St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr C a t h o l i c C h u r c h A Catholic community of faith striving to witness to the Gospel. Our Baptism and Confirmation calls us to bring Christ’s Love to our families, our work places and our community. Grateful for God’s gifts, we seek to nurture those gifts and to give back to the Lord by sharing our time, talent and material treasure. In all of our parish activities we seek to develop a personal relationship with the Lord who directs our lives and a vision that sees the world with the eyes of Christ and that leads to a commitment to justice. We seek a sense of unity in Christ that leads us to be an open and welcoming people and a sense of joy in being graced by the gifts of God’s Love. December 28,2014 Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Saturday: 8am (English) Saturday Liturgy: 5pm (English) Sunday Liturgy: English: 7am, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am, 6:15pm Polish: 1pm December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph WE ARE A STEWARDSHIP PARISH We at St. Stephen, are striving to be good disciples of Christ. We focus on the spirituality of stewardship, through the grateful sharing of our time, our talent and our treasure, to help us become better disciples of Christ. As good stewards, we share our gifts responsibly with charitable groups and with our church. We urge our parishioners to consider remembering St. Stephen in their wills. Please phone Fr. Jay in the church office at 708.342.2400 for more information. Collections for 12-07-14 Regular $25,913.00 Kids $102.89 Sharing $186.00 Christmas $855.00 Immaculate Conception $618.00 All Saints $25.00 CJB $70.00 $15.00 Holy Mother of God Collections for 12-08-14 Immaculate Conception $2,653.00 Regular $505.00 Collections for 12-14-14 Regular $24,278.00 Kids $201.36 Sharing $142.00 Christmas $1,245.00 Immaculate Conception $248.00 All Souls $15.00 Holy Mother of God $50.00 Polish Mission $525.00 ~ O UR CHURCH ~ Parish Office 17500 South 84th Avenue Tinley Park, IL 60487 Office Hours: 8:30am-8:30pm Mon-Th; 8:30am-7pm Fri; 9am-5pm Sat Office Closed: 12:30-1pm Mon-Fri Office Phone: 708.342.2400 Office Fax 708.342.1545 Religious Ed. Phone: 708.342.1544 Website: email: @ststephentinley P AGE 2 Thank you for your continued Stewardship in support of St. Stephen. Please visit our website to find other opportunities for generosity through planned giving by remembering St. Stephen in your will or living trust. TIME, TALENT & TREASURE In addition to printing the collection, we are printing the Sunday and Holy Day collections from the previous month and for the fiscal year to date as well as budgeted amount needed for us to meet both our expenses & mortgage payments. Mortgage payments are $41,500 per month (interest and principal). The Archdiocese loaned us the money to start our parish and build our facilities on the basis of a commitment to Stewardship by the parish. We thank everyone whose support enables us to do the work of our Actual Budget parish. Last Month October $117,377 $112,500 Year-to-Date July 1—October 31 $471,966 $459,600 BAPTISMS are celebrated every Sunday at 3pm in English and 1pm in Polish. Please contact Deacon Ken in the parish office for the necessary preparations. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available on Saturdays, from 8:45—9:30am in the church or by appointment. FUNERALS can be arranged with the parish office. MARRIAGES St. Stephen Parish welcomes the celebration of the weddings of both registered parishioners and the children of registered parishioners. Information is available from one of the priests or deacons. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK can be arranged for the sick, elderly and handicapped desiring Communion by calling the parish office. BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE Articles are to be in the parish office noon on Friday for the following week’s bulletin. E-mail: REGISTRATION OF NEW PARISHIONERS is held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays every month after 10am Mass. New parishioners unable to register at Sunday registration, may register at the parish office on Mondays at 2pm, Tuesdays at 11am, Wednesdays at 8:30am or Thursdays at 6:45pm. Please phone 708.342.2400 to make an appointment. We warmly welcome new parishioners and cordially invite you to join us on our life-long journey to the Lord. ~ O UR STAFF ~ ~ O UR Rev. James Finno, Pastor Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz, Associate Pastor William Engler, Deacon Chuck McFarland, Deacon William Schultz, Deacon Joseph Stalcup, Deacon Pete Van Merkestyn, Deacon Kenneth Zawadzki, Deacon Karen Opyd, Administrative Assistant to Pastor Mary Jeanne Pazin, Director of Religious Education Leslie Krauledis, Assoc. Director of Religious Education Tammy Burns, Admin. Assistant for Religious Education Mark Gorka, Music Minister Karen Dillon, Youth Minister Dave Prete, Maintenance Director SCHOOL Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School 9300 167th Street Orland Hills, IL 60487 Phone 708.403.6525 Fax 708.403.8621 Ms. Mary Iannucilli, Principal ~ December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph P AGE 3 From Our Pastor D ear People of St. Stephen, Today’s feast of the Holy Family easily gets lost in the excitement of Christmas. Unfortunately, we won’t have nearly as many people worshiping with us today as we did a few days ago. Yet family was surely important in the life of Jesus, and the family, in all of its varied forms, remains the key unit of our society. The structure of our families certainly looks different than it did as I grew up in the 1950s. We now have traditional families (2 parents and children), single-parent families, blended families, adult children living with parents, and a variety of other structures of our basic living arrangements. People move more frequently, and so less people have extended families in the neighborhood or area to be sources of regular support. Yet healthy families remain critical to the well -being of our society. Sometimes when we think of the Holy Family we imagine an idyllic family life; after all, the parents were Saints and the child was divine as well as human. Yet Jesus’ family life was far from easy. After being born in a manger, he had to flee with his parents to Egypt to avoid Herod’s persecutions. He eventually returned to settle in a working man’s family in a poor town, Nazareth. Yet through all the challenges of their lives together, Jesus’ family was an environment of care and support for Him. Families give us roots and values. Families are the environment in which faith grows. Mary and Joseph give us an example of a married couple and parents who dealt with great hardships and yet persevered in love for each other and for their child. May we all value and nurture the relationships of family that are so important to our lives as Catholic people. Although I am writing this nine days before Christmas, I hope all of you had a very blessed Christmas with your loved ones. Often in the weeks after Christmas we hear the wish that the spirit of Christmas could continue. While the magic of Christmas can fade quickly in our return to the normal, hectic pace of life, living the spirit of Christmas remains Jesus’ challenge to each one of us. As we come to the new year, a traditional time for resolutions, let me suggest two for your consideration as ways to continue the spirit of Christmas. First, resolve to do something specific to continue the work of Christmas in your family or with those closest to you. Perhaps resolve to reach out to someone for whom you feel separated, or to offer love to someone who is hurting, or simply to be committed to saying often to one another what God says to us all at Christmas, “I love you, you are valued.” Second, resolve to consider how you might do the work of Christmas, the work of love, in this community - in our parish or in your neighborhood. While we may be a bit tired out by the pace of the holidays, none of us like to see the brightness of the Christmas season end. The spirit of the season will remain alive as long as we seek to do the work of Christmas. I invite you to join us to welcome the New Year at our Masses celebrating the feast of Mary, Mother of God. Our Masses include the 5 PM on New Year’s Eve and 8:30 AM and 11:30 AM Masses in English and a 10 AM Mass in Polish on New Year’s Day. May God bless you and your loved ones. Fr. Jay Mass to Welcome Archbishop Blase Cupich The faithful of Vicariate V (our area of the Archdiocese) are invited to welcome Archbishop Blase Cupich as the new Shepherd for the Archdiocese of Chicago at a special Mass on Thursday, January 8, 2015, at 7 PM at St. Rita High School, 77 th and Western Avenue in Chicago. Because seating is very limited, leaders of parishes, high schools, religious orders, and other Vicariate Catholic institutions are being issued a specific number of tickets and parking passes to distribute. We will receive our allotment of tickets this week. The diversity of the 61 parishes and missions along with our six Catholic high schools and other institutions will be represented. If you wish to attend, please call the parish office (708-342-2400) by Monday, January 5. If we do not have enough tickets for those who wish to attend, we will have a lottery for the tickets. Whether you are at the Mass or at home, please join in prayer as we ask our heavenly Father to bless our Archbishop as he serves as the leader of the Archdiocese of Chicago. New Year’s Mass Schedule Thursday, New Years Day, is the Feast of Mary, Mother of God, a Holy Day of obligation. Masses will be at 5pm on Wednesday, New Years Eve, 8:30am and 11:30am in English and 10am in Polish on New Years Day. December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Pastoral Ministries Contact Deacon Ken Zawadzki Pastoral Ministry Director Phone: 708.342.2400 Ext. 136 Email: Donating to St. Vincent de Paul has become easier through our new ONLINE GIVING. Go to and click on the ONLINE GIVING logo to the left of the screen to register and make your donation. Thank you from our St. Vincent de Paul Society. If you or a parishioner close to you is in need, please contact SVdP at 708-342-2400 ext.205. A representative will return your call as soon as possible to arrange a confidential conversation. Confidentiality and Compassion are cornerstones of our ministry Today as we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we contemplate the hardships and fears they faced as they journeyed to Egypt. In the month of December, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to help the poor and suffering to face their hardships/fears. P AGE 4 A few reflections on worry … Another New Year is approaching and sometimes we look ahead with optimism for what’s to come, while others look at it with anxiety. Anxiety pokes a hole in the bottom of the boat. If you don’t plug the hole, your spirit will sink. I have faced many problems and difficult situations in life, and have never found one that improved with worry. Worry only multiplies negative energy. Think about it for a moment. If you worry about something bad that doesn’t happen, you expend emotional energy needlessly. If you worry about something bad that DOES happen, you expend emotional energy twice — on both ends of the problem. Why not just let things unfold — and conserve your emotional energy until you actually have to deal with the bad situation? We cannot control most of what we worry about. This is our feeble attempt to manage the uncontrollable. If you can’t do something about it, then the issue is not a problem — it is a fact of life, no use fretting and stewing over something you cannot control. Worry is contagious. Verbalizing anxieties is like sneezing in the car — you pass the virus on to everyone around you. Pretty soon, everybody’s negative. Before spewing negative thoughts ask yourself if these are the kind of words you want to hear. If not, change the channel. You will receive whatever you dish out to others. Like dandelions, it’s best to nip worries at the first rising so they do not germinate and spread. Where worries multiply, joy decreases. It is impossible to be anxious-ridden and joyful at the same time. One always expels the other. There’s a good reason why Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow.” Every day has enough challenge without adding concerns about things that haven’t reached us yet. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t plan ahead. Thoughtful foresight increases the odds of a good outcome. The difference between planning ahead and worrying is the negative emotional energy. Are you stewing your way forward — or figuring it out positively? So let’s welcome the New Year with optimism and hope. Blessings, Deacon Ken Zawadzki St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Coming Soon to Orland Park! In January, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Chicago will open a new thrift store in Orland Park at 7010 West 159th Street (formerly Sears Hardware). Gently used clothing, shoes, housewares, home décor, books, furniture and much more can be found at reasonable prices in a clean and modern store featuring wide shopping aisles, enhanced lighting, and large department signage. St. Vincent de Paul is a non-profit organization. Your purchases, and donations may help prevent eviction; keep the heat and electric on, and food on the table for your neighbors in need. Our Orland Park location will have a powerful impact not only on the people that we work with directly, but also on the larger community as a whole; offering a low-cost, high quality shopping experience. Donations and volunteers are needed to help prepare the store for opening day. Please join us and call Thrift Stores Director Margaret Jones at 773.779.6700 to be a part of this exciting endeavor! Please visit our other thrift store locations at 9321 S. Western Avenue in Chicago and 1125 S. Milwaukee Avenue in Libertyville. To learn more about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Chicago, please visit December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph P AGE 5 St. Vincent De Paul Food Collection Next Saturday/Sunday, January 3 and 4, will be our monthly food collection for the St. Vincent De Paul Ministry to help support the Tinley Park food pantry. Non-perishable items such as breakfast cereal, pasta, pancake mixes, canned goods should be bagged and left in the church Narthex. Paper towels, toiletry paper, laundry detergent and cleaning supplies are always welcomed. St. Stephen Parish has created a section of the food pantry for gluten free foods. Please mark your bag “gluten free items” if you include those in your donations. Please help our parishioners in need and thank you Please label your bag if it’s GLUTEN FREE !! so much for your continued generosity and support . 2015 Golden Opportunities Coupon Book We are again offering the New 2015 Golden Opportunities coupon book for only $25. It has hundreds of discounts at numerous local merchants that you shop at everyday. Please stop by the Parish Office to view a sample or to purchase this great gift that you can begin to use immediately. We only have 2 left! YEAR END tax statements for 2014 For all those who requested a tax statement last year or who automatically received a statement due to IRS regulations last year, a statement will be mailed to you by the end of January, 2015. There is no need to call or email the parish office. For those who did not request a statement last year, please contact the parish office at 708-342-2400 or email (put 2014 tax letter requested in the subject line). We will mail the statements out on a weekly basis. Thank you and God Bless….Karen Opyd YEAR END CONTRIBUTIONS Due to IRS Regulations, all contributions received through Wednesday, December 31 are recorded as a 2014 contribution. Contributions made at Masses on Thursday, January 1 are required by law to be recorded as a 2015 contribution regardless of the type of envelope used or the date written on the check. If a contribution dated in December is mailed to the parish office and is postmarked on or before December 31, it is recorded as a 2014 contribution. However, all contributions delivered to the parish office in person or postmarked on or after January 1 must be recorded as a 2015 contribution. Therefore, even if a check is dated in December, 2014 but is mailed or delivered to the parish office in January, that contribution must be recorded as a 2015 contribution. It is recommended that mailed contributions be delivered to the Post Office no later than Friday, December 26 since there may be limited postal service on December 31. We are grateful for all your donations and want to thank you for your generosity. Serving God’s Word to Those Who Have Served As Americans and parishioners of St. Stephen, we pray for our troops every week for their success and protection and for their recovery from any wounds, physical or emotional, that they have received from their service, no matter which conflict they have served in. You must be committed to the health of our veterans. We can help all servicemen and women who have difficulty transitioning to civilian life. I am a life member of the United States Marine Corps League and the V.F.W. I am also a member of the VA Medical Care. If you are a veteran, know a veteran or are a family member of a veteran having difficulty transitioning to civilian life or needs VA care or simply someone to talk to, please consider giving me a call at the parish office at 708-342-2400. We continue committed to the soldiers who have served our nation and have preserved the freedom we enjoy. Blessings ! Deacon Pete Van Merkestyn Military Corner Please pray for our Military men and women on a daily basis for their safe return. Capt. Anthony J. Cesaro Major Vincent Cesaro 1st Lt. Michael Chimienti Lt. Amanda Griffith Lcpl. Evan Grober Capt. Michael Gryczka Sgt. Joseph Malone Capt. Christopher Mazurek Sgt. Dominic Messina Tsgt. Laura Langley Ssgt. Carl Langley PFC Matthew O'Boyle Capt. Thomas Pierczynski Tsgt. Stephen Vlaming LCDR Marilyn Walsh Major Thomas Walsh December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph P AGE 6 Donations Needed for CONFIRMATION SERVICE PROJECT St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr Religious Education Program and Cardinal Bernardin School - 7th Graders are preparing for a service project to benefit PADS, and Illinois Veterans Home-Manteno, St. Leo Campus for Veterans ( 7750 S. Emerald, Chicago, IL). This project will involve the gathering of travel size toiletries and other easily carried personal essentials for the guests at the listed locations. Most items can be purchased for a dollar at the Dollar Store, Walgreens and Target, etc. The list below shows some of the items we gathered last year in a similar and very successfully rewarding project. Once gathered, the 7th grade students will meet in February to package the items for delivery by Deacon Bill and Pete. If there are any questions, please call the Religious Ed Office at 708-342-1544. You don’t need to have a 7th grader to donate and we don’t expect each giver to provide all the items on the list. Any amount you are able to donate will be greatly appreciated. Please bring the items in a bag marked “Service project” and leave them in the narthex during the month of January after Mass. We would like to make at least 75 bags for the project. Our children will meet on February 8th to sort and package the items for delivery. Necessity (travel size) Hand sanitizer Bottled water Toothpaste/brushes Face and hand moisturizer Small packages of Kleenex Comb Deodorant bar soap Lip balm Life saver candy Small packages of cheese & crackers Baby powder Safety razor Zip lock bags to carry items Optional socks gloves stocking hats Rain poncho McDonalds Gift Cards Income for Life for you. … Benefit for the future of our parish A charitable gift annuity is an extraordinary way to make a gift, increase your income and slice your tax bill—all in one transaction ! The Archdiocese of Chicago’s charitable gift annuity program was created as a service to our parishioners who have expressed a desire to make a gift of significance while still retaining income from the gift during their lives. A Charitable gift annuity provides: Income for Life – at attractive payout rates; Tax Deduction Savings – a large part of what you donate is deductible charitable gift; Tax free Payout – a significant portion of your payments is tax-free; Personal Satisfaction – knowing that your gift will benefit the Church for years to come. Gift annuity rates are determined by the age of the person or persons who receive the income payment. Please call Patti Condon in the Archdiocesan Office of Stewardship and Development at 312-534-7911; she would be happy to discuss your gift in greater detail and send you a free gift illustration. Hearing Assistance System Our church is equipped with a Williams Sound hearing assistance system. Tied into our sound system, the system has four receivers that can help those with hearing difficulties. Receivers are available form the ushers; please return them to the ushers after Mass. The receivers are battery operated. If the battery is low, please ask an usher to contact one of our staff. The system also has two neck loops designed to work with the hearing aid equipped with a telephone coil (T-Switch). These neck loops are also available from the ushers. We have been told by the installing company that some people may want to purchase a receiver for their personal use. If you are interested in purchasing a receiver, please contact Fr. Jay. December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph P AGE 7 St. Stephen’s Next Two Social and Fundraising Events! Mark Your Calendars and Come Join Us! Trivia Night Want to put your knowledge to the test? Then join us for our St. Stephen’s Trivia Night on Saturday, January 10, at 6:30 PM. Bring your own food, socialize with fellow parishioners, and rack your brain over various categories of trivia. Cost is $80 per table (8 per table). 12 tables are available. If you do not have a full table, contact the parish office (708-342 2400) and someone will contact you. You can sign up at the parish office. After “HO HO HO” COMES “HA HA HA” Get rid of the mid-winter blues with a tasty dinner and a lot of laughs! Saturday, February 7, 2015 at the Orland Chateau 14500 S. LaGrange, Orland Park Doors open at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm, Show at 8:30pm Hosted by St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr Parish And Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School Fourth Annual Comedy Night Fundraiser Gather your family and friends for an evening of laughter, great food and FUN on Saturday, February 7 for the Fourth Annual Comedy Night Fundraiser at the Orland Chateau in Orland Park. The event will feature Bill Brady’s Comedy Capers Show...featuring the talents of Bill Brady, John DaCosse, Bill Gorgo. Tickets are $40 which includes dinner and the show. For more information, call 708-342-2400. Four Winds Casino St. Stephen Seniors, “Young @ Heart” will sponsor a trip to Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo Michigan on Thursday, February 12, 2015. All parishioners are welcome to join us. Cost is $35 per person which includes bus transportation, $15 in slot credit and $10 food credit. Bus will depart from St. Stephens’s parking lot at 9am and return at 4pm. You may purchase tickets by contacting Joan Kapala at 815-534-5111. St. Christopher Music Ministry’s Christmas Concert Celebrate the Holiday Season at the St. Christopher Music Ministry’s Christmas Concert-“HERALDS OF JOY” on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 at 7:00pm at St. Christopher Church, 147th and Keeler in Midlothian. Sit back and enjoy the sounds of our Chamber Orchestra, Children's Choir, Living Stones High School Choir and Adult Choirs as they perform Christmas favorites. Free-will offering and reception following concert. Marist High School Marist High School’s entrance exam for current eighth grade students will take place on Saturday, January 10, 2015. Students should arrive at 8:00 a.m. and enter through the gym doors, located on the east end of the school. There is a $25 test fee. The school will also hold a “Meet Marist” event on Friday, January 9, 2015, from 6:30 to 8pm. This event offers an abbreviated look at the school, but still includes all the highlights of the campus. For additional information, contact Alex Brown at 773-8815330. Celebrating more than 50 years of excellence, Marist High School, 4200 W. 115th Street, Chicago. Mother McAuley Mother McAuley congratulates the St. Stephen Deacon and Martyr alumna who was named an Illinois State Scholar: Suzanne Dwyer December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph P AGE 8 Living every day with PASSION AND PURPOSE Are you thriving or just surviving? Are you ready for more energy? A deeper sense of purpose? More joy? A clearer understanding of God’s plan for your life? Join us for one of our Passion and Purpose Live events. It’s not your typical church event! It has been a life-changing event for tens of thousands of people. Living Every Day with Passion and Purpose Live is presented by internationally acclaimed speaker and author Matthew Kelly and the incredibly talented musician Eliot Morris. About Eliot Morris Eliot Morris is an acclaimed singer song writer who has toured with the Counting Crows, John Mayer and James Taylor. He is best known for his albums “What’s Mine is Yours” and “All Things in Time”, which includes the hit “UP from the Bottom”. Matthew Kelly’s presentation will be at St. Stephen Church on Saturday, May 2, 2015, at 7pm. The presentation is cosponsored by St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Francis of Assisi, St. George, St. Julie Billiart and St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr parishes. Tickets are $39. Make checks payable to “Dynamic Catholic.” All proceeds go to support the work of Dynamic Catholic. Tickets are available in the parish office. Save the Date… Thy Kingdom Come… March 21 & 22, 2015… St. Stephen’s Church Thy Will Be Done on Earth… only if YOU are there! Kingdom is a two-day spiritual renewal that is open to anyone 18 years of age or older (no overnight). (Single, married, divorced, separated or widowed). Come alone or bring a friend and discover GOD working in your everyday life. More information and registration forms will be in the bulletin starting in January. It is a weekend of Faith, Friendship, Fun and Food! Please mark your calendars for Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22, 2015. “…The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 3:2 Relevant radio Are you looking for a sign that God loves you? Here it is! Tune in daily to hear the breadth and length and height and depth of His love for you. Chicago 950AM, Chicago West 930AM, NW Indiana 1270AM (Listen online at December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph P AGE 9 Teens Growing in Faith Upcoming Events T.G.I.F. If you are interested in more information about the Youth Ministry, please contact Karen Dillon at: 708-342-2400, ext. 149 or at Teens 7th grade through high school are invited to teen activities the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month following the 6:15 pm mass from 7-9 pm! Come help us plan our activities for the year! Give your input on decorating and what we need in the new teen room! Co-ed volleyball team We will be forming a team with St. Elizabeth Seton and playing in January & February on Sundays against other area churches. This is a fun league and no experience is necessary. Cost is $35 and will include a team t-shirt. If you are interested in joining our team, please call or text Youth Minister, Karen Dillon at 708-560-4659 so that a registration form can be sent to you. ** COMING IN JANUARY: SIGN UP FOR SPEAKING & NON SPEAKING ROLES FOR THE LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS. SAVE THE D A T E! OPEN HOUSE COME AND VISIT YOUR PARISH SCHOOL! Pre-K (3- and 4-year old) through 8th Grade Sunday, January 25, 2015 1:00pm -- 3:00pm 3- and 4-year old Pre-K (full day and half day) Presentation at 1:15pm Kindergarten (full day) Presentation at 1:45pm Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School 9250 West 167th Street, Orland Hills, IL 60487 We are a Nationally Recognized Blue Ribbon School of Excellence For more information, visit or email Cynthia Devlin at or telephone 708-403-6525, extension 127 Moms and Tots Join us at Moms and Tots! Moms and Tots is a casual playgroup that meets on Tuesdays between 9:30 and 11am. It is a fun free way to get out with your little one(s). New moms, dads, tots, and babies are always welcome! We meet in the church, Room 158. We hope to see you there! If you have any questions feel free to contact Julie or(708)299-9404. December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph P AGE 10 Welcome to the Marriage Center Banns III Jason Frieri & Heather Wehmer St. Stephen’s Respect Life Ministry “You are called to stand up for life!” -Pope John Paul II St. Stephen’s Respect Life Ministry gathers for prayer and planning on the 3rd Wednesday each month in room 125 of the parish office. The Respect Life Ministry focus is upon dignity of life issues. Our goal is to make concerns known, educate our faith community on the particulars, and provide support and assistance for Catholic life concerns through prayer and action. If you have any questions please contact Deacon Bill Schultz at the parish office. PRO-LIFE HOLY HOUR You are invited to a Pro-Life Holy Hour on Friday, January 2nd at 7:00pm in St. George Church (6707 W. 175th Street in Tinley Park). We will pray before the Blessed Sacrament for true respect for all human life from conception to natural death. Please come to pray that our nation will be converted to a culture of life. Infant Jesus of Prague Prayer Group Infant Jesus of Prague prayer group invites you to a Healing Service & Mass on the First Monday of every Month at 7:30pm. Wheel chair accessible. Infant Jesus of Prague Church is located at Flossmoor Rd. & Leavitt Ave. in Flossmoor, IL. For more information, call Bettyann Hall 708-799-1234 December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph P AGE 11 Informacje Dotyczące Duszpasterstwa w Parafii Sw. Śzczepana -Po bliższe imformajce proszę dzwonić do biura parafialnego pod numer 1(708) 342- 2400 wew 137 Znak Miłości. Znak Posłuszeństwa Nasze życie przemija niemiłosiernie szybko, jedne wydarzenia gonią następne. Życie nasze koncentruje się na sprawach przyziemnych i tylko czasami mamy możliwość – jak przy okazji Świąt, które właśnie przeminęły – usiąść w gronie rodziny, bliskich i porozmawiać, uśmiechnąć się wzajemnie do siebie, do naszych dzieci, rodziców, dziadków. Uśmiech i serdeczność to „towary” bezcenne, za wszystko inne możesz zapłacić kartą. A jednak czasami trudno jest nam zdobyć się na tę serdeczność, miłość synowską, ojcowską, matczyną. Dlatego tak ważnym jest, abyśmy pamiętali o takich drobiazgach, jakimi są uśmiech, pogłaskanie po główce, przytulenie. Dbając o swoją rodzinę dbamy o nasz rodzinny Kościół, o wiarę, o miłość. Syn Boży przychodząc na świat włączył się jak wszyscy ludzie w grono rodzinne. Rodzina Jego żyła w pokorze i w prostocie, zewnętrznie nie różniąc się od innych rodzin. Ale – jak wiemy z Ewangelii – była to Rodzina całkiem wyjątkowa, Jej duchowe oblicze było niezwykłe. W tym domu nazaretańskim Bóg był zawsze na pierwszym miejscu, na wszystko patrzyło się w świetle Bożym. Najbardziej twarde i przykre koleje życia nie zakłócały tam pokoju, bo cierpienia były przyjmowane w głębokim duchu wiary, w przekonaniu, że każda okoliczność jest wypełnianiem planu Bożego, nawet, gdy się go nie rozumiało. Wypełnianie woli Bożej było celem i kierunkiem życia całej Rodziny. Kościół stawia nam Świętą Rodzinę jako wzór życia każdej rodziny chrześcijańskiej. Ojcostwo Józefa zaś, (wprawdzie przybrane) jest trochę niedoceniane. Jak to się stało, że święty Józef równie bogobojny, jak sprawiedliwy, uczciwy i rzetelny, mimo strachu przed prawem stał się Ojcem ziemskim dla Syna Bożego? Dlaczego ten wspaniały mąż, rzemieślnik również odpowiedział Bogu Fiat? Zgodnie z prawem, które wtedy obowiązywało, mąż, który stwierdził, że poślubił kobietę, która była brzemienna, miał prawo oddalić ją od siebie, więcej – mógł domagać się od jej rodziców zadośćuczynienia, a prawo nakazywało jej ukamienowanie. Oczywistym przecież jest, że to Bóg Ojciec za sprawą Ducha Świętego spowodował, że Maryja Panna stała się brzemienną. Że porodziła Syna Bożego, odpowiadając Bogu Fiat – Niech się stanie Twoja wola, co było zapowiadane od wieków przez proroków. Ale dzisiaj w obliczu Święta Świętej Rodziny, pamiętajmy o jej Macierzyństwie, które to wspominać będziemy w najbliższą niedzielę. Wracając do Liturgii na dzień dzisiejszy, posłuchajmy co nam przekazuje Święty Paweł, pisząc do Kolosan, i jaką przesyła do nas ważną informację: „Jako więc wybrańcy Boży – święci i umiłowani – obleczcie się w serdeczne miłosierdzie, dobroć, pokorę, cichość, cierpliwość, znosząc jedni drugich i wybaczając sobie nawzajem, jeśliby miał ktoś zarzut przeciw drugiemu: jak Pan wybaczył wam, tak i wy!”( Kol 3,12-14). Musimy sobie zdawać sprawę z tego, iż miłość to doskonałość, a całe dobro czynione przez nas dla naszych bliskich, żony, męża i dzieci, to dobro czynione w imię Jezusa. Jego słowa to jakby kwintesencja dzisiejszego święta: „Żony bądźcie poddane mężom, jak przystało w Panu. Mężowie, miłujcie żony i nie bądźcie dla nich przykrymi! Dzieci, bądźcie posłuszne rodzicom we wszystkim, bo to jest miłe w Panu. Ojcowie, nie rozdrażniajcie waszych dzieci, aby nie traciły ducha.” (Kol 3,18-21). Może potraktujemy to jako nasze motto? Przestrzeganie, bowiem takich zasad życia rodzinnego prowadzi do wspólnej harmonii, zgody i wzajemnej miłości. Przestrzeganie Prawa Bożego skłania dzieci do poszanowania rodziców, rodziców do wzajemnej miłości i zrozumienia, oraz do życzliwości dla dzieci i do wychowywania ich według Praw Bożych. Czytania biblijne dzisiejszego dnia podkreślają wartość takich wzajemnych odniesień. Poszerzają spojrzenie na czwarte przykazanie dając wiele wskazówek, które powinniśmy rozważać w czasie modlitwy. Święty Paweł w Liście do Kolosan podaje nam cechy wzajemnej miłości, która prowadzi do prawdziwej jedności serc i do doskonałej więzi rodzinnej. W Liście tym odnajdujemy bogate i żarliwe życzenia skierowane do wszystkich rodzin, życzenia mówiące tak wiele: „Sercami waszymi niech rządzi pokój Chrystusowy...”(Kol 13,15). Pokój jest znakiem miłości, jest dobrem ludzkich serc. Jest oparciem dla codziennego trudu. Jest oparciem, jakie znajdują w sobie żona i mąż i jakie dzieci znajdują w swych rodzicach, a rodzice w dzieciach. Wszystko można pokonać i wszystko można znieść, kiedy rodzinę łączy miłość, natomiast, gdy jej brak wszystko staje się ogromnie ciężkie. Święty Łukasz w Ewangelii poucza nas, jak mamy dbać o wiarę naszych dzieci, naszych wnuków czy dzieci chrzestnych, jak prowadzić je drogą wiary i Chrystusa. Uczy nas, jak oczekiwać dobra i miłości i jak dziękować Bogu za spełnione życie, pokazując nam Symeona, który takimi słowami dziękuje Panu: „Teraz, o Władco, pozwól odejść słudze Twemu w pokoju, według Twojego słowa. Bo moje oczy ujrzały Twoje zbawienie, któreś przygotował wobec wszystkich narodów: światło na oświecenie pogan i chwałę ludu Twego, Izraela.” (Łk 2,29-32). Dużo, bardzo dużo dzisiaj o nas, o rodzinie, o dzieciach, ale i o grzechach, miłosierdziu, wreszcie o chwale. „BOŻE, OJCZE WSZYSTKICH, TY dałeś nam Świętą Rodzinę z Nazaretu jako wzór życia, spraw, abyśmy złączeni węzłem miłości jaśnieli w naszych domach tymi samymi cnotami i doszli do wiecznej radości w Twoim domu”. December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph P AGE 12 Sun 12-28 Baby Nursing #153 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Babysitting #158 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Parish Registration LMR | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Baptism Mon 12-29 No RE Tues 12-30 No RE 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Moms & Tots #158 7:30 PM Highlanders #171,172,173,174 | 7:30 PM Rosary Daily Chapel Wed 12-31 New Years's Eve No RE |Parish & RE Offices Closed at Noon 5:00 PM Mass of Anticipation for Holy Mother of God Thurs 01-01 New Years's Day Parish & RE Offices Closed Holy Mother of God Masses 8:30am (English), 10am (Polish), 11:30am (English) Fri 01-02 8:45 AM - 10:00 AM Scripture Study #126 6:30 PM 1st Fri Mass (Polish) Church Sat 01-03 Baby Nursing #153 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Taking Care of the Woman's Spirit #167 7:00 PM 1st Sat Mass (Polish) Church Baby Nursing #153 10:00 AM 1st Grade Mass Church 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Babysitting #158 10:00 AM Growing with God #162/163/164/165/166/167 Sun 01-04 1/4 Lector 5:00 PM Witry,Ryan Ceballos,William Eucharistic Houlihan,Annette Jefferies,Michelle Smith,Patrick Bodinet,Nicole Bodinet,Rachel Grady,Jim Grady,Roberta Genardo,Patricia Barnes,Joe Barnes,Mary Baste,Choleen Baste,Chona Altar Collins,Cian Corning,Karoline Gilbert,Madison Celebrant Deacons Dcn Bill E. Greeters Flo Simosky Joan Beck Geraldine Casey Peg Schmidt 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM Bellettiere,Sam Fornek,Carol Ann Reidy,Brian Flanagan,Jane Gillespie,Donna Reidy,Elizabeth Erzinger,Ruth Gorcowski,Kimberly Labriola,Daniela Conlin,Cathy Slechter,Ed Richerme,Dolores Anderson,Mary Kay Benkowski,Lisa Steele,Tammy Connolly,Bill Hill,Rosemary Lima,Clare Connolly,Marie Hildebrandt,Walter Davidson,Jacqueline Smajo,Jonathan Crane,Sally Cotrano, Pauline Smajo,Geri Albee,Dawn Labriola,Sue Smajo,Nicholas Koney,Patricia Labriola,Lawrence Guglielmo,Anne Dobersztyn,Joe Brouch,John Dobersztyn,Grace Miguel,Ihidia Lindenmeyer,Elaine Werr,Mary Vaitkus,Charlotte Snyder, Larry Conover,John Augustyniak,Peter Conover,Dominic Bugos,Molly Keating,Patrick Guzman,Nico 11:30 AM Packert,Lynn Bugos,Kevin Hughes,James Voltolina,Jeanette Brennan,Mike Lingle,Karen Kolloway,Mike Tierney,Abigail Knawa,Kathy Sullivan,Janet Gamino,Theresa Novotny,Deborah Robison,Anne Mangan,Melissa Herrmann,Ashley Luczak,Joey Bugos,Kevin Dcn Pete Dcn Joe B. J. Witry Charlene Mueller Rose Romano Natalie Sims Dcn Pete Kathy Stephens Jim Stephens Mike Tyrrell Eileen Tyrrell Dcn Joe Barb Ridge Bob Ridge John&Mike Vasek Patricia Vasek 1PM Luczak,Longin Wilk,Kazimierz Kwiatkowski,S. Boblak,Andrej Kita,Barbara Fr Greg Sun 12-28 Team #2 Sun 1-4 Team #3 December 28, 2014 12/28 7:00am 8:30am 10:00am 11:30am 1:00pm 6:15pm 12/29 8:00am 12/30 8:00am 12/31 8:00am 5:00pm 1/1 8:30am 10:00am 11:30am 1/2 8:00am 1/3 8:00am 5:00pm 1/4 7:00am 8:30am 10:00am 11:30am 1:00pm 6:15pm The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Sunday For the People Al Mazeikis Peter Aldeza Jeanne Tierney Maury Kane William Donegan Lawrence Menconi Margaret Devine Za Dusze W. Czyscu Cierpiace Marion Kmiecik Sharon Farrell Edmund Karpinski Monday Frances C. Peca C. Thomas & Harriet Wojcik Tuesday Lori Barvitz Thanksgiving for the Sumera Family Wednesday New Year’s Eve Alex Cowdery Edwin Wojcik Jim Dwyer Gabriella Maria Wittke John & Kunegunda Cwekala & Stanislaw & Jadwiga Opyd Thursday New Year’s Day Mary Hildebrandt S. Charley Layman Polish Frank Cotrano Max Rickman Friday Gabriel L. Sakakeeny Roger Johnson, Sr. Joseph Vetrih Saturday Toni Twarok Salvation Dometita Florence & Joseph Ogarek Steve & Joe Yanko Joanna Mathes Eileen Hennessy Robert Hnillo John Przybylski Sunday For the People Victor & Bernadette Pager Stanley Wasag Tessie Ramos Jim Brody Maurice Kane Jack Hughes Rachel Marie Lullo Za Dusze W. Czyscu Cierpiace Int. of Healing Jacob Smith Paula McMullen Int. of Colleen & Bill Grogan P AGE 13 Pray for Our Sick The Family The Family Gerald & Mary Jeanne Pazin The Family Elizabeth Donegan Judy Menconi Rosalie McGlynn The Family Pat Malone M/M Ronald Maeder Dolores F. Michalski The Orawiec Family Toni Twarok Grandma & Grandpa The Orawiec Family Donna Kurban Mom and Dad Grandchildren The Family Carol Fornek Pauline Cotrano June Lucas Adult Altar Servers Emily Johnson The Family Young At Heart The Family Anna Plecki The Family John & Ida DeJohn Bridget Boyle The Oropez Family Dianne Przybylski June Lucas The Family Edgar & Levie Dometita Barb O'Connell The Family Dcn Pete & Jan Van Merkestyn Tina Lullo Annette & Theresa Dcn Pete & Jan Van Merkestyn Bill & Arlene Beavan Mike Abramowicz Albert Agresti Kristen Baldyga Julie Barth Josephine Basie Arlene Beavan Augustina Braccolino Frank Braccolino Kathie Brosius Tammy Burns William Callahan Raymond Callahan John Czerniak Janice Dorff Joe Dorff John Drahos Cardinal George Caroline Grady Fran Grousnick Marion Kummer Lillian Kurzawski Ed Malone Nathan Parry Carmen Pignatiello Anna Plecki Judy Ratkovic Kevin Renderman Betty Ruzich Terry Ryan Mary Lou Schoettler Nicole Siedschlag Rachel Swallow Joseph Tierney Ruth Ann Tomaszeski Alex Udaykee Jane Van Duch MaryBeth Vasquez Maeve Walsh Kelly Weiss And for all for whom our parish is asked to pray To help keep the list of names read at Mass and placed in the bulletin accurate and current, we will keep the name of a non-parishioner who is an immediate family member of our parishioner on the list at Mass for two weeks and in the bulletin for two weeks. For a parishioner, we will keep the name on the list at Mass for four weeks and in the bulletin for 60 days. We ask that an immediate family member call after 4 weeks if you wish to have the name continued to be read at Mass. Pray for Our Deceased Rosemary Farkas Kay Gibbons Frederick Skowron Weekly Readings Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3/Col 3:12-21 1 Jn 2:3-11/Lk 2:22-35 1 Jn 2:12-17/Lk 2:36-40 1 Jn 2:18-21/Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21 1 Jn 2:22-28/Jn 1:19-28 1 Jn 2:29—3:6/Jn 1:29-34 Welcome to Our Newly Baptized None AN OFFER FROM NANCY’S PIZZA P AGE 14 Nancy’s Pizza at 171st Street and 80th Avenue (in the Family Dollar Plaza) is making an offer to St. Stephen Parishioners. On any Monday through Wednesday, present this coupon and 20% of the pre-tax amount (10% if a discount coupon is used) will be donated to the St. Stephen Parish Center Fund. You can enjoy a pizza and support our parish. Nancy’s Pizza’s number is 708-614-6100. Nancy’s Pizza and St. Stephen Pizza Coupon 20% of the pre-tax amount (10% if a discount coupon is used) to be donated to the St. Stephen Parish Center Fund on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays! Phone:_______________________________________ E a r n $$$$ f or S t. S te p h e n ’s Pa r i s h! !! Have lunch or dinner at Gatto's on the 2nd or 4th Wednesday of the month and help in raising funds for St. Stephen’s parish. The parish will receive 15% of the before tax cost of your meal. Please present this coupon to your server or ask your server to write St. Stephen's Men's Club on your bill. This applies to Dine-in or Carryout!! Gatto’s Restaurant & Bar Present this coupon to your server St. Stephen’s Men’s Club Dine-In or Carryout 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month 15% Donation (before Tax) AN OFFER FROM tony’s villa rosa PIZZA & catering Tony’s Villa Rosa Pizza & Catering at 7717 St. Francis Road is making an offer to St. Stephen Parishioners. Present this coupon and 15% of the pre-tax amount (on pick-up or delivery) of pizzas and catering, will be donated to the St. Stephen Parish Center Fund. You can enjoy delicious Italian food and support our parish at the same time. Tony’s Villa Rosa Pizza & Catering’s number is 815-464-6700 or you can go to their website at They will deliver up to 159th Street. Tony’s Villa Rosa Pizza & Catering and St. Stephen Coupon 15% of the pre-tax amount (on pick-up or delivery) of pizzas and catering will be donated to the St. Stephen Parish Center Phone:_______________________________________
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