Tt4PoRTANT # I BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED [A Govemment of India Enterprise] tu$sHnmir r'u, CORPORATE OFFICE : PERSONNEL BRANCH 4ft Floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-l10001 No.45I-3gl2ol4-Pers(Dpcll Tol I 27 Dated 2q Dec ,2014 All Heads of Telecom Circles & Other Administrative Units of BgNL of,ACRs/AP,rA,Rs /VC end do,cume+ts fequirF -RCs. Despite repeated requests for the ACRs/ApARs/VCs and other docurrtents mentioned in annexure A,B,C&D in regard to promotion to the grade of DE(T)/AGM on regular basis ,the circle oflices concerned have not sent; till date. Though the offrcers fall in the zone of consideration for promotion, the cases are being kept pending for want of particulars mentioned in annexures. In this connection, it is directed to follow the below- 1. If any ACR/part ACR/APAR is missing ,the certificate for non - availability with reason may be sent along with the previous year ACR/APAR. 2. Current status of absorption of oflicers mentioned in alnexure- D,if any officer is absorbed then the tabulation sheet signed by the DGM(Admn)/Equivalent officer along with AcRs/ApARs from 2004-OS to 2OIL'L2 rr.;ay be sent to this office. 3. The CGMs of concerned circle may direct their vigilance officer to send the vigilance clearance on requisite date as mentioned in annexure-A,B & c to cvo ,BSNL co,New Delhi.The same may be ensured by them. The requisite ACRs/ApARs/vcs and documents may be sent to this oflice immediately for f /nla. This may be treated as Most urgent. Encl:- Annexure-A,B,C& D t @,n\ (Deepak Agrawal) Addl.GM(Pers.) Tele: 23O376t57 / FAIX:23326546 .€r \A -a"lrar\-F4 LSte ANNEXURE - A 5T. NO. HR Pkg lAME DOB Circle ur^ rq r'C 198117005 M.S. JOSHT T2 1955 9 RAJ required- particulars may ce sent to CVO of period 01.04.06 to 29.06.06 (2) APAR of &1OLI-I2 (3)Copy of any communication 2009-10 t4324 rV-rg Documents/ACRs/APARs required (1)ACR 1 I aboutthe below bench mark gradings in 2006-07 & intimate this 2007-08 3ftm& office. Not Applicable 2 3 4 30836 32087 32LL2 L98204745 L9770t673 I982L0s29 BINOD KUMAR 2 9 SINGH GUDE VENKATA RAO 13 5 195s (I)ACR of period 01.02.05 to GUJ 5 VC as on 05.08.14 & from 2009-10 to 20t]-t2 32169 L982t3Lt2 K.N. MANJUNATHA 9 5 32t72 198210709 RAJVEER SINGH 15 7 1958 NE.I A K DHUDANI 14153 l 30829 r97706773 Smt M SLUMBA 198004651 { 4 27 N VERMA 10 198218485 KUMAR 2QLL-L2 06.08.14 & current from 2009-10 to z0tl-L2.. of 2009-10 to 201t-12 VC as on 06.08.14 & current VC as on 06.08.14 & current APARs 5 L957 GUJ (1)Details about disciplinarycase, its proceedings/ conclusion, issuance of penalty, its date of completion,etc, ifany. (2)ACRs of 2005-07& APAR o' VC as on 06.08.14 & current 2009-10, 10 L957 11 1956 UPW BSNL t.) |(}4rt\iu 'cJ^1Atr't' coc ApARs O&.r\, d,'i K)V'.4N U4, .U PTrse*$ N*^AAo4- 4 l:e. I&;h 4.^b E t-..4 u 4^a, +^44. of 2009_10 to 20II-12 [rC as on 06.08.14 & current Details about disciplinarycase, its proceedings/ 13 11 19074 198207387 RKRAM L2 7 1956 UPE t2 30238 198007213 )HARMENDRA (UMAR JAIN 7 7 19s8 UPW S.A. KRISHNA VC as on 1959 NTR 7 BHASKAR 13 31720 on 06.08.14 & current (1)Details about disciplinarycase, its proceedings/ conclusion, issuance of penalty, its date of completion,etc, ifany, and the suspension 19s9 UPW from4.11.10 as conveyed by AGTD letter dated 24.05.13 (2)ACRs from 2007-0&to 2008-09 and VIRENDRA t9072 VC as :ompletion,etc, ifany, . (2) ACR of 2005-06.(3)APAR APARs 10033 on 06.08.14 & current i1)Details about disciplinarycase, its proceedings/ :onclusion, issuance of penalty, its date of tf 6 y'C as (1)Details about disciplinarycase, its proceedings/ conclusion, issuance of penalty, its date of completion,etg ifany, and details of suspension on 1959 UPW 20.06.09 as m6ntioned in his APAR of 2009-10. (2) ACR of 2004-05 (3) APARs from 2009-10 to 2011L2 5 current 1955 AP APARs PRAMOD KUMAR 26 31.03.06 (2)APARS from 2009-10to2O7t-L2 t4 J' 8 conclusion, issuance of penalty, its date of completion,etc, ifany, ACR of 2008-09 and APARS of 2009-10 to 20!t-L2 Details about disciplinarycase, its proceedings/ conclusion, issuance of penalty, its date of completion,etc, ifany. VC as on 06.08.14 & current y'C as on 06.08.14 & current y'C as on 05.08.14 & current 1955 MH (1).ACR from 13.09.08 to 31.03.09 (2)Current status of the secret note placed in the ACR from 1.04.08 to 12.09.08 VC as on OO.Og.fa & current \6) ->\ertq*?'q LD?g * ll{l:|>ol9 ,L ANNEXURE - A sT. NO. lR 31575 797602887 Pkg NAME DOB 3ircle VC required- particulars may )ocu ments/ACRs/APARs required be sent to CVO rVV t4 NAGESWARA 10 10 1955 AP RAO 15 101500 197501108 L6 30911 198214151 ] DEENADAYAL lEDDY (.A.5RIDHARA 1 5 1955 AP 10 11 1959 KTK ) t7 /I 16s30 198100096 20 36285 t9800t224 9992 22 14990 L37T3 1956 VIH 1958 )B o 1958 AA GNANASEKAR.S 20 5 1959 rN M L SHARMA 28 1958 UKNC DHAMANIKAF 3 SURJIT SINGH 19 30640 23 on 06.08.14 & current y'C as on 05.08.14 & current y'C as on 06.08.14 & current VC as on 06.08.14 & current Details about disciplinarycase, its proceedings/ 18 16800 2t VC as 198107515 rs7s65t2t M. 2 conclusion, issuance of penalty, its date of completion,etc, ifany, GUNASEKARAN DHARAM VIR 11 7 SINGH R L MEENA 3 3 !J VC as on 06.08.14 & current VC as on 05.08.14 & current VC as on 06.08.14 & current y'C as on 06.08.14 & current 1958 UPW Reply to letter'BSNLCO No.451-31/2014/Pers. (DPC)/15 dated 17.11.14 asking the case history. Not Aoolicable 1955 VC as on 10.11.14 & current. RAJ Not Required \Of -9JEoru- $u,4uW.) 1^l- Annexure-B ^t^[6-lwL\ DOB iT. NO. sl. HRMS NO (dd/mm/yyw NAME Circle Docu ments/details/ACR/ APARS REQUIRED VC required may be sent to CVO office ) no l 30792 L982t2554 VITTALDAS SRIDHAR KAMATH 20 10 1959 KTK/MH APARs 10-11 required VC on 5.8.14 and current date are required 1 Reply to this office letter 33658 198208261 VINOD VERMA 15 05 1961 NTP dated 25.9.14 in regard to Communication of Not applicable gradings to the official is awaited from your office 4 6 32437 198207503 qNUP KUMAR IAIN 24 9 1950 UPE. 33223 198s04401 K.M. RAIGAR 18 7 19s8 RAJ nIL2 198301873 R.S. BAILKERI 10 07 1960 32633 198315020 L R NANDURDIKAR L4 30302 Barham Prakas 10 7 7 L957 58 7 8 9 1C L1 L2 13 377tO L37L6 30510 L02946 3L707 t3659 SIVAGAMA NE-II MH 7T STP 1 L2 55 AS T.V.ZADE 2 6 57 MH RAGHAW PRASAD 9 3 57 IKND MuktiNath Q Pegu SHIV SHANKAR GAIIR P.S RAWAT a VC on 6.8.14 and current r{rta aro ranr rirar{ available VC on 6.8.14 and current a{aia rra ranrrirar{ available VC on 6.8.14 and current datp arc rcnr rirpd available VC on 6.8.14 and current .{rfa ar6 ranr rirar{ 1.11.04 to 31.3.05 ,1.4.05 to 31.3.06, 1.4.06 BSNLCO to 31.3.07 & 1.4.07 to 29.7.07 are required 16 L2 (t tNnapt available 29 8 58 UPW 15 6 55 GUJ rvailable VC on 6.8.14 and current date are required As on current date On 1.12.10 and current available dala available VC as on 18.9.13 and 1.r rrranf r{rio VC as on 18.9.13 and available l^rrrrcni data available VC as on 18.9.13 and fr rrran{' r{r{'a VC as available Cr on 18.9.13 and rrroni r{alo LDp4 k 6l-24$olq-ts',) r,l- r.q )tVur! Annexure-C SL.NO 1 2 ;T. NO. HRMS NO 37527 198309924 37592 DOB lddlmm/.^^^l NAME Documents/details/ApARs VC required may be sent to CV6 required offirp 14 I 1961 BSNLCO APAR 10-11 required 31 08 1960 AP APARS 10-11,11-12 required DAHAL SINGH VC as on 6.8.14 and current date are reou!red ;ATYANARAYANA. 198301384 Circle VC as on 5.8.14 anJirrEnt aaifE reduired 3 4 35002 198506592 37563 R.P.PANDEY 198401768 20 P.K. TAILOR 07 UPE L962 7 1 Date ofjoining as SDE /absorption 1959 NTR detail with ACRSfrom 2007-08to VC as on 6.8.14 and current date are 2011-12 required required Reply to this office letter dated 25.9.14 in regard to Communication of gradings to the official is awaited VC as on 6.8.14 and . current date are required from your office 5 37826 SUBRAMANYA.A 6 37694 VIURUGAN V. 7 105374 04 10 1961 SHRI KRISHNA TN ALKS trom zooT _og ro 201,7_L2 redlrirFd Reply to this offtceGtter dtd 20 10 1A INSP VC as on 6.8.14 and current date are reouired Not applicable VC as on 6.8.14 and current date are 2007-08 to 2011-12 required - reouired Reply to this office letter dated 8 101982 197905317 ;U8HA M 11 9 102350 D.M.RAMTEKE 10 ro9237 K.NAGESWARA t 97901820 105261 t2 105280 13 105299 ;APNESWARA to62s4 TOSHAN I.AL l4 15 r09884 197806493 1956 CHTD 25.9.f4in regard to Communication 10 I.AXMAN LAL 4 6 1958 1956 4 AP BSNLCO 3.T. SONAWANE Not applicable of gradings to the official is awaited from your offhe @ 2007-08 to 2011-12 required RAO 11 12 1.4.10 to 29.7.tO and rpdt rira.l reouired cu;;t l;l;; on O.e.rC and APAR 1.4.10 TO 31.11.10 required reduired II-72 Not applicable VC as on 6.8.14 and 2007-08 to 2011-12 required current dat! are rFdr rirar{ 2007-08 to 2011-12 required VC as on 6.8.14 and current date are 2007-08 to 2011-12 required uC as on 6.8.14 and reorrired r'C as on 6.8.14 andiurent reouired 98007373 L6. .09887 r99475412 77 1984009954 ISoMESWAB lsoNowar 24 5 1960 AS 200748 to 2011-12 required 5 7 7977 MH documents requested vide lr dated z 7 1962 KRL Reply to this office letter dated S,SAGARE cunEntiiie diG are "r" /C as on 6.8.14 and current date are reouired MURALEE 36502.01 MOHANAN NAIR K r 18 19 20 35064.01 34/.70 t4624 198315971 198204310 197604s88 N /C as on 5.8.14 and . 24.72.74is required M PATEL 22 P. KOTESWARA RAN MD BADSHAH AI Ai, 5 1951 Tabulation sheet signed by DGM(Admn)/Equivalent to, with GUJ 'C from 2007-08 to 201,!-12 as requested vide lr dated 20.10.14 ACRs 1 07 1958 AP available r 9 1954 AS available current date are required as on 6.8.14 and current date are required VC as on 6.8.14 and current date are reouirpd I VC as on 6.8.14 and .uFr"nidatelE 2l 109519 t99ZOt922 RAJMOHAN TUDU 03 08 1969 ETP available reoilira.l VC as on 6.8.14 and current date are 22 34550 198306923 G.S. LINGANWAD 1 6 1958 MH available VC as on 6.8.14 and 198500487 SUDHIR KUMAR 10 3 1959 PB available current date are reduired VC as on 6.9.14 and currenldat-te are 23 ,4920 24 35484 reouired I L98204694 OM PRAKASH SRIVASTAV4 25 26 34943 ,7465 198204953 L98404647 SIBRAM RI.{ATTA'HAAVA SMT, PAGARE .HHAVA O tPnti.ed current date are 20 6 19S9 UPW available VC as on 6.8.14 and 09 01 t957 WB available VG as on 6,8.14 and 15 6 1963 MH available 2t 12 1958 MP APAR 11-12 is required current date are reouirpd VC as on 6.8.14 and current date are reorrired VC as on 6.8.14 and current date are rFd t rirarl ! 37565 DV S 28 14551 KOTA GANDHI 5 3 58 AP available rFdilira.l VC as on 6.8.14 and current date are CHINATHAMBI G 22 8 57 TN available VC as on 6.8.14 and current date are 19 07 963 UPE available VC as on 6.8.14 and current date are reor riror{ 29 30 reouired 34815 36813 Agnihotri 198703121 reorrired ].N. SINGH ..#' 1 \6\-nq grt\- l4^'4 LDtd x]- >u[t''b4l Annexure-D I M.D.CHAUDHARI DOB 6.1.56 Circle GUJ Status l4F&4. l Not absorbed 30500 V.PAI.ANIAPPAN 14.6.56 TN Not absorbed 3 15024 R.SHANKARAPRA 1.6.58 KTK Not absorbed 4 16848 HUSEIN.M.I 29.8.55 I,(TK Not absorbed 5 30486 DHULSHETTE 8.4.59 MH Not absorbed 6 33727 D.K.RA"IAK 23.1.59 BR Not absorbed 7 17655 S.T.SHIVARAMAJA 31.8.56 KTK Not absorbed MH Not absorbed SL.No. Name 1 19096 2 H 8 9 10 1l 1.3727 A.R.PAWAR 18.6.55 36436 PATEL B,S. L.7.58 CG 35719 B.M. KOLKI 13.7.61 MH NAGARAJSWAMY c 22.3.55 KTK l 10799 L2 1023i8 RAMACHANDRA B 27.5.55 KTK 13 105285 R.J. PAWAR 2.6.64 MH 105468 S.K.CHRISTIAN 4.7.56 RAJ 12.t2.69 MH I4 15 1 10031 .g SAINDANVISE S M Not absorbed Not absorbed Not absorbed Not absorbed Not absorbed Not absorbed Not absorbed 's*sb^Aq
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