Research paper Cancer Biology & Therapy 9:12, 994-999; June 15, 2010; © 2010 Landes Bioscience Prostate cancer in African-American men and polymorphism in the calcium-sensing receptor Gary G. Schwartz,1,* Esther M. John,2,3 Glovioell Rowland4 and Sue A. Ingles4 1 Wake Forest University Health Sciences; Departments of Cancer Biology, Urology, Epidemiology and Prevention; Winston-Salem, NC USA; 2Cancer Prevention Institute of California (formerly the Northern California Cancer Center); Fremont, CA USA; 3Department of Health Research and Policy; Stanford School of Medicine and Stanford Cancer Center; Stanford, CA USA; 4Department of Preventive Medicine; University of Southern California; Los Angeles, CA USA Key words: prostate cancer, African-Americans, calcium-sensing receptor, genetics Background: Prospective epidemiologic studies indicate that the risk for advanced prostate cancer is increased among men with high levels of serum calcium. Because serum calcium levels are influenced by the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR), we examined prostate cancer in African‑American men in relation to three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the CaSR gene, A986S, R990G and Q1011E. This is the first study of CaSR polymorphisms and risk of prostate cancer. Results: The CaSR genotypes were not associated with prostate cancer overall. However, we observed significant heterogeneity by disease stage for the Q1011E polymorphism (p = 0.02). Advanced cases were significantly less likely than controls or localized cases to be homozygous for the minor allele of the Q1011E polymorphism (1 vs. 5%). Cases with advanced disease were six times less likely to carry two copies of the minor allele than were controls (OR = 0.16, p = 0.02) or localized cases (OR = 0.15, p = 0.01) and were significantly older at diagnosis (68.8 ± 5.7 vs. 64.0 ± 9.0 y for the QQ and EE genotypes, p = 0.004). Methods: We genotyped three CaSR SNPs for 458 African‑American prostate cancer cases and 248 controls from a population-based case-control study, the California Collaborative Prostate Cancer Study. Conclusions: The CaSR Q1011E minor allele, which is common in populations with African ancestry, may be associated with a less aggressive form of prostate cancer among African‑American men. Introduction Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed and the most prevalent non-skin cancer among men in the U.S. and the U.K.1,2 The geographic distribution of fatal prostate cancer, which shows higher mortality rates in populations living at northern latitudes, and the higher mortality rate among African‑Americans, has stimulated interest in the etiologic role of vitamin D.3-6 Although many studies have examined prostate cancer risk in relation to genetic polymorphisms in the receptor for 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D (reviewed in ref. 6), the role of polymorphisms in the receptor for calcium has been little studied. However, in a large, prospective cohort (the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey [NHANES I] Epidemiologic Follow-up Study), we reported a 2.5-fold increased risk of fatal prostate cancer in U.S. men with high serum levels of calcium.7 This finding was confirmed in a second, independent cohort, NHANES III. In NHANES III, we reported a greater than 3-fold increased risk of fatal prostate cancer in men whose serum levels of ionized calcium was at the high end of its normal reference range.8 Serum levels of calcium are under strong genetic control mediated in part by the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR), a G protein-coupled receptor that is expressed on the chief cells of the parathyroid glands. The CaSR regulates the secretion and release of parathyroid hormone (PTH), which regulates calcium absorption from the gut and bone.9 Several lines of evidence suggest that the CaSR plays a role in prostate cancer. For example, the CaSR is expressed on prostate cancer cells and its activation by calcium causes an increase in cell proliferation and an inhibition of apoptosis.10 Additionally, microarray data suggest that CaSR expression is associated with prostate cancer metastasis.11 In addition to the CaSR, prostate cancer cells express receptors for PTH (PTH-type I receptors) and respond to PTH with an increase in cell proliferation and metastasis.12,13 These findings suggest that factors that influence serum levels of calcium and/or PTH may play roles in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer. Polymorphisms in the CaSR gene have been examined in studies of colorectal cancer but have not previously been examined in prostate cancer.14 We examined prostate cancer risk in African‑American men in relation to three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the CaSR gene, A986S (rs1801725), R990G (rs1042636) and Q1011E (rs1801726) that alter the amino acid sequence of the CaSR protein. Results Socio-demographic data for cases and controls are shown in Table 1. Men from Northern and Southern California were similar with *Correspondence to: Gary G. Schwartz; Email: Submitted: 02/10/10; Revised: 03/04/10; Accepted: 03/04/10 Previously published online: DOI: 10.4161/cbt.9.12.11689 994 Cancer Biology & Therapy Volume 9 Issue 12 Research Paper Research paper Table 1. Characteristics of African‑American cases and controls, by study site Controls Advanced cases Localized cases LA SF LA SF LA N = 163 N = 85 N = 140 N = 107 N = 211 Age (yrs) ≤49 14 9% 4 5% 12 9% 3 3% 8 4% 50–59 42 26% 21 25% 44 31% 34 31% 44 21% 60–69 68 42% 35 41% 56 40% 43 41% 89 42% 70–79 34 21% 25 29% 25 18% 27 25% 54 26% ≥80 5 3% 0 0% 3 2% 0 0% 16 8% Median 63 65 62 63 66 SES score* 1 (low) 42 26% 9 11% 53 38% 12 11% 88 42% 2 51 31% 19 22% 32 23% 21 19% 56 27% 3 38 23% 19 22% 29 21% 35 33% 37 18% 4 25 15% 22 26% 22 16% 21 19% 22 10% 5 (high) 7 4% 16 19% 4 3% 18 17% 8 4% High school or less 62 38% 37 44% 66 47% 50 46% 85 40% Some college 64 39% 31 37% 40 29% 34 32% 94 45% College graduate 34 21% 16 19% 34 24% 22 20% 31 15% Unknown 3 2% 1 1% 0 0% 1 1% 1 <1% Education Family history of prostate cancer * No 147 90% 72 85% 108 77% 80 75% 166 79% Yes 16 10% 13 15% 32 23% 27 25% 45 21% SES based on census tract of residence. respect to age and education. Northern Californians were less likely to reside in census tracts with a low SES score. Cases with advanced disease were diagnosed at a younger age than those with localized disease (median age 62 and 66 y, respectively). Among advanced cases, 20% had distant metastasis at diagnosis, and 38% were of high histological grade (Gleason grade ≥8) vs. 15% among localized cases. Both localized and advanced cases were significantly more likely than controls to have a family history of prostate cancer (p = 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). Genotype frequencies for cases and controls are shown in Table 2. Among controls, the minor allele frequencies were 3, 4 and 18%, for A896S, R990G and Q1011E, respectively. Genotype frequencies among controls did not deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for any of the polymorphisms. Only four haplotypes had estimated frequencies higher than 1% among controls: ARQ (77%), ARE (16%), AGQ (4%) and SRQ (3%). Thus few, if any, of the men carried a minor allele at more than one locus. None of the CaSR SNP genotypes were associated with prostate cancer risk overall. However, there was significant heterogeneity by stage of disease for the Q1011E polymorphism (p = 0.02). Advanced cases were significantly less likely than controls or localized cases to be homozygous for the Q1011E minor allele. Among controls and localized cases, 5% were homozygous for the minor allele, compared to 1% of advanced cases. Cases with advanced disease were approximately six times less likely to carry two copies of the minor allele than were controls [OR = 0.16 (0.03–0.74), Fisher’s exact p = 0.01]. When we evaluated age at diagnosis by genotype (Fig. 1), we found that the Q1011E genotype was significantly associated with age at diagnosis (p = 0.004). Men with the EE genotype were diagnosed at a significantly older age compared to those who carried at least one Q allele (68.8 ± 5.7 vs. 64.0 ± 9.0 y). The A986S and R990G SNPs were not significantly associated with age at diagnosis. Discussion The CaSR is a G protein-coupled receptor that was cloned from bovine parathyroid glands in 1993.18 The CaSR functions as a “thermostat” for ionized calcium, increasing PTH secretion in response to low levels of calcium in serum and inhibiting secretion in response to increased serum calcium levels.19 However, the CaSR likely plays other roles apart from its role in the regulation of serum calcium because it is expressed in tissues that are not involved in mineral homeostasis, including the prostate gland.20 Activation of the prostatic CaSR by extracellular calcium promotes the proliferation and inhibits apoptosis in prostate cancer cells.10,21 Factors other than calcium are agonists for the CaSR, including the polyamines spermine, spermidine and putrescine, Cancer Biology & Therapy 995 Table 2. CaSR exon 7 genotypes and risk of prostate cancer in African‑Americans, by tumor stage Controls All cases OR (95% CI) all cases vs. controls Advanced cases OR (95% CI) advanced cases vs. controls Localized cases OR (95% CI) localized cases vs. controls rs1801725 (A986S) AA 176 AS SS not AA 94% 397 12 6% 0 0% 12 6% 188 94% 1.0 198 24 6% 0.89 (0.43–1.81) 0 0% * 24 6% 0.89 (0.43–1.81) 421 93% 1.0 199 15 7% 1.11 (0.51–2.44) 0 0% * 15 7% 1.11 (0.51–2.44) 213 96% 1.0 9 4% 0.66 (0.27–1.61) 0 0% * 9 4% 0.66 (0.27–1.61) 208 rs1042636 (R990G) RR 182 92% 408 92% 1.0 217 91% 1.0 191 94% 1.0 RG 15 8% 33 7% 0.98 (0.52–1.85) 20 8% 1.12 (0.56–2.25) 13 6% 0.83 (0.38–1.78) GG 1 1% 2 <1% 0.89 (0.08–9.90) 2 1% 1.68 (0.15–18.65) 0 0% * not RR 16 8% 35 8% 0.95 (0.51–1.96) 21 9% 1.19 (0.60–2.36) 13 6% 0.77 (0.36, 1.65) 1.0 198 443 239 204 rs1801726 (Q1011E) QQ 135 69% 308 69% QE 51 26% 125 EE 10 5% 13 61 31% 138 not QQ 196 1.0 170 70% 28% 1.07 (0.73–1.58) 70 3% 0.57 (0.24–1.33) 2 31% 0.99 (0.69–1.3) 72 446 1.0 138 68% 29% 1.09 (0.71–1.67) 55 27% 1.05 (0.67–1.65) 1% 0.16 (0.03–0.74)# 11 5% 1.08 (0.44–2.62) 30% 0.96 (0.63–1.44) 66 32% 1.03 (0.68–1.56) 242 204 *OR not estimable. #Fisher’s exact p = 0.01 for EE vs. QQ genotype. which are found in especially high abundance in the prostate.22 The CaSR gene harbors three common nonsynonymous SNPs, all in exon 7, arising in three different ethnic populations: rs1801726 (Q1011E) in Africans, rs1042636 (R990G) in Asians and rs1801725 (A986S) in Europeans. We found that African‑American men who were homozygous carriers of the CaSR Q1011E variant allele (EE genotype) were at significantly reduced risk of advanced, but not localized prostate cancer. Furthermore, cases with the EE genotype were diagnosed at significantly older ages compared to cases who carried at least one Q allele. All 25 of the men in this study who were homozygous carriers of the E allele were also homozygous for the “wild-type” alleles at the other two loci and thus all carried two copies of the same CaSR exon 7 haplotype. Figure 1. Age at diagnosis of prostate cancer, by CASR Q1011E genotype. Since advanced prostate cancer is likely to become fatal, these results are consistent with our recent findings that high serum calcium levels Population stratification is a potential concern in studies predict fatal, but not incident prostate cancer.7,8 The data also when the frequency of both the outcome (e.g., advanced prostate are consistent with a report that the CaSR haplotype containing cancer) and of the exposure (e.g., EE genotype of the CaSR) varies the Q1011E variant (E) allele is associated with a significantly greatly by ethnicity.24 This is the case in our study, as both fatal reduced risk of advanced colorectal adenomas.23 prostate cancer and the CaSR EE genotype are more common 996 Cancer Biology & Therapy Volume 9 Issue 12 among African‑Americans. However, if the EE genotype were simply a marker of African ancestry, we would expect positive confounding, i.e., a bias in the odds ratio upwards away from the null. In contrast, the EE genotype in our study is associated with a reduced risk of advanced prostate cancer. Thus, to the extent that there is confounding by ethnicity, the true odds ratio would likely be lower. To our knowledge, this is the first study of CaSR polymorphisms and prostate cancer. A limitation of this study is that our findings for the Q1011E polymorphism are based on a relatively small number of cases carrying two copies of the minor allele (13/446). Thus, this novel finding should be considered hypothesis-generating. Conversely, this study has several strengths: e.g., the sample size of African‑American patients is large and is population-based. Additionally, the oversampling of cases with advanced-stage disease allowed us to distinguish stage-specific effects that would have been difficult to detect in a case series that consisted mainly of early-stage disease. The mechanism(s) underlying the association of a reduced risk of advanced prostate cancer with a polymorphism in the CaSR is unclear but may involve serum levels of calcium and/or PTH. Gain-of-function mutations in the CaSR cause hypocalcemia and loss-of-function mutations cause hypercalcemia.9 Polymorphisms in the CaSR have been associated with modest changes in serum calcium in some, but not all, studies.25-28 Recently, several investigators have reported that polymorphisms in the CaSR are associated with large differences in serum levels of PTH.29 Eren and colleagues reported on CaSR codon 1011 polymorphisms in 192 Turkish patients with end-stage renal disease.30 They observed significantly higher levels of PTH among patients with the minor allele for the Q1011E polymorphism. Serum PTH levels among patients with the CC, CG and GG genotypes (corresponding to QQ, QE and EE, respectively) were 1,015.2 ± 925.4, 523.8 ± 544.6 and 184.3 ± 107.1 pg/ml, respectively. Serum levels of PTH are known to be positively correlated with serum levels of PSA and to promote the progression of prostate cancer metastases to bone.12,31 Thus, the association of the G allele of the CaSR with lower levels of PTH could provide a mechanism for the lower prevalence of advanced disease and the significantly older age at diagnosis that we observed for men with the GG (EE) genotype. Further studies of the association of CaSR polymorphisms with prostate cancer risk are warranted. Materials and Methods Study population. African‑American prostate cancer patients (cases) and men without a history of prostate cancer (controls) participated in the California Collaborative Prostate Cancer Study, a multiethnic population-based case-control study of African‑Americans and non-Hispanic Whites from the San Francisco Bay area (John et al. 2005)3 and African-Americans, Hispanics and non-Hispanic Whites from Los Angeles county. Newly diagnosed cases from both study sites were identified through the regional cancer registries that ascertain all incident cancers as part of the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Result (SEER) program and the California Cancer Registry. San Francisco Bay area. Eligible cases included men aged 40–79 y newly diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer, including non-Hispanic Whites diagnosed between July 1, 1997–February 28, 2000 and African‑Americans diagnosed between July 1, 1997–December 31, 2000. Of 1,015 advanced prostate cancer cases identified by the Greater Bay Area Cancer Registry, 768 met the eligibility criteria (alive, no physician refusal, residing in the San Francisco Bay area, valid phone number, English speaking), and of these 533 (69%), including 107 African‑Americans, completed an in-person interview and provided a blood or mouthwash sample. Controls aged 40–79 y were identified through random-digit dialing and random selections from the rosters of beneficiaries of the Health Care Financing Administration and frequency matched to cases on race/ethnicity and 5 y age group. Of 1,081 controls selected, 836 met the eligibility criteria and 525 (63%), including 85 African‑Americans, provided the interview and a biospecimen sample. Los Angeles county. Eligible cases included African‑Americans, Hispanics and non-Hispanic Whites of any age diagnosed with a first primary prostate cancer between January 1, 1999– December 31, 2003, and identified by the Los Angeles County Cancer Surveillance Program as having either (1) prostatectomy with documented tumor extension outside the prostate, (2) metastatic prostate cancer in extra-prostatic sites, (3) needle biopsy with a Gleason grade 8 or higher or (4) needle biopsy with Gleason grade 7 and tumor in more than 2/3 of the biopsy cores. Los Angeles County Cancer Registry records were obtained to ascertain any advanced stage cases that were missed by the above criteria. Of 3,114 cases identified, 1,870 met the eligibility criteria (alive, no physician refusal, residing in Los Angeles country, valid contact information, English speaking), and of these 1,234 (66%), including 351 African‑Americans, completed the in-person interview and provided a blood sample. Controls were frequency matched to cases on age (±5 y) and race/ethnicity, and were identified using a standard neighborhood walk algorithm.15 Interviews and blood samples were obtained for 594 controls, including 163 African‑Americans. In both studies, advanced prostate cancer was defined according to SEER 1995 pathologic and clinical extent of disease codes. Of participating cases, 1,164 (533 from Northern California and 631 from Southern California) were diagnosed with advanced stage, including 247 African‑Americans (107 from Northern California and 140 from Southern California). Of participating cases from Southern California, 553 (including 211 African‑Americans) were diagnosed with localized disease. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Boards of the Northern California Cancer Center and the University of Southern California. Written informed consent was obtained for all subjects. Genotyping. Two of the SNPs (rs1042636, and rs1801726) were genotyped using an Illumina BeadLab System (San Diego, CA) with GoldenGate® genotyping performed by the USC Genomics Center. Samples were run in a 96-well format using Illumina Sentrix Array technology, scanned on a BeadArray Reader and analyzed using BeadStudio Software (v.3.0.9) with Genotyping Module (v.3.0.27) (Illumina). In addition to Cancer Biology & Therapy 997 duplicate samples, a set of 30 HapMap Trios were run for quality control purposes to compare genotype results with HapMap. SNPs were automatically clustered using the BeadStudio software and clusters were manually edited to increase the call rate, reduce replication errors, and reduce trio errors. Call rates were 95% for each of the two SNPs. The rs1801725 SNP was genotyped on the TaqMan 7900HT Sequence Detection System using the TaqMan Core Reagent Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). PCR reactions were carried out using standard conditions recommended by the manufacturer. The following primer and probe sequences were used: forward: 5'-CAC CTT CTC ACT GAG CTT TGA TGA, reverse: 5'-AGG GAG TTC TGG TGC GTA GA, Vic-CCT CAG AAG AAC GCC ATG, and FAM-CCT CAG AAG AAC TCC ATG. Samples with known genotype were included as controls and clusters were manually called without knowledge of case-control status. The call rate was 90%. Of the 732 samples available for the study (107 cases and 85 controls from Northern California, 377 cases and 163 controls from Southern California), 28 had insufficient DNA quantity to be included on the Illumina panel and 25 were excluded due to missing information on stage of disease. The number of subjects with data on both CaSR genotype and stage of disease was 609 for rs1801725, 641 for rs1042636 and 642 for rs1801726. Statistical analysis. Matching variables for conditional logistic regression were constructed by creating study site/socioeconomic status (SES) bins. An aggregate level SES variable was derived from 2000 Census data on education, household income, home value, proportion of blue collar workers, and proportion of the population below poverty level in the census tract of residence at the time of diagnosis (cases) or study selection (controls).16 Addresses that could not be geocoded to a census tract (n = 16) were randomly allocated an SES quintile. The two lowest quintiles were collapsed at the Northern California site, and the two highest quintiles were collapsed at each of the two sites, leaving seven study site/SES groups (three from Northern California and four from Southern California). Allele frequencies were estimated by gene counting. Tests for departures from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium among controls were conducted by comparing observed and expected genotype frequencies using a Chi Square test. Haplotype frequencies were estimated using Haploview 4.1 (Cambridge, MA).17 Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated by fitting conditional logistic regression models, using study site/SES as the matching variable and adjusting for age 998 (continuous variable) and family history of prostate cancer in first-degree relatives (yes/no). To test for heterogeneity by stage of disease, logistic models with stage (advanced vs. localized) as the outcome variable were fit with and without a genotype term and were compared using a likelihood ratio test. Average age at diagnosis was compared across genotypes using ANOVA (for three genotype groups) and Student’s t test (for two genotype groups). Satterthwaite’s approximation was used to allow unequal variances across genotype groups. Analyses were performed using Stata/SE 10.0 (College Station, TX). Acknowledgements The Northern and Southern California studies were funded by grants 99-00527V-10182 (to E.M.J.) and 99-00524V-10258 (to S.A.I.) from the Cancer Research Fund, under Interagency Agreement #97-12013 (University of California contract #98-00924V) with the Department of Health Services Cancer Research Program and by grant R01CA84979 (to S.A.I.) from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health. Cancer incidence data used in this publication have been collected by the Greater Bay Area Cancer Registry, of the Northern California Cancer Center, under contract N01-PC-35136 with the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, and with support of the California Cancer Registry, a project of the Cancer Surveillance Section, California Department of Health Services, under subcontract 1006128 with the Public Health Institute and the Los Angeles Cancer Surveillance Program of the University of Southern California with Federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. N01-PC-35139, and the California Department of Health Services as part of the statewide cancer reporting program mandated by California Health and Safety Code Section 103885, and grant number 1U58DP000807-3 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mention of trade names, commercial products, specific equipment or organizations does not constitute endorsement, guarantee or warranty by the State of California Department of Health Services or the U.S. Government, nor does it imply approval to the exclusion of other products. The views expressed in this publication represent those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position or policies of the Northern California Cancer Center, the California Public Health Institute, the State of California Department of Health Services, or the US Department of Health and Human Services. Cancer Biology & Therapy Volume 9 Issue 12 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ferlay J, Autier P, Boniol M, Heanue M, Colombet M, Boyle P. Estimates of the cancer incidence and mortality in Europe in 2006. Ann Oncol 2007; 18:581-92. Maddams J, Brewster D, Gavin A, Steward J, Elliott J, Utley M, et al. Cancer prevalence in the United Kingdom: estimates for 2008. Br J Cancer 2009; 101:541-7. 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