2 14-15 COMMUNITY GRANTS A Message from the Mayor The City of Port Phillip Community Grants Scheme provides a strategic opportunity to work in partnership with community groups, organisations and individuals to strengthen community capacity and create and promote an engaged, healthy, resilient and vibrant City of Port Phillip. I am pleased to present the recipients of the 2014-2015 Community Grants program. This year forty-one organisations have been awarded a total of $293,813 in funding to implement more than seventy seven community projects. These projects demonstrate the profound commitment and dedication of Port Phillip’s diverse community sector in fostering an engaged and healthy community. Activities funded vary from providing protective equipment for the volunteers of Port Phillip St Johns Ambulance, to promoting gender equity through a community forum lead by St Kilda Legal Service, to establishing a new BeachPatrol 3205 group in South Melbourne. All projects aim to strengthen connections within our community, build capacity and offer opportunities to improve the health and wellbeing of those that live here. The City of Port Phillip is honoured to be partnering with such a broad cross-section of volunteer based community groups, sporting clubs, not-for-profit organisations and service providers, all working to promote social inclusion and community participation across the municipality. I congratulate the successful applicants and all involved for their efforts. I hope you find inspiration in the following pages and are motivated to find opportunity to participate in the thriving communities of Port Phillip. With warm wishes, Cr Amanda Stevens Mayor Program Support Grants Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group Caulfield South Netball Club NetSetGo. Funding will enable the Caulfield South Netball Club to run Netball Australia’s Junior Netball Program 'NetSetGo!' in the City of Port Phillip for local children aged 5-10. Email: cs.nc@ hotmail.com Families and Children Christ Church Mission Inc. Christ Church Quilting Group. This program will promote the therapeutic benefits of creativity by offering quilting classes in St Kilda for senior women, those living with mental illness and/or caring responsibilities. Email: communitycentre @ christchurchstkilda.org.au Over 55 Christ Church Mission Inc. Chairbased Yoga. This program, operating in a public housing estate in St Kilda, offers senior residents gentle guided exercise classes followed by a 'cuppa', building good relationships in a safe, friendly environment. Email: communitycentre @ christchurchstkilda.org.au People with disabilities Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre ESNLC Graduation and Alumni Conference Day. Funding will be used for a graduation ceremony for ESNLC students. The ceremony will incorporate reflections from alumni on how their education at ESNLC has helped them in their path in life. Email: manager @ esnlc.com.au Whole Community Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre Volunteer Induction and Support. Funding will be used to prepare a volunteer induction and training package for new ESNLC volunteers. Improved recruitment and retention of volunteers will ensure ESNLC continues to provide a familiar and friendly environment that welcomes the whole community. Email: co-ordinator @ esnlc.com.au Whole Community Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre Drop In Art. This program aims to provide an affordable, accessible weekly art class to disadvantaged residents in order to reduce social isolation and promote self-expression, connection, health and wellbeing. Email: connect @ pmnc.org.au Low Income Port Melbourne Yacht Club Back to Port Day. Funding will contribute to the celebration of the 125th Anniversary of the club on 24 December 2014. All past members will be invited to celebrate the history of sailing on Port Phillip Bay over the past 125 years. Email: michonhols @ hotmail.com Whole Community South Melbourne District Sports Club Athletics for All. Funding will be used to assist financially disadvantaged members of the community participate in senior athletics. Email: grants @ smdsc.com.au Low Income Program Support Grants Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group South Melbourne District Sports Club Expanded Big Kick. Funding will be used to develop a specific program for hearing impaired children and enable them to participate fully in the Auskick program. Email: grants @ smdsc.com.au People with disabilities South Melbourne Mission Kindergarten Kinder Yoga Club. Funding will provide 10 sessions of yoga to kindergarten children and their families. The program aims to promote the role of physical activity in developing a healthy and resilient life. Email: smmk @ try.org.au Families and Children South Melbourne Mission Kindergarten Family Music Time. This program will provide funding for a children's music teacher to perform weekly group workshops with children from low income families. Email: smmk @ try.org.au Families and Children St John Ambulance Australia (Vic) Port Phillip Division Personal Protective Equipment for St John Port Phillip Volunteers. Funding will provide St John's Port Phillip volunteers with protective equipment to be used while delivering life-saving first aid at local community events. Email: angela.taaffe @ stjohnvic.com.au Whole Community St Kilda Gatehouse St Kilda Gatehouse Community BBQ's. St Kilda Gatehouse provides an inclusive community BBQ every Thursday evening. These BBQs engage people who access our services, local residents and volunteers and provide an opportunity to broaden community inclusion. Email: roslyn @ stkildagatehouse.org.au Socially Isolated St Kilda Sharks Women's Football Club – St Kilda City Sports Club Girls Youth Football Team – Volunteer Training and Education. This program will support the development of the first Australian Rules football team for girls between the ages of 14 and 17 in Port Phillip. Funding will be used to train volunteers in coaching and first aid. Email: damiencwhite @ gmail.com Young People The First Step Program The First Step Program. This program offers a holistic support service to individuals overcoming drug and alcohol dependence. Funding will provide subsidised public transport passes to clients accessing medical help, psychological services, legal advice and assistance obtaining employment. Email: bryan @ firststepprogram.org Low Income Vintage Men Inc Ongoing Outreach. This group offers both advocacy and outreach support to older gay and bisexual men living in isolation, nursing homes and institutions. Email: wilsgo @ bigpond.com Socially Isolated Community Strengthening Grants Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group Ardoch Youth Foundation Elwood College Breakfast Club and Festive Lunch. This project will promote healthy eating, community cohesion and learning readiness for Elwood College students with support from trained Ardoch volunteers. These socially inclusive events will offer targeted support for disengaged and isolated students. Email: isobel.michael @ ardoch.asn.au Young People Beach Patrol Australia Inc. Beach Patrol. Funding will be used to support the growth of existing Beach Patrol groups and establish a new 3205 Beach Patrol group in South Melbourne. BeachPatrol aims to keep beaches clean through the power of community spirit. Email: terry.lobert@ gmail.com Whole Community Caulfield South Netball Club Establishment of Two New Netball Teams. Funding will be used to establish two new netball teams providing opportunities for more children, particularly girls to engage in regular physical activity, become connected with a community based sporting club and enhance their health and wellbeing. Email: cs.nc@ hotmail.com Families and Children Caulfield South Netball Club Netball Coaches Training and Accreditation. This project will provide training and accreditation for coaches and volunteers at the Caulfield South Netball Club, including the NetSetGo program, increasing opportunities for participation in sport for young girls in Port Phillip. Email: cs.nc@ hotmail.com Families and Children Claremont & SouthPort Aged Care Limited A Day at the Theatre. Funding will allow residents the opportunity to attend live theatre performances with morning tea at Gasworks over the year. This program gives frail elderly increased independence, pleasure and community engagement, alleviating social isolation, anxiety and depression. Email: hrendell @ caspacare.org.au Over 55 Creativity Australia Creating Networks, Supporting Lives. Funding will enable financially disadvantaged individuals to participate in the With One Voice – St Kilda choir program. This program encourages networking while sharing stories, skills and life experiences. Email: ross @ creativityaustralia.org.au Whole Community Elwood Life Saving Club Nipper Access Initiative. Funding will be used to support the growth of the Elwood nipper program teaching vital water skills to children and training the next generation of lifesavers. This project aims to make the program more accessible to Port Phillip families. Email: wchosking @ bigpond.com Families and Children Community Strengthening Grants Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre Port Phillip Volunteer Expo 2015. This annual event provides the opportunity for 30-40 local community organisations to come together at the Port Melbourne Town Hall to provide information on local services and promote volunteering opportunities across the municipality. The Expo also celebrates the contribution of volunteers within the City or Port Phillip. Email: co-ordinator @ esnlc.com.au Whole Community Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre Digital Literacy, EAL (English as an additional language) and Adult Literacy Outreach Project. Working in partnership, with the Emerald Hill Court Tenants Association and the Park Towers Tenants Association this program will establish and deliver education in digital literacy, EAL and Adult Literacy at the respective locations. Email: manager @ esnlc.com.au Socially Isolated Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre Galiamble – Therapeutic Painting Development Program. ESNLC and Galiamble Men's Recovery Centre will work together to run an art course forming a crucial part of the program supporting social inclusion of Indigenous men. Email: manager@ esnlc.com.au Indigenous Inner South Community Health Wominjeka BBQ. This program provides a weekly opportunity for the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community to engage over a nutritious meal whilst also facilitating pathways to access health and welfare services. Email: mawilliams @ ischs.org.au Indigenous Inner South Community Health Winter Homeless Memorial. This annual event is held at the Peanut Farm in St Kilda on the Wednesday evening closest to the winter solstice. The secular, non-political evening provides an opportunity for people to come together to honour and remember those who have died as a result of homelessness. Email: swhite @ ischs.org.au Whole community Inner South Community Health PORTogether. PORTogether will engage Port Melbourne residents in sharing photographs and stories that highlight the places where people in Port Melbourne connect with each other. By identifying and celebrating Port’s connecting places the project will foster social connection and create a more inclusive community. Email: jmoss @ ischs.org.au Whole Community Inner South Community Health Service Waterfront Welcomers. This project will pilot a new approach to social and economic development by training local residents to act as ambassadors for Port Melbourne and the City of Port Phillip, providing a warm welcome and useful information to visitors as they arrive at Station Pier. Email: jmoss @ ischs.org.au Whole Community Community Strengthening Grants Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group MS St Kilda Peer Support Group Inc. Going Places. Funding will be used to reduce social isolation and increase community access of local people with disabilities by providing them with the means and support to get out and about in the community, accessing places they would otherwise be unable to. Email: lisadavis766 @ gmail.com People with disabilities Port Melbourne Netball Club Establishment of Port Melbourne Netball Club (PMNC). Funding will be used to establish the Port Melbourne Netball Club. We aim to provide a welcoming, inclusive Club offering a vital avenue for girls of all ages to participate in organised sport. Email: jaine @ aurahome.com.au Families and Children Port Phillip Community Group Stages of Engagement. Through creative workshops this project creates pathways of engagement and skill enhancement for vulnerable residents in Supported Residential Service accommodation. The project will culminate in 'Five Minutes of Fame', a platform for showcasing achievements in meaningful social participation. Email: maggie @ ppcg.org.au People with disabilities Port Phillip Community Group Our Inspired Life. This project aims to help highly marginalised members of the community rediscover meaningful activities, reconnect with the broader community and support them in making positive changes to their lives. There will be a strong emphasis on literacy, communication skills and self-learning. Email: robyn @ ppcg.org.au Socially Isolated Port Phillip EcoCentre Wominjeka Multicultural Garden Workshops. Through a range of workshops co-facilitated by the EcoCentre and community members, this project will promote sustainable, multicultural gardening and cooking. Email: coord @ ecocentre.com Whole Community Port Phillip Housing Association Chelmsford Cook-Up. The Chelmsford Cook-Up is a social meals project run for residents at the PPHA Chelmsford rooming house. Each fortnight, residents and PPHA staff get together to prepare and enjoy an exciting and nutritional meal in a relaxed setting where people can connect socially. Email: katkinson @ ppha.org.au Indigenous Port Phillip Housing Association Visions In Substance Art Exhibition. The 2013 Visions in Substance Art Exhibition was an enormous success. This project will work to make the exhibition an annual event, giving Port Phillip Housing Association tenants an ongoing opportunity to exhibit creative talents and be recognised artistically. In doing so the project will increase tenants’ sense of wellbeing, inclusion and community connection. Email: katkinson @ ppha.org.au Whole Community Community Strengthening Grants Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group Prahran Mission Activity Program for People Recovering from Mental Illness. This project was established in 2012. Funding will support the monthly Activity Program for people recovering from a mental illness – residents, friends, family and volunteers of Scottsdale PsychoSocial Disability Rehabilitation and Support Service located at 51 Alma Road, St Kilda. Email: maxine @ prahranmission.org.au People with disabilities Prahran Mission Women's Group – Connecting the Whole Self. This project will fund regular workshops for women living with a mental illness to promote the benefits of integrating the inner self with the external. Workshops will help participants understand, address and overcome some of the barriers to participating in mainstream activities. Email: maxine @ prahranmission.org.au Women Roarhouse Roar-Lounge. Roar-Lounge targets those in long-term supported care arrangements who are some of the most impacted by disadvantage and isolation. The project will give beneficiaries the opportunity to participate as performers and audience in a lounge-style showcase of music, poetry, spoken word and storytelling. Email: marjetka.roarhouse @ gmail.com People with disabilities Roomers Project Social Media, a Virtual Home and the Rooming House Community. This collaborative project between Roomers and professional writers will research current take-up of social media by residents of rooming houses and its role in wellbeing and connectedness. Written works created will be shown in Federation Square during 2014 Melbourne Writers Festival Email: roomersmag @ yahoo. com.au Low Income Royal District Nursing Services Healthcare and Nutritional Support for People Experiencing Homelessness in City of Port Phillip. Funding will be used to provide practical nutritional support to people experiencing homelessness. As part of the RDNS Homeless Persons Program the Project aims to improve access for homeless people to holistic, integrated and networked health care through targeted nutritional support. Email: lsupple @ rdns.com.au Low Income Sacred Heart Mission Women's House Art Therapy Program – "Creative Connections". This therapeutic art program will improve the health and wellbeing of disadvantaged women living in the City of Port Phillip by developing a safe and welcoming environment for women to express themselves creatively through individual and group projects. Email: llewis @ sacredheartmission.org.au Women Sacred Heart Mission Outlandish @ SHM. This program provides opportunities for socially isolated women to participate in a range of nature based activities and volunteering experiences. Participants will gain social connection, the opportunity to learn new skills and pursue pathways into further education and employment. Email: llewis @ sacredheartmission.org.au Women Community Strengthening Grants Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group Sacred Heart Mission Hands on Health Clinic. The Clinic offers a range of complimentary health and wellbeing services to people experiencing disadvantage in the City of Port Phillip. Largely run by volunteers the program will focus on community engagement and social participation to address poor health and social isolation. Email: cmiddendorp @ sacredheartmission.org Socially Isolated Sacred Heart Mission The 5 Minute Volunteer. Funding will be used to pilot and trial the 5 Minute Volunteer Project. This is a social inclusion initiative targeting vulnerable, disconnected older residents who would benefit from support for small practical tasks and connection with a volunteer that lives near-by. Email: lcross @ sacredheartmission.org Over 55 Salvation Army Crisis Services – Access Health Arts and Yarning. This project works to increase the social, cultural, health and wellbeing of marginalised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People within Port Phillip by providing the opportunity to engage in culturally relevant arts sessions with community leaders and healthcare workers. Email: judy.hanley @ aus.salvationarmy.org Indigenous Salvation Army Crisis Services – Youth and Family Services Growing Together – Edible Gardens Project. This project will promote the health and wellbeing benefits of sustainable living through gardening. Promoting genuine partnerships between staff, clients and members of the local community, the project generates social inclusion for young people experiencing significant disadvantage and marginalisation. Email: claire.edmanson @ aus.salvationarmy.org Young People SisterWorks Incorporated Sustainable Elwood Design Labs. Funding will be used to establish a sustainable business model for the Elwood Design Labs ensuring we continue to train, coach and support our Sisters to develop their handcraft skills while gaining business and English skills. Email: luz@ sisterworks.org.au CALD South Melbourne Mission Kindergarten Music Therapy Teacher Training. This project will offer professional training in music therapy to teachers and child care workers in the city of Port Phillip for use within their classrooms and centres. The training aims to promote resilience, health and wellbeing through creativity. Email: smmk @ try.org.au Families and Children South Port Community Housing Group Common Unity Gardens. This project will enable SPCHG residents to work together with staff and volunteers to create and maintain a kitchen garden space, creating both an attractive communal space and a source of food for residents to share. Email: janetg @ spchg.org.au Socially isolated Community Strengthening Grants Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group South Port Day Links Volunteer Community Bus Driver Training and Register Service. This project will promote social inclusion by providing community organisations with access to a pool of voluntary mini bus drivers, facilitating access to services, programs and activities delivered across the community. Email: robm @ spdl.org.au Socially isolated St Kilda Community Housing Mentoring Life Skills Project. This project is designed to assist tenants in rooming houses to manage their tenancies when they move from a room with shared facilities into their own self-contained unit increasing a person's capacity to live independently. Email: mleveratt @ stkch.org.au Socially isolated St Kilda Legal Service Co Op Promoting Gender Equity – Addressing the Upstream Determinants of Violence Against Women Through A Community-Based Approach in the City of Port Phillip. The Port Phillip Gender Equity Summit aims to reduce the incidence of violence against women. The summit will focus on the determinants that lead to this violence and showcase best practice bringing community, business and Council together to discuss and develop initiatives for cultural and behavioural change. Email: emma @ skls.org.au Women St Kilda Legal Service Co-op Strengthening the St Kilda Legal Service Volunteer Program Through Provision of Online Resources and Support for Volunteers. This project aims to promote and further develop the volunteer workforce at the St Kilda Legal Service by developing new resources and an online volunteer portal. Email: emma @ skls.org.au Whole Community St Kilda Youth Service SKYS OutLoud. This project provides safe social space in the face-to-face context as well as in the digital environment for Same Sex Attracted and Gender Diverse young people. Email: kylie @ skys.org.au Young People St Kilda Youth Service HEAT Homeless World’s Longest Lunch. The lunch provides over 200 people who have experienced homelessness with a three course meal and a fine dining and non-alcoholic drinks service. We aim to raise issues surrounding homelessness and disadvantage nationwide and provide disadvantaged youth opportunities to reengage in employment and education with HEAT patron, Guy Grossi. Email: kylie @ skys.org.au Low Income The Trustee for the NCJW (Victoria) Social Support Trust Caring Mums. The Caring Mums in home support program provides emotional and social support to pregnant women and new mothers. Email: annette @ ncjwa.org.au Women Social Inclusion Partnerships Grants Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group Access Health – The Salvation Army Crisis Services In partnership with Melbourne Sexual Health Centre Sexual Health Incentives and Women's Health Promotion. This project will promote sexual health and engage individuals who are experiencing homelessness, engaging in risky drug use behaviour and/or street based sex work to undertake regular sexual health checks and pap tests. Email: rebecca.thatcher @ aus.salvationarmy.org Socially Isolated Inner South Rooming House Network In partnership with Inner South Community Health Service REPRESENT. Funding will enable two Consumer Representatives to participate on the Inner South Rooming House Network enhancing the network’s capacity to provide relevant and sustainable outcomes for the socially isolated people it works with. Email: maggie @ ppcg.org.au Socially Isolated Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre In partnership with Soup Kitchen Theatre Inc. Second Act. This project will offer drama workshops for the local community alongside older residents of Wintringham, building wellbeing and social connections through inter-generational performance-based activities. Email: connect @ pmnc.org.au Over 55 St Kilda Gatehouse In partnership with St Kilda Baptist Church Off The Streets. This program will aid in building meaningful relationships between sex workers and the broader community through a series of socially inclusive activities including movies, cooking, horse riding and picnics. Email: jim @ stkildagatehouse.org.au Socially Isolated St Kilda Legal Service Co-op Ltd In partnership with Port Phillip Community Group A Step Toward Reconciliation: Acknowledging the Past Through Art at St Kilda Community Centre. Inspired by the Council's Reconciliation Action Plan, funding will be used to install a mural by a local Boon Wurrung artist. The display will include information promoting understanding of the impacts of Australian 'protectionist laws’ and social policies on Indigenous Australians. Email: emma @ skls.org.au Indigenous Toyota Community Foundation / City of Port Phillip Equipment Grants Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group BeachPatrol Australia Reusable Bags for BeachPatrol Volunteers. Funding will be used to supply all BeachPatrol zones with reusable bags, to pick up litter from their respective beaches. Branded bags made from recycled plastic will promote the work of BeachPatrol and eliminate use of disposable plastic bags. Email: 3207@ beachpatrol.com.au Whole Community Elwood Cricket Club Elwood Cricket Club Asylum Seeker Program. Funding will be used to purchase a club kit and playing whites for a team of asylum seekers, who due to Australian laws restricting paid work for people on bridging visas and community detention, would otherwise be unable to participate. Playing cricket with the club will build social networks and a sense of community. Email: luke.stanley@dtf.vic.gov.au Socially isolated Elwood Sailing Club Rescue – Marine Radio. Elwood Sailing Club provides essential rescue and patrol boat services for members, sailing events and the general boating community. The grant will be used to replace and upgrade the three current hand held radios, vital for water safety. Email: manager @ elwoodsc.com Whole Community Elwood Sailing Club Upgrade of Lifejackets. This funding will be used to upgrade our lifejackets and promote safe sailing to new younger members who are not presently catered for in the club. Email: manager @ elwoodsc.com Young people Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre ESNLC Business System Improvement. Funding will be used to purchase and install a new telephone system for the centre enabling better communication with clients, volunteers and staff. Email: manager @ esnlc.com.au Whole Community First Step Program The First Step Program. Funding will be used to purchase a laptop, addressing the lack of workspace and standalone PCs in the office, and enabling First Step to continue to offer a flexible service to individuals undergoing drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Email: bryan @ firststepprogram.org Socially isolated Melbourne Tigers Women’s Basketball Association Equipment for the 21st Century. Funding will enable purchase of a range of basketball development equipment for the ongoing use of children and young people’s teams, assisting to keep fees at a minimum and retain and attract new participants. Email: admin @ melbournebasketball.com.au Young people Toyota Community Foundation / City of Port Phillip Equipment Grants Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group NCJW (Victoria) Community Services Inc. Exercise and Dance Programs for Independent Living Members of Golden Age Clubs. Funding will be used to purchase equipment for a series of exercise and dance classes designed for senior Russian speaking community members, improving health and wellbeing and promoting independent living. Email: nellie @ ncjwa.org.au Over 55 Port Phillip EcoCentre Two Wheel Tours. Funding will provide bicycles for this program which promotes the joy of cycling whilst making new discoveries around the bayside area of Melbourne through guided tours. Providing group members with comfortable bikes is just the beginning of this sustainable two wheeled adventure! Email: bronnie @ ecocentre.com Whole Community Port Phillip Men's Shed Association Expanding the Capacity of the Men's Shed. Funding will be used to purchase a welder and required protective equipment enabling PPMSA to continue to engage the broader community in learning activities. Email: donlaird @ bigpond.com Over 55 Sacred Heart Mission Surviving the Heat. This project will address the needs of vulnerable people living in poorly insulated housing by supplying portable air-conditioners to older people during heat waves. Email: lcross @ sacredheartmission.org Over 55 Salvation Army Crisis Services – Youth and Family Services Growing Together – Edible Gardens Project. Funding will be used to purchase essential gardening equipment such as wheelbarrows, shovels and forks as well as raincoats and gumboots for participants. The project provides young people with the health and healing benefits of gardening while promoting genuine partnership between staff, clients and local community members. Email: claire.edmanson @ aus.salvationarmy.org Young people South Melbourne Mission Kindergarten New Bike Fund. Funding will be used to purchase three new bicycles for the use of children at the kindergarten, many of whom live in the nearby public housing with limited access to outdoor space. Email: smmk @ try.org.au Families and Children St Kilda Sharks Women's Football Club – St Kilda City Sports Club Girls – Youth Football Team – Training Equipment. Currently, girls between the ages of 14-17 do not have the opportunity to play AFL in the Port Phillip area. Funding will be used to purchase a range of start-up equipment for a young girl’s team. Email: damiencwhite @ gmail.com Young people DIVERSITY AND AGEING GRANTS Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group Association of Former Inmates of Nazi Concentration Camps and Ghettos from the Former Soviet Union Inc Social Support Program. This program provides support to members through social, recreational and educational opportunities. These include celebrations, guest speakers, basic English classes and culturally appropriate commemorations. Email: peterk@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities ‘Astry’ Polish Senior Citizens Club St Kilda Social Support Program. Funding will offer members the opportunity for recreational and wellbeing activities and day trips to places of cultural interest. Email: peterk@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities Christ Church Mission Inc Stepping Stones. This fortnightly social group provides support to elderly local residents who are isolated for various reasons, such as disability or mental illness. Email: communitycentre@christchurchstkilda.org.au Older adults (55+) Elwood Cricket Club Elwood Cricket Club Asylum Seeker Program. The program will aid participation of asylum seekers on bridging visas and community detention to join the club, by subsidising their registration fees. Email: luke.stanley@dtf.vic.gov.au CALD Communities Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre Reaching for the Stars. This project will provide short courses in financial budgeting and basic computer skills to multicultural women with English as a second language. Email: co-ordinator@esnlc.com.au CALD Communities Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre ESNLC Helping Disadvantaged Learners. Funding will be used to enable students experiencing disadvantage or financial hardship to attend basic English classes or further education classes at the centre. Email: co-ordinator@esnlc.com.au CALD Communities Ensemble “Nostalgia” Women’s Group Social Support Program – From Heart To Heart. This program provides social support to the community by increasing wellbeing and reducing isolation of elderly members though culturally appropriate, healthy lunches and information sessions. Email: bertam@tpg.com.au CALD Communities Eremia Greek Elderly Association of Port Melbourne Social Support Program. This is a weekly social support program for Greek seniors living in the City of Port Phillip. A culturally nutritious meal is provided and members are encouraged to participate in social, educational and recreational activities. Email: cvs@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities DIVERSITY AND AGEING GRANTS Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group Ethnic Discussion Club Organise and Conduct Seminars and Conferences. Funding will be used to organize and conduct ten seminars discussing social, cultural, economical and historical problems relating to the needs and interests of the Russian-speaking community. An informative bulletin for club members will also be published. Email: vkievski@hotmail.com CALD Communities Galini Greek Elderly Association of Port Melbourne Inc. Social Support Program. This project provides members with social, cultural, educational and recreational activities in a culturally and linguistically appropriate setting. Activities aim to promote healthy ageing and a positive outlook on life as we get older. Email: peterk@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities Greek Senior Citizens Association of South Melbourne and Albert Park Social Support Program. The project provides members with a culturally appropriate social program including a weekly meal, recreational and educational opportunities. Email: peterk@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities Healthy Tourism Senior Citizens Club “Vigor” Social Support for Senior People. This project provides social support and recreation to elderly people from different backgrounds reducing the impact of conditions associated with ageing and promoting cultural diversity. Email: bertam@tpg.com.au CALD Communities Lemnian Community of Victorian Elderly Citizens Club Social Support Program. This program provides residents of the City of Port Phillip with a friendly social environment including nutritional meals to limit risk of isolation to the elderly population. Email: acha@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities Literary Creative Association “Lukomorie” Inc Social Support Program. This program provides support to the creative endeavours of poets and writers from Russian backgrounds. Email: zalman007@iprimus.com.au CALD Communities Mary Kehoe Elderly Citizens End of Year and Christmas Outing. Funding will be used to provide a Christmas bus trip to the Cuckoo Restaurant in Olinda for socially isolated seniors. Email: micgib@tpg.com.au CALD Communities Nadezhda Russian Senior Citizens Club Nadezhda Russian Senior Citizens Club. Our group provides community members with the opportunity to interact in social, educational, cultural and recreational activities in order to improve member’s health and wellbeing and decrease social isolation. Email: acha@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities DIVERSITY AND AGEING GRANTS Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group Napier Street Aged Care Services Theatre Experience – Gasworks Morning Music. The project will enable our residents to experience a series of quality daytime musical theatre performances out in the local community by talented performers with a delicious complimentary, morning tea at Gasworks Arts Park. Email: anne@nsacs.org.au Older adults (55+) NCJW (Victoria) Community Services Inc Dance and Exercise for Seniors’ Health and Wellbeing. This project will provide an opportunity to extend the physical health and mental well-being of Russian speaking seniors within the City of Port Phillip through dance and exercise. Email: nellie@ncjwa.org.au CALD Communities New Life Association Inc Social Support Program. The program provides Greek elderly residents living in the City of Port Phillip with recreational, social and educational opportunities. There is also a culturally appropriate and nutritional weekly meal provided. Email: cvs@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities Polish School for Today Inc Polish Languages Classes for Adults, Teenagers and Children. This program provides Polish language classes to members of the City of Port Phillip community. Email: admin@polishschool4today.com.au CALD Communities Port Melbourne Elderly Citizens and Trugo Club Christmas in July. Funding will be used to provide members with a full day outing to foster social inclusion and connectedness. Email: micgib@tpg.com.au Older adults (55+) Port Melbourne Greek Community Inc. Social Support Program. This program offers culturally appropriate positive socialization opportunities to keep members active and engaged with community life and celebrate traditional and religious events. Email: peterk@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities Port Melbourne Greek Community Senior Citizens Club Inc. Social Support Program. This social support program aims to bring people together to engage in community life via companionship, conversations in Greek, sharing a meal and recreational activities. Email: peterk@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre DID ACT / Dine in Dance and Cultural Themes. This project will provide opportunity for different cultures to be celebrated through two dinner and dance evenings. The events will be targeted towards aged, disabled, CALD and disadvantaged community members. Email: connect@pmnh.org.au CALD Communities DIVERSITY AND AGEING GRANTS Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group Port Phillip Life Activities Club Day in the Country. Funding will be used to take members on an outing to Macedon and Trentham allowing them to enjoy a part of Victoria they may not otherwise be able to visit. Email: lindacharing@hotmail.com CALD Communities Shalom Association Monthly Meetings of Members. Funding will be used to provide lectures on different topics of life, concerts and films to help our members integrate into Australian society. Email: lofrenk@gmail.com CALD Communities Share and Care Entertainers Claremont Nursing Home. This project will provide a one hour concert with singing and dancing at the Claremont Nursing Home for socially isolated community members. Email: icm@netspace.net.au Older adults (55+) Singing Hearts Russian Choir Inc Social Support Program. The choir brings women and men together from the CALD community with the goal of enhancing wellbeing and increasing culturally appropriate recreational activities in the local area to reduce social isolation. Email: peterk@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities South Melbourne Chinese Women’s Group Social Support Program. This program provides Chinese women residing in the municipality with culturally sensitive support and opportunities to participate in cultural festivals and activities. Email: ellenchingok@hotmail.com CALD Communities South Melbourne Greek Women’s Club ‘Olympia’ Social Support Program. Funding will provide social support activities including educational and recreational opportunities for elderly women who are isolated and living in the City of Port Phillip. Email: acha@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities South Melbourne Senior Citizens Coach trips and Christmas Luncheon. This program will allow for 32 members of the South Melbourne Senior Citizens club to participate in two coach trips and a Christmas lunch. Email: comfacil@portphillip.vic.gov.au Older adults (55+) South Melbourne Trugo Club South Melbourne Trugo Club. This program will provide the opportunity for members to maintain health and fitness, while engaging socially through the game of Trugo. Email: comfacil@portphillip.vic.gov.au Older adults (55+) DIVERSITY AND AGEING GRANTS Organisation, project name, project detail & contact Primary target group St Kilda Greek Senior Citizens Group Inc Social Support Program. Funding will support the group to provide weekly culturally appropriate meals and an opportunity for members to speak together in Greek and foster social connectedness. Email: peterk@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities St Kilda Mauritian Social Club Social Support Program. This group aims to reduce social isolation by providing recreational activities and opportunities to socialize with other members of the community. Email: cvs@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities The Probus Club of Port Melbourne Inc. Coach Outing. This grant will provide coach transport for two country outings for approximately 30 to 40 members. Email: svmayo@yahoo.com.au Older adults (55+) Victorian Association of WW2 Veterans of the former Soviet Union Social Support Program. Funding will support Russian-speaking veterans to come together regularly to limit social isolation and participate in stimulating group activities, outings, cultural celebrations and commemorations. Email: peterk@newhope.asn.au CALD Communities Yachad Senior Citizens Club Celebration of Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) which concludes with the first anniversary of the Yachad Club. Funding will support the celebration of Jewish New Year with traditional Bukharian meals prepared by community elders. Traditional music, dancing and colourful costumes and decorations will enable people to enjoy the event. Email: yachadscc@hotmail.com CALD Communities
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