North American Council on Adoptable Children Annual Report 2011 Programs & Services Founded in 1974, NACAC promotes and supports permanent families for children and youth in the U.S. and Canada who have been in care—especially those in foster care and those with special needs. This mission statement highlights NACAC’s core function and guides our work in four primary areas: adoption support, parent leadership development, advocacy and public policy, and education and information sharing. Below are NACAC’s 2011 accomplishments. Adoption Support Adoption Tax Credit Information Center For more than a decade, NACAC has worked to make the adoption tax credit more accessible to families and to ensure that families know how to apply for the benefit. In 2011, however, our adoption tax credit work grew exponentially once the credit became refundable for tax years 2010 and 2011. With funding from H&R Block, the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, and our general revenue, NACAC widely disseminated information about the adoption tax credit and the fact that people who adopted as far back as 2005 could benefit from refundability. In addition, staff provided information and in-depth assistance to more than 2,740 parents, prospective parents, adoption workers, and tax professionals, helping them understand and properly apply for the credit. As one wrote to us later, “I truly appreciate your assistance in this matter. … I never experienced anything like the people at NACAC—always willing to help, and always giving so much time to answer questions and helping us to understand the process. Thank you!!!!” Staff also helped IRS staff members establish ways for parents to document special needs, and worked with IRS staff to resolve numerous processing problems. State adoption administrators saw the results of our work: “Thank you so much for all you are doing to address this issue. We continue to get calls from families who are panicked about getting the information being requested by the IRS in on time and feeling threatened by the penalty. NACAC’s assistance has been invaluable. The information you have provided to the states has allowed us to provide better and more accurate information to our families.” In addition to one-on-one support, NACAC offered three webinars on the adoption tax credit that served more than 160 parents, adoption workers, and tax preparers. One tax preparer expressed gratitude after tax season ended: “... I am a tax preparer that took the webinar on the adoption credit last year. All my adoption credits went through without a hitch including one extremely large refund going back to 2005. You even helped make me successful.” Adoption Support Network Since March 2010, NACAC has operated a statewide program funded by the Minnesota Department of Human Services that supports adoptive families and adopted youth. In 2011 the Adoption Support Network (ASN) provided one-on-one information and support to at least 900 adoptive parents through more than 12,000 contacts, and ran 27 adoption support groups serving about 600 families. ASN staff develop strong relationships with many of the families they serve, connections that help sustain families through difficult times. As one adoptive mother explained, “I would like to thank you at NACAC for all your support. If I didn't have this program in my life, I think I would have given up. Every time I needed assistance with help and direction, you were there for us and this meant the world to me. I have tried other resources and they did give me information, but that was just it, it was just information, the end. When I needed information from NACAC, I received a kind voice and a supporting attitude. This I want to thank you all for making my adoption journey a good one.” In addition, 119 parents attended ASN retreats—one for adoptive mothers, another for families whose children experienced trauma, one for transracial families, and one for families parenting teens. One parent wrote to us after a retreat to explain how much the event mattered, “You were a rock for us both during the weekend retreat.... It was as if we both walked in as a great dam holding in so much pain and excitement and sadness and love all wrapped together. The retreat gave us permission to let out the floodgates and begin to heal.” NACAC also contracted with Children’s Home Society & Family Services and Hope Adoption & Family Services to support youth who had been adopted. With this support, a team of 21 youth ages 14 to 21 formed the Our Own Words adoption advisory committee. Our Own Words members shared their experiences and recommendations with adoptive parents, adoption professionals, schools, and other community groups in an effort to improve adoption services. Adoption Subsidy Resource Center NACAC’s Adoption Subsidy Resource Center, funded in part by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, provides information, was instrumental for us over and over again — they helped us become and remain a family…. Time was never an issue & no stone was left unturned by NACAC.” Parent Leadership Development Community Champions Network support, training, and advocacy related to adoption assistance in the U.S. and Canada. In 2011, NACAC staff and volunteers from around the country provided information to more than 15,000 individuals about the benefits available to children with special needs who are adopted from foster care. More than 1,000 of these individuals received indepth support and advocacy to ensure their children received the benefits they need to grow and thrive. During the year, NACAC also advocated for improved adoption assistance policies in several states and trained more than 1,500 parents and professionals about adoption assistance. Advocacy efforts included helping Louisiana administrators change the state’s definition of special needs with respect to adoption assistance eligibility, working with South Carolina staff to explore ways to provide higher levels of support to teens who are adopted, and fighting efforts in Washington State to cut adoption assistance payments. Parents who receive our support are able to access benefits to help meet their children’s special needs. One parent reported how we made a difference: “After attending a NACAC workshop, I found out that my son was entitled to receive adoption subsidy. NACAC staff helped me gather information and make my case, and within a short period of time my son was able to receive a monetary amount that he should have been receiving. NACAC worked with me, helped me, and provided me with information that I would have taken forever to garner from other sources.” Another gratefully explained, “When we thought all hope could be lost, NACAC “HUGE Thanks to CCN ... and the support from Jockey International!… That spark from an outside sensitive, supportive and committed facilitator has moved this concept into real support for families and children.… Have no doubt that Community Champions is making a huge difference in the lives of children and their families throughout North America.” That’s how one adoption professional expressed her gratitude for the support she received from NACAC’s Community Champions Network (CCN) to establish a parent-to-parent adoption support program in New Brunswick. With a grant from Jockey Being Family®, CCN has established 18 coalitions—in California, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and Wisconsin. In these communities, more than 1,500 adoptive parents and adoption professionals have banded together to advocate for increased investments in key post-adoption services. Coalitions in Florida, Michigan, Missouri, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia have already succeeded in raising funds to support adoptive families. In Ontario, for example, Bill 179 is slated to provide $9.5 million in adoption subsidy benefits for sibling groups and children 10 and older. Nova Scotia will be funding a new adoptive parent mentoring program. In addition to supporting the advocacy coalitions, CCN staff and consultants help local communities start and expand adoption support groups. In April 2011, NACAC hosted a legislative advocacy conference for 30 experienced parent group leaders from Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, Texas, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. This conference was followed by a parent leadership training, funded by the Embrace parent group, for 38 new and experienced group leaders from Texas. In the fall, CCN trained 60 parent group leaders on how to start and improve their support services. With our help, leaders in our target cities of Chicago, Baltimore, Miami, Detroit, Dallas, and Austin have started 21 groups and are improving services in 26 other groups that serve hundreds of adoptive, foster, and kinship families. One new leader reported, “I have become a stronger more confident advocate for Kinship Families and I have also been hired in a leadership position of my support group based on the training I had through NACAC’s Train the Trainer.” AdoptUSKids’ Respite Program AdoptUSKids, a service of the Children’s Bureau, contracts with NACAC to create, develop, and enhance respite services for adoptive, foster, and kinship families. In 2011, AdoptUSKids provided 28 parent groups and associations from 21 states with $5,000 grants to create respite programs in their community. Under the AdoptUSKids contract, NACAC staff planned a respite conference in September where 56 group grant recipients and their public agency partners learned about how to implement new respite programs. Training covered needs assessment, fundraising, collaboration, and a variety of respite program models. In addition, staff also provided ongoing technical assistance to grantees Education and Information Sharing to help them implement respite programs and overcome barriers. During 2011, AdoptUSKids also funded four mini-grants to help start support groups for adoptive parents in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. Annual NACAC Conference Advocacy and Public Policy Child Welfare System Reform Shared Learning Collaborative During 2011, NACAC staff served as consultants to the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Child Welfare Strategy Group, researching effective programs and practices for older youth in foster care. Staff identified programs in a number of domains—health care, mental health care, youth development, education, and transitioning to adulthood— and identified how to best serve youth who are involved in both the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. In 2011, NACAC also supported Casey Family Programs’ Shared Learning Collaborative (SLC). Staff handled logistics for three SLC meetings, each of which brought together teams from around the U.S. to learn how to build resources, skills, capacities, and connections to achieve designated child welfare reform goals. Early in 2011, staff completed work on several literature reviews for the Child Welfare Strategy Group, summarizing key articles on team decision-making, family preservation, family reunification, foster care reentry, adoption, guardianship, kinship care, and home visiting. State Policy Advocacy and Reform Center In December 2011, NACAC entered into a contract with First Focus to provide expertise and guidance related to adoption and permanency issues for the State Policy Advocacy and Reform Center (SPARC). SPARC, created with funds from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, will support the work of state advocates who are pursuing child welfare reform. Special Events AdoptWalk The eighth annual AdoptWalk, presented by Target, was held in midMay at Lake Nokomis in Minneapolis. Enjoyed by over 250 walkers, the fundraising and friend-raising event raised more than $17,000 to support NACAC’s programs. Thanks to the ongoing support of corporate team sponsor Walling, Berg & Debele, P. A. and to the 13 teams of walkers, the event was a great success. Voices from the Heart Gala NACAC’s annual gala was held on Saturday, November 12 as a celebration of adoptive families everywhere. About 200 guests enjoyed a reception, silent and live auctions, a gourmet dinner, and a jazz trio. The event raised more than $25,000 to support NACAC. Honorees were U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), who was honored for her efforts to raise awareness about adoption; Alexis Oberdorfer, vice president of adoption for Children’s Home Society & Family Services; and the University of Minnesota’s Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare for creating the Permanency and Adoption Competency Certificate (PACC) “Came with no expectations but in DIRE need of help. Going away with a complete heart transformation and the knowledge I need to parent completely differently to allow connection!” is how one adoptive parent explained the importance of the NACAC conference. The 2011 conference in Denver, Colorado served roughly 808 adoptive parents, adoption professionals, and others committed to achieving permanence for children in foster care. Among other things, participants learned how to better support children with special needs, recruit and prepare permanent families, and change the system to improve outcomes for vulnerable children and their families. Another attendee wrote, “This has been a phenomenal training. All professionals, parents and youth can benefit from learning and educating others with their expertise.... I love that most of the trainers are part of the adoption triad!!” The Colorado Department of Human Services funded conference registrations for 200 adoption professionals and adop- program. Ann Jacobs shared the heartwarming story of how she and her husband Steve parent 16 adopted children. A gala sponsor raved, “The evening was the BEST!!!, it always is!!! Thank you for all you do!!!” tive parents. Thirty-two adoption support group leaders received scholarships funded by the Debra Steigerwaldt Waller Foundation to attend their first NACAC conference. This investment serves far more than just one person, as one group leader noted: “The scholarship made it possible for me to attend the conference and obtain a wealth of knowledge to take back to my quickly growing support groups.” Other conference sponsors included AdoptUSKids, Behavioral Healthcare, Inc., Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, Human Rights Campaign, MillerCoors, and Barbara Orlik for the Sara Berman Memorial Children’s Fund. Adoption Information In 2011, NACAC launched a free enewsletter called News from NACAC. Reaching about 8,000 members of the adoption community, News from NACAC included information on the adoption tax credit, resources for adoptive parents and professionals, and important policy issues. One recipient wrote: “Just wanted to say thank you so much for your e-newsletter that I just started receiving! I am a foster/adopt parent in Maryland, and we are starting an adoption support group in our county, and this resource will be very helpful!” NACAC’s quarterly newsletter Adoptalk continued to provide its 3,000 recipients with accurate, in-depth articles on key adoption topics. Each issue also features a number of children waiting to be adopted, and one recruiter let us know that these features make a difference: “I just wanted to let you know that I am receiving inquiries on Sierra because of the Adoptalk feature. I think it’s important you know your efforts are fruitful!” In addition, staff helped prospective adopters find information about how to adopt or how to find supportive services to meet their children’s needs. Our team of 108 volunteer representatives around North America provided locally specific information to many current and prospective adopters. NACAC’s web site also offered in-depth information on adoption issues to thousands of visitors. One visitor said, “You guys offer a tremendous resource. As an adoptions attorney (as well as adoptive/foster parent) I speak often at support groups for foster-adoptive families. I look forward to pointing them towards your website and resources!” Training on Adoption Issues Photos The photos in this report were taken in 2011 by Colby Brown at the NACAC conference in Denver or by Christina Romo at AdoptWalk. During 2011, NACAC trained more than 2,500 adoption community members on parent group development, adoption assistance, transracial parenting, core issues in adoption, adoption competence, and other adoption issues. NACAC’s 2011 at a Glance 2,740 parents, tax preparers, and adoption professionals received specific advice about how to claim the adoption tax credit 900 Minnesota adoptive families were served through the Adoption Support Network 15,000+ parents and workers received information about adoption assistance available to adopted children with special needs 2,500 parents and adoption professionals were trained about post-adoption support, transracial parenting, and other adoption-related topics 32 adoptive parent group leaders received scholarships to attend the NACAC conference 18 communities in the U.S. and Canada had NACAC-supported coalitions advocating for postadoption services 8,000+ individuals received the News from NACAC e-newsletter 20,100 unique visitors (on average) went to each month 84% of funds were spent on program services Donors & Finances In 2011, many individuals and organizations in the U.S. and Canada helped NACAC achieve our goals of helping families and children. In addition to the donors below, we thank the people who supported NACAC through federal, state, and other workplace campaigns. Visionaries ($5,000–$9,999) Joe & Becky Kroll, MN Tom & Sue Schade, MA Partners ($1,000–$4,999) Cari Avey, WA Blake Financial Group, MN Joseph Dosch & Nancy Evangelista, NY Lamar Frost, OH Ruth G. McRoy, CA Marion Pohlman Reynolds, AZ Mary & Tim Sheehan, MN Nancy & Bob Viking, MN Wright & Patricia Walling, MN Walling, Berg & Debele, P.A., MN Joy & John Wetzel, MN Guardians ($500–$999) Susan Badeau, PA, in honor of Dylan & Adam Badeau Mary Boo, MN Terry Cross, OR Denise Goodman, OH Harold Grotevant, MA Julie Koch, MN Regina Kupecky, OH, in memory of Donald Kupecky John Levesque, ME Reid MacDonald, MN Michael Majid, CA Laurie Pohlman, MN Sandra Scarth, BC Michelle & Steven Schumacher, FL, in honor of Kim Stevens Kim Stevens, MA Dolly Swanson, MN Wheelock Whitney & Kathleen Blatz, MN Builders ($250–$499) MaryLee & Frank Allen, DC Rebecca Allen, MN, in honor of Mary Boo & Josh Kroll Gaelan J. Armstrong, NY Michael & Michelle Bawek, MN in honor of Mary Boo of NACAC Frank & Carla Bennett, CO, in honor of Eddie Bennett Anita Cohernour, CO, in honor of Josh, Mary & Joe, NACAC’s Adoption Tax Credit Team Janice Higgins, MN, in memory of Michael T. Higgins Maria Jameson, MD, in honor of Joe & Josh Kroll Josh Kroll, MN Ray & Carol Kroll, MN, in honor of Raymond & Gertrude Kroll Foundation Latino Family Institute, CA Nancy Le, MN Mrs. Mary Miller, NM Valerie Miller, NC Jennifer Perry, CA Jean Schroedel Peretz, CA, in honor of Genevieve Schroedel Deborah Ann Schwinger, PA, in honor of NACAC’s help with adoption subsidy and IRS Mitchell Thompson, IA Grant Woodley, IA Friends ($100–$249) Adoptions From The Heart, PA Gail Albergottie, WI Judith & Kenneth Anderson, MN Jeanne Andre & Dennis Schapiro, MN Susan Aucoin-Krupa & Joseph Krupa, MD Ginny Blade, MN Larry Bohannon, TX Mary Richardson Boo, VA Nicole R. Broe, MN CAFAC Adoption Agency, MB Tyler Candee & Jessica Intermill, MN Sarah T. & John Casken, HI Linda Causey, GA, in honor of Hannah & Jared Causey Deborah Cave, CO Dorothy Cleveland, MN Astrid Dabbeni, OR Milissa Danceur, AZ Marie & Robert Dolfi, NY John Dubicki, PA, in honor of Stephanie Dubicki Judge Leonard Edwards, CA Laura Eggertson, ON Family Design Resources, Inc., PA Anne Feldman, NY, in honor of her three adopted children Deborah & Nathan Fjeld, MN Kari Fletcher, MN Kathy & Bill Franz, OH L. Lloys Frates, CA Dennis & Christine Gareis, CA Melvin J. Gravely, OH Donald & Shirley Grindstaff, MN Luanna & Steve Hacker, MN Hyun Sook Han, MN Jerri Jenista, MI Jesse L. Johnson, IL Michelle Johnson, MN Dina Khaled & Andrew Tesch, MN Merryl Klein, NY Dottie Klemm, OH Jolene Koester, CA Pat & Ken Krippner, MO Alexandra Lafaye, IL Traci Laliberte, MN Lisa Levin, MN William & Barbara Mains, WI Vanessa Martin, MA, in honor of her son Isaiah Diane Martin-Hushman & John Hushman, MN Lisa Mathey, VA Terence & Leann McAllister, MA Lois McDonald, MO Mary M. & Mary Beth McGowan, MN Gail McLaughlin, MN Jennifer Miller, RI Nina & Gordon Mosser, MN Leora Neal, NY Elizabeth & Donald Oberdorfer, MN Dan Olson, MN Adam Pertman, NY Stephanie Johnson Pettaway, MD Jay Pettis & Allyson Candee, MN Urvix Pithawala, NV Rebecca Planer, MN Sally D. & Lewis M. Popper, MA Phyllis Priest, MI, in honor of everyone who worked on the tax credit Helen Ramirez, CA Daniel & Erik Renk-Grant, MN Lynn & Kevin Riley, MA, in honor of NACAC as a resource Elspeth Ross, ON Lori & Randy Ross, MO Beth & Peter Rozga, MN Stacey Saffold, IL Susan Sammis, NM Esther Sanchez, CA Tonda Shaw, FL Sandra R. Smith-Ford, IL Janet Souza, HI Jason & Brenda Stiller, MN Lynhon & David Stout, IA John Strait & Amy Blackmond, PA Susan Thompson, MN Maria & Mac Tripeny, MN Vicki Vossen, MN Paul Waytz & Susan Gray, MN Addie Williams, MI David & Elizabeth Woodland, MN Tina M. Woods, MI Toni Wren, NY Stephen Wright, TX Ryan Zapko, PA, in honor of Jacqueline M. Zapko Ted & Kathy Zwieg, MN Donors (up to $99) Connie & Lawrence Ackert, OH Sue Adie, NH Jenifer Agosti, MA, in honor of Sophie & Grandpa Joe Janet Alston Jackson & Walter Jackson, CA Randa Anabtawi, AZ Earl Anderson, MN Sherry & Mike Anderson, PA Dina D. Angress, CA Beverly Ankerfelt, MN Gloria & Randy Baer, VA Suzanne Barclay, CA Walter Bardell, MN Thomas & Kathryn Bawek, MN Luann Berg, MN David & Elaine Billmire, OH Juanita & Mark Bishop, OH Laurel Therese Boerger, MN Jim Boitnott, CA Wendy Bouchard-Nelson, MN Ardell Brackley, MA Jo Marie Bruss, MN Carol Bungert & Terry Meland, MN Michele Burnette, MD Carole Butchart, CA Helga Butler, MD Margie Chalofsky, MD, in honor of the great work by Kim Stevens and the rest of the NACAC team! The Clark Family, MA Kent & Lee Coffman, IL Ben Coonce, MN Twila Costigan, MT Heather Craig-Oldsen, NE Mary Cushen, MN Shannon Damlo, MN Rita Davern, MN David DeBrosse, NC Kelly DeLany, OR Planned Giving One sentence in your will can make a significant difference for waiting children and adoptive families: “I give and bequeath to the North American Council on Adoptable Children, 970 Raymond Avenue, Suite 106, St. Paul, MN 55114, the sum of ____ dollars (or ____ percent of my estate) to be used for its general purposes.” Doris Dick & Sharon Geibel, PA Candy & Steven Dickhudt, MN Lorry F. Dinsel, PA Michelle Duncan, NY Sydney Duncan, MI Deborah L. Dunklee, MA Jeanette Dunning, NV Vicki Evans, NC Sharon Fields, MN Jamie & Terry Fisher, IL, in memory of Collette & Walter Breen Patrick & Madeline Fitzsimmons, OR Karen & Doug Fuller, OH Jim Gabler, MN, in memory of Clinton R. Boo, Jr. William Gabler, MN, in memory of Clinton R. Boo, Jr. Sherril Garahan, MN Peter Gasparik, NY Joy & Michael Goldstein, NY Barb Goltz, MN Kimya Green, CA Sue Gregory, OH, in honor of foster & adoptive children Mary Hallahan, NJ Lola Hanna, MN Maureen & Jim Heffernan, OH, in honor of Sophie Kimberly Herman, MN Kathryn & Craig Holden, IN Jeanne A. Howard, IL Christopher Iverson, MN Kevin Johanson, MN Kjel Johnson & Emily Palmer, MN Mei Lin Chang Hee Jung, MN Marsha Kamletz, ND, in honor of future children she hopes to adopt Lynne Kazama, HI Shirley Klitzke, MN Vicky Knickerbocker, MN Susan Kowalke, MN Terri Kramar, MN Laura Kriegisch, CA Lee A. Langhurst, PA, in honor of his sister Ruby Eugene Lee, NJ Mary LeFebvre, MO Alvin Leung, WA, in honor of Caroline Leung Leah Lowery, IL, in honor of the Lowery family Allison Lunde, MN Martha Lunde, MN, in memory of Clinton R. Boo, Jr. Kari Lyons, CA Myra Magee, LA John Magruder, CA Katharine Mann, IL Norma Martinez, CA Kristi Maschal, TX, in honor of her adopted sons Andrew, Robert, & Thomas Kesney McCarthy, MN Jewell McCliment, PA James & Kathy Mercier, MN Rhonda Meyer, WY, in honor of Audrey Miller’s fifth birthday Mary Jo Michalik, MN Katherine & David Miller, CA Jesse & Kelly Mitchell, ND, in honor of the waiting children Amanda Moecker, MN Ahavat Moore, FL C.L. Moore, MN Kenneth Morris, MN Kathleen Hogan Morrison, IL Fran Murnane, MN Nicholas Nownes, MN Michael O’Brien, MN, in memory of Clinton R. Boo, Jr. Mary Elizabeth O’Malley, MA Gregg Oberlander, OH Patricia Olson, MN David & Nora Osendorf, MN, in memory of Clinton R. Boo, Jr. Marlys Pemble, MN Cindy Perusse, MN Susan Peters & Lisa Durose, MN Robert Peterson, MN Lynette S. Popejoy, M.A., AZ Shane Prevost, MN Joseph & Denise Quinn, PA Phyllis Reames, ME Mary Regan, MN Nicole Rice, MN Keith Richter, MN Beverly A. Ringsak, MN Tom & Mary Jo Rogalski, MN, in memory of Clinton R. Boo, Jr. Amy Rogers, MN Mary Roles, MN Jayne Rovianek, CA Karen Rusthoven, MN Nick & Susanne Salcido, England Deanna Sande, MN Dave Santos, CA Dean Schrimpf & Lori DuroseSchrimpf, MN Ann Schroder & Nicholas Marcucci, MN A Second Chance Charitable Foundation, PA Dardanella Shenefelt, MS Terri Sik, MN Richard Smith, MN Cathy Soldner, MN Frederick & Avis Somers, MN Peggy & David Soule, NY Emily Srock, VA Cady Stanton, WA Sonja Starnes, MN Thomas Stiller, ND June Stoltz, IL Carol Swanson, MN Daniel & Carol Swenson, MN Colleen Tarket, CO Mary Thomas, MN Tabatha Trahan & Nitara Frost, MN Mary Tryggeseth, WI, in memory of Greg Schrimpf Gene & Kurt Tweraser, AR Brenda Ursel, AK Debbie Wallace, MN, in honor of Isaac, Morgan, & Greg Wallace Jill Waterman, CA Bryan Waugh, VA, in honor of Alexia & Bryan Waugh Colleen Webber, MN Paul & Janelle Wegner, MN Kenneth & Linda Wendling, FL Linda West, MS Chris & Tracey Westendorp, MN Sally Wildman, IL, in honor of clients, colleagues, & friends Judith Wilhoite, HI Scott Williams & Sharon Vandivere, MD Les Wilmot, CO Kimberley Zahradka, WI Major Funders AdoptUSKids, a service of the Children’s Bureau Annie E. Casey Foundation Casey Family Programs Colorado Department of Human Services The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption Debra Steigerwaldt Waller Foundation H&R Block Jockey International, Inc./Jockey Being Family® Minnesota Department of Human Services Target 2011 Finances Income Foundation Funding and Contributions. . . . . . . . . . $565,582 Government Grants and Contracts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $420,004 Other Contracts and Training Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $320,285 Conference Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $234,823 Membership Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $63,037 Special Events (net) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38,671 Interest/Investment Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $-6,264 Sales of Goods/Publications (net) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,600 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,803 TOTAL INCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,639,541 Expenses Public Education (includes conference) . . . . . . . . . . $292,071 Adoption Support Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $394,960 Public Policy Education and Advocacy . . . . . . . . . . . $102,360 Shared Learning Collaboratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $163,959 Parent Group Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $118,478 Community Champions Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $218,047 Adoption Subsidy Resource Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $76,227 Tax Credit Information Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $81,227 Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $136,140 Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $133,725 TOTAL EXPENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,717,194 Program Services Management & Fundraising Balance Sheet Excess of Income over Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $-77,653 Total Assets—January 1, 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $541,930 Total Assets—December 31, 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $393,672 Net Assets—December 31, 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $191,304 Board, Staff, Volunteers Board Executive Commitee Ruth McRoy, CA, President Félix Correa-Romero, PR, Vice President Sandra Scarth, BC, Vice President John Levesque, ME, Secretary Wright Walling, MN, Treasurer Directors Sue Badeau, PA Donsetta Blakely, NV Kelly Cates, MD Deborah Cave, CO Wendy Conforzi, ON Terry Cross, OR Astrid Dabbeni, OR Hal Grotevant, MA Patricia Macias, TX Oronde Miller, MD Jennifer Perry, CA Maria Quintanilla, CA Rod Simons, MN Wendy Wiegmann, CA Addie Williams, MI Staff Amy Ames, Parent Support Specialist Marvaleen Atlas, Program Assistant Ginny Blade, Adoption Support Network Coordinator Mary Boo, Assistant Director Sarah Coumbe-Guida, Parent Support Specialist Deb Fjeld, Parent Support Specialist Kari Fletcher, Parent Support Specialist Marilyn Gow, Parent Support Specialist Alicia Griffin, Parent Support Specialist John Hays, Parent Support Specialist Dawn Johnson, Parent Support Specialist Joe Kroll, Executive Director Josh Kroll, Adoption Subsidy Resource Center Coordinator Diane Martin-Hushman, AdoptUSKids Respite Coordinator Mary Lyons, Parent Support Specialist Mary McGowan, Conference Coordinator/Parent Support Specialist Fintan Moore, Parent Support Specialist Diane Riggs, Communications Specialist Christina Romo, Conference Coordinator Nicole Skaro, Administrative Assistant Kim Stevens, Community Champions Network Manager Rebekah Tempest, Administrative Assistant Nancy Viking, Director of Development Volunteers United States Linda Gonzales, AK Sue White, AK Buddy Hooper, AL Mary Smith, AL Lori & Willie Johnson, AR Nancy Williams, AZ Rauline Atkins, CA Jayne Rovianek, CA Sharon Selby, CA Lansing Wood, CA Deborah Cave, CO Violet Pierce, CO Colleen Tarket, CO Lynn Gabbard, CT Deborah Byrd, DC Mary Lou Edgar, DE Mary Jo Wolfe, DE Nancy Ellison, FL Trudie Poole, FL Bob Rooks, FL Sandra Santiago, FL Suzette Brown, GA Jymme Reed, GA Judith Wilhoite, HI Karen E. Combs, IA Jean Hess, IA Angela Stark, IA Marjorie McNarie, ID Judith Pence, IL Dawn Cooper, IN Jaye Domer, IN Debbie Dunlap, KS Ruth Porisch, KS Pamela Robbins, KS Carol Cecil, KY Carrie Saunders, KY Virginia Sturgeon, KY Carrie Hicks, LA Myra Magee, LA Theresa McNulty, MA Jennifer Kelman, MD Bette Hoxie, ME Gail L. Neher, ME Marylou Bax, MI Benita Fyan, MI Veda D. Thompkins, MI Denise Kelley, MO Mary LeFebvre, MO Lori Ross, MO Janice Huff, MS April Horvath, MT Pat Llewellyn, MT Paige Gunter, NC Leanne Johnson, ND Keatha McLeod, ND Pamela Allen, NE Margarita Flores, NE Linda & David Rehovsky, NE Mariellen J. MacKay, NH Bernette Berman, NJ Irene Lando, NJ Jennifer Mullen, NM Pamela Kurcz, NV Sarah Gerstenzang, NY Jody Hansen-Walker, NY Timothy O’Hanlon, OH Rita Laws, OK Dwe Williams, OK Kathie G. Stocker, OR Danielle Vander Kooy, OR Sherry Anderson, PA Phyllis Stevens, PA Félix Correa-Romero & Rosana Alvarez-Blasco, PR Carmen Lourdes Rodriguez, PR Bernie Hicks, RI Patti Nenna, RI Gail Groomster, SC Coleen Globke, SD Patty Hjermstad, SD Marsha Boren, TN Betty Hastings, TN Joyce Van Der Wiele, TN Bruce Edwards, TX Clara C. Flores, TX Daphine Reeves, TX Shelley Horel, UT Suzanne Stott, UT Gwendolyn Ricks-Haskett, VA Kathleen Sauter, VA Margie Leon-Gaitan, WA Gwendolyn E. Lawson Townsend, WA Leann Meiners, WI Judith Dyer, WV Mildred Mairs, WV Patty Stem, WV Canada Karen Madeiros, BC Margaret Warner, MB Brenda Melanson, NB Lynn Haire, NF Mary Miller, NS Rose Marie Smith, NS Gloria Blacklock, ON Wendy Conforzi, ON Laura Eggertson, ON Kathleen Neault, QC Cindy Xavier, SK Mexico Minerva Villavicencio & Luis Balderas 970 Raymond Avenue Suite 106 St. Paul, MN 55114 651.644.3036
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