January 2015 SAVE THESE DATES: January 7, 2015 – Ski Whitetail, PA January 11-18, 2015 To Hell U Ride, Telluride, CO January 21, 2015 – Ski Liberty, PA January 28, 2015 – Ski Whitetail, PA January 31 – February 7, 2015 – Mt. Bachelor, OR General Membership Meeting Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Note: Annapolis parking meters have increased to $2.00/Hr. Use credit cards or bring extra quarters. th When: 4 Tuesday of every month – 6 – 7 p.m. Chat, Drinks & Dinner 7 – 7:30 p.m. Business Meeting 7:30 – 8 p.m. Social Where: Fleet Reserve Club 100 Compromise Street Annapolis, Maryland 21401 410-263-4614 Link: http://www.frcannapolis.org See Fill A Car For The Light House Shelter. Barb Hagelgans will be collecting. Crabtowne Meetup Calendar has the most up to date event information. Visit Meetup.com - Sign up & Join Club Crabtowne Meetup INSIDE THIS CHRONICLE Greetings From The President ........................... 2 Biking Committee Report .................................... 3 Hiking Committee Report .................................... 3 Ski Committee Report ........................................... 4 Membership Committee Report ........................ 4 Light House Shelter Donations ......................... 5 Salvation Army Bell Ringing – 1/6 .................... 5 Activities & Events ................................................. 5 Personal Ads .......................................................... 10 Business Ads .......................................................... 10 Chairmanships ...................................................... 11 Board of Directors ................................................ 11 How do I Lead / Host a Crabtowne Event? • Must be a paying Club Crabtowne member. • Work with the appropriate Committee Chair or a Board member. • Complete the appropriate proposal (chair or Board member will help) to get it in this newsletter, our website or Meetup.com. • We know you have great ideas! • Get involved & Have Fun! People feel as if time is passing quickly when they are particularly in those states that are high in approach motivation, psychological scientists Philip Gable and Bryan Pool of the University of Alabama hypothesized. Now why would I include this little piece of information? Well, it just so happens my first description of recent Crabtowne fun was our opportunity to participate in the bell ringing for the Salvation Army. While this organization’s motto is “need knows no season” we are all familiar with the red kettle campaign during the holiday season. What a wonderful experience ringing that bell. I can say that on both sides of the Salvation Army red kettle smiles were a plenty. And, even with windy rainy weather it was certainly a quick two hours! Hopefully, next year more of our members will be able to part-take in this goal-motivated fun! Our magnificent flowerbed on the B&A trail now contains about 18 different native plants and several bulbs. Thank you to all who have planted and weeded and watered and watered some more during planting season. I imagine now our little florae are resting their roots for a long winter’s nap. Greetings From The President How can it be that 2014 is over? As the saying goes, “time flies when you are having fun!” As I was “googling” this idiom I came upon this interesting piece of information! A new study from psychological science suggests that the old saying 'time flies when you're having fun' might really be true, with a slight twist: time flies when you're having goal-motivated fun. I am not sure if many of you are aware that our longtime and dedicated member, George Clinton, had eye surgery. George wants all to know that he is doing well but it will take another week and a half to fully heal. He would also like to thank you for your cards and flowers sent on behalf of the membership. When people are experiencing positive emotions or states, they feel like time is passing faster than when they experience negative feelings, according to previous research. However, new research has shown evidence that not all positive states are considered equal. Our wonderful members Paula and Casey are no longer able to lead the B & A Trail walks on Sundays. If you are interested in doing so, please let me know. I would like to thank both of them for leading these walks over the last few years. You are what make this Club so special! Feelings of contentment or serenity are definitely positive emotions, however, they are not considered very high in what experts call approach motivation. In other words, these feelings do not make people want to go out and achieve a goal. What is Club Crabtowne up to in 2015? Beginning the first Wednesday in January we will be hitting the slopes, locally! Let’s change Wednesday from “hump” day to “bump” day! As in skiing the bumps! We will alternate between White Tail and Ski Liberty to keep it interesting. The plan is to meet around 7am at Millersville Park and Ride off of Route 97 and Benfield Road and carpool to the ski resorts. For more Desire and excitement are considered very high in approach motivation because they make people want to accomplish something. © 2015 Club Crabtowne All Rights Reserved 2 www.clubcrabtowne.org details, please check out the Newsletter or the Crabtowne meetup site. Join your fellow Crabtowners for some Pennsylvania powder! Biking Committee Report Because of the brisk winter weather there will be a respite from planned rides until early spring. My thought is to organize a bike planning meeting in March in order to firm up a bike ride schedule for the coming season. Please contact me with your ideas for bike rides and if you want to lead a ride or just participate, please send me a message to let me know you want to get involved. Please consider being a ride leader. Being a ride leader is not that difficult and the more leaders who step up, the more variety of great bike rides can be enjoyed. We are delighted to have Kathleen C. Terlizzese, the new development director for the Maryland Theatre for the Performing Arts, as our guest speaker for the January general meeting. I know we will be thrilled to hear all the details for this fabulous new Annapolis theater. In January we will have a Crabtowne “Is it only the end of January party”? Let’s enjoy each other’s company while bemoaning the cold winter weather. Specifics will follow but it will be a “not to be missed night.” If anyone enjoys playing the piano, there will be one at your disposal. Sing a long anyone? Happy Trails, George Clinton Bike Committee Chair george.clinton@clubcrabtowne.org The Club will be hosting parties in February and March. We are still working on details and are open to suggestions and anyone willing to provide the venue. Hiking Committee Report We have had several new members sign up in the last couple of months. Please remember to give them a warm Crabtowne welcome and invite them to join you during the meeting social hour. If I am unaware of their attendance, please let me know so I can introduce them to the Club. The word is definitely getting out that Club Crabtowne is a happening group. I believe this is due to the numerous and diverse activities we offer our members. I sincerely thank all who have hosted and lead our activities and events. As I have said before, if each month each member could either bring a friend to the general meeting, or an idea for an activity or lead an activity our Club would be incredible. Hi, I am Gary Todd the new Hiking Chair of Club Crabtowne. I am neither new to the Club nor to the Hiking Program. The first thing I would like to know from the members is if anyone would be interested in leading any hikes; what level are most people interested in hiking (easy, moderate, strenuous); and are you eager to hike in the snow and/or ice where our weather has turned its ugly head. I am all for easy hikes in the beginning leading to moderate and then strenuous later in 2015. Please send me your requests either via email or by phone. Happy Trails! I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays or whatever good wish suits your fancy. Gary Todd Hike Committee Chair gary.todd@clubcrabtowne.org I am hoping for 2015 that it be full of fun, joy and pleasure….and even better than 2014! Tori Stright Club Crabtowne President tori.stright@clubcrabtowne.org © 2015 Club Crabtowne All Rights Reserved 3 www.clubcrabtowne.org Ski Committee Report Blue Ridge Ski Council Western Trip February 4, 2015 Ski Liberty, PA Club Crabtowne, Bruce Hagelgans and Tori Stright February 11, 2015 Ski Whitetail, PA Club Crabtowne, Bruce Hagelgans and Tori Stright February 18, 2015 Ski Liberty, PA Club Crabtowne, Bruce Hagelgans and Tori Stright February 25, 2015 Ski Whitetail, PA Club Crabtowne, Bruce Hagelgans and Tori Stright March 4, 2015 Ski Liberty, PA Club Crabtowne, Bruce Hagelgans and Tori Stright March 6-14, 2015 Mayrhofen, Austria EuroFest - Blue Ridge Ski Council Europe Trip For the ToHellURide trip to Telluride for January 11-18, 2015 (Sunday-to-Sunday), we are going to stay on the mountain, so this year the condos will be ski-in and skiout. We will continue to collect your money at the October meeting. We still have several spots left. But Hurry! The “Short Drive Ski” on Wednesdays was approved, and Tori has volunteered to assist me. The dates for Ski Whitetail are January 7 and 28 and February 11 and 25; and for Ski Liberty the dates are January 21, February 4 and 18 and March 4. Give us a call several days ahead of time or sign up through Meet-up. 2016 Ski Calendar 2016 Snowbird/Alta, Utah Blue Ridge Ski Council Western Trip 2016 Madonna di Campilgio, ItalyEuroFest - Blue Ridge Ski Council Europe Trip The Blue Ridge Ski Council’s Western Carnival in 2015 is going to Mt. Bachelor, Oregon from January 31 through February 7, 2015. Included in this trip will be a six-day lift ticket, three dinners, a Nastar race, and a night at the museum. Contact me soon if you want to go on this one. I hope to see everyone on the slopes next year. Ski in excess! BRSC EuroFest is at Mayrhofen, Austria for 2015. For the side trips, a WW II historian will be your guide. Included at Mayrhofen are all breakfasts, 4 pm snack, and a 7 pm dinner. Skis fly free, and when you leave on Thursday you arrive on Friday in Iceland for a day and then fly on to Mayrhofen. If you want to go, contact me, and I will give you more information. Barb & Bruce Hagelgans Ski Committee Chairs barbara.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org bruce.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org Membership Committee Report For 2016, the BRSC Western Carnival will be at Snowbird, Utah (this year they had over 370 inches of snow) with 2,500 skiable acres--27% easiest, 38% more difficult, and 35% most difficult—and 7,760 base elevation along with skiing at Alta, which is an easier mountain. No trip leader has been selected for this trip. Contact me if you are interested. We would like to welcome our new members to Club Crabtowne. We are pleased you decided to join us. Bill and Roni Crone Karen Hainline Frank Land Vicki Styer and James O’Meara 2015 Ski Calendar January 7, 2015 Ski Whitetail, PA Club Crabtowne, Bruce Hagelgans and Tori Stright Jan 11-18, 2015 ToHellURide, CO Club Crabtowne, Barbara and Bruce Hagelgans January 21, 2015 Ski Liberty, PA Club Crabtowne, Bruce Hagelgans and Tori Stright January 28, 2015 Ski Whitetail, PA Club Crabtowne, Bruce Hagelgans and Tori Stright Jan 31-Feb 7, 2015 Mt. Bachelor, OR © 2015 Club Crabtowne All Rights Reserved Tori Stright Membership Committee Chair tori.stright@clubcrabtowne.org 4 www.clubcrabtowne.org Light House Shelter Donations Bruce and Barb are going to be collecting for the Lighthouse Shelter of Annapolis, and Bruce will be dropping these off at the Shelter. New or used bikes are needed to help our residents get to and from work. If you are going to bring these, please contact Bruce and let him know. New mothers at the Light House are in need of new or used strollers w/ removable baby carriers. They can always use bottled water, milk, caffeinated coffee and individual snack-sized bags of chips, pretzels, etc. to distribute to shelter residents and lunch-time clients. Pantry needs – They are always in need of the following items: Mayonnaise, canned goods, chili, oatmeal, coffee, peanut butter, dried herbs, pancake mix, tea bags, Ramen noodles, soup, fruit juice, spaghetti/pasta, gravy, spaghetti sauce, hamburger helper, spaghetti-Os/ravioli, canned beans (all kinds), syrup, jelly, tuna, macaroni and cheese, cereal, 5 lb. bags of sugar, powdered creamer, canned tomatoes, and salad dressings. Bruc & Barb Hagelgans bruce.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org barbara.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org Salvation Army Bell Ringing – 1/6 The Club will be donating time (in 2-hour shifts) to ring the bell for the Salvation Army on Saturday, December 6th. Barb & Bruce are coordinating. If interested in donating your time, there will be a sign-up sheet at the November general meeting. The location is TBD, but it should be in or near Annapolis. Barb & Bruce Hagelgans barbara.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org bruce.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org Activities & Events 12/29 Dinner Out When: Every Monday Where: Ruby Tuesday, Annapolis, MD Time: 6 p.m. © 2015 Club Crabtowne All Rights Reserved Cost: Pay as you go Directions: 2025 Somerville Road Leader: Dave Wood, 410 267-9537 dave.wood@clubcrabtowne.org 12/29 Bridge Anyone? When: Every Monday Time: 7:00 p.m. sharp - 9:15 p.m. Where: Elks Lodge #622 at 2 Pythian Drive, aka 2517 Island Road, Edgewater 21037 Cost: Pay as you go Description: We are playing party bridge on Monday evenings at 7pm at the Elks Lodge #622. All are welcome to join us. Come earlier if you would like to eat and/or have something to drink before bridge … or to simply socialize. Some of us will be there by 6pm. Just remember: the more you play the better or more skilled you become. Directions: From route 2 (Solomon's Island Road) turn onto Old Oak Drive (opposite to the Harbour Mall), which becomes Pythian Drive #2, Edgewater, Md. 21037, bear to left, Lodge on left. Google address: 2517 Solomon's Island Roads, Edgewater, Md. 21037. Leader: Bob Parks, 410 456-0083 bob.parks@clubcrabtowne.org Leader: Jane Brinson, 410 757-6810 jane.brinson@clubcrabtowne.org 1/4 Quiet Waters Walk When: Every four weeks Where: Quiet Waters Park, 100 Hillsmere Drive, Annaapolis. url: http://www.aacounty.org/RecParks/parks/quietwaters/in dex.cfm Quiet Waters map is also provided on Meetup. Time: 10 a.m. Cost: Pay as you go. INCLEMENT WEATHER: We will walk at the Annapolis Mall (Food Court entrance, at Cinnabon). Check Meetup - any change will be posted one hour before the walk is scheduled to begin. Description: Easy Sunday Walk at Quiet Waters. Just join the group, it will be fun. Meet at the Bay View Shopping center (West Marine, Grumps, etc) across from the Quiet Waters entrance for a nice spin around the park. Optional brunch / lunch. Please Sign-up on Meetup so we know you plan to attend. Co-Leader: Rosemary Council, 410 956-3586 5 www.clubcrabtowne.org rosemary.council@clubcrabtowne.org Co-Leader: Elizabeth Woodruff, 410 266-1427 elizabeth.woodruff@clubcrabtowne.org theater lobby. We will take our seats 10 minutes before the start of the film. Directions: Cinema is in the Annapolis Harbour Center, Rte.2, (Solomons Island Road) / Rte.665. For further directions, see map or contact one of the co-leaders. Leader: Nancy Miller, 410-956-1585 h, 443-254-8316 c nancy.miller@clubcrabtowne.org Co-Leader: Elizabeth Woodruff, 410-266-1427 h, 410-353-9994 c elizabeth.woodruff@clubcrabtowne.org 1/5 Dinner Out When: Every Monday Where: Ruby Tuesday, Annapolis, MD Time: 6 p.m. Cost: Pay as you go Directions: 2025 Somerville Road Leader: Dave Wood, 410 267-9537 dave.wood@clubcrabtowne.org 1/7 Ski on Wednesdays When: Wednesdays from January 7th thru March 4th, weather permitting. Time: Leave around 7:15AM and return around 4PM. Where: Whitetail - January 7th, and 28th & February 11th and 25th Liberty - January 21st & February 4th and 8th & March 4th Cost: $15 to the driver, your lunch, and the cost of your lift ticket - 4-Hour - Flex $55, with Advantage Card $33. Payment: Due on the day you ski. Only paid members and their guests only. Description: Take a day off and go skiing with other Club Crabtowners to a local ski resort. We will leave around 7:15 and be back just before the rush in the evening. We will ski at Ski Whitetail or Ski Liberty. Please use a ski bag not to damage the driver’s vehicle. Directions: Contact the leader and tell them you want to go and be at the Millersville Park and Ride off of Route 97 and Benfield Road behind the Millersville Exxon Station, 8556 Veterans Highway, Millersville, MD 21108 Cancellation: Tell the trip leader as soon as you know so we do not wait for you. Leader: Bruce Hagelgans, Home 410-315-8389, Mobil 410-570-5474, bruce.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org Assistant: Tori Stright, Mobil 443) 205-9192, tori.stright@clubcarbtowne.org 1/5 Bridge Anyone? When: Every Monday Time: 7:00 p.m. sharp - 9:15 p.m. Where: Elks Lodge #622 at 2 Pythian Drive, aka 2517 Island Road, Edgewater 21037 Cost: Pay as you go Description: We are playing party bridge on Monday evenings at 7pm at the Elks Lodge #622. All are welcome to join us. Come earlier if you would like to eat and/or have something to drink before bridge … or to simply socialize. Some of us will be there by 6pm. Just remember: the more you play the better or more skilled you become. Directions: From route 2 (Solomon's Island Road) turn onto Old Oak Drive (opposite to the Harbour Mall), which becomes Pythian Drive #2, Edgewater, Md. 21037, bear to left, Lodge on left. Google address: 2517 Solomon's Island Roads, Edgewater, Md. 21037. Leader: Bob Parks, 410 456-0083 bob.parks@clubcrabtowne.org Leader: Jane Brinson, 410 757-6810 jane.brinson@clubcrabtowne.org 1/6 Movie Tuesday When: 1st Tuesday of each Month Time: Between 6:00-7:00 pm, depending on movie time. To Be Announced & on Meetup. Where: Bow Tie Harbour 9 Cinema, Annapolis Harbour Center, 2474 Solomons Island Road, Annapolis 21401. Cost: Pay as you go. Tickets cost $6.00 at the box office. Description: Join us at the movies: We will also post the title and starting time on Meetup, and meet in the © 2015 Club Crabtowne All Rights Reserved 6 www.clubcrabtowne.org Description: We’re going back to Telluride this year, but at the Mountain Lodge with ski-in and ski-out right on the mountain condos, and it will be from Sunday-toSunday. There are two bedroom deluxe condos, and some with a loft that could sleep 5. Included are air, ground transfers, 5 day lifts, tips, and lodging for 7 nights. The Drop Dead Date is September 30, 2014. Link to Flyer: http://clubcrabtowne.org/flyers/Telluride%202015%20Fl yer.pdf Directions: Leave and return using BWI Airport Cancellation: Standard Club Policy i.e. Sell your own spot Leader: Barbara Hagelgans, 410-315-8389 (H) barbera.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org Assistant: Bruce Hagelgans, 410-315-8389 (H), 410-570-5474 (C) barb.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org 1/7 TGIW When: 1st Wednesday of every month Where: Buffalo Wild Wings Riva Rd. & Forrest Dr. Time: 6 - 8 p.m. Cost: Pay As You Go Leader: Tom Cagle, 443 623-7435 c tom.cagle@clubcrabtowne.org 1/8 Ladies Book Club When: 2nd Thursday of each month Where: Call the Trip Leader What: 'Atonement', by Ian McEwan Leader: Marilyn Recknor, 410-626-8456 marilyn.recknor@clubcrabtowne.org 1/7 Quiet Waters Walk When: Every four weeks Where: Quiet Waters Park, 100 Hillsmere Drive, Annapolis. url:http://www.aacounty.org/RecParks/parks/quietwaters /index.cfm Time: 10 a.m. Cost: Pay as you go. IMPORTANT: If there is rain, we will walk at the Annapolis Mall (Food Court entrance, at Cinnabon). Check Meetup - any change will be posted one hour before the walk is scheduled to begin. Description: Easy Sunday Walk at Quiet Waters. Just join the group, it will be fun. Meet at the Bay View Shopping center (West Marine, Grumps, etc) across from the Quiet Waters entrance for a nice spin around the park. Optional brunch / lunch. Please Sign-up on Meetup so we know you plan to attend. Co-Leader: Rosemary Council, 410 956-3586 rosemary.council@clubcrabtowne.org Co-Leader: Elizabeth Woodruff, 410 266-1427 elizabeth.woodruff@clubcrabtowne.org 1/12 Dinner Out When: Every Monday Where: Ruby Tuesday, Annapolis, MD Time: 6 p.m. Cost: Pay as you go Directions: 2025 Somerville Road Leader: Dave Wood, 410 267-9537 dave.wood@clubcrabtowne.org 1/11-1/18 ToHellURide 2015 When: January 11-18, 2015 – Sunday to Sunday Where: Telluride, Colorado Cost: Member-$1,880.00 Payment: Drop dead Date - 09/30/2014 Mistletoe Mingle Sign-up - $470, 08/01/2014 - $470.00, 09/01/2014 - $470.00, 10/01/2014 - $470.00 © 2015 Club Crabtowne All Rights Reserved 7 www.clubcrabtowne.org Description: Brisk walk and talk on the scenic Baltimore/Annapolis Trail along with other exercise enthusiasts. After the walk, we enjoy a good breakfast. Please Sign-up on Meetup so we know you plan to attend. 1/12 Bridge Anyone? When: Every Monday Time: 7:00 p.m. sharp - 9:15 p.m. Where: Elks Lodge #622 at 2 Pythian Drive, aka 2517 Island Road, Edgewater 21037 Cost: Pay as you go Description: We are playing party bridge on Monday evenings at 7pm at the Elks Lodge #622. All are welcome to join us. Come earlier if you would like to eat and/or have something to drink before bridge … or to simply socialize. Some of us will be there by 6pm. Just remember: the more you play the better or more skilled you become. Directions: From route 2 (Solomon's Island Road) turn onto Old Oak Drive (opposite to the Harbour Mall), which becomes Pythian Drive #2, Edgewater, Md. 21037, bear to left, Lodge on left. Google address: 2517 Solomon's Island Roads, Edgewater, Md. 21037. Leader: Bob Parks, 410 456-0083 bob.parks@clubcrabtowne.org Leader: Jane Brinson, 410 757-6810 jane.brinson@clubcrabtowne.org 1/18 Bowling –10 Pin When: 3rd Sunday of every month Time: 7:00 pm Where: Annapolis Bowl, 2057 General's Hwy, Cost: Pay as you go Payment: $2.50 per game plus shoe rental Description: Get up off the couch and meet friends for a lot of laughter and high fives when you throw a strike! Gutter balls welcome too. It's all about the fun. Who will be high score this time? Who will be “most improved”? Leader: Nancy Almgren, 410-757-8610 nancy.almgren@clubcrabtowne.org 1/19 Dinner Out When: Every Monday Where: Ruby Tuesday, Annapolis, MD Time: 6 p.m. Cost: Pay as you go Directions: 2025 Somerville Road Leader: Dave Wood, 410 267-9537 dave.wood@clubcrabtowne.org 1/14 Shoot Pool with Don When: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month Where: Union Jack’s, 2072 Somerville Road, Annapolis Time: 6:30 p.m. Cost: Pay as you go. Description: Come join the fun! A great place for men and women. Team play. Free Parking. Great tasty bar food (pay as you go). Come learn or hone your skills the tables are newly covered; it’s great fun! Directions: Given at Sign-Up Cancellation: SCP Leader: Don Chase, 443 994-6961 don.chase@clubcrabtowne.org 1/19 Bridge Anyone? When: Every Monday Time: 7:00 p.m. sharp - 9:15 p.m. Where: Elks Lodge #622 at 2 Pythian Drive, aka 2517 Island Road, Edgewater 21037 Cost: Pay as you go Description: We are playing party bridge on Monday evenings at 7pm at the Elks Lodge #622. All are welcome to join us. Come earlier if you would like to eat and/or have something to drink before bridge … or to simply socialize. Some of us will be there by 6pm. Just remember: the more you play the better or more skilled you become. Directions: From route 2 (Solomon's Island Road) turn onto Old Oak Drive (opposite to the Harbour Mall), which becomes Pythian Drive #2, Edgewater, Md. 21037, bear to left, Lodge on left. Google address: 2517 Solomon's Island Roads, Edgewater, Md. 21037. 1/18 Walk the B&A Trail on Sunday When: Every four weeks Where: Breakfast Shoppe, 552 Ritchie Highway, Severna Park. Breakfast Shoppe map is also provided on Meetup. Time: 10 a.m. Cost: Pay as you go. INCLEMENT WEATHER: We will walk at the Annapolis Mall (Food Court entrance, at Cinnabon). © 2015 Club Crabtowne All Rights Reserved 8 www.clubcrabtowne.org Leader: Bob Parks, 410 456-0083 bob.parks@clubcrabtowne.org Leader: Jane Brinson, 410 757-6810 jane.brinson@clubcrabtowne.org Where: Elks Lodge #622 at 2 Pythian Drive, aka 2517 Island Road, Edgewater 21037 Cost: Pay as you go Description: We are playing party bridge on Monday evenings at 7pm at the Elks Lodge #622. All are welcome to join us. Come earlier if you would like to eat and/or have something to drink before bridge … or to simply socialize. Some of us will be there by 6pm. Just remember: the more you play the better or more skilled you become. Directions: From route 2 (Solomon's Island Road) turn onto Old Oak Drive (opposite to the Harbour Mall), which becomes Pythian Drive #2, Edgewater, Md. 21037, bear to left, Lodge on left. Google address: 2517 Solomon's Island Roads, Edgewater, Md. 21037. Leader: Bob Parks, 410 456-0083 bob.parks@clubcrabtowne.org Leader: Jane Brinson, 410 757-6810 jane.brinson@clubcrabtowne.org 1/21 Ski on Wednesdays When: Wednesdays from January 7th thru March 4th, weather permitting. Time: Leave around 7:15AM and return around 4PM. Where: Liberty - January 21st & February 4th and 8th & March 4th Whitetail – January 28th & February 11th and 25th Cost: $15 to the driver, your lunch, and the cost of your lift ticket - 4-Hour - Flex $55, with Advantage Card $33. Payment: Due on the day you ski. Only paid members and their guests only. Description: Take a day off and go skiing with other Club Crabtowners to a local ski resort. We will leave around 7:15 and be back just before the rush in the evening. We will ski at Ski Whitetail or Ski Liberty. Please use a ski bag not to damage the driver’s vehicle. Directions: Contact the leader and tell them you want to go and be at the Millersville Park and Ride off of Route 97 and Benfield Road behind the Millersville Exxon Station, 8556 Veterans Highway, Millersville, MD 21108 Cancellation: Tell the trip leader as soon as you know so we do not wait for you. Leader: Bruce Hagelgans, Home 410 315-8389, Mobil 410-570-5474, bruce.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org Assistant: Tori Stright, Mobil 443 205-9192, tori.stright@clubcarbtowne.org 1/28 Ski on Wednesdays When: Wednesdays from January 7th thru March 4th, weather permitting. Time: Leave around 7:15AM and return around 4PM. Where: Whitetail - January 28th & February 11th and 25th Liberty - February 4th and 8th & March 4th Cost: $15 to the driver, your lunch, and the cost of your lift ticket - 4-Hour - Flex $55, with Advantage Card $33. Payment: Due on the day you ski. Only paid members and their guests only. Description: Take a day off and go skiing with other Club Crabtowners to a local ski resort. We will leave around 7:15 and be back just before the rush in the evening. We will ski at Ski Whitetail or Ski Liberty. Please use a ski bag not to damage the driver’s vehicle. Directions: Contact the leader and tell them you want to go and be at the Millersville Park and Ride off of Route 97 and Benfield Road behind the Millersville Exxon Station, 8556 Veterans Highway, Millersville, MD 21108 Cancellation: Tell the trip leader as soon as you know so we do not wait for you. Leader: Bruce Hagelgans, Home 410-315-8389, Mobil 410-570-5474, bruce.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org Assistant: Tori Stright, Mobil 443) 205-9192, tori.stright@clubcarbtowne.org 1/26 Dinner Out When: Every Monday Where: Ruby Tuesday, Annapolis, MD Time: 6 p.m. Cost: Pay as you go Directions: 2025 Somerville Road Leader: Dave Wood, 410 267-9537 dave.wood@clubcrabtowne.org 1/26 Bridge Anyone? When: Every Monday Time: 7:00 p.m. sharp - 9:15 p.m. © 2015 Club Crabtowne All Rights Reserved 9 www.clubcrabtowne.org 1/28 Shoot Pool with Don When: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month Where: Union Jack’s, 2072 Somerville Road, Annapolis Time: 6:30 p.m. Cost: Pay as you go. Description: Come join the fun! A great place for men and women. Team play. Free Parking. Great tasty bar food (pay as you go). Come learn or hone your skills the tables are newly covered; it’s great fun! Directions: Given at Sign-Up Cancellation: SCP Leader: Don Chase, 443 994-6961 don.chase@clubcrabtowne.org Personal Ads COOKING INSTRUCTION, and KITCHEN ORGANIZATION Business Ads LA Singles Knights of Columbus 6111 Columbian Way Bowie Md. 20715 410-349-3659 www.lasinglesbwa.com $1 Off With Crabtowne Card Ski Haus Sports Center 824 East College Parkway Annapolis, MD 21409 410 757-6444 info@skihaussports.com 10% Crabtowne Discount Bike Doctor Ann Carrig - Culinary Institute Of America Graduate hsemgrchef@hotmail.com (410 253-5207) 954 Ritchie Highway Arnold, MD 21012 410 544-5352 10% Crabtowne Discount Ocean City Fountainhead Towers Penthouse Suite. High Rise Pool Tennis. Capital Bicycles The Suite’s large bedroom faces the ocean with 18 foot sliding glass door. The Ocean can be viewed from the king size bed. The living room faces the bay. Panoramic views from both balconies, ocean and bay. Two Adults only. Rates vary by the week and range from $725 to $1150. ($50 off for Crabtowne members). Enar Sanders 301-814-9840 www.atbeach.com/forrent/fountainhead 436 Chinquapin Round Road Annapolis, MD 21401 410 626-2197 info@capitalbicycle.com 10% Crabtowne Discount Personals Ads are FREE to Dues paying members. No activities or trips allowed. Ads run for three months, as space allows, unless editor is notified otherwise. Approx. 50 word limit. Your full name & home phone must be included. Deliver by e-‐mail to the editor. Full Moon Cruise © 2015 Club Crabtowne All Rights Reserved 10 www.clubcrabtowne.org Chairmanships Board of Directors President Tori Stright, 443 949-8467 tori.stright@clubcrabtowne.org Activities Vacant Biking George Clinton, 410 571-3960 george.clinton@clubcrabtowne.org President-Elect Bruce Hagelgans, 410 315-8389 bruce.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org Hiking Gary Todd, 410 451-1044 gary.todd@clubcrabtowne.org Secretary Barbara Hagelgans, 410 315-8389 barbara.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org Marketing Carol Moyer, 410-956-6069 Carol.moyer@clubcrabtowne.org Treasurer Sheila Scarelli, 410 280-1817 sheila.scrarelli@clubcrabtowne.org Membership Tori Stright, 443 949-8467 tori.stright@clubcrabtowne.org Directors Jane Brinson, 410-757-6810 jane.brinson@clubcrabtowne.org Programs Nancy Almgren, 410 757-8610 nancy.almgren@clubcrabtowne.org George Clinton, 410 571-3960 george.clinton@clubcrabtowne.org Sergeant at Arms Lillian Kulick, 410 507-9486 Carol Moyer, 410 956-6069 carol.moyer@clubcrabtowne.org Skiing Bruce Hagelgans, 410 315-8389 bruce.hagelgans@clubcrabtowne.org Gary Todd, 410 451-1044 gary.todd@clubcrabtowne.org Liz Woodruff, 410 266-1427 liz.woodruff@clubcrabtown.org Watersports Bobbie Carew, 410 267-0455 bobbie.carew@clubcrabtowne.org © 2015 Club Crabtowne All Rights Reserved Vol: XLIII – Number 7 11 www.clubcrabtowne.org Crabtowne Monthly General Meeting Fourth Tuesday of each month: 6 – 7 p.m. Chat, Drinks & Dinner 7 – 7:30 p.m. Business Meeting 7:30 – 8 p.m. Social At the Fleet Reserve Club 100 Compromise Street Annapolis, MD 21401 Club Crabtowne P.O. Box 3032 Annapolis, MD 21403 © 2015 Club Crabtowne All Rights Reserved Place Stamp Here 13 www.clubcrabtowne.org
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