Shomrei Emunah Weekly Bulletin December 27, 2014 5 of Teves 5775 CONGREGATION SHOMREI EMUNAH RABBI BINYAMIN MARWICK, RABBI Shabbos Parshas Vayigash 6221 GREENSPRING AVENUE BALTIMORE, MD 21209 RABBI DR. TZVI HERSH WEINREB, RABBI EMERITUS Vol. 5 No. 10 410-358-8604 FAX 410-358-0664 RABBI BENJAMIN BAK, זצ׳ל, RABBI EMERITUS (1972-1989) Welcome New Members Mickey and Faige Katz Taanis of Asara B’Teves Thursday, January 1, 2015 Fast Begins: 6:14am Shachris: 6:00am-Selichos 7:15am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am Mincha: 12:40pm 4:30pm Maariv: Additional Maariv: 5:15pm 8:15pm 9:00pm 10:00pm Fast Ends: 5:37pm BIG BROTHER PROGRAM CHANUKAH APPEAL Four years ago, Shomrei Emunah began a partnership with Talmud Torah Hadar Yosef in Yishuv Eli, our sister community in the Shomron, in a most meaningful Big Brother Program. This program began when the two sons of Roi Klein HY”D and one son of Eliraz Peretz HY”D, entered first grade. This successful program has since expanded into underwriting the Torah education of many children of fathers serving in the IDF, either as career officers or as those fulfilling their compulsory service. The parental role of learning with their children and reviewing their school work often went unfulfilled. However, with the success of the Big Brother Program, this void has been filled; and the impacted families were given piece of mind. Thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors who helped make this years youth Chanukah party a smashing success!! Talmud Torah Hadar Yosef is a learning center for 280 boys, ages 6 to 14. The“bigbrothers”areBneiDavidYeshivastudents. Natan and Leah Berry Ari and Inbal Elman Shraga and Perri Goldenhersh Josh and Eva Gonsher Phyllis and Barry Levi Rabbi Binyamin and Rebbetzin Dr. Miriam Marwick Ed and Iris Miller Each year, we have committed to continue supporting this wonderful program. Contributions can be made to the Shomrei Emunah Israel Fund, earmarked Big Brother Program. Thank you! Moshe and Atara Miller Dov and Shira Ocken Yair and Devorah Reiner Elliot and Yael Schwarzenberger Yaakov and Esther Spatz Alan and Shoshana Stein Josh and Baatsheva Zaslow Moshe and Aliza Zirkind Mazel Tov Eli and Chana Wax on the birth of their daughter, Meira. Mazel Tov to grandparents are Drs. Menachem and Moshay Cooper from Baltimore and Dr. Alan and Rozi Wax from South Bend, Indiana. Yossi and Devorah Klein on the birth of a baby boy. Mazel Tov to grandparents Mitch and Betty Klein and Sarah and Hershel Schabes. Rabbi Binyamin Marwick Binyomin Berger Mike Lowenstein To the wonderful people of Shomrei Emunah! I am looking out of my window at the mountain upon which 2,000 years ago Yehudah HaMaccabee defeated Apolonius the Greek. A few Jewish soldiers fighting a great Greek army! Today on these same mountain tops in the Binyamin region, 280 students are learning Torah. The fathers of 30 of our students are now serving in our Army, the IDF - a Jewish army. Some of them are protecting these same mountains, but from a different enemy. Their sons are learning Torah in your zechut. Please join us continuing the spirit of the Maccabees. Thank you. Chanukah Sameach! Eliana Passentin, Deputy Director, Talmud Torah Hadar Yosef V3 SW Shabbos Parshas Vayigash December 27 2014/5 of Teves 5775 Mincha: 4:35pm Shacharis: 6:50am 8:15am 9:00am Mincha: 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:20pm Maariv: 5:34pm Candles: 4:31pm Parshas HaShavuah: 8:30am Sof Z'man Krias Sh'ma: 9:39am Daf Yomi: After Havdallah Shalosh Seudos Sponsors: Avigdor and Elizabeth Loeb in memory of Avigdor’s father, Robert Loeb, 5 of Teves. Michael and Naomi Kraut in memory of Naomi’s father, Jerald Krupka, 7 of Teves. Notes for this week: Chaburah following the 8:15am davening, given this week by Shmuel Sperling. Gutman, 5 of Teves, sponsorship of Rabbi Reisman's shiur. Paula and Fred Minsk in memory of The Yartzheit of Paula's grandmother, Sophie Parnes, donation to Shomrei Emunah. Ellen Lightman in memory of her father, Hans Frank, 5 of Teves, sponsorship of Rabbi Yonah Sklare's Shiur. Message from the Jewish Caring Network THANK YOU to the Amazing Members of Shomrei Emunah for Participating in the Jewish Caring Network Toy Drive! The toys you donated brought an indescribable amount of happiness and“light”intothelivesofthechildreninourcommunitywhoneedit the most. We have already received an overwhelming response from families who expressed how the gifts truly brightened their Chanukah, reminding them that they are not alone. Thank you for making it happen! May Hashem bless all of you with the same simcha you have shown on our JCN families. If you have any toys you’d still like to donate, please contact the JCN office (410-602-6075). Friends of Shomrei presents an informative evening, January 6th at 7pm in our social hall. "Grow your money and make it last!" Next Week: Shabbos Parshas Vayechi 4:40pm Abe and Laure Gutman inmemoryofAbe’sbrother,Mannie Shiur: 3:30pm Shabbos Afternoon Shiur will be given by Rabbi Marwick on the Topic:“Shabbos23:TheProperPlaceforHaldakasNerosShabbos.” Mincha: Memorial Donations Tzvi Zelcer will talk about strategic and safe financial planning for your future. Candle Lighting: 4:36pm Yahrzeits Daf Yomi Avigdor Loeb in memory of his father, Robert Loeb, 5 of Teves. Esther Goldfeiz in memory of her sister, Chaya bat Dovid, 6 of Teves. Rosalie Rapoport in memory of her brother, Bernard Greenberg, 6 of Teves. Naomi Kraut in memory of her father, Jerald Krupka, 7 of Teves. Werner Cohen in memory of his father, Albert Cohen, 10 of Teves. Werner Cohen in memory of his mother, Hedwig Cohen, 10 of Teves. Fischer Mother 5 Tevet Chana Fischer Ellen Lightman Father 5 Tevet Hans Frank Sonia Greenspon Father-in-law 5 Tevet Morris Greenspon Abe Gutman Brother 5 Tevet Mannie Gutman Avigdor Loeb Father 5 Tevet Robert Loeb Rosalie Rapoport Brother 6 Tevet Bernard Greenberg Josh Lewis Father 6 Tevet David Lewis Naomi Kraut Father 7 Tevet Jerald Krupka Myrna Hoenlein Mother 8 Tevet Esther Davis Feiga Oberstein Mother 8 Tevet Rosalyn Siegel Daniel Rubin Father 9 Tevet Shmuel Rubin Werner Cohen Father 10 Tevet Albert Cohen Werner Cohen Mother 10 Tevet Hedwig Cohen Jaffa Munk Mother-in-law 10 Tevet Hanna Munk Jaffa Munk Father-in-law 10 Tevet Gavriel Munk Roberta Kaplan Brother 10 Tevet Wayne Ruder DAVENING TIMES Shachris Asara B’Teves Sunday Monday ETT: 6:26am ETT: 6:27am 6:20 (MS) 6:20 (BM) 6:50 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 7:20 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) Eugene Tuesday ETT: 6:27am 6:30 (BM) 7:00 (MS) 7:30 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) Wednesday ETT: 6:27am 6:30 (BM) 7:00 (MS) 7:30 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) New Years Friday ETT: 6:27am ETT: 6:27am 6:00 (MS) 6:30 (BM) 7:00 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 7:30 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) This Week 12/28-1/1 Legal Holidays S, Tu, W, F Mon, Thu Rosh Chodesh Sunday Weekday 6:20 (MS) 6:10 (MS) 6:05 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) MS - Main Shul, BM - Bais Medrash, SH - Social Hall, ETT - Earliest Talis/Tefilin 6:10 (BM) 6:40 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) Mincha/Marriv: 4:40pm (MS) Additional Mincha: Sun: 12:40pm (MS) Additional Maariv: 7:15pm (BM) 8:15pm (MS) 9:00pm (MS) 10:00pm (BM) Shul Notes Aliyos If you have a Bar Mitzvah or Aufruf coming up, please contact David Bienenstock at to arrange your Aliyos. Message From The Chessed Committee: A family in the community is in need of Shabbos meals. Please see "take a meal" form or contact or Rochel Katz at or call 410-292-4113. Did you know? Gifts can be made to Shomrei Emunah with a stock donation? Shomrei has an account with Morgan Stanley and Vanguard to accept all stock gifts. Check the donations tab at for more information or call Shira at (410) 358-8604. Special Chessed Opportunities: Larry Soltz is in Tudor Heights and would appreciate visitors. For more information contact Rabbi Marwick at AFFORDABLE ASSISTED LIVING "STERLING H OSPITALITY" PROVIDES LOVING CARE WITH DIGNITY 7015 PARK HEIGHTS AVENUE EMAIL: STERLINGCARE@MSN.COM OR CALL 410-318-8999 YOUTH NEWS Shabbos Youth Programs Babysitting - Classroom 2 , Time: 9:00 - end of Shul Beginner’sMinyan(1st-3rd Grade) - Classroom 1,9:30 - end of Shul Younger Girls Groups (1st-3rd Grade)-Board Room,10:00-end of Shul Older Boys Groups (4th-6th Grade) - Tower Classroom 1,10:25 Older Girls Groups (4th-6th Grade) - Kallah Room,10:00-end of Shul Youth (Teen) Minyan - Classroom 3, 9:15 The youth department would like to remind all parents to remain on the shul premises if your children are participating in youth groups. Happy Birthday to all Shomrei Youth with December Birthdays!! Joshua Shmuel Chaim Sammy Gitty Zevi Kayla Aharon Shira Bernstein Breuer Carter Friedman Goldsmith Lasson Meth Rosenberg Noam Yosef Meira Nava Eli Yehuda Nachum Doni Schulman Spatz Sperling Stein Tarshish Traub Wealcatch Weichbrod Isyourchild’sbirthdayinDecemberandnotonthislist?Fillout the youth survey on the Shul web site! "Silence is golden" but Shmiras HaLashon is Divine. Come join us in the men's Shmiras HaLashon Chabura. Sunday's 8:459:15pm. Classroom 1. It's heavenly. Shmiras HaLashon: it's a life changer. RabbiShlomoSteinZT”L CONGREGATION SHOMREI EMUNAH Motzei Shabbos: 6:45pm in the Bais Medrash 6221 GREENSPRING AVENUE BALTIMORE, MD 21209 OFFICE HOURS: Billing: Monday through Friday 9:00am-12:00pm Rentals & General Information: Monday-Friday 9:00am-12:00pm EMAIL CONTACTS: Rabbi Marwick ..................................... Chaim Spero, President ............................... Office................................................................... Shira Glickman ..................................................... Josh Zaslow .......................................................... Shraga Zirkind .................................................. Chessed Committee ......................................... Ifyou’dliketohavesomethingplacedinthebulletin,pleasecontactthe office. Submissions received by 12pm Wednesday will be placed in the upcoming bulletin. After this time, it will be held for the following week. Avos Ubanim Program Pizza! Soda! Raffles! Prizes! To sponsor please contact Chaim Spero or Dov Ocken Shomrei Emunah congratulates Dr. Janet Sunness on her being honored this Sunday by WIT with the Avodas HaKodesh Award. Please Daven for a Refuah Sheleimah for: Menachem Mendel Yisroel ben Feiga Chaim Sender ben Miriam Sarah Yeshaya Shalom ben Malka Gittel Yitzhak Meyer ben Tziviya Ahuva Bas chana Rochel Refael Chaim Yeshaya ben Chaya Yosef Yitzchok Ben Miriam Important Note: To add a name please contact the office by email: The list will be cleared every Rosh Chodesh. LE A RN IN G OP PORT UN IT IE S WIT H RA BBI MA RW IC K! Sho mre i Pos t - Ca rpoo l Sh iu r fo r Wome n a we e k ly di sc us sio n o f c o nt e mpo rary i ssue s c o nne c t e d t o t he P arsha . Me e t s Tue sday s at 9:15am . P le ase c o ntac t R abb i Ma rw ic k w it h any que stio n s . Thursday Morning Shiur on Conte mpo rar y Ha lach i c I ssue s at 9:15am Fo r mo re info rmat io n c o nt ac t D a v i d B i e n e n s t o c k a t Z e idy 12@ao l .c o m. “ Piz z a & Pa rs ha” fo r Stu de nt s & Young P rofe s siona l s age s 17 -29 t hi s pro gram i s de d ic at e d L ’ i lui Ni shma s Gi lad S c hwa rtz and i s funde d in pa rt by a gra nt fro m t he L o ui se D. and Mo rt o n J . Mac k s Ce nt e r fo r J e wi sh Education through its Jewish Educ at io na l Enhanc e me nt P ro gram . Fo r 5774 , the se rie s is spo n so re d by the May e r Fam i ly . Hala chi c T he me s fr o m the Pa r sha Shi ur Th is we e k’ s t o p ic : D re ams in Halac ha a nd Ha ska fa The Rav’s Mishnayos Shiur! At t e nt io n B o y s i n 5t h, 6t h & 7t h grade . Th i s we e k @ 3:00pm in t he B ais Me d rash . L e arn ing Ma se c he s S he kalim . Community Notes Emergency Tehillim squad: To have the whole sefer Tehillim said for an emergency situation, please call Judy (410-358-9049) or Leah (410-764-6252). May we only share simchas. Offering Shabbos & Yom Tov meal placements OHR CHONON SHABBOS CONNECTIONS: 1-410-SHABBOS, Chaverim of Baltimore is proud to announce the launch of our community shiva minyan text alerts system. This comes after years of receiving calls for help to complete a minyan for a levaya or shiva minyan and Chaverim disseminating the information to the community through various means to assure proper kavod hameis. This system will enable ALL to take part in this great mitzvah by simply texting EZRHY79124 to 313131 to join. Join NCSY as we honor Rabbi Yitzchok and Mrs. Edit Dinovitzer at the 40th annual Concert on January 4th, 2015 featuring Eighth Day and Yeshiva Boys Choir. For reservations, tribute and sponsorships please call (410)358-6279, email or visit VIP Reception begins at 5pm, Concert starts sharply at 6:30 with a family friendly format. Funds raised from the concert go to inspiring, educating and empowering thousands of Jewish teens and to further the incredible work Rabbi Dinovitzer has been involved with for 3 decades. Community Lecture on Chinuch: Rabbi Jonathan Rietti will be speaking on“ First understand your child’s generation then let’s address the challenges” Sunday, December 28th , at BJSZ at 8:15 PM. Free admission. For sponsorships, please call 410-484-6600 x315. Sign language interpreter available upon advance request. The Koidenover Rebbe visits Baltimore from 12/25-12/31. The Rebbe will be visiting our community from Bnei Brak for Shabbos Parshas Vayigash. There will be an inspirational Friday night tish at 8:00pm at Merkaz Torah uTefilah (Rabbi Eichenstein). Shalosh Seudos tish will be at Shomrei Emunah Social Hall after Mincha (4:20) in the Youth Bais Medrash. The Rebbe will be available by appointment for private consultations and brachos. To schedule an appointment to meet with the Rebbe or for more info about his schedule, contact Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, 443-570-7598 or email “TherewillbeaCommunity-Wide Lecture presented by Shearith Israel Congregation and The Baltimore Shidduch Initiative. Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer will address questions on Shidduchim. For Women- Jan. 3rd @8:15PM. For Men- Jan. 4th @ 9:30AM. Please email your questions in advance to" Beginners’ Gemora Class Starting Sunday, Januray 18th. Rabbi Ayson Englander will guide you through the language& logic of the Talmud, step-by-step, sp that you can gain the skills to learn on youe own! Sunday evenenings, 9-10pm (Marriv at 10pm). Class held at Yesodei HaTorah’s Joseph Meister Beis Medrash, 2416 Taney Road (corner Greenspring). For more information & to register, call Rabbi Tzvi Goode at 443-660-7008 or email RATES HAVE DROPPED-NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY!! NEW LISTING-Parktowne: Lovely 4BR, 1BA, cape cod, with loads of storage, eat-in kitchen, separate dining room, and living room, hardwood floors, replaced windows, fenced yard, 2 covered porches. Family room in lower level. Heather Ridge: Stunning 3 BR, 2 BA condo with renovated kitchen, vaulted ceilings, enclosed porch with park-like view. Separate living room/dining room. Laundry room in unit. Assigned parking. Private hallway. Access to pool, tennis courts, exercise room and club house. Gated community. T C A R T N O C UNDER ACT R T N O C R E UND Wellwood: Spacious 3 Br, 2 1/2 Ba rancher on corner lot. Hardwood floors, side porch, enlarged 2nd bedroom, finished lower level with office, family room, laundry, powder room, and cedar closet. Loads of storage. Slade Village: Lovely 3 BR, 3 1/2 BA end of group townhouse with updates throughout! Front and back deck, replaced windows and doors, wood burning fireplace, living room/dining room combo, beautiful views. Lower level has family room, 3rd bedroom and full bath. SHARON ZUCKERBROD, ABR Accredited Buyer Representative Cell: 410-599-5303 Office: 410-583-5700
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