. Everyone welcome from 21.00 in Inox discovery room 3 (situated close to the registration desk and 2 #PGG48 evening buffet). There will be five minutes for each talk and five minutes for questions. Meet the editors: A chance to get tips from journal editors on getting your work published. Will take place at 13.40 during the lunch break on Thursday 8th in the Students’ Union Auditorium. Editors will include Nick Barton (Genetics, Mol Ecol, PLoS Biol), Deborah Charlesworth (Genetics), Barbara Mable (Heredity), and Michael Ritchie (J Evol Biol). Business meeting: A short meeting, Thursday 8th, 17.30 in the Students’ Union Auditorium, to discuss future PopGroup meetings. All are welcome and encouraged to attend! Information for speakers: Speakers should ensure their talks are loaded either directly onto the computer in the lecture theatre or into the correct Dropbox folder well before each session. Please name your files with your surname followed by the time of your talk (eg. Smith_1015.pdf). All computers are PCs. If you want to use your own computer please speak to a conference organiser or volunteer well ahead of your session to ensure this will work and can be set up before the session starts. Chairs: The last speaker of each session should act as chair for that session. If you are not able to act as chair please arrange for someone else to do it for you or contact the conference organisers. Chairs should signal to the speakers when 15 minutes has passed, then again at 17 minutes, and then stand up at 18 minutes. Questions should be finished by 19 minutes to allow one minute for people to change rooms. Information for poster presenters: Posters can be put up on Tuesday evening or at the beginning of the morning session on Wednesday and should be taken down before 14.00 on Friday. Luggage store: There will be a storage area available at Uni Central (near the lunch area) on Friday morning for posters and other baggage. 3 #PGG48 Prizes: There will be prizes for the best student talks and posters. All delegates are asked to vote online at http://populationgeneticsgroup.org/. Online voting closes at 6pm on Thurs 8th. Internet: Internet access is via Eduroam. For participants who don’t have Eduroam there will be a limited number of guest accounts available from the registration/help desk. Taxis: Mercury Taxis, 0114 2662662; City Taxis 0114 2393939 4 #PGG48 Tuesday 6th 17.00 Registration – Students’ Union, Inox suite 19.00 Dinner – Students’ Union, Uni Central 21.00 Outreach Event – Inox, Discovery room 3 Wednesday 7th AM SU Auditorium 8.45 Welcome 9.00 Bryan Clarke memorial 9.20 Jerome Kelleher Simulating the full coalescent with recombination faster than the Sequentially Markov Coalescent 9.40 Yifei Wang* Exploring How Gene Regulation Influences The Maintenance of Meiotic Recombination 10.00 Robert Verity Estimating K in Structure-like programs Alfred Denny LT 1 Alfred Denny LT 2 Veronika Laine The genetics of behaviour in ninespined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) Isabel Winney* Quantitative genetics of behavioural consistency Jonna Kulmuni Ant hybrids reveal genomic factors underlying postzygotic reproductive isolation Aaron Comeault* Selection on a genetic polymorphism counteracts ecological speciation in a stick insect Rüdiger Riesch Natural and sexual selection on a communication system drive ecological speciation Michael Stocks Genomics of mating behaviour and morphology in Ruff (Philomachus pugnax) 10.20 Coffee break, SU, Inox *Indicates a speaker eligible for a student prize 5 #PGG48 Wednesday 7th AM 11.00 SU Auditorium Smruti P. Deoghare* How animals choose and absorb nutrients when they are infected Alfred Denny LT 1 Marie Cariou* Pushing the RADseq limits: more specimens, less DNA, from population genomics to phylogeny Kathryn R. Elmer Double-digest RAD Sequencing using Ion Proton semiconductor platform (ddRADseq-ion) with non-model organisms John Davey Why do Heliconius butterflies have 21 chromosomes? 11.20 Darren J. Parker* Transcriptional slackers? The role of males in a species with biparental care 11.40 Andrew Pomiankowski The evolution of larger sexual ornaments 12.00 12.10 13.00 Short break Plenary – Patricia Wittkopp, SU Auditorium Lunch & Posters SU, Uni Central & Inox *Indicates a speaker eligible for a student prize 6 Alfred Denny LT 2 Mark Harrison* Unmasking the evolutionary effects of ploidy-limited expression Reto Burri Evolution of genome differentiation across the speciation continuum in Ficedula flycatchers Emma Berdan Comparative population genomics in three species of Chorthippus grasshoppers #PGG48 Wednesday 7th PM SU Auditorium Thomas Carpino* Uncovering the genetic divergence and subspecies designation of a critically endangered snake (D. p. acricus) Marie Suez* Analysis of population genetic structure of Cervus elaphus in Île de France Alfred Denny LT 1 Ben Jackson* Population genetics of a colour polymorphism locus in the Gouldian Finch Alfred Denny LT 2 Kim Geraldine Mortega* Allochronic and geographic reproductive isolation in an African songbird Luke Dunning* Molecular adaptation to low temperature in New Zealand stick insects 15.20 Rachel Williams* The genetic structure of Nautilus pompilius populations surrounding Australia and the Philippines Pam Wiener Selection mapping to identify genomic regions associated with dairy production in sheep Krzysztof Kozak* Whole genomes do not resolve the phylogeny of hybridising neotropical butterflies Fraïsse Widespread differential introgression is the main cause of differentiation islands in a complex of hybridizing mussel species 15.40 Tea break, SU Inox 14.40 15.00 7 #PGG48 Wednesday 7th PM 16.20 SU Auditorium Tiago Paixão An algorithmic view of evolution: introduction to the SAGE project Alfred Denny LT 1 Thomas Mathers Transition in sexual system and sex chromosome evolution in the tadpole shrimp Triops cancriformis Agnieszka Lipinska Unique evolutionary features of the pseudoautosomal region of the Ectocarpus UV sex chromosomes 16.40 Per Kristian Lehre Analytic Methods from Theory of Evolutionary Computation 17.00 Tiago Antao Sophia Ahmed Teaching population Patterns of genetics: A handsnucleotide diversity on approach using for sex linked, par forward-time and autosomal simulations over a genes in the brown web interface algae Ectocarpus Wine & Posters, SU Inox Dinner, SU, Uni Cenral 18.00 19.00 *Indicates a speaker eligible for a student prize 8 Alfred Denny LT 2 Tom Hill* The Extent of Hybrid Dysgenesis and the Penetrance of PElement in Drosophila simulans Samuel H. Lewis* Strong selection is associated with functional specialization of Drosophila Argonaute2 duplicates Laura Salazar Jaramillo Evolutionary genomics of the immune response against parasitoid in Drosophila species #PGG48 Thursday 8th AM 9.00 9.20 SU Auditorium Katarina Bodova Analyzing Evolve and Resequence Experiments Alfred Denny LT 1 Setareh Mohammadin* Brassicaceae's first split: Aethionema Alfred Denny LT 2 Harold P. de Vladar Christian Schlötterer Eran Tauber The most deeply conserved noncoding sequences identified in 5’ UTR in Arthropods genomes Thais Muniz de Queiroz* Genome skimming to investigate patterns of sequence variation within the flowering plant genus, Plantago Simon Whelan ModelOMatic: Fast and Automated Model Selection between RY, Nucleotide, Amino Acid, and Codon Substitution Models Dave Lunt Reproducible phylogenetics: why we urgently need it, and new analytical solutions to achieve it Jisca Huisman Using genomics tools to study inbreeding depression in a wild population The genomic signature of stabilizing selection during temperature adaptation in experimental Drosophila melanogaster populations 9.40 Ana Marija Jakšić* Extreme developmental temperatures trigger decanalization of alternative splicing 10.00 Kang-Wook Kim What makes longer and faster sperm? 10.20 Coffee break, SU Inox 9 Evolvable neurodynamics: parallel problem solving through Darwinian selection, Hebbian learning and synaptic plasticity Susan Johnston Examining the causes of local and genomewide recombination rate variation in a wild population #PGG48 Thursday 8th AM SU Auditorium 11.00 Thomas Smith* Variation in the human mutation rate: Inferences from trio studies and the 1000 genomes project 11.20 Rob Ness The landscape of spontaneous mutation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 11.40 Adam Eyre-Walker Is adaptive evolution mutation limited? 12.00 12.10 13.00 13.40 Alfred Denny LT 1 Simon Martin* Population genomics of the butterfly Heliconius melpomene and the role of selection in shaping genetic diversity James Buckley The effect of mating system variation in Arabidopsis lyrata on adaptive genetic variation and responses to a novel environment Rob Cruickshank Comparative landscape genetics of two species of New Zealand skinks Short break Plenary – Barbara Mable, SU Auditorium Lunch & Posters, SU, Uni Central & Inox Meet the Editors, SU Auditorium *Indicates a speaker eligible for a student prize 10 Alfred Denny LT 2 Tom Ellis* The strength of pollinator-mediated selection in a snapdragon hybrid zone Hugo Tavares* Adjacent genomic islands of divergence identify selected loci in a hybrid zone David Field Speciation genetics in snapdragron hybrid zones #PGG48 Thursday 8th PM 14.40 15.00 15.20 15.40 SU Auditorium Daniel Jeffries* Genetic and genomic phylogeography of a threatened European freshwater fish (Carassius carassius), and selection Vs. drift in bottlenecked populations Jimena Guerrero* Genetic diversity, population structure and demographic history of the Neotropical Otter (Lontra longicaudis) in Mexico based on mtDNA Alice Dennis An evolutionary arms race: parasitoid counter-adaptation to symbiontconferred resistance in aphids Tea break, SU Inox Alfred Denny LT 1 Naino Jika Abdel Kader* Distribution of pearl millet genetic diversity among ethno-linguistic group in the Lake Chad Basin Alfred Denny LT 2 Simon Aeschbacher Exploring the genome-wide signal of selection against maladaptive gene flow Jennifer James* Molecular evolutionary consequences of island colonisation Doro Lindtke Genetic incompatibilities, gene flow, and the maintenance of species barriers in hybrid zones Kelly Bennett* Worldwide population structure in the dengue mosquito Aedes aegypti Nick Barton Explaining genomic islands 11 #PGG48 Thursday 8th PM 16.20 16.40 17.00 17.30 19.00 SU Auditorium John Parsch An indel polymorphism associated with gene expression variation and local adaptation in Drosophila melanogaster Martina Rauscher* Screening a whole genome set of over 300,000 microsatellites in D. melanogaster for traces of recent selective sweeps using coalescent tree topology Mirko Pegoraro Nucleotide variation in Drosophila cryptochrome linked to circadian clock function: an association analysis Alfred Denny LT 1 Nicolas Perrin Sex-chromosome differentiation and ‘sexual races’ in the common frog (Rana temporaria) Alfred Denny LT 2 Kim Steige* Regulatory changes associated with recent adaptive floral evolution in Capsella Deborah Charlesworth The evolution of suppressed recombination in a plant sex chromosome Avazeh Ghanbarian* Location, Location, Location: Can the evolution of a gene's expression profile affect that of its neighbours? Alison Wright Sonja Grath Independent origins Studying signatures of the avian Z of DNA methylation chromosome reveal in more than 100 contrasting shortinsect and long-term transcriptomes dynamics of sexspecific selection Business meeting - All welcome!, SU Auditorium Conference dinner – City Hall *Indicates a speaker eligible for a student prize 12 #PGG48 Friday 9th AM 9.00 9.20 SU Auditorium Matthew Hartfield Gene Genealogies of Facultative Sexual Populations Alfred Denny LT 1 Ravinder Kanda HERV-K(HML-2) polymorphism in the human genome Hildegard Uecker The role of recombination for evolutionary rescue Richard Nichols Gigantic genomes contain genetic fossils of past infections, which reveal population history 9.40 Jinliang Wang Pedigrees or markers: which are better in estimating relatedness and inbreeding coefficient? 10.00 Brian Charlesworth The population genetics of hyper diversity Alison K.S. Wee Drivers and limitations of gene flow in mangroves: From local to regional scale Ben Wielstra Genetic pollution of a threatened native crested newt species through hybridization with an invasive congener 10.20 Coffee break, SU Inox 13 Alfred Denny LT 2 Camillo Berenos Heterogeneity of genetic architecture of body size traits in a free-living population Helmut Schaschl Genetic variation at candidate genes involved in the determination of the human face are not associated with facial fluctuating asymmetry Tamsin Majerus Genetics of colourpattern variation in the two-spot and ten-spot ladybirds, Adalia bipunctata and Adalia decempunctata Romain Villoutreix Investigation of the geographical scale of adaptive phenological variation and its underlying genetics in Arabidopsis thaliana #PGG48 Friday 9th AM SU Auditorium 11.00 Katharina Böndel The evolutionary history of the wild tomato species Solanum chilense: north-south colonization associated with local adaptation to new environments 11.20 Matthew Webster A worldwide survey of genome sequence variation reveals the evolutionary history of the honeybee Apis mellifera 11.40 Toni Gossmann Genome wide variation and tests of positive selection in the genome of a bird model species Alfred Denny LT 1 Matteo Fumagalli Population genetics of Greenlanders: demographic history and adaptation to life in the arctic Alfred Denny LT 2 Elizabeth Hellen Identifying horizontal transfer of transposable elements using RNASeq data sets Sara Goodacre Genetic perspectives on the origins of two Bedouin tribes in South Sinai Amir Szitenberg The phylogenetic effect on the abundance of transposable elements in Nematoda Martin Carr Horizontal Transfer of LTR Retrotransposons In Saccharomyces Elizabeth Ann Veasey Moderate genetic structure and high diversity in populations of the ‘Cattleya coccinea’ complex (Orchidaceae) 12.00 Short break 12.10 Plenary – Simon Myers, SU Auditorium 13.00 Lunch, SU, Uni Central 14 #PGG48 Poster titles (*Indicates a presenter eligible for a student prize) 1. Armstrong*, Evolving with pathogens: how pathogens drive genetic diversity over space and time in an endemic island bird 2. Behdenna*, Detecting dependencies between evolutionary events 3. Bossu, The genomic landscape underlying phenotypic integrity in the face of gene flow in crows 4. Burdfield-Steel, Sex-biased dispersal in a aposematic moth 5. Burgon*, Revision of Paramelania, an endemic genus from Lake Tanganyika, Africa: Integrating molecular, morphological and ecological data. 6. Clarkson*, Evolution of insecticide resistance in anophelines: a network approach 7. Cooper*, Beneficial Transposable Element Insertions in Saccharomyces 8. Corcoran, Adaptive introgression slows down molecular degeneration of the mating-type chromosome in Neurospora tetrasperma 9. Cruickshank, Blood, sweat and tears: non-invasive vs. non-disruptive DNA sampling for experimental biology 10. Davison*, Sexual selection and the costs of sexually transmitted infections in Drosophila 11. Dawson, Engineering microsatellite markers to study and compare a wide range of species 15 #PGG48 12. de Vladar, High-order epistasis and its role on the evolution of the capsid of the PhiX-174 bacteriophage family 13. Dicks*, MHC class II haplotypes in the Soay sheep (Ovis aries) 14. Ellis*, Joint-estimation of paternity and population parameters in a snapdragon hybrid zone using SNPs 15. Ewing, Efficient Simulation of Background Selection 16. Fernandes Rodrigues*, Phylogenetic and phylogeography analyses of Cattleya coccinea complex (Orchidaceae) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest 17. Freitas*, Sexus, Nexus, Plexus (or how sexual and assexual species intermingle) 18. Glass*, Scent-gland microbial diversity as a possible determinant in kin discrimination in the hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) 19. Hahn, Genomics of speciation and introgression in the Lake Malawi cichlid radiation 20. Hipperson, The mechanism of ecological speciation in sympatric palm species. 21. Johnson*, Differential expression in coiling variants of the Pond Snail Lymnaea stagnalis 22. Lapierre*, Reference models in molecular evolution 23. Lawal*, Genetic introgression among domestic and wild junglefowl (Gallus sp): A genome wide analysis 24. Levsen, Gynodieocy and mitochondrial sequence evolution in three species of Plantago 16 #PGG48 25. Mahmood*, Genetic history and diversity of cockfighting chickens of Pakistan 26. McGregor, The genetic basis for the rapid diversification of male genital morphology between Drosophila mauritiana and D. simulans 27. Merrill, Sexual conflict and the evolution of novel warning patterns in a Müllerian mimic? 28. Milton*, Selection over time in pigs 29. Moran*, Reproductive Barriers amongst two closely related Teleogryllus Crickets provide an exception to Haldane’s Rule 30. Morgan, Central African Biodiversity Alliance: Incorporating evolutionary processes into conservation prioritization schemes 31. Möst, Eutrophication affects taxonomic composition and hybridization in the Daphnia longispina-galeata-cucullata complex 32. Moura, Kinship structure of common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) based on multilocus genotypes from free ranging animals 33. Muschick, Host plant adaptation and genomic divergence in the radiation of Timema stick insects 34. Nevado, Natural selection during the adaptive radiation of Andean lupins 35. Osborne*, Widespread low-level introgression in a Mediterranean species complex 36. Pinharanda*, Mapping structural variants in the Heliconius melpomene genome 37. Pracana*, The effects of inhibited recombination on the social chromosome of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta 17 #PGG48 38. Priklopil, Evolutionarily stable mating decisions for sequentially searching females and the stability of reproductive isolation by assortative mating 39. Razali*, Identifying Major histocompatibility complex alleles & malarial strains using deep Illumina sequencing. 40. Recknagel*, Paleoclimate as a driver for the evolution of viviparity 41. Ribardière*, Mosaic hybridization in marine isopods 42. Rodrigues Santiago*, Genetic variability of captive populations of Tetragonisca angustula, a highly eusocial stingless bee. 43. Santos Magalhaes, The ecology of an adaptive radiation of threespine sticklebacks from North Uist, Scotland 44. Soria-carrasco, Genomics of parallel speciation in stick insects 45. Štambuk, Impact of coastal pollution on reproductive fitness and evolution of marine snail Hexaplex trunculus 46. Stolle, How eusociality might shape the repetitive elements landscape in the genomes of eleven bee species 47. Suez*, A discretized skew normal distribution to genotype target microsatellite loci from NGS 48. Szep*, Estimating selection from clines across the genome 49. Szitenberg, ReproPhylo: a new standards-compliant open phylogenetic environment to achieve reproducible phylogenetics 50. Trask*, Evidence for the emergence of a lethal genetic disease in a wild bird population of conservation concern 51. Trubenova, Running faster or jumping further? Analysis of adaptive walks in various classes of fitness landscapes. 18 #PGG48 52. Turner, “THE MOST COMPLICATED MATE ACQUISITION SYSTEM KNOWN IN ANY INSECT” [G.Parker in litt]: a possible route to the evolution of leking and male swarming. 53. Vieira*, Sociality and effective population size history 54. Wallbank, Modular regulation of a butterfly wing patterning gene 55. Warmuth, Mitogenomics resolves the evolutionary relationships of Ficedula flycatchers 56. Wee, Genetic optimization of ex-situ conservation for threatened plant species in Xishuangbanna 57. Westram, The genetic basis of parallel speciation in a marine snail 58. Whiting*, Reshaping The Model: The North Uist Three-Spined Stickleback system as a model for studying the role of immunological variation and host-parasite interactions on host evolution in the wild. 59. Wiberg*, Identifying positive selection in the Drosophila montana genome. 19 #PGG48 Participants Simon Aeschbacher Sophia Ahmed Rayan Alansari Bei An Tiago Antao Claire Armstrong Jan Arntzen Niclas Backström Golnaz Badkobeh Judit Bagi Nathan Bailey Stuart Baird Nick Barton Hannes Becher Kelly Bennett Douda Bensasson Emma Berdan Camillo Berenos Katarina Bodova Katharina Böndel Ben Braim Jon Bridle Thomas Brooker John Brookfield Thomas Broquet James Buckley Lynsey Bunnefeld Emily Burdfield-Steel James Burgon Reto Burri Marie Cariou Thomas Carpino Martin Carr 20 #PGG48 Brian Charlesworth Deborah Charlesworth Bossu Christen chris clarkson J. Mark Cock Susana Coelho Helene Collin Lucinda Cooper Dogan Corus Rob Cruickshank Duc-Cuong Dang John Davey Angus Davison Dinah Davison Alice Dennis Smruti Deoghare Kara Dicks Luke Dunning Caroline Durrant Ludovic Duvaux Thomas Ellis Kathryn Elmer Gregory Ewing Adam Eyre-Walker Daniel Falush David Field Christelle Fraisse Alain Frantz Susana Freitas Matteo Fumagalli Avazeh Ghanbarian Deborah Glass Sara Goodacre Toni Gossmann John Grahame 21 #PGG48 Sonja Grath Rowan Gray Jimena guerrero Christoph Hahn Robert Hammond Lori Lawson Handley Joe Hanly Mark Harrison Matthew Hartfield Beth Hellen Michael Hickerson Tom Hill Emma Hodcroft Jisca Huisman Stefano Iantorno Jenny James Ana Marija Jaksic Daniel Jeffries Abdel Kader Naino Jika Harriet Johnson Louise Johnson Susan Johnston Ravinder Kanda Jerome Kelleher Kang-wook Kim Chris Knight Krzysztof Kozak Jonna Kulmuni Veronika Laine Raman A Lawal Per Kristian Lehre Nick Levsen Samuel Lewis Agnieszka Lipinska Konrad Lohse 22 #PGG48 Dave Lunt Sajid Mahmood Tamsin Majerus Simon Martin Thomas Mathers Frieder Mayer Alistair McGregor Kurt McKean Mark McMullan Richard Merrill Fiona Milton Elizabeth Mittell Setareh Mohammadin Katy Morgan Kim Geraldine Mortega Markus Möst Andre Moura Andre Moura Aliya El Nagar Rob Ness Bruno Nevado Richard Nichols Karin Noren Sebastian Novak Leonard Nunney Darren Obbard Samantha O'Loughlin Owen Osborne Andy Overall Tiago Paixao Shengkai Pan Darren Parker John Parsch Sonia Pascoal Steve Paterson 23 #PGG48 Mirko Pegoraro Josephine Pemberton Nicolas Perrin Ana Pinharanda Jitka Polechova Andrew Pomiankowski Rodrigo Pracana Nick Priest Tadeas Priklopil Suo Qiu Rita Rasteiro Martina Rauscher Hans Recknagel Ambre Ribardière Harald Ringbauer Mike Ritchie Jucelene Rodrigues Leandro Rodrigues Santiago Salha Saad laura salazar jaramillo isabel santos magalhaes Maria Daniela Santos Nunes Andy Saxon Helmut Schaschl Christian Schlötterer Will Schneider Thomas Smith Ben Sobkowiak Lewis Spurgin Anamaria Stambuk Kim Steige Eckart Stolle Dirk Sudholt Marie Suez Eniko Szep 24 #PGG48 Szitenberg Venkat Talla Eran Tauber Hugo Tavares Abdulfatai Tijjani Amanda Trask Barbora Trubenova John RG Turner Alex Twyford Venera Tyukmaeva Hildegard Uecker Elizabeth Veasey Robert Verity Bruno Vieira Lumi Viljakainen Harold Paul de Vladar Richard Wallbank Jinliang Wang Yifei Wang Vera Warmuth Matthew Webster Alison Wee Anja Marie Westram Simon Whelan James Whiting Axel Wiberg Ben Wielstra Pamela Wiener Alison Wright Yannick Wurm Xiangjiang Zhan Hanyuan Zhang 25 #PGG48 Conference Organisers Organizational Committee: Roger Butlin Terry Burke Jon Slate Kai Zeng Nicola Nadeau Patrik Nosil Celine Pagnier Stuart Dennis Víctor Soria Carrasco Volunteers: Rachel Tucker Isabel Winney Pragya Chaube Anne-Lise Liabot Ben Jackson Emma Curran Rachel Williams Mauricio Montaño Rendón Haslina Razali 26 #PGG48 Upcoming Genetics Society meetings 17 March 2015: 2015 Evolutionary Genetics & Genomics Symposium (EGGS), The University of Cambridge. http://www.evolutionarygenetics.group.cam.ac.uk/eggs/ 16 –17 April 2015: 2015 Genetics Society Spring Meeting, The Roslin Institute, Edinburgh. Breeding for Bacon, Beer and Biofuels. http://www.genetics.org.uk/ 27 #PGG48 Notes 28 #PGG48 29 #PGG48 30 #PGG48 31 Alfred Denny LT1, LT2 Auditorium, posters, bar and meals Hotels: Leopold (HQ), Ibis (2), Jurys Inn (3), Mercure St. Paul’s (4), The Sheffield Metropolitan (5)
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