ALL AMERICAN Wednesday December 24, 2014 WEEKLY Volume 18, Issue 43© email: America’s Best Conservative Newspaper since 1997 Season’s Greetings from Second Chance Pet Rescue Why Dish Network Isn’t Carrying Fox News Right Now Page 9 New York City slides toward chaos after police officers assassinated Page 12 Another Reason to Hate the IRS: Your Tax Refund Next Year May Be Delayed U.S. border agent: ‘Morale never been lower’ ‘If there isn’t a change soon, there will be a large exodus of agents’ By Leo Hohmann Fox News By: John Hayward Officer Wenjian Liu Officer Wenjian Liu Take a bow, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Hero of the Revolution. You got what you were pushing for. After weeks of the Mayor treating his own police force like a gang of psychotic racist killers he couldn’t even trust to watch over his mixed-race son, in order to curry favor with the mobs of protesters filling the streets (often illegally, but apparently city ordinances don’t apply to such righteous crusaders), a particularly deranged protester murdered two police officers on Saturday afternoon. The New York Post reports on the killings: “No warning, no provocation — they were quite simply assassinated, targeted for their uniform,” Police Commissioner William Bratton said. Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were working overtime as part of an anti-terrorism drill in Bedford-Stuyvesant just before 3 p.m. when they were shot pointblank in the head by lone gunman Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, who had addresses in Georgia, Maryland and Brooklyn. Moments after killing the two officers, Brinsley, too, was dead, having turned his gun on himself on a nearby subway platform as cops closed in. Liu, 32, a newlywed of only two months, had seven years on the force; Ramos, 40, dad to two sons, had two years on the job. Brinsley was a devotee of the Religion of Peace - a detail somehow left out of most mainstream-media accounts - but for some reason its teachings of gentle brotherly love did not curb his homicidal urges. He began the afternoon by shooting his ex-girlfriend in the stomach and posting such declarations on his Instagram page as, “I’m putting wings on pigs today” and “They See Officers, pg. 11 U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents have had their authority to detain illegal aliens reduced, some have been disarmed, and now they are seeing cuts in their paychecks. nized like crazy for anything over eight hours,” he said. All of this is taking a toll on morale, said one of the agents in an exclusive interview with WND. The agent, whom WND agreed not to identify due to the possibility of retribution against him, said the frustration level was causing many agents in his unit, which includes about 200 officers, to look for work elsewhere. A border agent in southeastern California said the issues with agent pay has to do with overtime polices. “We’re getting scruti- Congress passed a reform law that will change the way Border Patrol agents are paid starting next year, leading to a pay cut for most agents under the new system. “Most of us are pretty happy with the current system but the supervisors are not supposed to micromanage our overtime,” the agent told WND. “We’re getting contradictory messages from our supervisors.” On the one hand agents are told they should not leave the field See Border, pg. 4 GOP: To win in 2016, boot Boehner now Dr. Gina Loudon calls speaker a villain willing to compromise public trust As the wife and media liaison of a six-term Missouri legislator, I learned a lot about the game of politics and how it is played by those who are best at it. Politicians can play “nice guy” for the voters, and unless the voters know the inside ball game of politics, they will never even know what actually happened. Politicians can say one thing and can then completely sabotage their own efforts in an attempt to look like a victim to the system. Many would like to think of Speaker John Boehner as a principled man who is a victim of the process, but anyone close to Boehner knows better. He isn’t dumb. He simply would rather look like the victim than the villain. Voters rushed to the polls to give Speaker Boehner the power to stop Obama’s executive amnesty and the rest of his anti-American agenda. Exit polling showed that three-quarters of voters opposed Obama’s amnesty. Boehner accepted the power handed to him in the election, then ignored the will of the voters who handed him that power. To me, anyone who accepts the public trust and then uses that trust for personal gain, ignoring the responsibilities he had when he took the oath of office, is a definitive villain. Even when some of a politician’s causes are noble but he is willing to compromise the public trust, he remains a villain. Speaker Boehner not only betrayed the trust of the voters who did not want amnesty, but he then made a deal with President Obama and even enjoyed a congratulatory call with him after the deal was final. Those are the actions of a politician who does not care that he was entrusted by the public to act specifically on the issue of amnesty. This could mean major losses for Republicans in 2016 if the situation isn’t rectified and Boehner isn’t gone. Over 400,000 letters are on their way to the offices of Republican leaders and members who are being asked by voters to end Boehner’s reign – as part of the “Dump Boehner” campaign spearheaded by WND’s Joseph Farah. Conservatives fear that if Boehner isn’t gone, they will see a repeat of what happened in 2006 and 2008, only worse. Conservative or not, most Republicans would agree that those actions are not Republican at all. Republicans have lost confidence in this speaker and will lose confidence in their elected Republicans if they don’t make significant changes now. There is one opportunity for Republicans to hold onto the victories they saw at the polls in 2014, and that is to replace Boehner as speaker. After the actions over the last couple of weeks by Republicans, I see nothing else that can save their skin in the elections of 2016. The psychological reasons for going into politics are complicated but limited. Most politicians go into politics for one of two reasons – they truly want to be a civil servant, or they are so egomaniacal and narcissistic that the idea of all the attention and power is too intoxicating for them to resist. If John Boehner were my own relative, I would say it is time for him to resign to give Republicans a chance in 2016. The voters who may not be paying attention now will be paying attention in the coming months, and ultimately they will have it no other way. There is no clear path to victory for Republicans in 2016, but there is a very clear path to defeat. Speaker Boehner has made it clear that his priority is more power, even if it means more compromise. Conservatives have made it clear that they are not willing to forfeit elections in 2016 to placate a speaker who has not answered their call for real change. It might sound strange, but the most important thing you can do to win in 2016 might be to get your friends and family on board to press congressional Republicans to oust Boehner now. Conservatives have consistently and repeatedly entrusted Republican leadership with a nation in peril. Most Republican voters believe that 2014 was a referendum on Democrats, and that the results of the elections charged Republicans with the responsibility of making significant changes. The first thing Republicans did post-election under Boehner’s leadership is cut a deal on amnesty. The second thing Republicans did under Boehner’s leadership is cut a deal with Obama himself that spends more and does nothing to curb the debt. Wed Thur. Fri Cloudy High 40 Low 30 Mostly Sunny High 53 Low 43 Partly Cloudy High 54 Low 31 20% 0% 10% The Internal Revenue Service is crying poor in the face of budget cuts and weighing the possibility of its own short-term shutdown -- even warning that tax refunds could be delayed next year. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen gave details Thursday on ways the tax-collection agency might try to cut costs. He said everything from taxpayer services to enforcement efforts could be affected. But, in a move that could impact millions, he said there could be a lag in refunds being processed. “Everybody’s return will get processed,” Koskinen told reporters. “But people have gotten very used to being able to file their return and quickly getting a refund. This year we may not have the resources, the people to provide refunds as quickly as we have in the past.” In recent years, the IRS says it was able to issue most tax refunds within 21 days, if the returns were filed electronically. Koskinen wouldn’t estimate how long they might be delayed in the upcoming filing season, which is just a few weeks away. Congress cut the IRS budget by $346 million for the budget year that ends in September 2015. The $10.9 billion budget is $1.2 billion less than the agency received in 2010. The agency has come under heavy fire from congressional Republicans for its now-halted practice of applying extra scrutiny to conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status. The cuts come as the IRS is starting to play a bigger role in implementing President Obama’s health care law. For the first time, taxpayers will have to report on their tax returns whether they have health insurance. Some Republicans in Congress have vowed to cut IRS funding as a way to hurt implementation of the health care law. Koskinen has said it won’t work. He said the IRS is required to enforce the law, so other areas will have to be cut, including taxpayer services and enforcement. Koskinen said the IRS is imposing a hiring freeze, except for emergencies, and is eliminating almost all overtime. “In some ways, these budget cuts are really a tax cut for tax cheats,” Koskinen said. “Because to the extent we have fewer people to audit and enforce the Sat See IRS, pg. 7 Sun PM Mostly Sunny Snow Showers High 42 High 36 Low 32 Low 28 40% 0% Mon Tues Mostly AM Sunny SnowHigh 42 Showers Low 27 High 33 Low 21 0% 30% CONTENTS Classifieds Crossword Puzzle/Horoscopes Editorials/Comments /Politicos Fishing Report/Golf Report Page 11 Page 10 Page 2 Page 10 Page 2 The BANNER Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Governor Mary Fallin’s “Oklahoma Now” THE VIEW FROM HERE By Neil Carson (CKA Bob McDowell) Another Year Gone It seems like only last week that we were welcoming a brand new year of our Lord 2014. As age increases the days, weeks, months, and years are seaming much shorter. Or maybe age slows a person down so that it just takes longer to get the same things done. In any event, the year just ending has been successful in some ways, but disastrous in some others. The societies of the world seem to be becoming more confrontational to the point of downright evil in some cases. The most prime example of that is the rise of the ISIS movement of Islamofasciasts who have taken over parts of Iraq and Syria, and still expanding. They seem to be extremely well financed and supplied while those being subjugated are doing the best they can with what little has been furnished to them. One wonders if the infamous George Soros is not secretly giving them some major financial aid. They have shown themselves to be utterly ruthless to the point of, in my opinion, being the ultimate evil. A religion of peace? On the home front are well orchestrated and organized riot groups wreaking their destruction on the homes and businesses of, mostly minority, decent citizens. They have taken their nefarious ‘demonstrations’ (riots) far from the locals of the incidents they claim to be protesting. It was several times reported that those arrested in the St. Louis area were, for the very most part, from out of State, and flown, bussed or trained into the area. Reminded me of the previous ‘occupy Wall Street’ mess where the trash were paid to do their dirty (in spades) work. Contrast those things with the “Tea Partiers” rallies where the site used was left in a better and more clean condition that before they met. No one was beaten up, robbed, or killed and no businesses were destroyed and/or looted. And yet, those of the C/S persuasion continually rail about how ‘terrible’ they are, and are given total coverage in a complicit media. However, there were some hopeful signs during the year. There was a really massive overhaul in the November elections although, sad to say, the new majority leaders have not been changed from being in the minority and do not seem to be desirous of making some major and much needed changes in the thrust of agenda. It remains to be seen, after Congress re-convenes in January, whether there will be some real progress made toward turning the economy around. If so you can bet the PRESBO and his minions will use every clean and questionable tool available to them to thwart real progress. Back to basics is where we need to go. It is time that both political parties’ people return to the basic principals on which they were founded. We, the ‘laity’ of the political parties must rise up and change the programs that have brought us to the situation existing today. To accomplish this, the “establishment” groups in control must be replaced. There must be an end to the attitude that ‘it’s someone’s turn, to be in a particular elective office. That might very well require the replacement of those in the current “establishment”. We must demand that the Constitution cease being ignored in the management of the Nation, and states, that statutes (laws) passed be obeyed and if nefarious be repealed. We as citizens are required to ‘live within our means’ and so should the governments at various levels. To accomplish these goals will require dedication, effort, money and time. It has taken just over a century to get into the position we find ourselves, so a turn-around will not happen over night. But as the saying goes, to begin the journey we must take the first step. I only hope real progress can be seen before it is my turn to “turn the body in” for a new one. To one and all the most Happy and Prosperous New Year. The Conservative View By Russell Turner Fair Weather Friends It has been said that we cannot pick our enemies but we can pick our friends. I have found that having true friends can be a huge blessing. When someone has the same values and supports the same causes that you do, they can be a source of inspiration. However everyone who claims to be your friend may not be a true friend. Some people are only your friend when things are going well or as receipt of the Combat Action award long as we have something they from the Navy or Marine Corps.” want. Some even base their friendship on how society accepts you; as The order forms are available long as you are accepted by the in at they are your friend, but as forms/751-F.pdf. soon as you fall out of the social graces your so-called friend doesn’t want to be seen with you. If someone is ashamed to be seen with me I certainly don’t want to call him my friend. This is the Christmas season; I feel that it should be a time when we look at ourselves and see how good a friend we are. Christmas is supposed to be the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Our nation was founded upon the Judao Christian principles, but it seems that we have forgotten that. We have become so worried about being politically correct and offending some group we have remained silent when we should be speaking up in support of our friend and savior Jesus Christ. While many like to complain about Rep. Bennett Receives Farm Bureau Award Order Forms for Specialty License specialty Combat Action license plates. Plates for Veterans Available OKLAHOMA CITY – State Rep. John Bennett said today that forms will be available starting Friday for Marine Corps or Navy veterans who wish to order “The plates should be available by mid-January,” said Bennett, R-Sallisaw. “Interested veterans have to provide their DD214 discharge paperwork or other official documentation to prove they are in Toll Free Capitol Switchboard 1-877-762-8762 Sen. James M. Inhofe E-mail: Web: Washington Phone 1-202-224-4721 FAX 202-228-0380 Tulsa Phone: 1-918-748-5111 • Oklahoma City 1-405-608-4381 Sen. Tom Coburn Washington 1-202-224-5754 FAX 202-224-6008 Tulsa Phone: 1-918-581-7651 Okla. City 1-405-231-4941 U.S. House of Representatives Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Dist. 1) 216 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington DC 20515 1-202-225-2211 FAX (202) 225-9187, Tulsa, 2448 E. 81st. St., #5150, Tulsa, OK 74137, 1-918) 935-3222 FAX (918) 935-2716 Rep. Markwayne Mullin, (R-Dist. 2) Washington 1-202-225-2701 Claremore 1-918-341-9336 Muskogee 1-918-687-2533 Rep. Frank Lucas 1-202-225-5565/Stillwater 1-405-624-6407 Rep. Tom Cole 1-202-6165/Norman 1-405-329-6500 Oklahoma State Offices Governor Mary Fallin OK State Capitol, 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Room 212 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 • Phone 1-405-521-2342 Fax 405-521-3353 Tulsa Office: 440 S. Huston Ave. , Suite 304, Tulsa, OK 74127 Phone: 1-918-581-2801 • Fax 1-581-2835 Jay Vickers, Editor Editorial & Advertising Offices: Located/Mailing address is: 433301 E. 350 Road, Adair, OK 74330 Published by Banner Weekly Corp. Donna Vickers, President/Publisher To Subscribe, call 918-783-5657 Subscription Rates: $60 Annually for mailing. An Independent Newspaper, All Reproduction Rights of Advertising and Articles are Reserved by Banner Weekly Corp. Copyright© 1997-2014 the state of our nation and our elected leaders, we do little to stop it. In a Christian nation with churches everywhere why are we seeing the declines in morals, traditional family lifestyles and an out-ofcontrol government? Are too many people afraid to speak up because they might be called some kind of terrorist because they profess their faith in Jesus Christ? Are we so afraid of offending some other religion that we are willing to allow Christianity to be minimized for Russell Turner some minority group? While other religions claim to be a religion of peace, their actions prove otherwise. Instead of commanding Christians to kill anyone who doesn’t agree with them, Christ ordered his followers to love their enemies. The reason for the season is Jesus Christ, but we have substituted snowmen and jingle bells. I was in a major retail store the other day and I noticed there weren’t any nativity scenes for sale in the decoration section. Our nation has enjoyed many blessings from God. I wonder, how long will those blessings continue if we have become so politically correct that we are afraid of offending someone because we profess our faith? I believe that God gives each of us the 3T’s (time, talent and treasure) and it is our duty to use those gifts wisely. I think this Christmas season would be a good time to renew our friendship with God; like we humans He may not want to be our friend if we are ashamed of him. If we Americans have the good sense to renew that friendship we are promised that he will heal our land. Let us be more than a fair weather friend. Merry Christmas. Wednesday, December 24, 2014 The BANNER From My Pointless Ruth Bivens Aunt Ruth’s Famous Peanut Brittle Oops! Did I just see December 20th on the calendar? Hummm, let me see. That must mean that it is five days until Christmas. That means that I am about a month behind with shopping and candy making. I wonder how I am going to get out of this fix. For the last three or four months I have been buying small things, gifty type things, and chucking them into the bottom of my closet. I guess the time has come for me to haul that stuff out, check my gift list, and see what I have and what I need. And, then there is the candy. For nigh on to a hundred years I have made Peanut Brittle for friends and family for Christmas. I remember, when Hubby had his State Farm office in Tulsa, I would be up night and day making candy for his fellow agents and best clients for Christmas. I can remember making over 40 batches to give away. At least, we had the money to do it back then. Now, here we are, in our little house just 10 miles north of the Mexican border, trying to get ready for Christmas, and all of the related activities connected with the season on the mission field. Friday the 19ththat would be yesterday (seems like it was a long time ago) we drove back over to the Seminary of the Cross in Reynosa for a special luncheon honoring the teachers. Our “con-suegros” (our older son’s in-laws) work there. Brother Lalo Gonzalez is the director of the Seminary. He is the one who arranged for us to teach there during this past semester, carefully working around our busy schedule as we ran back and forth to Oklahoma and Alabama for conferences. They came over Thursday and I took them to the Spanish Christian Book Store, and to WalMart. We had doubted that we really had time to go back to the Seminary just to eat lunch, but, they begged us to come. So, we went. The semester ended last week since the pastor scheduled to teach all of this week did not show up. So, all of the students went home. Since most of them live close, they were able to return for the meal. The luncheon was a sweet time, just sitting visiting with Lalo, Elvira, their son Gabriel and his wife Marisol, who work there with them, and the students. Brother Lalo grilled chickens, beef steaks, and large chorizos- long, fat, link sausages, cut in half. There were stacks of warm tortillas for making tacos, some good salsa, and bowls of Frijoles CharosMexican style beans. By the time we got home it was about four. Traffic on the Pharr International Bridge is a mess at this time of year. People in Mexico who have the resources to get papers to cross the border and shop do it. We see lots of license plates on cars from Monterrey, which is about three hours south west of Pharr. And, then, there is always a good variety of others from way down in central Mexico. The attraction north of the river is the variety of items available, and the better prices. And, most folks up north seem to think that things are cheaper in Mexico. Not so! They just need to go to a Mexican grocery store to have their eyes opened. That is why we always go to the big Costco store here in Pharr and load up on groceries before we go to the Getsemani Children’s Home. Last night we attended the Christmas program at the Light of Life Free Will Baptist mission church in north McAllen. We had gone Wednesday evening for the AWANA meeting. We always help with that project when we are in the area on Wednesdays. But, it was the only evening they had for rehearsal for the program. So, we got to see the rough draft and the finished project. The play was great. The children were all so cute, dressed in their carefully made costumes, as they enacted the Christmas story. Ruth Bivens The pastor, dressed as the writer Luke, read the story from the books of Luke and Matthew. So, no one had to memorize text, just act out their part as the pastor read the story. Now, we are down to the last minutes to get ready for Christmas. I planned to make Peanut Brittle today, but, it is cloudy and the humidity is 80% here on the border. We have sunny days predicted for Monday and Tuesday. So, I am going to get gifts wrapped and under the tree today, and find out if I have missed someone. Then, I plan to make candy Monday. Meanwhile, if you are interested, I am tucking in my Famous Recipe. I trust that you will have a special Christmas with your family this year. God bless you richly. And, please, don’t forget that we who work in Mexico need, and deeply appreciate your prayer. AUNT RUTH’S FAMOUSPEANUT BRITTLE Smart Meters and - FORCED In-Home Energy Audits - Costs Added to OUR Property Tax Bills for Retrofitting OUR Properties to Reduce Co2 Emissions . . Headed to YOUR Town The information below will be posted with the YouTube soon to be created from this meeting. . .We believe this information is important to get out far and wide, as soon as possible. . . COMMENT: The city has adopted codes, ordinances and statutory a resolution allowing property owners to participate in “three” financing programs for water, energy efficiency upgrades and the installation of renewable energy climate action plan requirements . The city would not incur any expense from their general fund by adopting this resolution for the property owners. This meeting was attended by very few members of the public and ONLY a couple questions were asked on this agenda item by the public . . . and those questions were NOT answered by the city attorney, city staff or the council. (Below is a link for the City Council Staff Report). The city council voted unanimously to allow participation of city property owners in the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs, CaliforniaFIRST and California HERO, and to work collaboratively in the region as members of the Sonoma County PACE Financing “Marketplace”. While this city council staff “financing” report pertains to a city in Northern California, YOUR cities and counties are signing these loan programs via GRANTS and CONTRACTS for you to ultimately be forced into increasing your debt if you do not have personal funds to pay for reducing your Co2 emissions. These programs are being adopted covertly without the informed knowledge or consent of the people living in the communities. In two quart pan: Combine: 1 cup water 1 cup light corn syrup Soon EVERY building struc2 cups sugar ture, nationwide, will be reCover with lid. Place on quired to retrofit (replace) all high heat inefficient and unsustainable until comes to boil. equipment as assessed by the Remove lid. Place candy thermometer. Be careful that thermometer does not touch the bottom of the pan. Boil until reaches 230 degrees Stir in two cups raw peanuts slowly Continue boiling, keep stirring, until it reaches 280 degrees Add 2 tablespoons butter . Continue stirring. Cook to 300 degrees. Remove from heat. Stir in: 2 teaspoons Vanilla 2 teaspoons Baking Soda Stir until foamy. Shake onto flexible, buttered, jelly roll pan, 11x15 cookie sheet Candy scraped from pan will be hard. Scrape it into a specific corner. Do not spread with spatula or spoon. Breaking the bubbles causes the candy to be hard. Page 3 energy audits. Energy audit companies are offering audits for free to assess what replacements you must make in your homes, offices, etc. to reduce YOUR Co2 emissions. These building replacements will be costly, since the goal is to reduce YOUR green house gas aka Co2 emissions to ZERO or as close to ZERO as possible . . . In short, all previous building codes and existing structures built in accordance with approved, engineered and approved permitted plans will now violate climate change energy reduction requirements . . . Most ALL previously permitted buildings are inefficient, unsustainable and will not be in compliance with the NEW “corporate” laws that our incorporated cities, counties, states and the federal government have adopted for us to reduce green house gas emissions. Properties that are not in compliance will be given opportunities to create indebtedness by financing energy upgrades. We asked the city council during this meeting if people on fixed incomes or people that cannot afford to take on energy upgrade loans would be penalized? Public comment ended and the questions from the public were ignored. We, of course, informed the council that there is unsettled and questionable science as to whether global warming is even REAL . . . ALL structures, nationwide, that were permitted and built without energy upgrades will be out of compliance, and will NOT meet the Co2 emission reductions . . . Properties that are not upgraded will be unsustainable and will be dealt with by your local code enforcement officers. Note: That as of December 2014 Thirtyone (31) states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation allowing for the PACE financing mechanism to operate within the state . . . The financing terms in Sonoma County in Northern California for the PACE financing is 7% simple interest for a 10 or 20 year term. California HERO (Home Energy Renovation Opportunity) terms are a 5 to 25 year term. Interest on the 5 year term is approximately 5.75% and on the 25 year term the interest is approximately 8.25% . . . referencewww. SonomaCountyEnergy. org or phone Jane Elias (707) 565-6483 . . . We were told how the financing allows for the acquisition and construction or installation of distributed generation renewable energy sources and energy efficiency improvements, which include water efficiency improvements “on” or “in” properties in the County through contractual assessments paid back through property taxes . . . PROPERTY TAXES! Yes! We were informed that these energy upgrade financing loans are collected through your property tax bills . . . Keep in mind when property taxes are late, fines and penalties are charged and ultimately if your property taxes are not paid your property can be “taken” . . . Other energy upgrade requirements as stated in the meeting were cool roofs, windows, doors, insulation, solar and more to meet energy reduction standards. It is important to note that these energy reduction standards are ONLY the “first phase” of required retrofits. Review the climate action plan in your city - type in the name of your city or county - followed by plans to reduce green house gas emissions . . . or go to your city planning department and pick up a copy . . . Smart meters are required along with the Energy Star rated appliances (Energy Star appliances are Electric ONLY, and gas appliances and equipment are to be phased out). Obviously, the smart meter opt-out will no longer provide people with an analog meter option. Hundreds of documents, studies and military admissions have proven that the dangerous effects of the pulsed microwave frequencies from the smart grid deployment causes many illnesses and leads to death. We were told during this council meeting that there would be many benefits and a range of consumer loan choices, and that financing would hasten the climate change Co2 reductions in order to prevent the catastrophic effects of weather events resulting from Co2 emissions . . . Additionally, we were told these retrofits would grow the contractor community in our town and allow for more collection of data to meet reductions of green house gas emissions . . for more information on the implementation of the Climate Action Plans watch the YouTube “Who is Running America and the CAP” . . . and go and read Lawfully Yours to learn ways that you can attempt to Not Consent. Dr. Shaw’s Prescription Is there a message for the New Then Moses said to him, “If Year found in the Christmas your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” story? Absolutely! (Exodus 33:14-15 NIV) It is found in a quote taken directly from the prophet Isaiah The New Living Translation, 7:14. Behold, a virgin shall puts verse 15 like this, Then be with child, and shall bring Moses said, “If you don’t perforth a son, and they shall call sonally go with us, don’t make his name Emmanuel, which us leave this place.” being interpreted is, God with us. (Matthew 1:23 NIV) Em- God will never send you where He has not been. God will manuel, God with us. By of all the gifts or presents from God, most important is His presence. Emmanuel, God with us. never take you anywhere, but what He will go with you. God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5 NIV) Emmanuel, God with us. Sen. Wayne Shaw Member FDIC As God was preparing Moses Allow to cool. to lead the people of Israel, He Break into serving size gave him this positive promise, pieces. “My Presence will go with you, ENJOY! and I will give you rest.” Phone: 918-785-2446 Fax: 918-628-5170 P.O. Box 199 • Adair, OK 74330 Page 4 The BANNER Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Your car’s hidden ‘black We’re Being Cooked!!... by Joe Esposito week in the BANNER Newspaper article December 24, 2014, is an article taken from the Red Dirt box’ and how to keep it This Report covering the Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s hearing, December 18th. The hearing addressed two filed exceptions on November 3, 2014, to the Administrative Law Judge Jacqueline T. Miller’s Report of private 245 pages filed on October 24, 2014 concerning AEP-PSO’s attempt to gain permission for installation of By Kim Komando Most commercial airplanes have that starts at $2,000 and can cost an indestructible flight recorder up to $20,000 with accessories. known as a “black box” — even The CDR system plugs into the though the casing is actually bright on-board diagnostics port under orange — that records information the dashboard on the driver’s side from the flight computers. Another and transfers the information to a box records cockpit audio and other special computer program. sources around the plane. In the event of a crash, investigators can Obviously, car manufacturers recover the black boxes and find have the equipment. The NHTSA out exactly what happened. and law enforcement have the resources to get the information Cars can have black boxes, too. In either directly or through specialfact, it’s a good bet your current car ized third parties. Third-party has one. And if it doesn’t, your next shops often pull the data as part of new car certainly will. That’s why an accident reconstruction service. you should know exactly what that Insurance companies and law black box is recording, who can get firms may also use third parties to the information and how you can get data for accident investigations stay in control. or court cases. Then there’s the group everyone worries about — hackers. In most cases, I doubt hackers want your black box data. It would need to contain a lot more data on you to make it worth their while. 2005 Chevy Cobalt A bit of history Black boxes in cars aren’t a new thing. They were installed in cars from Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet and Pontiac in 1994 to help General Motors manufacturers learn how their cars performed in crashes. Hackers are more interested in hacking cars so they can take control of them from a distance. Unfortunately, they’re getting good at it, and it’s getting easier as cars become more and more computer controlled. Do you own one of the three most hackable cars in the world? Click here to find out. Since the early 2000s, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been collecting black box information to get a better picture of the circumstances surrounding accidents. Last year, 96 percent of new cars sold in the United States came with a black box. As of Sept. 1, 2014, every new vehicle must have one. That’s the technical side of downloading black box data. There’s a legal side as well. As of this writing, 15 states — Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Washington — have passed regulations regarding who can pull the information Black box data have been used in a with and without the car owner’s few high-profile investigations. In permission. 2011, Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Timothy Murray totaled a government You can find an up-to-date list car. He claimed he was driving the of the states and their rules at speed limit and was wearing a seat the National Conference of State belt. Investigators used his black Legislatures site. In general, howbox data to show he was driving ever, no one can pull data without 100 mph and wasn’t buckled in at your permission or a court order. the time of the crash. Insurance companies can’t use the data to set your rates unless you Wondering if your car has a black opt into a program, and those probox? This site lists the year, make grams usually use another tracking and model of nearly every car that unit. The rules are much less clear has one. You can also check your in states that haven’t passed any car’s manual. If you’re buying a car legislation yet. from a dealership, it has to tell you if the car has a black box. Can you keep your data private? What do black boxes record? While the first-generation event data recorders did little more than track whether the car’s airbags deployed, recording and sensor technologies have become smaller and much more powerful. The NHTSA has mandated that every new recorder must track 15 variables, although older recorders might not have all of them. The information includes vehicle speed, throttle position, airbag deployment times, whether the brakes were applied, whether seat belts were worn, engine speed, steering angles and more. Manufacturers may include up to 30 additional data points if they want, but they say they don’t include GPS location, video or audio. Also, the black box stores information only for 20 seconds around the crash. Still, anyone with a court order, or just the right tool and a little time, can get at your black box information. There’s no way you can delete the data or disable the black box. Fortunately, there is a simpler option. Products like AutoCYB, OBD Lock and OBD Saver put a lock on the diagnostic port so no one can plug anything into it without your permission. That keeps people from resetting information, extracting data or falsifying records that could be used against you. Whether a court order would require you to hand over the keys to the lock is another story. I’ll leave that one for the lawyers to decide. But you can at least make sure that nothing short of a court order lets someone get your data. Still, many privacy advocates worry that the recording length might eventually increase and include more identifying information. That raises the question of who can access the data in the first place. On the Kim Komando Show, the nation’s largest weekend radio talk show, Kim takes calls and dispenses advice on today’s digital lifestyle, from smartphones and tablets to online privacy and data hacks. For her daily tips, free Who can pull the data? newsletters and more, visit her website at Kim Getting your hands on black box also posts breaking tech news 24/7 data requires professional training at and a Crash Data Retrieval system PH: 918-785-2841 FAX: 918-785-4423 2976 W. 410, Adair, OK 74330 2 Miles West, 1 Mile South of Adair STEEL & LUMBER • Formex • Anchor Paint • Composite Decking Lumber, Pipe, Angle, Square Tubing, Channel, Strap, Beams, Purlins, Etc... 522,000 “Spy” Smart Meter (a microwave radiation data mining device) in Oklahoma. Previous to the ALJ’s decision on October 24th, PSO used the phrase” OFFER the smart meters to their customers” in published newspaper articles and throughout the hearing. During public comment at the hearing a private citizen confronted OCC and PSO and asked “What the word ‘OFFER’ meant?” This question was not addressed by the ALJ in her report. However after the ALJ’s report PSO changed from “OFFER” to NO OPT-OUT for smart meters, therefore making the meters ”MANDATORY” to their customers. The public needs to realize that there is NO LAW, state or federal, making PSO’s smart meters mandatory. Red Dirt Report Corporation Commission hears arguments regarding proposed PSO rate hike, smart meter concerns By Tim Farley December 19, 2014 OKLAHOMA CITY -- Electric bills for some residential customers would increase more than 20 percent if a Tulsa-based utility company’s proposed rate hike is approved by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. The panel heard arguments Thursday from attorneys representing American Electric Power-Public Service Company of Oklahoma and opposition groups such as AARP who advocated for its members and the public at large. The commissioners agreed to take the case under advisement, offering no timetable when a decision would be made in the $24 million rate increase case. AARP attorney Deborah Thompson said her group is opposed to the rate hike because of the increase in minimum monthly customer charges and an uncapped surcharge that could rise depending on the cost of the smart meter installation program. She also chastised PSO for failing to implement a low income bill assistance program, which could benefit many customers, including senior citizens. “Elderly users most often live alone, have smaller homes and have lower consumption so that monthly increase could affect them financially,” she said. Earlier this year, a settlement was reached by PSO and some of its opponents, although final approval is required by the commission. PSO originally filed for a $45 million rate increase last year. AARP and Owasso resident Joe Esposito, who opposes the plan because of his belief that smart meters are a health danger, did not agree to the settlement. Esposito was represented by attorney Don Powers during Thursday’s hearing. AARP also took exception to recommendations made by Administrative Law Judge Jacqueline Miller who adopted PSO’s position in every instance during a hearing earlier this year. In a document filed with the commission, Thompson said the judge failed to protect the public’s interest by siding with PSO on every issue. “The ALJ report rejects all of the substantive evidence submitted to the Commission by AARP in the case without any independent analysis and relies entirely on PSO’s position and report language to reject AARP’s position,” Thompson wrote. Thompson said the minimum monthly increase jumps from $16 to $20, “a charge you can’t avoid even with zero electric consumption.” The AARP attorney claims the additional surcharge, also known as a rider, allows PSO to recoup money outside of its regular base rate. “This gives them $23 million more regardless of added revenues,” she said. The surcharge will start at $3.11 a month and could rise to $4.14 a month beginning in 2016. “This is nothing but a cost recovery issue,” Thompson said. “It’s all onesided in favor of PSO.” The smart meter program is estimated to cost $132 million, but that price tag could go higher and create a larger surcharge for all residential customers. AARP State Director Sean Voskuhl said in a prepared statement that the judge’s report to the commissioners “completely ignores” consumers. “AARP strongly objects to the judge’s recommendation that would give PSO an open checkbook to expand its flawed Smart Meter expansion program. By shifting the burden from shareholders to consumers, residential utility customers would pay nearly $133 million for Smart Meters without any evidence of long-term savings,” he said. PSO has provided only savings estimates without any direct data to support those claims. The utility company already has started installing Smart Meters in some of its service areas. Once fully deployed, PSO will have installed 522,000 meters statewide. More concerns PSO customers like Anita Ingram and Janene Wooster, both of Tulsa, contend the Smart Meters are a health hazard because of the radiation that is emitted. The meters are a telecom device that tracks and records details of a customer’s energy use and automatically transit the information wirelessly to the company. Wooster claims PSO has failed to inform its customers of potential threats from Smart Meters including privacy concerns, cyberattack vulnerability, health effects from prolonged exposure to radio frequency and microwave radiation, increased bills, inaccurate billing and the customer’s right to refuse the meter’s installation. The women said they’re concerned that PSO would share private customer information with federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, law enforcement and with for-profit third parties. Wooster claims the installation of a data mining device, such as a Smart Meter, without the consent of the customer violates the Fourth Amendment and the Energy Policy Act of 2005.’ American Civil Liberties Union chapters in Hawaii, Vermont and California have issues written statements requesting that customers’ privacy be protected, alleging that Smart Meters expose details about a customer’s private life including whether they are home or away, sleep and work habits and use of a specialized medical device in the home. Smart Meters have come under close scrutiny and in some cases have proven to be ineffective. In January 2014, Northwest Utilities, New England’s largest utility system with almost 4 million customers, reported that Smart Meters are costly for consumers and other technologies are more cost effective. Other problems with Smart Meters include overheating, which occurred 37 times during PSO’s pilot program in Owasso. Those types of malfunctions have occurred elsewhere, including Portland, Philadelphia and Lakeland, Fla. Canada’s SaskPower was forced to replace 105,000 meters due to fires and overheating at a cost of $47 million, reports show. In at least two cases nationwide, lawsuits allege residents died because of malfunctioning Smart Meters. To access all of the public files and documents in the PSO rate case, visit The case number is PUD 201300217. Red Dirt Report article December 19, 2014 arguments-regarding-proposedpso-rate-hike-smart-meter Office: (405) 702-7667 Cell: (405) 420-2940 Physical Address:717 NW 17th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73103 Mailing Address:, P.O. Box 1881, Oklahoma City, OK 73101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oklahomans call “YOUR” three Oklahoma Corporation Commissioners now as they work on their decision concerning PSO AND YOU. Tell them to put a Moratorium on PSO Smart Meters and to conduct the HEALTH studies that PSO nor OCC has conducted up to this date. Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s Main Telephone number - (405) 521-2211 Chairman/Commissioner Bob Anthony Commissioner Dana Murphy Commissioner Patrice Douglas Questions call Joe Esposito 918-639-3421 Wednesday, December 24, 2014 The BANNER ... “the fullness of the time”... By Walt Thrun The exact date of Jesus’ birth is not recorded in the Bible. However, that historic event is presently known as ‘Christmas’ and is celebrated on the 25th day of December which approximates the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights, which is celebrated for eight days beginning on the 25th day of the Jewish month Kislev. The Jewish month Kislev covers the present calendar period from late November to late December. The Festival of Lights, also known as the Feast of Dedication, began during the time of the Maccabees to celebrate the cleansing and rededication of the temple which had been desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanies. The significant point, however, is that the appearance of Christ on earth was according to God’s precise plan and occurred at the exact time predetermined before the foundation of the world. “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son born of a woman…” Galatians 4:4 It would take volumes to explain the significance of ‘… His Son born of a woman…’ We’ll do that in the future. The Greek word for ‘fullness’ is pleroma and in the present context it means fulfillment, or completion. Other synonyms include to accomplish, ratify, end, and goal. And even though the exact date of Jesus birth is not part of Biblical history, we can be sure it was as precise as the timing of the future release of the four angels at the river Euphrates. “So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind.” Revelation 9:15 That’s precise. Many limit Christmas to a religious holiday; however, that is a myopic viewpoint. The appearance of Jesus Christ is so much more. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah introduced the future Messiah as the government leader or ruler. And God speaking to David through the prophet Nathan provided more detail on Christ’s place in human history; past, present, and future. “When your (David’s) days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you, who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom… and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever…your throne shall be established for- ever.” 2 Samuel 7:12-13, 16 The Hebrew for ‘kingdom’ means dominion, reign, royal rule, and sovereignty. Nathan’s words to David were partially fulfilled in Bethlehem. “And behold, you (Mary) will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call Walt Thrun His name JESUS. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.” Luke 1:31-32 The ultimate fulfillment of Nathan’s prophecy is described in the Revelation. “Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!’” Revelation 11:15 And then near the very end of the Bible Jesus confirms both His deity and humanity as relates to King David. “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David…” Revelation 22:16 At the end of every Sunday morning service at the Claremore Veteran’s Center the residents sing their theme song, i.e. ‘Mary did you know.’ Below are several of the key lyrics of that powerful song. “Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day rule the nations? And when you kiss your little baby, you have kissed the face of God. This sleeping child you’re holding is the great I am!” Yes, Jesus is the cornerstone of the church, but He is so much more. He will be the supreme Ruler of all mankind. He will destroy the enemy and rule all nations with a rod of iron during His millennial reign following the great tribulation. Separation of church and state? Bah – Humbug! Merry Christmas to all! After two decades of teaching Statistics and Economics at ORU and NSU, Walt now teaches Bible at FBC Claremore and the Claremore Veteran’s Center. YOUR AGRI. DIESEL SERVICE SPECIALIST Page 5 Judge hears plan to stop Obama amnesty cold ‘As we speak, millions of illegal aliens are in the process’ By Bob Unruh A federal judge in Washington listened to arguments Monday in a case that could stop President Obama’s amnesty plan cold, but a decision isn’t expected for days, possibly even several weeks. likely will go to the Supreme Court, ties for which I am encharged as which “will be the final arbiter of sheriff.” whether the president’s actions are constitutional or not.” “Specifically, it will severely strain our resources, both in manpower Earlier, Klayman argued Obama and financially, necessary to pro“cannot end-run Congress based on tect the citizens I was elected to U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell his own ‘emperor-like’ actions.” serve,” he said. heard a request from attorney Larry Klayman of FreedomWatch on be- “By his own admission 22 times in WND reported earlier when anhalf of his client, Maricopa County, the past, Obama lacks the power to other federal judge declared the Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, to im- take this unconstitutional executive amnesty unconstitutional. mediately stop the implementation action,” Klayman said. “To allow of the executive action Obama an- this to stand would amount to And Klayman said an injunction nounced Nov. 20, which effectively trashing our constitutional republic preventing the program from being grants amnesty to an estimated 5 and set a bad precedent for future implemented “will work no harm million illegal aliens. presidents. I am hopeful that the to defendants, as the status quo of court will grant us the preliminary existing law enacted by Congress Klayman said he was pleased the injunction, in order that the status will be preserved. It is not right judge held an expedited prelimi- quo of our current law can remain or just that the president and the nary injunction hearing. in effect, and allow the next Con- other defendants circumvent the gress the right to enact any new will of the people in our republic, “This was important because as legislation that can help solve our simply because they believe that we speak, millions of illegal aliens border and illegal immigration the new Congress will not [toe] the are in the process of being granted problems.” line to their goals for immigration amnesty,” he said. “As presented to reform.” the court, a large number of these He explained that if Obama’s “unillegal aliens will be back onto the constitutional executive action” Arpaio’s lawsuit against Obama’s streets of Maricopa County and goes forward, Arpaio’s law en- amnesty program was filed only the nation as a whole. Many of forcement duties and responsibili- hours after Obama announced the these illegals are repeat criminal ties “will be irreparably harmed.” plan in November. offenders. This puts a great strain on the resources of Sheriff Arpaio’s The sheriff, before the hearing, Howell already has made a ruloffice and endangers the people of said, the president’s “unconsti- ing in Arpaio’s favor, ordering a Maricopa County.” tutional act” will have “a serious detrimental impact on my carrying See Amnesty, pg. 9 Klayman said, win or lose, the case out the duties and responsibili- IT’S YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE. !$ $! '( $"!%$ !! "! %"# $! %!"%$ ! !!!!! "! %" # "! %" # !"%!#(&"$#(&!#+#&*#&") #!#% #( State Farm® Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Rhett Minson, Agent 716 S Mill Pryor, OK 74361 Bus 918-825-4000 Fax 918-825-4002 The greatest compliment you can give is a referral Hwy. 69 South, Pryor, OK (918) 825-2044 See Our Ad In Names & Numbers OUR 64th YEAR &)&$$) #,*)*,!++&%,*+) #' +#$) ) +'')&-# 0&,).&##%#)&)+ #*% # # +0)(, )$%+*'% %&%$&#&.%'0$%+$0)(, ))&&+)&,$)+')+ '+ % .&##%#)* %+% + ++*)*,!++&%/*) +*+,'# -)0 + &%#&'+ &%*&)++$%+*%&+ %#, %') 2%,*+) #' +#$) ##) +*)*)-.&##%) ,#+,) *+)$)") *+) % +% + ++*%$%0&+)&,%+) *&.%0&)# %*+&%,*+) # +**,* ) *&)1# +*%,*+) #' +#%.&##%&%*+),+ &%) +)$)"* %+% + ++*%$%0&+)&,%+) *&.%0&)# %*+&%,*+) # +**,* ) *&)1# +* Page 6 The BANNER Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Christmastime By Bill Chupp When you go out for a four course meal and the menu is full of fake names for what you will be served, that equals having it in a foreign language. It is confusing to say the least and when the first course comes without any utensils and possibly a dessert, it proves that you don’t k n o w what to order. T h i s was the case last Thursday evening at the PryBill Chupp or Creek Sertoma Club Christmas dinner at the Floyd Schrock residence. It was labeled “The Christmas Mystery Dinner” and those attending soon discovered the dinner was the mystery. There were fourteen items on the menu with numbers beside each item. There were four things available on the first two courses and three on the last two. There was tinsel, Shepherds staff, snow shovel, Baby Jesus’ bed, snow ball, starry night and Christmas tree to name a few of the choices. I am not at liberty to divulge the true names, but it was a home cooked meal of oven baked chicken, salad, noodles, peas, mashed potatoes and gravy and pie. There was a choice at the bottom of the menu to choose your preference of drink and coconut cream or pumpkin pie. This dinner was provided by some Amish girls, Sara Sue Schrock and her cousins Martha and Marie Yoder, with some fellows to help serve. I had purchased it at an Amish fund raiser on the silent auction. Periodically, the Amish have fund raisers to aid members of their church with hospital bills and healthcare. There were various other activities in the communities all around Mayes County which kept some of our Sertoma members away from the mystery dinner, but by including some friends of Sertomans who have assisted us in various projects this past year, we filled the long table with eighteen people. The first word that flashed in my mind was pseudo apocrypha that I had in Bible class at Hesston College. The pseudo is to depict hidden writings in between the Old and New Testament with the apocrypha, which is left out of most Bibles. So to hide the author and the writings, it was similar to using a pen name. Even movie stars are often only recognized by their stage name. Years ago when I began writing my weekly columns I considered taking a pen name, but thought it would be too complicated and why not just use my real name and be transparent? I try to only write about what I experience and subjects that I have knowledge of. I never considered having the expertise of someone who took classes in journalism and writing. I do read a lot and at times pick up a new word that keeps me fresh in the English language. Last week I heard that people who are bi-lingual or do word puzzles that exercise the mind live longer and develop dementia later. I am not too sure if that is true as I seem to be having difficulty in recalling names and recognizing people. So this is Christmas time again. It has always been a special time to celebrate the birth of the Christ child and then consider the impact of God sending Him to live on the earth, then leave us with the promise of His return. What a wonderful Savior. What an awesome story of His life on earth. The story never gets old, but has lasted over 2,000 years. Edith and I were blessed Sunday to attend two Christmas programs. In the morning we went to the Eden Mennonite Church program - Christmas In Reverse. Then in the evening Zion Mennonite Church had a Pauly’s Café production. A couple of people I met this past week told me they have a dry eyes condition that is painful and requires eye drops and even surgery. Then there have been commercials on TV about remedies. Watching the news of all the hurting people in the world and their plight brings tears to well up and I get wet eyes. I saw a video of many trips Bob Hope made to visit troops stationed in harm’s way. He did tours around Christmas time. On one tour he called a soldier up to the platform and presented him an album of pictures of his twin boys that were born after he shipped out. The veteran and his two sons were shown years later and told of the memories they shared. I spent two Christmases in Brazil with Mennonite Missionary families. There is a special bond that develops when you experience a holiday far away from home and it makes you glad for the ones you share with your family here at home. May my readers have a very Merry Christmas. Praise the Lord. God Bless… Easy Cut 320 es #1 Krone Dealer in O • Easy Cut balance center-of-gravity suspension • KRONE breakaway pin for added protection • Efficient direct drive system relies on shaft and gearbox- k la h o m a! Maximum protection and minimum life-cycle cost EasyCut mowers now feature SafeCut cutterbar protection The innovative and patented SafeCut system is standard-fit on EasyCut mowers. Providing exemplary impact damage protection, the system centres on a roll pin that connects each mower disc to the drive shaft and that shears off as the disc hits an obstacle. All elements in the cutterbar driveline are protected. While the sprocket continues revolving, the stopped disc jacks up on a thread and out of the operating area of the blades on the neighbouring discs, thereby eliminating the risk of damaging these as well. KW 5.52/4x7 Rotary Tedder Thought for the Day by Corbett Mason Remember when the big banks were teetering on the brink of the great abyss in 2008? That’s when the forgotten taxpayer was held at gun point to bail them out. They won, taxpayers lost. That was the reason the 2010 DoddFrank financial reform law was passed to stop our nation from spending trillions on bailing out large banks again. Dodd-Frank prohibited banks from using federally insured deposit money to trade in derivative instruments. Makes sense to the working man, but not to the big banks. With big bankers donating large sums of money to those on Mount Olympus, this will no longer be the case. Once again big banks can use depositors’ money to buy and sell derivatives, the game is afoot once again. If they lose money, the taxpayer pays, if they make money, they get to keep it. The forgotten taxpayer has once again been pushed to the back of the food chain to stand ready to wash dishes and clean up the mess again. Perhaps, the sudden urgency on this legislation is related to the rapid fall in oil prices, since the crisis of 2008-2009 about one-third of the S&P companies jumped into the energy business in a big way. Today, we find 20% of the high yielding junk bond market is in the energy market. The sudden 40% drop in the price of oil will vibrate through these markets, echoing off of a trillion dollars of spending worldwide. If oil prices stay at these prices or drop lower, these notes will become a huge liability to those holding them. The ole Rancher said, “Wall Street and big bankers play the American public like a beautiful 20 year old woman plays an eighty year old millionaire. Her beauty blinds him from her treacherous scheme to relieve him of his life’s savings. She’s sweet and nice to him and promises much for a season and then in a flash she’s gone with his money.” Titles given to many bills and institutions have the ring of patriotism and righteousness within them, making them easier to shove down the taxpayer’s throat. Sugar coating your ex-lax might make it taste better, but the results will be the same. The charade of names, for example: Federal Reserve, Federal makes it sound like a government institution, Reserve gives the feeling of money on hand. The Affordable Care Act, sounds affordable for all. The Patriot Act gives the illusion of being patriotic, while it gives government the right to spy on its citizens. The conception of the Patriot Act has given our leaders the ability to walk all over the U.S. Constitution and the ability to do away with your personal freedoms and violate your privacy at will. Under this Act government agencies have issued hundreds of thousands of “national security letters,” which are nothing but a subpoena issued without showing probable cause. The recipients of these security letters also receive a gag order forbidding them to disclose what the government is doing; thereby killing the 1st and 4th Amendments. You have to admire our leaders thinking, we know the Fourth Amendment forbids the state from conducting illegal searches and seizures, but the state position is plaintiffs can’t say their Fourth Corbett Mason Amendment rights have been violated because the state’s surveillance activities are a secret. Obama took Bush’s plan and doubled up on it, as always the losers were and will be their followers. With due research, one has to give Joe Biden credit for his part of the Patriot Act. CNET reported in 2008: “Months before the Oklahoma City bombing took place; Biden introduced another bill called the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995. It previewed the 2001 Patriot Act by allowing secret evidence to be used in prosecutions, expanding the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and wiretap laws, creating a new federal crime of “terrorism” that could be invoked based on political beliefs, permitting the U.S. military to be used in civilian law enforcement, and allowing permanent detention of non-U.S. citizens without judicial review.” The Center for National Security Studies said the bill would erode “constitutional and statutory due process protections” and would “authorize the Justice Department to pick and choose crimes to investigate and prosecute based on political beliefs and associations. ”Biden himself draws parallels between his 1995 bill and its 2001 cousin. “drafted a terrorism bill after the Oklahoma City bombing. And the bill John Ashcroft sent up was my bill,” he said when the Patriot Act was being debated, according to the New Republic, which described him as “the Democratic Party’s de facto spokesman on the war against terrorism.” One could say the Patriot Act holds within it an act of terrorism; Webster’s dictionary defines terrorism as intimidation and subjugation produced in this way, a political weapon or policy. 1,300 government agencies and 1.8 million government workers regulate and control every aspect of our lives - often in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution. “If the public are bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation, they are slaves to those who make such laws and enforce them.” – Samuel Adams As Candidus in the Boston Gazette, January 20, 1772 - From a book on Amazon’s Kindle, A Country Boy’s Views on Government Vogel Oil • Sturdy box section frame • Robust headstock with damper struts • Self-centralising when raised • High operating comfort • Off-Road Diesel • Hi-Way Diesel • Unleaded • Oil & Lubricants HOME - FARM - WORK SITE Delivery Available OUR 64th YEAR Hwy. 69 South, Pryor, OK (918) 825-2044 See Our Ad In Names & Numbers Tanks for Sale or Lease Forklift Cylinders Sold Small Bottles Filled Livingston Propane & Oil Independent Operator • 50 Years of Service 918-256-8461 1-800-742-7780 437294 E. Hwy 60 Vinita, OK 74301 Wednesday, December 24, 2014 The BANNER Page 7 Border, from pg. 1_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ at the end of their shift if doing so would cause “a dereliction of duty.” On the other hand, when an agent provides an overtime justification citing a duty that had to be performed before he could leave for the day, the justification is more often than not denied, the agent said. Most of agents have agreed to reduce their overtime just to “get the upper management off their backs,” he said. And while agents in the field are expected to rein in their overtime, supervisors often aren’t held to the same standard, he said. “This is just kind of the last straw,” he said. “The last couple of years here it’s been getting to the point where the criteria to actually send an illegal alien back to their country has just gotten to the point where it’s ridiculous.” ing facility, and Immigration and Another Border Patrol station Customs Enforcement takes over near Ajo, south of Phoenix in from there. western Arizona, has dozens of agents at any given time trying “ICE has reduced their criteria on to switch over to Customs, the who they will hold in camp and agent said. many are just being released,” the agent told WND. “So they’re fed up as well,” he said. “Part of it may be because “Initially it sounded good, to it’s a real rural area but when you basically eliminate the voluntary throw all the other crap on top of return program and send them to it, if I can’t do the job I’m hired camp which would put them in to do and I’m getting harassed by front of a judge,” he said. “They management.” would spend some time in camp, which is basically a jail, so they Jaime Ruiz, press officer for don’t make it into American com- the California region of Border munities. Ideally for most Mexi- Patrol, did not return a call from can nationals it’s best for them to WND Friday seeking comment do a voluntary return. If they go on the agent’s allegations. to camp they could spend 30 to 60 days in detention before they “It’s just, you got all that and now see a judge, but now ICE is given we’re getting heat from up above discretion and if that alien doesn’t that you better have a really, remeet this new criteria we’re go- ally good reason to stay above ing to give them an OR (release your eight hours,” he said. “The on their own recognizance) and smugglers are going to try to basically none are going to show smuggle during the shift change up for court and they’re released because that’s when we have the back into our society.” least amount of coverage.” The reform package passed by Congress received the support of the border-agent union, but that shouldn’t be taken as an endorse- Overtime justifications that were ment by rank and file members, acceptable just two months ago the agent said. are no longer approved now, the agent said. And the smugglers “A lot of us just aren’t even real are smart enough to recognize happy with our union,” he said. any change in policy. He said “The current system, we have our they quickly exploit any holes in eight hours and anything after that the system. is considered AUO or authorized uncontrollable overtime. “Due to this harassment by the supervisors, agents are just choos“If this reform goes through most ing to leave their patrol areas and of us are going to be mandated head back to the station before the to stay 10 hours regardless of next shift arrives in the area,” the whether there’s any activity agent said. “The net result is that going on or not,” he said. “It active smuggling routes and other depends on the sector.” critical areas are not receiving adequate coverage.” WND reported last month that U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, was removing about half of the M4 carbine rifles from the hands of border agents, citing safety issues A Border Patrol agent questions that needed to be corrected. But a driver crossing into the U.S. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, wasn’t buying the excuse, saying the Smugglers often target the “shift M4 was one of the most reliable change” time frame to cross the weapons in the world. border with illegal aliens and drugs, he said. ‘They’re just being released’ The Southeast California border That didn’t set well with agents. station is relatively small, emNor does the recent changes to ploying about 200 agents. the policy of “voluntary return,” which is available only for Mexi- “If there isn’t a change soon, can nationals. there will be a large exodus of agents leaving the Border Patrol This policy “has been corrupted and finding employment elseof late,” the agent said. where,” the agent told WND. “Voluntary return is where if we catch them and ask if they agree to voluntarily return to Mexico in the next 24 hours or thereabouts, they can avoid being sent to a detention center and a court hearing,” he said. “They’ve basically taken that away from us and illegal Mexican aliens that used to qualify for the voluntary return program are now being processed to go to court.” The exodus may have already started. getter.” can put up a good story and get a liberal judge saying he’s got a “I’m the same way and I’m start- family here, just let him stay, then ing to feel the beat down.” that’s all they have to do.” Border Patrol employs more than Criminal backgrounds common 22,000 agents but many of them have desk jobs and never go out The agent said most Americans in the field, the agent said. would be shocked to see the criminal records of the average “A lot of it has to do with this illegal male immigrant. administration which a lot of us are not a fan of,” he said. “No- “The attitude is ‘Oh, he’s got body would mistake George W. only a couple of DUIs, he’s not Bush for a border warrior but really that bad of a guy. If they what we’re seeing now makes don’t have multiple DUIs on that seem like the good ole days. their record the prosecutors and And we’re getting contradictory the judges look at them like ‘huh, messages from this administra- only two DUIs and one domestic tion. I don’t know what it is. I’ve violence? Let’s release him for never seen a weaker management now and give him a court date structure.” and we’ll determine his status later.’” If he could ask one question of the upper management at Home- “I get people coming up to me land Security the agent said it saying ‘Oh, man, you’re in the would be this: Border Patrol you must love it!” “Why don’t you support and back up the agents when they are trying to do the job they were hired ‘Starting to feel the beat down’ to do?” he said. “It really goes to the top. When the heat comes He said morale is at the lowest down, they kind of step aside and point he’s seen since he began let us fend for ourselves. We have working at Border Patrol nearly a high level of distrust for our a decade ago. management.” “I talked to a guy at work tonight as I was leaving and we were talking about this whole AUO thing and he was saying, ‘You know, the way I’m looking at it I’m not going to fight anymore. I’m just going to do my time and go home.’ And this was coming from a guy really good at his job, and that says a lot coming from him, because he’s one of the motivated type. He’s not just a guy who comes and fills a spot and goes back home, he is a go IRS, from pg. 1_____________ tax code, that means some people cutting corners on their taxes or not complying are going to get away with it, and that is a decision that Congress has made.” Further, the IRS is considering a short-term shutdown of the agency as another way to save money. Officials, though, say no decisions have been finalized. The tax filing season generally starts in mid-January, though it has been delayed in recent years because of last-minute tax changes enacted by Congress. Once again, Congress passed a tax bill this year just before going home for the holidays, extending more than 50 temporary tax breaks that had expired. Koskinen, however, said the filing season would start on time next month, though he said the agency was not yet ready to announce the exact date. Each year, millions of taxpayers file their returns in the first few weeks of the filing season so they can get fast refunds. This year, refunds averaged about $2,800. He said he just nods and doesn’t say much. “If I told everyone what was really going on I think I would suck the wind out of every room I entered,” the agent said. “People have no idea. The DUIs are just rampant, the most common, but you also get a fair amount The agent said he was not hold- of domestic violence and petty ing out too much hope that the theft.” reforms passed by Congress will offer much of a remedy for the He said it is not at all uncommon low morale. to pull over a vehicle in a local community and find it “just full “I think they’re claiming it will of beers, open beers. And the make our pay more predictable attitude is ‘Oh he’s kind of a run and more consistent. If that’s true of the mill guy, he’s not too bad, that will help boost our morale he hasn’t killed or raped someone somewhat but we’re still deal- so we’ll go ahead and release him ing with all the other issues, like now and deal with him at a later DACA and amnesty and all of date.’” the domiciled aliens, and if they Free Estimates Licensed & Bonded All Work Guaranteed • Certified Electricians • 30 Years Experience • Serving Vinita, Grand Lake, Adair, Chelsea, White Oak, Welch, Big Cabin, Bluejacket •Emergency Calls 24/7 For All Your Electrical Needs Co ins 918-256-6030 E ectric Vinita, OK “One guy in our station is quitting next week to become a sheriff’s deputy,” the agent said. “We had another guy switch over to Customs because they don’t get the same scrutiny we do. They get all kinds of overtime. The guys in blue, for whatever reason, get overtime but they bring in money The Associated Press contributed so maybe that’s why they look the to this report. So they get put in a camp or hold- other way on their overtime.” 918-476-6441 Hwy 69 & Main Street next to railroad tracks Chouteau, OK 74337 Mon.-Wed. 8:00am-8:00pm Thurs.-Sat. 8:00am-9:00pm Closed Sunday Fresh Baked Goods Made Daily *For Special Orders, Please Call Ahead* Monday - Turkey & Dressing Tuesday - Chicken Fried Steak Wednesday - Fried Chicken Thursday - Roast Beef Friday - Catfish & Meatloaf Saturday - BBQ Pork Ribs & Fried Chicken Chupp Implement Hwy. 69 South, Pryor, OK (918) 825-2044 See Our Ad In Names & Numbers Page 8 The BANNER Wednesday, December 24, 2014 North Korea experiencing widespread Internet outages A Christmas Memory by Sue Gage Wilcox I’m sure we looked like something from a cartoon strip – 10 of us traveling in one vehicle! But it was Christmas, 19 7 4 and we were headed to the farm in Ohio where Dad had moved to upon his retirement; we were headed to PaPa Wilcox’s! W e had been so excited when we all realized that Uncle Jack Sue Wilcox and Allen were goin g to both have the week of Christmas off. We tied the suitcases and a huge homecured ham onto a rented luggage rack on the top of the Turley station wagon. We made a pallet bed in the back of the wagon and everyone piled in - - four Wilcoxes and six Turleys. As we traveled, we talked, sand, laughed, played games, laughed some more and slept with bodies woven and tangled until it was difficult to tell by looking which arm and foot belonged to whom ! Dad Wilcox was such a special man and had kept his five children together after their mother had left. Though he was a strong quiet man, he was visibly thrilled by the arrival of his Oklahoma daughter and son and their families. He had made preparations for our visit by insulating the outhouse with tar paper and by hooking up electricity so that we could have a heater out there. The morning after we arrived at the little farm nestled in a valley, the men and children took a walk to find the perfect Christmas tree. Aunt Betty and I watched with the littlest children from the porch of the little house. The children skipped and bounced ahead of the men until they came upon a straggly little pine. They circled it and began singing, “Oh, Christmas tree; Oh Christmas tree.” The choice had been made. We strung popcorn and made ornaments and the tree became beautiful. Memories of that week include the smell and taste of that ham and Aunt Betty’s hot rolls that were so light they nearly floated off our plates. We remember the trips to the outhouse by day and the “thunder bucket” by night. We remember the damp Ohio air and the warm coal-heated house; but mostly we remember the warm hearts with love flowing freely. When we arrived back at our homes in Pryor, we still liked each other. We had shared a very special Christmas. When we left Dad, we did not realize that would be his last Christmas. He came to visit us all the following April and began having one stroke after another. He died in a Tulsa hospital. PaPa Wilcox still lives in our memories and our hearts. One of the best memories for all of us will always be our Christmas with him in 197 4! Locust Grove group meets Thursday January 8 at 6:30 pm at Country Cottage (6570 Oklahoma 82) in Locust Grove, OK. Arrive early for dinner Fox News North Korea experienced a massive Internet outage Monday, and some researchers and web watchers speculated that the country’s online connections could be under cyberattack. tranet. Though North Korea is equipped for broadband Internet, only a small, approved segment of the population has any access to the World Wide Web. The Internet outage comes less than a week after the U.S. vowed an unspecified response to a massive hacking attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment over the release of the comedy film “The Interview.” The plot of the comedy centers on the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, leading to widespread speculation that the country was responsible for the attack. Late last week, the FBI publicly blamed North Korea in the incident, though Pyongyang More than a million people, has denied involvement. however, are now using mobile phones in North Korea. The The White House and the State network covers most major citDepartment on Monday de- ies but users cannot call outside clined to say whether the U.S. the country or receive calls from government had any role in outside. North Korea’s Internet problems. Doug Madory, the director of Internet analysis at New Hamp“We have no new information shire-based Dyn Research, a to share regarding North Korea company that studies Internet today,” White House National connectivity, said the problems Security Council spokesperson were discovered over the weekBernadette Meehan told Fox end and grew progressively News. “If in fact North Korea’s worse to the point that “North Internet has gone down, we’d Korea’s totally down.” refer you to that government for comment.” “They have left the global Internet and they are gone until they North Korean diplomat Kim come back,” he said. Song, asked Monday about the Internet attack, told The He said one benign explanation Associated Press: “I have no for the problem was that a router information.” may have suffered a software North Korea is one of the least glitch, though a cyberattack inconnected in the world. Few volving North Korea’s Internet North Koreans have access service was also a possibility. to computers, and even those who do are typically able to Routing instabilities are not connect only to a domestic in- uncommon, but this particular outage had gone on for hours and was getting worse instead of better, Madory said. “This doesn’t fit that profile,” of an ordinary routing problem, he said. “This shows something getting progressively worse over time.” Another Internet technology service, Arbor Networks, which protects companies against hacker attacks, said its monitoring detected denial-of-service attacks aimed at North Korea’s infrastructure starting Saturday and persisting Monday. Such attacks transmit so much spurious data traffic to Internet equipment that it becomes overwhelmed, until the attacks stop or the spurious traffic can be filtered and discarded to allow normal connections to resume. President Obama said Friday that the U.S. government expected to respond “proportionately” to the hacking of Sony, which he described as an expensive act of “cyber vandalism” that he blamed on North Korea. Obama did not say how the U.S. might respond. “We aren’t going to discuss, you know, publicly operational details about the possible response options or comment on those kind of reports in anyway except to say that as we implement our responses, some will be seen, some may not be seen,” State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said last week. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Greetings Wildlife Enthusiasts! Mark your calendars! The Winter Bird Feeder Survey has been set for Jan. 8-11, 2015! The new Rhino Flex-Wing has been unleashed! Our Flex-Wing cutters are designed for performance, reliability, and value. With seven models to choose from and 50 years experience, we know how to make them durable enough for any use. Features and Benefits •Unique blade pan carrier - Strong and durable stump jumper (patent pending) •New gearbox design - More torque with the same horsepower •Pivot hitch - Unique locking clevis device for ease of hooking up •Smooth dome deck - Less clutter, easy to clean with larger cutting chamber. Three sleeker, durable deck styles available: Apex, Epic, and Icon •Independent suspension - Simple, no moving parts •Safety cover - Quick access for easy maintenance Each winter, the Wildlife Diversity Program encourages you to participate in this citizen science project. Why? Not only is this survey a fun way to share your love of wildlife with friends and family, but it’s also a valuable tool that helps biologists monitor our winter bird populations! When surveys from across the state are compiled, biologists can use information about your backyard birds to identify unusual population changes and monitor the range of bird species. As an example, we’ve been able to track the expansion of two dove species in Oklahoma with Winter Bird Feeder Survey data! In addition to detecting range expansions, biologists are able to check the pulse of those species that frequent backyard feeders. Be sure to contribute information about your backyard birds to help biologists better understand our winter birds! 2014 Results! Last year 109 citizen scientists returned data sheets, reporting nearly 9,000 birds! Which species dominated Oklahoma feeders in 2014? Click here to see the top five contenders and learn how to attract them to your feeder! Be sure to let us know about your backyard birds this Jan. 8-11! Survey results will be revealed in the February 2015 Wild Side. Article by Jeff Tibbits, wildlife diversity intern L&S Feed and Supply Deer Season is here! Come get your Attractants! CALL TODAY FOR BULK FEED Westville 918-723-4545 Chouteau 918-476-7234 918-476-7234 Mon-Fri 8-5 Sat 8-12 Chouteau, OK 1 UNIQUE DOG-BONE PAN Serviceable, durable, lighter weight stump jumper (patent pending). 2 DEALER NEW GEARBOX DESIGN Three times the torque with the same horsepower. Chupp Implement OUR 64th YEAR Hwy. 69 South, Pryor, OK (918) 825-2044 See Our Ad In Names & Numbers Brent Edmonds, R.T. “Your Respiratory and Medical Equip. Specialist Respritory Equip., CPAP, Nebulizer Compressors, Power & Manual Wheelchairs, Hospital Beds, Scrubs, Walking Boots, Ankle/Knee Braces and More. 1300 NE 1st Street • Pryor, OK 74361 918-825-7000 • 918-825-7003 Fax • 888-476-5445 Wednesday, December 24, 2014 The BANNER A Really Bad Day for Freedom By Steven Bucci Freedom took a beating [Wednes- and empty. Sony folded anyway, day] and our leaders have said nothing. A tin-pot dictator was able America rolled over in the face of to dictate what can be said in two of its longest standing adver- America. Our freedom of expressaries, and we didn’t even get any- sion, guaranteed by our Constituthing in return. North Korean despot Kim Jong Un and Cuba’s Raul Castro are probably exchanging celebratory emails as we speak after the one-two punch they landed on Obama’s America. First, the Sony hackers, who were belatedly tied to the North Korean government, added extortion to the list of their cyber crimes. The hack, while slick, was not state-of-the-art stuff—but the propaganda was some of the best ever seen. The hackers threatened 9/11-style attacks on movie theaters that screened the farcical movie “The Interview.” Individual malls and theaters were the first to balk, then entire movie chains pulled the film, and finally Sony itself pulled it entirely. The threats were unsubstantiated despite the fact that the Cuban government is doing nothing new to improve the lot of its oppressed citizens. Why Dish Network Isn’t Carrying Fox News Right Now Fox has launched a website,, where they are encouraging Fox fans to switch TV providers. By Kate Scanlon What did you watch this weekend? Obama claims this will help the If you have Dish, it wasn’t Fox Cuban people. News. How, Mr. President? After contract negotiations came to a halt between 21st Century T h e C o m m u - Fox and Dish Network, the Fox nists are chang- News Channel and the Fox Busiing nothing! Are ness Network went dark for Dish we to sprinkle customers on Saturday and remain democratic pixie dark still. dust on them? For the price of 21st Century Fox is the parent a press confer- company of FNC and FBN, as well ence, this Ad- as several sports and entertainment ministration is channels. Dish Network is a satelthrowing away lite TV provider with more than decades of ef- 14 million customers and – until fective pressure recently – a distributor of Fox. for change. Freedom lost. The Wall Street Journal reports that a “senior Fox News execuWhat message tive” told them that “there are will Vladimir currently no talks between the two Putin and the companies.” Chinese take from all this? Contract negotiation between Dish Photo: Newscom What about ISIS Network and 21st Century Fox tion, has been abridged because and al-Qaeda? They will all know stalled when Dish refused a fee of Kim Jung-un’s wounded pride. that if you threaten and bluster, increase for Fox’s other channels, Freedom lost. America will fold. If you manipu- a price Fox calls standard for the late and offer gossamer promises, changing news industry. Then the president himself, with- America will run into your arms. out consulting Congress or the It’s a lesson Iran has already Warren Schlichting, the senior vice American people, decided to re- learned. Now the North Koreans president of programming at Dish, ward the sclerotic dictatorship in and the Cubans can join the party. said in a statement that “It’s like Cuba with relief and succor. He is Freedom lost, again. we’re about to close on a house and normalizing relations with them, the realtor is trying to make us buy a new car as well.” Military considers court-martial for Bergdahl Soldier allegedly abandoned his military post in Afghanistan Fox News Page 9 In a statement, Carry added that: “It is unfortunate that the millions of Fox News viewers on Dish were used as pawns by their provider… Hopefully they will vote with their hard-earned money and seek another one of our other valued distributors immediately.” This is not the first time Dish customers have lost access to channels because of stalled negotiations. In October, channels such as CNN, Cartoon Network and Turner Classic Movies were blacked out for a month as Dish negotiated with Turner Broadcasting. Earlier this month, customers also temporarily lost access to CBS and its affiliates. “This is the third time in as many months that Dish customers have suffered through a blackout due to Dish’s intransigence,” Carry told the Wall Street Journal. “Dish’s record speaks for itself and makes its rhetoric about ‘reasonable’ agreements ring hollow.” Fox launched a website,, where it encourages Fox fans to switch TV providers. Viewers can enter their ZIP codes and discover TV providers that still offer Fox. The website also encourages Fox fans to call and email Dish to register their complaints about losing the Schlichting accused Fox of using networks, and to use the hashtag its news channels as “leverage to #DontBlockFOXNews. triple rates on sports and entertainment channels that are not in this Carry told Bloomberg that the webcontract.” site has “generated 22,000 e-mails and 7,000 phone calls requesting Tim Carry, the executive vice that Dish reinstate the channel.” president of distribution at Fox News Channel, told the Wall Street Dish has also launched its own Journal that Dish “did not want to website, accept terms and commitments that where it tells customers “We regret have become customary in a Fox that Fox has chosen to remove News renewal.” their programming from DISH customers.” Amnesty, from pg. 5___________________________________ fast track for case arguments and hearings. The U.S. military announced Monday that evidence regarding Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier who allegedly abandoned his post in Afghanistan June 23, 2009, and ended up in the hands of a terrorist group, is being forwarded to an officer who will decide whether to convene a courtmartial. The Obama administration trumpeted last summer the return of Bergdahl to American forces in exchange for five Taliban commanders held at Guantanamo. According to the Department of Defense, after a “thorough investigation and a comprehensive legal review,” a decision regarding Bergdahl will be made by Gen. Mark Milley, commanding general of Forces Command “Gen. Milley will determine appropriate action – which ranges from no further action to convening a court martial.” The DoD said the Army cannot discuss or disclose the findings of the investigation while disciplinary decisions are pending before commanders. obtaining a ransom. It was in July when officials reported Bergdahl was returned to regular duty at a desk job that made him available to investigators from the Army who looked into the circumstances of his departure from his assigned base. At the time, the Army said, Bergdahl was assigned to U.S. Army North at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston in Texas, the same base where he has been recuperating from the effects of his lengthy captivity. WND reported Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, told WND that despite Obama’s denials, the president probably paid a ransom to terrorists for Bergdahl. Stockman’s letter to Obama June 5, asked: “Did you or anyone authorized by or associated with your administration, authorize any form of compensation, direct or third party, in exchange for Bergdahl?” Two Justice Department lawyers representing Obama in the case had asked for the deadline for their initial response to be delayed until late January. But the judge ordered it submitted immediately and then scheduled Monday’s hearing. WND reported Arpaio’s complaint argues the timing is crucial, because the government already is pouring resources into meeting the orders, and the offer of amnesty likely will draw a whole new flood of illegal aliens. See Klayman’s comments after Obama did not respond di- hearing: rectly to Stockman, but on June 13, the White House issued a response in the form of a statement from National Security staff spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden. However, Stockman noted the letter’s wording was suspiciously careful, saying the U.S. “did not provide money in return for Sgt. Bergdahl.” “That is not the question I asked,” said Stockman. “This Stockman said he based his response is oddly worded conclusion on an exchange and seems intentionally evaof letters with the administra- sive.” tion, including a reply from the White House that was so The congressman reiterated carefully worded it appeared he had asked if the White to confirm his suspicions. House authorized “any form of compensation, direct or It would be a violation of U.S. third party.” He explained policy to pay a ransom to a that limiting the response to terrorist group, but Stockman money from the U.S. was only noted the Haqqani Network a partial answer. is not known to have ever released a hostage without “The idea the U.S. government would implicate itself by directly issuing a payment to a terrorist group is highly unlikely, which is why I directly included third parties,” said the Texan. The president’s decision, Klayman wrote, “orders direct DHS personnel including the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and ICE to immediately suspend enforcement of immigration laws with regard to any who appear to be eligible for the new deferred action programs, even though such persons might not yet be able to apply for formal recognition.” The instructions also tell law enforcement officials to “immediately” begin identifying those who could be given the special benefit. Klayman said the federal government already has leased office space and begun the process of hiring 1,000 new workers to process the illegal aliens through Obama’s amnesty program. All of those actions would be for nothing if a court rules that the program doesn’t meet the Constitution’s requirements, he wrote. “By contrast if the implementation is simply delayed until a court decision, there will be no such harm,” he said. “By contrast, under the defendants’ new executive actions, those persons will not be subject to deportation. Therefore, they will serve out their criminal sentences in Plaintiff Arpaio’s jails, costing his office enormous time and expense,” Klayman argued. The ruling that the amnesty program is unconstitutional came last week from a federal judge in Pennsylvania. “President Obama’s unilateral legislative action violates the separation of powers provided for in the United States Constitution as well as the Take Care Clause, and therefore, is unconstitutional,” said U.S. District Judge Arthur J. Schwab. The judge noted Obama “contended that although legislation is the most appropriate course of action to solve the immigration debate, his executive action was necessary because of Congress’s failure to pass legislation, acceptable to him, in this regard. “This proposition is arbitrary and does not negate the requirement that the November 20, 2014, executive action be lawfully within the president’s executive authority,” the judge wrote. “It is not.” Quoting from a previous precedent, the judge said that in the “framework of our Constitution, the president’s power to see that the laws are faithfully executed refutes the idea that he is to be a lawmaker.” “The Constitution limits his functions in the lawmaking process to the recommending of laws he thinks wise and the vetoing of laws he thinks bad,” Schwab said. The judge said Obama’s contention that Congress had not worked in his time frame was largely irrelevant. Stockman said that, given the way Obama had parsed Klayman explained that under Arpaio’s lawsuit over Obama’s his words, it’s almost certain current law, Arpaio will turn over amnesty program was filed only to the DHS illegal aliens who hours after Obama announced the there was a ransom. commit crimes in his county to be deported. plan. Page 10 The BANNER Wednesday, December 24, 2014 The Golf Corner By Steve Pace Certified Golf Instructor at Patricia Island Golf Club-Grove, OK (918786-3338) (PGA-Former, US Golf Teachers Federation- Retired, NGI- Association of National Golf Instructors) Cell: 405-834-3217 – email: - or website: 2015 is just around the ______ Exp. Date ____________ corner……it’s going to be a The Table of Contents below will great year. give you a sneak peak of what to G O L F T I P O F T H E expect WEEK Table of Contents: Read a good golf Chapter 1 - How book! to Properly Golf Specials Line Up Your are just waiting Fourth Putt on you. Chapter 2 All area courses How to Hit a currently have Nike from the special “WINRough When TER RATES” You Hit a Titleand encourage ist from the Tee you to take adChapter 3 Steve Pace vantage. How to Avoid -Cherokee the Water Grove Golf Course (Grove) @ When You Lie 8 in a Bunker 918-786-4100 Chapter 4 - How to Get More Dis-Grand Cherokee Golf Course tance Off the Shank (Langley) @ 918-435-8727. Chapter 5 - When to Give -Patricia Island Golf Club (Grove) t h e R a n g e r t h e F i n g e r @ 918-786-3338 Chapter 6 - Using Your Shadow on -Shangri-La Golf Club (Monkey the Greens to Maximize Earnings Island) @ 918-257-4204 Chapter 7 - When to ImpleG O L F J O K E o f t h e ment Handicap Management WEEK Chapter 8 - Proper Excuses for I finally finished my Drinking Beer Before 9:00 a.m. book: Chapter 9 - How to Rationalize “My Treasured Secrets to a 6 Hour Round to your wife Improving Your Golf Game” C h a p t e r 1 0 - H o w t o F i n d Many of you may not know it but T h a t B a l l T h a t E v e r y o n e I have been very busy over this E l s e S a w G o i n t h e W a t e r past year putting my thoughts and Chapter 11 - Why Your Spouse ideas together in a book on my vast D o e s n ’ t G i v e a R a t s A s s knowledge and experience with That You Got a Hole-in-One golf. You knew this was coming, Chapter! 12 - How to Let a Fourso what better opportunity to obtain some Play Through Your Twosome a future collector’s item right now. Chapter 13 - How to Relax When I am very proud of the results and You Are Hitting Three Off the Tee to assist with the marketing, I am Chapter 14 - When to Suggest Major asking friends and family if they Swing Corrections to Your Opponent would be interested in purchas- Chapter 15 - God and the Meaning ing a copy from the first printing. of the Birdie-to-Bogey Three Putt The book is now finished and I C h a p t e r 1 6 - W h e n t o R e believe it gives the reader valuable g r i p Y o u r B a l l R e t r i e v e r playing tips and insider informa- Chapter 17 - Can You Purtion that I have gained through my chase a Better Golf Game? years of experience. The cost is Chapter 18 - Why Male Golfers only $29.95 and can be ordered by Will Pay $5.00 a Beer From The simply replying to this e mail with Cart Girl and Give Her a $3 Tip, the appropriate credit card info to But Will Balk at $3.50 at the 19th Steve Pace Hole and Stiff the Bartender. C h e c k o n e : _ _ _ V I S A Don’t wait until they’re all gone _ _ _ M a s t e r C a r d _ _ _ D i s - !! cover ___ American Express Keep it in the Middle!! Card #: ____________________ Steve NE Oklahoma Fishing Report by The Oklahoma Wildlife Department NORTHEAST Ft. Gibson: Elevation above normal, water 47 and clear. Crappie fair on minnows and jigs at 18 ft. around docks and brush structure. White bass, channel and blue catfish fair on shad in the river channel and main lake. Largemouth bass slow on plastic baits and crankbaits at 15 ft. around brush structure and docks. Kaw: Elevation rising, water 45 and clear. Crappie excellent on minnows and jigs at 18025 ft. around brush structure, riprap, water towers and bridges around Kaw City. Lower Illinois: Elevation normal, water 55. Trout good on Power Bait and jerk bait below the dam just past the split, around deep holes and below riffles. McMurtry: Elevation below normal, water murky. Largemouth bass fair on minnows, jigs and spinnerbaits at 3-8 ft. along docks, shorelines and brush structure. Crappie good on minnows and jigs at 4-10 ft. around docks. Perry CCC: Elevation below normal, water murky. With the water level down there is good bank access. Trout good on spinnerbaits along coves and shorelines. Public Invited to Winter Eagle Watches Attend a bald eagle watch this winter for a chance to see eagles and learn about the life history and recovery story of our nation’s symbol. Each winter, large numbers of migrant eagles congregate at our lakes and rivers to hunt fish and other prey. Several private groups and state and federal agencies are taking advantage of this annual migration by hosting public eagle watches. Over 30 dates have been set for this winter at several eagle watching hotspots. Most watches are held in January when the Oklahoma bald eagle population is at its peak. Log on to for a compiled list of watch dates, locations and contact information. Be sure to contact the individual watch host for more information including any registration requirements. Doug Kliewer submitted this photo of a bald eagle with its catch to “Outdoor Oklahoma” magazine’s Reader’s Photography Showcase. Learn more about the annual showcase at OKLAHOMA HAY MARKET REPORT Movement light to moderate with few new sales reported. Contracts and previously purchased hay this week made up the bulk of movement with most sales moving locally. New trade and demand light. Lower milk prices and adequate hay inventories contributing to limited demand. More light to moderate rainfall fell over much of the state this week benefitting wheat pastures. Market News continues to maintain an online hay directory for both in-state and out-of-state hay producers. The directories are on the ODAFF homepage at Producers wishing to list hay are encouraged to call at 1-800-580-6543 or email jack.carson@ag.ok. gov. Alfalfa Central Oklahoma: Premium quality 200.00-220.00. Some Good quality 150.00165.00. Fair quality no recent sales. Premium quality small square bales loaded on truck 15.00 per bale. Eastern Oklahoma: Premium quality small square bales 14.00-15.00 per bale. Western Oklahoma: Premium 200.00-220.00. Good dry cow hay 130.00-160.00. Good quality bleached 120.00-130.00. Small square bales Premium quality 14.00-15.00 per bale. Grass Hay Central Oklahoma: Prairie hay 4 X 5 bales 20.00-30.00 per bale, mostly 25.00-28.00. Good Bermuda 60.00-70.00 per bale in 5 X 6 bales. Fair quality Bermuda 5 X 6 round bales 35.0040.00 per bale. Good wheat hay Horoscopes ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you feel amazing this week. Your enthusiasm can be quite contagious, and many friends may come calling in the hopes that your good vibes rub off. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, now is a good time to assess your health goals and make a few plans for the new year. It’s within reason to change your diet or start a new exercise regimen. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you may feel rushed by external pressures, but it’s really up to you to set your own pace. If you keep a calm head, things will fall in place and you can complete your tasks. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 You may have difficulty solving a difficult problem at work this week, Taurus. Take a methodical approach, and the solution will come to you before you know it. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Incredible efficiency this week has you zipping through your to-do list, Virgo. Enjoy some relaxation time once you have completed all your projects. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 This week some people close to you need a little space. Honor their requests and show them some respect, Capricorn. Your relationships will weather the time apart. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Things may not have been going your way, Gemini, but there is still no reason for disappointment. You will find a way to bounce back from these setbacks in a few days. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Work and family issues are on your mind, Libra. Find ways to balance work and family as best as you possibly can. Don’t be hard on yourself if you cannot manage everything. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, your presence alone is enough to impress people this week. Focus all of your energy on positive things, and you will accomplish quite a bit before the week is over. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, this week is a great time to complete projects that have been on your plate for quite some time. All you really need to do is set your mind on them. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, things are bound to move quickly once you put a plan in motion. Get all of your ducks in a row to make a smooth transition. You may have to do some homework. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 You can probably have fun in any situation this week, Pisces. Your youthful exuberance will keep you busy and laughing. Crossword Answers 75.00-80.00 per ton. Western Oklahoma: Good grass hay 60.00-65.00 per ton. Good wheat hay 65.00-70.00 per ton. Fair to Good Bermuda grass 5x6 bales 45.00-60.00 per bale, best quality Bermuda 60.00-70.00 per bale. Prairie hay 4 X 5 bales 25.00-30.00. Crab grass 5 X 6 bales 35.00-40.00 CLUES ACROSS 1. Expression of sorrow or pity 5. Mama __, rock singer 9. Takes off 11. Make an arrest 13. Ear tube 15. Limit 16. Small shelter 17. Cavaliers’ #23 19. Digits 21. French kings’ name 22. Winter time in Colorado 23. Platform 25. Gambling town 26. Vietnamese offensive 27. Fermentation sediment 29. Load anew 31. Bile 33. A wooded valley 34. Soap opera 36. Cervus nippon 38. Belong to he 39. Women (French) 41. Olive, motor and mineral 43. Norse goddess of death 44. Military award 46. Annexes 48. One who adorns book pages 52. Affirmative 53. Fricative 54. Coal blacks 56. Faculty of sight 57. Leans 58. Low, sideless cart 59. Locomotion limbs per bale. Few loads wheat hay 75.00-85.00 per ton. Eastern Oklahoma: Good mixed grass hay in 4 X 5 bales 20.00-30.00 per bale, mostly 25.00. Bermuda 5 X 6 bales 50.00-70.00 per bale. Bermuda small square bales 6.00-8.00 per bale. CLUES DOWN 1. Close to 2. Lactic 3. Burn residue 4. Offer for sale 5. Verb formation (abbr.) 6. __ Romeo 7. Lost weight 8. Soundest mind 9. Sound repetition 10. Sew up the eyelids of falcons 11. Allays sorrow 12. Repose 14. Mirish 15. Devised a new phrase 18. One who feels regret 20. War encirclements 24. Burn the surface 26. “The Jazz Singer” 28. Process of achieving #7 down 30. Miscellaneous collection 32. Express sorrow 34. More foolish 35. Queen of Sparta 37. Associating by treaty 38. Served 40. Satisfy 42. Frozen rains 43. Snake sound 45. High arc tennis shots 47. Cheek 49. Murre genus 50. Multiple 51. List of names called 55. No (Scot.) Wednesday, December 24, 2014 The BANNER Page 11 Officers, from pg. 1___________________________________________________ Classified Ads take 1 of ours… let’s take 2 captures the tension between of theirs.” These notes were New York City cops and the To place an ad in classified call 918-783-5657 or mail your ad to P. O. Box 88, Adair, OK helpfully illustrated with a mayor: 74330, or e-mail to All classified business ads are $6 per picture of Brinsley’s gun. Earlier, de Blasio apcolumn inch, with 1 column inch minimum. Business ads come with a border and a tinted background if preferred. All other ads are $4.50 per 20 words or less and $.10 per word The killer contributed his proached a cluster of cops thereafter. All ads must be paid in advance of publication. thoughts to a hashtag called at the Brooklyn Hospital and #ShootThePolice, which is offered, “We’re all in this --------------------------------DRIVERS: CLASS a lively stream filled with together.” I would like to clean your MechanicallyA CDL Merry inclined labor blood-curdling commentary home and care for the elpersonnel for Christmas and from a very large number “No we’re not,” an officer derly with shopping, meals, Clean Harbors Happy New Year of people. Reactions to replied tersely, according anything you need. Monday at Coffeyville fafrom Transland, the murder of Officers Liu to a cop who witnessed the - Sunday. Please call cility, will train, Join our Premier Full-time. Good and Ramos include, “Eric icy scene. 918-244-1450 Transportation hourly pay + Garner died and they made a --------------------------------Company! benefits. Angelimockery of his death. So I’m The rank-and-file’s anger FOUND Poodle mix, white/ 866-374-8487 ca: 855-294-7144 suppose to feel bad now?”, at the mayor was palpable gray, 16lbs. very sweet, found Hwy 28 nex to Cros“Street justice swings both citywide. WAYNE ALEXANDER Wanted: Cars, old by’s catfish corner. ways,” and “good cop = POOLS Same location 44 years. 918-749-8271 dead cop,” along with plen- “It’s f–king open season on appliances, scrap New pools, remodeling, --------------------------------ty of explicit support for us right now,” one officer restoring, Kool-Deck cleaning, metal, clean-up repair, refinishing. Boat and/or toy hauler trailer Brinsley’s actions. Twitchy said. “When is he going to Days: 918-244-3912 farm dumps, w/ tilt, for sale $400. obo. spent the weekend collecting step up?” Evenings 918-253-2225. call Bob Specialing in difficult jobs Call Nathan 918-557-0678 more Tweets from cop-killhillsides, etc. We also do lake 918-783-5106 shoreline work, shotcrete and or Helena 918-435-2517 ing enthusiasts, if you have Speaking moments after the steel for stabilization. --------------------------------the stomach for it, plus such bodies of Officers Rafael RaI do it right the first time! Each job directed and supervised celebrity-jackass contribu- mos and Wenjian Liu were by 59+ years of experience. KIMM’S Mmm’ Mmm’ DEAL OF THE WEEK! tions as rapper “The Game” driven away, as hundreds of Wayne Alexander Now adding the queen line of quoting the last words of Eric cops stood at somber attenpools- (10) designs to choose from Price starting at $20,000Garner to sneer at the slain tion, Patrolmen’s BenevoI like to thank each and every one of my clients $29,000 each. Depending on police officers, “I guess y’all lent Association President design and square footage. for another successful year & placing your Jay Oklahoma ‘can’t breathe’ either.” Patrick Lynch said, “There’s confidence in me. Its clients like you that make blood on many hands tome feel truly blessed to be doing this job. Some of these charming night.” Please remember me when your talking with your family & friends folks also got angry when about their Real Estate needs. the New York Yankees an- “That blood . . . starts on the Kimm Kennon w/Bob & Jo Realty @ nounced they would pay steps of City Hall, in the OfMike & Dee Anderson 918-864-4922. for the education of Officer fice of the Mayor,” he said. Plastic & Ramos’ two children, in acMetal Barrels $5-$15 cordance with owner George “De Blasio’s comments have Look to the Fri.-Sat. 9-5 • Sunday 12-5 Steinbrenner’s long-standing given license to the anticustom of helping the fami- police activists and thugs All American 2 Blocks S. on Hwy. 69 lies of fallen cops, because to attack the police,” added Adair, OK Banner Weekly the Yankees didn’t pony up retired NYPD homicide 918-785-2903 for Eric Garner’s kids. The lieutenant and author Vernon for Ferguson mob chipped in Geberth. “His comments all your adverFIREWOOD FOR with a rousing chant of “Pigs have been absolutely detising needs... in a blanket!” when the news spicable. Telling his son he SALE, seasoned from New York City reached should be afraid of the poin 6 counties hardwood mix, Missouri. lice? I’m not surprised these will cut to your It’s Just two police officers have been length. Split, deliv- The entire Left is currently assassinated as a direct result Good Business ered & stacked quivering in a puddle of its of de Blasio’s comments.” Call 918-783$60 per rick. collective urine, scared to 918-864-2642 death that conservatives will Former NYC mayor Rudy 5657 use the standards applied to Giuliani emerged as one of them during the shameful de Blasio’s strongest critics rush to blame the Tucson over the weekend, blamshootings on Sarah Palin, ing the Mayor and others, See www. Rush Limbaugh, the Tea including President Obama, Party, and everyone who for pumping out months of thinks the government is propaganda that told demontoo large. Scared cowards strators, “the police are bad, that they are, liberals are the police are racist, they’re lashing out in editorials and wrong.” blog posts across the nation, shrieking “don’t you Giuliani noted that there had dare hold us responsible for been several other assaults Ismaaiyl Brinsley the way on police officers of the past Fox News we held you responsible for few days, a “tremendous Jared Loughner!” amount of violence” that he would not have allowed as As can be seen from the so- mayor. “They would not cial media traffic referenced have been allowed to control above, the difference is that the bridge,” he said, referTucson had absolutely noth- ring to the demonstrators ing whatsoever to do with shutting down the Brooklyn conservatives; Loughner Bridge. “People don’t get to never saw Sarah Palin’s take a public bridge from the electoral maps or listened to public. I don’t know if New a Rush Limbaugh broadcast. York City officials realize The Michael Brown and if you close down streets in Eric Garner mobs, on the New York City, you’ll kill other hand, have very direct people.” Oh, I think they connections to Brinsley’s realize that, Mr. Giuliani actions, with a substantial – they certainly brought number of them express- it up often enough when ing everything from eager they were trying to pin the support to weary “the cops George Washington Bridge the murders occurred less brought this on themselves” lane closing in New Jersey Former NYPD detective surfaced of numerous ofthan a week after video resignation. Political leaders on Governor Chris Christie. Bo Dietl said today on ficers turning their back showed protesters in New such as Mayor de Blasio, and They just choose not to men“America’s Newsroom” to de Blasio as he arrived York calling for “dead well-connected members of tion it when they’re covering that President Obama at the hospital where the the liberal power elite like for a mob action useful to cops.” needs to take a timeout two officers died. Later, Al Sharpton, fed into this… the Left. from his holiday vaca- the head of the PBA said Dietl said he talks to New what was the term you lefttion in Hawaii and show de Blasio’s “hands are ies loved to use, back when York City police officers you started trying to slander Of course, characters like support for police after literally dripping with our every day and believes decent people for the Tucson de Blasio are scrambling to two NYPD officers were blood.” “their heart is being taken shootings before the bodies retract their most incendiary murdered this weekend. away” by the current city were even cold? Ah, yes…. statements and pouring forth Dietl said de Blasio went administration’s policies. this “Climate of Hate.” You a geyser of tears over these “The president is play- too far when he suggested made racism the worst crime murders. It doesn’t take very finely-honed political ing golf now. I think the that he worried about the Martha said this is a mo- in America, creating an at- instincts for them to realize president should get his safety of his own teenage mosphere in which the acment that cries out for cused are presumed guilty, they’ve gone too far. But butt over here and be at biracial son around police leadership from the presi- with very little chance of this horror also resulted from the funerals. They sent officers. dent. establishing their innocence. what they didn’t do. They representatives to FerguYou told a mob of people didn’t stand up for the rule son, Holder and all that. Dietl said de Blasio “When you’re mayor of a made desperate by your of law. They indulged the These are two cops who “stirred up” anti-police city, you’re mayor of the lousy economic policies worst paranoid fantasies of were working overtime sentiments after the Eric whole city. When you’re and incompetent left-wing angry mobs, because they for their families in a high Garner grand jury de- President of the United government officials that wanted to be seen as “down cision, calling Garner’s States, you’re president of the police were hunting them with the struggle” by those crime area,” said Dietl. whose votes Democrats must death a “terrible tragedy” the entire country. You’re for sport. harvest in order to win elecDietl also reacted to the that did not involve rac- not running for office. tions. People who could tensions between New ism. Nobody is running for The NYPD is certainly have short-circuited the racYork City Mayor Bill de office. This is a moment mindful of this linkage, be- ism narrative constructed Blasio and the NYPD fol- Dietl challenged de Blasio that requires and demands cause when de Blasio arrived without a shred of evidence lowing Saturday’s brutal to “be a man” and admit a leader to say ‘ya know for a press conference at around the deaths of Michael the hospital where Liu and Brown and Eric Garner were murder of two police of- he was wrong. what, let’s bring the poRamos were pronounced instead content to indulge ficers in Brooklyn. lice in on this side. Let’s dead, police officers in at- those bleak fantasies, asMartha MacCallum and bring the people in on this tendance turned their backs suring the mob that their On Saturday night, video Dietl both pointed out that side,’” she said. on him. The New York Post concerns about police racism Merry Christmas Everyone 69 SURPLUS Tell your friends or us how much you enjoy this paper.... Support Your Local Tea Party Group ******* ******* ******* Dietl to Obama: Get Off the Golf Course and Go to the NYPD Funerals were well-founded. Democrat city officials haven’t even been willing to enforce the rules surrounding street demonstrations – a willful dereliction of duty that telegraphs the message, your cause is so righteous that mere city ordinances don’t apply to you. That goes all the way up to President Obama, who – predictably but still incredibly – strolled off the golf course to dump a brief statement, made a phone call to the NYPD commissioner, and then returned to the links in Hawaii. Obama’s statement began with, “I unconditionally condemn today’s murder of two police officers in New York City”… because if he didn’t say that, we might wonder if his condemnation really was unconditional. Not that he’s worried about what his political adversaries (i.e. most of working America) think – he just needed to go on the record with unconditional condemnation because he knows damn well how much he and outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder have contributed to the atmosphere of racial tension in this country, and how the Ferguson and Garner mobs have been carefully led to believe Obama endorses their actions. Now that things have escalated to murderous violence – with the promise of more blood in the wind, as Obama’s political advisers would have told him after reviewing all that ugly social-media traffic and video of protesters chanting “What do we want? Dead cops!” – the President knows he has to start pulling back. He has to create a chasm of deniability into which all his loyal little Internet robots can flood, purple-faced with outrage that anyone would dare to criticize their beloved leader for not doing more to disperse the mobs and head off the avalanche of ugly rhetoric. Maybe now we’ll get Obama telling the mob that they’re on the “wrong side of history.” Maybe he’ll start talking about how his imaginary son could have been an NYPD officer. Maybe he’ll say some of the things he was uniquely positioned to say a month ago that could have reinforced his voters’ appreciation for both the rule of law, and those who enforce it. If nothing else, one suspects the more shameful antics of Democrat politicians will be suspended. We’ve probably seen our last “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” performance on the House floor for a while. Not all of the social-media traffic over the weekend came from thugs and their enablers. Hashtags to support the police, such as #NYPDLivesMatter, have been created. Officer Rafael Ramos’ son Jaden said farewell to his father on Facebook: Today I had to say bye to my father. He was their for me everyday of my life, he was the best father I could cask for. It’s horrible that someone gets shot dead just for being a police officer. Everyone says they hate cops but they are the people that they call for help. I will always love you and I will never forget you. RIP Dad. Today is the worst day of my life. Bill de Blasio should fall on both knees before this young man and tender his resignation to the tops of Jaden Ramos’ shoes. He shames every one of the worsethan-useless opportunistic politicians who indulged the paranoia and hatred of the mob, to further “transformation of America” ideology and pander for votes. Page 12 The BANNER Spay and Neuter By now you know two of my favorite words are Spay and Neuter. Everyone in rescue understands how important they are to ease the over population. Now let’s talk numbers. Based on shared information from area rescues and the numbers I’ve seen on annual reports/social media stories more than 3,000 - yes thousand - dogs were transported out of state from this general area. That’s 3,000 dogs who found homes in other states that have enacted good spay/ neuter laws. Another way to say it is municipal shelters in those states did not have employees who had to kill perfectly healthy dogs because there was no room in the shelter and more dogs were coming in every day, 365 days a year. And BYB (not bring your own bottle) - Back Yard Breeders account for the majority of dogs and cats that are homeless and/or in shelters. BYB are usually male dogs that climbed fences, dug under fences, figured out a way to get to a female in heat. If I had a dollar for everyone with a pregnant female dog who said “I only let her out for a few minutes” - - I’d be retired in Hawaii or the Cayman Islands. Sooooo - - my New Year’s Resolution for everyone is: Spay or Neuter your pet. Happy New Year - - - enjoy your family - - love your pets - - and plan for a great 2015. Kay Stout, Executive Director e: 918-2567227 facebook: PAAS Vinita Kay Stout, Director PAAS Vinita Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Season’s Greetings from Second Chance Pet Rescue The Second Chance Pet Rescue of Grand Lake extends Season’s Greetings to the Grand Lake communities for their continued year-long support of our life-saving, nonprofit animal rescue organization. Without the community support, we would not be able to rescue and find forever homes for hundreds of homeless dogs and cats in need. If you are not familiar with us, we are a private animal rescue whose primary mission is to be a strong advocate for animals, and we are dedicated to the principle that all animals must be treated with value, dignity, and respect. Thanks to the tireless and dedicated efforts of the shelter staff and our volunteers, our dogs and cats are safe, healthy, and socialized, waiting for a loving family to adopt them. realize that the only way to stop the tremendous numbers of homeless animals and unwanted litters of puppies and kittens in Northeast Oklahoma and the surrounding communities is spay or neuter their pets. In addition to our efforts to create a better life for the dogs and cats who enter our shelter, we work tirelessly to end the very serious pet overpopulation problem by offering low-cost spay/neuter services every Wednesday through our shelter. As a group of dedicated individuals, we fervently hope for a future where all animals are treated humanely, where all pets live in loving homes, and where euthanasia is no longer part of the strategy for pet population control. Contact the shelter at 918-7867630 for more information about Meet two of our shelter residents our low-cost spay/neuter clinic. - Danica, a young chocolate lab mix puppy with a lopsided ear Because we are a private non-profit and the biggest heart; and Jaycee, animal rescue with no ties to any a beautiful young male cat who national animal rescue group, we is wishing for a lap to curl up on. rely entirely on contributions from Both are available for adoption at individuals and businesses in our our shelter. community in order to continue our life-saving work. In this season Our goal for 2015 is to assist even of giving, will you consider helpmore animals than ever before by ing us? No donation is too small. continuing to transport dogs to Even $10 can provide a life-saving out-of-state shelters for adoption. vaccine to an animal in our care. There is simply not enough adop- Your time is a generous gift as tive homes in Northeast Oklahoma well. Please consider volunteering to accommodate all the homeless with us or becoming a foster home dogs that are abandoned or sur- for special needs animals. rendered to our shelter. Through Second Chance’s transport effort and now working with Rescue Visit the Second Chance website at Waggin’ of PetSmart Charities, for more our shelter puppies and adult information regarding our organidogs are transported to approved zation and how you can help us out-of-state shelters for a “Second help the animals, not only during Chance”. Our transport efforts the holiday season but throughout will continue in 2015 until people the entire year. Please send your tax-deductible donation to P.O. Box 451205, Grove, OK 74345, or donate online via the website. We wish all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and happy New Year from the Board of Directors, Second Chance Pet Rescue of Grand Lake. We carry breast prothesis, mastectomy bras, wigs, turbans, camisoles, hats and bathing suits to meet your cancer needs. To look and feel your best, have a personalized fitting. Call Beggs Pharmacy for an appointment with our Certified Fitter at (918) 825-3059. We can also handle insurance billing for you. Come in and see our unusual gift ideas.Cards for all occasions Delicious Candies for your loved ones including diabetic candy Beggs Pharmacy 200 S. Adair • Pryor, OK • (918) 825-3059 Steve Steve& &Pamela Pamela Shipman Shipman--Owners Owners 1204 1204NE NE1st 1st St. St. Pryor, OK 74361 Pryor, OK 74361 (918) 825-2468 • FAX (918) 825-2003 • Toll Free 1 (888) 825-2469 Woodshed of Big Cabin • Cherokee Restaurant, Big Cabin Open 24 hrs. Woodshed of Vinita • Woodshed of Adair • Woodshed of Monkey Island Woodshed of Buffalo Ranch
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