ra Sr. No. 18713 SUB'ECTCODE BOOKTETCODE 2014'(ID - ENGINEERING SCIENCES TEST BOOKLET Time : 3:00 Hows Maximun IrIarh:200 INSTRU.CTIONS l. This Test Booklet conains one hundred and fifteen (20 part .A'+ 25 paft .8, + ?0 part 'c') Multiph choice Questions (MCes). you arc required to answ€rarnrrirurn oits, 20 20 questions from part lAl ':B; and 'c' reipectivcry. If rnore tlun rcquirod number of qucsi'ons are answcred, onty first I5, 20 and zo qucstions hr parts iA' ,8, 'C' reryectively, will be takerr rp for araluation. slpet has Before pu shrt filling up 1,o.ur particularq please ensure lecn-pryviC{gepararcly. that he booklet containj requisite numbcr of pages and dr* thesc are not bm or m'tilated. it so, rfu qay request thc Invigihtddchanggthe !f bookla of trc same code. Likewnc, check the oiliR answer $reet alt. ror-rough work have ben appended to rhc te* booklet. your Roll -rv.r No., -lvrr Name rlstrv @ and ee'r s€rhr Number rtu*rusr of ur ur:r this Test lc.5l D.^)ruc[ Booklct on urc aliri0e tlrc uorK oMR answer ' 4 -d OYI-p""f 2. ! 3. ih; sheet in dre gace provided. Also put your signatures in ttre ryace earmarkeo. 4. 5. 6- Ercrr question in Pa{--:A' canics 2 marks, part ,B' 3.5 marks and parr ,c, 5 marks respectively. Thcre will benegarivemrkng@2s%for each each qyestirn in partiA', ,Br andicl four alternati"o or-r.ryo*es ue given. onli onc of these altcrnativcs is lbe'correct" option to the queJon vou traue to"nnd for,cach quesiorq the corrcct or hcbe$ answer. *l-*o. Fp* 7. 'gandigbs found,copying or.resorting to any unfair means :!re liable to bc disqualified from this and fuUne examinatirirs. 9an!iluc.struld not.rrritc alrything anlnrhere exc€pt on ansrcr rougn worlc Usc of scicntific calqtldlor without data connectivity is permittod. 9. 10. II nr"..6. ' Candidates ufu iit ff tp entirc duration &eir TeS bookl€t or sheets for of the exarn will only bc pcrnised to carry !.3.?:.:............... N** . hI$I.I\)!1.!R.9tn$R.$ft r r y OMR Answer Sheet N"...6.1.1 3.?.J t 2S/55 slreet CSUI,HBE-1A I have verified alltre informaitn filled in by fte candirlaR r . NdzInvigib Signa6eof the 3 4.. lildeFfu in different L t tisogram. If the integer, then n(n+ t)(n+2)Q*3Xrd-4XrF 5)(n+6) is divisible by l.n V 3. 4. b *- yadability during ligwhich yearwasthe the average of_ ::Frf rilfttovs t;lr-.c=s. If n is a positive l--\ {t\-/S:) 3butnotT 3and7 Tbutnot3 f,F neither 3 nor 7 The area (in m2) of a niangular park dirnencinno'(O m l?fl a-J f 2n * :^ - tr !o of ""b 9u i- lro lu l$0r ,1ro0rso -so 5Ol 5q 2000 l. 3. ttlow. He has a choice of )*. '> a VEG or a NON-VEG meal for hii 2iln 2002 2000 2002 lunch/dinner 2003 2, 2001 4. 2W3 3_ 2. 4. l:1. l:3 days (d) He takes meals What is zr? ' l. 3. l:2 l:4 7. A A long ribbon is wound around a spool up to a radius.R. Holding the tip of the ribbon, a boy nns away from the spool with a constant ryood maintaining tlrc unwound portion ofthe ribbon horizontal. In 4 mindes, tlre radius the wormd portionbecomes* further time, it wilt Uecome y min 2''[min So 3Foo v h *nut 2. 1s'> Z mtn \- 4. 4 min a total of 14 NON-VEG 2. 4. 18 20 bank offers I it9" 24 38 a scheme wherein l(o o 400_days would be Rs. of ih? I I I deposits m$e for 1600 days are doubled in value, the interest being compounded daily. The interest accrued on a deposit of Rs.l000l- over the first 2s0 2. 4. 3. t48 @ What is the next 183 190 numbe.r of the following sequence? 2, 3., 4, f,.Ll,.g, 15, 10 ... .3.i*t, l. f )qz F+t* for '' length and once around its breadth. The ratio of volum* swept in the two cases l. 3. he dinner (a) tf he takes aNON-VEG lunch, will bave only VEG for (b) He takes NONT/EG dinner exactly 9 days (c) He takes VEG lunch for exactly 15 A rectangle of length d ud breadth d/2 is revolved once completely around its ls s days is given (rutr l. 3. $ -** ?, 2. 4. t2 t7 13 t9 -/ tt *Ltt € lr 9. ,b 9v Two locomotives are running totilads each othcr with spceds of 60 and 10 km/h. An object keeps on flying to d fro llom the front tip of one loconotive to the front tip of the other wi$ a ryeod of 70 km/h. After 30 minutc, tlrc two locomotives collide and the object is crusherl. What distancc did the oUect 13. Find thqmissing letec q'qn ^W crQ vr s-i c ("iD 0 E.$K U ( \o A G'} I W h Y cover beforc being cnrshcd? l. 50km 3. 35km s" \a /n € $ !*' C;il ' v Weights (in kg) below: 2. 4. of 3Fo" 88, 90, by l. 3. 1 : i 1r9" 2. 4. Okg 1.6 kg lkg 1.8 ks least significant bit of an 8-bit 1:14./ '\-'l The binary numtier is zero. A binary number wlrose valrc is I times tlre l. 2. 3. 4. / 1. 3. .1-i- ,Itl w O 2. 4. Two solid iron spheres are heatod to 100"C and tlren allowed to cnol. One has the sizc of a football; the other bas the sizc of a pea. Which sp*rere will attain thc room ternperature (constal$) tlree zeros four zeros o o oe-^o,,o three zeros four zcroes 15. A person sells two objects at Rs.l035/each. On the first oQiect he suffers a loss of fiYo while on the secord he gains l5%. What is his net losvgain letters followed by at most four identical digiti. The code must have at least onc lettcr and one digit. FIow many distirrct l(oo has previous number 12 bits ending with I I bits ending with I I bits ending with 12 bits ending with 11. A codb consists of at most two identical codes can be generated using latdn A to Z and digits I to 9? ll48 936 t872 2574 2.4 \j/ o L N Two new persons having weiglrts lfl) kg and 79'kg join the group. The average weight of the group increases l*900 1 13 perso$; are given io, 72, 7 4, 7 6,7$, go, Bz, 94i86 92,94 .)e . )r ,roo bpw . 45km lOkm percentage? l. 2. 3. 4. 16. SYo < l% < l% gain loss _o 58,7?, l0o 64,81, 100 43,47,53 55,89, ll3 so .it r\) sa 9t"l' no loss, no gain Continue the sequence 2,.5,.10, 17,.28; 41,1, -, l. 2. 3. 4. .oos gain I ^1r c*,1tt' 58 firut? l. 2. 3. The bigger spherc Tlrc smaller sphere Both sphcres will take the same time 4 It will depcnd tempcrature on the roorn ..5 A' 17. A ladder rests against a uall as slrown. The top and tlrc bonom ends of the ladder arc marked A ard B. The base B slips. The central point C of the ladder falls along 5 PART'B' MATI{EMATICS -2. it t. \x 4. 21. aparabola A third order ordinary differential with x, x lnx and r lnzx as linearly indepcndent solutiorx is given by equation tbe arc of a circle line ahy'peftola a straight l. xty *2x2y"-xy *y=0 2. x3y"'*xy'_!=0 v e ,uoooo 18. of 3. xty"'+3x2y" -Zxy'+Zy 4. x3y'" * 4x2y' * xy' - I = 0 of a particular course getjobs rvithin one year of passing. 20lo ofthcrcmaining strdents getjobs by the 16 end of second year of passing. 2U/o students If . 22. The number of real solutions of the strdents are still jobless, how many shdentshad passed the course? 32 ?5 100 3. s 6 n r9. .arl \) Itr {r Zsinzx*10x2*r=Zcosx is 1.0 3.2 (l +,rf = do * apc+ a2f+.....+a;f , a6 d1,....., an are n" I*t constants l.t l5,,?t' le B ir rybcre is made up of very thin corpentric shells of increasing radii (leaving no gaps). The mass of an arhituily chosen strell is l. oqual to the mass ofthe preceding .,^) i 20. A 2. 3. 4. a be a real number such that 0 < a < l. of lim n(ct+l + elln nico \ *yn 4. *+n rta l. 4. rnore than 2 Then the nalue depading on z. What is thc sum ao* at ! az+..-.+ an? 3. ,? p I 2. ginomial theorem in algebra gives whcre 15 equation 2.& 4. l. 0 /\-t u! - 1) is 2.-l 1.0 3. I 4. cr A solution of the first order differential equation sbell y'cos(x+y)+ry= proportional to its volume proportional to its radius to its surface aFea et-cos(r+y) ls l. sin(x* 2. 3. 4. l)-e'= constant e'tan (x + Y) = constant x(cos(x + y) - e') + er = constant x(sin(x + y) - e') + et = constant I : 25. l,et D be a rcgion in R2 arclosed by a The rank of ttre lo 1o z ol le r B s rolis lo z 3 1 o l \o \ z t sl f | (2, + 3x2)dx+ (2r + 3y)dy J c is 12 then the arca 2.6 3 26. 1.4 3.2 ofthe region D is t. t2 24 30. I*t f (z) = 2 and g(z) = lzl2 for all € C. Then atz--0 l. /is analyic and g is NOT analytic and B betwo 3x3 mafiices such that A+ B,A2 = f ,Ag: BA and Az + 2A + 0 where / is the identity matrix. Let l4 denote the determinant 2.3 4.5 In a set of 4 dice, one is faulty with number 6 unitten as 5. All dice are thrown simultaneously. The probability of obtaining a suri greaterthan 2l is l.L 2. g is analytic and/isNOT analytic 3. f andgare analytic 4. neither/nor gis analytic 27. Iet A matix le 3 3 5 s\ simple smooth closed curve C. Suppose C is oriented anticlochyise. If the value of the line integral 3, 41 1 72 2.r S,t 4. 81I ENGINEERING APTMIJEE I: of any'matrix L Then l. lAl+ 0 and [+ 2. lA+Bl * A1= g 0 and lAl = 0 3. lAl+0and[A+Bl+0 4. lAl :0 and [ + n1= g Then the value ofthe surface integral ff + 3r) -yz +sz.ldo JJtfzt' s Ztr 8n ))' In an ideal, 2-stage comprcssor with a perfect intercoolo, air is compressed from an inlet pres$re of 100 kPa (abs.) to a final pressure of 8CI kPa The inlet temperature of air is 300 K What should be the pressure at the-exit of the l.t stage compressor (in kPa) so that the total power input to the compressor is minimum? Assume air to behave as an ideal gas with constant index comfression. (Atmosplreric pressure = l0l kPaf a f zs.l Let Sbe the unit sphere f1?+/ = t. '\j 31. 2. 4t 4. l}n Lq**j-z)+ro\ l. 3. of 282.8 425.6 2. 4. 300.0 551.0 32. Pure Fe is polymorphic. Wh would be the approximate ratio of dolnic radius of iron at 24oC (lafiicc parameter 0.287run) and iron at l00(Pc (latrice parameter 0.352 nm)? l. 0.8 t. l.l 2. 1.0 4. 1.2 -) 'i wn"n of 6e foltowing statemenq i'sl/ \J conceming airsandard . a ffion is 0.0U1. Ihe type as6 @ingconcentration of this matcrial are cycle are TRIJE: l. -f3. 4- (i) Foragivuroomphssion ratio and inlet corditions, Otto cycle has than Diesel cycle higher efficiency (ii) Fora givearnaximum cycle pressnrc and tanpcrature and inlet conditions, Diesel ryle fu higfuer efficiency thanOfio cycle Tcn 36. l. 3. with compression ratio (iv)For a ghrcn compression ratio and inlet conditions, the thermal el$iciency of piesel cycle increases 37. with cut-offratio- l. All oftrcabove 2. Only (i), Si) and (iii) a , 3. Only (ii) and (iii) 4. only(ii), fii) and (iv) b"e and l0l3 cm'3 N-typeand 1.5 x 1016em'3 P-t)?o and 1.5 x 1016am'3 P- cds are required for a solar cell H #;"f, l3'X4,i' bc--: (iii)-Ilne ttrcrmal efhciency of Otto cycle irrcreases N - type and l0r3 cm'3 o' 02n] v{o.sr* 1.0 m2 2.0 m2 4. et ld 3e er 1? th n. . _ \o m a )'; In the circuit shown, a l0Vo-o sinusoidal sigml at 60 Hz is appliecl as Vi,,.Asnrme that, for the given load R, each diode has an avenge conduction drop of 0.4V od th€ cut-in voltages of the diodes are rero. The average value of the output voltageis . & #,1i'; {b$ I (i) Spccificenthalpy r (ii) Specific volume " ., (iii) Specific ohopy (iv) Specifichcat (v) Spocificintemal energy ro ] tt" 1 Which ofthe following thermodynamic properties canbe measured in a laboratorf + Vg i 4ofiy0), GD and - (v) 2. Only (ii) and (iv) 3. Otriy(ir) 4. only 0) (D and (iii) \oS^o "t )e o'i At rmm tempcrature, for silicon, tlrc band gap (EJ b l.l eV, the inuinsic corrcentrdim(q) is loro cms andth€nnal voltage *r. (tJ * ru mV. The Fobability that an energy state in the conduction band is occupied by 3' - 0.79V +a.79V 2. 4. \"o -2.38V +2.38V 38. T*o naves of lGHz are travclling in opcx*e dirtctions on a transmission lbe. Ai x = 0 and t : 0, the amplitudc andfrase of the fonrard wave is 3V and ao, uihereas the amplitrade and phasc of Ite bach^Erd wave is lV and rr13 reEcctively. The propagation constant of 6cline at I Gllz is r-0.05 + jl2. I The.perJk voltage at x = [ meter is l. 0.95 volb 3. 4.95 volrs 2. 4. 41. 3.91 volts 5.05 volts . A simply supported beam is loaded as shown in the figrue. Find the magnitude of bendkrg moment (BM) and shear force (SF) at the mid-span. 39. The magnetic flru density in a region is given by p = (zi+ 3l - +ft)s'zt Wb/#. A squarc loop of 2 m side is placed in ttrc regioq with its center at the origin ad its sider along the co-ordinate axes. The emf induced in'the lopp at t : I sec is l. 1.35 Volts 3. 4.33 Volts 2:. 4. 3.24 Volts 5.41 Volts \'\ ,4 l. vu=fr-ro=; 9)ry 40. Two positive point charges e are placed - \-, \12 ..\. as shown in fte figrne a dijtance d away from a grounded conarcting plane. The 2. BM= distance betwsr ttte point charges is 2d. The. net force on the point charges 3. BM= located atthe point (d d) ii rA. 42. ,$* \q,tiK i .e #;sr:! :Y,W' ;;;; *w PL f,'; SF= P '{ua-"j 3 ryZi" Assume Fl and F2 are the buoyant forces a on rectangular iron block (density 7000 kglmr) having dimension Zcm x 4cm x 8cm, and 4-cm cubical aluminum block (density 3500 kg/*t), rcspectively, both'of which are immersed in thc same fluid. The relation betrvoen Fr and Fz is l. Fs=F2 2. F1=2F2 3. F; =4F2 4. Fr = 8Fz acting of rffii t lzfi-t. zJ2+r.\ '''a;G'\Er-Et) a n '#(i,-ii) ^ Q2 ({z+t . JZ-r .t "';mpi\F'-Tt) 43. For tre system shown, what is the natural frequarcy for small amplitudes oscillations? The rod mass m. of is uniform and has 45. Cmsidering the case of block sliding over the block I only 4 find the smallest rci$t of cYlinder D which will cause tlte loss of static friction 655gme the coefficient of friction betwwn block I dB is 0.6 and betrn'een ttre block B and the gouod (C) is 0:a. Also assume that blocl,S docs not slide over surface C' 2Jffi 4.2 44. A horizontal water jet from a nozzle of constant exit cross section impinges normatly on a stationary vertical flat to flate. A certain force 'F' is rcquired sbeam' hold tbe plate against the water If the water velocity is ripled, then the rrcccsstry holding force will be l. 3F 3. 9F 2. 4. l. 64ks 2. 32kg 3. l2ks 4. l6kg 6F TzF IFORROUGHWORN PART 'C' 46. What is mnted bv nre following prograrn? # ilgtyde (stato.it void A void B (void} (void); I yoidC (void); mtx= l; intmain (void) { intr= j. ,ryrnf("Zdn,,x); t lntr= 19 ' , , prinrffyd\n1r); printf (q/dhn,x); AO;B(IcrT:-AO; B t); ciii pfintffydh",r). : return 0; l ygion (vo@ tntr= ( 15; r+f,; ,J#Hl[Tfr"r} ] ( static.r = 50; r^Fl; printf (,a/dh',r); , void C (void) { r* = l0; printf(yodn,,x)1. 1.5 l0 5 t6 5t l0 t6 52 t00 5 2.5 t0 5 t6 50 t0 t6 50 l0 5 3.5 l0 5 t6 -5t t0 l6 5l l0 5 4.5 t0 5 l6 5I l0 l6 52 t00 0 t1 The cost of minimum cost spanning rcc ofhc graph strown below is 13 9 l. 79 2. 3.n 78 4. 76 (2?,H), Insert Let H be a heap shown in Fig(a). After pcrforming Insert (45,H),-Insert (10, H) and Ditetemin (tI), the-structure of the heap will be as-shown in Fig'(b)'-Irt :1-VrZdcnote the values'in the nodes labeled by ttrem in Fig.(b)' The values of (X, Y,Z)ae l. @Dl (35,21,27) <{rrt,lo,2t) 3. (21,28,35) 4. (28,21,35) may have.multiplc Considcr tlrc creation of a Binary Scarch Trec for a set of keys that di*inct copies of sone kcys. \tr/c create-the tec by rcpeatod inscrtion. For.inserting sircond and values, the rsual insert procedure is followed. Honaver, while inscrting s1@g€rrt copies of a kcr wc ahnays move to tre rigtrt child of the first copy- The t (23,10,10, 10, 23, 12,23,11,10' 1.9 z. s 50, 8, 10, 30, 5, E, 231 in that order is 4- lt ,,\ 6 = z1!'4Pi) 2\ 12 The Statement r. -(p c+ q) is equivalcntto (fpn-dAlcn-p)) 3. (tp A-e) v (q n-p) n(q v-p)) 4. (fp V-q) v (s n -p)) ( 2.(<pv-q) In the machine M, suppose that the insurrctiolts for floating point operations can be enhanced to run l0 times faster. Assumc trat in a pograrn Pl, 85% of Instnrctions arc floating point operations and in another progran Pl, Et% of its instructions are floating point operations. Which of thc trio programs can be made at least 4 timcs faster by enhancing Only Pl il? 2. Only P2 3.lkitberPl norP2 4. Both Pl and P2 What does the Boolean function F = (aeb)o(aob)CI(e@b)e (aob) Evaluate to if e stands for XOR and O stands forXi{OR l. o.b+ a.b 53. 4. a*b -)/o 2. a.b a relation R(A,B,C),with the folhwing functional dependenciesi,lB -r C;AC -+ B. A can take 20 distinct valucg I can ake l0 distinct values and C can take 100 distinct values. What is the maximum possiblc*ize (in tuples) of the self join offt on C. Consider t. 54. operation? 2. 4000 4. 3. 4,m,000 200 Consider an instance of the relation Sailon 20000 sluiln below: ir'.1: ,^\5r"f'O srld Nane Rating Age t6 t'.tt")-\g-o/ iones 3 20.0 32 24 jonah alwb 56.0 65 mbbv 4 7 6 qr$-', 43-0 .9) a r5s What does the following query return? SELECT S. Name FROM Sailors S WHERE S;rating> Al{Y (SELECT Sl. RdturgfROM Sailon Sl WHERE St. age<71) l. ahab 3. ahab,jonah 2. abab,indmoby 4, rnoby 13 cPU burst considcr the following set of processes wiilr the anival timcs and the times.given in milliseconds. Proccss Arrival Time BuntTimc 5 P2 0 I P3 2 3 P4 4 l .Pl 3 pre-emptive shortest What is the average waiting time for ttrese proccsscs with reinaining time fust scheduling algonithm? l. 2. 5.5 msec 2.5 msec 3. l20mscc 4. 3.0 msec ELECTRICAL SCIENCE 2MVA 3.3 kvr/O0v 2MVA 3.3 rv r\'ryFg o1,i- $phate, bdmc€d gG*ve load. 1-5 lr\rA its own A 2MVA, 3.3kV, three-phase generator has tfu following rcactance's on basc: : +ve sequence reactance, x1 =j0-lOp.u -ve sequence re8ctance' x2 :70. I 0p'u :70-05p.u zero sequence reactance, xs reactance'from neutral to ground , xn:fl.05 p'q' a 3-phase, The generator supplies a 3-phase, 1.5 MVA balanced-passive load through kVlqOOV, delta-star transformer with leakage reactance of 107o, as Z.O rtVn, tto*n in'tt" frgurr. A single-line-to-ground fault takes place at-the low voltage side is of tlre transformlr. The cuient flowing from thc fansformer to the fault f.f l. -@. :* '* : : 5773.5A 2. 1237r.84 3. 14433.8A 4. 17320.5A foi ahy Which onc ofdre following dc to dcconverterican bcoperatcd at steady state dutycycle, 6 in the r*g" o < 6 .< I without anploying a closcd loop feedbackcsrtrrol? l. 3. Buckconverter Buckboost converter V/ 4. goosconverter C'uk converter a< g<t 14 Currcnt distribution (dot o1 representing currcnt direction ort of the plane.of the 1 paperand cros (x) rcpr€senting currcnt direction into the plarrc ofthe paper; absencc of a dot or a cmss neans no currcnt is presart in drce conducrors)'in armature of.a repnesentative 2-pole fully cunpcnsated dc motor rotating in *nj55. anticlochrise dircctiqr and operating under rcgencrativc mode ofbraking is l/l l. x t! E. utl JU tOr $ ldfl hsslesg srngt phase dc to ac square wave inverterhaving vac is feoding a purcly inductive input dc voltagg load as shown in thc Figure. switcrrei sr, sz o." 5N and ss sr arc oFF forthe first half arc OFF for the subsoquent cyct half cycle, (r /zseconds) and s3, sr are oN and Sr, sz (f/2 scconAs;. ?r t Tlrc wavcform ofthc output current, L oncc cursiderable duraim of time is fie inyertcr is in opcration for 15 -D<F - -> rl2 v2 - -F- rl2 ,--F-->---> rtz v2 il2 motor A 400V, starconnected, 3-@, 50 H4 4 pole, 1440 rpm squ$l cage indirction p.h?sc pcr .. The 0.5O is having per phase rotor resistance refened to the stator, ri = gana-stilf rotor rcactance, series stator impedurce and the effeot of the magnetizing br"dt of thc machine can be neglected. This motor while bcing fed from a 400V, 3' in O, 50 Hz, ac $pply is coupled to a load wfiose torque, T1:20 Nm and is acting dle same'diroetion as that of the direction of rotation of the motor load.sy$em as losses, the shown in ttre Figure. Neglecting friction, windage and odrer mechanical ' stcady ote spced of the system, co in radians per second is 3.(,AQOY, 50Hr ac tOAD )rrroron (0 r. (r -fi)+e1 ,. (t + fu)sor T! 2. (r +f,.)so" 4. (r+ft)so" A drrcc phasc 50H4 Bdial transrnission line has a total saics impedance of (15+j 160F, and a{otal $unt adminancc of 0.8 x t0-3n{w. Ashgrt capcitor (C*) of a&ni$ance 0. G x lf-3mlw is connectcd at thc receiving cnd of ttrc line for providing rcactive porrer sryport. When the scnding end voltage is 4fi1 kV and there is no load on thc line, Sc magintOes of the receiving end vottage and tre sending cnd current arc respectirrcly l. 476.13kV,475294 3. 427.34kY,330.934 2. 4. 476.13kV,616.124' 45A.42kY,475294. 16 @ jzn j4rJ m lt 4 V= l0Z0' ; Z; 22= j}{l; For the circuit shown in the figure, a load impe/liltrce zlis connected across the terminals a-D such that the power transfer to Ztismaximum. Thc value of ztis t. 3. n7\ gt 2. 2.236t263.435" 4. 7.2tllz$63l' t.5so4/60.2s5' 2.69t/78.86" A feedback.lnlr"l*vrlem as shown in the figurg has forward transfer G(s) = and feedback transfer function H(s) = fr. ru steady state eror for a unit ramp input is 61fu5 '\ ri .?it e4x: (,,o I t-l S+\) lt!Is*rXsJ\) g * 6c'-f -*l t*l 1.0 2- ll5 I * -e_ I 4. A 3-phase, 50H2, 200MvA, 33 kvtn(. kv, stardelta ransformer is protected for inter-tum fault by a differential protection scherng. The possible pair of turns ratio for the cunent transformers to be connected to the high volage and low voltage sidrb respectively is 525:5 for h.v. side, 3500:5 for l.v. side 2. . 525:5 for h.v. sidc, 3500: for l.v. side l. 3. 4 5€ 525:5 for h.v. side, 3500: S/rE forl.v. side 525:5/'lTforh.v. side, 3500: 5 for l.v. side /6\ / L6y A PDoqruoll€rbadded passa thrurgh ttc to tli6plant G(s) = poi* -1 + i. ffjru.tr drat the resulting root locus The-pgsition of dre PD zero is at fi 1o--rs r t*tt*t) = ffi --E q(e');':"--. !-r9"' . F' l. -0.5 2. - 0.75 3. -L.25 ''/ .q]i.o>t' - t,s .-T g.'^ !v/ \+ JYF MATERIATS SCIENCE ffi. ..96t .i. Two Pb-Sn alhys rmdergo equilibrium cooling from the liquid state; one with l0 rvPlo Sn ad balame Pb ard the other with 10 n'P/o Pb and balance Sn. The phase diagram is shown in thc figure below. The volume'fractions ofthe pro-eutectic phases at tlrese nvo conpositions are closest to: () L ! I t E wcllr *rxl(9r) l. fs=SWo, fi,=S0flh&fg =ZAVo. ft= 8(P,6 2. fn = L$Wo,:fi. = 096 & fp = $AVo, fi, = 2@'6 3. fa = 250'6" fi" = 7596 & fp = 20o/s, ft = 8096 4. fs, = 20%, ft = 80Vo & fp = 20o{o, f1= 80% 6it . A pondcr mixnne of t0 r+,tr26 Al and 2O vf/s Z,rOz is prepared in an auritor mill and is wnpaod b r grcen density of 80o/o of theor€tical darsity. The densities of Al, t,respectively. AJzOr aa 7lrDzae2.?,3.96 and 5.6 dc The atomic weights of Al, O ad 7t arc2 n,16 and 91.22, respectively. The green body is oxidized prior to sireiog.lf7.rof6e aluminum is oxidized, the finat compact will have: l. *y -gErcsila{H^ 2. 2.7%porosity 3. 3.9ploporosity 4. Z.7o/oswelling 1B M l' a) ! Assrnc carbon atoms sit in the|,|,0 l. 0.31 abancr[ubfoE redius ofcarbon Sal 4 = 0.77 A and radius of metal atom, r,tr = t?l l+bl rte disancg each of tltc ncarcst metal atom be displaced to accommodat dtc crbo atorn? . 3. 0.54 4. LOA ln silicon the Fenni level measurcd from tlrc intirsic Fcrmi leyel at 300 K is 0.358 eV. What is the approximate donor conccntiation in dre silicur? (Given: Intrinsic caniiei density in si at 300 K is 9.6s x l}e lcms;Bolamann constant ks = g.614 x 10-s eV /K) *as' _ix./ l. 70 0.zA position in - Llslcmt 2. LOtz1orrP 3. tor6lcaz 4. lgzo l67nt Tlrc Pilling-Bedworth ratio of alurninum and tantalum oxides are 1.28 and2.33, respcctively. The characteristics of oxidation resistance and oxidation kinetics for Alzor and Tazos can be dcscriH as: l. Aluminium exhibits better oxidation resisance than tantalum, and the kinetics of oxidation for both the metals follorr the parabolic rate law. 2. Inferior oxidation resistrancc of tantalum is due to its porous oxide lryer, and it follows the linear oxidation rate law unlike aluminum wtrich follows thi parabolic oxidation rate law. 3. 4. 7l . - -l0o/o 2. -20% 3. -30% 4. 40% 'fhe bulk di{frnion cocflicients of maal A in B n" 1g-tz^zls ud Lo-Lamz /s at 1300 K and 9{10 K, respectively. Thc Civ.qlion €ncrg}t for diffirsion of A drrough grain boundarics of B considering its pagnittr{e to be 0.45 time dran fiat of bulk diffirsion is [Givcn: Universal gas constant, R= B.3l J/mol-Kl: ' 73 oxidation ratc law. Alurninum and tantalum shorv nearly equal oxidation resi$alrce, and the kinetics of oxidation for both the mctals arc contnolled by fire loguithmic law. In transmission electron microscopc, an operator changes thc normal operating voltagc of l00keV to a high opcrating volhg; of200 keV. Ttrc perccntagc change in spatial resolution due to such voltagc change will bc l. '17 Inferior oxidation resistance of tantalum is due to its cracked oxidc layer, and it follows lincar oxidation ratc law unlike aluminum which follows the logarithmic l. . , ?78.4wlnwl 2. zot.Lwtnxll 3. 100.6ulmol 4.50ikJ/mot Tfrc sharpcs possiblc crack to causc brisle fractrre in a matcrial with Poisson's ratio of 029 followftrg Griflith's eqrBim in plane shain condition slrouH possess crack tig root radius as X timcs the intcr-atomic qpacing where X iseqrul to: t. I.00 2. 1.39 3. 2.78 4. 3.00 SrS5CSUt/t4#-Ai :1e I 74 . 20 mol% of NiO is added to FqOr to form nickel fcnitc (NiEoOr). The net spin magretic moments (in Bohr rrgri-,1 for Fe2*, Fel* and Ni2* arc 4, 5 and 2, resiecively. The . percentage charye in saturation qagnetization (which is proportioryrl to the number of Bolu rmsrson per unit cell) will be closest to l. 75. 2. 40% 3oo/o 3. 2Ao/a 4. l0 0/: An ideal plastic material cxhibits yidd Sess of 200 MPa anil catasrophic fihcture oocurs from the peak stress valtr during tensile teg of a 25 mm gauge lengh specimen, If dre tens-ile toughncss and tlr resilience of the flow c.urve are given as 50.4 and 0.+ irilmm3, respectively. Ttrc peromtage elongation of the material in the pla$ic regime would be: : l. 25% 2.' t2.50/o 3. 0.25% 4. 0.t25% FLtnD MECHANICS 76 , . A fluid flows past a sphere with an upsbeam velocity of Yo = 40 m/s as shown in the figure. It is found that the speed of ftefluid along the front part of the sphere is V =2 Vosinl. The sfieamwise and rnrmal compinqrs ofacceleration in m/s2'at if the radius of thg spherc is a: 0.20 m, - respectively are numaically pint,\ V closestto: l. 3. 372A rlndM30 2. 4430urd3720 4. 7440 and 886{l 8860 and 7440 $ il; *! fi :l I !: 77. The twodimensional velocity ficld for an incompressiblq Newtonian fluid is descdbed us 7 = (l}ryz - 6xt)i+ (lSfy - +yt)i, wlrere i and i are the usrit veclors along r and y directions rspcctivety. Hcre thc vclocity has units of m/s; r, y being in meter. The stresses 67atcy,y,tay, I r = 0.5 m,I = 1.0 m, are given by (if 's F*surc at this point is 6 kPa, and fluid visccity 1.5 Pa . s ). = -5.98 kPa, o," : 45 PU to = -6.02 kPa 2. orx= -5.98kPa, oO= -6.021<Pa,Trr=45Pa .i t { t ri .I l. (Ixx 3. 4. oxz = 45Pa, or, = -6.02 kP4 r,n = -5.98 kPa 6xx = -6.A2kPa, 6yy: -5.98lr}a., tt, = 45 Pa 20 78. A cylindricalErn container has rolume V and bo6on arca e. Thc containcr is fillcd with glycerin(dcnsrty p.) and rcsts on the lloor of ar elcvdor. The clwator has an uprvard accclcration of a. What is the resultant force $d fre container errerts on the floor of the elevatorduring this acceleration? Neglect fte weight of fte container. l, pv 79 . 2. p(a- dv 3. p(a+ g)v 4. p(S - a)v A platc ofwood with specific gravity 0.4 is anchored to the bottom of a lake as shown in the following figure. The dimensions of the platc arc 5 cm x 10 cm x 3 m, and ttrc dcpdr of the lake is 1 m at this location. Assrmc that the l0 cm dimension is perpendicular to the plue of the figurc and the density of the lake watcr is 1000 kg/m3. The angle 0'at which tlrc plate rvill fhat is numerically closest to: l. 80 . 2. 150 . 600 4. 90" A piezometer and a Pitot tube are tapped into a horizonat water pipc as shown in the following figure, to measrc static and stagnation pressures. Assume the flow as steady, incompressible and irrotational. Negiecl cnergy losses. For the indicated watcr column heightg the velocity of wder at the centre rif pipe, taking g = 1om/s2, is l. tm/s 3. 3m/s Sl 3. 300 2. 2m/s 4. 4mls A &in fla plate of dimcnsions of 100 cm x 200cm is complecly immersed in an oil streanr widr vetocity 6 m/s. The dcnsity and dylranric yisccity of oil may bc taken as 890 kg/m'gd 0.29 kg/m.s respcctivcly. Asermc a dr4 cocfficicnt gvcn by : Ce = 1.328 Relos, whcrc.Rel the Rcynotds nrnrbcr bccd m thc plarc hnglh. Thc total frictional fqcc,'if the fluid stream is almg dre long sirb of thc pla€, is nsnerically closcst to is r. 4.435 N 2. 4435 N 3. 4435N 4. 4435N 21 'g2. noT-g$ty pd to objcct shown in the (-o s r S a) is fisurc.n, niJ"cro.;t il;sth. 1i,[^it r dwing *catlrrc crvftGof the front of the drna to bc Y=yo(1*9), where a is thc ra{irnof An incompcssible fluid with density p uprilt velocity' If drs utrrcm ryYIfowis P6' obtain thc l* -o S x-3 -o,assrming iwisckl objoct and lts is thc p(r) for AitniU,t ffi* P=Polx+o ,, dividingsrcamline p . = Po- pavts - #) p=po-pavfQ+4) 2. p = Po+ povte - ;) 4. p = Ps+ rrrvtfi - #) oonccnhic A Couettc.viscomder consists of fluid nn€d befwcen tvo shown in thc rigure. rt"-ii""*viino"r 6aa.iusp) rotatos :rl..lj:: : t$l,:ljtl-:It:1tj' "t o, whilcthcotrterone isrcstraid lt^ msans ""rttity torque acting on thc ottcr to.S-al sprini. The -deflcction #il;;ilfi;*gurrr t ;/ird; it toiut u by means. of spring g*ry isuming' dre flow to bi steady, laminar, luryly of .OinO"rttd*t of Z direction, cxpression for thc dynanic ;',"";i,y in tenns of thc measured torque (T)' angular are' velocity (ar) and ofirer geometric paramctes T1 ffiv tft=2r' arrilfi t (rl+ri) ^J. ffiE 4. r ('i-ri) 1n?'L riri thc rate (constanl) at A rocket has an initial mass of mo (rockct + fuet) ard riL is is given whictr d1e mass ii ut" r""fir ;t;dk. 1f the dragforce of air on the rocket dren dre diffcsilial equation go1erni1g io, (u6se r"f'ut tr rp..a oirtr" Io"\"0, the rockct mdion ir gi""i iitassu.ing ttte orpcltcd mass to exit from the rocket at a con$ant velocity u relativc to the rocke$ l. -m'O fr+ t u' = theu- (mo - m"t)g 2. (no- m$fi+kv2 =(mo- thrt)(v+u)-(mo-m"t)9 (mo kvz = fr"u- (mo - mrt)g 3. (no - n "q*4. (mo- *r0**kvz = (mo -lhet)(v -u)-(no-th"t)g 22 85. water (density =10fi) kg/m3) at 0.1 m?s and alcohol (specifrc gravity = 0.8) at 0.3 m'A are mixed in a T-junction as shown in the figurc. Assrmring all the flows to bc steady and incompresible, average density of thc mixturc of alcohol and water, in kg/m', is l. 340 2. 3. 4. 560 680 8v) SOLID MECTIAMCS 86. from the ceiling as strown in . the figue. The crosssection of AB : 500 mm2, and drat of BC = 200 mmz. Assuming that the density of A stepped bar is hung to 7500 kglmt, find the axial force at a section a-a'just above B. Take g = I0 nt?. t downward forcs of 20 Ar is both the rods are the same and equal acting at l. 87. I and a force 32.5 N 6{fimm g' B 20N of 5 N at C is acting upwards. 5{Mmm 2. 22j N 3. 90 i\I 4. l00N A long ttrin walld closed ended cylindrical vessel of fiickness'l' is subjected to an internal pres$rc 'p' as shown. Find the sbain energy stord in dre cental part of the cylindcrof lengb 'f,' due to pressure'p'. l. Inpzd3t t6Et 2. zrpzd3t srpzd3L 3. 16Et 4. srpz ri3 L 32Et 23 tft tb. thc average load P. Which one as shon'n. a:ris, 0 to.ttre an angle shear sfiess acting on a plane oricnted at A baf of cross-soctional araA is zubjected to an axial of the choices bclow conesponds to the variation of r with e (0 respect to < O<rfD. e' 0 1. 3. t, 0 0 0 t nl4 nl2 P P u 0 P ;i A 0 0 t 0 0 0 P 2. nlz rl4 e 4. I rl4 nlz P P 4A 2A rl4 El2 P LT 0 "A A non-uniform loading on ttre bar causes a normal shain which can be expresged as €r = &r2, wttere k is aconstant. Determine the displacement of thc end B of thc bar- "lry l. KL3 xr] 3 3 3. KLz Vz r* 2 Determinc thc equivalent state of stress on an element oriented 45o counter-clockwise from dre eleinent shov.,n 1(X) MPa 24 fmMPr ilnMPr 91. 100 Mh A solid shaft of diameter d resting on two journal bearings h sr$jecled to a hansverse load.P, at the center and an axial load as shown. Detcnnine the atial strcs, o, that is developod at point ,{ shown. Ttre joufital bcdng may be assumed to srpport only vertioal loads. 4 l. /lf=- BPL tcd3 4F rcdz 2. (f= 4. '1l=- (8P-4F) 3. 92. at =l-- ttd2 The fiber AB has length L afi orientatior 0.If ic ends A and B undergo small displaccmens u;and up ts shown, dctcrmhrc drc strain in the fiber. l. LL+ stnl -cos? % 9 z. -cosl | + ti"e "] 3. sinl %LL- cas? 2 4. -sinCI YLL- cosl "2 lPL 8F rcds td2 -$PL 1F rrdt rdz .G,.' 6 radius R and negligible mass is nllfo3 without slipping on a surftce as shown in thc Figtlc' m is attached to dre disk at $c A heavy p'oint toptoti point. The center of the disk is anached to til.t*" side walls by mcans of springs of *iffrress qntcnt as shown. Derivc the natural frcquency of $c A disk of t.tt t for srnall amplitude oscillations ?n -gmR 2J*4 f"s 3' .J;-t 4J= mernber is givcn Thc stress state at a location in an aircrAft sfiuctural by /100 0 -30\ I o o o luPa \-go o $ol matcrial sudr drat the factor Choose the closest valuc of the yicld sgrenglh ofthj yield' safety is about 2? Use Tresca criterion for l. 25 MPa 2. 48 MPa 3. 4. 70 MPa A rigid bar which is con$raind to move in 'thc vertical direction is suppofted by a column,AB and rigid bar asscmbly CDE as strown in thc Figure. Thc joint D is attachcd to thc wall bY a sPring of stiftess L Calorlate the diameter d of the column AB sothatboth AB and asscmblyCDE havethe same ftrctor of safety against buckling' Thc elastic modulus of ttrp column AB is E' The moment of inertia of .AB is , o=(#)"n 3. o=($"n L Usc htlcr's formula forbuckling' z. o=r(fl 4. d=2 ffiI^ 15 MPa of 26 THERMOD\NAMICS In a steady flow compressor a gas is comEessed from 100 kpa GaF) ud2.7 m%1o proccss to be a final stal of 300 fi'r tg.gOhd 1.5 m?s. Assuming dre compression to: reversible and polyUopiidt po*.t.input to the compressor (in kW) is close (Afinospheric pressurc = l.0l bar) 96. l. A housq 97. 2. 59 that is losing heat at a rate 4. 3. 387 24t of 395 54,000 kJ/h when the o$sidc tcnperature drops to 4t, is to d n*tbO by electric resistance. heaters. If the house is to be maintained aiZfCat all times, the second law effrciency of the heating proccss is 1. 93% 2. 3. 560/o 4. 14% 7% Liquid water enters a 25 kW pump at l0{) kPa pressure 1a rate of 5 kg/s. The kiratic and potential arergt changes o-f water during the pumping proce-ss may be neglected' Oensity of water ii tmO [gmt tnhich may be assumed to remain constant during the p*es!. The higlrest pressurr (in kPa) the liquid water can have at the exit of the pump ls i r. '5100 9. 2. The foltowing saturation properly data is available for the refrigerant CFC-I I (molecular muss = I3?.4 lgnsnol): Using the data given and applying Clausiusdhyp.ron Equation, estimatc thc latent heat of vaporization of CFC-Il at 25oC. The rs equal to 8.314 universal gas consqnt is kJtmol.K Sat. oressure (kPa) l. 100 ' 4.- 5l 105 510 l0: . 50.9 Sat. tempera$rc 103.8 24.5 t07.4 25.5 2. 101.8 3. 183.2 104 fC) 4. 2032 In a steam boiler, 100 kg/s of liquid water at 40 bar and a0"C (enfralpy = 16l kl/rg and entropy = 0.57 kJ/kg.K) is heated to a final tempemture and pressne of 6.?3 K and 40 Uar lentnapy =-3Zil kJftg and enropy = 6.77 kJ/kg.K) uing ffrrc'g;ases available at ?50 K. l.legtec'ting kinetic and potential inagy drangcs, thc ailropy generation in the process (in kWK) is close to: l. 7r4 2. 406 3. 620 4. l(n6 105 101 . The heat tansfcr ftir the rcversiblc processT-Z-l (as shown in the figure), in kJlkg, is r(qc) 120 100 0.02 2. t. 88 3. 170 1.0 4. 341 s (kJlkg.K) 682 refrigelation cycle and uses i- +Lo irlaal wcnmrA heat pump operates on the idcal vapour<omprgssion operates at- 1200 kPa while the refrigerant l34a as il;;tLi"tfluid. Thc-condlnser enthalpy of thg f^{iserant at the exit of svaporator operates ;rsO F{ i[" ,e*inr is 249'72kJke; 2E0 tPa the compressor is zso kJ/kg. Refriggqt nron"n*il ;t"t it0'0 kPa is l. ttl -ll wile' ' 2. 3.36 2.36 \,* The CoP (heating) of the system is 3. 436 4. 5.36 gas is now gas atJ40 kPa and ?7cr.The A pistbn+ylinder device contains l'kg of a following pV l'3- = constant till the compressed slowly in a polytropic.process constantfor tire gas is 0'3 kJ/kgK and the volume,is reduced Uyiuff fitt tiq!9.8f unir. The entropy chinge of the gas during the ,p"rii"'i*iit6.z consrant volume pro@ss (in kJ/K) is 2. 1.0.3515 0.a625 3- -0.0625 4. - 0.3535 g i93t fluid air mrybe asslmed t" F an air-standard otto cycle, the working begins ut g.l MPa and 35"C. The gas. The compression ,uiio is ?. compression 0'287 ln Also-given {r.RrgRerties: &i'= maximum t"rp"rtur";il;t';y;i"-it iioo"c. ouQut (in kJftg) of the cycle will be kJ/kgK and C-p3i;=l.oos'ii[gr. The net work l. 2. 131.4 231.4 3. 272.7 4. 5A4.2 Inasteampowerplantbasedonideal,simplel*fucyclltheturbinedevelopsa fiquid yr91at pump inlet (density = power oqput of tZ MW. Assuming otu*ied punp? condensate gg3 kg/mr), what percentage of turbine o,tlpnt is required for thc at condenser pressufc ate 2573 kJltrg The enthalpy and ent'opy of satur*cd ]aPour of steam at rcquirod and 827 kJ/kg.K, respectively. The otlrer ,"1""** Prop€rties state points are given in the table' l. 0.036 , 2.0.36 3. 1.36 4.2.4 lt luhicLcof drefollowin;".ffi;rri"rt*rtr*rH*,rht*.ogcSm giyqr as (A" B and C are Boolean variatiles): te + 2. AB+C A+B 107. ' aXfFE)+i1a+c; It 3. A+B+C 4. B+AC For thc circuit $rowq the cut-in vblage of the diode is 0.6 V. What wilt be the morimum reverse-bias dr@ volAge ad drc fraction (in Vo) 24Sinnt of trc cplc over which the diode conducts? t. 24Vand 67.60/o 3. 12Vand 67.6% 2. 36V ud 12.4% 4. 24V afi 5A% lt s.*o) 10t . ag.9' For the circuit stroum, the output voltage 5Kl too 5f,l e' i v,eolz- \? A JK flipllop has propagation delay (tp6) of 13 ns. wrat is drc largcst MoD ripple oomtcr that can bc con$nrctcd using such flipflops ard can be ofratcd upo ib MHz? l. M}D -32 2. MoD - 64 ly'*or- 1zB 4. MoD - zs6 vr gr+ 1o*toc e"''iJ"rvY h 7:n97.r Fatlrc ciroril shown" the expression for Fis x Y l. XY +xv +z 2. XF +Z 3./^ x_f +z v. z+xY+xY z +_Y_x f9 'fi Vq --\**1 o'u*{ l+x -\ n"'a'-, *-o' t 44t lt 29:! . tft-;, If u(k) and SG) rcpresant 0rc unit step rnd unit impulsc j " -: the inversc Z-ransform of F(z) = *f* (-l)ru(t) ll2. For ttrc nctwork $os'q . quiescent values of Vce d€terminc rcspclhfit k > 0 is given by 2. 4. (-l)ed(ft) functions, d(t() u(t() 14.6 . ll{ . ;# qrubflh rL rfinm-clffffiJ 1tlat transmitted simultaneously, the maximum bit duration is : -l. 3.125 ps 2. 6.25 p 3. 25 ps A PCM multiplexing qlstem is fuignod using a 256 tevels of three signals each of which is band limitcd ro 5 kllz, lO r'espectively. Assuming eacfr signal is.wrpleA at its Nyqdr transform oftrc fimction r(t), trcrl ft A l. ;tl?Xt"l, ifall poles ofx(s) tiein fic right tutfoffip e1h" 2. ;tjlXC"l; ifall potes ofX(s) tie in ilre teft hatf ofrhc athG. 3. .S sX(s), if all poles of sX(s) lie in dreright hatf of0r fii. 4. fj[ sX(s), if all potes ofsX(s) tie in fie tcft half of thc a1h. ,ll5 . t*, .,iit&,s function is by An angle-modularod signal is given s(t) = cosar{2 x 105t * 30sin(150r) f maximum frequencyard fln*dcvhtions ofs(t) 10.5 k*zand 140 r 6 kHzand (ry 3. 1.5b x fte V and 8.?3 mA If X(s) is the Laplace -1' dr' ad IE The 2. 10.5 V and 3.85 mA 3. 16.43 V nd7.?ZmA 4. ll.68Vand 4.16mA ll3 - eF/ - (-1)k - (-1)k following Eansistor parametcrs ar€ assumed: F = 90, Vse1gD = 0.7 V. l. fr* .,,ltl+i q@ 40cos(150t)}. .*i,,; arc radim 2. Ir* ,Fif-t l0.Skilzandlfilrradiar 4- 7-Skilzaaffr---
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