1 st National Dermatology Symposium- 2014 “ECZEMAS” Venue: Hotel Yak and Yeti Durbarmarg, Kathmandu, Nepal 27th December, 2014, Saturday (12th Poush, 2071) O r g a ni ze d b y Depart m e nt of Der m atolo gy a n d Ve n er eology Inst it u te of Me dici ne Mah ar a jgu n j, Kath m a ndu Nepal Scientific committee Chairperson: Co-chair persons: Secretary: Members: Scientific Assistants: Email: Prof. Dr. Dwarika Prashad Shrestha Prof. Dr. Dinesh Binod Pokhrel Associate Prof. Dr. A.K. Das Dr. Upama Paudel Dr. Rita Shrestha Dr. Aparna Basnet Dr. Sudip Parajuli Dr. Sangeeta Paudel, Dr. Ramesh Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Gupta Dr Vikash Paudel, Dr. Kamal Raj Dhital Dr. Rishabh Dev Tripathee, Dr. Seema Sitaula, Dr. Prabin Dhakal dermasymposia.iom@gmail.com INVITATION Dear Colleagues, Namaste and season’s greetings. We, the Dept. of Dermatology and Venereology, are organizing the 1st National Dermatology Symposium-2014. We have chosen ‘Eczemas’ as the topic for this symposium, as this is the most common skin disease category in Nepal. Although common and simple looking, there are significant challenges in the prevention and management. This will be an occasion to meet and exchange our experiences. We have invited eminent guest speakers to share their experiences with us and there will be a hands on work shop on patch testing. It will be an opportunity to go in depth in ‘eczemas’ review and renew our knowledge. We cordially invite you to this symposium and thank you in advance for your participation. Prof. Dr. D P Shrestha MD Chairman Scientific committee Dr Upama Paudel, MD Secretary Scientific committee PROGRAM SCHEDULE 09:00 AM- 09:15 AM - Registration 09:15 AM - 10:00 AM - Inauguration 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Tea 10:30 AM- 11:15AM - Recent Advances on the Management of Eczemas. (Prof. Kaushal Verma, MD) 11:15 AM- 11:35 AM - Eczemas in the community: Prevalence and pattern. (Prof. DP Shrestha, MD) 11:35 AM- 12:00 PM - Etiopathogenesis of Eczemas. (Prof. DB Pokhrel, MD) 12:00 PM- 12:30 PM - Management of Chronic Hand Eczema. (Prof. Sudha Agrawal, MD) 12:30 PM- 12:50 PM - Eczemas and impact on quality of life. (Dr. Dipendra Gurung, MD) 01:00 PM- 02:00 PM Lunch 02:00 PM- 04:00 PM - Workshop on Patch test ( Coordinator: Dr Aparna Basnet, MD) Introduction Demonstration Hands-on Queries/Discussion 04:00 PM- 04:30 PM 04:30 PM- 05:00 PM Tea - Closing/ Valedictory
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